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Guided meditation is when you lay down on the ground while being guided through a

relaxation process from a video.

Before this strategy, I was very curious on how this strategy may help my mental health, and
how it can apply a benefit towards myself. During the activity, I was very distracted by
others, and I couldn’t concentrate on what the person guiding me was saying. Post strategy,
I found that it was not that helpful for me to calm down and relax, as it took a long and slow
process to keep progressing.
I will probably not use this strategy in the future as I feel that there will be a lot of
distractions when I am in the middle of this task, meaning I won’t be able to progress
through the relaxation process, making the whole task feel unnecessary .

The mandala strategy is about drawing organic shapes or lines to create a picture.
Before this strategy, I felt very stressed as there was a lot of assessments to work on. During
the strategy, I felt a bit more relaxing knowing that this is good for my mental health. After
the strategy, I was relaced thinking that I should no longer stress myself.
I would use this strategy in the future, this is because it was easy to feel relaxed within a
very short period.

Yoga is about stretching your body while focusing on your breathing so that your muscles
would relax.
Before yoga, I felt a bit tense and stiff, during this strategy, it was a bit hard to make a few of
the poses so it did hurt a bit. Post strategy, I didn’t feel that much of a difference with how
much I relaxed.
I might not use this strategy in the future as most poses require a level of flexibility which I
cannot handle.

Calm the mind is when you read a book about mental health.
Before the task, I didn’t know much about mental health, during the task, I was learning
more about mental health and the benefits. By the end, lots of learning was absorbed as I
read through the book.
I will most likely not use this strategy in the future, as I am not a fan of reading.
Guided meditation is about laying down while being guided to relax.
Before this activity I felt a bit stressed from homework and future work from the coming
periods. During the activity, I felt very bored as I was just laying down and I couldn’t focus
on feeling relaxed from the different sounds and distractions from around the room.
I will not use this strategy in the future, this is because I feel that every time I’ll use this
strategy, there will be some sort of distraction.

Mindful colouring is about colouring in a blank page of a traced drawing with pencils or
Before this activity, I was excited, as I enjoy colouring book, and colouring in general. During
mindful colouring, I felt a bit impatient as it was time consuming to keep colouring without
much improvement over time. After the activity, I was quite relieved that the activity was
done and over with.
I will use this strategy in the future, but not for long periods, as I lose my interest and
concentration very quickly.
Prayer is about praying to God to tell him the bad things you’ve done, or to ask him for
Before the activity, I didn’t really want to do the activity, as I expected it to be very boring
and I also didn’t understand how praying could relax me. During the activity, I was a bit
clueless on what I should write my prayer about. After the activity, I was more
understanding on how this may help my mental health, as I got closer to God.
I might use this strategy in the future, as it doesn’t take much time to complete, and it also
helps me tell someone all my troubles to relieve my stress.

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