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Structuring HR for
By Harry Osle and John Cooper

As seen at highly effective companies,

the right service delivery model, plus
proven best practices, points the way to
world-class HR performance.

uring tough economic times, increased by 16 percent, which indi- cost savings and productivity gains, but
human resources organizations cates that HR’s non-coordinated, tech- also increased satisfaction among busi-
are often required, as are other nology-centric approach has failed to ness units and key stakeholders. It is
functional areas, to increase the value of deliver the necessary ROI. through the development of highly
their bottom-line contributions. Many For top-performing HR groups, it all effective service delivery models that
HR executives struggle with these situa- starts with defining the right service HR organizations will maximize their
tions and choose to respond with stand- delivery model for HR. The ideal model bottom-line contributions and come to
alone initiatives, like sweeping staff facilitates a greater focus on value- be viewed by key stakeholders as valu-
reductions, drastic process re-engineer- adding activities, as opposed to simple able strategic partners.
ing projects, hurriedly establishing “paper pushing” and low-value transac- Given the amount of new technology
shared service centers or new technolo- tion processing. The results are not only on the market today, increasing cus-
gy implementations. While these indi-
vidual efforts can offer some improve-
ments in HR performance, world-class
HR groups use a holistic, best practices- FIGURE 1.
based approach that simultaneously Research from
addresses all four key business dimen- The Hackett
sions — people, process, technology Group shows that
and information. companies can
Research from The Hackett Group, realize maximum
an Answerthink company, has shown value only through
that failing to take a coordinated a coordinated
approach can reduce ROI on key per- strategy for per-
formance improvement initiatives by as formance
much as 78 percent. (See Figure 1.) improvement.
Further results show that while HR
technology spending has increased by
40 percent over the past four years,
administrative spending has also
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tomer demands, regulatory changes, an re-organizations; Building the Right Service

ever-changing pool of workers, competi- • Increased focus on high-value Delivery Model
tive changes and the number of mergers activities and de-emphasis of routine Building the right service delivery
and acquisitions, it’s no wonder many transaction processing; model for your organization is an evolu-
HR groups have been so reactive and • Improved focus on mutually-deter- tionary process that should incorporate
overlooked the hard work of service mined service level commitments that proven components and best practices.
delivery modeling efforts. The result is address business and operational needs; As with any well-defined plan, a
that they are left with HR organizations • Greater use of enabling technolo- focused approach should be taken in
that don’t match up to corporate objec- gies, like self-service, business process defining the HR service delivery model.
tives or business unit needs and servic- management and portals, to improve the There are three major steps in defin-
es that cannot be measured to stake- efficiency and effectiveness of core HR ing the right HR service delivery model:
holder satisfaction. How important is processes;
the development of a service delivery • Decreased HR operating costs; and 1. Understand the effectiveness of cur-
model? According to Hackett, average • Enhanced integration of informa- rent services and how they’re delivered:
HR organizations waste up to 56 per- tion and applications around core tech- • Benchmark costs, processes, cycle
cent of their budget on initiatives or nology. times, volumes, error rates, etc.,
policies that are not directly linked to In short, the proper HR service deliv- • Conduct stakeholder surveys to
the company’s priorities. Undoubtedly, ery model adds discipline, organization- measure satisfaction, and
this is among the reasons why total HR al clarity and acts as the “enabler” that • Inventory organizational structure.
costs have increased in the last few allows HR to execute its strategic plan.
years. The most effective HR groups The driving force behind HR service 2. Define a service delivery framework
long ago embraced the best practice of delivery models is to generate outstand- based on business objectives and
closely aligning HR activities to core ing performance in terms of both proven best practices:
business goals. administrative excellence and strategic
Other significant bottom-line benefits consulting — the two pillars of world- • Develop an HR strategic plan based
of a well-defined HR service delivery class HR groups today. The good news upon the HR objectives and drivers, and
model include: is, with the right approach and the • Design a service delivery frame-
• Increased flexibility and respon- application of best practices, it can be work which may incorporate:
siveness to a range of business and orga- done. ❖ Standard processes for efficiency,
nizational conditions, like mergers and

FIGURE 2.To develop and deploy the right end-state HR service delivery model, companies need to follow the three-step process, while maintaining a
“big picture” perspective that incorporates people, process, technology and information.

2 JUNE/JULY 2003 • •

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❖ HR relations teams to be will deliver the highest returns on to core business strategies at the highest
aligned with business units, and investment. Similarly, a stakeholder sur- levels. Also, validation from the top
❖ A standard technical infrastruc- vey can further uncover strategic oppor- helps ensure the future success of orga-
ture. tunities. Without this level of insight, nizational changes. It’s important for HR
companies will continue to make deci- to present a formal, documented strate-
3. Create Migration Plan to drive to the sions about resource allocation, head gy to the board and position themselves
HR service delivery model: count and services without considering as trusted advisers to the business units.
• Identify gaps between current and the financial or strategic implications of Again, this represents a significant
end-state models, those decisions. This step can be com- change for HR, which not too many
• Establish initiatives and migration pleted in as little as four to six weeks. years ago was strictly focused on bene-
steps to address gaps, Defining the right end-state service fits administration, performance
• Prioritize initiatives with a bal- delivery model involves aligning HR appraisals, and hiring and termination
anced approach (organizational, investments and resources to support paperwork. It’s no coincidence that 89
process, technology), and core business processes and, therefore, percent of world-class HR groups have
• Create a communication plan to core business objectives. Most HR an explicit workforce strategy, while
address migration steps and upcoming groups will need to balance two key only 41 percent of average HR groups
changes. business drivers, administrative excel- do. Similarly, world-class HR groups
lence and business unit needs for strate- maintain high-levels of support for
As you can see, with every step, it’s gic consulting. The business case for a long-term organizational objectives, as
vital to address people, process, tech- new model should be based on empiri- compared with only medium or moder-
nology and information. Separating cal cost data from the benchmark. ate levels at average firms.
them will lead to diminished ROI. Administrative excellence typically
Throughout the entire process, it is involves eliminating, simplifying,
important to maintain a clear and high- automating or outsourcing low-value Developing Support
ly detailed understanding of what HR transaction processing. For those firms Once the service delivery model is in
work is being done, who is doing it and that have not implemented it already, place, how can you ensure it’s
how effectively it’s being done. The self-service technology usually has an embraced across the organization? We
objective is not only to discern the role important role to play in this area. already mentioned the value of senior-
that HR plays today, but also to deter- Establishing a “mission” for HR, on level support for conceptual buy-in.
mine what is the best positioning for which the service delivery model must Many organizations overlook the value
tomorrow. A thorough benchmark is be based, requires input from senior of change management and communica-
crucial to understanding where changes management. It’s key that HR align itself tion plans, which can be vital to realiz-

Figure 3. As HR groups more clearly define their service delivery models, the more value they can add to the organization. • • JUNE/JULY 2003 3

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ing full benefits and maximum ROI properly designed HR service delivery addressed three main business drivers
from HR transformation efforts, as well model provides HR staff with the time — administrative excellence, strategic
as enterprise-wide change initiatives needed to focus on more value-adding consulting services and the creation of a
and technology implementations. activities. A well-designed service best practices environment that support-
Human resources has a leading role to delivery model will provide HR with ed ongoing innovation in a changing
play in these efforts, of course. As a the time to develop innovative and environment. Long-term objectives
result, the ways in which a company responsive products and services and emphasized succession planning, as
manages its human resources will commit to continuous change and inno- well as development and retention pro-
strongly determine its ability to trans- vations that drive to true key stakehold- grams to support increased productivity
form successfully. er needs. and employee satisfaction. Furthermore,
Execution of the new vision will the HR group sought the development
largely be determined by how well the Service Delivery Models In Action of clear metrics and better use of sys-
benchmark and service delivery model- Let’s look at how several organiza- tems for decision support. To promote
ing were carried out. A thorough bench- tions put the process into action. A efficiency in transaction processing, the
mark and stakeholder survey will make large waste management organization company identified areas to implement
clear the gaps between performance and with 60,000 employees needed to increased use of self-service functions.
the end state, while business cases design and deploy a new HR service To support this “brave new world,”
should facilitate the prioritization of model and shared services played a HR designed an organizational structure
initiatives. For most organizations, ini- huge role. The decentralized culture featuring dedicated teams led by senior
tiatives will likely occur in multiple presented some challenges, but by creat- generalists responsible for managing
phases. ing an empirical case for linking trans- relationships with business units.
To ensure the changes hold on an action processing for finance with Centers of excellence assumed enter-
operational level, the redesigned HR employee data management, the new prise-wide responsibility for the key
group should reinforce its vision, as strategy gained momentum. A regional issues of compensation and workforce
well as core company objectives, piloting program helped work out the development. A shared services organi-
through targeted performance measure- bugs of the system, but also helped zation handled compensation, payroll
ment and management, and compensa- demonstrate the benefits, as did service and benefits administration and other
tion and rewards. To facilitate continu- level agreements. Ultimately, payroll, tasks. Underlying the HR organization
ous improvement, the model should be benefits administration and time and was an integrated information and tech-
linked to clearly measurable objectives attendance, all of which had previously nology architecture, as well as standard-
around critical success factors, includ- been handled by the business units and ized HR policies, process and proce-
ing: usually through inefficient pencil-and- dures.
• Sustaining a service focus on key paper systems, were all centralized. As the initiatives are rolled out dur-
stakeholders needs (employees and With the new centers in place, both ing the course of the next few years, the
management); costs and error rates went down. company expects to reduce overall HR
• Supporting key outcomes, like Instead, highly skilled managers, who costs by up to 30 percent, while greatly
increasing talent management activities, had in the past been forced by faulty increasing transaction processing per-
achieving higher levels of performance systems to focus on transaction process- formance and its strategic contributions
and increasing the speed of change ing, were freed up to work on higher to key stakeholders.
implementation; value activities.
• Enhancing performance capabili- A global retail organization recog- Balancing Flexibility and Proven
ties without significantly increasing nized the need to offer more effective Best Practices
size; support to its various brand units, but Today’s HR organizations have many
• Establishing a core HR manage- wasn’t sure how to get there. They start- opportunities to add value to the busi-
ment team with effective spans of con- ed with a benchmark, which provided ness — which gives them flexibility in
trol; much revealing data. From there, they defining service delivery models that
• Reinforcement of connectivity set out to define the best way for HR to best fit their company’s unique needs,
between HR and allied organizations, organize, govern and resource itself in objectives, industry and competitive
such as IT; and the future. By balancing short- and long- landscape. But the following questions
• Formation and support of cross- term needs against financial restraints, must always be addressed: Where is our
functional HR teams to manage global they developed a tiered plan with company today? What is the desired
processes and reduce organizational immediate initiatives to support longer- positioning for tomorrow? What level of
coordination points. term objectives. Because of the bench- investment can be justified?
This model is the way to make HR a mark data, they were able to develop While there is no single best way to
force for best practices deployment solid business cases for each component organize an HR operation, some best
across the enterprise. The key is that a of the delivery model. Their initiatives practices trends have emerged in the

4 JUNE/JULY 2003 • •

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last few years. Typically, leading HR planning-focused activities within assigning HR generalists from a corpo-
groups centralize some functions, such recruiting, benefits and compensation rate unit to support business units, cor-
as compensation administration, pay- planning, training and development and porate HR units can serve as consultants
roll, benefits administration, diversity regulatory reporting. A large utility and or advisors to the business units, while
programs, policies and HRIT. These energy firm was able to increase its still managing key functions. While it’s
organizations also standardize many of effectiveness while reducing its HR staff part of their jobs to serve as advocates,
their HR processes holistically across by more than two-thirds by disassem- sometimes these generalists have greater
varying brands, businesses and opera- bling its regionally dispersed HR organi- loyalty to the business they support
tions. Leading companies have an zation and implemented centers of than to corporate HR, making policy
innate ability to standardize processes excellence in key planning areas. While enforcement more challenging.
while maintaining flexibility to meet cutting staff is never easy, it was a Whatever strategic delivery model
special local needs. They invariably strategic necessity for this company and your organization adopts, it will need
understand that standardization allows likely prevented further job cuts in the following characteristics if it is to
for clarity in the organization and frees other areas. drive world-class HR performance:
up time for HR to concentrate on more The centralization question is at the • HR strategy aligned to key stake-
value-creating activities. The most fre- heart of designing service delivery mod- holder needs,
quently outsourced functions include els, and there are no easy answers or • Leverage model for high volume
401(k) savings plans administration, “silver bullets.” Some organizations transaction processing,
employee assistance programs, reloca- with strong business unit leadership • Maximize use of technology and
tion services, benefits administration may prefer a decentralized model, but increased use of self-service,
(excluding defined contribution plans, standardized HR operations, with each • Highly efficient administrative
management development programs, business unit maintaining their own HR processes, and
skills training, payroll administration, functions, information and control sys- • Centers of excellence focused on
recruiting). That many of these func- tems, and only informal reporting rela- planning functions.
tions are also commonly handled in a tionships to corporate HR. The advan-
centralized environment speaks to the tage to this approach is that HR is The Value of Best Practices
complexity of the decisions involved in where the people are, especially for crit- Many HR best practices are both the
designing effective service delivery ical HR functions like recruiting and cause and effect of establishing the right
models. training. Similarly, some performance HR service delivery model. For exam-
The “centers of excellence” and management processes are rolled out by ple, world-class HR organizations have
shared services models have brought a corporate HR, but are managed and a staff mix dominated by more profes-
great deal of credibility to HR organiza- tracked at the business unit HR level. sionals and fewer clericals. Moreover,
tions in the past few years. Centers of While decentralized models give 58 percent of their team is focused on
excellence can be established for certain management maximum control and the such value-adding employee life cycle
likelihood that they will processes as staffing and selection;
hire exactly the skills they learning and development and organiza-
need, there is the risk that tional effectiveness. Similarly, learning
ORLD LASS HR costs will be higher than and development costs plummet by 60
more centralized opera- percent when employees have individ-
Average Profile: tions. The natural tenden- ual plans tied to company strategy, and
• Decentralized administration, cy of this model is to have companies benefit further by being able
• Manual administration support, standardized processes at to promote internal candidates 230 per-
• Multiple HRIS systems, the beginning, but then cent more often. These are benefits from
• Multiple plans, eligibility criteria, etc., drift towards highly cus- strategic alignment that can deliver
• Limited self-service available, tomized models. Another near-term impact to the bottom line.
• Limited functionality leveraged, and potential downside of the Higher retention rates at the profession-
• Unstructured development program. decentralized model is al, managerial and hourly levels allow
lack of information sharing world-class companies to have approxi-
World-Class Profile: and “silos” of employee mately US$2 million lower turnover
• Highly centralized administration, data. costs per 1,000 employees.
• Simplified, automated administration support, Naturally, many compa- Looking at technology, Web-enable-
• Single HRIS system, nies will seek to leverage ment and self-service are two effective
• Standardized plans, eligibility criteria, etc., the best of both of these strategies for creating more value with
• High level of self-service available, models, and thus find a lower costs. One of our larger clients, an
• Functionality leveraged, and happy medium on the cen- international financial services organi-
• Targeted development plan. tralization continuum. By zation, has used portals to put more • • JUNE/JULY 2003 5

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control in the hands of managers and the underlying importance of a strategi-

PAYROLL and HR SOFTWARE employees. This reduces duplicate cally aligned service delivery model,
entries and lightens HR’s transaction which should be driving the design of
processing burden. Executives at world- HR service delivery models today, and
class HR groups can also be more effec- will continue to do so moving forward.
tive because they use online modeling
tools to more efficiently develop com- About the Authors
pensations plans. Harry C. Osle, manag-
Payroll software is now processing over Failure to deploy technology- ing director of global HR
9.2 MILLION paychecks annually at our enabling employee self-service has been transformation,
customer sites located throughout the
U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Virgin demonstrated to raise health and wel- Answerthink.
Islands, Guam and South Africa. All mod- fare administrative costs by as much as Mr. Osle has more
ules are Web-enabled (ASP offering 69 percent. Centralized, automated pro- than 15 years of experi-
available). Implement as stand-alone
modules or integrated solution. cessing of employee data leads to ence in human resources and transfor-
Customers range in size from 25 to administrative error rates that are three mation consulting and has worked with
24,000 employees! times lower than decentralized, manual General Electric, Citigroup, Revlon,
PAYROLL HR process administration. The high Conoco/Phillips, FPL and other indus-
*Unlimited benefits and deductions level of error rates at the latter can try leaders. He specializes in HR strate-
*Multiple vacation and sick time result in a 98 percent increase in trans- gic planning, applying best practices
accrual methods action costs. Thus, companies aiming and HR technology to streamline
*Check history and reconciliation
*W-2 magnetic media recording both for lower costs and greater HR processes for increased effectiveness
*401(k), cafeteria plans, garnishments value would be well advised to bite the and reduced costs. He is a member of
and unions handled bullet and invest in technology that the IHRIM and SHRM. Mr. Osle is fre-
*Direct Deposit
allows employees to access benefits quently invited to speak on a variety of
*User-defined pay types
*Multiple checks and job rates per options, obtain answers to common human resources trends and has been
employee questions and manage benefits online. quoted in several leading publications.
*General ledger interfaces available Companies with enterprise-wide consis- He can be reached at www.answer-
HUMAN RESOURCES (HR) tency in data structures and an ERP sys-
*Extensive employee data tem spend 23 percent more on technol-
*OSHA reporting ogy than average, yet with these John Cooper, director,
*COBRA enrollment enhancements they are actually able to HR services, Answerthink
*Attendance and benefit tracking
*ADP Payroll conversion utility reduce HR administrative costs by 38 has more than 14 years of
*Training/certification module percent. experience in information
*Integrated email and letter writing Again, this empirical best practices technology, human
*Salary and wage administration data is from The Hackett Group’s com- resources and transforma-
APPLICANT TRACKING prehensive research into HR perform- tion consulting and has
*Extensive applicant database ance. worked with Johnson &
*Resume routing and scanning Johnson, Independence Blue Cross,
*Web enabled---job postings on-line Conclusion Citigroup, FPL and other industry lead-
TIME & ATTENDANCE In the next decade, HR will continue ers. Mr. Cooper specializes in HR strate-
*Use time clocks or terminals to to expand its strategic role. It’s also gic planning, applying best practices
collect employee data uniquely positioned to become a force and HR technology to drive world-class
*No re-keying of timecards
for the deployment of best practices, status. Mr. Cooper is a member of
particularly through the leveraging of IHRIM and SHRM. He can be reached at
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