Table 7 Interpretation and Analysis

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Interpretation and Analysis: The Table 7 shows the distribution of Statistics (mean, standard deviation, test statistics) and

F-statistics on the
Level of Satisfaction among Employees of MERALCO when grouped according to Department.

The respondents were grouped accordingly:

Group 1 (Admin/Finance) with 11 respondents
Group 2 (Commercial) with 11 respondents
Group 3 (Eng'g. & Tech) with 18 respondents

We set the following parameters for F-Test on Single Factor ANOVA.

Null Hypothesis (HN): There is no significant difference on the Level of Satisfaction among Employees of MERALCO when grouped according
to Department.

Alternative Hypothesis (HA): There is a significant difference on the Level of Satisfaction among Employees of MERALCO when grouped
according to Department.

Level of Significance: alpha value is to 0.05.

Test Statistics Decision/Conclusion:

For Work Itself, the probability of obtaining a computed F-stat value of (0.54) is less than the P-value (0.59). Thus, the F-stat value
does not reach the critical F-value at 0.05 level of significance. We accept our null hypothesis, reject our alternative hypothesis, and conclude
that there is no significant difference on the Level of Satisfaction among Employees of MERALCO when grouped according to Department.

For Pay, the probability of obtaining a computed F-stat value of (2.62) is less than the P-value (0.09). Thus, the F-stat value does not
reach the critical F-value at 0.05 level of significance. We accept our null hypothesis, reject our alternative hypothesis, and conclude that there
is no significant difference on the Level of Satisfaction among Employees of MERALCO when grouped according to Department.

For Promotion, the probability of obtaining a computed F-stat value of (1.28) is less than the P-value (0.29). Thus, the F-stat value
does not reach the critical F-value at 0.05 level of significance. We accept our null hypothesis, reject our alternative hypothesis, and conclude
that there is no significant difference on the Level of Satisfaction among Employees of MERALCO when grouped according to Department.

For Supervision, the probability of obtaining a computed F-stat value of (0.85) is less than the P-value (0.44). Thus, the F-stat value
does not reach the critical F-value at 0.05 level of significance. We accept our null hypothesis, reject our alternative hypothesis, and conclude
that there is no significant difference on the Level of Satisfaction among Employees of MERALCO when grouped according to Department.
For Co-Workers, the probability of obtaining a computed F-stat value of (1.40) is less than the P-value (0.26). Thus, the F-stat value
does not reach the critical F-value at 0.05 level of significance. We accept our null hypothesis, reject our alternative hypothesis, and conclude
that there is no significant difference on the Level of Satisfaction among Employees of MERALCO when grouped according to Department.

For Company Policy, the probability of obtaining a computed F-stat value of (4.38) is greater than the P-value (0.02). Thus, the F-stat
value exceeds the critical F-value at 0.05 level of significance. We reject our null hypothesis, accept our alternative hypothesis, and conclude
that there is a significant difference on the Level of Satisfaction among Employees of MERALCO when grouped according to Department.

For Working Conditions, the probability of obtaining a computed F-stat value of (3.53) is greater than the P-value (0.04). Thus, the F-
stat value exceeds the critical F-value at 0.05 level of significance. We reject our null hypothesis, accept our alternative hypothesis, and
conclude that there is a significant difference on the Level of Satisfaction among Employees of MERALCO when grouped according to

Overall, the probability of obtaining a computed F-stat value of (2.05) is less than the P-value (0.14). Thus, the F-stat value does not
reach the critical F-value at 0.05 level of significance. We accept our null hypothesis, reject our alternative hypothesis, and conclude that there
is no significant difference on the Level of Satisfaction among Employees of MERALCO when grouped according to Department.

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