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ECEN 426 Assignment 2 Report

Ronald Batista

1. Code Descriptions
a. DSA
i. The first task of the code is to separate binary 1 and 0 values from V and assign
them to their separate groups. Depending on the row the value was on, the cell
will hold the value of the row it was on to then calculate the traces. To calculate
the traces all 40000 values are added based on the row specified in the groups
and the mean is based on taking the sum of a column and dividing by the
number of rows. A 1x40000 array is created for both groups and the difference
of means is taken. This is iterated multiple times until a plot showing the
different DoM values taken in, and the most repeated values.
b. DSA_2
i. The code is like what was done in DSA only without the chart being shown.
What was also changed was the implementation of changing the use of
bytes_to_attack. This variable originally is assigned as 16, but in this task, we
change it to be iterated from 1 to 16 to attack all bytes in the program.
c. DSA_3
i. The code is like DSA_2 only that we are changing the power tracing done in the
code. Rather than evaluating 200 rows of data, we evaluate 20, 50, and 100
rows as well. To do so, the amount of plain text rows needs to be changed prior
to calculating V. A for loop was implemented to create a new plain_text variable
that evaluates 20, 50, and 100 rows in separate files.
2. Task 1 Information

Figure 1: Difference of Means 4x4 Chart.

Figure 2: Key Location in Difference of Mean Chart

3. Task 2 Information

Bytes Recovered
00 2A 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 AA BB 2F 91 CC FF
Table 1: Bytes Recovered from DPA Attack

Max Trace in Key Bytes 00 and FF

00 2.0944
FF 1.6873
Table 2: Max Trace from Key Bytes 00 and FF

In table 2, the description of the requirement for the report was difficult to interpret as to what exactly
is being wanted. My interpretation is that of key 00 and FF, to grab the max trace of the 40000 values in
the DoM table.

4. Task 3 Information

Accuracy of Power Trace Attack

20 Traces 54.3438%
50 Traces 49.2188%
100 Traces 53.125%
200 Traces 88.2812%
Table 3: Accuracy of Different Power Traces

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