Rubrics Pickles

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DIMENSION 7-10 4-6 1-3

Appearance/ packaging Food item is packed neatly. Imagination Food item is packed neatly with Little Food item is packed without creativity
and creativity is visible creativity used

Palatability/ Taste The dish was excellent. The dish was full The dish tasted good. The ingredients The dish was plain and dull. It needs more
of flavor, delicious and appetizing. were well balanced and exhibit good improvement. The components of the dish
texture. did not complement with each other
Use of secret ingredient Able to incorporate 2 new/ peculiar Able to incorporate 1 new/peculiar Not able to incorporate any new nutritious
(nutritious) ingredient that are nutritious. (2 or more) ingredient, (1 nutritious ingredients) ingredient
Teamwork All members in the team worked together Some members worked together Only one member did the preparation of
during the preparation of the food during the food preparation the food.
Presentation Was able to correctly answer all questions Was able to correctly answer some Was not able to answer any questions
being asked and relate it to Biochemistry questions being asked being asked.
concepts and relate it to Biochemistry concepts
No powerpoint presentation with pics No powerpoint presentation, reporting
Powerpoint presentation with pics of the of the whole pickle making process but done verbally but with vague context
whole pickle making process with oral reporting of the whole pickle
making prcoess

GROUP Appearance/ Palatability/ Use of secret Teamwork Presentation TOTAL

packaging Taste ingredient SCORE

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