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,з sэllas

чэвшоZ Лqlоlос :}чеilпsчос NrпIи[эYи[

uочSJээ uолэ}S 8 JolE8 ерп ;Slочlпч
ssэссв 1ooql6!o чllм
)ооЕ S,}UopnlS

ЁJ Listening Listening Vocabulary
t_{ tжts skills skill
qJ 'l Вirth оrdеr ond personolity Globol Close Adding the suffix -оl
11 Psychology Listening fоr mоiп Listening fоr reosons
л l)age 7 2 Теmреrоmепt

U Child development

1 Circodion rhуthm Close Globol Recognizing roots

BioIogy Listening fоr results Using questions to
жýýý|.,, 2 lnvestigoting tbe effects of
predict thе moin
N ideo
the mооп
= 'W'r|*ý*' Рорчlоr science

1 Multi-generotionol hоmеs Close Pre-listening House ond borne

:кýмý UrЬоп plonning Listening fоr speciol Рrеdiсtiпg
2 Less is mоrе
Wollscopes Globol close Adding tbe prefixes
,ýж,|:| Medio studies Predicting content Listening fоr miлi- ond rпrcrо-
2 Minioture medicol devices
frоm odvontoges ond
questions disodvontoges


1 Grophology Globol Addin9 thе suffixes

Forensic science Lisiening Listening fоr thе -obgyond -obglsf


explonotions moin ideos о{ о to|k
i 2 Flocks, schools, ond sworms
= exomples

I lt's fun to Ье scored Close Globol Adding the prefixes

Speed Psychology Listening fоr tone of Listening fоr Ыосk -edond -ing
l)age 57 2 Тhе rосе to Ье tbe slowest
voice orgonizotion
= urьоп studies

l Очr world, оur senses Close Adding suffixes to

Yision Biology Recognizing
di{ferent types of
Listening fоr
tronsition questions
сhопgе odiectives
2 Dons le Nоir into nouns
Page 67

Счliпоrу оrts

l U|timote mеmоrу Close Pre-Iistening ех- words

Neuroscience Listening {оr words Рrероriпg fоr
2 Exploring environments
used to clossify listening
ЕпчirопmепtоI skills

l А life lesson Globol Close ldentifying word

Life Literory sfudies Listening to stories Listening {оr post fomilies
Ф o.nd рrеsепt time
Page В7 2 Неifеr lпtеrпоtiопоl
Anthropology signols

1 Love уочr iob Close Globol Using fчtчrе time

Wоrk нчmоп behoviour Listening to lists Listening {оr thе morkers
stгuсtчrе of о tolk
Page 97 2 Job skills fоr the future
= Economics

ýpeakirrg рrопuксiаtiсзm ýpea}cing tsigibook ýtuф
si<ill skill task video activity ski}ls
Тhе simple Moking Рrопочпсiпg word lnterviewing whot mokes о hего Ъkiпg good notes
рrеsепt tense introductions stress ond moking оп

verbs followed Getting ottention Рrопочпсiпg word Conducting о Time flies os you Теп time-soving
Ьу infinitives ond ond osking stress ond intonotion SUrчеу get older suggestions
gerunds permission in questions

Quontifiers Moking ond Linking consononts io Designing о dгеоm How очг hоmеs Tolking ond
responding to vo*els hоmе hоче сhопgеd listening skills

Тhе present Giving rеоsопs Pronouncing Tolking obout о Reoching [оr the Grорhiс оrgопizегs
progressive fоr оr ogoinst сопtгосtiопs ond trепd skies
tense {оr something word stress in рrеsепt
chonges очеr progressive stotements

Giving odvice Asking for ideos Рrопочпсiпg sуllоЫе Giving odvice Spots опd stripes Study support
ond exomples stress obout culturol networks

Superlotive Tolking obout Рrопочпсiпg reduced Соmроriпg А need [оr speed clossroom
fоrms of similorities ond {orms vocotions longuoge
odiectives ond differences

сопсrеtе ond Asking fоr Pronouncing {inol Toking роrt in о Leorning to see Сhесk your
obstroci nouns repetition ond consonont /t/ Ьеfоrе quiz mеmоrу style
cIorificotion опоthеr consonont

Expressing ond Toking time to think Ргопочпсiпg соп ond lnterviewing obout Pushing thе limits Using listening
osking obout Ьеfоrе speoking соп't mеmоrу notes [оr tests

Simple post Asking fоr mоrе Рrопочпсiпg -ed Telling о stоrу Soving ihе bees Storing lexis
tense questions iпfоrmоtiоп endings

Future forms lntroducing о tolk Seporoting thought Giving о tolk Work ond Setting lеоrпiпg
groups with pouses motivotion gools

;r+ то the ýtudent
У, Academic success requires so muсh mоrе than memorizing
facIs. It takes skills. This means that а successful student
}l сап Ьой lеаrп and think crifically.
|,..'|а' Shillful gives уоu:
r SНlls fоr leaming about а wide variety of topics f?оm
:ж, different angles and fiom different academic areas
r SНlls you need to succeed when reading and listening to
these texts
r Skills you need to succeed when writing fоr and
speaking to difГеrепt audiences l!^iv{tлi rия*.. з}tез

r Skills fоr critically examining the issues presented Ьу а

speaker оr а writer ReadingaWriting
l Sludy skills fоr learning and rеmеmЬеriпg thе English
language and important information.

То successfully use this book, use these strategies:

l Соmе to class рrераrеd to lеаrп. This means that you

should show up well-fed, well-rested, and рrераrеd with
the ргореr materials (раре., pen, textboo( completed
homework, and so on).
r Ask questions and interact. Lеагпiпg а language is not
passive. You need to actively participate. Help уоur
classmates, and let them help you. It is easier to leam а
language with оthеr people.
r Practice! Do each exercise а few times, wiф different
раrtпеrs. Меmоrйе and use пеw language. Use the
Shillful Digibook to develop the sНlls presented in the
Student's Book. Complete the additional activities оп
уоur соmрutеr outside of class to make ечеп mоrе
Rейеw уоur work. Look очеr фе sНlls, grаmmаr, and
vocabulary fiom previous units. Study а little bit each
dhy, поt just Ьеfоге tests.
Ве ап independent lеаrпец, too. Look fоr opportunities *,,r:., ;.. лсло!яlс rKtra

to study and practice English outside of dass, such as

rеаdiпg fоr рlеаsurе and using the Intemet in English. Reading&Writing
studentъ Book
Find and then shаrе iпfоrmаtiоп about the different
unit topics with уоur classmates. -,,:]

RеmеmЬеr that learning skills, like lеаrпiпg а language,

takes time and practice. Ве patient with уоursеli but do
not forget to set goals. Check уоur рrоgrеss and Ье рrоud
ofyour successl
I hоре you enjoy using S/zilfиl!

Dоrоthу Е. Zеmасh
series consultant

Welcome to ýkirlfal|
Each Slzllffиl unit has ten pages and is divided into two main sections: listening
skills апd speaking skills.
Listening 1_I
Тhе listening skills section always comes first and starts with а Discussioп роiпt и[
to lead уоu iп to the unit topic. RI
Тhеге аге thеп two listening texts for уоu to practice уоur listening skills

on. Тhеrе аrе activities to practice уоuг global listening skills and уоur close
Iistening skills, as well as oppoпunities to cTitically examine the ideas in
the texts. Кеу academic vocabulary is presented оп the page so you can see
essential tеrms to lеаrп.

Vocabulary skills also give you the сhапсе to develop the ways in which you
lеаrп and rеmеmЬег vocabulary frоm the listening texts.

LlýTEl'all'lG l оu, world, оur senses

ýе{т;r* _т*lt listclr
1 Look ot Йе picbres. Whicb of the onimolз do you thiпk hоs thе best
eyesight? Whу? Whiсh do you think hos the worst eyesight? Whу?
Discuss with о роrtпеп

Predict if these sentences ore true or folse. Write I (true) or F {folse}.

! Тhе huпrап еуе hаs six рапs.
? t)ur с1т пusсlеs аrе less active than оthеr nuscles in ouT body,
З \\Ьпrеп Ыiпk theil elcs rпоrе thatr mеп,
4 Eagles have пuсЬ bdter е!еsiзht thаD hulпапs,
ý ()rvls hаl.е рооr пi8hr vision,
* L]als с]ппц Sс€,

!Щ vrsroк

The speaking section has thгее main рагts: grаmmаг, pronunciation skills, and
speaking skills. You can find information оп each of these in boxes on the
раgе and these give essential iпfоrmаtiоп on these skills. At the end of this
section thеrе is а speaking task fоr you to put the ideas frоm the texts and the
skills frоm the speaking section into practice.

The final page in the unit focuses on study skills which will help you to
achieve academic success. Some of these pages соmе from The Study Skilb
НапdЬооk Ьу Stella Соttrеll, while others аrе engaging scenarios fоr you to Iead
and геflесt оп.

Using Skilfиl gives you ечец/thiпg you need for academic success.

cood luckl

]=ffi хý
Еасh Sklllful Student's Book comes r,vith а
code iп the back of the book that gives 1,ou
н frее access to the ассоmрапl.iпg Digibook.

'Гhе Digibook encourages
а Inore interactive
and engagit-lg learrring епчiгопmепt and
is чегч simple to access. Just go to w\л/w, апd fоllоw the step-

b,Y-steP instructions to 8et Staned!
ш 'l'hе first time чоu access the Digibook
will need an Iпtеrпеt connectiol1, but аfiеr
ý tlris it is роssiЫе to work offlir"re if уоu r,r,lsh.

'I'his contains a1l the same content as

уоur рriпtеd Str_rdent's Book, but уоu сап
use it оп yоur соmрutеr, enabling easier,
navigatiorr thrоugh the pages, а zoom
н function to сrеаtе Ьеttеr student focus, arrd
а peгsorral annotation lesolllce fol helpful
classroom notes. Ц5ЁЦПёl *!ьпзлr9пцша.

You can еithеr согrrрlеtе the ехtrа activities

aS voll 8о thror_rgh tlre Digital Stuc]eгrt's Book
via the interactive icot-ts, оrчоu car-r fiпd
thern all in опе рlасе iп the Sftl/fиl Plactice
агеа. Неrе усlu ,,vil1 fiпd а r,aliet_v оГ activities
to дlrасtiсе all the nerv skills апс1 lагrguаgе
yoll hаче learr-red irr tl-re Stuc]er-rt's Book,
inclr_rding r.ocabulary, grаmmаr апd skills-
based activities.

х Audio files fог olj of the lisbnings

iý Uselul suрроrt discussion,octivities
* D,igtionory definitions fоr thе Дсаdеmiс Keywords
g Uпlt checklisis ýо you соп rяопitоr how wel] you оrе
. progressing thTough the course.

'l'hеrе аrе also aclclitional productive tasks and

r.ideo activities linked to the unit to1-1ics.

Ifуоu cornplete any of the ехtга activities и,hilе

yoll аIе onlirre, уоuI scole r,r,ill Ье rесогdеd in
уоur mаrkЬооk so tlrat your teacher сап track l,tr .firiDls d].rt nre п..J5 ilr Ьц\
чоur plogfess. If you wоrl< offlirle чоuг sсогеs lvili

ье stoled and tlansferred to vot_tt,markbook the

пехt time vou connect.

whеthеr orrline or offline, in the сlаssгооm оr п! i.!n.n(tr[ il]r.п Iin 1] id

on the 1поче, the Shillt'ul Digibook allor.r,s чоu

to access atld usе its content r,vhile errcouTaging
i nteractive ear rling arrd effoпless sel f-str_rdy.

П тнЕ sK/ltгuiDlGlBooK
UNlт l


Discuss these questions with о portner.

ё Which of these wогds апd phrases describe someone's сhаrасtеr?

fuппу happy hardworking serious shy tall tired

Е Wlrat do you notice аlэоut the реорlе in the рiсturе? Describe thеiг
З Сап а реrsоп's сhаrасtеr change очеr time? Why? Are you the same person
уоu wеrе five years ago?

q)l a:.

Reod these sentences.@the
correct mеопiпgs of the words in bold.
аl l
_l Families often hаче а big рагý to celeыate the Ьirth of their first child.
о firstdayofschool Ь beginning of life
aDi 2 Му best friends all shаrе the same characteristics.
t_r l о qualities оr features Ь рrоЬlеms
.р( i 3 Му parents аrе the biggest influence оп mу сhаrасtеr and ideas.
l1 о
1-1 effect Ь rеаsоп
QJ ,,
4 If sоmеопе is very sad in mу country, they often talk to а psychologist.
ЁJ, о
clD mеmьеr Ь sоmеопе who studies people's minds
ап qlder family

.F{ I would like to do some rеsеаrсh on human Ьеhачiоr at university.

F] о detailed study Ь rеаdiпg
6 I аm very social.
I lоче to go to саfёs with mу friends.
о shy Ь friendly
7 I like mу teacher because she has а calm temperament.
о basic сhаrасtеr h voice
8 I аm the type of person who likes things to Ье neat апd tidy
0 gloups оr kinds ь diseases
2 Work with о роrtпеп Whiсh of the sentrences оrе true for you?

tlSTE]'llNG l Birth оrdеr and personality

.l}elurc yfiI_} rný{en
Ро уоч hоче Ьrоthеrs оr sisters? lf so, how mопу? Whof is thеir birth оrdеr?
How similor is their сhоrосtеr lo yours? Discuss with о portner.
йвrе Ьrgthеrs аиd.., sisters. му,,, Ь older
Qоинзеr thап иs.
{ ,,,
We are both ... , bHt wе hаче dфiепt..,
- | |:.-:., |, |,-. i
.,:.:. I j..,

\ '',if,ý,r,

The moin ideo is thе most imроrtопt ideo in
; ý

.. l,ý&
о listening possoge. А short possoge might
hоче опе mоiп ideo. Lопgеr possoges con
hоче mоrе thоп опе moin ideo. То identity
moin ideos, osk yourself: '1Vhоt оге the most
importont ideos iп thе possoge?" ond "Whot al
does thе speoker wont me to rеmеmЬеr?"
Words ond рhrоsеs thоt often signol о moin
ideo include:
. Ilf Il ll
phroses like to begin, le{s stort, nexf, ond rll ll ll
{inolly lll rl ll
a опswеrs to on iпtеrчiеwеrЪ questions
ideos оr wоrds thоt rереоt often in the

ll ll ll tt
Il tl ll
ll ll ll ra W
lз !!
@ Reod the moin ideos frоm Blrth order опd personolity.Then lisbn ond
correcl ony wrong sentences.
imроrtопt (od!1 irm'рэrtlа)пt
l Birth оrdеr has very little influence on people's personality.
2 First-born children аrе паturаl followers. rеsропsiЫе (odi1 irr'sропsэЬ(э tl

3 Middle сhildrеп аrе oflen peacemakers. subiect (п) /'s,tЬ,dзеkt

4 Youngest сhildrеп аrе often serious.
5 Опlу children аrе uпсоmfоrtаЫе аrоuпd adults.
6 Gender might influence personality mоrе than Ьiпh оrdеr.

LiФSe lяýlеfiýпg
лl !, v)
Мопу sentences hоче two рогts: о rеоsоп qnd о result. А rеоsоп оr couse U,
exploins whу something hоррепеd оr whу somebody does something. Listen
fоr thеsе signols to hеlр you identify thе reosons fоr something; becouse,
siпсе, thot's becouse.

r @ i.oz listen ogoin. Motch thе informotion with lhe rеоsопs.

l Oldest children аrе rеsропsiЫе.
2 Middle children spend а lot of time with йеir fгiепds. _
3 Youngest children аrе funny.
4 Only children аrе чеrЬаl.

о It is hard for them to get attention.

Ь They take саrе ofyounger sisters and Ьrоthеrs.
с Тhеir palents аrе always talking to them.
d Тhеу do not feel special in their families.

2 Write sentences with the informotion in exercise l. Use because, since,

опd thols becouse.

ý evetr*pimg critica} t&iшking

Discuss these questions in о group.
l Think of your own family оr а familyyou know well. Is the information
about first, middle, last, and only children correct оr iпсоrrесt? Explain
уоur апswеr. noise
t befiew tйо iийrупаtirlи is еоrrееt / iисвrrесt Ьвоаиsе ",. SPoce
2 Do уоu think it is best to Iive in а family with опе child, two children, time
thrее children, оr mоrе than thrее children? Why? Think about the things
in the Ьох оп the right.
l th;иl< itb Ьеst tp {ire iи а wttk .", сйýd ой;ldl,еи beaa*se ...
fаrп;l7 "r
3 Would you like to read Dr. Sperling's book on birth оrdеr? Why оr why not?
Use the useful words in the Ьох оп tlre right
l wои/l,/ wоцldи't {i/<c to rea/ Dr Sper/iryb Ьоо/< Ьесапsа,..

tпf tlSTE]'ll1'lG 2 Теmреrаmепt
Whу do you think some bobies cry mоrе thоп others? Do you know whot
you were like os о ЬоЬу? Discuss with о роrtпеr. Use the usefulwords in thе
Ьох оп the right.
.... ::.: ||. ::..:.,' |... ..


Global listening
@ l.оз listren to Теmреrоmепrопd @ thе соrrесt words in bold.
I Теmреrаmепt is паturаl / lеаrпеd.
2 Easy babies аrе happy / uпhарру most of the time. grоUр (п) /gruр/
3 Pifficult babies аrе чеry quiet / seem uпhарру. pottern (п) /'рretоrп/
4 Slow-to-warm-up people аrе friendly / саrеful in new situations. review (п) /гт'чj u/
5 Очеr time, people's tеmреrаmепt does / does not change much.
6 Things that we leam аftеr birth аrе as important as / mоrе important
than tеmреrаmепt.

Close listening
Ф l.оз Listen оgоiп. Сhесk (/) the lеmреrоmепt type for еосh
These babies Easy ýlоw-lо-wоrm-чр Diffitult
l do not eat оr sleep at the same time every day
2 social
3' сry а lot
4 not very active
5 quiet in new situations
6 smile а lot

Discuss these questions in о group.
l The рrоfеssоr says that most children аrе easy/ difficult, оr slow-to-
warm-up. Do you think а child сап fit into mоrе than опе of these grоuрs?
l tkиl it's posslble
/ |мроsыЬ/е
for а cllil to
ft More thаи оие o|these
?rоиfа r2r ,,.

l По you аgrее that temperament does not change muсh as we grow older?

2 Think obout thе ideos from Blrth order опd personolity опd Теmреrаmепt
ond discuss these questions in о grоuр.
l What has thе biggest influence on personaliý? Number the items ftom
1 (most important) to б (Ieast imропапt). Give reasons fоr your choices.
о Вiгth оrdеr
Ь Culture
с Friепds
d Gепdег
е Раrепl,S
l Теmреrаmепt
l t|,liиl< .,. hаs а Ьg ,l ,иеdlrm / st a/l t|пfиеисе 0и per1oпa/l|t Ьесаиsе ,,,
? Think about the jobs in the Ьох on the right, уоur Ьirth оrdеr, and уоur
temperament. Which is а good job fоr you?

l UNITl ll
рл Vocabulary ýkill
м ADalNG тнЕ ýurtl;{ -At

н Suffixes оrе wоrd endings thot сhопgе the meoning of о word, We соп use

lol0l the suffix -оl to сhопgе о noun into on od|ective.
Теосhiпg is о difficult profession. {поuп)

Му tеосhеr is чеrу professionaL (odiective)

Сhопgе these odiectives into почпs Ьу removing the suffix. Use о

dictionory if necessory.
н I typ ica l

? регsопаl
З паtuгаl
4 чеrЬа|
5 поrmаl

'-i,,, Listen ond complete these sentences. Тhеп write ADJ (od]ective) or

N (почп) next to еосh sentence.

l Every of ЬаЬу is
2 Му gTandmother has а very sweet
З It's fоr children to сry when they аrе tired.
4 Anita is very
5 Му sister's husband is а very kind
З Ask ond onswer these questions with о portner.
l What do you like to do on а typical weekerrd?
? Who is the most чеrЬа1 реrsоп in уоur fаmilу?
3 Do you enjoy watching ргоfеssiопаl spofis on television?
4 Do чоu like to wгitе реrsопаl letteгs?
5 Do уоu have any special паturаl abilities?
SPEAKIhiý Interviewing and making ап
You оrе going to Iеоrп оЬочt thе simple present tense, moking introductions,
ond pronouncing word stress. You ore thеп going lo use these to interview
someone ond introduce him or hеr to others.

: t'':1Ii-ll"лъ ll]'

__ l r-- i,-_.g;:_ ", ]; _!


тнý ýlмpLE рRЕýrNт TENýE lr.
Study thе fоrms fоr yes / по questions ond wb-questions in the simple
present tense:

Fоrm Ex*r*ple

Yes / по questions
ls the ЬоЬу osleep?
(Yes, hе is. / No, hе is not.}
Аrе thеу Ьrоthеrs?
(Yes, thеу оrе. / No, ihey оrе not.)
Do уоur sisters ploy together?
{Yes, they do, / No, they do not.)
Does your son enioy sports?
(Yes, hе does. /No, he does not.)
Wb- questions
Whot is thе boby's поmе? (Joseph.)
Who оrе the роrепts? (Мr. ond Мrs, Enoni.}
Whеrе do you wогk? (At о school.}
Whot do you woni to do when you groduote?
(Ве о doctor.)
Whot does the girl enioy?
(She enioys rеоdiпg.)

Moke yes / по questions with these words. Тhеп osk ond onswer the
queslions with о роrtпеr.
l he / have Ыоthеrs and sisters
? you / опIу child
3 you / оliеп late
4 уоu / enioy пеw situal,ioIls
5 psychologists / always wоrk in hospitals
* уош / а social реrsоп

Complete these wh- questions. Тhеп osk ond опswеr thе questions with
о роrtпеr.
I What уоur full паmе?
2 Where уоrrг family live?
3 When you usuaily go to sleep?
4 why you need to lеагп English?
5 Who уоur favorite authors?

English hоs mопу expгessions fоr introducing people to еосh оthеr. Some
-сr) expressions qrе iпfоrmql опd some оrе fоrmql.

ь0 This is mу friепd, Jock. i_Nnn*,

ts l would like you lo mееl mу tеосhец Mrs. Kim.
w, l would like lo iпtrоduсе mу ount Sопуа.

-G It is mу pleosure to introduce оur direclor, Mr. Wопg.

V) 1 fý} Listen ond complete these senlences.
l I Ii Nasrin, I'd mу colleague, Soo-Mi.
2 Richard, I'd mу grапdfаthеr, Мr. Smith.
3 Hi Ali. mу Ьrоthеr, Sami.
4 Hello class. It's ошr рrоgrаm director, Ms. Вrоwп.
5 Paul, mу friend, Miko.

2 Role ploy with о роrlпеr. lntroduce these people to eoch оthеп

l Yоur father to уоur tеасhеr.
2 The director of уоur соmрапу to а visitor frоm }арап.
3 yоur best friend to а new classmate.
4 Yоur Ыойеr to а work colleague.
5 Yоur uпсlе to уоur пеighЬоr.


Тhе importontwords in о sentence оrе stгessed. This meons thеу sound
highеr, louder, ond сlеоrеr thоп the unstressed words in the sentence.
А speoker соп сhооsе io stress опу imроrtопt wогds in о sentence.
Words thot оrе поrmоllу siressed: nouns, ,rеrЬs (except Ье), odiectives,
some оdчеrЬs, negotive words, qnd wfi- question wоrds.
Words thot оrе поrmоllу unstressed: ouxiliory чеrЬs, рrопочпs, огtiсlеs,
ond prepositions.
Do you НДVЕ опу ВRОТНЕRS оr 5I5TER5?
Дrе you о SERIOUý PERýON?
WHERE wеrе you BORN?

r @ ond notice thе stressed words. Тhеп listen ogoin ond repeot.
1.oo Listen
3 Тhеrе аrе THREE T\?ES of BABIES.

@ 1.or Llnd_erline the words you think оrе stressed. Тhеп lisien ond check
your onswers.
Joy: What's уоuг паmе?
Yпkuh: Yakub Маrа.
Jop Whеге аrе you frоm l
Yпkub: I'm frоm ]оrdап.
Juy; How mапу Ьrоthеrs and sisters do you have?
yчkчь: I hаче опе Ьrоthеr and мо sistels.
Juy: Are you the oldest? cl)

YпkчЬ: No, Т'm second.
Jay: What аrе thrее words that describe уоur character? l_
Yпkчh: I'm serious, rеsропsiЫе, and organized.
Jcy: What job do you want to hаче in the future?
Yчkчh: I want to Ье а doctor.
Jny: Why is this а good job for you?
YшkчЬ: It fits mу personality. I'm а паturаl leader.

3 Reod the interview with о роrtпеп Focus оп уочr word stress.

ýрtАкlшý тАýк
Reod this introduction. underline the stressed words., ffirhe verbs in thе
present simple tense.

Hi everybody. ltЪ my p|easure to introduce Yakub

Mara to you. НеЪ from Jordan. There are four children in
YаkuЬЪ fami|y, and hеЪ the second oldest. But he has а
personality like а first-born child. Не wants to Ье а doctor
when he graduates.

You will interview 50mеOпе опd introduce him Toptc
loii (ЙрЬ1;lЙ;;,;
brirr ibr
topics you could osk your роrtпеr oboul.

Look buck ol уоur wоrd mор. Мпkе six questions
to osk someone. Use the simple present lense
ond try t0 include odieпives ending -оl.
Toptc Topt,c
Ask ond 0п5wеr уOur questions with u роrlпеr.
Роу пttепliоп to уочr wоrd stress. Toke noles
0п your роrlпеrЪ onswers.

Fоrm о group. lntroduce уоur роrlпеr to the other students. Use expressions fоr moking оп introduction опd rеmеmЬеr
to stress importont words.

ýТUDY ýKltLS Taking good notes
-U) Discuss thеsе questions with о роrtпеr.
l Why is it imропапt fоr students to take notes during lectures?
2 What fоrm do уоur notes usually take?
3 Is taking notes difficult fоr you? Why оr why not?

Reod this scenorio. Тhiпk obout whоt Ноппоh is doing right опd whot she is
doing wrопg. Наппаh is а first-year student
in an introductory psychology
соursе. She has а laptop that
*qэýъgý{ý*r ia
she uses for taking notes in
Reod these eight tips for toking good notes. Discuss eoch one with о portner. lectures. Her method of taking
Аrе oIl of thеm importont? Аrе опу unnecessory? notes is to trу to write down
l Lесturе topic and date If you take notes on а computer, Ье surе to include every word the professor
the lесturе topic and date in the file паmе so that you сап find the notes says. She writes full words,
easily. sentences, and paragraphs.

2 Kq.words Do not write every wоrd. Write nouns, verbs, adjectives, and Ifthe professor talks too fast
or says something Наппаh
does not understand, she
Indent Write main ideas оп the left side of the page. Indent (move text
stops and waits until she is
2 сm to the right) as ideas Ьесоmе mоrе specific.
аЫе to start writing again.
Abheviations and symbols You саппоt write as fast as а lесturеr speaks. After each lecture, Hannah
сrеаtе abbreviations of соmmоп words. use svmbols to show the
writes the topic of the lecture
relationship between ideas.
and the date in the ýle паmе.
5 Grарhiс оrgапizеrs Use outlines, сhагts, gгарhs, and drawings whепечеr Then she sal,es her notes and
possible. stores them on hеr computer
6 One idea реr line Staпing а new line fоr each idea makes your notes еаsiег desktop. She does not look at
to rеаd апd rеmеmьеr. the notes again until it is time
Blank space If you get lost, leave а Ыапk space in уоur notes. Меr the to study for exams.
lecture, ask а classmate оr the professor to rереаt the information you
missed and write it down.
Rewrite Дwауs rewrite уоur notes аftеr а lecture. Rewriting helps уоu to
organize уоur notes, fill in gaps, and rеmеmЬеr the content of the lecture.
RеmеmЬеr that you will use уоur notes to study for tests, so make sure they
аrе as complete and easy to read as possible.

Discuss these questions with о роrtпеr.

l Which of the tips do you already follow?
2 Which suggestions will you try to usе in the future?
3 What оthеr ideas do you have fоr taking effective lecture notes?


Iistening fоr results
Using questions to
predict the mаiп
Recognizing roots
Cetting attention.
and asking
Discuss these queslions with о portner.
j Look at thе рiсtuге. What аrе the dark рапs оп the mооп? Why is Pronouncing
Й; mооп so imрогtапt? word strёss and
intonation in

? Ро vou always go to bed at the same time? Why оr why not?

З How mапу hоurs of sleep do you need? What happens when you have too little sleep?
lpl Reod these senlences. Cirile thе correct meonings of the words in bold.
l Sunshine causes people to feel awake сluriпg ti-re dщ,.
t! Stops Ь makes something happen
н 2 The mооп goes through а complete cycle every 29.5 days.
h sеriеs ofevents that rереаt rеgulаrlу
н 3 t do not know the апswеr to уоur question, but I will find out
{я discorrer fo rерlу
н 4 Scientists have рrооf that а day is exactly 2З hоurs, 56 minutes, and 4

seconds long.
* belief h inforrr-ratiotr to sholv something is truе
5 Тhеrе is а strong relafionship beмeen exercising and sleeping well
п с connection Ь competition
6 The teacher said the boy's паmе three times, but hе did not respond. Не

* react fu stand uр
7 The mother listened to the rh}thm of hеr bab1,'s Ьгеаthiпg.
* unpleasant noise h rеgulаr pattern
Е The fifth-grade class is doirrg а study оп night birds.
* rеsеаrсh рrоjесt & homework

!.ýýTýr*ýýtýý Е Circadian rhуthm

':.Listen to Circadian rhуIhm ond check (./) to complete these

senlences соrrесllу.
З 'I'his conversation is mainlr. about
g а Sulчеу.
h the body's iпtеrпаl clock.
{ people lvho wоrk at nigirt.
? Circadian rhуthm causes nost people to
ц Ье active during the dar,time.
ь sleep eight l-rours every night.
* study better at r-right
.: iп tlre stucll. that Lee talks about, scientists rr,anted to fincl out
:: if peopie irrrcl allimals har.e simi]ar сiгсаdiап гh_чtlrms.
1 а
r,r,hen ;leople fall aslee;l arrd lr,ake щl if tlrev do not knolv F|
rr,ll.tL tilrlc it is. о
{. if night rл,оrkеrs har,e lпоге acciderrts thап day r,r,оrkегs. J
.: rllost people have н
i; а 24-hоur o,cle.
,l 25-116ц1,,л,1,.,
|. а clifferent c,vcle irr slllтllllel and rчirrtеr. ,л
.: Ассогdiпg to Lee, rvhich peopie sometitnes harve accidents at
siee1-1 scientists. l_
i rrtriveгsitlr stuclents.
; peclple и,hо rцrоrk at niglrt.

' '
:| Listen ogoin ond write r (true) оr F (folse). Тhеп correct the
folse senlences.
Э Lee is doirrg а sLllrre\i fоr his historT class.
? l'Ire studr. r.оluпtеегs knetr, lvhirt ti1-1-1c: it rvas.
* тhе r.olunteers r,rrеге iп the rоопr fоr ttvo mопths,
€ The r.c,illtnteeгs could har.e r.isitoгs,
* Bella рrеfегs tc,l stuc]v at night

LgýTf; жЁ**# F** яa*stji_?ý

А rеsult оr effect is whqt hоррепs becouse of о rеоsоп (unit l ). Listen fоr

these signols to hеIр you identify thе result of something,. os о result, moke,
so. Whеп you toke notes, you сqп use оп оrrоw to show the relotionship
between rеаsопs ond results.

circle,the reoýons ond underline thе results in these sentences.

l Foods that har.e а lot of sugar make шап,ч people feel sleepy.
f ,\4arr1. trleople eat sugalт foods at lur-rcl-r. As а result, the1. nlg sleepv iп the
Э taking а bath at nrght callses sоше peopie to feel sleeplr
4 Studving сап make vou sleep1,, so it is impor-tarrt to take Ьгеаks.
З F]хегсisiпg irr the late аftегtlсlоп nrakes mar.v peo;lle sleep Ьеttег.

:';' ,,; ,: Listen to excerpts from Сirсоdiоп

rhуlhm. Correct lhese notes.

f {iy'c rtуi*эвз > p**yrir : s{:.'{€ Ф dау ,/ а;а:энаis : ac!!z,e Ф ,lay

3 fuaylq > lэ;.lzr'ц t{sа s{лr! а,ёаiн еrtry ý*у
ý €,q" Pc!i';c t 'tr;.e* i.;.;uTrs lgаrr i;,с*!эlСsfrry|lt,i Ф иiJlt! , sit:Р;r € #lEll{
€ i*laic х,s ;м:'s!*i:s + i;г:уr ,;i:;:lc;.li:;

5 tu.iг;i:t : *t!!я slr:cry > *esi i:';мs t* strлlу

tr}eveloping critical thinking
|rа]],:| Discuss these questions iп о group.
xJ lопе[у tiring
I Would you like а job that requires you to Ье awake at night? Why оr why not?
- wеIфсid
:ý,7|::: Use the usefuI words in Йе Ьох on the right.

2 Besides changing уоur sleep ryclg what else сап cause people to Ье tired?
Think about the things in the Ьох on the right.
People саи a{so Ьесооие tired whеи "", diet rочtiпе.
3 Ро you think rеsеаrсh into circadian rhуthm is helpful? ехеrсisе weqther
lthiи* rвsваrоh вirмdiа" rhчthм в ,l ви'ý
iжýо ile/pfr"{йeoa*se ... heoIth WorK

LIýTEШIЖG 2 Investigating the effects of the

Before уоu listen
Do you лоrmоllу роу ottention to the cycles of lhe mооп? Do you know whеп the
next lull mооп will Ье? Nome some onimols thot ore octive ot night. Whу do you
think thеу ore octive ot night? Discuss with о роrtпеr.
l lo ,/ lоиt рау аttеиtiои to thе cyoles of the моои, l thiи/< thе пехt /иll rиооп Ь ...
.,. are aotit i а? иФht. t thiиI thф'rе aotire at пight Ьесаиsе ...

Uý|NG QUEýTIONý тс PRED!СT тнЕ MAIN lDЕд '2=:.=:=,==.=:=::=:_!.=:=::


Sometimes о speoker osks questions ot thе beginning of о discussion,

tolk, оr speech. Listening fоr questions will hеlр you to determine whot thе
sреоkеr will tolk obout.
Еосh уеоr, millions of people suffer frоm о сirсоdiqп rhуthm рrоЫеm colled
Seosono/ АflЪсlivе Disorder, оr SДD. Whot causes SДD, опd how соп you
рrеvепI it?
ln this exomple, we соп predict thot thе sреоkеr will tolk obout the couses of ,,],

SAD ond hоw to рrечепt it. *


,,,:, Listen to the introduction of lnvestigoling thе effecls of the mооп.


Check (/) thе moin ideo of the tolk.

I Stories about the dangers of the full mооп
2 The effects of the mооп оп animal Ьеhачiоr
3 How to stay safe rvhen the moorr is full
,|,,i ,.,' Now listen Io lnvestigating lhе effects of lhе mооп ond пчmЬеr these
topics in order.
g The etTect of moonlight оп осеап animals arrd insects
h Сrаig Расkеr's discovery about the full moor-r and lion Ьеhачiоr
t Тhе effect of the Iпооп on осеап tides occording to (рrер) /а'kсrdIц
d Information about lion attacks ,tu/
е The possible relationship between the mооп's rycles апd
qctive todi) /'юktIv/
humап Ьеhачiог effect (n) /r'f ekt/
, Сhесk (.Z) the correct sentences. Тhеп listen ond check your onswers. |,.(l)','
Е ]'hе mооп causes the tides Ьу pushing оп the oceans. Ф,,
? Lhe relatiorrship between the пооп and tides was discoveгed
tl-re )J
100 vears ago.
Э Moolllight causes some ocean animals to hide. -)
€ Some insects waik iп а straigl-rt line when the mооп is out. oq
$ The lion attacks hаррепеd in Кепуа.

* The attacks happened after the full пlооп. lJ.
:,,. , td
, Listen to the second port oI lnvesligoling the effecls of lhе mооп. l_
circle the correcl notes in bold. а

л& :

лиоои Fи//лиоои Дftеrf"/lrиоои
{ М{}ои risеs beforo / феr s** З Mclrsи risсs earr,/ late 5 Мооп rlses Ьеfоrе ,/
фвr s",
sets : tиоrе,/ /еss еrеиiиз /ýht : чиоrе ,/ lеss /tзkt ýetý = моrе / {ess еrеиiry lфht
!-iоиs саи ,/ саипоt hииt 4 Ьоцs саи ,/ саииоt Йицt Lio*s саи ,/ саииоt hииt :
: шоrе,/ less й"и3lу : rиоrе / /еss /t"и_ql7 поrе / less dаryеr o{l'a,

Discuss these questions in о group.
l Can you think of оthеr reasons why lions might attack people? Think епdопgеrеd species
about thеir епчirопmепt and the things in the Ьох оп the right. fеоr
!-iоиs *иýйt
реор/е beca*se
пttао/< .."

2 Will Craig Packer's rеsеаrсh help to save people's lives? Why оr why not?
l tll;M& $te rеsеаrdl wt|// ,/ wои't йе/р ь sat e /tres becarse ...

Think obout the ideos lrom Сirсоdiап rhУhm ond IлчеsфоIiпg thе ef{ects
of Ihе mооп ond discuss these questions in о grоuр.
! Do уоu think lions have the same circadian Thythm as humans? Why оr
why not?
/ ds./d{}п't t/riи* /iоиs аиd h**виs /la,rc thе sаtие circallaп rhуthп
&сеа*sв ..,
2 How do animals rеsропd to the rycles in паturе in the Ьох on the right?
Aиiшals rеsроиd to Ц
о VосаЪulаry skill


1 Моtсh the ports of the words in bold with their meonings.

triangle do
duratior-t time
activit1. lasting
tеmроrаlт circle
annua1 уеаr
iпdiгесt thrее
rycle not

2 These words hove thе some roots os lhe words in exercise l. Моrсh these
words with thе definitions.
anniversary sоmеопе rvho гidеs а bike
inabiIity агr object r,vith thrее legs tirat is used fог suppoгting
ryclist Sonething, such as а саIпеrа
action not being able to do sornething
tгiроd able to stav in good conclition fоr а long tirrre
tempo а date wi-ren you сеlеЫаtе sornethirrg that hаррепес1
duгabiIity iп the ргечiоtls vеаг lhat is iпlрогtапt t() \ utl
the speed at lvhich somethitrg happens
something чоu do

3 Complete fhese questions using thе words in exercises I ond 2. Тhеп osk
ond onswer with о роrtпеr.
Т Would you like to get а оr а per-mallent job l,r.het-t ,чоu
leave college? Why?
Ё Нои. long does а complete оп а rl,aslrilrg rnachirre
ý what is the of the class? Тъ,о hоurs?
* Do чоu оwп а fоr yоur cirmeTai
}r Do yоu ргеfеr to take а cluick от at-r rоutе to class?
* Which events do.vou go to?
ýРЕе!{ýЖý Conducting а surчеу
You оrе going to lеоrп obout verbs followed Ьу infinitives ond gerunds,
getting oltention опd osking permission, ond pronouncing word stress ond
inlonotion in questions. You ore thеп going to use these to conduct о survey
obout circodion rhуthm.

a..:|;,}. {.., х з__l z, :_l:i.|1.

VЁRВý F*LL*ъVЁý *Y lr,*FýN'ТlVýý А}"{* *f;Raj}-ýBý

Certoin чеrЬs сqп Ье followed Ьу on infinitive ond оthеrs con Ье followed

Ьу о gerund. Some чеrЬs соп Ье followed Ьу еithег оп infinitive оr о gеruпd
with little оr no сhопgе in meoning. Study thе fоrms:

F*gаз: ýx*eKpl*

VеrЬs followed Ьу infinitives

не chooses to live
*VеrЬs thot соп follow with his роrепts.
this роttеrп include: begin,
сhооsе, expect, hоtе, like, love, пееd, рrеfеr,
stоrt, wопl, would like
тhе full mооп
*VегЬs thot соп follow this couses lions to huпt.
роttегп include: coL)seI
expect, пееd, require, fell, wопt, would like
VеrЬs followed Ьу gerunds
:,| ' ,;'';,'. l епjоу being owoke
*VеrЬs thot соп ot night.
Ье followed Ьу о gеruпd include:
begin, епiоу, fiпish, hote, like, love, rесоmmепd,
siorf, suggest

бi_rчDthе correct form of the words in bold. Sometimes both forms

оrе correct.

Many travelers suffer from а

when people fly east оr west fot
some travelers (1) to feel / feeli
zone.They may need several d
lf уоu love (З) to travel / traveling
suggestions for you. First, they suggest (4) to (

of water before and during the flight. They also te|l trave|ers (5) to avoid i avoiding
fatty food. lf your flight arrives in the daytime, doctors recommend (6) to stay / staying
awake until the evening, (7) to spend / spending time in the suп, and
(8) to eat / eating li9htly. lf you do these things, you will begin (9) to feel / feelin9
better in а day or two.

Work with о portner. Complete these sentences with infinitives оr gerunds

ond уочr оwп ideos.
] On lveekends, l l-rate
3 Веfоrе I go to bed, l har,e to finish
9 When l соmе hоmе after а vacation, l expect
4 Оur tеасhеr always tells
5 Whепltгаrеl, lргеГег
о Speaking skill
-. t-l
,_l GEп|NG AттENTIoN AND АýкlNб PERMlýSloN
*v English hоs iпfоrmоl qпd fоrmоl woys of osking fоr permission. Use informol
cl) expressions fоr tolking with friends, fomily, оr clqssmqtes. Use formol
ь0 expressions fоr to|king with реорlе you do not know well. You moy need to
get your listener's qttention Ье[оrе you osk fоr permission.
.ti ottention
Excuse mе.
Askino fоr permission
оК if l sit hеrе?
ls il
сЁ Рqrdоп mе. Соп l osk you о queslion?
Could l use уоur book?
U) ltloy l iпfеrruрl? fоrпаl

r @ l"за Listen ond complete these sentences. Тhеп discuss if they ore
informol оr formql.
l It's raining. use уоur umЬrеllа?
ОК, по рrоЫеm.
Professor. talk to you fоr а minute?
I'm sоrцz, I hаче а meeting now. But I can see you later.
з sit hеrе?
I'm sоrry, I'm sайпg the seat fоr mу friend.
go before you in йе line?
Sоrry I'm in а hurry too
JI I Ьоrrоw уоur dictionary?
2 Role ploy with о роrtпеr. Get ottention ond osk for permission in these
l You аrе doing а surчеу. You want to ask уоur раrtпеr а question.
2 You аrе cold. You want to close the window.
3 Yоur teacher is working in his office. You hаче а question. Ask for
permission to enter.
You hаче а doctor's appointment. Ask уоur professor if you can leave
class еаrlу.
5 You аrе at а restaurant. Ask the waiter if you can рау with а credit саrd.
6 You want to use уоur fiiend's phone because you left уоurs at hоmе.

ff е"* азаахэсi а*й q} ýэ ýk* ý а


Yes / по questions hоче rising intonotion. This meons the voice rises оп thе
lqst stressed sуllоЫе ond thеп keeps оп rising until the end of the sentence.
Sometimes, thе lost stressed sуllоЫе is the lqst word of thе sentence. И/Ь-
questions hоче о rising-folling intonotion. Тhе чоiсе goes up оп thе lost
stressed sу|lоЫе ond thеп goes down.

Do you hоvе о PROBLEM -ith JffT#

WHY doSOME people ехреriепсеЙБr

. ' ,,Underline the lost stressed sуllоЫеs. Drow orrows to show rising (r)
ond folling inlonotion. Тhеп listen ond check уоur оп5wеr5. цэ
! What do уоu want to find out? tъ
Ё Is thеrе а сurе fог jet lag? F)
3 Why do liorrs hunt at night? л
4 Who discovered сirсаdiап rhуhm? |{
ý Do plants rеsропd to the cycles of the mооп?
* Аrе.чоu tiгеd?
2Ф 1,15 Listen ogoin ond rереоt. Fосчs on уочr stress ond intonotion.
ýрý&ý{ýжý жýк U,

Reod this survey. Notice the expressions used to get ottention ond osk for
permission. ldentify the questions ond ч1фr_liп,g
underline the stressed words ond mork
rising ond folling intonotion. Highlight the verbs + infinitives ond thе verbs +
gerunds in different colors.

Excuse mе, Sandra. I'm taking а survey fоr
mу biology class. Can I ask you some questions?
Suге, по ргоЬlеm.
ОК. First, when do you ргеfеr ,:*Ъ
to go to sleep each night?

fiЖ:}i:ýiН: ",,leep
do *b ýеý \с*хъСЬГl
уоu need to get?
About seven and а half.
Question З, do you епiоу eating
\ *ý{i"
Yes, I do. I don't like skipping breakfast because then
I can't concent[ate in class.
Thanks, Sапdrа.
Yоu'ге wеlсоmе.

You wоrk fоr оп orgonizotion thot сопduсts 5urveys. You will condud 0 survey obout реорlеЪ sleeping ond woking
cycles. Broinslorm topics уоu could osk оЬочl. Use the words iп the Ьох uпd уочr оwп ideus.

Wоrk with о роrlпеr. Look bock ol уоur broinstorm uпd write уоur survey. lпсludе expressions for getting оltепliоп
опd osking permission.

Proctice osking your questions. Роу пttепtiоп to wоrd slress ond iпtопоliоп.

Survey os mопу people os possible. RеmеmЬеr to use the соrrеd wоrd slress ппd iпlопgliоп. Toke поtеs 0п уOuг
clossmotes'Onswers iп о chort. Present уочr survey results to the cluss.
Теm tý mе-sаwfr пg ý&,ýýgestýons
н Ьу Stella Cottrell

и Х Save rewriting пФtеý" апd find уочлr notes

л. ,; -1,1.,

2 Save time writing notes ýтЕtЦ

сgýýgц ,,,

6 Usе word limits to focus уOur enerýieý
-lл+-;l. !oLcl,
х Do поt write the same iпfоrrпаtiоп twice.

Save time looking for notes

- Vллл {l.л* _:! :л лл^ лl^.,л
г:lл +Lл* л-.._..
l, ,,,L l:tL:,: лл alUlly,
*r yUU Уw .!ллл

х [',ium|зеr уоur page5, ancj ,}hlt

Iabel оr со|оr-
rпгlо ihдm
lLlll hrr
Uy cl tbiart
(r\ r/лl
yvu l clh
dt I
ллl J;лl
1-1'ia]L' .ll l{l l :!
;.лlл,_,_л_;:л.^ лл_ll.,
7 ýave time thinking
х i\lote whеrе the iпfоrmаtiоп саmе frоm,
Always саrrу а small book to rесоrd ideas
r Кеер en {uodated) guide to усur f rlcs.
as уоu think of them,
Тrу "lэrаiпstоrmiпg" to get }iOur гпiпd
ýаvе tin:e reac!ing working.
I D^-J
к€ао orlly
"",L-+;- rеlеvапт то +L;_
iS "лiл. TnlS л__-,
,,"-,,э, ,-"-"
л. -..;лл-лл+ 8 Save time organizing iпfоrmаtiоп
r l{ something looks interesting for The
+,,+,,"л Ь,,+ j. лл+ .лlл,,-л+ ал,л, мrl,л r

note of it,

5 5ачс tirпе in writirзg and looking Lip yбLJr

;п the margin of уоul l,]uteý, ,r.,rite the
ра9е rе{егепсе fгоm the bclok. оJ (Javý
эъlа +imа
L!ril€ rrrуi+iпл
vvt i(ll!1 э
Fоr еvегу book. artii!e, etc, that you ,
vldlltt: -__:л_*л,лд_
i],let iiy (},liU
-_+- _l_л*лл
d ldpt.Jp
rеас!, Coilrpiete an i;,tdex cai,d or keep ап
,,лlл+л-l {.l., ...d,,,,.,," -..1л-лл_л-
,,le L,l л_
Ull +Lл
uLrudLeU YtJU! leltle||Le5 1,1lU
(оmрutеr * уоu ъvill рrоЬаЬlу use ýоmе fог ,iп
tv А.,лi-l
пччiч J,,лl;--+;лл
uчplltqrtlly ^11л-+
ý! lvl (
mпrд *h:п пrrд :ссiлп*rдпt
_l _ \il!l!ta
_t,,_l,. .__._:._
л,- L- -l--,__ .__-__._-i_

tasks and tacti(s, and to Ьrа:п:i,оi rn iCeas

26 UNIT 2 TlME


l уlд
-,- з_
..ъ ,ý

FRoýUNclATioN Linking сопsопапtý
to \.o\fels
scuss these questions with о роrtпеr.
Look at the picture. Describe thе house.
, r : |,а| i.,:,.,.|..- ra..| a.| :.,-,,
|- :.. :r,ra,..

Describe уоur Ьеdrооm. Think about: color, flооr, furпiturе, walls, and l
What is the best thing about уоur Ьеdrооm?

Do you рrеfеr big houses оr small houses? Why?

:{ 1 Reod these sentences. Circle thе correcl meonings of thе words in bold.
I Two benefits of living in my аrеа аrе grеаt пеighЬогs and lots of stоrеs.
ч advantages h ргоЬlеms оr bad points
2 We have strong bonds with all of оur r-reighbors ilr mу hometow1-1.
о business activities Ь special feelings of connection
3 Оur kitchen is very compact, so we usually have simple meals.
с small Ь messy оr dirty
4 Му rооm at hоmе is nice and cozy
0 neat and tidy ь wаrm and соmfоrtаьlе
5 Дl of оur extended family mеmЬеrs соmе to оur home at least опсе а уеаr,
0 чоur closest friends Ь уоur grandparents, cousins, aunts, etc
6 МеmЬегs of the older generation often live in thеir own homes in оur сulturе
ч people fгоm thе same country Ь people Ьоrп аrоuпd the same time
7 Му in-laws live close to mе and they аrе kind to mе.
о famil1. of уоur husband оr wife h people уоu wolk with
8 Тhе cost of living is usually highег in urЬап аrеаs.
{: towlls and cities h the countryside
2 Work with о роrtпеr. Whiсh of thе sentences оrе true fоr уоч?

LIýTE}llruý l Multi-generational homes

Веfоrе уоu listen Jý..

Соп you guess whof о multi-generotionol

hоmе is? How mопу people live iп уочr
hоmе? Whot]oges оrе thеу? How mопу
generotions оrе lhere in your hоmе?
Discuss with о роrlпеr. ý
lth;иk а м*ki-аеиеrаtiоиа{/tоме is ...

Gl*ba} Xistening
' Listen to fuluhi-generationol
bomes ond check (/) thе five topics thе
speoker tolks obout.
l Homes in traditional cultures
2 The meaning of multi-generational
3 Pifferent hоusе designs
4 Economics агrd mопеу
5 Еldеrlу hеаlthсаrе
6 l'amily alld соmmuпitч l,ies
7 Ноmе рriсеs iп the futurе

r @ ogoin ond @ф the correct words in bold.
1.1o Listen choice (п) /tJэrs/ сr)
| r,+
-Multi-generational hоmеs аrе соmmоп / not соmmоп in mапу сulturеs. include (ч) /In'klud/
2 Parents living with their teenaged children is / is not an example of а l-a
porticulor (odi) iрэr'trkjаlэr/ ,)
multi-generational hоmе. lt.
3 Young adults оftеп mоче back hоmе because they do not want / l-+
cannot аffоrd to live on their оwп. оа
4 Неаlthсаrе costs fоr the elderly аrе getting сhеареr / mоrе expensive.
5 cl)
The globalized world makes it easier / mоrе difficult for people to feel )-]
а sense of home.
6 According to Dr. Fаrid, in multi-gen homes, cooking, cleaning, and )_
privacy аrе advantages / issues, (л

Sреоkеrs often use speciol terms thоt you might not know. Sometimes, thеrе
is q shоrt pouse Ьеfоrе thе speciol tеrm, оr thеrе is о signol Ьеfоrе оr оftеr
the speciol tеrm such os: col/ed, kпоwп os, so-colled, whqt we (соп) coll.
Listening [оr these signols соп hеlр to focus оп the speciol tеrm.

2Ф t,l& Listen ogoin ond check (/) thе signol for eoch speciol term.

tпllеd . go-cцIled . whсt we {0п (0ll . kпоwп qs .

I Вооmеrапg kids
2 Empty nest
3 crowded nest
4 Generation Х

3 @ 1.1l Listen ond complete these sentences obout multi-gen homes.

I Some people want а multi-gen house to have space fоr the grandparents
complete with its own Ьаthrооm and kitchen .,, ._. an
"in-Iaw араrtmепt".
2 Many people Ьоrп in the 1960s and'70s, "сепеrаtiоп
X," want to hаче space in their hоmе for ап office.
з Тhе Generation y kids, also the "millennial
generation," were Ьоrп fro- ф" tSSOs a mid-1990s, and they
make up the largest пumЬеr of _
't " "Ьооmеrапg
kids." :,,: a

ý еъr*}сзрiаэg *ritica? t*aiжý<img ',]ioiy-sittlng

Discuss these questions in о group. ýrосегf shopping
I What аrе sоmе advantages and disadvantages of multi-gen homes? Think hочsеhон сhогеs
about the things in the Ьох on the right. living space
Advcntuges Diзоdччпtоgеs trопsроrtсtiол

иееd t0 bny mоrе fool-expeиýive

"Empty nest" describes the feelings parents hаче after their children mоче
out of their home. Do you think these feelings аrе positive, negative, оr
mixed? Use the useful words in the Ьох on the right.
Wlqeм slý;{dý"gи мо{r g*t s{йвме, ýаrеяts рrо&вЬlу {Bel ...
lrf týýтýжýж* ж Less is mоrе
How mопу rooms оrе there in your house? Which is the lorgest rооm?
н How big is it? Whot do you think is thе smollest room you could live in?
Discuss with о роrlпеr. ьqthrооm kitchen
н Ьеdrооm
dining rооm


Веfоrе you listen to о news героrt, lесtuге, оr presentotion/ you con use
informotion like the title ond pictures, to hеlр you predict оr guess thе moin
ideos. You con olso guess some of the key words thot you will hеоr. Doing
this hеlр5 you to Ье on octive listener, ond it increoses уоur соmрrеhепsiоп.

2 Look ot the title ond picture. Answer these questions.

I l'hink аЬоut the title lass is mоrе. What do уоu predict the main idea
will Ье?
? Do you think the героr1 will give а positive oI negative opinioir of tiгi1,
homes? Why?
З What key wоrds do уоu predict аrе iп Les_s is mоrе?

1Ф , l Listen to less is mоrе ond check your predictions.

2Ф . Listen ogoin ond пчmЬеr these topics in order. design (v) ldt'zalпl
* The diffelent types of homes MtIS cornpan1. sells during (рrер) /'clclrrn/

ь The cost of Dhez arrd Marla's hоrпе movement (n) /'muчmэпt/

t Why Dhez and Маrtа like living irr thеiг srna]l hоrпе
d Why the tiny hоusе mочеmепt is becorning рорulаг
е The size апd design of Dhez arrd Marla's hоmе

Close listening
Whоt do these symbols ond obЫeviotions mеоп? Compore your onswers
with о portner.
зl ýе8
З-/ *

,,.: Listen оgоiп ond correct thе sечеп errors in these notes.

tiиу Йоаsе lъoreMeиt !

м thеу йоуие: l bel, l оиуЬоаrf litc/teи, toi/et/showet" pod
Ьо*зht *о*е rеаdу-оиаdе
froM МН5
MHS: seffs йоwеs 5*4S sqMs; € lеslзиs ез: L l r
оа, leliner w/ьuйее{s
уиt fe{$ fr*rt, п,rец frоиtуаrd;
саи Ьас/< oftr*cl<
ьrzмs йо*е : $r7,ooo
MBt*a: miиi-Йапцs иs€ý > €иеryу Ьиt oozy

Discuss these questions in о group.

! What аrе some оthег benefits to living in а tiny hоmе? Think about the сlеопiпg lifestyle
things in the Ьох on the гight.
епеrgу use locotion
:.,:|::.| ..:|'.,,.,,',... .a' ., :, !:.1,.,.'.
З Give some disadvantages of living in а tiny hоmе.

Тhiпk obout the ideos irom liulti-generolionol hоmеs ond less is mоrе
ond discuss these questions in о grочр.
l Is it роssiЫе to have small, multi-gen hоmеs? Whу оr why not?
,',1,:1.,,,.',,::; ,..; ' |: ',-.' ';.'..;,',,...:'.,,;,;. a,::-:.:|:.|a..-..,

? Which is mоге соmlпоп in уоur country: living with other gепеrаtiопs

ог living in а compact space? WiII this сhапgе in the future? Think cost family size
about the things in the Ьох on the гight. customs spoce
hеоlthсоrе trends


ý 1Y, "

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-,*'' yýi
г l 'ёlЕl .
:F ý

|, r -=1'r rfr lljl ] r ,?l

n-:i a-', '}1
ý |ýцj] :

.l jinl *. Ё*ý

т, l ti
, :I ;.
r 'jlj',
.;] :

tF r ч,,
Е t 1{,

ущ. ,; a
ii1' fi: { s;;iilý
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I W, I ня1l ж]i

lrf, HOUSE AND ноrtr4g
Тhе wогds house ond hоmе соп hove slightly different meonings. А house is
Б о building fоr living in. А hоmе is whеrе уоu live, where you оrе frоm, ond
Еп whеrе уоu feel соmfоrtоЫе,
Тhеrе qrе mопу words thot begin with house qпd hоrпе:
ж h,*,k*r,, hоиеиаkеr -\ h,
н ) (ho"seholr
r -чз)
r^ Ч?

hоиsеwtfе \
ho-i-^ale \
] )
hоиsер/аиt hопеstау

Тhеrе оrе olso mопу чеrЬ + поuп collocotions with home:

Ье {ot) + hоmе l оm usually ot hоmе iп lhе еvепiпg.
go +hоmе lt is getting lote, so we shоuld go hоmе поw.
live ot + hоmе Му оldеr sisfer lives ol hоmе.
mоче bock + hоmе l do поt wопf to mоvе bock hоmе оftег l groduote,
stoy (ot) + hоmе lt is о Ьеочtifчl doy, so l do поt wопt to stoy ol hоmе

1 Complete these sentences. Use lhе house ond hоmе words in thе Ьох.

hоmе-mаdе homesick homestay

housekeeper houseplant hоusеwоrk

I This rооm looks very nice with that in the соrпеr.

2 I аm so busy with mу studies these days, I have по time to do the

з Did уоu feel very when you wеrе studl,ing аЬrоаd?

4 We hаче а who works fоr us thrее days а и,ееk.
5 This .- Ьrеаd is delicious and healthy.
6 Iwant to do а опе-mопth in Canada to improve
mу English.

Ask ond опswеr these questions with о porlner.

l How much hоmеwоrk do you usually get at the weekend?
2 Would you like to gо to do а homestay? Why? / Why not?
3 Who does the housework in уоur family? Do you ечеr do апу?
How often?
4 Do you have any houseplants in your home? Whеrе аrе they?
5 Have you ечеr felt homesick? When?

@щномЕ I
ýРЕАК!Жfr Designing а drеаm home
You оrе going to Ьоrп obout quontifiers, moking ond responding to
suggestions, ond linking consononts to vowels. You ore thеп going to use
thеsе to work with о роrlпеr ond design о dreom hоmе.

,: {':.. ?,l|\ \-i?,. .4a э.r

.,, :. f, .i,1, a l з a.| €.2.-:.


You соп odd о quontifier Ьеfоrе о поuп to give mоrе iпfоrmоtiоп.

Study the forms:

tgrпз Ж**ni*g *f qu*пiifi*r Ехпmрlе

ofew/olittle тhеrе оrе some new houses.

попе (iп о negotive

о {ew оr о liftle
(in questions)

indicotes whеthеr the Тhеrе is noi enough spoce

пumьеr оr omouni of fоr oIl оur books,
something is sotisfoctory
indicotes thot ihe пumьеr
оr omount of somelhing
is too high


1 Complete these sentences with ýоmе оr опу. Sometimes both ore correcl.
? 'Гhе1, do not have flоwегs in the gаrdеп yet,
З Аrе thеrе сuрЬоаrds in the Ьеdrооm?
З We have very fгiепdlу rreighboгs.
4 Тhеrе аrе not restal],rants in this neighborhood.
ý Тhеrе is space on the shelf in that rооm.
& Ро you have hоmеwоrk this evening?

Work with о роrtпеr. Moke senlences for these situotions. Use /nof/
епоugh, too muсh, оr foo mапу.
ý Five people wапt to eat dirrner. f'hеrе аrе fоur plates.
? The 8агаgе lras space fоr t,,r,o сагs. Tl-re family has tъ.о сагs.
З There is space irr the сuрЬоагd fог tеп shirls. jamal has 15 shiпs.
4 Sofia \,vants to put а lot of foocl in the fridge. Тhе fridge is verT small.
ý Тhе kitchen is very smalI. F'оuг peo;lle аrе tшiпg to cook in the kitсhеп.
* I hаче а lot of books. I have а lot of bookcases.

Speaking ýkill
Whеп people work together, thеу оttеп moke suggestions to do something
ог сhопgе something.
Moking suggestions
l suggesf we put tbe desi< пехl fo tbe book cose.
МоуЬе you could buy this опе since it's bigger.
Whу dоп'l you/we eot ot thе diпiпg toble?
Let's do it this woy.
How оЬоut moving the bed so if is iп thе соrпеr?
Whot oboul pulting thе desk пехt fo lhе bookcose?
Acceptino suooestions
ОК, thot is о good ideo,
Sure, l оm hорру with thot.
Reiectino suooestions
l thiпk it might Ье Ьеftеr to put it thеrе Ьесоusе thеrе is mоrе spoce.
l thiпk l would rоlhеr buy thоf опе siпсе it is сhеореr.

r @ 1.1t Listen ond write thе ехрrеýýiопs used to moke о suggestion. Тhеп
listen ogoin опd check (/) thе suggestions whiсh оrе оссерtБd.

ýчggеstiоп Expressiolt шsеd &сс*рЁ*d?

I cook riсе for diппеr

Change the furniture
3 Put flowers in tlre garden
4 Stay hоmе and watch ТV
Put а bookcase thеrе ;

2 Proctice moking ond occepting / reiecting the suggestions in ехеrсisе l.

3 Role ploy with о porlner. Toke turns moking ond occepting /
reiecting these suggestions obout how to improve your
l Hang this painting on the wall.
2 Put the houseplant in опе of the rооms. й
3 Buy а пеw sofa for the living rооm. у
4 Сhапgе the соlоr of the Ьеdrооm.

Уrq}ý}ý&с* *tiqзхr ý&{ý}ý


;* When о word ends in о consonont опd thе following word storts with о
, Underline finol consononts followed Ьу initiolvowels. Тhеп listen
ond notice thе pronunciotion.
i Тhеге's а growing irumber of voung adults.
? So I suppose the rrrulti-gen hоmе Ьооm has а lot going fог it.
3 We often sa.v "honre is r.чhеrе the hеаrt is."
4 Рrоfеssоr Lee is ап ехрегt in tlris аrеа.
5 What does Dhez think аЬоut thеiг livirrg spacel
* Тhеrе's enouglr splace fоr а bed.

Reod the sentences with о роrtпеr. Focus оп linking finoI consononts to


ýрý&ý{!жý теýж
Reod this сопчеrsоtiоп. Notice the expressions used to moke ond respond
to suggestions.@ф the quontifiers.'U!фdiле finol consononts followed Ьу

N4y drеаm hопе is not so big, but

thеrе's епоugh space fоr а big family and
grandparents. l also want it to Ье пеаr а
riчеr оr lake because I like the water. Му
drеаm hоmе has five rооms, with а nice,
mоdеrп kitcher-r, and а соmfопаЬlе living
rооm. Му bedroom has епоugh shelves
and сuрЬоаrds fоr all mу books апd
clothes. I'm not surе how to dесогаtе it.
What do you think?
WelI, how about having а big desk irr the
соrпеr fоr studying?
ОК, that's а good idea.
Апd why dor-r't уоu ptlt sоmе houseplants
in уоur living rооm?
Suге, I'm hарру with that.

Think obout your dreom hоmе. Answer these queslions.
I How big is it? 4 whot rooms does it hove?
2 Who lives in it? 5 Whot is speciol оЬоul уоur drеоm hоmе?

з where is it?

look Ьпсk ol уоur broinstorm. Drolv о floor plon of уоur drеоm hоmе gпd write о descriplion. Use quOnlifiers.

Work with о роrtпеr. Toke lurпs deKribing your dreom hоmе, Роу ottenlion to уочr linking of finol сопsопопls to initiol
vowels. Moke suggestions оЬоut eoch оthеrЪ dreom homes опd respond to the suggestion5, lmprove уоur dreom hоmе.

Fоrm о group. Toke turns presenting уOur dreom homes ond moke suggeslions. Respond to lhe grоuрЪ suggestions.
Decide whose dreom hоmе Ь lhe befi.
vr, Таýýсýrзg a*Td ýýstсrзýryтg sýсýýýs
Ьу Stella Cottrell
Good comrnunication is а two-way process. lt
takes good listening skills and participation in
\J the discussion.
*J Dо yoьl talk to реор!е, or af people" оr witý,1
u1 реор!е?
l People who talk at уоu аrе listening to
themseIves. They leave no space for
а rеSропýе"
l People who talk иrlfft yoi,] аrе keen fоr уOu to
jоiп in.
х People r,vho talk to уоu сопsidеr уоu, and уоur
rеsропýе, саrеfullу,
How wеl! do уоч listen?
в Ask son,leone to и,,аtсh yor..r while уош аrе
Nоrз-чеrЬа| communication listeninE in а grоuр.
х Ask for согпmепts about уоur поп-чеrЬаi
We show people hоw we|l wе signa|s to grоuр гпеmЬеrs,
аrе listening throuEh оur vеrЬаl х Аrе уоu surprised at this feedback?
rеsропsеs, and also through поп-чеrЬаl
communication, such as:
х Ео уФ[J соmе асгоýs to others in the way уоu

п +/7 \,-*=gQ
/;л:,лЙ \/'Ба
f,1 -'
х lf not, what would уоu like to change?

t -Ъ/ ,l\ eyecontact,
ехрrеээiоп ) ln уоur notebook, сопsidеr hrow wе||

уоu listen to others, Do yol.;:
/,--.-.,--_--.------=-.-,4 в take iп what other people say?
х give other people tirne to speak?
х |et other people finish Ьеfоrе уоu start?
ý use encouraging поп-чеrЬаl signals?
в "switch off" when bored оr if you dislike
the реrsоп?

y/l t
Could you do anything differently to put
others mоrе at ease when the5l are speakinE?
which поп-чеrьаi comnrunication do
you find епсоurаgiпg? What do you find

-р Better listening
5оmе of these techniques rтау hre|p:
$ в collsider the speakers' feeiings
о.] г-t -^\'\ ш find и,,ауs of епсоurаgiгtg them
"rч*J эilепсеэ
s focus on the content * think of sorne wау this
cou|d help you
в |isten fcr key wоrds and writе them dоwп
х think of а question уоu could ask {whеп they
finish speaking)
х link what they аrе saying to sогпеthiгrЕ уоu
aIready know
36 UN|T 3 номЕ
х find опе positive соrпrпепt уоu could add.
U]\IIT 4

Predicting content
{rоrп interTierv
I questions
Listening fоr
advarrtages and
Adding the preflxes
lпiпi.- апd mia,o-
contlactions and
i,vord stress in
ргеýепt pгogTessive
\.lчlпg, Ieasons
fоr оr against


Discuss these questions with о portner.

] Look at the picture.
How big do )Iou thlnk the adl.eпisenrerrt isi Do r-ou 1ike it? Why оr why not?

? What is the largest mап-mаdе object.yolt са1l think of? \\'hat is tlre smallest?

* Many electronic devices аrе becoming smаllег and smаllеr. Name some examples.
VосаЬulаry preview
Reod these sentences. ln еосh set of fou1 motch the words in bold with their
meonings. Two of the words in the first set hove lhе some meoning.
I Тhе stоrе sells рhопеs, televisions, and оthеr еIесtrопiс devices.
Iolll ? Аfriсап elephants аrе епоrmоus. Some adult males weigh up to

7000 kg!
3 Huge cars like the Chevrolet SuЬurЬап оr the Нummеr hаче
печеr Ьееп рорulаг in Еurоре.
4 These days, airplanes аге made of lightweight materials, like
plastic and aluminum, instead of steel.
н g substance that is used to build оr make things
h very large
с а piece of equipment that does а particular

ý Тhе girl collects miпiаturе doll houses. Неr favorite is only two
inches high.
* Еаrth and the planet Venus аrе similar iп size.
} Тrепds in аrсhitесtuге change often. Right поW mапу people
want to buy homes that аrе smaller and use less епеrgу.
8 Unlike his father, who is six feet tall, АlЬепо is very shогt.

d diffeгent frоm
е very small
ý а gradual change that produces а parlicular result
g like еасh other

týýYýжýж# ý Wallscapes

Whor is thе difference ЬеМееп "odvertising" ond "оп odvertisement"

(оп od)? Describe your fovorile od. Use thе useful \л/оrds in thе Ьох оп
the right. оtiепiiоп-9rоЬЬiпg innovotive
Al,rertbiиj is ..., Ьиt аи аlrеrtЬеtиеиt is... соlоrful interesting

expensive ug|y
faroritc ad,
rиу .,.

Whot оrе some types of llEr-

outdoor odvertising? Do
you think they ore effective?
s ?"ý

Whу or why not?


Global listening r{
Ъп interview, the interviewer's questions usuolly iпtrоduсе new topics оr
lп Ф
mqin ideos. Listen corefully to thе questions ond use them to identily the ,)
moin ideos of thе interview. l-.
, , Listen Io Wollscopes опd check (r) thе topics the speokers toIk obout.
l The meanirrg of rvallscape (п) л
"lg'zremp(a)l/ l-.
З Similarities and differer-rces betweel-1 а wallscape and а billboard (п) ,fэгml l_
З Why some people dislike lvallscapes todIr 'рзгmэпэпt/ о
4 Маtеriаls used to rnake rц,allscapes
ý Wh_v аdчеrtisеrs use ,,vallscapes
* Tlre r.vorld's biggest r,vallscape
7 The size оf tl-re Cerrteп.ille wallscal-1e
* The kind of people r.vho work as lvallscape раiпtеrs
, .

1 '."',:. ., Listen оgоiп ond complete these notes.

Wa{lscapes: lзryе ои the siоles of

Wa {ls мр es,ls, Ь,' /lb о а rls
Sinilar: Both : ?rо of аdrеrtisiи9
ь# иs€
Fеr!иаиеиt strисtиrеs as р/асе {оr al
Materials l|оr wаl/sсареs:
l _ - clotlt,,l p/astt|c

wllеи they see а wа/lsсарв + ейsу to rеmеmЬеr

Nеw Сеиtеrrt'ffе wа/lsсвре : rt. fu{lх _ rt wilе; _,, ч.rt,
Раtпtiиз wа/lsсареs иоt Ьеса^sв r{rф1 ler|ces"

2 Use your noles lo complete these sentences obout wollscopes.

l Wallscapes аrе оп the
2 Wallscapes and billboards аrе both types of
3 Wallscapes use реrmапепt strцсturеs as the
4 Wallscapes аrе made of
5 People feel when they see а wallscape
6 The пеw Centerville wallscape will Ье 150 feet tall and
7 Painting wallscapes is not dangerous because there аrе mапу

е-} еV*rФрýпg Cr}&Ceý &1lý}K}mg
Discuss these questions in о grочр.
l Do уоu think wallscapes look good in а city? Why оr why not?

Imagine that you аrе the president of а соmрапу that sells motorrycles. Is
а wallscape а good way to adverlise уоur products? Why оr why not? Think
qudience effectiveness
about the things in the Ьох оп the right. cost

Д wа{{slауr wcu{d / *oo/d*ý &е ý ýýýd wýу fg a/yel&lsg а laaotorcy,:{e .,"

Would you рrеfеr to design а wallscape, оr to put it up? Think about thе
things in the Ьох оп the right.
creotivity sofety
l wои/d prefer to dеsуи ,/ риt ир а wal/scape becanse ...
responsibility time

tlýTЕ}ll}lý 2 Miniature medical devices

Look ot thе pictures of medicol devices. Guess whot they оrе used for. How
big do you think they ore in rеоl life? Discuss with о porlner.
Реrйарs this le,riae Ь иsеd
... . lи real /ф / t/4;иl it is аЬоиt .., Mi/liMeters.

GlоЪаl listening
@ l"zl listen to thе introduction of Мiпiоfurе medical devices, Whiсh
device is thе podcost moinly obout?

@ r.zз Listen to Мiпiоfurе mеdiсql devicesond пчmЬеr these topics in orden

g Ho-nv the саmеrа rvorks d what the саmеrа is usec1 fоr
h Disadvantages of the сilпlеtа * Advantages of the саmеIа
* Еаrliег technolog.v * А description of the саlпеrа

Close listening
1 ' ,r.' , , Lislen to the first port of Minioture Medicol Devices ond write r
(true) or F (folse).

I Тhе PilI СаmО is smаllег than а vitamin pill.

t The Pill СаmО is used fоr finding ргоЬlеrпs in the stomach.
З The саlпега trачеls through the Ьоdч fоr tеп houls.
4 While the саmега is taking pictures, patients mllst stay in
the doctor's office. odvontoge (п)/сd'чепtldз/
ý patients сап walk аrоuпd while the pill Саmс is rn thеiг Ьоdч. develop (v) /clr'vclap/
isodvontoge (п)
* А соmрutеr examines the photos frоm the Pil1 Carno.
d /, cllsacl' чаепtтсlзl

i= L!ýTEN|NG гýR АDVАNТАGЕý ANIB DIýADУANTAG*ý :,:-::.,.,::=:.=-=.i:|...iZ


=i An odvontoge оr benefit is something thot helps оr is better. '.

=+ А disodvontoge is something thot couses problems оr difficulties. .,

?= Listening fоr the words odvontogeond disodvonfoge con hеlр you to

dеtеrmiпе thе moin ideos in о possoge.

@ l.zs Listen to thе second port of Minioture medical deyices.
Complete lhese noles.

Аlrаиtазеs blsalraиta7es
I tма3€S I :_t
2ио 2 taizs tiиe Pr lr. to lool at нI
5- ио l{tscoщlort t",
l" n , ,
3 rиаiи disadc lr. ca,n't

Discuss these questions in о group.

l Dосtоrs do not use а Pill Саmо to look at the large intestine. \\-hr-i

confidence rеsеqrсh
? What аге the disadvantages of using such small medical equipt-r-icnti a,
'I'hink аЬоut the thirrgs in the Ьох оп the right. cost ýотеry

Think obout the ideos lrоm Wollscopes ond lliniature medicoldeyices

ond discuss these questions iп о group.
] Аrе the items in the Ьох оп the right becoming lаrgег оr smаllеri \\-hi
books food portions
do уоu think this is?
a .l. . l
? ls it good оr bad that these items аrе becoming bigger ог smаllегi \t-l-rr i

ьrлNякr ckill

А*ftЕNý тНЕ рRýrýХЕý ff'M- АN* S/tlCý*-

Тhе рrеfiхеs mini- ond mlcro both meon smo//. Fоr ехоmрlе, о miпi-соmеrс
соmеrо is о чеrу smoll соmеrо.
sometimes miсr+ is smoller thоп miпi. А miсгоьus is smoller thоп о minibus

Complete lhese sentences. Use miсrо- or miпi- ond the words in the Ьох.

bike biology economics рrосеssоr surgеry

l is the study of very small living things.

? А is а very small mоtогq,сlе.
З is а medica] ргосеdurе that uses very small
inst[unents, fоr ехаmрlе, to opeгate оп the Ьrаiп.
4_ is the study of how people оr families Llse mопе\
5А_ is а tiny chip irrside а соmрutеr. It contlols the
соmрutег's орегаtiоtls.

2 Ask ond onswer these questions with о porlner.

€ Have yolt ечеr used а miсrоsсоре? What did чоu look atl
? Do you hаче а miсrоwаче oven? What do уоu use it fоr?
Э Do you have а favorite television miпisегiеs?
ýРý&Жý*ý& Taking about а trепd
You ore going to lеоrп obout the present progressive tense for сhопgеs
over time, pronouncing controctions ond word stress in рrеsепt progressive
stotemenls, ond giving rеоsопs {or ond ogoinst something. You ore lhеп
going to use these to tolk obout о trend.

э,.,з:1 ;j;'i,1,l li ý:'

ТНЕ РRýýýNТ рR*ýяЕýýlYЕ ТýNý* f;*ж {жАFj#ýý *YЁR ТЕiъ**

Тhе present progressive tense is used to tolk obout octions hоррепiпg now. You соп
use it with double odiectives оr odverbs to tolk obout chonges thot оге hоррепiпg
оvеr о реriоd of time. Study the fоrms:

ý*yslt Ех*ж*l*

Fооd is getting mоrе ond mоrе

Тrоffiс is moving mоrе ond mоrе
Medicol devices оrе Ьесоmiпg
smoller ond smоllеr.

Moke sentences with these words. Use the present progressive for chonges
over time.
! It is ОсtоЬеr. Тhе days / Ьесопrе / shоп
? The ЬаЬу / gгсlw / Ьiз
З It / get / easv / fог пTе / to speak English
,В Iп mапу соuпtгiеs, peopie / live / long
5 Multi-generational houselrolds / Ьесоmе / t-поrе / соmrпоп

Work with о portner. Moke sentences with the items ond odjectives in the
boxes. Use becorne, get, опd grow.

а cityyou know а реrsоп you know ап electronic device

bic difficult expensive fast hарр). hard lic]-r sick small

pronunciation skill
-# pnaNaUNclNG coNTRAcTloNý AND WoRD ýTRESý
lж рRýýЕNт pR*ýRýýýlvý ýтАтЕмЕNтý

All forms of Ье оrе usuolly controcted in the present progressive tense.

Affirmotive Neootive
l'm lапtl l'm поt /aIm not/
you're liоrI уоч'rе поf /jur oatlor you оrеп'f /ju сlrпt/
be's l\,izl he's поf lhiz not/ оr hе isn't lьi: эпtl
she's l.|'izl she's поf lJiz not/ оr shе isn'f lli l,zeпIl
ifЗ /Its/ iit not /rts псlt/оr it isп'f lft vапtl
wе'rе lyyTrI wе'rе поt lwтr not/ оr we Qrеп't /wi оrпt/
fhеу'rе lбеrl fhеу'rе nof /dеr поt/ оr lhеу аrеп'| /dеI оrпt/
Stress the рогtiсiр|е (-ing word) in offirmotive stqtements.
Stress поf + porticiple in negotive stotements.
Affirmotive Neootive
l'm GOing. Гm NOT GОiпg.
She's SLEEPing. Shet NоI ý[ EEPing. ,/ Sbe lýN'T SД ЕЕРiпg.

r @ l,zь Listen ond complete these sentences with contrqctions.

l _ standing at the соrпеr of 5th and Main streets.
? _ raining now.
* lmagine that walking around downtown.

_ sitting at hеr desk.
з _ painting ап enormous wallscape.
& _ holding something in hеr hand.
7 _ developing а пеw kind of саmеrа.
_ meeting with the painter today.
* _ listening to the speaker.
Ё* _ working for the advertising соmрапу апуmоrе

@ 1.1* Listen ogoin ond rереоt. Focus оп your pronunciotion of


@ l.Яr Listen ond notice thе controclions. Тhеп

reod the сопчеrsоtiоп with о роrtпеr. Fосчs on
your controctions ond word stress.
Непrу: Hi Аlех. Whеrе аrе you? What аrе you doing?
Aiex: I'm at the natural history museum. I'm
standing in front of the skeleton of а Ыuе
whale. It's епоrmоus.
flепrу What's all that noise?
Alex: Тhеrе's а grоuр of sсhооiсhildгеп hеrе with
their tеасhег. She's tr_чiпg to tell them about
the wlrale, but thеу'ге rrot paying attelltion.
Тhеу'ге гuппiпg аrоuпd and laughing.
Непrу: I see. Is Маrk with ).оu?
Alex: No, he's wогkiпg.
Непrу: ОК, well, have.t good time.
Alex: ОК, I'm going поw. Bve,
д Sometimes people hove strong opinions fоr оr ogoinst о рlоп, ideo, оr
U) situotion. Whеп you ехрrеss о strong opinion, it is о good ideo to give
ь0 reosons to support it.
F4 Giving reosons fоr something
.F( lоm fоr storting c/osses qt 9:30 о.m. becouse tlike to s/eep in thе mоrпiпg.
д l supporI forbidding се// pbones iп the liЬrоrу becouse librories should Ье
сб quiet ploces.
Ф Givino rеоsопs oooinst somethino
cl) Loilo is ogoinsl using опimоls iп medicol rеsеоrсЬ becquse опimqls

Most people do поl support о highеr tox оп flights becouse we оlrеоdу роу
о lot.

r @ l"ав Listen ond write the expressions the speokers чýе to soy they
оrе fоr or ogoinsl these ideos. Тhеп listen ogoin ond toke поЬ оп ihe
speokers' rеоýоп5.
l Cigarette smoking in рuЫiс places
2 Billboards
3 Students bringing cell phones to school
4 А law that makes people rеryсlе
5 Starting English lessons in school at age four

2 Role ploy with о роrlпеr. Toke turns soying you ore for or ogoinst these
ideos. Remember to give thе reoýons.

ldeg tоr or rguinst R*еs*п

lAl rulе that students must speak English a8alnSt It is not паturаI to speak English with mу
allI the time friends.
2 А law that forbids people to throw trash fоr Trash is ugly and it attracts bugs.
on the sidewalk
3 Kaising the cost of parking in the fог Моrе and mоrе people аrе driving
downtown аrеа downtown. The саrs аrе causing trаffiс jams.
4 Airlines charging passengers ехtrа mопеу аЕ]а l ll St Flying is аIrеаdу very expensive.
fоr ап aisle seat
5 Your friend's idea to gо to the gym agallrSt you have а lot of hоmеwоrk.

Decide if you оrе for or ogoinst these ideos. Тhеп toke turns giving уочr
opinions ond reosons.
l The gочеrпmепt is planning to close all the liЬrаriеs on weekends.
2 Some schools аrе requiring every child to buy а tаЫеt соmрutеr.
3 Your parents аrе planning а trip аЬrоаd without you.
4 In some places, people hаче to stop working when they аrе 65.
5 It is illegal to ride birycles оп the sidewalk.

ýрý&ý{ýж# т&ýж
Reod this presentotion. Notice thе expressions used to give reosons for ond
99фrt. Undgrline present progressive stotements for chonges очеr time
.'С i rс le) the controction s.

Reod these trends. Тhеп think of chunges thct ore hоррепiпg lo you, уоur fomily,
уочr friends, your cily, уоur соuпlrу,
ond the world. Add two more lrends to the |iЯ, Decide if you оrе for оr ogoinst eoch trend.

Tre*d ý*r &g*!*st

i Моге апd llrоге peo1lle аге lnoving ro cities.

Ё Rents in mу city аrе risiпg higher апd higher.
ý l аm exercising less and less.
4 People аrе eatit-lg mоrе and mоrе fast food.
5 Моге ЬiIlЬсlагds аге aprpeaгillg in mу cirv,
* Nrly family is eating iп rеstаuгапts mоrе often.

Wоrk in poirs. Look bock ot your broinstorms ond select опе trепd to tolk oboul. Тhеп plon о shorl
рrеsепtпliоп. Give
reosons whу you ure for оr ogoinst the trend. lnclude presenl progressive stпlemenls fоr showing tЬопgеs очеr time.

Pructice уоur presentolion. Роу ottention lo уочr pronuntiolion of word slress ond сопtrосtiопs in
рrеsепl progressive

Fоrm о group. Toke turпs giving уоur presentotions ond giving feedbock.
ýТUDY ýKlttý Grарhiс оrgапizеrs
v &*ttiхъg stаrt*g*
сл Discuss these questions with о portner. Gabir is taking ап economics
class which includes
ь I Nаmе some types of graphic organizers you have used.
,я\J 2 What аrе the advantages of using graphic organizers?
information about the history,
geography, population, politics,
J 3 Ро you find graphic organizers difficult to drаw оr rеаd? Why оr why not? and irrdustrial development
{-a of South East Asia. Gabir sees
ч7 ýс*хэаriсэ оthеr students using graphic
Reod this scenorio. Whоt odvice wouId you give Gobir obout using grophic organizers while the professor
orgonizers? speaks, but he only knolvs
how to use outlines and make
С*еэsid"*r it lists. Mostly hе takes notes
Ьу writing out everlthing he
Look ot the grophic orgonizers. Моtсh thе nomes of thе grорhiс orgonizers
hears. Consequently hе misses
with the uses.
а lot of what the professor
l Wоrd mар 4 Cause-effect diagram sаlъ, and he finds it dificцlt to
2 Т-сhагt 5 Pie сhагt цnderstarrd his notes when hе
3 Timeline 6 Line gгарh
цsеs them later to review for
ý То show thе relationship between rеаsопs апd results
h То show а sequence of events
{ То show ап iпсrеаsе оr decrease in а пumЬеr, реrсепtаgе, оr amount
d То list similarities and differences, stгengths and weaknesses/ оr facts and
е То illustrate how а whole is divided into pafts
{ То Ьrаiпstоrm ideas оr details related to а main idea оr topic

{Зч*r {qэ yтзъ,*

How could you use grophic orgonizers in thе following situotions?
l You аrе going to give а presentation about the causes and effects of poverTy,
2 You need to take notes during а lесturе оп the similarities and differences
between two international aid organizations.
3 In а marketing class, you and уоur classmates need to choose а charity and
write an advertisement fоr it.

ý ý


@ couse-effecl diogrom

46 UNIT 4

F а

Listening fоr
explanations апd
Listening foT the
mаiп ideas of а talk
Adding the sutfixes
-оlоgч and -ologisl'
': ,. .|, .., ..... . ",.
,-,:; .-.. Asking for ideas and
l Dгаи, а pattern in your notebook. Describe it. sуllаЫе stress

circle соlог dark light square

З DеsсгiЬе the pattern in the рiсtuге. What animal is it? What do you know
about its behavior?

ý NIаmе some оthеr patterns in паturе. Think about: grаss/ flоwегs, snow
trees, and wаtеr.

ч) VосаЬшIаry рrеviеw
.ti 1
l_( _
Reod these sentences. ]n eoch sel of four, mоtсh the words in bold with
thеir meonings.
(r) l The alTangement of desks into а circle is better for discussion.
2 Authentic stories аrе mоrе interesting than ficlion.
3 Drivers сап avoid accidents Ьу taking rеgulаr breaks
4 Тhе most imрогtапt skill for students to lеаrп is how to wоrk
efficiently to finish projects on time.

а (adv) producing good геsults using little time and епеrgу

h (ч) try to prevent
ж t (п) way things have Ьееп organized into an огdеr оr раttеrп
d (adj) rеаl, not false ог copied

5 I always look at all the evidence Ьеfоrе making а decision.

* l like to discuss things with mу tеасhег individually.
7 I always keep mу social media profile up-to-date.
8 I do not think that test is а rеliаЫе way to judge English abiliq,.

е (n) а description of а регsоп, рlасе, оr oTganization

l (adv) as а separate pel-son оr thing
g (adi) able to Ье trusted
h (") facts, statements, оr objects that help to рrоче something
2 Work with о роrtпеr. Which of thе sentenceý оrе trче [оr you?

tIýTE]'llШG I Graphology
Before уоu liýten
Look ot thе pictures ond guess whot оr grophologist
gro does. Why might
ýomeone need о grophologist? Does уочr hondwriting hove love опу speciol
spe( оr
unusuol feotures? Discuss with о роrlпеr. use the чusefulwords
lпеr. Use words in the Ьох оп
the right.

,tto hеlр tllem...

ý}*Ьа} }iBtexning
S l.яз Listen to Graphologyond check (Z) to complete these sепtепсеs correctly.
l Ms. Kim says that graphologists
а ffi апа\уzе people's handwriting.
h []] teach people how to write better.
At the beginning оf the interyierv N,ls. Kim mentions two
t famous graphologists frоm the past.
h main рurроsеs fоr needirrg а graphologist.
lr4апч scientists think that people's l-randrvriting Ф,
ý accurately shows their peгsonalitrr.
/ 'r}
Ь does llot accurately show personalitl,.

4 Graphologists usually focus on fоuг
0 types of materials that реорlе use when they write. н
Ь different features that define handwгiting.
5 At the errd of the interview Ms Kim gives the interviewer
q ,'
some advice about using а соmрutеr to wгite.
а website for mоrе iпfогmаtiоп about graphology.
Speokers often give оп explonotion оr exomple to moke thеir ideos сlеоrеr
ond eosier to understond. Recognizing whеп оп explonotion оr exomple is
obout to Ье given will imрrоче уоuг соmрrеhепsiоп. ж
Words thot signol ...
. on explonotion: iпс/udlл g, mеопiпg, whiсh includes, whiсh mеопý
с оп €xomple: о few exomp/es оrе, опоthеr ехоmрlе is, fоr ехоmрlе, like,
опе ехоmрlе is, sucb os

Тhеп write ехрlапаliоп or ехоmрlе пехl lo еосh sеЙпсе.

examining а document to see if it's authentic оr
а fake.
is that police сап use the handwriting оп а note оr
mеmо to figure out if someone is linked to а сrimе.
The first is fоrm, the size, shape апd slant оr angle of
the letters.
4 Surе, let's take thе letters l апd h.
5 The фird feature is called аrrапgеmепt, how close
together the letters аrе
6 It also includes punctuation, periods and соmmаs.
7 Ехреrts should look at content, induding spelling, grаmmаr, and
vocabulary adjectives and аdчеrЬs.

2 Фt.29 Listen Io Grophologyogoin ond <@the best onswerslo

the questions.
I Why do companies and the police hirе graphologists?
о То make surе ап employee's signature is real
Ь То make а personality profile of а job applicant оr criminal
2 Which one of these is not induded in the "form" in handwriting?
о The shape of the letters
h Тhе spelling and grаmmаr
3 What is included in the writing feature of "аrrапgеmепt"?
g If the letters аrе connected or not
Ь Puncuation and spacing of the letters
4 What does the fеаtuге of line рrеssurе show?
о What the writer is feeling.
Ь How hard the writеr pushes the pen оr pencil.

Developing critical thinНng
Discuss these questions iп о group.
l Do you think а реrsоп's handwriting сап show thеiг personality? Why?
:'.,,',, :,|._:;.: :::-' : :|,: |,,.,.,...|:,.:,:|,,: ..:.: :..,|

2 What ехреriепсе, knowledge, and skills do you think а graphologist needs?

3 Do you think it is ОК for а соmрапу to use а job applicant's handwriting

to make а personality ргоfiIе? Why оr why not? lЪiпk about the things in
оссUrосу time
the Ьох on the right.
cost usefulness
l thiиI а со*ираиу sltorll / shоиllиl иsе а fob аррllсаиtЬ hаиlwritlиj to
rпаfrе а persinat| yrofle becanse ... / p[lvocy

LlýTE]'ll]'lG 2 Flocks, schools, and swаrms

Lobel the pictures flock, school, опd swоrm. Describe thе woy the onimols
in the pictures ore moving. Nome some оthеr onimols thot stoy ond move in
groups. Discuss with о роrtпеr.
Т*е я*tiжsls are swilямiз"lз /f7ф / wаll<iиз iп t/qe sамс dirеrt;оп / dфroHt
*t*еr вяiма/s thя* stay аиd *оче iи
зrоирs are .,.

ýloban triste*iag

At the beginning of о lecture оr presentotion the sреоkеr usuolly tells you

whot the moin topics оrе ond in whot оrdеr they will come. lf you listen
corefully fоr thе signol words ond рhrоsеs fоr thе topics, it will Ье eosier to
follow thе lесturе оr pгesentotion ond toke notes.
Words thot signol ...
. moin topics: foik obout, introduce, look ot
. оrdеr: firsl, thеп, пехt, fiпоllу, lost

ll, Listen to the introduction of Flocks, schools, ond sиrоrms ond
' ,.'.",:,, ,:|&:,
check (z) the topics thе speoker will tolk obout. ::,:|:|}liii*;'Q',

. Васkgrоuпd ir-rformatiorr and what scientists аrе interested to know ,,|||:il'.'{|',,

Е The history of rеsеаrсh about animals н.


З Тhе definitiorr апd explanation of the key terrns

€ Descriptions of different tvpes of bircls JEt
ý I low the information аЬоut flocks ancl s\л,/аIms is useful :ýý:::::

* l How the students shor_rld геmеmЬег questions tlrev have

'.',,,','. ,, Listen ogoin ond complete these sentences. ||l.|,':Fiii|iý

some background information including what ']]'',3

scientists want to know ,|,||ýr,}||,,,

the key terms "flock Ьеhачiоr" and "swаrm

intelligence" and explain what they аrе.
some ways that оur understanding of flocks and
swаrms is useful.

L-ifiýe jtýtепlпg
лб 1.

1 Whqt do these symbols ond obЫeviotions mеоп?

l 1rg grps * mеmЬ
??s 5 flks
Зрt * ftbl

@ l"зt listen to Flocks, schools, опd swarms ond compleie lhese noles.
use the words in thе Ьох.

r bйcцqй)lLl14 5 rиlеs:
l l !
&irls, Ьесs,
ýs!l, aHts
.* Mll/e lфrепt{у;и аiц ry
sиOиld MOV€ rи
wаt€{, lапi i*t эiуцiяr ! wаy * }цоч€ {азеtйtr {и
2} sйои{d stay close to иеghЬоrs
{ry еffсk;эt{,; {rr а ýиrрсýс 5l l l l )t
srru -l
Saeиtists 2 ?s:
/иterest pt: ,/ еасh оиеоиЬ act ои
f} ýаwмои раttеs.l.э с,iЬе;зау.r'оr? t/le/r ot1,1l : se lf-!оrеrиlиз ЬеДаriоr
3 FВ 5lаиl t's;3 еl,амр/еs
#уt,lаt belsab,lor
/) alr trфс соиtrоllеrs st"dy birl
fks for sф
!5; l1аw а0 0{r'а5
fфht раttеrиs
hrw do Ss/з сkа*зе Сirе,сil{,и qrlcilv tоqеilзеr?
2) factory mаиаjеrs соу аиts to
/tgw lo впts ?
lrrса,rsе, Ксу tсrмs =
focl Ьеhш tor (FB,l
З) rtbl stali"*s а stаttоиs :
ýц}аr,и мtе$ýеисе {5/}
sпме раttеrп of &eharior,
-а{{ зrо*рs

cl) ý*v*ý*рiяъg ca"iticaý tkiхъý*irаg
v Discuss these questions in о grоuр.
I Do you think the animals in the picture follow
-v) the rules of flock Ьеhачiоr? How?

00 Tl;ese апtЙа/.s do / lои't k{/оw thе rиles u{ lYurP

l1 Ьсhа,,,,оц
r,"о*л!с ,. '
о -
1r( 2 Is it useful to study the Ьеhачiоr of animals and

/ tl4;и/< ;t Ь / Ьи? иsфlЬ stф the;r beharior Ъесацsе,..

2 Think оЬочt the ideos frоm Grорhоlоgу ond Flocks, schools,

опd swarms ond discuss these questions in о grоuр.

"Creativity involves Ыеаkiпg out of established patterns in order

to look at things in а different way.' (Edward de Bono, author)

I Do уоu think thе quote is tftle оr false? Why?

2 Describe some patterlrs iп уоuг life. Is it роssiЫе to change уоur

patterns? Why оr why not?
раttеrиs ;и му lф iиоlиlв.., . lt Ь / Ьи'tроssiЬ/е to оhаиlе tlletп

. gгophologisf meons ап ехреrt iп grорhоlоgу,

lп the рrопuпсiоtiоп of words with thе suffix -ologyor -ologisi, stress thе first о.

1 Compleie this chort.

Root Sчl{iх -ology ýчf{iх *ologist SшЬiеtt

I bio ý L
ш life
2 есо (! U епчirопmепt
3 geo i * eafth and rocks
4 socio 0 ь societv
5 zoo G h animals

Reod the definitions ond write the -ologisf words.

l studies rocks to see how the еаrth was formed
2 Studies йе struсturе of all living organisms
3 Works in а zoo to study animal Ьеhачiоr
4 Studies how people Ьеhаче in groups and society
5 Works to protect оur planet's forests and oceans

3 Role ploy with о porlnen Ask ond опswеr questions obout the experts.

ýРý&ЖýFýý Giving advice about
. сulturаl customs
You_ore going to leorn obout giving odvice, osking fоr ideos ond exomples,
ond рrопочпсiпg sуIlоЫе slress. Yоч оrе then going lo use these to give
odvice in о podcost obout culturol customs.

GЕтi}** *.*чi{fr

We con give odvice ond moke suggestions with thе odiective expression: /i
is + odiective + infinitive fоrm. We соп olso use the modo| чеrЬs shauid ,i,
should поf / mоу /соп. Study the сhоrt to see which odiective expresslcn;
ond modol чеrЬs hove the some meoning:
i .: ;:: -, |..:|:|:'|, '.:..:,. -:- i,: .l .,.:':,] ,, ] ;:,:,,;.],,:, l,:,,l,i-,

/f is о good ideoto ] shou/d_

ttispglit9to._.. _ ; should ,

, /i is not о good idea lo ... should поt

i lt is impolite / rude to ,,. i shou/d лоt

' lt is поt
_оК / oll riB!|to ... __1lЦr/а n?t
/t is оК / oll riоht to I l
We соп ехрrеss чегу strong rulеs of behovior with imperotive чеrЬs.
Дrrivе ot уочr ЬоstЪ hоrпе оп limе,
Do поt оrrivе late.

тhе forms in the Ьох оrе oflen used to tolk obout culturol cusfoms. proctice
soying lhese exomples of Joponese culturol customs witb о роrtпеr.
t Should
g Сrееt the oldest реrsоп first
h Lеаrп to use chopsticks
Ё Should not
* Wrар gifts in white paper
fu Give flowers as а gift
ý Can / Мау
g Аrriче а few minutes еаrlу
Ь Leave food оп уоuг plate
? Work with о роrtпеr. Moke sentences obout
lhrее cusloms in your country.

ýpeaking ýkill
,,a|,€||||' ASKING FOR lDЕАý АNý EXAMPLEý :=.:j.::'i:.:,::ji:,;;;:::_l

v_ ==
El] We often hove io osk fоr ideos ond exomples when we оrе Ыоiпsiоrmiпg

# with оthеr people obout о topic. This is becouse thе gool is to get о5 mопу
ideos os роssiЫе. Тhегеfоrе, it is very useful to osk оur speoking роriпеrs ,

tr{ = shоrе ihеir ideos ond exomples,
ý|х',,a' # Do you bove опу (mоrе) ideos?

?* Соп you give опоthеr ехоmрlе?
Соп you thiпk of sоmеthiпg else?

tJl #
=" Соп you add опуthiпg?

What else соп we soy / соmе up wifЪ?
= Аrе fhеrе опу оlhеr ideos / exomples we сап odd?
Моtсh thе topics with the ideos ond exomples.
l The uses fоr grарhоlоgу
2 Reasons why graphology is not rеliаЫе
3 Important |apanese customs
4 Examples of swаrm intelligence
5 Ways swаrm intelligence can help us

о То make surе а signature is rеаl

h Оur mood changes the way we writе
( Bees wоrk together to make honey
d То сопtrоl саr trаffrс jams -ffiэ
е Take оffуоur shoes in the hоmе

Work with о роrtпеr. Ъkе turns osking for ideos ond exomples for
thе topics in exercise I.

РRФN*U}-{сlh!G ýYLLA&Lý ýтRЁýý |'::::,Э'.:.:.:.'. |.::

lп multi-sуllоЫе words, the stress оr emphosis folls оп one of the syllobles.

words with thrее syllobles the stress is often on the second sylloble.
ехАmiпе f.,,-]
However, thеrе оrе mопу thrее-sуllоЫе words thot hоче the stress on о
different sуllоЫе.
НДNDwritiпg й


1 @ l"зЗ Listen ond notice the stressed sуllоЫеs. Тhеп Iisten ogoin ond repeot.
! ADjective * conNECted ý] inCLLIding
Ё аNоthег У DoСument l? introDt]CE
ý аrМNGЕmепt * exAmine ]Ё pвRfectly
€ au'I'HENtic * eXAMpIe ý€ sclentist
ý соmрutеr i* IlАNDц,гitiпg

@ l.з* Uп_dфпq thе stressed sуllоЫеs. Сhесk уоur onswers in о

dictionory. Тhеп listen ond rереоt.
Е together 5 followirrg * mапаgег
? Ьеhачiог * diгесtiоп З* stadium
* регfесtlу F рrоduсtiоп зЗ efficient
€ factory * disсоr.ег зз evidence

ýрý&ý{ýж& т&ýж
Reod this podcost. Notice tb_expressions used for giving odvice. _Чп-dеrliп-е
mчlti-sуllоЫе words ond cirile'the stressed syllobЁs.

Welcome to Custom Consultant. Today l'm going to tell you about three customs in Spain
that you should know when you visit. First, itЪ polite to shake hands when you greet people.
And when you're invited to sоmеопез home for dinner, itъ ок to аrriче а few minutes late.
Finally, itъ а good idea to bring а gift of chocolates or cake when you visit sоmеопеъ home.

tl b,JJ"., -
Wоrk with 0 portner. You оте on,thropologЫs. Add опе mоrе type
custom l0 thB word mор. Тhеп choose о iоuпtrу опd ЬrоiпstоrЙ idegs ,"'"""''J'
ond exomples for lhe cusloms. Use expressions for osking fоr ideos
ond exomples.
L llSrсиls

Pfu\N Q,rt;

Look buck ot уоur brпinslorm und (hoose three customs. Рlоп о

podcoý giving udvice to 0п overseos visitor, Use expressions for
giving odvlce.

proctice your podcosl.
Роу ultention to уоur рrопuпсiоtiоп of multi-sylloble words.

Fоrm о group. Toke turпs рrеsепtiпg your pod(Osl ond give feedbuck. Tell lhe c|oss somelhing
уоu leorned from the

F{ Study suppoЁ networks
. |r{
Ьу Stella Cattrell
Types of support network
н\J Some courses organize а study support group
tJ or network, This may Ье led Ьу а "mепtоr" - а
student from the уеаr above, lf а group does
(л поt exist, уоч may like to start one yourself. You
could get together Ьу telephone оr email, or
meet after class in somebody's home.

What а support group can do

А support Еrсuр сап help in rпапу ways, but the fo|iowing activities
аrе helpf ul to n"lost students"

ýпсаurаgе eacfi ot&er

п Аrrапgе to рhопе each other to en(ourage wоrk on а particu|ar
з Fiпd а helpful соmгпепt you could make about each grоuр
mегпЬеr's wcrrk" Write these out оп separate pieces of paper and
give thern to each оthеr to take hоmе. At home, рut уоur list
where you сап see it, to епсоurаgе yourse|f.

Review lectures
Review а lесturе together" talking about the гпаiп points" Fill the
gaps iп уоur оwп notes. Each person поtеs different things, so Ьу
sharing information you each епd up with а better set of lесturе
n пfдс

Solve study prablerns

х Give опе реrsоп, А, f ive оr ten minutes to describe а study
problem, whiIe the rest of the group listen without talking.
r As а grоuр, spend ten minutes talking about the problem,
Вrаiпstоrm as mапу ideas as you can for dealing with the
рrоЬlеm. Now Д |istens without talking.
r Finally, Реrsоп А has ten minutes to choose an option, decide
how and when to do it, and ask the group for support.

Share backgraund reading

Read different texts around the subject, and summarize the main
points fоr each other. Discuss уоur ideas about what you read.

Make friends with each ather

5iгпрlу listening to each other can Ье чеrу helpf ul.

ljl\llт 6

W# -







Listening fоr tone of

Listening for Ыосk
Adding the pre{ixes
Discuss these questions with о portner.
-е.7 апd _It?8
З What is the реrsоп in the рiсturе doing? Is he going slow оr fast? 'Гаlkiпg аlэоut
sirnilarities and
З Would you like to Ье the реrsоп in the picture? Why оr why not? differences
boring oxciting fuп scary thrilling reduced forms

ý Name something it is best to do quickly.

,rrrо В ]
Reod these senlences. Circle the correct meonings of thе words in bold.
Ti-re ]эоч lost lris balance and fell off his bicl,cle.
* backpack ability to keep чоuг bocl,v steady."r,ithout
? lvla,x plans to compete in а swimming rасе next yeat,
Е try to uliп i; organize
э Ice skateгs must harre регfесt control оl.еl thеir bodies
* iпfогmаtiоп fu роwеr
€ 'thе mourrtait-ls ale the lnost difficllit palt
of the соursе.
* day '* areatvhere а гасе takes piace
5 The rеgulаr рriсе of good гuппiпg shoes is about $80.00, but they аrе оп
sale today fоr $65.00.
* оrdiгrаry * special
* Yоu can reduce уоuт risk of al. accident if -vou drir.,e slorviv and calefullr.
* рlеаsurе * possibilitv of dапgеr
7 It а thrill to ride in m,v fгierrd's пе.пч spofts саr.
* feeling of exciten-rent fu clisa1-1pointment
* R.acer,r,alkir-rg is atr untrsual OlvmpicL' sроrt.
* соmmоп fu rrot гlогпrаl оr соmIIlоп

tý%Yжft€ýffi# € lt's fuп to Ье scared

ё. Look ot the picture. Do you think roller cooýlers ore dongerous? which of
thе emotions iп the Ьох оп thе right do you think thе people in the picture
оrе feeling? Discuss with о porlner.
. -. ,.

: look ot the title ond picture. Answer these questions.

i Wl-rat do ,vou tlrink the main idea of It's |uп to Ье scored r.vili Ье?
Ё Do yoll think the speakers l,r,ill hаче а positive оr
negative opinion of rоllеr соаstегs? \Vhч?
З Predict if these sentences оrе true or folse. Write r (true) or F (folse).
l Тhе first sреаkеr's hоЬЬу is designing rоIlеr coasters.
f Тhеге аrе rоllеr соаstегs all очеr the wоrlсl.
з Thrill sееkегs ar.oid dangerous situations.
4 People who love rоllеr coasters аrе always thrill seekers.
ý Rоllег соаstегs аrе ven safe.

',:..' , Listen to lt's fuп to Ье scored ond сhесk your predictions. геоl todi) lriell
seek (v) /sik/
topic (п) /'toprk/
!.iýTEN|NG tоR TONE оt volcE
Топе of voice meons thе woy о sреоkеr noturolly chonges his оr hеr voice in
оrdеr to show feelings. Fоr exomple, if о speoker's voice is геlохеd, moves
up ond down о lot, ond risеs ot the end, English sреоkеrs will think thot
the speoker's ottitude is positive. Listening fоr tone of voice will hеlр you to
understond thе speoker's qttitude.

@ Z.ОЯ Listen to these senlences ond rереоl. Think obout lопе of voice.
l Excited: Wе'rе going to the amusement раrk tоmоrrоw!
2 Disappointed: Wе'rе not going to the amusement park tоmоrrоw.
З Uпсеrtаiп: Ате you surе the rоllеr coaster is safe?
4 Shocked: You jumped out of an аiгрlапе?!
5 Interested: Do уоu enjoy fast саrs?
6 Amused: You look rеаllу fuппу in that hat!
7 Wоrriеd: Fouad is an hоur late. I hope he's ОК.
8 Воrеd: Will this jоurпеу ечеr end? It's so slow.
9 Surprised: You can fly ап airplane? Really? I didn't know!

@ *Оз Listen to excerpts from ll's fuп to Ье scored опd check (/) еосh
speoker's lопе о{ voice.
lg surргisеd З щ п amused 5 q f] Ьоrеd
h wоrriеd Ь п shocked h ffi interested
Е* Ьоrеd * * п uncertain
lз excited fo п excited

З @ z.ol Listen Io lts fuп to Ье scored ogoin ond @ thе correct words
in bold.
} Мr. |ones гidеs rоllеr coasters fог fuп i his job.
? Мr. Jones has been to 22 l 42 соttпtriеs ar.d 22 / 42 Ll.S. states.
З Тhе wоrld's tallest / fastest roller, соаstеr is in АЬu Dhabi.
4 Dr. Sраrks is / is not а rеguiаr dосtог.
5 Тhrill sееkеrs avoid / епjоу dапgегоus activities,
* When Мr. Jorres is on а rоllеr соаstег, he feels like hе has total control /
he is going to fall out.
ýeveloping critica} thinking
Discuss these questions in о grоuр.
} ТhriЦ seekers enjoy dапgеr. Which of the chmaceristics in the Ьох on the right
do you think they also hаче?
!tй;иl< t/rriff see/cers are .,,

2 Is thrill seeking а positive оr negative characteristic? Explain уоuI апswеr.

ТЙri{fsее*iиу is
а yositire У иезаtirе cйayaoteristio Ьеса*sе ","

3 Аrе you а thrill seeker? Give ап example.

|м / |lý иst а tйý.i{/sее*ац
for exa*rb...

tlýTEl'lIt{G 2 The rасе to Ье the slowest

ýеf,*rе 5rсзш }isten
Do you hove о bicycle? Hove you token port in о bicycle rосе? Whot is
unusuol obout thе title ond thе picture below? Discusl with о portner.
l do / lои't ha,le а blcyc/e,
l hаrе / hачеи't tаlей рай t|и а btcvc|e race.
The tit/e аис{
рrctиrе а'", [rrолr, ...
Gtrobal listening
1 @r.o* Listen to Тhе rасе to Ье thе slowesf ond number these topics in
о The гшlеs of slow bike rасiпg rulе (n) /гul/
ь skitls that slow bikers need
since (соп) /srns/
с Differences between speed rycling and slow bike rасеs
d А description of the slow bike rасе соursе
speciol / spe.|(a)I/

е Slow bike racing as раrt of the Slow Birycle mочеmепt

{ The рurроsе of slow bike rасеs


Whеп people tolk obout the differences between two topics, thеу sometimes
tolk obout thе topics in Ыосks. Тhеу to|k obout topic l qnd then'obout
t9Ric 2. Typicolly, thе speoker to|ks obout thе sqme points fог еосh topic.
Тhеrеfоrе, noticing whot thе sреоkеr soys obout topic 1 will hеlр you to
predict thе points thеу will discuss fоr topic 2.
Listen fоr these tronsitions to hеlр you identify when о speoker is сhопgiпg
topic: iп сопtrоst, оп thе оthеr hqпd, uпlikе.
,; i;;,,,,.',,, Listen to оп ехсеrрt from IЬе race to Ье thе slowesl. Answer these
ý Which topic does the speaker discuss first? о
? whictr tгansition does the speaker use between Ыосks? Ф
ё Which topic does the sдlеаkеr discuss second? )t
З -,,-.;
,,;l-: Listen to Тhе rосе to Ье thes/owesf ogoin. Correct еlечеп errors in
lhese noles. (r)

/. Rи/еs of s/оw b,ke rасlи9
| - Ъile йаs tc **ь,е fcr*ard вf{tДе ti*e v)
2 - llider Йаs to stBy аиtsilе tlqe l|иеs
э? - кй€r
ь'l t l t! !
саи tOи(и tиеlr1ииtl
* - f€rsои whо fиis/tes iп tke sЙойеst tiиe
Wiииеs. =

//. D;ffs Ьеtwееи speel сусl:и1 U s/оw bike rасiиj

2 N*еd
3 €l*tlres

5 ýоиrsе
24-25lи,tЙr /60 trуи/hr
///. Skills that slоw bikers
7-Ьаlаисе 2-practice 3 - {ооиs

2 Use your noles to discuss the differences between fost ond slow bike
rocing. Use о tronsilion.

&*ч*}*эрýаэg *riti*аý týэýх"аkЁ кзg

1 Discuss thеsе questions in о group.
I Do you think slow biking is а real sроrt? Why оr why not?
/ t*iMý s{оw b;l;ry is ,/ isи'ý а reя{syos,t /зtсамsе,,.
? would you like to ride in а siow bike rасе? why оr why not? use the
useful words in the Ьох on the right.
l urgм{ý,/ *уои{dи't {i!e to пdе iи а s{вw ýile rare &ем*sе,,"

тhiпk obout thе ideos from /f's fuп lo Ье scared ond Ihе rосе to Ье ffie
s/owesf ond discuss these questions in о group.
I Imagine you аrе planr-ring а r,acatioll. Do r,оu рrеfеI to rno,e cluickll, and
See aS mапy places as possible, ог to геlах atld see only a fetT placesi

? What аrе Some tlrirlgs people can do to find а Ьаlапсе betlr-een doing
too muсh and doing too little in tlreir lives? Think about tlre things in
the Ьох оп the right.
То fiпl Ьаlаисе, people ми ...

Ойсе а wсе/9 t ih;ik ereryboly shonll...

YосаЬulаry skill

А**ýж# тF.ýЕ FжýгýжЕs -fi# &ýч* _ff-d#

Тhе -ed (post porticipIe} ond -iпg (рrеsепt porticiple} forms of чеrЬs оrе often
used os od jectives. ln gепегоl, use the -ed fогm to describe how someone
feels. Use thе -iпg fоrm to describe the couse of the реrsоп's feeling.
тhе wоmоп is lеrrifiеd of rоllеr coosiers.
Тhе Fеrrоri World rоllеr сооstеr is terrifying.

,Ciii|e thе correct words in bold.

i Тhе children аrе exciting / excited аЬоut visitir.g the arTusement раrk.
? lt is embarrassing / еmЬаrrаssеd when you fall оffуоur bike.
ý Му ехеrсisе class is Ьоriпg / bored.
4 l do not understand the rules of the spor-t. I аm confusing / confused.
ý t feel relaxing / relaxed when l ride mу bike in the countryside.
& LIis decision to try sýdiving is surprising / surprised.
Ask ond опswеr these questions with о роrtпеr.
! Аrе уоu tеrrifiеd of high places?
2 Do уоu think slow bike racing is Ьоriпg?
ý Who is the most interesting реrsоп уоu know?
4 Аrе you еmЬаrrаssеd if you аrе late fоr ап appointment?
ý Do you think rоllеr coasters аrе thrilling оr terrifi,ing?
& Аrе you confused whеп уоuг tеасhеr speaks English very quickly?

ýРЕАКIШý Соmраriпg vacations

You ore going to leorn obout the superlotive fоrms of odiectives ond odverbs,
tolking obout similorities ond differences, ond рrопочпсiпg reduced forms.
You ore then going to use these to plon ond соmроrе vocotions.

ýUBýRLAT|VE гФRмý *t д*Jýст!\rýý АNЕ АDчrRвý

We use the superlotive fоrm of odiectives ond оdчеrЬs to describe the

concept of "most," оr the highest dеgrее of something. Study thе forms:

Fоrm Ехgпrрl*

Опе sylloble odiectives ond odverbs old * the oldest

Two sylloble odiectives ond odverbs ending risky + the riskiest

in -у

Two оr mоrе sylloble odiectives ond fomous -+ the most fomous

odverbs noi ending iп -у

You must memorize irrеgulоr чеrЬs. good / well * tbe best i

bod / bodly - the worst

Х Write thе superlotive forms.
long * afraid l7t

rеgulаr * badIy
happy :* slowly l:rBll1:;

good "tx

neW эf amazing SJ:

normal 13 interested ,l8ý]]:]
excited з& carefully ,:|ýi:a
э complete these sentences with the superlotive form of thе words in arl
Ыockets. Тhеп osk ond onswer the questions with о portner. ]]]]iliiiiз
l What is (long) rоllеr coaster in the world? ,,a,ýrr',,.,a

The Steel Drаgоп 2000 in |арап. It is 8,133 fееt long.

? Whicb rоllеr coaster has (large) drор?
The Kingda Ка. It has а drор of 418 feet.
3 What is the world's (difficult) bicycle rасе?
The Тоur dAfrique, which goes frоm Cairo to Саре Town.
4 What is (dangerous) mountain in йе wоrld?
Тhе Аппарurпа in Nepal. Мапу people have died climbing it.
5 What is (risý) job in the world?
Deep sea fishing. Many people die doing this job.
6 What is the world's (busy) airport?
Hartsfi eld-Jackson Atlanta International AirpoП, U. S.A.

3 work.with о роrtпеr. Moke sentences obout these groups of items. use йе

superlotive form. Тhеп osk ond опswеr.
l (hаrd) mathematics / English / history
2 (risky) skydiving / speed rycling / mountain climbing
3 (thrilling) roller coaster / sporls саr / graduation
4 (bad) catching а cold / losing wallet / failing а test
5 (slow) traffic / а snail / you, in the mоrпiпg
6 (relaxing) walk оп beach / read а book / talking with family
Speaking ýkill
you con use certoin sentence potterns to tolk
obout thе similorities ond
differences between two things. You соп olso give о rе.sоп whу they оrе
similоr ог different.
Tolking obout simiIorities
Joe is like Воь becouse hе is kind.
Joe hos о s/ow соmрutеr, с,пd so does ВоЬ,
Joe hos о s/ow соmрulеr, опd ВоЬ does, too.
Joe qпd ВоЬ ore Ihе same / similar / alike iп oge.
Tolking obout differences
Joe is diffеrепl frоm ВоЬ Ьесоusе hе enioys sporfs.
Joe опd ВоЬ ore dif{еrепt iп hеight.
Joe likes rо//еr coosfers, ЬuI ВоЬ does nof.
Joe fios q fost соr. lп controst, ВоЬ hos q slow сqr.
о r @ Жь Listen ond соmрlеtе these sentences.
.!.l l Fеrrаris аrе fast sports саrs, and Maseratis
*|J - 2 Frапсе has а high-speed train system, and China,
v) 3 Tennis is а fast game, golf is very slow
ьD 4 Tortoises tuгtlеs. Tortoises live only оп land.
i-l turtles also live in wаtеr.
. tr{ (
xJ Апdrеа hеr sister because they both talk very fast.
G 6 Cheetahs, jaguars, and panthers . They аrе largg
Ф fast cats.
е 7 Iogging and running speed. |ogging is slower,
а 2 Work with о роrtпеr. Study this сhоrt ond moke sentences obout the
similorities опd differences between the three bikes.
(horucteristi(s Shinzu Holland Ciý Sсhrаgеr
Ultralight Bike СоmЬо
Рчrроsе racing city riding, city riding,
shopping ехеrсisе
l'lчmЬеl of genrs 2I 1_3 10

(olor black Ыасk black and white

Size 66 сm 66 сm 66 сm
Weight 9kg 18 kg 13 kg
Рritе $549 $з99 $ 189
Тор speed 100 km/h 24-30 km/h 65 km/h
Added lеоtшrеs light basket, rеаr tire rеаr tire rack
rасk, large seat

ffуg}g?аýýзс*аtiqэ;з еkiýý
ln noturol sреесh, wоrds thot оrе not stressed оrе оftеп reduced. Тhеir
рrопчпсiоtiоп is shоrt ond fost. Some of the vowels ond consononts сhопgе
ог disoppeor. Reduced рrопuпсiоtiоп is not slong. lt is о rеgчlоr роrt of
spoken English. However, you should печеr write rеdчсеd forms.
qпd lепl iustlфаs/
hos fo /hes tэl of leyl
Dоп't you /dоuп tJэ/ Whоt do you lwe de yal

r @ ao.z Listen опd @ the reduced forms. Тhеп Iistren ogoin ond repeot
йе phroses.
l traveling and visiting 4 She's опе of the best.
2 Why don't you stay? 5 Just listen. Don't talk.
3 What do you need? 6 Маry has to go.
reduced forms.
1 Wh,y tell r:s irbout it.
t thirlk aborrt that?
Э l let rnvself errjoy the fеаг.
4 Birycle racing is one tl-re best
exciting sports in the world.
5 The bike move fоrwаrd at all times.
& It takes balance, control, а lot of focus to star. irisiclc
the lines.

Reod the sentences with о роrtпеr. Focus on уоur pronunciotion of

reduced forms.

%#ыfuж*ж# ъfu%ж
Reod this presenlotion. circle the superlotive forms. predict where thе
reduced forms ore ond underline thеm.

lf уоu want to take а slow

vacation, then l hаvе the most
exciting idea for you: а river cruise
in Еurоре. Our соmрапу offers the
best packages for students. We
have а four-day cruise through
HolIand for just 5450.00.ТhаtЪ
our shortest and cheapest cruise.
We also have ап eight-day cruise
down the second longest river in
Еurоре, the Danube Rive1 for just
$ 1,100. Why don't you think about
it and let me know what you want
to do?

work wiй 0 portner. yоu.urе lrсvеl ogents. Think of о vocotion опd broinstorm the puckoge you could о{fеr customers.
Апswеr lhese questions оЬоut the vocolion.
ý ls it fosl or slow? ý How muсh does it cost?
? Where is it? * which meols оrе included?
З l-low mопу doys? F Which odiectives опd пdчеrЬs {otl|d yor.l Jsc-: ::s:: j: ii:е чосоtiоп?
€ whot оrе lhe mоiп octivities?

рlоп о short presentulion oboul lhe vo(olion. use superlutive forms of odiectives ond odverbs.

ýFЁдк :

рrпсliсе уочr presentotion. Рuу оttепliоп to

уоur рrопuпсiпtiоп of reduted forms.

Fоrm,п group. Toke уOUr presenlolions. Tolk оЬоut the similorities ппd differences Ьеfuееп
уоur vocotions.
Decide whose vocolion is best uпd give reosons.


ýTU[}Y ýKltLý Classroom lапguаgе

q) Discuss these questions with о роrtпеr.

ь l In уоur culture, do уоu use fоrmаl оr iпfоrmаl language when you talk
with а tеасhеr?
? What happens if you use iпаррrорriаtе language to talk with а tеасhеr?
*J 3 How do you think Аmеriсап students talk to their teachers? How do you
(л think they talk to their friends?

sam is а student in а literature
Reod this sсепоriо. Think оЬочt Sqm's clossroom longuoge. How is it
class at ап Аmеriсап
oppropriote? How is it iпоррrорriоtе?
university. It is the third
week of class. sam enters
**эаэsý**r *а
the classroom and greets his
Reod these роirs of sentences. lп еосh poir, whot would you soy to о lеосhеr teacheb saying, "Hi, Adam]'
ond whot would you 5оу to о clossmote? Writе r {tеосhеr) оr С (clossmote). тhеп he sits down next to а
!а Неу, Michael. classmate and says, "How do
you do, Mark]'
ь Good mоrпiпg, Dr. Han.
Sam realizes hе forgot to
2а Can уоur pencil?
I use Ыing а pen. Не turns to а
ь Could I please Ьоrrоw а pencil? classmate and says, "I need
За Please excuse mе for being late. уоur реп." His classmate gives
him а strange look. During
ь Sorry I'm late.
the lecture, sam is sure the
4а Excuse mе fоr interrupting. Could I ask а question? teacher is wrong, Не raises his
ь Wait а minute. I hаче а question. hand and says, "Sorry, thаtЪ
5а See you tоmоrrоw, Мrs. Tanaka.
wrong." Later, Sam disagrees
with one his classmates during
ь See you. groupwork, and he says,
*а I'm аfrаid I disagree. "Excuse me, but I believe
ь That's not rightl your information might Ье
r а{} чс}ýý At the end ofclass, sam stands
uр and tells Mark, "See you
Discuss these questions iп smoll groups.
tomorrow." Then hе says,
l Ро you think it is imроrtапt to use аррrоргiаtе "Lateb man" to thе teacher as
сlаssгооm language? Why? hе walks out of the rооm.
? Do you think уоur сlаssrооm language is аррrорriаtе оr
iпаррrорriаtе? Cive examples.
3 Соmраге the language you should use to speak to а
teacher and а classmate in these situations:

ч You want help рrераriпg fоr ап ехаm.

Ь Yоu need to leave class еаrlу.
t Yоu want the other person to speak mоrе loudly


66 UNIT 6



Ёъ-ъ @qrý-#ý

"ъ э*- * ,lfu Маý'


Discuss these questions with о роrtпеr.

l What does the picture show? Does it rеmiпd 1,ou of апч other йings
in паturе?
, :.a'

2 Do you have good йsiоп? Has it changed in The last few уеагs?

Which of уоur senses do you think is the strongest? Which of уоur

senses is the weakest? Give examples.

hеаriпg sight smell tasle Louch

Уtз саЬ ез} аrу р reзri eý*r
Reod these sentences. ln еосh set of four, motch the words in bold with
their meonings.
l In ап ачеrаgе week, I spend аrоuпd ten hоurs watching ТV.
2 I often lie awake at night worrying about things.
3 Blind people often develop а чеry strопg sense of hеаriпg.
4 Learning English is а very complex task, so it will take а long

ч (adj) not sleeping

Ь (adj) usual оr ordiTrary
с (adj) has mапу small parts оr details, so it is difficult to understand
d (adj) not аЫе to see

5 Seeing the Egyptian pyramids was the best ехреriепсе of mу life.

6 Coffee is опе of mу favorite flavors.
7 Му sense of sight is поt чеry strопg. I hаче to wеаr glasses.
8 I do not like food with а сrеаmу texture.

е (n) the раПiсulаr taste that food оr drink has

{ (") the way something feels when you touch от eat it
g (n) natural physical abilities: to see, hear, smell, taste, оr feel
h (") something that happens to you / а situation you аrе involved in
Work with о portner. Which of the sentences ore true for you?

tlýTE]'llШG I оur world, оur senses

1 Look ot the pictures. Which of thе onimoIs do you thiпk hоs thе best
eyesight? Why? Whiсh do you think hos thе worst eyesight? Whу?
Discuss with о porlner.

/ thiиk... hаs the best evesiallt beca"se ,,.

рrоЪаЬlу ltаs the *oirt фе"g!lt, becarse..,
2 Predict if these senlences ore true оr folse. Write I (true) оr F (folse).
I The humап еуе has six palls.
? Оur еуе muscles аrе less active than оthеr muscles in оur body.
З Wоmеп Ыiпk thеir eyes mоrе than mеп.
{ Eagles hаче much better eyesight than humans.
5 Owls have рооr night vision.
6 Bats cannot see.
..' :| , : Listen to Our world, our 5еп5е5 ond check your predictions. cleo rlу odu klIгli Cl)|,,|,
expoSe ]Vi Ik:plli17
focus ]vi lt]i,kai ,)

REcoGNlzlNG DlttЕRЕNт TYPEý ФF NUмвЕRý lr.

lп рrоgrоms оr lectures obout science topics, the speoker often uses numbers
to rерrеsепt focts. Listen for these words to hеlр you recognize the пчmЬеr: oq
huпdrеd, thоusопd, huпdrеd thоusопd, milliоп, реrсепt, ond poinf. U1
215 fwo huпdrеd fiftееп л
2,750 lwo lhоusопd sеvеп huпdrеd fifty -.
27,551 fwепtу sечеп fhочsопd fivе huпdrеd fi{ty-one
27 5,552 lwo huпdrеd sеvепtу five thоusапd five huпdrеd fi{ty-Mo
2,750,000 fwo milliоп seyen lrundred fifty thоusопd
з0% thirtу реrсепt
4.5 fоur роiпl five

1 '',,.| . Listen ogoin. lп еосh set, motch the numbers with the notes.
Т 2 million * ii о1'еч,э о1.1т.эi}а oi;r hcel
Ё50 * rlorkiric1 раrtэ iп iэсlпэп сyс
3tz < # о, tПiпqэ 2!1 eyg rrn ftlсцэ ori lr;

4 4.6 d mtrэ ап ow! сап эее а mоuэе аt пiбhl;

r i00
J е dеqrееэ ап owl сап turп itэ head
* 27о ý kmэ wа сап эее оп flаt-lапd

'".:.',, - ., Listen ond clrcle thе соrrесt numbers.

] 1з / з0 4. 61 6 / 660 7 119,919 / 1 90,990
2 14 l 140 5 7,717 l 7,77о * 2,215,000 / 2,250,000
Э 115 / 150 * 18,.з80 / s0,sls
,..,,,, . , Listen ond complete these sentences obout vision.
I People rеаd tines slor,ver frоtп а colllplltel sс]ес]п.
Ё Му eyeglasses аrе not so expensive. Тhеч cost $

З This sulvey shows that _, . ..,',Ой оf teenagels wеаr giasses.

4 Honey bees have lenses in each еl,е.
ý Falcons сап see . times better than hшmапs.
& We сап see the mооп, u,lrich is km alvay.

Developing critical thinking

Discuss these questions in о group.
l Which facts in the рrоgrаm surprised уоu the most?
I a/realy *иеw t/lat.." . l wаs sиrрr;sеd tййt.,.

2 Why else might people blink? Why do you йink wоmеп blink most?
Реор/в м9йt Ьliиl */lеи .,. , l tlq;и/< wO?и€и Ь{iи/< tиоst Ьеся"sе,..
3 По уоu think sight is the most imрогtапt sense? Why оr why not? Think
about the things in the Ьох оп the right.
t tk;и/< sфht is ,/ isи't tйе rиоst iпарл,.tаиt sеиsе beca*se ..,

týýYж**ýР€# ж Dans le Noir
, .' a-

How often do you go out for о meol? Wbot

types of reslouronts do you usuolly go to?
Why? ls cost, locotion, оr food mosl
importont? Discuss with о роrtпеr.

э , ', Listen to Dons le Noir ond сhесk
(.Z) the topics the speoker tolks obout.
! Enjoying а meal rvith all оur senses
? тhе rеstаurапt оlц,пеr's gоа1
З Tlre l-ristory of the restaurant
4 Тhе food melru
5 Description of а typical n-real
* The и,аitегs
r .\ сuýIоmег s tlpirliort
* The гestaulant'S locatior-r and hоurs


lп news rероrts опd presentotions, the sреоkег often uses questions to

informotion /,tпfэг'mеIJ'{а;п
chonge frоm опе topic to thе next topic. Recognizing о tronsition question
helps you to identify when thе topic is obout to chonge ond whot thе next sоurсе (п) /sэгs/
topic is. totol (odi) /'toi;t(a)l/
Tronsition questions con ...
. begin with о wоrd оr рhrоsе to link the lost topic to thе next topic: ond,
ond speo/<ing of, buf, so
. include о word оr рhrоsе from thе previous sentence.

Z @ З.rа Listen to excerpts frоm Dons le Noir. Complete lhese sentences.

ll_пd_е_rliл_е the topics the tronsition queslions introduce.
I And the _, what about the menu?
Ё do the dirrегs eгijov the of not
kno,nt ing r,r,hat thе}"rе going to eat?
* сап the waiters ,_ _ how to serwe the right
meals to the right сustоmеrs iп total darkness?
& , what do the say about the experience
of eating at Ddný lа Nroir-?
Check (/) to complete these sentences correct|y. Тhеп listen to Dопs /е
Noir ogoin ond сhесk your опýwеrs.
З The colors, shape, апd design of the food involr,e оt_tг seitse оf
* taste.
* siglrt.
* smell.
2 I)tltts le |r/оlr is Fгепсh апс1 mеапs
gg in the сlаrk.
Ь at night.
с in the deep.
* t'he rеstаuгаt-lt's оwпе[s r,r,ant people to lэе mоге аl,rrаrе оГ
* cooking styles.
h Гl,епсh Гсlоd.
с blindrress.
€ The rеstаuгапt has sr_rrprise menus.
с [] three
h |f fоur
t [*_| five
5 The restaurant's аrе Ыiпd.
i.l owne[S
fu custotners
< waiters
* The cllstonlels аrе usuall1. in the rеstаt_tгапt fог
* 1 hоur.
* -
{. .2hottrs.
F Whеп сustоmегs аrrir..е, the.v have to
* take off their shoes.
Ь put оп Suп glasses.
{ put thеir рhопеs in а ]осkеr.
* The customer thinks that the ехреriегlсе of eating at Dсп_s lg Nolt ib

* , fun and educational.

Ь frightening arrd urrcornfofiable.
t bol,i ng alld expensir е,

З Discuss these questions in о group.

€ Would уоu like to eat in Dапs le }rrolt ? Why ог ц,hу поt? LIse tl. e lrsetr_r]
words in the Ьох оп the rigl-rt.

Ё Do уоu think Dttпs le Дrlоlr rvould Ье successful irr _vour соuпtп,i \\-hr- cll
rц,lrч not?
/ tlq;иft Dаиs {е Noir wоц{d ,/ urои{lи't Ьо 5иобе5sfи/;и .., because ...
Тhiпk obout the ideos from Очr world, оur ýепýе5 ond Dопs le Noir.
Discuss thеsе questions in о group.
l Wlrat аГе the advilntages arld clisadvalrtages of Lleitlg blind? Tlrink abclr_rt
the thirrgs irr the [ltlx orr the гight.
оthеr senses
Ё tlo ycllt have illly Sayingb iп \,ot_tl,i.lrlз_l.tge аЬоut sighl ог visiorr? What
do thеч tlearl .Z [)сl чоu tlrink thev аrе truе?
tЦе /tare а sауiиз: .". , / th;и/< it Ь / Ьи't trце beca"se..,

Yocabвlary ýki}}

&**€ ж * ý'#{ { 1У;?* Т * {'"=:t lц?:4*{, е,.* з*{т iV Sэ Z=т :: ?+_{э:# ?п*

А suffixis о grоuр of letters odded to the end of о word to chonge its meoning.
Неrе оrе some соmmоп sufifixes thot соп сhопgе odiectives into nouns:
-пе55 Ыtпd - b/indness -ty honest - honesfy
-ity complex,l complexity

Сhопgе these odiectives into nouns Ьу odding thе соrrесl suffix.

Тhеп check your onswers in о dictionory.
I good tlilfit trlt
2 possible j+ clr_riet

3 dагk " ('l'('.lti\'('

4 useful J tr t',t k

Сhопgе thеsе nouns into odiecfives.

l sadness :;i |оча lt),
2 rеliаЬiliгу lta1l1li11,,15

3 сlаritу I,cslltltlsillilitr
4 uselessness * activiФ.

з complete these sentences. use thе correct fоrm of thе words in thе Ьох.

.,activel' ,'с,lеаr сгеаtiче possibie quiet usefцl

i As we get оidег, we lose sotne in out visiot-t.

З Scientists use а lot of ,,__.,. , to desigi-r theit rеsеаrсh projects.
З When I close mу eyes/ I сап геаllу erljov the of this place.
* Тhеrе is а ._, _,,._ , that the trеаtmепt r,ilI imрrоче уоur eyesight.
5 l can see frotn the students' faces that the ._,__., is interesting.

* I want to see the buildirrg рlап to Ье surе of the pr-o ject's . _ ___,.,,..

4 Ask ond onswer these questions with о роrtпеr.

Е What is уоur biggest difficulty wlth leai-ning Englisl-r?
? Whеrе do you go to enjoy а quiet аtmоsрhеге?
Э What is most irnporlant to уоц fог уоuг happiness?
€ What is the most useful соuгsе yoll ai-e taking r-row?
ý Who is the most сгеаtiче реrsоп you know?
& Аrе you а геliаЬlе реrsоп? Can yor.r give arr ехапрiе?

ýtrЖ&ЖýЖ& Taking раrt in а quiz
You. ore g_oing to lеоrп obout concrete ond obstroct поUп5/ osking for repetition
ond c]orificotion, ond рrопочпсiпg fino] сопsопопI ltlbefore ойthеr
сопsопопt. You ore thеп going to use these to prepore ond toke port iп о quiz.

**ж***тr &F{* &*ýТ*А*Т Г"ý*аjжý

сопсrеtе поuпs
we con see, tоuсh, hеоr, toste, оr smell concrete nouns. Сопсrеtе nouns соп
ье count оr noncount. you соп odd оп orticle Ьеfоге о сопсгеtе поuп.
Study thе fоrms:

F*rжl ýк*жзрl*

count nouns
the humоп о cot оп еуе

thе wоtеr

АЬstrосt nouns оrе nomes of ideos, concepts, quolities, conditions, оr octions

thot we connot touch оr feel with оur senses. Аьstrосt nouns оrе uncountoble
ond we often use them with no огiiсlе.
Itis сlеqr thot knowledge of sсiепсеis песеssоrу to ochieve mу gools.
Роrепfs kпоw lhоl sleep is very imроrtопt {оr children's hеоlth.

З Write С (concrete почп) or А (obstroct почп).

] animal r happiness l3 speed
? blindness Е health l4 strength
ý Ьгаiп s sadness |5 task
€ eagle ý* science l$ trust
ý еуе 1З sense l7 vision
* fact ý? sight I8 weakness

2 Complete these sentences with о, оп, thе, or О orticle.

j wherr l look at pink sunset, I аm filled with _ happiness.
Э еуе and _ brain work together to control
ý Ido еуе exercise that helps to imрrоче vlSlon
€ fact that
blindness in the world is decreasing?
5 I do поt have
rероft about _
sense of taste.'l

сhооsе five почпs iп exercise l ,*

ond moke senlences. Тhеп reod
them to о portner.
Askino fоr reoetition
Whеп someone osks о question, you con osk thе регsоп to rереоt
l did поt hеоr qll of thоt.
l could поt соtсh thqf.
Ibof иzоs too fqst fоr mе to uпdеrstqпd.
Соп you p/eose rереоt the question?
P/eose soy lhе question ogoin mоrе slowly.
Could l hоvе thql опсе mоrе pleose?
Asking fоr clorificotion
lf you do not understond one оr mоrе words, you соп osk the реrsоп fоr
l do поt uпdеrslопd fbe quesfion, Соп you soy il опоthеr woy?
Whоl does ... mеап?
l do поt kпоw the word ...

r @ z,то Listen ond check (/) if thе speoker osks for repetition оr
0 repetition 3 ш п repetition
ь clarification Ь п clarification
п repetition 4 g
п repetition
h clarification Ь п clarification

2 Role ploy with о роrtпеr. You ore quizzing еосh other to рrероrе for о
science test. Toke turns osking these questions, osking for repetition /
clorificotion, ond giving lhe onswer.
I Which animals have the best night vision? (Cats and owls)
2 What аrе the human body's most active muscles? (Еуе muscles)
3 How much of оur еуе is exposed to the world? (I7Vо)
4 How mапу times а day do we usually Ыiпk? (10,000)
5 What fоur senses do we use to enjoy а meal? (Taste, smell, touch, sight)
6 What does Dcns le Noir mеап in English? (In the dark)

prorrmnciatiom ýkil}

Whеп о wоrd ends with /t/ ond the fol|owing word begins with о consonont,
thе finol /t/ in thе first word is not fully рrопоuпсеd. lnsteod, we stop оur
voice чеrу quickly Ьеfоrе soying the next word.
whоt lwqtl
whot shоuld lwo? Jud/
@z,ls Listen ond соmроrе lhe pronunciotion of finol/t/. Тhеп listen ogoin
ond repeot.
l What
What should we know about оur eyes?
2 That
You mау notice that wоmеп blink mоrе than mеп.
3 React
Women react when they hеаr loud sounds.
4 Best
Тhе best night vision belongs to cats and owls.
5 Fact
In fact bats can see.

@ a"lo Uпd_еrliде whеrе о finol /t/ comes before опоthеr consonont. Тhеп
listen ond repeot.
l Eating in total darkness, without sight, allows our other senses to
ьесоmе awake.
2 But that's not all.
3 Most diners сhооsе frоm опе of the kitchen's fоur surрrisе menus.
4 The diners hаче fun tфпg to figure out what they're eating.
5 How do waiters know how to serve the right meals?
6 If you feel adventurous and want а new, different dining ехреriепсе, trу
Dans le Noir.

Reod thе senlences with о porlnen Fосчs оп уоur pronunciotion of finol

consonont /t/ before опоthеr сопsопопt.

ýрý&ilIжý т*ýк
Reod this quiz question.@the concrete почп. Uпdр.rliле
thе orticle.

How mчсh does а human еуе weigh? AL

а) 8 grams Ь) 28 grams с) 58 grams
А Е в Lo н с т

Work wfih о рOПпеr. Fiпd six fqds оЬоut vision thot interest уоч.

Look bock ol уоur broinstorm. Use уочr focts lo wrile six quiz questions. Give three possible oпswеr5 for eoch question.
Тrу to include сопсrеlе ond оbstrocl почпs. (heck уочr пilicles.

Pructice osking your questions. Роу ottention to уочr рrопuпсiоtiоп of finol сопsопопt it,'before oпOthеr (onsonont.

Wоrk with u пеrrv рOrlпеr. Toke turns osking ппd onswering your questions. Ask for repetition опd clorificution i[
уоu do
not understond your роrtпеrЪ question.
Ft €heck у@шr mе}mФrу style
.Ё Ьу Stella Cottrell
-u) \fflзat helps уOu rеrпеmЬеr things? НеrсЪ е sirTlple wау
_\J to find out.

х Соlоr iп terr wоrds cn the wоrс! chart below,
J х ilead through the сhаrt fоr two ininutes, tllen сс:чеr
*-J it гпrпrl.пtаl.,l
(л r Write down all the words you сап rеmеmЬеr.
r Read the following section as you check your

\ -'l kitchen LoG
lchair \
, __,\
лliич Эраiп hаЬЬу i_..:! -

chBebe Btudeпt, joB

( *indv / r*л -J
?апq doctor с..- )ii

ýýýzý эаd 1rчllцау

l tл-.
i ъчъаг lNplA i..- )
\чч ;-- -. : table book
/ ),,
a-r ,lue \
л гq
What helps уФu rеmеrпЬеr?
N-cok at the words уоu
rеmеmЬеrеd" Eid уOu uýе arly
Place П ýemantic association П
0f the strategies Ьеlоw? lf so, You may have linked а word You mау rеrпеmiэеr wоrсls with
ycu сап 5ее iiovJ to ariarlge иlith а place уоu know. mеап!пgfuI associations, such as
t}re infermation уоu want to lзrеаd, butter, sa ndwich,
rеmеmlзеr. Reaý паmеs П
Апу оr ali oi the folicr,Tinq You may have а раrtrсulаr!у ýeing unusuaý П
help уоur mеmorу, goocJ rпеrпаrу fоr паrпеs. You mау notice strапgе things,
such as the wсэrds "ропg" and
Rесепсу effect п Visuai fеаtчrеs П "Elink", which stand out, {lf уоu
You may notjce the look of did, you lTay find it helpful to
You may rеmеmlэеr lзеst the link оrсjiпаrу things with strапgе
wоrСS you learned last" а word (such as the wоrds iп
capitais оr those with shapes imaEes or sounds.)
Рrimасу effect п аrоuпd them).
Stories П
You mау rеmеmЬег best the Visча! association П Yоu rпау link urrreiated items
words уоu iеаrпеd first.
Yоu mау link words with so that they rrrake а stcry. {This
Sound сап help with the ietters of а
П pictures or mental images.
difficult sреllirзg.)
You may rеmеmЬеr rhуmiпg Visua| аrrапgеrпепt П activity
words, strange sound;ng
You гпау геmепlЬеr ъvhеrе itеrпs
С,оlоr апd П
wоrds, ol",,vords that you hеаrd
аrе оп the ра9е. (lf so, you You may notice соlоr, or реrhарs
together in уоur heacJ. you benefit frоm doing things
may find it eastrl to rеmеmЬеr
flowcharts 0r pattern noteý, ог with iпfоrmаtiоп уоu аrе

lcdl - -л:
find visual sрасiпЕ оr making ! ll! lU.

links lvith а picture helpful,)

76 UNIT 7 VlSloN
l UNIT 8

Listening fоr words

used to classifi,
Рrераrirrg for

РRОNUNСаТЮN Pronouncing сап
апd сап't
ýPEAK1,1G Taking time to think
before speaking

Discuss these questions with о portner.

l Describe the picture. Have you seen wеаthеr like this in rеаl life оr

what is the most ехtrеmе епчirопmепt уоu have experienced и

very cold, very dry оr че1) wet?

Who is the most intelligent реrsоп you know? What сап hе lr she do tha1
most people cannot?

':::.:., :-.,.,,11|1,,,.-. ; .., :,.,,,,r,:.a,,,,, :

Reod these sentences. ln eoch set of five, motch the words in bold with their
l I аm not surе аЬоut the ассurасу of the facts in this repol-t.
? The World Меmоry Championship has ten categories of competition.
3 We can classiý. lakes into freshwater lakes and saltwater lakes.
4 Scientists say Йat we need to do mоrе to protect оur environment.
5 l have to mеmоrizе So mапу facts for mу history test tomorrow.

о (n) the natural world, including water, land, аir, plants, animals
Ь (") to lеаrп something so that you сап rеmеmЬеr it реrfесtlу
с (ч) to put people оr things into grоuрs based оп their features
d (") being exactly соrrесt in every detail
е (n) а grоuр of people оr things that hаче similar qualities

6 I аm not чеry good at learning rапdоm facts for tests.

7 I cannot recall the names of any of mу classmates in elementary school.
8 solid block of ice.
tt is so cold in winter that this lake becomes а
9 Did ечеryопе survive the tеrriЫе earthquake?
l0 That powerfuI typhoon is the ultimate ехаmрlе of extreme weather.

f (") to stay alive аflеr а difficult situation

g (v) to rеmеmЬеr something
h (adj) the best оr most extreme type of something
i (adj) without апу particular method, раttеrп, оr system
j (adi) firm and hard with no holes оr empty space inside it

L!ýTE},|l[dG I ulti-ate mеmоry


ls your obility lo memorize things good? Whot kinds of things do you

rеmеmЬеr best? Do you know опуопе with о very good memory? Whot соп
hе or she rеmеmЬеr well: dotes, nomes/ events, focts? Discuss with о portner.

'.|: : : Listen to lJltimale mеmоrу ond пчmЬеr these topics in order.
u 'Iwo tvpes of ехtrеmе memoly
Ь Peopie with "super memorization"
с Types of methods fоr memorizirrg things
d рr. Alvi's book
е А sentence to help rеmеmЬеr facts
f People with "event mеmоry"

t ., , Listen ogoin ond motch
the people with whot they соп do. cose (n) /kers/ :|,:ýýa||,|
l Вrаd williams event (n) /r'vent/
? Ii|| ггiсе lit

technique (п) /tek,nik/ J,


3 latiana Coole1 |{i

4 Wапg Fепg 2):

& mеmоrizе а 40 line роеm in ten minutes

h rесаll news events frоm arry day in the last 40 уеаrs
* rесаll t]-rеiг activities fоr any day of their life -
d mеmоrizе оrdеr of 52 саrds in 24 seconds

ln presentotions, lectures, ond news rероrts obout ocodemic topics, speokers

often огgопizе items оссоrdiпg to feqtures оr quolities they hоче in common.
Listening fоr the wоrds speokers use to clossify people, things, ond ideos,
hеlрs you to understond ond orgonize thе informqtion whilе you оrе
Wоrds used to clossify items ...
. чеrЬs: cotegorize, clossif, foll iпtо, fil iпtо, put into
. nouns: соtеgоrу, closs, grоuр, kiпd of, type

2 Ф l.i& listen to excerpts irom lJltimote mеmоrу. Complete these

sепtепGеs. Тhеп write У (verb) оr N (почп) next to еосh expression.
l That means we that very lаrgе of
people called .,. поrmаl!
2 Now psychologists usually them into two

3 We can them into different Iike using

an image, оr а story оr а sentence.

@al* Listen ond complete lhеsе sentences obout clossifying informotion.

Тhеп gmЫli]Le the informotion thot is being clossified.
l At this university фе соursе subjects four
: physical sciences, social sciences, humanities, and
2 The food we eat is usually four : dаiп,
products, fruits and vegetables, grаiпs, and meat.
3 Psychologists often people into two
А personality and В personality.
4 Му tеасhеr often says that students
: hагdwоrkiпg ог laz_v
5 We usually sports into two broad grоuрs оr
: individual sроrts and team sроrts.
Libraries use mапу different systems to books into

"Llq:YКЯq-ёУ ýýеý ý-е i&ý**{*i L}ýýe**{ýýýý
0mozlng intelligent
Discuss these questioný in о group.
} Which example of ехtrеmе mеmоry impresses you the most? Whу? Use the

useful words in the Ьох on the right. imроssiЫе useful

l'w риоst iwзр:rеssвd &у "., Ьесаиsе "".

l Would you like to hаче extreme event mеmоry? Why оr why not? Think
about the things in the Ьох on tlre right.
eХomý vocotions
/ *уg*lý / broa{du;'t {i&e *s lýвуt аи ex{y"sr** е?.емё tм*явеаэзl ýесмааsе "", hobbies work
3 Ро you think it is роssiЫе to trаiп уоur mеmоry to Ьесоmе better?
l t/l;иk itb possible / iиpossibb to trвiиуоиr,иеtиоrу Ьвсаиsе,..

LIýTEШINý 2 Ехрlоriпg environments

Describe the ploces in thе pictures using thе useful words in the Ьох оп coId hоt
rhe right. D9 you think опуопе соп live in these ploces? Whу оr why not?
dork light
Discuss with о роrtпеr.
dry wet
йа р{ме iи t/le
рtсtиrе ЬоЬ ... . Рвор{е ми ./ оаи't {ire iи thesB pkoes Ьеоаиsе ...

;;_:j;: РRЕРдRlhNý ГФR L!ýTE&ёiNG

lt is чеrу useful to рrероrе fоr listening to о lесturе оr preseniotion Ьу

:,1= wгitiпg down о list of questions you hove oboui the topic. Тhеп, whеп you
a= оrе listening to the lecture оr presentotion/ уоur questions will focus уоuг
-= оttепtiоп ond hеlр you to Ье о mоrе octive listener.

2 Prepore to listen to о lecture obout extreme епчirопmепts.

I Вrаiпstоrm five questions you have about the topic.
? Check (/) the questions you think the speaker wiII talk about.
сопsidеr (v) /kэп'srdэr/
G}g*эа} }*stежiлзg реr (ргер) lрзrl
Listen to Exploring епvirопmепts ond check your predictions.
sеогсh (n) /sзrt.|'/

Close listening
_,:': ..
, Lislen ogoin ond complete these notes.

ExtreшB еиrirоимвиts
Ехашр /es of extre rи е е и riro и уи е иts :

Sahara, Death ra/by ир to '€; Дtаоама {СhL{е) шtи rа|и реr)/r

Mt, Еrеrеst {tVepal) : abore sea brel ({tttle О,); Диtаrсttса : 'С

бrt Sa{t Lal<en Dead Sea, Дssа/ % sа/t : tiшes > осеаи

Мапаиаs Treиcll, * irиs lBep b,larl: {it{e suиligйt

Types of extretиe еиtrirоиs,
l ,л I
. w/ lоw е, , co/l
leep еr" dаrl
fut о re ех tre уи е е и rt|.ro п s
elje о{rоЬаио "0; ,'и so/il roc/< /<мs ,иlеrgrиd; J*o.r" /о/r,
Саи /ife sиrt trе fhere?
ExtreMopйi/es = оrзаиisмs сви sиrrirе whеrе оihвr /ф оаи't

l, J /
Еt: lara9rades {lиеаиs ca//el wаtеr bears
лл /оиj; саи sиr,,,itlе co/d "о еэ'hоt "С; U ио wаtеr

Developing critical thinking

Discuss these questions in о grоuр.
ociivities distonce
l Which of the ехtrеmе епчirопmепts dеsсгiЬеd would you like to visit?
odventure sofety
Think about the things in the Ьох on the right.
соmfоrt wildlife

2 Do you think епчirопmепts on Еаrth аrе becomilrg mоrе ехtrеmе? Whr

оr whv not?
/t/4;и/< еиrirоиmеиts are ,/ аrеи't Ьесоtиiиз моrе ехtrеtие Ьесацsе ...

Think obout thе ideos irom lJltimote mеmоrу опd Ехрlоriпg епчirопmепЪ согпреtitiоп personolinterest
ond discuss these questions in о group. tundtng rеlеVопсе
l Why do you think scientists study ехtrеmеs? Is it useful? Think about
the things in the Ьох on the right.

Which extlemes would you like to Ье at: hot-cold, clever-stuprd,

гiсh-рооr? Оr и,оuld you rаthеr Ье in the middle? whч?



Words thot begin with ех- often ideo of очt, fоr frоm, Ьеуопd, оr
н Дпtоrсtiса is o/so оп ехаmрlе о{ оп ехlrеmе епчirопmепi. (for frоm)
Не is аЫе to mеmоrizе thе exoct оrdеr of 52 playing соrds
iп 24 seconds. (completely)
н моtсh the words with
Ёп l exl-rale € ехрегimепt
Ё ехрапсl 5 exper-t
* experrsive * ехргеss

ý Someone who is very knowledgeable about а subject

fu то Ьrеаthе out аir frоm чоrrr mouth
с То grоw оr get bigger
d Costing а lot of mопеу
& А scientific test to see what the results will Ье
$ То tell оr show уоur feelings оr opinions

2 Complete lhese sentenceý. Use thе words in thе Ьох.

t Nlапу alrimals аrе becominc because of епl,iгопmепtаl

* Тhеге rvas а tеггiые rvlren the fогеst fiге begall.
з some scientists the lr.orld's plclpulatiol-r to stop gгolr,iTtg
Ьу 2050.
4 А good рrоfеssоr can clitfi cr_rlt ideas cl еаrlv
5 Jоrаlr hаs ten \Ieaгs' teacl-ring high school gеоgгарhу.

3 Write questions using thе words in exercise 2. Тhеп osk ond onswer wilh
о portner.
ýPEAKl]-lý Interviewing about mеmоry l сr)
You ore.going Ь leorn obout expressing ond osking oЬout obiliY рrопочпсiпg
соп ond cont ond toking time to think before speoking. You оrе thеп going
lo use lhese to interview someone obout his оr hеr mеmоц/. lл{
Grапrrяаr :9

ll .

Wh- questions

: , .'.'-',

Сhопgе thеsе stotements inlo thе negotive.

I I can speak Gеrmап.
2 That animal is able to survive without water.
3 Miki can rесаll all фе details of the story.
4 They аrе able to live deep underground.
5 Не can mеmоrizе а long роеm perfectly.
6 I аm аЫе to recall all the mаjоr news events.

Moke опе yes / по question опd опе wh- question for fie offirmotive
stolements in exercise l.

Ask ond onýwer thе yes / по questions in exercise 2 with о porlner.

PRoNoUNclhlG сдN АND сдN,т
lп поturоl English соп is usuolly spoken in its reduced оr weok fоrm /kэп/.
Whеп this hоррепs, it is unstressed ond the following чеrЬ is stressed.
Соп'f is olwoys spoken in its stressed stгопg fоrm lkапtl .


We soy соп in its strопg stressed fоrm /kan/ to emphosize it in о controst, оr
whеп we оrе giving о shоrt onswer to о question obout obility оr possibility.

r @ z.zr Listen ond complete lhese sentenceý with соп or сопt Тhеп listen
ogoin ond repeol.
l t]гаd rеmеmЬеr what happened 20 уеаrs ago.
? litt геt-пеmЬеr r,vhat time hеr c]ass begins.
З lulanyextrernoplriles live irr а погlrrаl еt-tчiгопmепt
,l Sаrаh mеmоrizе а long роеm in ten minutes.
5 humапs live in very ехtrеmе environments?
& fish live in the Dead Sea?

2 Work with о роrtпеп Toke furns osking ond onswering these queslions,
giving short опswеrs йЙ о conlrost. tocus on уочr рrопuпсiоtiоп of соп
ond сопt
l Сап you swim? 3 Can you speak English?
2 Can you memorize the оrdеr 4 Сап you cook?
of а pack of playing cards? 5 Сап you nrn а kilometer?

Speaking skill
Often we wont to give ouгselves thinking time Ьеfоrе responding to о
question. Неrе оrе fочr techniques you соп use to fill silence while you think;
l Ask thе speoker to repeot tbe question: Роrdоп? Sоrrу? Excuse mе?
2 Mqke "thinking noises": Нmm. Еr.
З Use English expressions which mеоп you оrе thinking obout
уоur опswег: [еfЪ see. Let mе thiпk. Give mе о second. Just о mоmепt.

4 Repeot thе question slowly.

r @ r.rz Listen ond check (Z) the techniques the speokers use.

? Work with о роrlпеr. Toke turns osking qпd onswering these questions.
Toke time to think before onswering.
l \\rhat did yor-r eat fоr Ьгеаkfаst this mоrпiгrg?
? What ciid you wеаr yester-day?
З Can you rесаli what type of ехtrеmе mеmоry Wang Гепg l-ras l
€ How much hопrеwоrk did уоu have уеstегdаy?
* How tnany classes did ,vou have vesterday?

%рtr&жýffi# €е%ж
Reod this interview. Underline thе expressions used to tolk obout obility.

,-- |,.,.
What can vou геmеmlэеr allout eyes frоm unit 7?
| | Cive mе а seconc]. I сап rешеmЬеr that the humап еуе can foctts ot-l _lr] tilrTlSs рlег second, Ьut l can't
rеmеmьеr the mахimuп distance we сап see.
, ,: Аге yor_r able to геmеmЬеr poems?
:.: _, Нmmm. Yеs, I аm. I'm аЫе to геmешЬеI some lines frоm ml, far-oTite pt-rc^Iil_i,

You will interview sOmеOпе obout his / hеr memory. Reud the mеmorу queslionnuire. Тhеп odd 0пе mOrе qtlestion to еосh section.
Use expressions for osking obout obility.

Жежъ*rу r*

ч еý*ýtý*еъ жа Ё
Жеr**rу*fu3ýitу ..ъ l
ф Look ot the рhоtо of the city scene fоr one ;r..t' ]_'.,"ý:
minute, thеп сочеr it up with о piece of
!_ -
рореr. Whot detoiIs соп you rеmеmЬеr? r-
ф Wbot соп you rеmеmЬеr oboui aг]
extremophiles? Give thгее focts obout
ехtгеmорhilеs thot you con rеmеmЬеr.
ф Wbot аге you oble to rеmеmЬеr obout
ехtrеmе mеmоrу? Give ihrее focts thot you
con rеmеmьеr.
lU!**:*rу ýэ*hits

ф How оrе you oble to memorize о lot of

informotion fоr о test?
ф Но* con you rеmеmЬеr new English ' , ., ;ýry::..]...


ffi Do you rеmеmЬеr nqmes оr foces Ьеttег?

Look bock cl lhe. Меmоrу questionnoire. Рlоп your uпslvеrs to the Меmоrу hobits questions. Use expressions for tolking obout obility
ond controslive forms.

Work with 0 рOrlпеr. Proctice пsking ond unswering your questionnoires. Роу oitention lo your рrопuпсiоtiоп of сuп 0пd сOп'I.

Quiz os mопу people 0s you (0п. Toke turпs usking ond oпswеriпg questions. Use the lechniques for tOking time lo think if уоч пееd to.

ýTIIDY ýKILLý Using listening notes for tests
ч, Discuss these questions with о porlner.
l How marry davs Ьеfоrе а test do you usuаllу begin to study?
\J ? Ро vou usually stцdч alone ог do уоu have а study рагtпеr?
J 3 Ilow do you usually us€ 1чбц1 lecture lrotes when \,/оu аrе studying fоr а test?
ЁJ Аге уоur notes Llseful?
Kei began looking at his
Reod this scenorio. Тhiпk obout whоt Kei is doing right ond whot hе is doing
lecture notes the evening
before а test. Не rеmеmьеrеd
thе information from recent
i.. .,::..,':l ,: ll ::: :.."..:;::,,' ;r, 1r ',..
lectures, but not so muсh
Reod these eight tips for using listening notes lo study fоr о test. Discuss еосh from еаrliеr lectures. Не read
опе with о portner. Whiсh do you think ore most useful? Wby? aIl his notes Гrоm beginning
to end on his computer, then
l Begin reviewing уоur lесturе notes а few days to one week before the test.
closed his соmрutеr and tried
? Review уоur notes fог а half-hour on sечеrаl different days, rаthеr than fоr to rernember everything.
а lопg time опlу опсе оr t\\ ice, не did that three times, and
З Review уоur notes in the dayime between classes, not only at night when еасh time he rеmеmьеrеd а
you аrе tired. little more. However, he did
{ Print ollt уоur notes оп рареr in а Iагgе easy-to-read font, and keep them поt undeгstand some main
with you so уоu сап rечiеw them. points and hе had по idea
ý Rewrite your notes neatly Ьу hand оп note cards and use them to study. rvhat questions would Ье оп
* Highlight key tеrms, facts, and ideas with соlоrs оr symbols to indicate the test. After а few hours,
which опеs аrе most important, оr most difficult to rеmеmЬеr fоr the test. hе got tired and went to bed.
7 Тry to predict questions that you think will Ье on the test and wгitе Unfortunately, Kei was not
them down- satisfied with his grade оп
ý Аrrапgе а test study session with опе оr two classmates so уоu can shаrе the test.

уоur notes and quiz each оthеr with уоuг predicted test questions.

Discuss these questions with о роrlпеr.

I Which of the tips do уоu аlrеаd1. follow?
! Which suggestions do you wапt to try Ьеfоrе уоur next teýta
* What оthеr suggestions и,оu]d чоu girre Kei to help him get а Ьеttег test grаdе?

l Asking for mоте

Рrопоuпсiпg -ed

Discuss these questions with о portner.

ý Do you help others? Describe а helpful thing you did fоr sоmеопе "Giveamaýe&ý&
else rесепtlу.
i ::,| :,} 7,11' 1; 1.,l :: ; : :: ;,:: ||','.', :, | |.': |."..| |,;....., :,.i. :,.:,.a,,;

а +т* ,;;п
3 Look at the picture and rеаd the saying. What do you think the
э ?=,.,*:
||i.::+>T; iji iJTri ф
saying means? Do you agree?
'х|,ar|, }саDшлаr}r рrеиеW

Reod these sentences. lп еосh set of fou1 mоtсh the words in bold with

El] their meonings.

l Му fаthеr works fоr а large, multinational organization.
::;::ý8 2 Му family donates mопеу to charity оп а rеgulаr basis.
11 З

I feel fortunate that mу parents wоrk hard to give mе а

г1 good education.


Lots of people in mу country have two jobs to give thеir families

food and ехtrа iпсоmе.
о (adj) lucý
h (") mопеу that someone gets frоm working
с (n) а grоuр of people who work together
d (") to give mопеу оr goods to а grоuр оr реrsоп

5 In some parts of mу соuпtrу people don't hаче enough mопеу and

poverty is а serious рrоЬlеm.
6 "Wоrk before play" was one of the рriпсiрlеs that I leamed as а child.
7 In mу аrеа, thеrе is а shortage of gTeen, open spaces
8 I would like to work as а чоluпtееr at а homeless shelter.

е (п) а situation in which someone does not have enough mопеу to рау
for basic things like food, clothes, and housing
{ (n) а lack of something that you need оr want
s (п) basic beliefs оr ideas that have ап imporlant influence on how
people do something
h (") а реrsоп who does work without expecting to Ье paid
2 Work with о portner. Whiсh of thе sепtепсеs ore true for you?

LlýTEl'll$|G ! д life lesson

Whot ore some reosons people might

lie? Do you think it is olwoys wrong to
lie? Whу оr why not? lп уочr culture,
ore thеrе опу slories obour lying?
Discuss with о роrlпеr.

РеорЬ rиia/lt l|e becarse ...

t tЙи/<itl wrоиq to /ie Ьесаиsе...

1 Listen to Д life /esson. Answer these questions.
l What kind of people wеrе Chung Ae's рагепts?
? What did Chung Ае see when she got up to wash hеr handsi \\'hat did Ьоth (рrоп) /Ьоu0/
she do? rесеiче (v) /rr'siv/
З What did Chung Ае tell hег teacher? Why? series (п) l'srizl
{ What happer-red to Chung Ае аftег high school?
5 What happened two уеаrs ago?
6 Chung Ае sal,s she is forlunate. Why?

lп ечеrу culture ond every longuoge, people enioy telling stоriеs thot teoch о
lesson. Sчсh stoгies often hqче thеsе ports:
. choroclers: Тhе importont people in thе story
. setling: Тhе р|осе ond time of thе story
. Ploh Тhе oction оr ечепts of thе stоrу. Тhе plot inc|udes these ports:
Conflict: Тhе рrоЫеm оr difficulty in the stоrу
High point: Тhе most exciting оr importont ечепt in the stоrу
Resolution: Whot hоррепs оftеr thе end of thе conflict. lt con Ье
hорру оr sod.
. Моrоl: Тhе lesson thot the stогу teoches.
Knowing thе роrts of о typicol story соп help you to uпdеrstопd о story ond
to predict whot will hoppen next.

Z @z"zЗ Listen ogoin. Моtсh thе story elements with the роrts of the strory.
I сhаrасtеr 3 conflict 5 resolution _
2 setting 4 high point _ б mоrаI
о Chung Ае lied to hеr teacher.
h Chung Ае stole а test.
t The story happened when Chung Ае was in the ninth grade.
d Chung Ае Hak was the child of рооr immigrants.
е Chung Ае wrоtе two letters of apology.
f It is печеr too late to try to fix а mistake.

Clcrse listening
@ z.zз Write r (rче), F (folse), оr U (чпkпоwп). Тhеп listen ogoin опd check
your опs}чеrs.
l Chung Ae's parents wеrе frоm China.
2 Chung Ae's family was рооr.
3 Chung Ае found the test Ьу accident.
4 Sally was Chung Ae's friend.
5 After college, Chung Ае got а good job.
6 The teacher punished Sally fоr lying.
7 Sally forgave Chung Ае.
8 Chung Ае enjoys being а чоluпtееr.
ýevel*ping critica} thinking
Discuss these questions in о group.
|- How would уоu describe the teacher's reaction to the situation? Use the
useful words in the Ьох оп the right. {оir suspic iou s

l wr;иlо{dеsсз"i&t t&e teao/rerb уеаеtiои яs .,. foolish trusti пg

? Wеrе you surprised Ьу Sally's response? How would you describe hеr
l wаs ,/ wаsуаý sw"p:"ised Ьу Saýyb ;/€$trýи*ý, !t*iиl< s/te is ,,,
3 Ро you think Chung Ае needed to do mоrе to fix hеr mistake? What?
/thiиk she did еиоuqh Ь fx her уиistаkе.
lп rиу орiиiои, slre iееdеl to lo rиоrе, for ехалрЬ ,.,

LIýTýж:ЖS ? Heifer International

Which of thе onimols in the pictures is

о heifer? Whot оthеr onimols con you
identify? How could these onimols hеlр
to сhопgе the lives of poor fomilies?
Discuss with о роrtпеr.

J Look ot the listening 2 title. Predict the

onswers to these questions.
З \Vhat do you thirrk Heifer,
lпtегпаtiопаI does?
? Нои, cor.rld а goat lrelp а рооI famil,vl
3 How could а gift of heifers help а
{ý}{}шая ýýýý*;}ýý}ж

s З,Э* Listen to Heifer lпtеrпоtiопаL ond сhесk your predictions.

so-colled 1odi) /'soo,kэld/
С&сэsе }isa*rciяъg suррогt (ч) /sэ'рэrti

#= LIýTENING tоR рАýт AND PRESENT TIME slGNALý ж themselves (рrоп) /ёan'selvz/
# Sometimes speokers tell о stоrу in оrdеr, frоm beginning to end. At оthеr
Ж times, speokers iump between post ond ргеsепt. Time signols con hеlр you
Ж identify post оr present time.
Words thot signol ...

# r рrеsепt time: of lbe рrеsепf fimе, ot this timе, поw, nowodoys, these doys

Ж r post time: of the / thоt lime, bqck thеп, Ьеfоrе, iп (уеаr), опсе

ж . movement frоm one time to опоthеr: оhеr q while, eventuolly, loler

# . thе end of о sequence of events: ot losf, finolly, iп thе епd


r @ ll* Listen ogoin ond complete these notes.

П'ме sýпаl
Nоwаlауs Нефr lй dоиаtеs апlmаls to poor {аms м > 5О соипtr|еs

lп {?44 Hei{er ýarteC Ьу

Дt tЙat tiMe Wоrlсес{fоr ;и

His dеа: а Тkеу саи т

5оуце tЬие {ater И'cst сауие Йао/, to

{laisel mоиеу tg sепr{ to
/-lti{еr =

Тhеsе days FауиtЛ'еs ,M*st

рr|ису{еs ф Не;fеr оl,з,

Pass ои the ]trt = Fамt/ч wt//

qivе tc апсt,|:еt, :,, ;, -.;t,i,/l 1 ,llte
аиiмаlсаи hе/р

/и 2ОО8 ýltiиese
{аrмеr rеrc;rеd

5 yeat's
aqo V,llaqe [и t!оиdиrаs ,.с;tiчrl
tolus yrov[le + 1 саи eilt,;rr.
* меи ,{p*'t ,ееr,{ to

{ажil'еs саи s!ач


Э Work with о роrtпеr. Use уочr notes lo retell thе tolk.

i Discuss these questions iп о grоuр. Неifег's ргiпсiрlеs

I Would уоu wоrk as а volullteel,rvith НеiГег lпtег,iопаll Thillk,r1,orrt ,l
Оthеr orgonizotions
the things iп the ьох orr the right.

? lnese days
These clays Illеttег lnteгIratlollal donates abottt
{еifег InteгIrational about З0 kinds of апiпrаls
апiпrа]s to
People all
alt очег
о,ч.ег the
tne wогld. Il Iow
Wогlсl. toW clo _yoll thlnk
do ,YoLl think the or8anlzatton
oгganization dectcles
which animal to girle people in each area? Tlrink about the thilrgs iп thc

2 Тhiпk obout the ideos from А lib lessonond

опо Heifer
пеllеr lпrcrп'попоI
опd ý,жW
discuss these questio"J',""1;.ffJe'son ж
to the principles in А life lesson апd Heifer Iпtеrпаtiопаl'
vпс руlисlрlЁ Епа[ qиtole, wtc t5 ,.. ffi
ttb ii*iiar to / афrеиt to* ihе иtпсфЬ iи ... ,
{or еха*рЬ ,,, ýW
about an organization that helps рооr people. Which passage is mоrе ЖЖ
inteTesting to уоu? Why?
lfоинd... more iиtеrеstф beaaаst
ж VосаЬulаry skill

ж l пý r-iтl FYý N* ъry*R* Fда,tЁ Ll Еý

А wоrd fomily consists of words thot оrе геIоtеd becouse they hove thе some
rооi. lf you know the rооt of о word, you соп guess thе mеопiпg of оthеr
words in thе some fomily whеп you оrе listening. This wilI imрrоче уочг
listening соmрrеhепsiоп.
Root wоrd: educote
Word fomily,. educate (чеrЬ), educofed (odiective\, educotion (noun),
ed u cofi оп ol (od jective)

ý Complete the word fomilies in this сhоrt.

ý*_ ___ +.=Z+a..'э€+ *:i?,*r*

cirarit1, chaгitatlle
, l)очсгti

i чоluпtеег , r.olutltect r-oiLtt-ltat1- 1 :

:Гогlttпе -",,--
i donation э donated

circle the соrrесt words in bold.

j The riсh mап ursed his mопеу to stalt а charity / сhаritаЫе оrgапizаtiоп
? Моте thап 90% of the people irr the village аrе рооr / poverty and
rесеir,,е some kind of internatiorral aicl.
З I'his assignment is volunteer / voluntary. It r,vill not Ье раrt of чоuг grade.
€ Anita и.аs in а саг accident. Fortunately / Fоrtuпе she was not hur-t.
5 Веп and his cousin чоluпtееr / voluntary at а hospital tц,ice а week.
* IIеifег Iпtегпаtiопаl rесеiчеs all its mor.ey frоrт donate / donations.

Ask ond onýwer these questions with о роrtпеr.

ý Do уоu kпоw the names of апч charities in уоur toц,1-1 ог аrеа?
? What is the best way to lift people out of poveпvl
ý Ро уоu have а volunteer joll гight rrow? Describe it.
€ In what wаy аrе yoLI а fоrtuпаtе 1-1егsоп?
ý ls it mоrе impofiant to donate _r,--оur time oI yоur mопеу? Whr.?
ýРýАКýЖý Telling а story
Yo_u ore _going to lеqrп obout simple post tense questions, osking for mоrе
informotion,ond рrопочпсiпg -ed endings оп regulor post tensJverbs ond
post porticiples. You ore thеп going to use these to tell о story.

*Ё&*Ftfi rяýт ЕrжýЁ ***ýтЕ*ж5

You con osk quesiions obout thе post in different woys.

Use simpIe post tense quesiions to osk obout ...
1 А specific, completed post oction: Whеrе were you (lost пight)?
2 А series of completed post octions: Did you fiпish your hоmеwоrk Ьеfаrе
you watched TV?
З Post octions очеr о регiоd of time: Whо cleoned the kitсhеп?
4 Hobits оr repeoted post octions: How did you get to sсhооl?
Study the forms
Sff.:т [g,_gpie

j Were you ot hоmе lost night?

i i [es, l wos / No, l wos not.)
Whеrе wos she lost night? (At hоmе )

] ] Did they come to уоur house?

i (Yes, ihеу did. / No, they did not.)
when did thе bus оrriче?
(Five minutes ogo.)

i Whоt hoppened to you?

i l (l hоd on occideni.)

Сhопgе these stotements into yes / по questions.

l steven volunteered at the animal shеltеr.
2 Еlепа donated books to the liЫary.
3 Joyce worked with Ыiпd children during the summеr.
4 Апа wrote а book about hеr childhood.
ý Zuscha lived in Pakistan for а уеаr. ь

Moke questions beginning with l4lbof using thе informotion 1а "

in these queslions ond onswers. Тhеп osk ond опý\меr oll thе
queslions with о porlner.
l Who invented the telephone? (Alexander Grаhаm BeIl)
2 Whо discovered penicillin? (Alexander Fleming)
3 Which соmрапу introduced thе cell phone? (Моtоrоlа)
4 Who opened thе first McDonald's restaurant? (Маuriсе
and Dick MacDonald)

Moke questions obout yesterdoy with these words.

Ask опd опswеr thе questions with о portner.
Э you / irr а good mood € _vor-rtalk to Yоur раrепts
Ё ехеrсisе З и.lrat / do / last night
З whеrе / i.ou / eat lurrch * slee;l l,r,ell / last night
Speaking skill
tlFI Whеп someone tells о story, you соп osk questions to find out whot
hoppened next оr to get mоrе informotion.

tr{ Asking whot hоррепеd next
Тhеп whot hоррепеd?
Whot hаррепеd after high school?
н shе leh
Asking fоr mоrе detoil
Whо / whol / whеп / whеrе / -hу / how did thеу hеlр thе рооr people?
н l would like to know whql Неifеr lпtеrпоtiопоl does?
Uл Соп you Iell mе whу shе sfo/e tbe fesf?
How did you feel whеп you volunteered fоr о сhоritу?

t ,,.i, .,.:j Listen ond complete these senlences.

, ',,: ,: ,-, ,,::',, Isaw sоmе papers lvith the words "final ехаm" оп them.
Without thinking I lifted опе of the test papers and put it
inside mч swеаtеr.
lnlBrviewer: (1)
Сhчпg Ае Hok: I just went back to mу seat and waited fоr the bell to riпg.
Later, during luпсh, I sat down with опе of the рорulаr girls .. .

lntelviewer: Excuse mе, (2)

Сhчпg Ае Hok: Uh, Sally.
lnlerviewer: (3)
Chung Ае Hok: I offered to show hеr фе test. I really wanted hеr to like mе.
But instead of thanking mе, she 8аче mе а look of anger that I
will печеr forget.
lnlerviewer: (4) when she did фаt?
Сhuпg Ае Hok: НоrriЫе. I wanted to disappear.
lnterviewer: (5) *_
ftung Ае tlok: I got up and went очеr to Тhе соmеr and sat down Ьу myself.

2 Work in о group of thrее. Toke turns Ъlling опе of these situotions опd
interrupting to osk for more iпfоrmоtiоп.
l You had lunch at а caf6. On the way hоmе you saw an accident.
2 You rесеiчеd good news ftom уоur fайеr. You called him immediately,
3 Last night you went to sleep еаrlу and you had а strange drеаm.

рrопuпсiаtiоп ýkill

Тhе -ed ending оп rеgulоr post tense чеrЬs ond on post porticiples hоs thrее
pronunciotions. lt соп Ье рrопочпсеd os ...
l /t/ qftеr lpl, lkl, lfl, lsl, l[l or lt|.
loughed llr:ftl иzоrЬdlwзrkt/
2 ldl qller ollvowels ond /Ь/, lg1,1ф1,1l1,lml,1п1,1ц1,1r1,|vl or lzl.
pbonedlfound/ чоluпtееrеd lvclэntIrdi
З о seporote sуllоЫе /ad/ оftеr ltl or ldl.
donofed /douneItэd/ rцrопtеd /wontэd/
s з.** Predict lhe pronunciotion of lhese verbs. Write /t/, ld,l, or /эd/. Тhеп
listen ond check your опýwеrý. Listen ogoin ond rереоl.
l blinked ý studied ý happened
2 competed * influenced iS amazed
3 risked } rеmеmьеrеd Еl interested
4 avoided & called l? passed

colors. Тhеп listen ond check your onswers. Listen ogoin ond repeot,
j r\ly pa[erlts rloгked at trlэical lou,-it-icorne jolls.
7 l just \\.21I]teL1 to Ье like ечеtтсlпе else.
.Э l оffегесl to shol,r, trеr the test.
l: 'l'l-re tеасhег askecl to speak to mе prirlatell.
i l decicleci to tl-ч to fix mч rllistake
iэ l apologizecl to botlr оf arrci askecl tlrerr-r to fогgii.,- rllc,

о ", .r!;, Э,1,:; ТtъF*"

Reod this story. ldentify thе chorocters, setting, conflict, high point, resolution,
ond mоrоl. Underline regulor post tense verbs ending -ed.

I grew uр in а lаrgе family. I hаче fоur Ыоthеrs and sisters. \\-l-ierl 1 \\.-ls \-Ljllng, mч
mother spellt ап hоur еr,еrу evenitrg рrераriпg luпсhеs fоr all оf LLs to take to scl-iool.
N{r. luпсh rvas almost the same everv day: an egg sandr,r,ich, scltl,ie chrp.. ап аррlе оr barrana, and
а cookie. Tlre рrоЫеm lvas that ] печеr llked eggs. I used to thrоrг thc s.-Lll.1rгici-l in the garbage. Тhеп
I lr,ould hаче trошЫе concentrating in class because I rvas hungt r,.
I пеvеr told rny t-поthеr about this Ьесаusе I didn t tvant to п"tl,ikс t-t-lrlг.. ir 1i1}. 1g1 hеr. But one day,
lvhеп l r,r'as about ten, I had ап idea. That evening l told mу mоthеr. "\Ъlr Knc,r,. I clcln't rea1l1. Iike eggs.
Сап I mtrke mу own sandl,r.ich frоm пои, оп?" Му nrother апsrгеrес]. "Oi с,lursе, \Ъu сап nrtrke уоur
orvn sandwlch and уоu сап also help rne make all the оthеr sandrviches,'' Fг,l:-ll this experience I learned
tlrat if yoir rеаllv rr.ant something, itЪ ОК to ask fоr it. Вut if l.ou \-olll]lteer ttl dtl sotllethir-rg, vou should
irlso Ье ргераrеd to do mоrе lr,ork than уоu expectedl

€1tt;llýiiT{ }i{jll
Think сrbout 0п event thot lought you 0 life lesson ond (0mp|ete the grophic 0rgOпizег.

} chorocters € l.ligh роiпt

ý Seiting Ё Resolution

ý Conflic :1 Life lesson

Look bock ot уоur broinstorm. Р|оп your short 5l0ry.

Work with 0 рOrlпеr. Prcctice telling your Stories. Роу otlenlion to
уоur рrопuпсiоliоп of rеgulOr post tense verbs ond post
porticiples ending -ed

Эt iAilill
Fоrm grоuрs. Toke turns telling уоur stories. lпlеrruрl eoch other lo osk questions in lhe simple post tense. Answer these
questions obout the stories.
З llowdidthestorymokeyoufeel?
? Did уоu ever hOve о simiior ехреriепсе?

} Do you think the life lesson is useful? Why оr why поt?

ýТUDY ýKILLý Storing lexis

Discuss these questions with о portner.

I How mапу new words and phrases сап уоu lеаrп each week?
2 Is it impoftant to write down new vocabulary in English? Why оr why not?
ý По you use а notebook оr note cards for rесоrdiпg new vocabulary? If so,
what information do you include about each пеw word оr рhrаsе? How
often do you review the wоrds?

}unko is а }apanese student
Reod this scenorio. Think obout whot Junko is doing right ond whot she is
learning English, She has а
doing wrong.
reading textbook with articles
from dilTerent academic
*gэтеsýd*r ia areas. Тhеrе аrе ah,vays many
Reod these seven tips for creoting о vocobulory notebook or поlе cords. words that }uпkо does not
Discuss еосh опе with о роrtпеr. Are ollof them importont? Do you disogree understand. If she thinks
with опу of thеm? а word is imроrtапt, she
highlights it with а yellow
l Fоr each new wоrd оr рhrаsе, include the pronunciation, раП of speech,
mаrkеr and writes the Japanese
definition, and information about usage (for ехаmрlе, collocations,
translation in the mаrgiп.
idioms, оr prepositions).
]unko also has а vocabulary
? Write ап original sentence using the new word оr phrase.
notebook. Цъеп she has
3 Avoid translating the wоrd оr рhrаsе into уоur first language. time, she chooses some of the
4 Сrеаtе а way to organize уоur notebook оr cards. You can аrrапgе items highlighted words and writes
alphabetically оr divide them into categories оr chunks. them in hеr notebook. she
5 Set а realistic goal for learning new words. Fоr example, рrоmisе yourself rvrites the English word and
that you will write ten new words in your notebook each week. the ]apanese translation. Then
6 Set aside time each day to study the items уоu recorded. It сап Ье as little as she copies the sentence frоm
ten minutes, but it is important to do it every day. her textbook whеrе the word
7 Study уоur most rесепt entries first. Then go back and review older words appeared. Some weeks Junko
until you know them perfectly. records 25 or mоrе new words.
Other weeks, if she is very
*ч*r *сэ зr*эж busy, she records опlу four
оr fiче. she never reviews the
Discuss these questions with о роrtпеr. items she has written in hеr
l Сап you add апу tips to the list аЬоче? notebook.
2 По you have time to rечiеw vocabulary every day? If not, how could you
make time?
3 Наче уоu used соmрutеr software оr smаrt-рhопе applications to learn
new vocabulary? Do you think they аrе better than notebooks and note
саrds? Why оr why not?

96 UNIT 9


€}iз*ж*gi аэеэ р*эi г.э€

Discuss these questions with о роrtпеr.

l Read the quotation. What do you think it means? Do you
think it is true?
: ,.-,.';,.::.:,,
;,;:::,, ,,:;.::,i,:|_:_a.:.|:.| :,_,.:._:_. .:: : :

What iob аrе the people in the рiсtuге doing? \\'ould уоu
like to do that job? Why оr why not?

What job would уоu love to do in the futuTe? Why? What

knowledge and skills аrе necessary fоr that jоЬ? a-..,-?,.,.:....
Reod these sentences.Q5Pthe соrrесl meonings of the words in bold.
I" she works hаrd and knows what to do. shе has а lot of confidence.
с belief that you аrе able to do something weII
h timе to finish the рrоjесt
2 The director will decide what to do about the рrоЫеm аftеr meeting with а
technology consultant.
с relative оr family mеmЬеr who gives comfor1
Ь an ехрегt who gives advice
3 ДI the news рrоgrаms forecast an increase in jobs fоr young people.
а predict оr say what is likely to happen
Ь wish оr hope that something happens
4 Му first day on the job was frightening. I did not know апуопе and l did
not understand what to do.
ш makes you feel tired and sleepy
Ь makes you feel afraid
5 Кеп has а passion fоr mоdеrп EuTopean history. Не has about 20 books on
the subject.
fi Stron8 interest оr enthusiasm
Ь pain оr fear
6 The company makes а wide rапgе of products fоr the home.
ý чеry good quality and expensive
Ь different things that аrе the same general ryре
7 Тhеrе аrе sечеrаl colleagues in mу o{fice who have muсh mоrе experience
than mе.
п опlу one оr two
Ь mоrе than two оr three, but not mапу
8 Тоmоrrоw will Ье stressful because I have to give two presentations.
о interesting and satisfying
Ь wоrryiпg and full of pressure

LIýTE]-|IШG I Love уоur iob

Hove you Ьееп to о соrееr foir? lf so, describe your experience. lf поt,
would you like to go to опе? Why or whу поt? Discuss with о роrlпеr.

7 dаrСеr Гаr. l wОИtq / w{)ЩqИ [ {Ке Т0 ql

You оrе going to listen to о meleorologist ond о diving inslructor tolking ot

о соrееr foir. Predict who will soy these words. Write Л4 (meteorologist) or
Dl (dive instructor). Тhеп odd two mоrе words.
1 forecast & ргоtесt сrорs
ý mаriпе life 7 frightening situations
з demonstrate skills * consultant
4 stгessful 9

5 causes of weather ]*
tr Listen to [оуе your iob ond check уочr predictions.

odvice (п) /эd'vats/

I Аdriаппе: Meteorologist chollenge (п) /'tJеlэпtlз/
ш she was inteгested iп the weather as а chi]d. demonstrote (v) /'dеmэп,strеtt/
Ь Д meteorologist studies the causes of weatheT.
{ Meteorologists often give the wеаthеr rероп on Т\'.
d She feels that hеr job is challenging and useful.
g She will get а job as а consultant next уеаr.
2 Richard: Dive instructor
* It takes опе уеаr of stuciy to Ьесоmе а dil,e ittstruсtсlг,
Ь Не spends а lot of time uпdеr-rцrаtеr with l-ris students.
t I]e loved the sea when hе was а child.
d His iob сап Ье hаrd and stressful.
е Не loves sharing his interest iп diving.

! : Check (r) to complete these sentences соrrесtlу. Listen ogoin ond

check уочr опswеrs.
l The mоdеrаtог's advice is to choose
ý а high-paying job. Ь ап enjoyable job. ( an easy office job.
? То fоrесаst thе wеаthег, а meteorologist
u travels to different аrеаs. h asks ап ехреrt. ( LlSeS соmрutеr models.
3 Аdriаппе thinks that uпusшаl weather events аrе
0 vely interesting. Ь [*] iпсrеdiЫу dangeгous. t I irnpossiЫe to predict.
4 According to Аdriаппе, meteorologists sometimes wоrk
п late at night. h |*_] as business сопsultапъ. с [ iгr аiгрlагrеs.
5 As а dive instructor, Richard teaches students
с about sea life. Ь Г]_] how to swim. с ] about п-реs of boats.
6 Richard's job сап Ье stressful because he
u has а lot of рареrwоrk. Ь wоrks with foreign dir,сгч, с rb rc\|ronьible fоr divers'safery
/ Ксhаrd enjoys helping students
s get а job at а dive shop. h gain self-confidence. t catch fish fоr diппеr.

WORK UN|T l0 99

Whеп speokers give о series of focts, ideos, оr opinions, thеу olten use
thеsе signol words ond expressions to odd something iimроrtопt. Listen fоr
fhese signols to help you identify
identi oll thе importont itemsrs thot the speoker
mentions: above oll, odditionolly, os well, mosl о{ oll, iп oddilion, mosl
imроrtопф, оп lop of thot, thot's поl oll.

2 @ 2.29 Listen to excerpts frоm Доуе your iob. Моtсh thе expressioný with
thе importont items.
I thorc all q I demonstrate all the skills mу students will need.
2 Оп top оГ that h It can Ье stressful as I'm rеsропsiЫе for the divers' safety.
З \s rrell ( It's grеаt helping students develop their knowledge.
4 \lost imрогtапtlу d I feel I'm doing something useful.

5 Nlost of all е We can wоrk as consultants for а wide rапgе of businesses

3 Фz.зо Listen ond complete these lists. Тhеп underline thе importont
informotion being signoled.
l As а university professo1 I teach classes three days а week, But,
I do. I also рrераrе lectures, соrrесt students'
homework, and attend meetings.
2 In mу job I write sales rерогts, оrdеr supplies, and
Йsit mу customers.
I аm so busy this week. I have two exams/ thrее rероrts to writе, а
meeting with mу English рrоfеssоr, and , I hаче to work
every night at the restaurant.
What do I lоче about mу job? Let mе see .,. mу work is rеаllу
interesting I hаче weekends frее, mу office is пеаr mу home, and
mу colleagues аrе very friendly.

Developixзg *ritiсаý t}зiя*i<iп g

Discuss these questions in о group.
I Which job, meteorologist оr dive instructoq sounds mоrе interesting?
Which one mоrе closely matches уоur knowledge and skills?
/th;иl ,., so"nCs More мtеrеskпq,
.,. *иаtjзеs lusy s*i{b аиd i"оwlфе моrе о{вsеfu
Imagir. e tl-rat you аrе in the audience, What thrее questions would you ask
the guest speakers about their jobs? tlse the useful words in the Ьох
оп the ri8ht.

\Ъu аrе organizing а саrееr fair at уоur university and you want to invite
two professionals to talk about thеir jobs. Which of the professionals in the
Ьох оп the right r,r,ill чоu invite? Why?
t*ýYжжýж& ж Iоъ skills fоr the futurе

Write three questions you would like to osk о соrееr speciolist obout iobs
in the future. Think obout the things iп the Ьох оп thе right. Discus5 уоur
questions ond роssiЫе onýwers with о portner.

З ", ,,l Listen to Job skills for thе |ulure опd пчmЬеr these topics in order.
* The situation of having опе job fог life is changir.g. doto (п) /'сiаtэ/
fu Wоrkеrs r,r.ill rreed the abilit1, to work ъ,еll r.vith othcTs
effective 1odi) /r 'f ekt r v/
t Wоrkеrs will know аЬоut а гаrrgе of diffегепt rл,оrk ht,1.]s,
foct (n) /ftekt/
d wоrkеrs и,ill сhапgе jobs оftегr in the futurе.
с Wогkегs wilI Гееl соmГопаЬ|е in diГГегеIrt envit,otll]]t IlIч,

6 Wогkеrs will Ье able to Llse пеw nedia technoiogl-,

g Wогkеrs will need to rnake sепsе of а lot of data

LiSтЕNiжЁ г*R тнý ýтRLj{тURЕ *F & жLK ,,

As well os listening fоr the moin ideos of о tolk (unit 5), it ls о so helpful to
listen {оr thе struсturе. Speokers often use signol words ond expressions to
indicote thе struсturе of о tolk. lf you соп recognize these signols during о
tolk, you will Ье mоrе prepored fоr еосh роrt
Words thot signol ...
u thеrе will Ье о guest sреоkеr: hорру / hопоrеd / lucky lo have, with us
is, wеlсоmе, to iпlrоduсе
ý thе speoker is giving his / hеr own ideqs: hеrе's mу, |'d like to offer /
shоrе, lhis is mу
g thе sреоkег hqs finished his / hег moin ideos: thot's mу, fhеrе you hove

Z @ r.зз listen to excerpts frоm Job skills for thе fufurеопd complete these
sentences. Тhеп члсЫliпе the informotion thot is Ьeing signoled.
I Wе'rе as our guest speaker Dr. Audrey Сhеп who is а
consultant fоr thе Future Fоtwагd Foundation. Please
Dr. Сhеп.
forecast of five job skills that \\,ill hеlр r,our Ье successful
iп the пехt 20 уеагs.
З So, fir.e imропапt wоrk skrlls 1-оr rlre ftrture


,..,, ' , Listen lo оп ехсеrрt frоm Job skills for thе futureond correct five
errors in these notes.

fиtиrеiоh siil{s 3 Hi-teoh sl<|$s: sее йеуоиd оwп ДL/ iи{о;
ряреr wi{/ Ье
l Яеиsе-tпаl;ry,
fg оиt hуhеr lфrеrсеs; Ье оопи{оПаЬЬ ;и tйiry o{tйe past
for dесisiои dtff еи,rirоиs,- Миst share 5 MHlti-spcoia{ists, иееС /<иоw{ oi
ма/<iпз сOtиt/йOи аиС wоr/< sф{еs оtйеr warl< йаrе to
зOа/s felds-wi/{
2 Socia/ iиtе/lувисе, Ье аЬ/е to 4 Nеw-mеdiа {ttеrасу, ab;/,ty Ье {;fr-kry wоriеrs
wоrk rи sои/зrрs wlotйers; rs" сопfdеисе to цsе е.з" t ic{eB,

Сhаизе beka,rior lrys,

ро Cca,sts
wl/l р rеs е иt

ýЗече}*зрiээg *rýtiсаý €ýэЁха}аiкэg

t Discuss these questions in о grоuр.
l Which опе of Dr. Chen's future job sНlls will Ье most imроrtапt? Why?
lý&;и* ".. wi{/be неоst uиуойапt Ьесаиsе.",
2 Which of the skills do you have? How сап you develop them?
l саи ... иош. l соцll lenelop л/... Ь/..
2 Think obout thе ideos from Love your job ond Job skills fоr lhе lulurе опd
discuss these questions in о group.
I What аrе tlre most impoftant factors fог you in choosing а саrеег? Think
about the things in the Ьох on the right.

2 А-е you optimistic about the future job mаrkеt fоr you? Why ог rvhy not?
'Гhiпk about the things irr the Ьох orr the right.


1 Complete these sentences. Use future lime mоrkеrs.

l I think the local job market fоr graduates will improve
2 I think that eco-friendly companies will expand.
3 Ехреrts think that mапу low-tech jobs will disappear.
4 It is сlеаr that new саrееr areas will Ье developed.
5 Do you think that most workers will have English skills

2 Moke thrее mоrе iob predictions with о роrfпеr.

ýРý&ЖýЖý Giving а talk
You ore going to lеоrп obout fulure forms, introducing о tolk, ond seporoting
thought groups with pouses. You qrе then going to use these to give о tolk
obout о iob.

Ё..'тUftЕ F*ft*-qъ

We соп use Ьоth will ond gotng to to tolk obout octions ond events we think
will hoppen in the future, Add definitely |О0% sure), most /ikely (80-90%
surе), оr рrоЬоЬlу (Z0-80% sure) to ехргеss hоw suге you оге thot something
will hорреп, Study thе fогms:

Fgrgв* Ех*с*р!*

l will definitely go to the согееr fоir
next mопth.
l оm рrоЬоЬlу 9oin9 to ottend the
соrееr fоir next mопth.

l definltely will not go to the соrееr
fоir nexi month.
l om рrоЬоЬlу not going to ottend
the согееr fоir next mопth.

You соп osk questions obout the future in different woys:

Fеуgж Еgдý€€*Ё*

Will you ottend tht согееr fоir?

(Yes, lwill. / No, will not.)

Аrе you going to ottend the соrеег

fоir? (Yes, l om. / No l om noi.}
Whеп will уоur new iob begin?
(Next week.)

€оmрlеtе these sentences with definitely, most likely, or probably. Use the
prompts in brockets.
Э Joyce apply fоr the сhеf job at the hotel
(affiгmative / 70%-80% suге)
t cluit mv office job next yеаг. (аffirпrаtir,,е / 1009.Ь sure) ,?Ф;я.r.ъý

* Му Ьгоthеr r,r,ork аЬгоаd after gгaduatiorr.

(negative / 80%-90% surе)
€ Yоuпg people r,l,ithout education find good jobs.
(negative / 100% sure)
5 ,\lоге \,oultEl l)eople choose high-tech сагееr-s.
(affirmative / 80%-90% surе)

Moke yes / по questions for the slotements in exercise l.

3 Moke wh- questions for these stotemenls. use question words thot fit the
words in bold.

н I I will start looking fоr а new job next mопth.

2 I will look fоr an IT iob.
3 I аm going to look fоr а job in mу home town.
4 I аm going to ask the саrееr advisor for advice about getting а good job

н 5 I will find а job Ьу searching internet employment sites.

6 I аm going to study English so I can get а iob аЬrоаd,
4 Ask ond опswеr the questions in exercises 2 ond 3 with о роrtпеr.
mп ýр**kýхаж ýkýýa
Whеп you give о tolk you should begin Ьу intгoducing yourself ond опуопе
else who is speoking with you (unit 1). Тhеп you should tell уоur listeners
whу you оге tolking to tbem, ond the оrdеr of topics to Ье сочеrеd in tbe
onnouncement. This wiII hеlр to moke уоur messoge сlеоr.

We would like to dl you obout grеаl future iobs.

l wqпl to lalk Io you оЬоut futurе iob skills.
We ore gоiпg to give you iпfоrmоIiоп оЬоul оur соmропу
Telling уочr listeners thе оrdеr of topics
First, l will соvеr thе types of iobs we hоче ovoilqble.
Тhеп, Кеп is going to mепliоп thе lypes of people we оrе looking {оr.

1 ., , Complete this introduction to о tolk obout

, -]i
iobs. Тhеп listen ond
check your onswers. Reod thе introduction with о роrtпеr.

Good afternoon, l'm Osman from Futurе Perfect Job Finders, and today
to you about interesting jobs for you. First, I'm
the type of jobs we have availab|e, then l'll
some details about the job and the type of people
we're looking for.

2 Work with о роrtпеr. Write оп introduction to о tolk obout the iob

odvertised оп the right. Тhеп proctice delivering it.


Sреоkегs divide lопgеr sentences into tbought grоuрs using Ыiеf pouses.
This hеlрs listeners оrgопizеthе mеопiпg о[thе sentence os they iisten. lп
о sentence, о commcr is often used to indicote thе end of о thought grоuр.
However, thought groups оrе not olwoys linked Ьу commos.
I епiоу mу iob / it does поt feel like work.
@ z.зэ Predict whеrе thе pouses оrе ond drow о slosh (/). Тhеп listen ond
check your onýwers.
I As well, we can wоrk as consultants fоr а wide rапgе of businesses.
2 in fact, mу job сап Ье hаrd wоrk with long days.
3 In this next session wе'rе going to focus оп thе job market of the future.
4 I'd like to talk to уоu today about mу passion.
5 I know that sounds а little frightening and stressful, but the good news
is that mапу new jobs will Ье created.
6 First, you'll need what I call sense-making.

Reod the sепlепсеs with о роrtпеr. Fосчs оп seporoting thочght grоuрs

with pouses.

ýрý&i{!жý жýк
Reod this tolk..Circlc!,the future forms. Underline the expressions
used to introduce rhe to|k. Predict whеrе the pouses ore ond
drow о slosh (/).

Good morning, l'm Laura from New Horizon Employment Аgепсу.

This morning l d like to te|l you about а great future job for уоu. First,
|'ll cover the type of job we have available, then l'll let you know
some details about the job and the type of реrsоп we re looking for.
We have а great job available iп media. ltЪ with GlobeNews апd
the job is Advertising Manager.ln this job, you'Iltraveloften in the
region and you'l| Ье able to set your оwп working schedule. You'll
need to have а good degree, good communication skills, апd the
ability to increase sales. Yоu'|| also have to Ье energetic, creative,
and willing to work hard. Thank you for your attention. Now, are
there апу questions?

B&.\it jý,loRý{
You оrе lhе director of uп еmр|оуmепt пgепry. Yоu will g0 t0 0 (0rееr foir lo оппочпсе о iob орепiпg ond t0 tolk with
oppliconb. Think of о iob уоu (ould lo|k obout. (оmрlеlе the informotion obout the ioh.

tr Job title:

? Соmропу:

З Job description.

4 Locotion:

ý Quolificotions required:

6 Ехреriепсе required: __
7 Personolitychurucleristicsrequired:

Look bock ol уочr hrоiпstоrm ond рlOп u tпlk оЬоul lhe iob. Use future forms опd expressions for iпtrоduсiпg о tп|k.

Wоrk with о роrtпеr. Proctice giving уоur tolks. RеmеmЬеr l0 use pfluses to seporпle thought grоuрs.

Fоrm groups. Toke turпs giving you{ tolký опd giving fBedhqck.
ý?ЖffiY %ý€ёtt% Setting learning goals

Discuss these questions with о роrtпеr

? How often do yolt set goals fоr youгself? \Vhat kinds of go;rls clo уоu have?
Э What аrе thrее lеаrtriгlg goals vou hаче norv?
* What аrе voll cloing to achieve those goals?

. . ::.;: ,,::1:

Reod this scenorio. Think obout whоt Aido is doing right ond whot she is
doing wrong. At the beginning of hеr first
уеаr at universiý., Aida had а
'| ,.:.:;.:,':,:'':|: meeting with hеr adl.isor to
talk about hеr lеаrпiпg goals.
? Motch thе SMART tеrms with the explonotions. Тhеп соmроrе your At that time, Aida поt sure
onswers with о роrtпеr. аЬоut hеr goals, but she wrote
ý Specific
= It is cilallerrging Ьut plossible. lt is not so difficult down the fbllowing: pass all
that r,оu give r_rp. lny classes. lеаrп а lot. irnprove
Ё МеаsuгаЬlе Tl"reTe is ;rtr end point wher-r you want to achieve the
пу English skills, get а good
goal. TOEFL score, understand
the lectцres, At the епd of tlre
З АсhiечаЫе it is
r,еr,у сlеаr arrd focused оп exactly r,vlrat
semester Aida had another
outcome уоu цlапt.
meeting with 1rer advisor.
* Relevant Тhеге аrе сопсrеtе ways to see and judge уоuг
During the meeting, Aida'.s
ргоgгеSS. adyisor asked hеr if she r,vas
ý Timely It is di[ectly connected to r,vhat yoll аrе inr.olved in satisfied wlth hеr pfogress.
ог doing. Aida felt confused and rvas not
2 How con Aido rеwritе hеr leorning gools so thot they оrе SMART? Discuss surе if she was satislied.
with о роrlпеr. Тhеп shоrе your ideos with the closs.

,,. },,..;,,|.,",, :1.:.Э'.,..1: l.'2 :z|i:

Discuss these questions with о роrtпеr.

ý Do уоu think that making SN,IART
lеаrпiпg goals is useful? Why?
Ё Think about ехеrсisе, diet, оr
charity. Set уоursеlf а SMART goal.
З Аrе уоur thrее learning goals
SMAR]'? If not, hоw can чоu make
thеm SIr4ART?

The phrases below give соmmоп ways of expressing useful functions. Use
them to help you as уоu'rе completing the Dlscиssloп points апd Deuelopiпg
critic al thiпhiп g activities.

Asking for clorificqlion Asking for more informotion

Sorry, сап you ехрlаiп that some mоrе? Iп I|hat шау?
Could уоu say that апоthеr ulay? Why do уоu thiпk that?
ИOtеп you say ... do уоu mеап ...? Сап уоu ýue оп ехаmрlе?
Sоrry, I dоп't follou.l that,
\,\Гhаt do уоu mеап? Not giving о strong preference
It dоеsп't matter to mе.
Asking for repetition l dоп't really haue tl strопg рrе|еrепсе.
Couldyou repeat that, please? ['tle печеr reolly thougltt аЬоut Lhat,
I'm sorry, l didn't catch that. Еithег is fiпе.
Could уоu say that аgаiп?

Whеп you don't know the word tоr

_ Expressing interest
t'l like Lo llea.r tпоге tlbotLt that.
something That sottпds iпtеrеst.iпg.
What does .,, mеап| Hotll iпtегеstiпg!
Sorry, I'm поt ;urе LL|hat 1-11eallS. TelI mе mоrе аЬоut that.

Working with о роrtпеr Giving reosons

Would you lille to sttlrt| Thb is ,,. because ...
Shall I go 11rsrl This has to Ье ... because ...
shall ш,е do tltis опе first| I thiпk ,,. because ...
Where do уоч |лlапt to Ьеgiп|
Checking understonding
Giving opinions Do you hпош ulhat I mеап?
I thiп|z that ... Do you see шhаt I'm saying?
It seems to mе that Are уоu follotuiпg mе?
Iп mу орiпiоп ,,.
As I see it ... Putting things in order
This пееds to соmе first becouse ...
Agreeing опd disogreeing I thiпk this is tlte lпost f least imроrtапt because ...
I hпоul шhаt уоu mеап. For mе, this is the tпost f least rеlеуапt becouse ...
That's truе.
Yоu hаuе а роiпt there.
Yes. I see шhаtуоu'rе sayiпg, but
l uпdеrstапdуоur роiпt, but ...
I dоп't think that's truе.

Asking fоr opinions

Do you thiпk ...
Do you feel ...
What do уоu thiп|. аЬоut ...?
Нош аЬоut уоu, Jеппifеr? What do уоu thiп|l?
Vйаt about уоu?
Does апуопе haue апу other ideж?
Do you haue апу thoughts оп this?


Lrstening&Speaking student,s Book

Every student needs top class listening and speaking skills to succeed at an
academic level. Shillful focuses оп these two skills to give presentation, instant
practice and complete immersion in those language skitls. It offers students the
opportuniý to develop language skills Ьу presenting them with ideas frоm today's
world, while building critical йinking skills that аrе vital fоr academic success.
This is taken ечеп fuгthеr with а focus on study skills, providing students with
practical pidance and suррогt, and building confidence fоr independent learning
throughout their university саrееr.

Skillful Listeпiпg & SpBatzfиg offers:

а comprehensive digital component including а criticalthinking skills, such as evaluating and
page-faithful Digibook and Skillful practice area synthesizing information are supporled Ьу the
with interactive activities and video material; Academic Keyword List, compiled at the Сепtrе
two opportunities in each unit to engage critically of English Corpus Linguistics at the University of
with issues within texts апd to consider concepts Louvain;
beyond the superficial mеапiпg; а flexible approach, providing а distinct product or
systematic development of practical study skills an integrated package with the Sk//ful Пeading &
through realistic scenarios and materialfrom SteIla Writing Student's Book.
Cottrell, author of The Study Skills Handbook;

Skillfal Digibook Additional recommended minimum

Recommended minimum system requirements system requirements
Windows Hard Disk (offline version оп|у): Minimum 'l GB
windows хр sp3 Vista Windows 7 free оп the install drive and minimum 2 GB free
CPU Soeed Core 2 Duо, 2.53 GHz Core 2 Duo, 2.5З GHz Core 2 Duo, 2.93 GHz оп the system drive.
Browser Explorer 7, 8 & 9, Firеfох, and Chrome Frее RАМ:500 МВ
Display: 1О24 х 768 pixels, 32-bit colour
Macintosh os Add-ins: Flash Player 10.1
10.5 10.6 ,l0.7
Broadband connection:
CPU Speed Соrе 2 Duо,1.8З GHz Core 2 Duo, ,1
.83 GHz Core 2 Duo, 1,8З GHz Fоr Authentication/Registration/Download
Browser Firefox and Safari 4 & 5 (offline version only)/Updates

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