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Unity3D and Fungus

Add Option Blocks

Open your flowchart and add 3 new Blocks.
– Name them Option1, Option2, Option3 respectively.
– Add a Narrative/Say command to each of the 3 blocks.

Set <execute on event> to None
Add Option Menu Items

Select the original Block and add 3 Narrative/Menu.
– Name them Option1, Option2, Option3 respectively.
– Add a Narrative/Say command to each of the 3 blocks.

Set Text and Target Block respectively.

Test each of the menu items.
Try This

Switch the order of commands to see the effect.
Add a Variable

Open your flowchart and add 1 integer variable.
– Name this variable money. And set it to Public.
Add Some Value to a Variable

Select Option1 Block. Append a Variable/Set Variable command at the end.
– We are going to a 100 to money if our Player select Option1,
– 200 money for Option2,
– 500 money for Option3.

Test each of the menu items. The money variable in Flowchart
should be changed.
Add a UnityGameManger Class

For Unity beginners, most game variable can be
grouped and owned by a GameManager class.
– There should be only one GameManager instant works at a
time. Multiple GameManager instances working together
causes variable value ambiguity problems.
– Add a empty GameObject and name it GameManager,
– and create a GameManager C# class on it.
Invoke Unity Method in Fungus

Back to Flowchart, select the parent Block, and select Option1.
– Delete the Narrative/Set Variable, Add a Scripting/Invoke Method.

Target object: GameManager

Target component: GameManager

Target method: AddMoney

Parameters: 100
– Do the same modification for Option2 and Option3 with
corresponding values.

Test each of the menu items. The money variable in
GameManager component should be changed.
3rd Person
Integrate with Invector 3 Person rd

Third Person Controller - Basic Locomotion FREE -by Invector
Integrate with Invector 3 Person rd

Open and play the template
– Assets\Invector-3rdPersonController_LITE\Invector_BasicLocomotion
Place Ground Plane and Prefabs

Open your Fungus test scene. Turn off the Fungus Block.

Place a Plane as ground. Reset its transform.
Place Ground Plane and Prefabs

Place Invector prefabs. Reset their transforms.
– ThirdPersonController_LITE
– vThirdPersonCamera_LITE

Delete Main Camera
Place NPC

Place and Capsule to pretend an NPC.
– Put it to a corner.
Place NPC

Add an C# custom component on NPC capsule. Name it MyNPC
– Double Click to edit its C# program

OnCollisionEnter will be fired when NPC capsule is colliding with some other GameObjects

Print some messages in console when the colliding GO is ThirdPersonController_LITE
Place NPC

Here is the corresponding visual script.
Place NPC

Set The Trigger Message of Block

Open your Fungus flowchart and select your Block.
– Set <Execute on Event> to
Message Received.
– And set the <Message> name to

When we send corresponding message to
this flowchart, this Block will be stated.
Set The Trigger Message of Block

Open your MyNPC C# program and modify your code.
Place NPC

Visual Scripting for Fungus

Add Fungus to Visual Scripting
– Preference → Visual Scripting → Type Options

Add Flowchart to type options.
– Preference → Visual Scripting → Node Library

Add Fungus to node library
– Click Regenerate Nodes to generate Fungus Visual Scripting nodes.
Visual Scripting for Fungus

Add new Graph Variables
– Name: flowchart
– Type: Flowchart

Modify MyNPC_VS
Example: State of NPC

Create an 3-state NPC.
– The states of NPC: State1, State2, State3
– Everytime when the Player talks to the NPC, the NPC changes its state to next state in

We plan to use one Flowchart variable: NPCState to control the
– Create 2 variables. One is a Unity integer variable and the other one is a Fungus variable,
– Write C# functions to load C# variable to Fungus variable.

Put main logic and data in C#, and load variable to Fungus for
visual representation.


Assign a NPCState value to MyNPC and test its response.
Make it Cyclic


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