Tugas Uas Inggris

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Name : Muhammad Ilzam Rofiqi

Addres : Sumenep
Semester : IQT Semester 1
Subject : English
Teacher : Mr. Tauvicky Hidayat, M.Pd

Jawaban UAS

1. The man idea of the second pharagraf is Prayers can be performed individually or in a
group wherever they may be – in mosque, at home, at work, or even on the road.
2. A Muslim should offer prayer (salat) five time each day.
3. Ritually, each of his regular prayer is preceded ablution that cleanse the body (such as
hands, mouth, face, ear, forehead, and feet), and spirit bestow the ritual purity necessary
for divine worshi
4. Although times for player and ritual actions are not specified in the Qur’an, they were
indeed.established by the prophet Muhammad, e upon him.
5. Ce can simply name the five prayers respectively as dawn prayer, noon prayer, mid-
afternoon prayer, sunset prayer, and evening prayer.
6. Shubuh is offered during day break or at dawn, dhuhur prayer is offered at noon, ashar
prayer is offered at midafternoon, magrib prayer is offered at sunset, and ’isha prayer is
offered in the evening.
7. The call to prayer consists of seven short statements whose English translation go as
God is the most great.
I testify that there is not god but Allah.
I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
Come to prayer
Come to salvation
Prayer is better than sleep (this is recited for the after dawn prayer only)
8. The English translations is ” Let's pray “
9. This is recited for the after dawn prayer only
10.That's fine, but it's better to write it in full

The second pillar of Islam is prayer (salat), which is performed five times a day.
The specific times for these prayers were established by Prophet Muhammad and are
known as dawn prayer, noon prayer, mid-afternoon prayer, sunset prayer, and evening
prayer. Each prayer is preceded by ablution to cleanse the body and spirit for divine

These prayers can be performed individually or in a group, in various settings such

as mosques, homes, workplaces, or even while traveling. The call to prayer (adhan)
announces the beginning of each prescribed prayer time, and it consists of seven short
statements, including declarations of God's greatness and the testimony of faith in Allah
and the Prophet Muhammad.

Prayer is described as essential for believers, cleansing their bodies, hearts, and
spirits from impurities and sins. The Prophet Muhammad emphasized the significance of
prayer, comparing it to the cleansing effect of a river. In the Quran, Allah states that regular
prayer restrains believers from shameful and unjust deeds, highlighting its moral and
spiritual significance (QS Al Ankabut : 45).


The main idea in the provided text is the significance of prayer (salat) as the second
pillar of Islam. It emphasizes that Muslims are required to perform five daily prayers,
established by Prophet Muhammad, and these prayers serve as a means of spiritual
purification and a restraint against shameful and unjust deeds, as stated in the Quran. The
text also mentions the importance of the call to prayer (adhan) and quotes a hadith to
reinforce the idea that prayer cleanses believers and helps them lead virtuous lives.


Simple past
1. I told you
2. You explained the lesson
3. She brought a bag
4. He taught English lesson
5. We began the meeting
Simple Present
1. I go to the class
2. She buys a book
3. He eats bread
4. They play football
5. You speak english

Simple Future
1. I will come later
2. He will push the table
3. She will kick the ball
4. They will gather at restaurant
5. You will sleep


1. Scanning means knowing what information readers need to find before they read. Then
their eyes move quickly to find particular information. Scanning is commonly used to
look for a fact or a detail or a particular vocabulary word, key words, timetable, pages
of a dictionary, a telephone book, menu at the restaurant and ads in a newspaper.

2. Skimming means reading quickly for general meaning. In skimming, a reader reads only
important information, but not everything It is commonly used to find out about the
topic, the main idea, and general organization of the texts.

3. Intensive reading is a detailed and thorough approach to understanding a text, often

involving close analysis of vocabulary, grammar, and structure to gain a deep
comprehension of the content.

4. Extensive reading is a reading approach focused on reading a large volume of material

for enjoyment, fluency, and a general understanding, rather than analyzing every detail.
It aims to build reading speed, vocabulary, and overall language skills by exposing
readers to a wide range of texts in a relaxed manner. This approach is often used to
improve language proficiency and foster a love for reading.
5. Summarizing is the process of retelling the important parts of a passage in a much
shorter form if a reader can summarize a reading passage, it means he/she understands
the content of that reading

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