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Menaced Aching Rejected Incapable Alone Hateful

Miserable Afflicted Repugnant Incensed Angry Heartbroken
Misgiving Afraid Resentful Indecisive Anguish Helpless
Mournful Aggressive Reserved Indifferent Annoyed Hesitant
Misunderstood Agonized Restless Indignant Anxious Hostile
Manipulated Alarmed Inferior Appalled Humiliated
Alienated Inflamed Ashamed Hurt
Abominable Infuriated Abnormal

What will you do if you experience the given scenarios?

- I think I will try to avoid it and don’t make any move about it because it can triggered
my problems if I will try to make any decision about that.
*How will you express your emotions without hurting yourself and others?
- All I have to do is to cry because I don’t want other person to be hurt because of me.
By crying I will release my problems and it can help me also to determine my situation
so I can be able to overcome my struggle.
s1) You discover your friend is saying nasty rumors about you.
- I remove him/her in my life because I don’t need that kind of friend that will gonna
backstabbing me whenever I am not around. Also, I try to talk to him/her for more
clarifications, why she tells about that which she is aware that thing is not true
about me. I will forgive her/him if she/he try to apologize to me and she/he didn’t
do it again just to destroy me in other people.
s2) You learn that your partner is courting another person.
- I will confront him because what he was doing is not right, it’s not the right way
how relationship works. I tried my best to know his situation without hurting him
physically or verbally. And also, I will talk to him in a way that my mood is better
so I can’t speak without any offensive language to him and we tried to fixed it by
talking calmly.
s3) You receive a failing grade in one subject and you know that your parents will be
disappointed about this.
- I will try to do my best next semester or next grading and I know it is really hard
for me to accept it because my parents expect something good grades from me
but what I want to do is try smarter the next time that I will studying again. And I
will gonna do better and be motivated because I want learn more from this world.
s4) You had experience bad customer service in a fine dine-in restaurant
- I will try to approach him/her with a proper manner, I wouldn’t do something bad
about him/her just because I received bad service from them. All I want from
them is to give me another better version of their service so I can eat finally. I will
calmly talked to them so they will not feel pressure about their problem and the
next time that they served me they have better service that can offer to me.

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