Assignment 2

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Answer Sheet

C. Vocabulary Building

C1. Match the Following Words/Phrases with Their Equivalent in Bahasa Indonesia, and
make another sentence, using the words:
1. to ebb: Menyurut/Berkurang, = The spring water in my village began to ebb during the
dry season.
2. waterfront: Tepi Laut, = We’ve booked a cottage at the waterfront for holiday.
3. varied nature: Kekayaan Alam, = The sea reclamation that is too large makes various
nature even more destroyed.
4. pond: Kolam, = That largest pond called a reservoir, which functions to accommodate
large capacity rainwater
5. muddy: Berlumpur, = The Dam project condition when it rains is very muddy
6. lock: Mengunci/pintu air, = Lock the store because they have not paid rent
7. tidal control: Pengendalian Pasang Surut, = The installation of tetrapods on the
waterfront can make tidal control of seawater.
8. ebb and flow: Pasang Surut, = ebb and flow of sea water greatly influence the port
development process

C2. Match the following words with an appropriate definition:

-A charge for towing

Outer -The area of water between two piers or alongside a pier that
receives a ship for loading
Breakwater -The depth of a vessel’s keel below the water line, especially
when loaded
-The part of a harbor toward the sea, through which a vessel
Moorage enters the inner harbour
-A charge for mooring
-A platform extending from a shore over water and supported by
Docks piles or pillars, used to secure, protect, and provide access
Pier to ships or boats.

Draught -A barrier that protects a harbor or shore from the full impact
of waves.
-Securing a boat so it’s free to respond to wind and waves
-To draw or pull behind a chain or a line

-The length of a lot line or a building site along a street or

other public way, or along a body of water forming a boundary.

Harbour : A platform extending from a shore over water and supported by piles or
pillars, used to secure, protect, and provide access to ships or boats.
Breakwater : A barrier that protects a harbor or shore from the full impact of waves.
Mooring : To draw or pull behind a chain or a line
Moorage : A charge for mooring.
Tow : Securing a boat so it’s free to respond to wind and waves
Towage : A charge for towing
Docks : The area of water between two piers or alongside a pier that receives a
ship for loading.
Pier : The part of a harbor toward the sea, through which a vessel
enters the inner harbour.
Draught : The depth of a vessel’s keel below the water line, especially when loaded
Frontages : The length of a lot line or a building site along a street or other public
way, or along a body of water forming a boundary.

II. Language Practice

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate modal verb. Choose between
could, have to, need to, will, must, can.

a)The masterplan of the new port need to accommodate the demands of urban
and economic growth.

b) The new area of the land Will be built in islands of a flexible fashion.

c) Theplan also can incorporate innovations in the areas of construction,

environmental protection, water management, architecture and civil

d)DHV must coordinate the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the island of

e) a. Can you name two factors which have posed challenges to the DHV project?
b. Sure! The level of salinity and pollution of the Bohai Sea.

f) The earthquake at Nias was devastating but it could have been worse.

1. Why is it important to utilize a construction management software?

Because using software in construction management software make it easier to do task,
such as drawing 3dimensions, or the other task.
2. What do features that your chosen software have, while the others do not?
I have autocad, staadpro, sometimes I choose autocad because it's easy to understand, if
other applications don't really understand it, using staadpro is very good because it can
calculate the buildings
3. As a future construction project manager, will you utilize the software that you reviewed?
Yes, because in the future it still requires the use of software, and software users must be

able to master the software.

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