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Is Facebook breaching and selling your Data?

In the age of digital technology, Facebook has become a massive platform for

communication and connection. However, it has also faced serious security breaches that put

users' information at risk. This paper will explore these security breaches, their consequences,

and what Facebook has done to address them.

Facebook, a popular social media platform, has faced significant security breaches over

the years. Cambridge Analytica Scandal (2018); In 2018, it was discovered that a company

named Cambridge Analytica collected the personal data of millions of Facebook users without

their permission. This breach raised concerns about how Facebook handled user data.2019

Security Breach: In September 2019, Facebook reported a security breach where attackers

exploited a flaw in one of its features, potentially affecting many user accounts. Facebook’s

security breaches have serious implications for users and their privacy.

Individual Data Exposure Users affected by these breaches risked having their personal

information exposed to unauthorized parties, potentially leading to identity theft and fraud.

Public Trust and Confidence: The security breaches damaged public trust in Facebook's ability to

protect user data. People began to question the platform's commitment to safeguarding their


Facebook took several steps to address these security breaches. Improved Data Handling

Policies: Facebook implemented stricter policies for how user data is shared with third parties,

aiming to prevent unauthorized access to personal information. Enhanced Security Measures:

The company invested in better security practices, such as regular security audits, bug bounty

programs, and real-time monitoring of suspicious activities.

Facebook's security breaches serve as a reminder of the importance of protecting user

data in today's digital world. These incidents have highlighted vulnerabilities in Facebook's data

handling practices and have affected user privacy and trust. While Facebook has taken measures

to address these issues, the challenge of cybersecurity in the age of social media remains

significant. As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial for companies like Facebook to

prioritize user data security, implement robust safeguards, and be transparent to maintain trust in

their platforms.
- Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach |
-Cambridge Analytica | The Guardian
- An Update on the Recent Security Issue | Meta for Business (
- Looking Back at Our Bug Bounty Program in 2022 | Meta (

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