Tutorial 2 - Question

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EC3162 - Essential of Information Skills

Tutorial 3

Improving Decision Making: Use a Spreadsheet to Select Suppliers

Software skills: Spreadsheet date functions, data filtering, DAVERAGE functions.

Business skills: Analyzing supplier performance and pricing.

You are required to analyse the suppliers performance and pricing by using the spreadsheet attached
_Chapter 2 Question file. Complete the following steps / questions to help you make the decisions:

a) Calculate the delivery time for each order (subtracting the Order Date from the Arrival Date.

b) Find the shortest delivery times by vendors.

c) Find the average delivery time for each vendor. You may use D.Average or the sumif and countif
functions to determine the average delivery time for each vendor.

d) Determinte the vendor with the best accounts payable terms.

e) Determine the vendor with the lowest prices for the same item when it is supplied by multiple
vendors ( may filter the database using the item description)

f) Based on the above information you collected, decide on the best suppliers for each product.

g) Create a dashboard using Infogram for the information analysed from a - f .

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