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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Division of Iligan City

Name________________ Grade __________ Date _______ Score ___


1.What is the central text in Christianity that contains the teachings and life of Jesus
A) Quran B) Bible C) Torah D) Bhagavad Gita
2.Which religion believes in the concept of Nirvana as the ultimate goal, the
liberation from the cycle of birth and death?
A) Islam B) Hinduism C) Buddhism D) Sikhism
3.In Hinduism, which term refers to the law of moral and spiritual consequences for
one's actions?
A) Dharma B) Karma C) Nirvana D) Moks
4.What is the central religious text of Islam that Muslims believe to be the literal
word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad?
A) Torah B) Bible C) Quran D) Gita
5.Which religion believes in the concept of the "Four Noble Truths" and the
"Eightfold Path" as the means to end suffering?
A) Christianity B) Buddhism C) Judaism D) Taoism
6.In Sikhism, what is the place of worship known as, where the Guru Granth Sahib
is kept
A) Gurdwara B) Synagogue C) Mosque D) Chu
7.Which religion is known for its belief in the oneness of God and the teachings of
Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
A) Jainism B) Zoroastrianism C) Sikhism D) Shintoism
8.In Judaism, what is the holy day of rest and worship that occurs from Friday
evening to Saturday evening?
A) Yom Kippur B) Passover C) Sabbath D) Rosh Hashanah


Address: Zone 1-A, Barangay Del Carmen, Iligan City
Contact us:, (063) 402-0116
9.What is the sacred river in Hinduism that is believed to have purifying powers and
is associated with the goddess Ganga?
A) Nile B) Euphrates C) Tigris D) Ganges
10.The.fundamental principle of the universe?
A) Confucianism B) Shintoism C) Taoism D) Buddhism
11. Which of the following is the opening commandment in the Ten
Commandments found in Exodus 20?
A) You shall not steal. B) Honor your father and mother. C) You shall have no
other gods before me. D) You shall not commit adultery.
12. According to the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20, which commandment
emphasizes the importance of observing a day of rest and worship?
A) You shall not murder. B) You shall not bear false witness against your
neighbor. C) Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. D) You shall not covet.
13. According to the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20, which commandment
instructs people not to make graven images or worship idols?
A) You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. B) You shall not
commit adultery. C) You shall not covet. D) You shall not make for yourself a graven
14. According to the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20, which commandment
emphasizes respecting one's parents?
A) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. B) You shall not
steal. C) Honor your father and mother. D) You shall not covet your neighbor's
15. What is the underlying principle conveyed in Exodus 20:17?
A. The importance of honesty and truthfulness. B. The need for contentment and
the avoidance of coveting. C. The significance of maintaining family ties. D. The
promotion of humility and modesty.
16. How does Exodus 20:17 relate to the preceding commandments in the Ten
A. It reinforces the importance of keeping the Sabbath holy. B. It emphasizes the
value of honoring parents. C. It addresses the internal thoughts and desires that can
lead to sinful actions. D. It relates to the prohibition of murder and theft.
17.Which Christian sacrament involves the consumption of bread and wine,
symbolizing the body and blood of Jesus?
A) Baptism B) Confirmation C) Eucharist (Holy Communion) D) Matrimony
18.Who is considered the first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church?


Address: Zone 1-A, Barangay Del Carmen, Iligan City
Contact us:, (063) 402-0116
A) Saint Peter B) Saint Paul C) Saint John D) Saint Andrew
19.In Christian theology, what term is used to describe the belief in the existence of
only one God?
A) Polytheism B) Henotheism C) Monotheism D) Atheism
20.Which Christian denomination is known for its emphasis on pacifism and non-
resistance, often refusing military service?
A) Eastern Orthodox B) Lutheran C) Quaker (Religious Society of Friends) D)
21.What is the Christian holy season that marks the birth of Jesus and lasts for
approximately four weeks before Christmas?
A) Epiphany B) Lent C) Advent D) Pentecost
22. Nicene Creed is a statement of faith that originated in which ecumenical
A) Council of Nicaea B) Council of Chalcedon C) Council of Ephesus D) Council
of Trent
23.Who is traditionally credited with translating the Bible into English and is known
for his work on the King James Version of the Bible?
A) Saint Augustine B) Saint Patrick C) John Wycliffe D) William Tyndale
24.The Great Schism of 1054 resulted in the split between the Eastern Orthodox
Church and which other major branch of Christianity?
A) Roman Catholic Church B) Oriental Orthodox Church C) Anglican Church D)
25. Which Christian holiday commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the
apostles and other followers of Jesus?
A) Christmas B) Easter C) Epiphany D) Pentecost
26.Who wrote the majority of the New Testament Epistles (letters) found in the
A) Saint Peter B) Saint James C) Saint John D) Saint Paul
27. What does the sign of the cross symbolize in Christian faith?
A) The Holy Trinity B) The four Gospels C) The Apostles D) The Ten
28.Why do many Christians make the sign of the cross at the beginning and end of
prayers and religious rituals?
A) To indicate the start and finish of a ritual B) To show respect for the Ten
Commandments C) To honor the Apostles D) To seek God's blessing and
Address: Zone 1-A, Barangay Del Carmen, Iligan City
Contact us:, (063) 402-0116
29. What is the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, which is obligatory for all
financially and physically able Muslims, known as?
A) Umrah B) Hajj C) Qibla D) Zakat
30. In ancient Greek mythology, who is the king of the gods, ruler of Mount
Olympus, and the god of the sky and thunder?
A) Apollo B) Hermes C) Zeus D) Poseidon


Address: Zone 1-A, Barangay Del Carmen, Iligan City
Contact us:, (063) 402-0116

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