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Vocabulary List 1

1. abandon (verb): to leave behind: We think that the 16. approach (verb): to come closer: The lawyer
kitten might have been abandoned by its mother, approached the judge so that she could say
since it was left all alone with no sign of its litter or something to him quietly in private; she knew that
parents. if she got very close to the judge, no one else would
2. abolish (verb): to cancel or ban: Slavery was be able to hear her.
abolished in the United States under President 17. arm (noun): a limb of the upper body. My sister has
Abraham Lincoln, meaning that no one was allowed a tattoo on her arm.
to own slaves ever again. 18. arrest (verb): to capture or hold back: The police
3. above (adverb): in or to a higher place. If you want arrested the man who robbed the video game store,
to ask a question in class, you raise your hand above so now he is in jail.
your head. 19. ban (verb): to not allow something: For part of the
4. absent (adjective): missing; not present: Tucker has twentieth century, the US government banned
been absent from school for six days, and now he alcohol, so it was against the law to buy it.
has to make up all the work he has missed. 20. banana (noun): a long tropical fruit with a soft,
5. accurate (adjective): exact or precise: Your guess pulpy flesh. Taylor’s favorite fruit t is bananas.
wasn’t very accurate: George Washington was born 21. barn (noun): a large building for storage of farm
in 1732, not the early 1600s. products and housing of farm animals. Ava has to
6. active (adjective): energetic; moving or tending to go milk the cows living in the barn.
move about a lot: My cat runs around constantly 22. below (adverb): in or to a lower place. Myra’s
and is far more active than most other cats. apartment is one floor below mine.
7. adapt (verb): to get used to something: Shaun’s first 23. benefit (noun): something gained or earned from
few days of high school were uncomfortable and something: One of the benefits of being a member
scary, but he adapted very quickly and was no of the club is that you get discounts on plane tickets,
longer uncomfortable. so joining the club is clearly a good idea.
8. afford (verb): to be able to buy something: I cannot 24. big (adjective): large or great in dimension, bulk, or
afford to buy a new car because I do not have size. Mario needs a big space to store the large
enough money. amount of paintings he owns.
9. agree (verb): to consent to as a course of action, to 25. bind (verb): to make secure by tying. Melissa had to
give consent. Julia said she would agree to allow her bind the balloons together so they would not float
kids to go to the party. away.
10. aid (verb): to provide necessary or useful help to 26. bland (adjective): boring or without flavor: A plain
achieve an end. Tommy requested aid with moving salad is very bland, so I use salad dressing to give it
all the boxes into the new house. flavor.
11. alert (adjective): quick to notice any unusual or 27. blunder (noun): a mistake: Julio only made one
dangerous things: The guards remained alert blunder during the chess match, but this single
throughout the night, and they were ready to jump mistake eventually cost him the game.
at the first sign of danger. 28. book (noun): a set of written or printed sheets of
12. ample (adjective): plentiful: Since parking spaces at paper bounded together for the purpose of reading.
the mall aren’t ample, we usually park the car Matthew likes to read books more than he likes to
across the street and walk over. watch movies.
13. ancient (adjective): very, very old: The dinosaur 29. bread (noun): a baked food made of flour or meal.
bones at the museum are ancient; they are older Margot likes the bread on sandwiches to be warm.
than anything else I have ever seen. 30. car (noun): a motorized vehicle that is driven for
14. anxious (adjective): nervous: Yana’s daughter was transportation between places. Mary drives her car
still not home at 4 AM and had not called to say from her house to work every morning.
where she was, so Yana was starting to feel anxious 31. center (noun): the point around which a circle can
and scared for her daughter’s safety. be described, the middle part. Nancy needed to be
15. apple (noun): a rounded edible fruit, usually red, in the center of the stage to begin the performance.
yellow, or green, that grows from a tree. Mary likes 32. central (adjective): in the middle: The central part
to eat apples because they are crunchy and of the city is very busy because it is in the middle of
delicious. everything.
Norma Elena Gómez Preisser
Vocabulary List 2
33. chair (noun): a seat with four legs and a back used to decay, and we had no choice but to dispose of the
for a person to sit in. The table has four chairs for rotten plant.
diners to sit in. 50. December (noun): the last month of the calendar
34. cheat (verb): to break the rules: In order to win the year. My favorite month is December because I
board game, Quyn cheated by moving the other can’t wait for the start of the new year.
players’ pieces when they were not looking. 51. delay (verb): to make something late or slow: Bad
35. chef (noun): someone who cooks and prepares weather delayed my flight, so I got in to Chicago
meals for a job. Jorge wants to be a chef when he later than planned.
grows up because he likes to cook a lot. 52. delicious (adjective): tasting good: My
36. child (noun): a young person between infancy and grandmother’s delicious pie is the best food I have
youth. The five-year-old child cried when the ice ever tasted.
cream was gone. 53. demonstrate (verb): to show an example: Ms.
37. Chinese (noun): a person of China, or the Thatch demonstrated the dance by slowly
language(s) used by the people of China. Mandarin performing the moves herself.
Chinese is one of the most widely spoken languages 54. desire (noun): a wish or want: Charlie wants to go
in the world. to Las Vegas, but I have no desire to travel there.
38. civilian (noun): someone who is not a soldier: 55. dessert (noun): a sweet dish served after a main
Soldiers get access to special medical and meal: After eating meatloaf for dinner, we ate cake
educational benefits that civilians do not have. for dessert.
39. clear (adjective): bright, easily seen through. The 56. destroy (verb): to ruin or heavily damage: The
glass was so clear you could see every detail of the terrible hurricane destroyed entire neighborhoods
garden outside. of New Orleans, and it would take years to rebuild
40. coffee (noun): a drink made from coffee beans, them.
usually served warm. Celia has coffee with her 57. dinner (noun): a principal meal taken towards the
breakfast every morning. end of the day, sometimes a formal meal. I eat
41. coin (noun): a small piece of metal that serves as dinner after I get home from work in the evening.
money: A quarter is a type of coin worth twenty-five 58. distinct (adjective): separate: Yolanda separated
cents. her laundry into two distinct piles before washing it.
42. collide (verb): to crash: Two cars collided on 59. dog (noun): a four-legged domesticated mammal, a
Highway 16 this afternoon, but thankfully, no one common household pet. Tom went to the animal
was hurt in the crash. shelter to adopt a dog for his son.
43. concentrate (verb): to focus: The math question was 60. doubtful (adjective): probably not true: Since there
difficult, so Max had to concentrate and focus very is a 90 percent chance of rain tomorrow, it is
hard in order to solve it. doubtful that we will have our picnic outside.
44. confess (verb): to tell the truth, to admit: Eva 61. doze (verb): to sleep lightly or fall into a light sleep:
confessed that she broke the window, and her My grandpa dozes off a lot on the couch; he’s awake
neighbor thanked for finally telling the truth. one minute then asleep the next!
45. conquer (verb): to take over: Spanish 62. drowsy (adjective): sleepy: Ms. Shaffer’s boring
Conquistadores were able to conquer all of Mexico lessons always make me feel drowsy, and a few
within a century or two, and it became a colony times I’ve actually fallen asleep in class!
under Spanish rule as a result. 63. eager (adjective): wanting to do something very
46. constant (adjective): steady or never-ending: My much: On Christmas morning, the children were
boss is always incredibly rude and hits us with very eager to open their presents, and they did not
constant criticism and demands. stop being excited until all the gifts were opened.
47. cook (verb): to prepare a meal or food for eating. 64. empty (adjective): not full: After I drank the entire
Jorge likes to cook pasta for dinner. bottle of soda, the bottle was empty.
48. cup (noun): an open vessel used for drinking. Rob 65. encounter (verb): to meet, run into, or come across:
drinks water from a cup. We encountered several problems in our final
49. decay (verb): to decrease in health or strength: The review of the new spaceship, but each problem that
plant had been without water so long that it began we came across was fixable.

Norma Elena Gómez Preisser

Vocabulary List 3
66. English (adjective): of or relating to the English Matthew has poor eyesight and needs glasses to see
people or English language. Maria is learning to things far away.
speak English. 83. gradual (adjective): taking place slowly: It is better
67. equal (adjective): of the same measure, quantity, to learn at a slow, gradual pace than to learn too
amount, or number. Michelle wants an equal much too soon.
amount of money for her job as her male coworkers. 84. grow (verb): to become bigger or taller: At age 11,
68. erupt (verb): to burst or explode: When the volcano Felix was only five feet tall, but he would grow to be
erupted, it shot tons of ash, rock, and lava into the six feet tall by the time he was an adult.
air. 85. guide (verb): to lead or show the way: So that we
69. essential (adjective): very important: In order to could better see the city, Carla guided us around Sao
become a master violinist, it is essential to practice Paulo when we went to Brazil on vacation.
every day, because you cannot be good at playing 86. half (noun): one of two equal parts; fifty percent:
music if you don’t practice. After Annan broke his cookie into two equal parts,
70. exclude (verb): to leave out: The other children do he gave me one half.
not like Ron, so they usually exclude him from their 87. heavy (adjective): having great weight. An elephant
games, leaving Ron to play by himself. is a very heavy animal.
71. exhausted (adjective): very tired: Running a 88. hopeful (adjective): having good wishes for the
marathon leaves people exhausted, since it requires future: Celine is hopeful that next year will be better
running for 26 miles without stopping! than last year.
72. expand (verb): to increase in size: The hospital 89. horrible (adjective): very bad: Everything went
added a new wing, greatly expanding its overall poorly today, and I had horrible day.
size. 90. hostile (adjective): unfriendly or aggressive: Killer
73. far (adjective): characterized by a great or broad bees are extremely hostile creatures that will attack
distance. The stars are far away from the Earth. humans and other animals for no reason.
74. fast (adjective): characterized by quick or swift 91. hot (adjective): having a very high temperature. The
movement. You have to be a fast runner to win the food was so hot that it burned my tongue.
race. 92. ift (noun): a present: Julian gave me a gift for my
75. five (noun): a number that is more than four and birthday—it was a toy I had always wanted but did
less than six, something that has five units. Lucille not want to buy myself.
gets off work at five. five (adjective): characterized 93. ill (adjective): sick: George took his daughter to the
by the number five. There are five basketball doctor because she was ill.
players on a team. 94. influence (verb): to have an effect: The influence of
76. flawed (adjective): imperfect or correct: Kristoff’s smoking on a person’s health is clear: cigarettes
attempt to solve the math problem was flawed, and have horrible effects on the lungs, heart, and
he came to the wrong answer as a result. mouth.
77. flower (noun): a type of plant that blossoms. 95. injury (noun): something that hurts or harms
Marlowe’s favorite flowers are roses. someone: Mr. McGuire is in the hospital due to his
78. frequent (adjective): often: Pete’s frequent trips to injuries from the car accident, but doctors say he
the bathroom made his teachers wonder if he was will make a full recovery.
trying to miss class as often as possible. 96. intimidate (verb): to frighten: The physics professor
79. frigid (adjective): very cold: The temperatures in intimidated the entire class; he was a brilliant but
Antarctica are usually below freezing, and almost rude scientist who was known to fail most of his
no life can survive in such a frigid climate. students.
80. function (verb): to work: The “out of order” sign let 97. January (noun): the first calendar month of the
customers know that the vending machine would year. Tammy’s birthday is in January.
not function properly. 98. leisure (noun): the use of free time for enjoyment:
81. giant (adjective): something unusually large or In the twentieth century, Americans were able to
powerful. My sister has a giant tree in her yard, it devote more time to leisure, allowing them more
leans over her house. opportunities to relax and have fun away from
82. glasses (noun): an optical instrument with lenses work.
worn on the head to help people see better.
Norma Elena Gómez Preisser
Vocabulary List 4
99. lie (verb): to say something that is false, or not the 117. nervous (adjective): scared, shy or uneasy; a bad
truth: Marcel lied when he said he only ate one feeling: Before taking an important test, I always
cupcake—I know he really ate three. feel nervous and afraid of getting a bad score.
100. light (noun): something that makes vision possible. 118. numerous (adjective): many: The historian’s well-
I turn on the light in my room to see at night. researched book contained numerous sources,
101. lovely (adjective): beautiful: Marie is a very lovely hundreds more than most books.
girl; I find her to be beautiful. 119. offer (verb): to try to give something to someone:
102. lunch (noun): a meal taken in the middle of the day. Yamuna looked very cold, so I offered her my jacket,
Marne always eats a sandwich for lunch at noon. but she did not accept it.
103. majority (noun): a larger part: Although millions of 120. ordinary (adjective): normal or plain: I’m bored by
Americans voted for Mitt Romney, the majority of ordinary cheese pizzas—I prefer to add tasty and
voters chose Barack Obama to be president. interesting toppings like ham and pineapple.
104. mall (noun): a shopping center featuring a variety of 121. originate (verb): to start or begin: Before it spread
shops. Margaret needs to go to the mall to buy a all over the world, the swine flu virus originated in
birthday present for her friend. China.
105. master (verb): to earn great skill: It took me years of 122. pen (noun): an object used for writing or drawing
hard study to master French, but now I can speak with ink. I sign my name on the page with a pen.
the language perfectly. 123. plead (verb): to beg desperately: Ruth pleaded with
106. meeting (noun): a coming together of two or more her parents to let her go to the dance, but they
people: During our first meeting, Trish seemed a refused to give in to her begging.
little rude, but she has been polite every time I’ve 124. pointless (adjective): useless: It is pointless to try to
seen her since then. teach a dog to speak Spanish because the dog will
107. milk (noun): a liquid for drinking that comes from never be able to do it.
the bodies of animals and humans. The baby drinks 125. popular (adjective): liked by many people: The most
milk from a bottle. popular show on TV is watched by almost everyone
108. mimic (verb): to copy: Young children often think it’s I know.
funny to mimic adults by repeating every word they 126. prepare (verb): to get ready: I think I will do well on
say. the quiz because I prepared for it for a long time.
109. minor (adjective): lesser in importance, 127. priority (noun): a thing regarded as very important
seriousness, or size: I made some minor edits to my or more important than any other: Hilde’s top
paper, changing just a few small things here and priority right now is school, and nothing else in her
there. life is close in importance.
110. mix (verb): to combine or blend into one. To make 128. provide (verb): to give or to offer: Breakfast is
cookies you must first mix butter and sugar. provided at the hotel every morning, so don’t have
111. modest (adjective): not bragging to worry about finding someplace else to eat.
112. mother (noun): a woman who is a parent. I am the 129. quickly (adverb): with speed; fast: If you want to
mother of two boys and one girl. win the race, you must run very quickly.
113. movie (noun): a motion picture, or film, for 130. rebel (verb): to challenge an authority: The
watching. Marco likes to go to the theater to watch American colonists rebelled against the British king
his favorite actor in the movies. when they declared themselves independent of his
114. mutter (verb): to say quietly or unclearly: The kingdom, directly challenging his rule.
student muttered a bad word about her classmate 131. red (noun): a color. Maria’s favorite color in the
without the other students or the teacher hearing rainbow is red.
her. 132. refresh (verb): to make new or to revive: I couldn’t
115. narrator (noun): someone who tells a story: I think remember what we did in our last lesson, so my
Holden Caulfield is a bad narrator because instead teacher refreshed my memory.
of telling an honest story, he exaggerates the truth 133. refuse (verb): to deny or not accept: Rosa Parks
and criticizes every character in the book. remained seated and refused to stand when the bus
116. necklace (noun): a piece of jewelry worn around the driver ordered her to leave her seat.
neck. Mary has a diamond necklace she wears on 134. remove (verb): to get rid of. I had to remove the
special occasions. flowers from the table because they were rotting.
Norma Elena Gómez Preisser
Vocabulary List 5
135. respect (noun): a feeling of honor or good years, and she is unlikely to move from her steady
consideration for someone or something: Our career in the near future.
teacher has earned our respect, and none of us will 152. stick (noun): a woody piece of a tree or shrub. I need
be rude to him. to collect the sticks that have fallen off the tree for
136. retrieve (verb): to bring back: Whenever I play fetch the fire.
with my dog, she always retrieves the stick as fast 153. strategy (noun): a plan of action or policy designed
as she can and brings it right back to me. to achieve a major goal: The president presented his
137. routine (noun): something done repeatedly: strategy for ending the war and told reporters that
Sophia’s morning routine is always the same: she the plan would go in effect in January.
wakes up, showers, eats breakfast, and goes to 154. street (noun): a thoroughfare, like a road, in a city,
work every single day. town or village occupied by vehicles. You should
138. sacred (adjective): holy; blessed: Mecca is the most look both ways before crossing the street.
sacred city in Islam because it is where the Prophet 155. sturdy (adjective): strong enough not to break: This
Muhammad was born; this means that Muslims see bridge does not look sturdy enough; I am afraid it
it as a very holy place. will fall down if we walk on it.
139. satisfied (adjective): content or happy: My father 156. suspend (verb): to hang: The circus performer flew
told me I needed to earn at least a B on my next over the audience, suspended on the thin wires of
exam, so when I showed him the 87 my teacher her trapeze.
wrote at the top of the test paper, he was satisfied. 157. tall (adjective): characterized by a high stature or
140. school (noun): a place or organization where height. The basketball player was tall enough to
teachers provide instruction to students. Margot touch the basket with his hand.
loves to go to school to learn about math. 158. terrific (adjective): very good: I thought the movie
141. secret (noun): something only a few people know: I was terrific, and my sister agreed that it was great.
have never told anyone who I have a crush on; that 159. theater (noun): a public building or area for
is my secret. showing films. Michelle likes to watch movies in the
142. senseless (adjective): pointless or silly: There is no theater on the weekends.
point in arguing with your mother on this issue; she 160. theft (noun): the act of stealing: When the police
has made up her mind so it would be senseless to try found another man’s silver in Jean’s bags, they
to change it. accused him of theft.
143. shallow (adjective): not deep: The shallow puddle 161. tidy (adjective): clean and arranged neatly: My
was only about half an inch deep, unlike the pool, father constantly reminds me to keep my room tidy,
which was five feet deep. since I never clean up unless I have to.
144. shoes (noun): an outer covering worn on the human 162. tiny (adjective): being very small. The ant is a tiny
foot. Mary puts her shoes on to go play outside. bug.
145. similar (adjective): almost the same: The brothers 163. tiny (adjective): very small: The tiny insect is so
look very similar; they are about the same height small that you cannot see it without a microscope.
and weight and have the same hair and eye colors. 164. toss (verb): to fling or throw with a light motion.
146. slumber (verb): to sleep: The baby woke his Ginny tossed the ball across the room.
slumbering parents by crying loudly in the night. 165. tradition (noun): a custom or part of a culture: It is
147. sour (adjective): one of the four basic taste a tradition in most of the Western world to decorate
sensations. The fruit tasted sour to me. a tree every Christmas, but other parts of the world
148. spoil (verb): to ruin or go bad: The milk in the have different customs.
refrigerator had spoiled, and we had to dump an 166. tragic (adjective): very sad: The news today was
entire bottle of ruined milk down the sink. tragic, and I cried all morning because of it.
149. square (noun): a shape with four equal sides. Mira 167. trim (verb): to cut off a small part: I didn’t want a
cut the paper into squares for her art project. full haircut; I only wanted the barber to trim my
150. startle (verb): to surprise or frighten: Keisha did not bangs.
notice that I was behind her, so when I shouted 168. united (adjective): together or joined as one: The
behind her, she was startled. colonists knew they had to make a united nation of
151. steady (adjective): regular and even without the thirteen separate colonies, so they all joined
change: Kelly has been working as a teacher for 27 together as one.
Norma Elena Gómez Preisser
Vocabulary List 6
169. unsuccessful (adjective): failing to meet one’s goals:
Olivia was unsuccessful in her basketball career and
had to find a different job outside of sports.
170. urge (verb): to encourage: The troop leader urged
her scouts to sell as many boxes of cookies as they
could, encouraging them to sell multiple boxes to all
171. urgent (adjective): important or desperate: After
the terrible earthquake, the people of Haiti were in
urgent need of clean water, shelter, and medical
supplies; luckily, the Red Cross helped supply the
island as quickly as possible.
172. vanilla (noun): an extract of the vanilla bean used
as a flavoring. My favorite flavor of ice cream is
173. visual (adjective): relating to sight: Ms. Rosso offers
many visual examples of different lesson topics,
including pictures, graphs, and charts.
174. vital (adjective): very important: It is crucial to
understand basic math like multiplication and
division before studying advanced math like
calculus, because you cannot understand any
calculus without first mastering the basics.
175. vivid (adjective): very bright or colorful: The
kindergarten classroom was painted in bright, vivid
176. vote (verb): to cast a ballot in an election or help
decide an election: We had an election to choose
class president, and each of us got to vote for the
person we liked best.
177. wealthy (adjective): having a lot of money; or being
rich: Thomas became a wealthy man early in life,
and he continued to be rich forever after.
178. wet (adjective): consisting of, containing, or
covered in liquid such as water. Chang came inside
to dry off after getting wet in the rain.
179. withdraw (verb): to take out or to remove: I had to
withdraw money from my bank account so that I
would have enough cash to pay for a new guitar.
180. yellow (adjective): a color. The sun is big, bright,
and yellow.

Norma Elena Gómez Preisser

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