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47 Udomsuk 30, Sukhumvit 103, Bang Na, Bangkok 10260

Second Semester Academic Year 2015-2016
English Program/Mini English Program

Subject Code: English 31208 Class: M. 4/1 and M. 4/2

Subject: Reading and Writing 40 Hours/Semester
Teacher: E-mail/Phone Number:
Ms. Jenny S. Castro +66-99-342-4702

Learning Standards/Indicators:

1. Write sentences by using vocabularies, idioms related to everyday lives. (Standard

2. Write and tell stories about their daily lives and various situations correctly
appropriate to the social culture. (Standard F1.3)
3. Write simple sentences regarding situations in accordance with their interests.
(Standard F1.3)
4. Read and tell simple stories/tales, articles, documentaries and able to express/tell the
details. (Standard F1.1)
5. Write short sentences to express self needs. (Standard 1.3)
6. Write about oneself and other things of interests by using short passages. (Standard
7. Present language activities appropriate to age level in accordance to their interests.
(Standard F2.1)
8. Tell the differences between the English language and Thai language basing on voice
tone, vowels, consonants and words. (Standard F2.2)
9. Tell the similarities and differences between the cultures of the native speaker and
those of the Thais. (Standard F2.2)
10. See the importance of the knowledge of the English language in searching for
knowledge and entertainment. (Standard F3.1, Standard F4.1, Standard F4.2)

Prepared by: Ms. Jenny S. Castro Subject: E31208 Class: M. 4/1-4/2, 2nd Semester A.Y. 2015-
47 Udomsuk 30, Sukhumvit 103, Bang Na, Bangkok 10260

Course Description:

Learn the way of reading, way of writing; the use of communication language
according to social morals in establishing interpersonal relationships; giving information;
convey the meaning; interchange information being read; write simple phrases/idioms,
sentences, passages of various forms; summarize, give opinions and feelings regarding
personal experiences, important events in daily life; compare the culture between the native
speaker and those of the Thais.

By using the language methodologies in reading, writing, communicating, searching

for information and data, group and solving problems, thinking processes, processes of
following according to circumstances/situations.

To have knowledge, understanding about reading, writing the English language in

various situations and develop the skills of language communication; able to apply the
knowledge in daily life appropriate to the principles of self sufficient economy, have moral,
ethics and the desired characteristics of the learners.

Course Objectives:

1. To be able to have the knowledge, understanding and skills in listening and speaking
of the English language appropriate to various opportunities and situations then apply
in their daily activities.
2. To be able to have the communication skills of the English language, explain/discuss
similarities and differences in languages and cultures between the native speakers and
those of the Thais; use technology in searching for information with justification and
creativeness; link the knowledge with other learning fields and use the English
language or further education and occupation.
3. To be able to follow the Desired Characteristics for Learners in every age group,
emphasizing on the learners as specified by the Ministry of Education.

Course Outline:

Unit Module Description Indicators
Introduction/Orientation 1

7 Being a Kid 6 Numbers

-Giving an opinion about if being a kid or an 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10
adult is better

Prepared by: Ms. Jenny S. Castro Subject: E31208 Class: M. 4/1-4/2, 2nd Semester A.Y. 2015-
47 Udomsuk 30, Sukhumvit 103, Bang Na, Bangkok 10260

8 My Scariest Experience 6 Numbers

-Telling about your scariest (happiest, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10
saddest, etc.) experience
Writing Mapping and Outline 2
Writing Article 2
Module Evaluation: Module 7-8 2

Midterm Examination 1

9 Cinderella Story 6 Numbers

-Telling a story 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10
10 Thank-you letter 6 Numbers
-Thanking a teacher or someone you respect 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10
Writing Mapping and Outline 2
Writing Article 2
Module Evaluation: Module 9-10 2
Self-Assessment 1
Final Examination 1
Total Number of Hours 40

Teaching Methods/Learning Activities:

1. Teaching by lecture, group processes, searching processes and communication

2. Information sheets/handouts
3. Group work on exercises sheets
4. Do the practice drill sheets
5. Do the test/quizzes
6. Search information/data from various sources

Teaching Materials/Learning Sources:

1. Students’ Books: Write Right 1 by Jia K. Johnson and Shawn Despres

2. Documents for Teaching
3. Electronic Information
4. Library, Information/Search Room, E-classroom
5. Mind mapping of English words
6. Brochures of interests which are written in English language

Prepared by: Ms. Jenny S. Castro Subject: E31208 Class: M. 4/1-4/2, 2nd Semester A.Y. 2015-
47 Udomsuk 30, Sukhumvit 103, Bang Na, Bangkok 10260

Assessment and Evaluation:

1. Reading and Writing Sheets 30 Points

2. Exercises/Worksheets/Activity sheets 20 Points
3. Midterm Examination 20 Points
4. Final Examination 20 Points
5. Desired Characteristics of the Learners 10 Points

TOTAL: 100 Points

Criterion for Incomplete Grade:

1. Lack of Midterm/Final Examination

2. Lack of Project assigned
3. Classroom Attendance less than 80%

Criterion for Assessment and Evaluation:

Ratio of Points/Scores: In between terms = 80 : 20

The scores in between terms 80 Points can be specified as follows:

1. Before Midterm Examination 30 Points

2. Midterm Examination 20 Points
3. After Midterm Examination 30 Points
4. Final Examination 20 Points

Evaluation Criteria:

Grade Standard Score/Points

4 Very Good 80-100
3.5 Good 75-79
3 Fairly Good 70-74
2.5 Moderate 65-69
2 Fair 60-65
1.5 Relatively Fair 55-59
1 Pass 50-54
0 Has to improve 0-49

Prepared by: Ms. Jenny S. Castro Subject: E31208 Class: M. 4/1-4/2, 2nd Semester A.Y. 2015-

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