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Based on Annex 2B.6 to DepEd Order No. 42, s.

Misamis Occidental National Grade Level & Grade 12/ 1st Quarter
High School Quarter
DAILY Teacher Rupert M. Aya-ay SHS Track TVL - ICT
LESSON Inclusive Dates April 20, 2023 Learning Area Work Immersion
LOG Scheduled G12 ICT 2/ 8:00- 9:00 Topic Writing a Résumé


A. Content Standard  Develop skills to locate, evaluate, and interpret career information.
 Demonstrate employability skills such as working in a group, problem solving and
organizational skills, and the importance of entrepreneurship.

B. Performance Students will identify the different elements that are needed in a résumé and will
Standard practice writing a résumé in a format designed for someone with minimal work
C. Learning
⮚ Appreciates the importance of credentials by:
Objectives (Write 1. Writing a résumé
the LC Code)
Subtask : Identify the parts of résumé.

II.CONTENT Identify the different parts needed in writing a resume.

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Work Immersion (MELCS)

2. Learners’
Materials pages

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
Materials from

B. Other Learning


Introductory Activity Presentation of an audio-visual prayer. Then, checking of attendance based on the class INDICATOR 5
Prayer Record and the teacher reminds the learners of the following house rules. The teacher manages
Attendance Class Rules: learner behavior
Check constructively by
House Rules ● Participation is important applying positive and
non-violent discipline to
● Please keep the classroom neat and clean.
ensure learning-focused
● Avoid drinking and eating during class.

● Use your own pen.

● Raise your hand to be recognized.

● Learners cooperation is expected.

● Be respectful at all times.

Learning Episode 1
A. Motivation
1. Presentation Teachers says. INDICATOR 3
Today we will identify the different elements that are needed in a résumé. The teacher applies a
range of teaching
At the end of session, you will be able to: strategies to develop
 Identify the different elements needed in writing a resume. critical and creative
thinking, as well as
other higher order
thinking skills.
2. Importance It is important to identify the different parts that should be considered in writing a INDICATOR 1
resume. A resume is an important tool for your job search as it offers a page or two where The teacher applies
you can display your relevant skills and qualities for a job. Resumes help employers make knowledge of content
hiring decisions and help you get your first interview. That's why it matters how you within and across
structure your resume and what information you decide to include. curriculum teaching
Moreover, the importance of a resume can never be underestimated. So, to make the areas.
first impression, it is imperative that your resume stands out from the crowd first.
3. Formative  At the end of the lesson, you will identify the different parts that you should consider
Assessment in writing a résumé.

B. Probe and Respond

1. Review/Drill

2. Pre-requisite Skills A résumé is a summary of your skills, education and experience. Not all résumés are the INDICATOR 3
Note: Lesson Must same, but there are some common elements to include in all types. The necessary parts The teacher applies a
be logical range of teaching
strategies to develop
 Heading - The header of your resume acts as a title at the top of your resume
critical and creative
and should contain your name and contact information.
thinking, as well as
other higher order
thinking skills.

The teacher manages
 Objective - The resume objective provides a 2-3 sentence snapshot of your learner behavior
professional experience, skills, and achievements, and explains why they make constructively by
you the right candidate for the job. applying positive and
non-violent discipline to
ensure learning-focused

The teacher uses a
 Education - An education summary is the section of your resume where you range of teaching
highlight your academic qualifications and achievements. If you don't have work strategies that enhance
experience yet, this part of your resume has an important role in convincing learner achievement in
employers you can succeed on the job. literacy and numeracy

The teacher manages
 Experience - Work experience is the experience an employee gains while learner behavior
working in a job, particular field or profession. The work experience section on constructively by
your resume is the thing that can make or break your chance of landing your applying positive and
dream job. non-violent discipline to
ensure learning-focused

 Achievement - Your achievements are the things you've accomplished in the

roles you've held, they go beyond the duties or tasks that were part of your role.
When you apply for a job, highlighting your achievements can help you make an
employer feel confident that you're a great fit for the role.

 Summary of Skills - The skills section of your resume shows employers you have
the abilities required to succeed in the role you've applied for. Often, employers
pay special attention to this section to determine if you should move on to the
next step of the hiring process.

 References - Are people who can talk about your work experience, work habits,
character and skills. You should choose your references carefully. As part of the
job search process, you may be asked to provide the names of people whom a
potential employer can contact to find out more about you.

Learning Episode 2
A. Modelling Image 1 Image 2 INDICATOR 3
The teacher applies a
range of teaching
strategies to develop
critical and creative
thinking, as well as
other higher order
Image 3 thinking skills.

The teacher uses a
range of teaching
strategies that enhance
learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy
I do skills.
The teacher will identify what part of resume is presented by the image 1, 2 and 3?
Expected Answer:
 The first image shows the Heading part of resume. The second image
shows the Summary of Skills and lastly the third image shows
How important it is for us to know the different parts of resume?
 These are important because it introduces your qualifications and
skills to employers. It's an informational parts of resume that tells your
career story, outlining all details in an easily read format.

We do

The teacher shows a picture, let the learners observe the pictures presented.
The teacher call student to identify the common elements of a resume and briefly
explain each.

Directions: Identify the common elements of resume based on the picture provided.

The teacher manages
learner behavior
constructively by
Guide Questions: applying positive and
non-violent discipline to
What part of resume is presented by the image 3 and 4? Briefly explain its function. ensure learning-focused
Image 3 Image 4

Expected Answer:
 The first image shows the Summary of Skills part of resume. This part
shows employers you have the abilities required to succeed in the role
you've applied for.
 The second image shows the Education part. It highlights your
academic qualifications and achievements.

You do

The teacher prepares a draw lots of pictures of the parts of resume. Each student will pick
one image and will identify what part of resume it is and will briefly explain each.

Guide Questions:

What part of resume is presented by the image that you have picked? Briefly explain
its function.
Possible Answers:
1. Answers may vary depending on the picture they picked.

Learning Episode 3
A. Guided Practice Group Activity: Create Me! INDICATOR 2
The teacher uses a
 The teacher will divide the class into 7 groups and was provided by one range of teaching
computer each group. strategies that enhance
 The teacher will assign each group one part of resume that they are going to learner achievement in
create. literacy and numeracy
 The output will be graded through this rubric: skills.

RUBRIC The teacher applies a
8pts 9pts 10pts strategies to develop
Format Format and Format and All format and critical and creative
information is information is information is thinking, as well as
not clear. mostly clear. clear. other higher order
Content •Accomplishme •Some •Wording is thinking skills.
nt statements accomplishment concise and Strategy:
not well statements descriptive  Differentiated
developed included •Many well- Instruction
•Some wordy •Wording developed through Output-
and/or descriptive and accomplishment Based Product
ineffective somewhat concise statements
Spelling and 2 or more 1 error found Error Free INDICATOR 4
Grammar errors found The teacher manages
classroom structure to
engage learners,
individually or in
groups, in meaningful
exploration, discovery
and hands-on activities
After creating their assigned part of resume, the student will present the work of their within range of physical
group in front of the class. They will be graded using the rubric: learning environments.

The teacher uses
appropriate learning
experiences to address
learners’ gender, needs,
strengths, interest, and

B. Independent The teacher will present through a PPT presentation a snipped images of the parts of INDICATOR 3
Practice resume. The students will identify what part of resume was presented. The teacher applies a
range of teaching
strategies to develop
1. critical and creative
thinking, as well as
other higher order
thinking skills.


The teacher manages
classroom structure to
engage learners,
individually or in
groups, in meaningful
exploration, discovery
and hands-on activities
within range of physical
learning environments.



Expected Answers:
1. Heading
2. Experience
3. References
4. Summary of Skills
5. Objective

Learning Episode 4
A. Evaluation Pencil Paper Test (15 items) INDICATOR 3
Directions: Identify the following elements of resume. The teacher applies a
range of teaching
1. This act as a title at the top of your resume and should contain your name and strategies to develop
contact information. critical and creative
2. This summary is the section of your resume where you highlight your academic thinking, as well as
qualifications and achievements. other higher order
3. This section on your resume is the thing that can make or break your chance of thinking skills.
landing your dream job.
4. This section provides a 2-3 sentence snapshot of your professional experience, skills,
and achievements, and explains why they make you the right candidate for the job.
5. This section of the resume are the things you've accomplished in the roles you've
held, they go beyond the duties or tasks that were part of your role.

II. Directions: In 1 to 2 paragraphs, explain why creating an effective resume is important?

B. AGREEMENT Research and print a sample of organizational structure in any company. INDICATOR 3
The teacher applies a
range of teaching
strategies to develop
critical and creative
thinking, as well as
other higher order
thinking skills.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share

with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


SHS SST-I SHS- Assistant Principal II

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