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Sci 8

Question: What happens to an egg if we put it into different liquids?

Background information:
What is osmosis?

What is diffusion?

What is the function of a cell membrane?


Day 1: We will be preforming an experiment on an egg. Ensure that you are CAREFUL to not break your

Plain Egg
Mass of empty beaker (g)

Mass of egg (g)

Directions: use indirect measurement –
carefully put your egg into the beaker and
determine the mass of only the egg) – Show
your work
Description of egg’s

How will the egg
appear after 1 day in
Will the mass of the
egg change after 1
day in vinegar?
Explain WHY you
think this.

After completing the Day 1 table, carefully pour vinegar into your beaker and ensure that the entire egg is
Day 2: Egg in Vinegar for 1 day
Mass of egg (vinegar 1 day) (g)
Directions: very carefully, drain out all of the
vinegar from the beaker. Use the beaker mass
from day 1 to determine the new mass of the egg.
Show your work.
Description of egg’s appearance

How will the egg appear after 3 days in

Will the mass of the egg change after 3
day in water? Explain WHY you think

After completing the Day 2 table, fill a beaker with tap water. Carefully pour this water in to the beaker
with your egg (you do not want to break your egg apart!) so that your entire egg is covered.

Day 3: Egg in Water for 1 day

Description of Egg’s

Day 4: Egg in Water for 2 day

Description of Egg’s
Day 5: Egg in Water for 3 days
Mass of egg (3 days) (g)
Directions: very carefully, drain out all
of the water from the beaker. Use the
beaker mass from day 1 to determine
the new mass of the egg. Show your
Description of egg’s appearance

How will the egg appear after 3 days in

Will the mass of the egg change after 3
day in syrup? Explain WHY you think

After completing the Day 5 table, Carefully fill your beaker with syrup and ensure that your entire egg is
covered (you do not want to break your egg apart!).
You will check on your egg after the weekend!

Day 7: Egg in Syrup for 3 days

Mass of egg (3 days) (g)
Directions: very carefully, drain out all
of the syrup from the beaker. Use the
beaker mass from day 1 to determine
the new mass of the egg. Show your
Description of egg’s appearance
Data Analysis
The vinegar caused the mass to __________________________________

The water caused the mass to ___________________________________

The syrup caused the mass to ____________________________________


Question: What happens to an egg if we put it into different liquids?


Evidence Reasoning

What questions do you still have? Are there any changes to the procedure, if you did this again, that you
would want to make to further the investigation?

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