What Is Creative Writing and Its Types?

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What is Creative Writing and Its Types?

Expressing creativity through writing is an art that can be mastered. Are you someone who is
looking to hone their creative writing skills? Unlu brings to you online creative writing classes
by Ruskin Bond which is a sure-fire way to strengthen your grip on the basics. Now understand
the essentials by diving deep into the informative ways of learning and enhancing your writing

Along with this, the learner can expect to get an in-depth understanding of what is creative
writing. The many different types of creative writing, like descriptive, expository, or persuasive,
can be practiced and improved throughout this course. The classes are curated with a special
focus on including the many different ways, types and styles of writing. Once enrolled, the
learner can kick start their career in creative writing or even as a freelancer by offering creative

So let’s look at the multiple aspects of creative writing and delve deeper into it.

What is Creative Writing?

The term “creative” can be understood in a variety of ways. The following are a few examples of
descriptions: “the potential to construct”, “explorative”, “constructive and innovative”,
“exemplified by articulation and individuality” are all terms used to describe people who have
the ability to create.

Story writing, in which the author creates situations, scenarios, and characters, and often even a
setting, is sometimes known as creative writing.

The aim of creative writing is not to educate but to entertain. Its aim is to provoke a reaction by
stirring emotions.

Types of Creative Writing

If you remain focused on your goal, whether you are writing essays, business materials, novels,
posts, emails, or even just notes in your journal, your writing would be at its finest.

Mentioned below are the 4 different types of creative writing:

1. Expository
Since the term expository includes the word reveal, it is a good descriptor for this style of writing
as it reveals, or puts out information.

It is definitely the most typical type of writing you will come across in your daily life. This type
of writing can be demonstrated in newspapers, articles, essays, and journals.
A subject would be presented and set out in a clear order in an expository piece, with little regard
to the author’s personal opinions. There are five types of expository essays:

 How-to: This is also known as the process essay. This type of essay answers the question, “How-to?”
and explains the process to the readers.
 Problem/solution: In this essay, you identify an existing problem or an issue and suggest solutions for
the problem.
 Comparison: This type of writing involves comparing two subjects and explaining their similarities and
 Cause and effect: Involves writing about why an issue took place and what are the results of that

2. Descriptive
The aim of descriptive writing is to help the reader imagine a character, an experience, a place,
or all of these things together in great detail.

Authors use all five senses to describe the environment. Expository writing limits the writer’s
creative expression, while descriptive writing does not. The types of descriptive writing are:

 Biography: A biography is a detailed work about a person. It features facts and information about
that person’s life.
 Travel writing: This writing style enables the author to use a descriptive writing style competently.
 Nature writing: Nature writing describes the beauty of nature. For instance, John Keats’ poems.

3. Persuasive
The aim of persuasive writing, often known as argumentation, is to persuade the reader to adopt
the author’s viewpoint. In a typical piece, the writer may share personal views and provide
reasons to persuade the reader to agree with them.

While writing a persuasive piece, the following appeals are preferred:

 Ethos – Be credible: Claims are made more believable by appealing to credibility. By writing clearly,
the writer builds on their ethos.
 Lagos – Be logical: A writer persuades by appealing to logic. This type of writing requires reputable
evidence. Quote by a reliable source, for instance.
 Pathos – Appeal to emotions: A writer persuades by appealing to emotions.

Being logical, credible, and appealing to a writer’s emotions becomes imperative while writing

4. Narrative
The aim of narrative writing is to showcase a plot, whether it is a true story or an imaginary one.
Characters will appear in plot pieces, and the reader will experience what happens to them
through the story. Dialogue is often used in narrative prose. The four common types of narrative
writing are:

 Linear narrative: A linear narrative depicts the events in the order that they happened.
 Non-linear narrative: A non-linear narrative delivers the events of the story without following the
order. It uses flashbacks to change the chronology of a story.
 Quest narrative: A quest narrative is a story where the protagonist works relentlessly to achieve an
 Viewpoint narrative: In viewpoint narrative writing, the subjective perspective of the narrator filters
the sensory details.

What are the Elements of Creative Writing?

The process of writing creatively involves many stages and parts that make the writing whole.
These elements can make or break the writing and form an essential aspect. Here, we will learn
about some of these elements as they make up a huge part of the learning process.

Some of the major elements of writing in a creative manner are as follows-

 Plot: Every piece of writing requires an interesting plot. It acts as the spine of the writing and provides
a structure while connecting all the parts of the writing. Having a good plot is essential to the writing’s
acceptance and success. The writer should always aim to come up with something unique so as to
keep the readers connected and interested.
 Characters: The characters of any piece of writing depend on the plot. It is of utmost importance that
the writer expresses the character’s development throughout the writing. This can be achieved by
showcasing the changes throughout using vivid details. This is another way of attracting the readers’
attention and keeping them stuck to the piece of writing.
 Theme: For a writing that is creative, an underlying theme or concept is the very basic requirement.
The writer should base the plot on a theme that is either unique or discuss a common theme from a
different perspective. The intention can be to convey a message to the masses, express one’s own
view, or simply enhance the readers’ range of imagination.
 Descriptions: It is important to note that the descriptions can be expressed in a visual manner that
would assist in understanding. It is always preferable to describe a major event using visuals as it pulls
the audience’s interest and keeps them intrigued.
 Point of view: A writer can express their plot from the first, second, or third person’s viewpoint. This
is not fixed and can be chosen by the writer. The use of an appropriate point of view allows the writer
to touch on significant points in the storyline and also allows room for the readers’ interpretation to
 Language: Another point of the main focus is the use of language to write creatively. This can involve
the usage of metaphors, phrases, and figures of speech. Using such an approach can create a better
appeal and makes room for imagination and interpretation.

Creative Writing Tips and Techniques

Keeping in mind some basic techniques can help one in avoiding writer’s block and eases out the
entire process of writing while being creative. These techniques can be used by anyone who
wishes to stand separate from the crowd and take their writing several notches up. Below are
some of these amazing techniques and tips that are sure to enhance the overall writing

 Reading a variety of books

Once a writer gets into the habit of reading on a regular basis, it expands their point of view and
fills up their mind with many different approaches, styles, and ways of expressing any situation
at hand. This can be achieved by going through different genres, writing styles, etc. Look out for
the experts in their genres and understand their work.

 Developing a plot

It is best to draft a plot for the piece of content that is being written. The various developments
and stages can be noted down for reference while including twists and turns in the story. This can
also assist in establishing a relationship between characters and providing a structure to the work.

 Use literary devices

Such devices can prove to be essential in adding details and hidden meanings ad can be used in
the different forms of creative writing. Simile, alliteration, and metaphors turn out to be vital and
can be used by the writer in different contexts and ways. This technique can engage the readers
and pique their interest.

 Adding dialogues

This is such an important aspect of writing creatively as it adds an emotional touch and holds the
power of connecting characters. By including dialogues, the writer can work towards developing
the characters in the story in an engrossing way.

How to Start Creative Writing?

In order to write creatively, one needs to start doing the basics and catching up on the must-do
things. The process of improvement and expertise requires effort, patience, and time and can be
achieved with determination. In this section, all the major aspects have been compiled and can be
put into practice to achieve perfection.

 A writer can actively engage in getting in touch with the works of established, renowned writers. This
will help in getting insights along with many different ideas and knowledge.
 A writer must jot down all the creative ideas, plots, and approaches that may come to find.
Maintaining a journal for the same can turn out to be fruitful in the long run.
 Another useful thing is to write without making any edits. This allows the ideas to flow and makes for
a smooth experience of writing. Uninterrupted work will make longer durations of writing easier and
will also provide a space to open up with thoughts and let creativity come out.
 A writer can focus on ‘What if?’ situations and unleash their creative side. This activity lets
imagination expand and allows the writer to come up with new and distinguished ideas.

Can Creative Writing be Taught?

The art of creative writing does not have to sprout out naturally. It can be taught in classes and
hones over time with diligent practice. The process of learning can be aided by enrolling on
courses or classes. Anyone who aspires to work on their writing skills can learn it and develop
their work’s quality over time. Taking online creative writing classes offers a structured learning
path for the writers. It familiarizes them with the in and out of the process and acquaints them
with many budding writers working alongside them.

These classes are not limited to handbooks or readings but also include interactive sessions and
workshops that allow the writers to engage and grow exponentially. The learnings of these
classes can be directly implemented and used in the work and do not require any additional
chores. With everything available in one place, the writers can focus and utilize the resources to
the best extent.

What are the Forms of Creative Writing?

Now that you know the meaning of creative writing, let us look at the different forms of creative
writing. As discussed above, creative writing is explorative and innovative and therefore has
several distinct forms.

1. Poetry/Poems
This category of creative writing allows the maximum space for imagination, creative thinking,
and exclusive ideas. The poems can be experimented with and are free of any rules or structures.
Various styles like Haiku, Ballad, Sonnets and free-verse poems form a part of the category. A
few common types of poetry are:

 Haiku: This type of poetry focuses on the beauty and simplicity of nature. The poems are usually
three-line stanzas.
 Free verse poems: This is an open form of poetry and hence, does not contain any pattern, rhyme, or
 Ballad: A ballad is a poem that tells a story based on a legend or a folk tale.
 Sonnets: A sonnet is a one-stanza, 14-line poem, written in iambic pentameter.

2. Novels
Novels are certainly the most popular form of creative writing. They allow readers to escape
from reality and dip in and out of the new worlds created by the novelists. There are different
types of novels. For instance, mysteries, romance, thrillers, science fiction, fantasy, and historical

3. Short stories
Also known as short fiction, short stories are a form of creative writing that is shorter than a
novel and contains just a few characters. They usually fall between 3,000 to 6,000 words and
hence, can be read in a single sitting. There are five elements of a short story:

 Character: A person or an animal taking part in an action of short fiction.

 Setting: The time and place when the action is taking place in the story.
 Plot: The foundation of a story with a series of events and character actions that relate to the central
 Conflict: A struggle between opposing forces is called a conflict in a story.
 Theme: The main idea or belief of a story.
4. Essays
Essay writing requires creative thinking therefore, they are a form of creative writing. Essays are
usually associated with academic writing. However, there are different types of essays such as
personal essays, descriptive essays, argumentative essays, and narrative essays.

5. Journals
Almost everything you write that does not follow a specific structure is creative writing,
including your journals. A journal is a written record of your thoughts and experiences. It
preserves your memories and makes you remember things crystal clear.

Understanding your purpose behind creative writing

Expository prose is an appropriate way to present facts. Textbooks, journalism (except opinion and
editorial articles), corporate writing, professional writing, essays, and directions all contain facts.

Rich representation in descriptive writing evokes visualisation. You can employ it in fiction,
verse, journal publishing and advertisement.

Persuasive writing attempts to persuade the reader to agree with the author’s viewpoint. It finds
utility in advertisements as well as opinion and editorial pieces, ratings and job applications

A story is told in narrative prose. Fiction, poems, biographies, and anecdotes all have some
degree of narration.

Ways to be More Creative with your Writing

Learn from the best, but there is no need to emulate them. Additionally, it is helpful to read well-
known authors as examples of high-quality writing.

Seek out the genre’s highlights, depending on the writing style. If you want to write young adult
fiction, look up to classics like J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps
world, or Judy Blume’s touching coming-of-age books.

Furthermore, Research the works of Isaac Asimov and Neil Gaiman if you choose to write
science fiction. at the same time, do not mistake the voices of these writers for your own. Use
your favourite books as a starting point. To be genuinely artistic, you must develop ideas, styles,
and a point of view that are distinct from others.

To brainstorm, use the snowflake technique. The snowflake process, developed by author and
writing coach Randy Ingermanson, is a method for writing a novel from the ground up by
beginning with a simple plot summary and layering in additional components.

It is suitable for a wide range of creative writing projects. To initiate the snowflake process,
conceive a big-picture plot concept and write a one-sentence description for it

Moreover, you can Try freewriting for a while. It is the art of writing without a predetermined
format, such as outlines, cards, notes, or editorial supervision. In freewriting, the writer follows
their own mental instincts, causing ideas and creativity to come to them spontaneously.
Allow the words on the screen to be inspired by the stream of consciousness.

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