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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 8

Objective: Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect

the local culture by noting context clues.

Learning across the curriculum:

1. Social Studies - Analyzing historical documents and understanding the cultural

significance of certain words and expressions.

2. Filipino - Comparing local idioms and expressions with their English equivalents to
explore cultural differences.

3. Art - Creating visual representations of local words and expressions to showcase

their cultural significance.


1. Show a video clip of a local festival or cultural event and ask students to identify
any words or expressions used that reflect the local culture.

2. Display a mural or artwork containing local words and expressions and have
students discuss what they think these words mean.

3. Play a traditional local game that involves the use of specific words or expressions
and have students guess their meanings.


Activity 1: Word Scavenger Hunt

Materials: Worksheets, pens, dictionaries

Instructions: Provide students with a list of words and expressions that reflect
the local culture. In pairs or small groups, students will use their dictionaries
and context clues to determine the meaning of each word. They will write
down their answers on the worksheet.


- Correct definition: 2 points

- Partially correct definition: 1 point

- Incorrect definition: 0 points

Assessment Questions:

1. What strategies did you use to determine the meaning of the words and

2. Can you give an example of a word or expression that was challenging to

decipher? How did you eventually find its meaning?

Activity 2: Context Clue Challenge

Materials: Sentence cards with underlined words, whiteboard, markers

Instructions: Display sentence cards with underlined words that reflect the
local culture. In pairs or small groups, students will discuss the possible
meanings of the underlined words based on the context provided in the
sentences. They will write their answers on the whiteboard and explain their


- Accurate interpretation: 2 points

- Partially accurate interpretation: 1 point

- Incorrect interpretation: 0 points

Assessment Questions:

1. How did the context clues help you in determining the meanings of the underlined

2. Can you give an example of a sentence where the context clues were not
sufficient to determine the meaning?

Activity 3: Cultural Expression Showcase

Materials: Art supplies, presentation materials

Instructions: In small groups, students will choose a word or expression that

reflects the local culture. They will create a visual representation of the word
or expression using art supplies. Each group will present their artwork and
explain the cultural significance behind their chosen word or expression.


- Artistic representation: 3 points

- Explanation of cultural significance: 2 points

- Creativity and presentation: 2 points

- Collaboration within the group: 3 points

Assessment Questions:

1. How did the visual representation of the word or expression help in understanding
its cultural significance?

2. What challenges did your group encounter in creating the artwork? How did you
overcome them?

Activity 4: Cultural Word Association

Materials: Index cards, markers


1. Prepare a set of index cards with local words or expressions that reflect the

2. Divide the class into small groups and distribute the index cards among them.

3. In their groups, students will take turns drawing a card and providing a word or
expression that they associate with the given word or expression.

4. The group members will discuss and explain the reasoning behind their

5. Repeat the process for each card in the set.


- Relevant word or expression association: 2 points

- Explanation of association: 2 points

- Collaboration within the group: 1 point

Assessment Questions:

1. How did the associations made by other group members help you in
understanding the cultural significance of the words or expressions?

2. Can you give an example of an association that you found particularly interesting
or surprising? Why?

Activity 5: Cultural Expression Analysis

Materials: Texts or excerpts from local literature or songs, highlighters


1. Provide students with texts or excerpts from local literature or songs that contain
words or expressions reflecting the culture.

2. In pairs or small groups, students will read and analyze the texts, highlighting the
words or expressions that they believe reflect the local culture.

3. Students will discuss and explain the cultural significance of the highlighted words
or expressions.

4. Each group will share their findings with the class.


- Accurate identification of cultural words or expressions: 3 points

- Explanation of cultural significance: 2 points

- Collaboration within the group: 3 points

Assessment Questions:

1. How did the analysis of the texts deepen your understanding of the cultural
significance of the words or expressions?

2. Can you give an example of a word or expression that you initially overlooked but
later realized its cultural significance?

Activity 6: Cultural Proverb Interpretation

Materials: Proverb cards, whiteboard, markers


1. Prepare a set of proverb cards, each containing a local proverb.

2. Divide the class into small groups and distribute the proverb cards among them.

3. In their groups, students will read their assigned proverb and discuss its meaning
and cultural significance.

4. Each group will write their interpretation of the proverb on the whiteboard and
explain their reasoning.

5. After all groups have presented, facilitate a class discussion to compare

interpretations and delve deeper into the cultural context.


- Accurate interpretation of proverb: 3 points

- Explanation of cultural significance: 2 points

- Collaboration within the group: 3 points

Assessment Questions:

1. How did hearing different interpretations of the proverbs enhance your

understanding of their cultural significance?

2. Can you give an example of a proverb that you found particularly thought-
provoking? How did it reflect the local culture?

Note: Each rubric criterion is worth 5 points.


1. Teach the concept of context clues by providing examples of different types such
as synonyms, antonyms, and examples within the same sentence.

2. Engage students in a discussion about the importance of understanding local

words and expressions in order to appreciate and respect their own culture.

1. Conduct a role-play activity where students use local words and expressions in a
dialogue to showcase their understanding of their meanings.

2. Assign students to write a short story incorporating local words and expressions.
They will then share their stories in class and explain the cultural significance of the
words used.


1. Create a vocabulary quiz that includes words and expressions related to the local
culture. Students will match each word with its correct definition.

2. Assign a project where students research and present on a specific local word or
expression, including its meaning, cultural significance, and usage in different


Write a journal entry reflecting on the importance of preserving and understanding

local words and expressions in order to appreciate and respect one's own culture.

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