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Efe, Lance, Enoch

Investigation: Enzymes and Hydrogen Peroxide

PART A - Observe Normal Catalase Reaction

The reaction rate of the liver in test tube 1 with H2O2 4

Temperature of test tube 1 (cold/hot) hot

The reaction rate of the liver in test tube 2 with liquid 1

remaining from test tube 1

The reaction rate of the liver in test tube 1 with new 3

H2O2 added

Use CER to answer the question: Is catalase reusable?

Yes, catalase is reusable. The data table states that when the liquid from test tube 1 was reused in test
tube 2, there was a reaction in test tube 2 but it was a smaller reaction than test tube one. According to
the data, catalase is still reusable but it will lose some of its reactivity when it is reused.

PART B - What is the Effect of Temperature on Catalase Activity?


Reaction rate of liver from boiling water bath 1

The reaction rate of the liver from cold water bath 4

The reaction rate of the liver from warm water bath 3

Use CER to answer the question: How does temperature affect the catalase enzyme?- The colder the
temperature, the bigger the reaction will be. In the second experiment when the temperature was cold, the
reaction rate was higher, and the solution was fizzing and bubbling. On the contrary, in the first experiment
when the temperature was really hot, the reaction rate was meager and nothing really happened. But as the
temperature got slightly cooler in the third experiment, the reaction rate skyrocketed. This experiment shows
that the colder the temperature, the faster the reaction rate.

PART C - What is the Effect of pH on Catalase Activity?

w HCl Ba(OH)2 Vinegar Sodium Water

pH 1 11 2 8 7

Reaction Rate 2 3 1 5 4.5

Use CER to answer the question: How does pH affect the catalase enzyme?
The lower the PH level the lower the level of reaction rate. Our data shows this because the two
substances with a Ph level of 1 and 2 respectively had a very low level reaction whereas the two
substances with a ph level between 7-9 had a reaction rate much higher. Our outlier oh Ba(OH)2 had a
reaction rate of 3 but a pH level of 11. Using this evidence we can conclude that a ph level between 7
and 10 will have a higher reaction rate or that the higher the pH level the higher the reaction rate.

Part D - Design an Experiment

Efe, Lance, Enoch


● Milk
● Lactaid
● 3 Beakers
● Timer
● Calculator
● Spoon
● Benedicts reagent

Pre Lab

The purpose of this experiment is to test the amount of time it takes for lactaid to break down milk
sugar, we will use Benedict’s reagent to test this.

Lab Procedures

1. Wear gloves, goggles, and an apron before you start.

2. Fill 1 beaker with 20 ml of milk.
3. Take 1 ml of normal milk and put it in a test tube with 2 ml of benedicts reagent.
4. Put lactaid into the beaker.
5. At 30 seconds take 1 ml of the milk and 2 ml of Benedict's reagent and put them into a test
tube(#2), then put the test tube into a warm water bath
6. Repeat step three for test tubes 2, 3, and 4 at 1 minute and 2 minutes and 3 minutes
7. After three minutes in the bath for each test tube, take it out and record the color observed.


1. Put 300ml of water into a beaker and place it on a hot plate

2. Let the beaker sit until very warm
Time Lactaid sat for Color observed

Test Tube 1 N/A Orange

Test Tube 2 5:00 Orange with a white layer at the


Test Tube 3 15:00 Orange with a little white layer

at the top

Test Tube 4 25:00 Orange with a chunky layer on



After putting all the test tubes in the water, all the test tubes were an orange color, including the
one without lactaid in its solution. This means that the lactaid did not break down the milk
sugar. If we had done this experiment again, we would have stirred the beaker when we added
the lactaid, and we most likely would have let the Lactaid sit in milk longer as well as crushed it
up in order for the Lactaid to break down the milk sugar more effectively.

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