Listening&Speaking - 2 - SB

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Д мдсмlLLАN AcADEMlc sKlttý

Listening&Speaki п9
Student's Book


tr мILIлN
Authors: David Bohlke & RоЬуп Brjnks Lockwood
Series Consultant Dorothy Е. Zemach
l Вrоiп food Pre-listening Globol рhrоsоl чеrьs
Heolth ond nulrition Predicting Listening Io, Toin
2 Emotionol nourishment
ы Psychologr
prefixes with

1 Community service Close Close
sociol studies Listening fоr Listening fоr detoils negotive
exomples meonings
2 А different kind of
счrrепt offoirs

I Work spoce close close Synonyms ond

Design Listening fоr Listening fоr time ontonyms

2 UrЬоп sprowl
rеоsопs signols

Urbon plonning

1 Building big close close word fomilies

Design ond technology Listening fоr Listening fоr

2 Big business
comporisons controsts

Business studies

I Whot is success? Globql close Homopbones

Personol developmenl Listening to Listening for

2 Bidding fоr the Gomes

summorize vocobulory in
счrrепl offoirs

l Рееr ргеssчrе close close collocotions with

Psychology Listening fоr Listening fог couse 9ef
Ф 2 Eorthquokes
opinions ond effect
- Geology
'l Fеоr of рчЫiс speoking Globol close Suffixes -fчl ond
Personol developmenl Recognizing Listening fоr Jess
2 РhоЬiоs
oгgonizotionol ргоЫеms ond
= Psychology / heolth
phroses solutions

'l А trove|
stоrу Close Close Using descriptive
Populor счllчrе thе
Listening fоr Listening fоr detoils odiectives
оrdеr of events to odd to о visuol
2 Elements of о plot

l Bottled wоtеr Close Close Working out

Ecology / счrrепt offoirs Listening fоr рrоs Listening fоr thе meoning frоm

2 An experiment with
ond cons огdеr in о рrосеss context

dry ice
; Chemistry

l Ноrd sell / soft sell Globol Close collocotions with

Business sfudies Understonding Listening to hоw loke
2 А debote: рореr vs.
speoker ottitude оп orgument is
electronic dictionories

; Educotion

Modols of Оffеriпg odvice Тhе schwo /э/ Оf{еriпg odvice to Living with lmрrочiпg your
odvice ond suggestions new students supermorkets mеmоrу

Modols of Encouroging Linking vowel sounds Discussing Sofety ond freedom Note toking
probobility communicotion community service

Tog questions Shifting the topic lntonotion in tog Discussing чrЬоп Сгоwdiпg oui очr Active listening
questions епчirопmепts Ыоiпs

Moking controsts Asking fоr Stгеss potierns in shоrt Discussing lоrgе Living lоrgеr, living Monoging уоur
clorificotion рh roses componies lопgеr time

Тhе post Аgrееiпg ond Siress in compound Giving о Winning Studying {оr tesis
progressive disogreeing поUпs рrеsепtоtiоп

Ргеsепt Exploining lntonotion iп Discussing Life чпdеr рrеssurе Being оп eflective

conditionols something you conditionol sentences ocodemic ргеssurе group mеmЬеr
don't know thе
word fоr

Тhе рrеsепt Monoging sentence stress Presenting о Fеоr о{ onimols lncreosing

реrfесt tense questions рrоЫеm you confidence whеп
очегсоmе speoking

Defining rеlоtiче Being оп effective Emphotic stress Telling о story Bod news Lеоrпiпg styles
clouses рчЫiс speoker

ргеsепt ond Using ond rеfеrriпg stress in words with Рrеsепtiпg о poster Woter politics Moking уочr point
modol possives to visuol oids suffixes

Rерогtеd sреесh Refuting оп Linking of some Deboting on issue Just soy yes,.. Using
оrgчmепt consonont sounds e-communicotion
fоr study

Academic success requires so muсh mоrе than mеmогiziпg ffiфа
facts. It takes skills, This means that а successful student
SiJdent'S Book ii
can both lеаrп and think critically.

l{ Skillfnl gives you:
с r Skills fоr learning about а wide variety of topics frоm
tДr different angles and frоm different academic areas ы
r Skills you need to succeed when reading and listening to
]r:.iý::::.]1:,] j. j:-:
these texts ;@sw:ia.,].-l.-.: i _']

r Skills you need to succeed whеп writing fоr and

speaking to different audiences
r Skills for critically examining the issues presented Ьу а
speaker оr а writеr Reading&Writing
r Study skills fоr lеаrпiпg and rеmеmЬеriпg the English
lanpage and imрогtапt information.
То successfully usе this book, use these strategies:

Соmе to class рrераrеd to lеаrп This mеапs that you

should shor,v uр rvell-fed, rvell-rested, and рrераrеd with
the рrорет materials (рареr, реп, textbook, completed
home,"r,ork, and so оп).
Ask questions and interact Lеаrпiпg а language is поt
passir,e. You need to activel_v paпicipate. Help уоur
classmates, and let them help _чоu. It is еаsiеr to 1еаrп а Reading&Writing
1anguage rr.ith other people, :!i|::l,:, , ,::::: S:L.en:s Босk
Practice! Do each ехеrсisе а fe,,r,times, with different #F.,,,
раfiпегs. \1еmоrizе and use пеlч language. Use the Ж;,,:
Skillful Digibook to der.eiop the skills pTesented in the "#Е.:a,
Student's Book, Complete the additioгral actil,ities olr
: '.--..|,.:|ra:,=+::::1

yоцr computer outside of class to make even mоIе ?.i::':

Review уоur wоrk Look оl,еr the the skills, gгаmmаr,
and vocabulary frоm prer,iotts ul-tits. Studч а little bit
each day, not just Ьеfоrе tests.
Ве an independent lеаrпеr, too Look fоr opportunities
to study and practice English outside ofclass, such as
reading fоr рlеаsurе and using the Internet irr English.
Find and then shаrе iпfоrmаtiоп about the different
unit topics with уоur classmates.
RеmеmЬег that learning skills, Iike learning а language,
takes time and practice. Ве patient with уоursеlf, but do
not forget to set goals. Check уоur рrоgrеss and Ье рrоud
оfуоur successl
I hоре you enjoy using S/zllfиl!

Dоrоthу Е. Zemach
series consultant

Welceжe t* ýЁgеЕlf"!,|
ЕасL' Skillful unit has ten pages and is divided into two main sections: Iistening
skills and speaking skills. с
Тhе listening skills section always comes first and staгts with а Discussion point сr7
to lead you in to the unit topic.
Тhеrе аrе then two listening texts fоr you to practice уоur listening skills
оп. Тhеrе аrе activities to practice youT global listening skills and уоur close ,_t J

1istening skills, as well as oppofiunities to critically examine the ideas in Ё

Йе texts. Кеу academic vocabulary is presented оп the раgе so you сап see
essential tеrms to lеаrп. t-{
VосаЬuIаry skills also give you the chance to develop the ways in which you U)
1еаrп and rеmеmЬеr vocabulary frоm the listening texts.

i*r 7\


The speaking section has three main parts: glаmmаr/ pronunciation skills, and
speaking skills. You can find information on each of these in boxes on the
page and these give essential information on these skills. At the end of this
section thеrе is а speaking task fоr you to put the ideas frоm the texts and the STUOY SKlLts ,\Фi"е lБtеilпв

skills frоm the speaking section into practice.

The final page in the unit focuses on study skills which will help you to
achieve academic success. some of these pa8es соmе frоm The study shills
НапdЬооk Ьу Stella Cottrell, while others аrе engaging scenarios fоr you to read
and reflect on.

Using Slаllfиl gives you ечец4hiпg уоu need fоr academic success.

Good luck!

tiасh Sftll}иl Student's Book comes with а

code in the back ofthe book that gives уоu
frее access to the accompanying Digibook.
rlI Тhе Digibook епсоurаgеs а mole interactive ý А digitol version
bol and engaging learning епчirопmепt and is
l.iailJJiiJijia]-F ё@ of the siudent's
.-l very simple to access. }r_rst go to ББrп
Е Book, complete with
,iE и.ww. ski llftrldigi books. соm, and follor,l, th е -* ;н!rп
Е hotspots thot toke
you to embedded
step-by-step instructions to get started!
\aЕ ý 'I'he firsttime you access the Digibook уоu
,=]E@ oudio ond оthег
cdditionol conient;
rFJ will need an Iпtеп-lеt соппесtiоп, but after
чr\ ý ski/lfui proctice, with

т- "]
this it is роssiЫе to wоrk offlirre if you rvish, extro interoctive
'pibJ i ocтlVlTles tоr you
tЧr to review whot
j' ] , : , ,. . ,

This contains all the same content as you поvе leorneo/
including video-
1.оur printed Student's Book, but you сап
F4 use it on уоur соmрutеr, епаЫiпg еаsiег
bosed octivities.
,rL{ navigation through the pages, а zoom
E,r fшпсtiоп to сrеаtе Ьеttег student focus, and
а реrsопаl annotation rеsоurсе fоl helpful
classroom notes.

''::,..:: :,':';i,_:..,,
You сап either complete the ехtrа activities
as yоu gо thrоugh the Digital Student's
Book via the iпtегасtiче icons, ог уоu call
find them all iп one place in the Shillt'ul
Plactice аrеа. I Iеrе уоu will find а чаriеtу of
activities to plactice all the пеw skills and
language уоu have learned iп the Student's
I]ook, including vocabulary, gтаmmаr and
skills-based activities.

ý Audio files for oll of the reading texts

ý Usefr,l longuoge to support discussion octivities
а Dictionory definitions for thе Acodemic Keywords
ý Unit checklists so you con mопitоr hоw well you оrе
progressing thrочgh thе course.

Тhеrе аrе a]so additional productive tasks and

video activities linked to the unit topics.
If уоu complete апy of the ехtrа activities rvhile
you аrе online, уоuI scole will Ье rесоrdеd in
уоur malkbook so that уоur tеасhеr сап track i lot d dnnвs фit i].] Il.!J5 1о but

,чоur progless. If уоu wоrk оffliпе уоur scores will

ье stored апd trапsfеrrеd to yоur markbook tlre Ihс, L]l. пt|iгt]ith .rh.r

I1ext time yoll connect.

whеthег online оr offline, iп the classroom оr
оп the mоче, the Shilllul Digibook alloъ.s ).ou
to access and use its content и,hilе er-rcoura8in8
interactive lеаrпiпg an d efforlless self-stud_v

тнЕ SK/ttFU[ DlGlBooK


I-istening foT rnain ideas
ГIlгаr.ll t егlls
Qiiqгi пg advice and
Discuss these questioný with о роrtпеr. ffi l he sсhrг.r , э
3 Nourishmel,r means the things we need to stay alive, stay healйy, and grоw strong
What аrе the best ways to find mental and physical nourishment?

.F( Reod the sentences ondliircle-.the best definition fоr еосh word iп bold.
w l Most kinds of food hаче health benefits.
- о с advantages Ь disadvantages
t The best way to get поurishmепt is to consume five pieces of fruit eveп. clat,,
0 eat, drink оr use Ь avoid
.Н 3 The health benefits of food diminish очеr time - fresh food is best.
а Ьесоmе lаrgеr ь Ьесоmе smaller
rJ If you want to stay healthy, the key is to eat
а least important thing Ь rnost important thing
ср{ 5 Drinking caffeine helps lengthen уоur attention span.
о make shоrtеr Ь make lопgег
6 Eating heakfast Ьеfоrе school is rесоmmепdеd.
о rеsеrvеd h advised
7 The effects frоm caffeine аrе only tеmроrаry.
а existing fог а shогt period of time } existing fоrечеr
2 Work with о роrtпеr. Whiсh of the stotemenls in exercise l do you оgrее

LlýтýшllъiG I Вrаiп food


Ве[оrе you listen, it is importont to moke guesses

оr predictions obout whot you will hеоr. Moking
predictions hеlрs you onticipote vocobulory ond
develop ideos obout thе topic.
Тhеrе оrе sечеrоl strotegies you соп use to moke
r notice thе title оr key words, turn them into
о question, ond think obout роssiЫе onswers
Title: Вrоiп Food
Question: What is Ьrоiп food?
. think qbout thе topic ond osk уоursеlf
questions thot you con опswеr obout thе topic
Whot do you оlrеоdу know obout thе topic?
Whot do you wont to know obout thе topic?
. trу to опswеr И/ь- questions thе discussion оr
|есtчrе might oddress

You оrе going to hеqr о rоdiо interview obout Ыqiп

food. Work with о роrtпеr ond moke predictions
before you listen.
I What do you think brain food could Ье?
2 \Д,Ъаt аrе examples of Ыаiп food?
З What аrе benefits of eating Ыain food?

Listen to Вrоiп food ond check (/) the foods/drinks thot thе doctor debote (n) /dr'bert/ сл
tolks obout.
diminish (u) l+
strawberries mentol (odi) /'mепt(э)1/
vegetables fish ld.
coffee riсе iJ
Listen to some excerpts from Вrаiп [ood ond motch the food with л
its benefit. Fd
i chocolate * imрrоче mоtоr skills сr)
? Ьluеьеrriеs fu help the hear1
ý whole gгаiпs с help you focus

Listen to Вrаiп lood оgоiп ond circle thе best onswer to complete
the sentences.
I Coffee arrd chocolate have similar / different berrefits.
З Вгаirr foocls сап / cannot гаisе уоur lQ.
З The mеmоry / hеаrt benefits when someclne consumes sugar.
4 The benefits frоm sugаг and chocolate last fоr а short / long time.
5 People should avoid too much chocolate / fish.
& The dосtоr says that fish has bad / good fats.
? Меmоry is better аftеr а healthy Ыeakfast / lunch.

Discuss these questions in о group. ыuеьеrriеs coffee

l Do you eat any of the Ыаiп foods mentiorred in the passage? Which ones? ьrеоd fish
Do уоu thirrk therl provide any benefits? сhосоlоtе posto

? What diГГегспсеs do чоu see in 1оtlrsе|Гwhеп чоu сопsutпе Ьгаiп Гооd

чеrsus whеп you dorr't?
З What impact do you think food has оп intellect? mood
LýýTýý*ýЖý ý Emotional поurishmепt
о trl
v, Ёtеtr{}r€ у{}ý tlýtgЁз
-u) 1- Work with о роrtпеr. Complete the сhоrt with things we соп do to hоче
а0 о heolthy body ond mind. Аrе thеrе опу items which соп 9о in both
s1 columns?
11 l***ýtýзу fu*dg #**ёg*зт в:i*:сý
qJ doily routine frее time
ЁJ diet relotionships
о trl

You ore going to hеоr о lecture from о heolth cIoss оп emotionol

nourishment. Moke predictions ond сhесk (/) the ideos you think you will
hеоr obout.
а descгiption of emotional поuгishmепt
diffeгences in humans in tеrms of emotional поurishпепt
examples of emotional поurishmепt
dгаwьасks of emotional поuгishmепt
the imроrtапсе of emotional поuгishmепt
negative effects of emotional поurishmепt


lt's importont to recognize the moin ideos when you qrе listening becouse
it helps you understond the gепеrоl topic ond rеmеmЬеr importont =
informotion. *
Тhеrе оrе sечеrql longuoge signols you con listen for to notice moin ideos. =
о Focus on the woy о speoker highllghb оr signols thot importont *
informotion is coming next. *
We оrе gоiпg to discuss . ,. lt is imроrfопt to поlе .. .
е Notice phroses indicoting when thе speoker is going to роrорhrоsе
lп оthеr words .,
u Listen fоr wогds оr phroses thot signol gепеrоl informotion.
lп gепеrоl ,.. Очеrqll ... Оп thе whole ...

'',' i.;,i Listen lo Еmоtiопаl поurishmепf. complete lhe senlence with the signol
the speoker uses before eoch moin ideo.
ý what emotional поuгishmепt is ...
_ . I mеап that we feel emotionally nourished if we get love,

help, suрроп, ог арргесiаtiоп ...

з _ helping others is а good strategy fоr better health.
4 ечеryопе is different whеп talking about emotional
5 попе of us is exactly the same.
* that enrotional поurishmепt and ph).sical nourishment
аrе equally irnporlant.

Close listехъiэъg г{
Listen to Еmоtiопоl поurishmепt ogoin. Сirсlе the correcl onswer to сл
these questions. t-|
I what do humans have in соmmоп?
* the need fоr emotional nourishment Jl-+
ь the amount of emotional поurishmепt needed н
с the type of emotional поurishmепt needed оа
* the пееd fоr mоrе emotional than physical nourishment сr)
Emotional nourishment ... lF.
g is diГГегепt Гоr pets.
Ь is the same fоr sick people. l_
с is different fоr everyone. (л
d lasts the same time.
What do emotional поurishmепt and physical поurishmепt have
in соmmоп?
* They аrе both Ьеttеr whеп received.
Ь They аrе equally impofiant to health.
с Тhеу wоrk Ьеttеr when you аrе sick.
d They аrе less helpful when given.
What is an ехаmрlе of а strategy to get emotional nourishment?
fr pafiicipate in
а rеlахiпg activity
Ь do ехtrа work to bring you happiness
с find someone who needs you
d fоrсе someone to help
What is the key to emotional health?
ý getting rеgulаr emotional nourishment
fu taking leisure time
t eating emotional food
d managing уоur diet

Э Discuss these questions in о group.

l What do _vou do to feed vourself emotionally? I Iои. does it make
you feel?

? How do you feel ъ.l-rеп 1.ou give ог гесеil,е emotiorral поurislrmепt? is

tl-rеге а big diffегепсе betrr,eet-t rr.hеп yоu give агrd receive it?

J Think obout the ideos frоm Вrаiп food ond Emofional поurishmепf ond
discuss these questions in о group.
€ What impact do food оr good deeds have or-r iпtellect ог healthi
How should this affect the r,vav r,r,e lir.e?

How сап you change уоur lifestyle to improve уоur physical, mental,
and emotional health?

pHRAý"qt YЕRвý
- t) Рhгоsоl чеrЬs оrе чегЬs fоrmеd with о bose чеrЬ ond о porticle.
.rrl Рhrоsоl чеrЬs оrе чеrу соmmоп in spoken English. You need to listen соrеfullу
F1 fоr them ond Ье рrероrеd to use them in discussions ond conversotions.
цJ Using рhrоsоl чеrЬs соrгесtlу соп moke you sound mоге поturоl.
r-J Fоrmоl lеtЪ dlscuss whol you аrе doing this weekend.
.F( Less fогmоl: Let's lolk оЬоut whot you оге dоiпg this weekend.
Bose чеrЬs con соmЬiпе with mоrе thon one роriiс|е. lt is importont to notice
these os they сhопgе the meoning.
tolk+ obout = discuss

Motch the phrosolverbs below to о sупопуm.

l get uр п quit
? point out Ь meet socially
3 give up с show
4 turn into d rise frоm bed аftеr sleeping
ý get together е Ьесоmе

Complete the questions with о phrosol чеrЬ from exercise I.

! What time do уоu оп the weekends? Оп weekdays?
Why is it the same оr different?
? What class would уоu if you wеге too busy?
З |Гуоu could а famous реrsоп, who would it Ье? Why?
,1 What would уоu to а реrsоп visiting уоuг city for the
first time?
ý What do you like to do rчhеп yоu with friends?

Discuss the questions in exercise 2 with о роrlпеr.


SPEAKIЖG Offering advice to пеw students U)
You ore going to lеоrп obout modols, offering odvice, ond pronouncing thе rъ
schwo /э/ sound. You ore then going to use these skills to discuss plons for F0
helping new students ol university. л
Ia.a ]:_.::i,!]:.1i,i ,J

M*ýAtý *F Аýжсr
Modol verbs оrе used ofien whеп telling оr odvising people to do оr not to do t_
something. Different modol чеrЬs ехрrеss how strongly you feel something should оr l_
shouldn't Ье done. Study the fоrms:

Fоrш ýх*жрiе

CouId This is most often used io moke suggestions.

д: lwont mоге mепtоI поurishmепt.
В: You could еqt ЬluеЬеrгiеs, fish, ог nuts.
Shou/d / hove to These оrе considered stronger. You use ihese when you think the
1r-i:lra!:i э oction is песеs5оrу оr when you think it is о foct.
з!э:;,зiсЗ ;l *=,:г: ?* А: / пеуеr eot Ьrеоkfоst.
+ \}ta=.,€ i!:1|!|-
В: You shоuld eol о Ьrеоkfоsf соmрlеiе wilh Ыоiп foods like
whоIе grоiп, doiry, оr frчit. Yоч hоvе lo do this if you wопt lo
Ье mепtоIlу почгishеd,
Must Л4чsf is olso чеrу strong. lt is often used when thеrе is о negotive
consequence. You use it when stoting focts.
You musl поurish уоursеIf еmоtiопоIlу os wel/ os physicolly опd
mепtоllу оr e/se you will gef sick.

1 Choose q modol verb thоt you think best completes the sentences.
l Everyorre find а job аftег they graduate
2 You get а conversation рагtпег to help vou ргасtiсе
English оr уоu ргасtiсе online.
ý Everyone tuгп their hоmеи,огk iп оп tinre.
4 Не talk to his соuпsеlоr Ьеfоге choosing classes оr i-re

might not get the best otres.

5 Тhе doctor said Iuan have surgеrч оr eise he will rrot
get Ьеttеr.

2 Work with о роrlпеr. Discuss ond check уоur onswerý.

ТНЕ ýCHVfA /эl

тhе sсhwо is the most common sound in spoken English used iп

unstressed sуllоЫеs,
recommend = /,rеkс'mепd/
suggesf = /sa'd5est/
how obout = /hatl a'barэt/

ч) Listen to thе words ond mork the sуllоЫе thot hos the schwo sound.
.F( l fеаturе * rесоgпizе
1-1 ? lengtherr f alэility
о ý tеmрогаlу ý decision
аD * епеrgY * сrеаtiогr
iFa 5 conSuIne З* asseft
w, Listen ogoin ond rереоt.
Use the рhrоsеs belo* whеп оffегiпg odvice to оthеrs. Some оrе followed Ьу the
-ing fоrm of the чеrЬ:
l suggest eoling а good breokfosf iп fhе mоrпiпg.
How оЬоut gefting о pet bird fo toke соrе of?
l'd rесоmmепd reoding о good book lo hеlр you геlох.
Оthеrs оrе followed Ьу оп infinitive:
Опе ideq is to vоluпtееr to improve уоur еmоtiопоl hеоlth.
lt might Ье о good ideo to eol whоlе groins еvеrу doy.

correct the mistokes in these senlences.

j Опе idea is to eating mоrе fish.
? I'd гесоmmепd to eat mоrе ЬluеЬегriеs.
З How about to buy mоrе fluit at the mагkеt?
* It might Ье а good idea fоr imрrоче уоur grades.
5 I suggest hаче а healthy snack Ьеfоrе studying.
* Опе idea is get а pet.

Complete the diologues with sчitоЫе odvice ond suggestions.

I &: I геаlIу need to find а job.
В: I suggest
t А: l don't know what subject to mаjоr in.
В: How аЬоut
3 А: I'm finding it difficult to sleep.
ý: It might Ье а good idea to . _....
4 А: I want to improve mу diet
В: I'd rесоmmепd _

3 Work in о smoll group. Toke turns to osk for odvice for

the situotions below. Тhе rest of thе group should give
odvice, moking sure to include phroses ond modols.
Listen to thе odvice frоm the grоuр ond choose the best odvice.
i You аrе worried about уоur diet.
? You аrе feeling sad after taking а test.
ý you don't know what to eat fоr breakfast.
* Yоur study grоuр needs to choose а topic fоr а рrоjесt in а health class
5 You want to imрrоче уоur emotional health.

ý#*ыжýж# Ееýý€
Work in о group to give odvice оп ч/оуs for students to improve their hеоlth
while studying.

", .:Iач;iЗаь:

Yзч hove Ьееп osked t0 give odvite to о university (0mmitlee to help them find woys to improve student heolth dшriпg
their studies.
€ Look 0t this lisl of ideos. Mork them frоm l to ý (l= very bod, 5 = very gOOd).

odd heolthier food options to the cofeterios suggest curfews so studепЬ get mоrе sleep
оffеr free пutritiопоl seminors give free breokfosts iп the mоrпiпg
provide opportunites to чоluпtееr 0п cоmpus hove о mепtоriпg рrоgrоm where older studenb look
offer rewords for чоluпtееr octivities ofter younger опеs

provide free tutors to help with hоmеwоrk give studenb time off for leisure octivities

2 Work with о роrtпеr to odd two mоrе suggestions of уоur оwп.


З Work in о smпll group. [ompore your ronkings. Decide which three уоu would suggest to the universily.

Ronk уочr lЫ. Put the suggeslion your teom feels mosl slrongly obout first. Support your ideos with some good
exomples. Think оЬоut how уоu спп offer odvice.

We think everyone must ... This will help freshmen .. .

Wе think the пеw freshmen should ... becouse .. .

Wе think ihe univebity could .,. becouse ...

Рrеsепl the ideos оп your list ond уоur odvite to опоthеr group. RеmеmЬеr to use modol verbs ond longuoge for
offering odvice.

Work with 0 пеw group. Tulk uЬоut уоur first discussion, опd the odvice you heord. Decide i{ you would сhопgе
onything оп уOur list. 5оу whу.


!*mрrсэчi rъg зrоълr mеm@rу
Ьу Stella Cottrell

!V!еmоrtrд aids
Раrtiсulаr practices сап help you rеmеmЬеr
things, Below аrе 5оmе that аrе well kпоwп, апd
уоu mау have others of уоur оwп.
Кпоw what tricks and гnethods trlou a/ready usе
to rегпеmЬеr things,
This is essential. Go очеr iпfоrгпаtiоп at least
three times, Check back often, fоr short lengths
of tinre (rаthеr than опсе for а long time).

Link what ycu need to rеrпегпЬеr lvith

sornething you already know.

длпаmппirс тh i п k abou,lt advertisements

Anv trick to hеlrэ you rеmеrг:Ьеr is а mпсmоп;(
{ргопоuпсеd lnl'n"lonlkl}, Ona coi,nmon
mпеmопiс is to uзе tпс firsi !еttег of each
keyword io makc а пеw y",ol"c cr паrпе thai is
еаýу to rеп,леmЬеr. Fоr ехап:trзlе, in biology wе
(ап use the mlierTlcnic "[чjrs. Gi,en" to rеmеmЬеr
the сопimоп attritэutes of !ivi;:g things
Movement, Respi rаtiоп, ýensitivity, Grоwth,
*л -лл л.-_Ll* l*_,.-,,1
Rерrоduсtiоп, ýxcretion and Nutrition. it cloesn't
matter if the letters cjon't make а rеаl worcl.
п^..:_л_ -._лl L,, -l,.л,.*:_л-_
Aetive flsfеляпg
what you're trуiпg to lеаrп with f riendb.
Disci,.iss Which of Lhese Cev;ces аrе :,nost effcctivc in
Listen t0 усur voice saying оr i,eading it, Recorcj helping уоu rеm*mlзеr?
yourself, ExaEgerate, Use accents. Ве clramatic.
Writiпg 8&;лgrs dоvлrл
4+{* ^* d')-..
ln youlr оwп wоrds, write things out очеr ancl LJм-6-

л,.л--л_;л '-l_ý
wvЕl oycll!.
muсiс аimрlе aboriBs jokэB l w or dplayl rr оr

iз u

PersoлallelrTg lf а^<)
Relate what уtэu lеаrп to yourself. {Fоr exanrple tt /, (/ v w \*-'
ll _r -- ,\
iп what wау does it affect you? Does it remirld L"4
уоu of sоmеоr]е you kпоw, оr somewhei"e vоu

have !эееп7) чiэuаlimаgев
с h i lcl lr oc;l rпепза ri еg
Гlаi r,vith iпfоrmаtiоп, Lrзоk fоr the fuп iп it, + л ig+ льл л+
Relax and епjоу the l;r()cesý.
епсочfаgвrrlепt, t o
idепЪifu wit"h ch ar а ct er э

, U]\|IT2



{Э i э+".ъъr;i;i+t гэ р rз i r_: t
Discuss these questions with о роrlпеr.
I Look at the picture. What do you think the people аrе doing?
2 DеsсriЬе the реорlе who live in the community around you.
3 what оthеr kinds of communities аrе чоu а mеmьеr of?

*-*.- /
1 @the word оr рhrоsе thot hos о similor meoning to thе words in bold.
! concept * saying ь observation * idea
? donate * give fu rесеiче t сhапgе
ý duty g choice fu рrеfегепсе € oЫigatior-r
4 fortunate & privileged fu planned с unhappv
5 institution * соmрапу fo organization < individual
& гесiрiепl, * giчег Ь rесеir.еr t taker
7 йrtuе с positive quality Ь advantage . drawback

Complete these sentences with thе correcl form of the words in bold frоm
exercise .

ý Iwas enough to hаче пу оwп hогsе when I ."l as

Ё Тhе university is the oldest educational in this citv
* l always mу old clothes to charity shops.
4 Нопеsty is ап irnporlant
} lt's уоur to look after уоuг раrепts r,r,l-ren the.v аrе old.
& оur tеасhеr was the of а national teaching аwаrd.
7 Сап you explain the of altruism to mе?

I!ýTEЖý$ýG I Community sеrчiсе

Whоt do you consider to Ье community service? Check (/) the folIowing.

building а house
tutoring children
visiting hospital patients
planting trees in the раrk
reading to the Ыiпd

Whоt оthеr kinds of community service соп you think of?

Whiсh would you like to do?

€-iE :эёз,*З З_i ьЕ*тъЁ ъз g

ffiz:;l, Listen to Соmmuпitу serviceond сhесk (/) the moin ideos.
Community service inc]udes volunteering time and service to help оthеrs.
Volunteers wоrk in different types of public institutions.
People often do community sеrчiсе fоr altruistic reasons.
Community service includes Ьоth service and mапuаl labor.
Fulfilling уоur oЫigations is а fоrm of community service.
Altrr_rism is сопсеrп fоr otheTs.
Дtruism has nothing to do with the doer, rаthеr it's about the rесiрiепt.

]@] coMMuNlTy
LlýTEilllP{G F*R ýX&MpLEý
Speokers often give exomples when thеу оrе speoking to support о moin ideo.
benefit tu) /'Ьепэf It/ Ф
Signol words оr рhrоsеs оrе often used os hints tbot let the listener know whot
сопсеrп (n) /kэп'sзrп/ ,)
is coming next.
service (n) i{
For ехоmрlе_, ýоrпе vоluпtееrs tutоr сhildrеп whо пееd hеlр iп thеir studies.
Somefirnes vоluпtееrs do mопuql lоЬоr like hеlрiпg to build о bouse оr оа

рlапtiпg frees in о locol pork. _
When you hеоr опе of these signol words оr рhrоsеs, you should wгitе thе л
exomple in уоur noies. А good woy to mоrk this is to use thе оЬЫечiоtiоп -.
ЕХ Ье[оrе the exomple оr in thе morgin next to thе exomple. }-

Listen to Соmmuпitу service ogoin. Circle the best onswer to

complete the sentences.
Э Соmmuпitу service is helpful / not helpful to college applications.
? Соmmuпitу sеrчiсе is чоluпtееriпg time and serwice to those who аrе
less forlunate / mоrе forlunate.
З А school is ап example of ап institution / individual.
4 Reading to the Ыiпd / Building а house is an ехаmрIе of mапuаl
:;i whеп they start, some чоiшпtееrs' main motivation is to improve thеir
rёstrmёs / еаrп mопеу.
i1 Оr.егаll, rnost people do community selvice because it looks good оп
job applications / they саrе about others.
l Altruism is сопсеrп for others / for yourself.
4 VoIurTteering to help оthегs is а virtue / drý.
* Altruism is doing sornething because it is уоur duty / you want to.

'' *,..,З
' . 3.i':_{r;
._i .ý.@j:il
, -,::.,:l,r.:;J

о 2 Ф !"*/ listen lo lhe excerpts from Соmmuпitу service. Complete the
1_1 sепtепсеs with the signol used to give eoch exomple.
xJ _ l , some volunteers tutоr children who need help with
q) their studies in summеr school рrоgrаms.

ь0 ? А lot of volunteers wоrk in hospitals. they donate

Е time to visiting patients who have по relatives оr ruп errands fоr busy
. r-l doctors and пursеs.
-Ф 3 Sometimes volunteers do manual labor _ helping build
а hоusе оr planting trees in а local park.
о 4 It could also Ье something very simple, рrойdiпg
l 5 _,
transpoftation for people who can't driче.
giving up а day to build а house for а less fогtuпаtе
family that you mау печеr meet is altruism.

Discuss these questions iп о group.

l What benefits and drawbacks аrе there to соmmuпiý service? Complete
the сhаrt using the words in the Ьох.

college applications mental nourishment not enough mопеу

not enough time other oЫigations teamwork

Вепеf,its Drowbutkg

2 How can doing community sеrчiсе help you achieve уоur future goals?

ехреriепсе outlook оп li{e

What things do you do that аrе obligatory? What do you do altruistically? knowledge rёsumё
How can you tell the difference?

LlSTE]'ll]'lG 2 А different kind of community

Discuss these questions with о роrlпеr.

I Look at this picture of а community. Whеrе do you think it is? Why?
2 How аrе the mаjоr cities in уоur country similar оr different? Аrе the
people who live in different towns similar?


а '. i:э т,
э ;з i i,=- т,
+:!э 1 Т i,a:-
1 You оrе going to hеоr о lecture on о пе\м type of community. lп which commitment(п) /kэ'mltmапt/
order do you think you will hеоr these moin ideos? Complete the outline. criticism (n) /'krltr,srzэm/
Criticism of 'English Town' Description of the town selection (n) /sr'lek.|'(e)n/
Ideas behind the concept Location Support for'English Town'
The results of criticism

Э Listen to Д different kind of соmmvпitу ond check your опs\меrs. о


L|ýTENINý F*R DEъli-ý v)
Ъ support moin ideos, sреоkегs often include detoil in the fоrm of stotistics,
поmе5/ dotes, оr exomples.
Дs you соп see frоm thе illusfrotion/photo/chorf ...
According to Dr. Smith ...
It is believed lhqt ...
Specificolly, ...
А good note-toking method fоr rесоrdiпg detoils is the Соrпеll system.
Divide уоur рореr into two columns ond use thе left column fоr thе moin
ideos. Тhе right column is fоr detoils ihot go with еосh moin ideo.

1 '.,,1, , ,,. Listen to д di[ferent kind of соmmuпitу ogoin. Toke notes thot go
with еосh moin ideo.

: l l.,,
цOоа qийlltles lи а tllwи
lпstitиtigиs пееlеd tи а tоwи

LиqП5h l0l,uи rиtеs
l- l, l * J l
lсwи аOй!.5

Crilic rc м о tJ
/'Е иа tslt Гоw и'

2 ;""' .' Listen to о group о{ students comporing their notes оп the first Мо
moin ideqs. Did you hеоr the some detoils? Did they hove опу detoils thоt
you соп odd to уочr notes?

З Complete thе exponded notes with informotion from the lecture.

Тlзе iеоfмrеr
Srst Cisc*ssel tоwпs iи змеrа{ ther роst|tiъ,е ,v*a{itics ацl tйе,'r |пsttиtlопs,
А {оwиЬ rirtмеs ,"ис/*lе tlrмзs {;ýе Р;емd{,:иеss, sфý, arl {rJ . Ехапlрlеs о{ lts
iиstitиtiоиs ;иlиdе {Z) " hr. Ум .
€ ltеи thеи
о* а tоwи tи Сh/иа, lt wаs
ta Ь{,i {iýe а tоwи iи {S} " Т&е о{tlэе t*и,п yyere aжbittoи.", Гlзе маtп *,as
зоп{s зоа{
to iуимеrsе tйе people iи Еry{isk, so tйеу *o"{l {+) t*eir /аиlааае le,rei" Tllcre was
soiаe s*pport, &at, thе
рlаиs *еrе {S} . Sowe
рс*рfu с{а|м
lммеl,s:оп {и Еиз{is/l ts
|6) " rhе /<tиl of Еry{ish spol<e^ iи tllis fuwи wоц{d wо"/l Ье dфrей to that о{а
realrrylbh {r} аиd реор{е wо*lСи't {еаrи йоw tо Ьиill rеlаtюиslлtрs iи аиоthеr
/аиjrазе" lH thе еиf the yryect wвs {S}


v Discuss these questions in о group.
I Would you like living in ап English-only community? Why оr why not?
public spoces

ru les
",п1.1',i7i..';,t,"лJ tч *,:,;1 ;",il.*,,,:':,. "',:,,l:",, "
j_; --i locotion size
ьо .-i ",,,',.' ; л ,; i 'J ,:,: ,Г ,.,J., ! '. цл, it

? If you wеrе designing а community, what would Ье special about it?
ЁJ Тhiпk qbout the ideos from Соrпm unily service ond А different kiпd of

ор{ соmmuпitу ond discuss these questions in о group.
l What type of community service opportunities would Ье available in
уоur new community?
2 What соmmuпitу selvice would you do in уоur пеw community?

р?"ат EF"** \f€ ?т # {,з** ж |ъi * #.* е?;}*ё*5

А prefix is о grоuр of letters odded to thе beginning of о wоrd. Prefixes tell

you mоrе obout the rооt опd сhопgе the meoning of the word. Some prefixes
сhопgе о word's meoning frоm positive to negotive.
Рrеfiх Meoning Exomple
опfi- freeze опtifrееzе
сочпlеr- oct сочпIеrqсt
dls- орреоr disappeor
im- polite impolite
ir- responsible irresponslb/e
mis- u nderstood misunderstood
поп- esseniiol лопеssепfiо/
Uп- rеliоЬlе uпrеliоьlе
iп- supportoble iпsчрроrlаЫе

1 Work with о роrlпеr ond qdd о prefix to еосh root.

l possibIe 5 rational
z paid * rеgаrd
ý SenSe 7 clockwise
€ pIaced * social

2 Complete lhese sentences with thе negotive form of the word in porenlheses.
' Mall1 people rr,еге (suге) English Tblvrr r.vould succeec1 iгt
imploviгrg l arrgr_rage level s.

Ё Some people thir.k English'lbl,r.n was (conceived), br-rt

others (аgгее) that it lr,as а bad idea
€ Тhеrе аrе mапу. (ргоfit) organizatio1-1s .yoLl сап r.оluпtееr fог.
ý Some people аrе (rеgulаr) чоluпtееrs becat_tse thev harle
other commitments, like stlrdr. оr r,чоrk.
* yоu have to Ье (selfish) if you r.olunteeг to r,r,огk lvitlr
childrerr ог the еlс]еrlу.

Щ coMMuNlTy
ýРý&ý{ý&ý* Discussing community service
You оrе going to leorn obout modols of probobility, linking words, ond
епсочrоgiпg communicotion. You ore thеп 9oin9 to proctice these in о grоuр
discussion oboul community service.

ж**eLý *F рЁФвАýаtlтY
some modols оrе used to ехргеss how сеrtоiп о speoker is of somethin9. study the forms:

Musf Use rnusf to soy, bosed оп some evidence, thot thеrе is о чеrу strong
likellhood thot something is true.
Дs mопу of you hove ехреriепсе of secondJonguoge immеrsiоп,
you musl hove strопg vlews оп this topic,
Might, mоу ond Use might, mоу оr could to soy thеrе is о good сhопсе something is
couId tru е.
It might Ье о good ploce fo study.
Could is olso used to express iust опе possibility of mony.
His vоluпfееr рlосеmепt could Ье iп о hospitol, оr mоуЬе iп о

r ССirФthе best modol to complete the sentences.

l Yоu might / must Ье atlle to vоiuпtееr at the апimаl sanctuary. They
Sometimes need mоrе heip.
2 Jana worked for 16 hours straight. She must / could Ье exhausted.
З Реtеr mау / could Ье at the mall, the park, оr even at work
- I hаче по
4 Lily must / might invite Jesse очеr to study. They like to study together,
5 Kenichi must / mау Ье really upset about his test sсоrе. Не got ап F.

2 Reod the situotions. Complete the senlences with your own ideos.
l Cassie applied for а job as а social wоrkеr. She didn't ечеп get ап
She must
2 Eduardo is looking for ways to increase his vocabulary. He's going to the
Не might
3 Mei-li lent David hеr dictionary but he accidently left it on the bus.
She mау
€ 'Iay hopes to str_rdy English очеrsеаs next summеr, but he's not surе
whеrе to go.
Не corrld

З Compore уоur onswers to exercise 2 with о portner.

Whеп о wоrd ends in о vowel sound ond thе next word begins in о vowel sound we often link thе
-о sounds. Whеп this hоррепs, thеrе is по pouse between the words - thеу sound like опе wоrd
ьо insteod of two. Тhе linking is completed Ьу thе insertion of о consonont sound, ljl оr lwl .

iF( lnsert /ji ofter words ending with thе vowels li,лl, lall, lell опd lcll.

lnsert /w/ оftеr words ending with thе vowels lu,1.1 , lеul ond /аul.

G /om=l-l1l-
,., om
0J тоо оhеп l too often
а,. So/=So-lwl- l

(r) Shе os/<ed = shе ,. , osked


1 Look ot this conversotion. Тhе linked vowel sounds оrе underlined. lnserl
1-_nДlЬ: fl-.

thе correct consonont sound, lwl or ljl. **"

л \- гt

Ате '}.ou*at college?

Yes, I'm at Oxford Brookes, majoring in business.
2whv аrе vou studйпs business?
I want Зtо assume сопtrоl of mу father's business.
Sоrry, I don't understand whatyou mеап. Could Ъц_ехрlаш а bit
йъ ые- м
Sure. Му father has his оwп shoe store. I want to take очеr the

business for him so he can rеtirе.

5Oh, I see. Is rrrnning а shoe store а good business?

Listen ond check уочr onswers. Repeot the linked vowel sounds.

Тhеrе qrе sечеrql woys to епсоurоgе communicqtion using questions.
r you con soy whеп you didn't hеqr оr understond.
l didn't hеоr whоt уоч soid оЬоut ... Соп you soy lhоt оgоiп?
Could you rереаt thot?
. you соп osk fоr mоrе informotion оr explonotion.
Could you ехрlоiп thоt q bit mоrе? Whоt do you mеап Ьу lhоt?
о you соп odd о 'рrоmрt', giving оп exomple of о
роssiые rеsропsе.
Hove you еvеr dопе опу сhоritу work? МоуЬе vоluпlееriпg, оr roising mопеу fоr о good соusе?

@:"tt Listen to two students discussing thе topics below. WriЪ the
longuoge they use to епсочrоgе еосh оthеr to continue.
l Aiob
2 Yоuг hоmеl,оwп

Work with о smoll group to tolk obout thе topics. Encouroge еосh оthеr to
continue the discussion so thot eoch topic losts two minutes.

ýрЕ&жING тАýк
Work with о роrtпеr ond discuss о community service рrоiесt you would like
to toke роrt in.

Work with о porlner. Look gt the lЫ of соmmчпitу service octivities below ond пdd two mоrе exomples. Which ones do
(ommunily? fteck (/)lhe top three,
уоu think ore most usefult0 fl
* plonting floweв
u visiting potienb ot the hospitol
. wolkingdogsottheshelter ,t l
о reoding to the blind
, building о house for о fomily
о serving food ot о home|ess shelter
. tutoring children oto locolkhool

Think obout the kind of communily service
уоu would like to do, Think obout the detoils
(0п include, ппd give ехumрlеs.
. where willуош do your oclivity?
, Whеп Ь the best timе?
* Whо willyou work with?
, why did уоu choose this octivity?

Dbcuss detoik gЬоut the пctivity уоu chose
with о роrtпеr. Try to use modol verbs qпd
longuoge to епсочrоgе соmmuпiсоliоп.

Find g пеw роrlпеr. Report the mоiп poinls
о{ whot уоu dbcussed, giving exomples.

*ж .,

t FgFS;'"l'

";Ёъэ: il: Note taking


Discuss these questions with о роrlпеr.

ж ; Ц/hу should stlldents take notes during lесturеs?
}: What stгategies do .votl usе to take notes? Fог ехаmрlе, do 1rоu urse symbols
ж ог со]ог coding?

,ж З \lrhat is difficult alэor_rt taking rrotes? What do you find easiest? List уоur ideas.

Reod this scenorio ond think obout whot Аrmопdо is doing right ond whot hе
is doing wrong.
Armando is taking his Irrst
history соursе at the unir.ersitri
Не tr]ъ.ays gets to class а ferr,
Look ot these tips fоr note-toking. Discuss еосh опе with о portner. Whiсh minutes еаrlу and sits пеаr tlre
опеs оrе the most imроrtопt? frопt of tlre rооm. Не rесоrds
: Sit in the fi"ont of the rооrп I3eirrg iп fгопt keepls .vor_r focusecl оп the lectures using his cell рhопе,
it-tsttuctor апс1 a."tav frotrr оthеr clistгactions. rvhich lras а recording 1Ъаturе.
lj Record the lесturе check r,r,itlr чоuг lесturеr in advance if thеге аге апу Не starts rесоrсliпg r.vhen the
гulеs aboutlэгirrging cell phorres оr гесоrсliпg devices to lectllгes. If уоu аге plrofessor begins the lесturе.
l_tsil,tg lоttг cell рhопе, епsurе it is set to silent mode. During the 1ecttrre, Arnrando
,j Iаkе notes ечеп if you rесоrd Leave Ыапk spaces whеп уоu don't takes notes, Ьut lеачеs а
uпсlегstапd. Аftеr the lесtuге, listen again arrd fill in апч пissing iпfогmаtiоп. blank space rt hen lre doesn't
ji Rесоrd the questions and answers after the lесturе The iпfогmаtiоп after
understand. Не stops the
recording r,r,hen tlre professor
thе lectlue rnight Ье irnporlant, too. It rTa1, сlаrifу еаrliеr iпfогпrаtiоr. оr Ье
ans\\rers questlons frоm the
used fоr test questions lаtеr.
students. Lаtец hе plays the
.ij Take notes selectively I-isterr fог rt ords tlrat indicate а пrаiп idea оr
recording again and fills iп the
cx.llltplt,. Nlагk tIlose ilt toul, Ittltes.
missing blar-rks. 'Ilrat nlglrt,
i1 organize уоur notes Fоr exanple, add соlоr codir-rg to lirrk notes оп the lle сгеtttеs а gгарhiс оrgапizег
same topic, ancl drar,r, lines ilith а гulеr to divide them into sections. Ьу drarvlng а diаgrаm to
7 Use graphic оrgапizеrs Тгапsfег yоuг notes il-tto gi,apl-ric огgапizеrs, such srrmmarize the ideas in the
as chaпs ol cliagrans, to help чоu геmеrпЬеr the mailr ideas of the lесtuге Iесturе. Не соmраrеs his notes
atrd hornr tJrev relate to eaclr оthег. u.itlr а classmate the next
* Соmраrе notes with а ciassmate Соmраге чоur поlеs l,r,ith а classnlate to mornit-tg iп class.
see if thеrе аrе оthег ic]eas l,ou should add to youl notes.

Discuss these questions with о роrtпеr.

€ Which of the strategies do you already use? Which help you the most?
Ё Which strategy is one you will try to use iп the future? Why?
ý What оthеr stгategies do уоu have fоr taking notes?


, ,:q ýi

ýffiryr3l r {r

у.:" *1!'J


&*|..ъ ж] >i
т1 ]

= Listening fоr rеаsопs
Listening fоr time
т, S_vnonyms ancJ
{. ,,о:.
Shifting the topic
lntonation in tag

Discuss these questions with о
'l Whеrе do you live? What is it like? What do уоu like about the аrеа you live in?
: :|?1 .|: :с ;.:,:' .a|.r:.1|.1_ l:::: :i||':||i.:|- .

: ,;'.: '.;.: :.1 |;,|!,:-a, -| ! .'::;- i:i i.:i , ,

'!|:a:: ':,:
2 How would you describe the space where you do уоur hоmеwоrk?
Messy оr organized? Well-lit оr dark? Spacious оr small?
,r;,,:,','j!-._..i]:i i:: :'..ii. .:.:,..' ,i:.,,a:.,r,,',.;,,-r';, ::, ,..

3 Whеrе do you do most of уоur studying? In а liЫary? At hоmе?

What do you like about that space?

Ъл*саЬж}аry previeT,T
lп еосh grоuр of foul motch thе words in bold with the соrrесt definition.
-l Дi accompanied his со-wоrkеr to thе meeting.
2 The instructor gave background about the topic.
3 The building wоrk frоm the offrce next door distracted Ling frоm hеr wоrk.
4 Тhе facts about population growth emerged as the lecturer discussed
changes in liйng conditions.

0 ьесоmе known
ь рrечепt concentration
( go with someone to а place оr event
d the general situation in which something happens

5 Cities hаче evolved frоm places whеrе people live and wоrk to places
whеrе people want to Ье entertained.
6 I need inspiration so I сап finish mу essay.
7 In the United States, the masses continued mойпg frоm the cities in the
А quiet study space may result in better grades.

е gradually change
f а large пumЬеr of people
g cause оr рrоduсе something
h пеw idea that helps you create something

tISTE}ll}lG l Wоrk space

Work with о роrtпеr ond discuss these questions.

l Look at thе pictures of offices. What do you see? closed mоdеrп
2 Which Hnd of offrce would уоu рrеfеr to wоrk in? Why? cubicles ореп р[ап
3 What kind of office space do уоu think is most соmmоп in |apan? In the fuпсtiопо} spocious
United States? What diffегепсеs do you think there might Ье?

:, ..a - ,: : :,' . l

: ,: Listen to Work spoceond write the odvontoges ond disodvontoges

frоm the Ьох in lhе correcl spoce in thе сhоrt.

costleSS less teamwork mоrе distractions mоге expensive

no privary quieter wоrkеrs mоrе inspired workers mоrе productive

0реп-оffitе spuce (lояеd-оlfiсе spoce

Advantages Advantages

Disadvantages Disadvantages
Sраоkегs will оftеп support thеir ideos wifh rеоsопs. Whеп listening, i|rs
useful to note rеоsопs sреоkеrs provide os these give mоrе iпfоrmоtiоп оп
еmеrgе (u} /r'mзrdз/
thе moin point. Listen fоr signol words thot point to rеоsопs. independent (odi) /,rndr'pendant/

Тhе rеаsоп is thot lhеrе simply wоsп't епочgh spoce. rеsеоrсh (п} /п'sзrtfl
Тhе office hоd Ьесоmе очеrсrоwdеd, Because о{ lhis, lhе соmропу moved
toо пеw building.
lt wqs dif{icult lo сопсепtrоtе siпсе thеrе \4/os 5о mucb noise.
Тhе соmропу mоvеd to о lоrgеr building. Тhеrеfоrе/Сопsеquепtlу/Непсе/
Thus, office 5росе \4/о5 по longer о рrоЫеm.

@ l"зэ listen to Work space ogoin. According to the speokers, is еосh of

these о rеоsоп supporting ореп or closed office spoces? Write О (open)
оr С (closed).
l good for large gIоuрs
2 better fоr sensitive discussions with mапаgеrs
3 better for increased teamwork
4 fewer hard feelings experienced
5 easier to ask questions
6 better fоr inspiration

@ l,зз Listen ogoin ond onswer the questions.

l Is ап ореп оr closed-office plan better if you аrе а large соmрапу? Why?
2 Why is it easier to get inspiration in а dosed-office?
3 What happens if workers don't consult with each оthеr?
4 Why does an open-offrce plan avoid hard feelings?
5 Is an open оr closed-office plan better ifyou need to talk about
а sensitive issue? Why?

Devel*ping critical t}эiпkiпg

Discuss these questions in о group.
I What kind of office space is mоrе соmmоп in уоur country? Which type
would you рrеfеr?

2 What type of office do you think is best fоr the people in the pictures?
'] : .':.. .'. -..,



tlýTEШIffiý 2 UrЬап sprawl
**{*т* у*ъъ ЪЭ.*€*тъ

1 Whot big cities соп you think of? Whot ore some of their соmmоп

|' '

Z Look ot thе grорh. Whgt does it show?

-l/ Ф
ос :

О \ Jvo
Е, -Е

lhoilond L*tnc Mexico united stotes soudi Аrоьiо

Whiсh country in thе chort do you think is most similor to yours?

whiсh is thе most different?

ffiз,эЭ Listen to IJrЬоп sprowl опdiсЙilliЯhе correct опswеr iп еосh senlrence.

l UrЬап sprawl is an old / пеw concept.
2 UrЬап sprawl happens mostly in Еurоре / all аrоuпd the world.
3 UrЬап sprawl began in Babylon / the United States.
4 Cities hаче dоuЫеd / decreased in land size.
5 Urban sprawl happens whеп the population in iппеr cities increases /

*Ътз** Ъъ,*€етзЭ-^ъg


# Speokers often use time signols, especiolly whеп thеу оrе giving thе history

оr timeline of events. SоmБtimеs thе timei оrе specific опdЪоsуtо

... ... ...

Ж tп thе 2Оth сепturу Duriпg thе 197Os Аhеr


Ж Sometimes оthеr signol words оrе used thot give you о sеп5е of thе

Ж оftеr, Ьеfоrе, duriпg, !оtеr, поw, sооп, thеп, todoy, tоmоrrоw, Ё

Ж Timelines оrе о good note-toking too| to moke о visuol rесоrd of dotes. You
Ж dotes.

соп write notes obout the events oboue оr below the Е

l9l l l 955

I 900 ] 1920
l 940

I 960 I980


Listen to thе lecture ogoin. lnsert detoils оп the timeline.

it:l?!l; |?,1J:i
i: э:L,';

Е ,_i,Б
; 12о ',"!
с Е 4,ра=
с j4.r{l!,:,i i?!{ij
17$ l8,h l9m 21 <&
сепtUrу ceniUry сепtUrу 1
:i,1 icentury сепtчгу
1,1:;,r.э,t,цi ,,1
,,!€{i{5 1';1?i; !??Js ,:.,.
i :, ;.. :: |: .,, | |,,.. :, ; |1. |: .| r: l l|.r| |' |1,.|: | / :' |:.:

Use the timeline to onswer thе questions.

concepi (n) /'kon,septi
l When did urЬап sprawl stat1?
оancient times Ь Roman times с in the 17th century d tgSOs
ечоlче (u) i I'vcrlv/

2 Whеrе did urЬап sprawl spread in the 17m and 18.h centuries? extend (u) /rk'stcnc1/
g London Ь Paris g Rome d Atlanta
3 Whеrе was urЬап sprawl first seen?
* Rome fu China { Еurоре * Llnited States
€ Whеrr did t]re gочеrпmепt lоагi р,lгоgгаms affect uгЬаrtr sргаr,r,l?
* l 900s Ь tylB е 1920s * rэцоs and 1950s
5 Whеп did urlэаrr sргаr.чl Ьесопrе а social рhепоtпеtrоп iгr the Llrrited
* 1 920s fu tg+os с 1950s * tszos

Discuss these questions in о group.

I If уоu could choose between living iп а suburb and living in а ciry сrimе
which would уоu choose? Why? community

iob opportunities
ý What advantages and disadvantage аrе thеrе to urЬап sprawl?

2 Think qbout the ideos from Work space ond Urbon sprowl ond discuss
these questions in о group.
I What kind of office space do you think people in cities and people frоm locotion
the suЬurЬs would like best? Why? people we Iive оr work with
j t i: i э: i ... :,l,: 1: ; ;, !7! ;у 7',.;i;:: :- .., ::, i. ;: n | -, э' .,, size
; !:t:!::,,т ... ,u:*1i:i i,!r ,,. ;;:i,;T Ё;';,;i:, ... +^.Lлл лл,,
2 Wоrk and living spaces change очеr time. What predictions сап you
make about how we will wоrk апd live in the future?

UN|T з зl

Synonyms оrе words thqt hоче similor meonings. Antonyms hove opposite
advontoge synonym = Ьепеfif ontonym = disodvontoge
weohhier sупопуm = riсhеr ontonym = рооrеr

Complete the сhоrt with the sупопуmý ond onlonyms in the Ьох

ancient сurrепt different to idealistic insignificant like

metropolitan practical rrrral significant

ýупопуm Апtопуm

similar to

Correct the porogroph with thе most oppropriote sупопуm or опtопуm.

Use the context to help.

r шаиt !0 to 1rеrcе п,е{t tfue rеалсп t ma,lltto

9о k
t0 s,tt+и,,l,и.еr. Ьеш164
I [i*э аrсhЁе{tц,rе а,и"d tl,tre are а |ot ( )
(7 tи"оd*rп buй.tlgs ltu.tlt

ouer З,000
, уед,rs ааD, It's c,erta,tп,l,u
/ J /
ttrч/, Q) i,иi,lа,r to тиу сйч,
/ /

h4Б ипtИч оvu а lц.Йrй целrs

r{1t ,+tй.еп,с й t{14 ифа/ аи7. kryest
ciry |п 0rепе. АthiиБ k а luце (3) rц,rш!аrел"thАt h46 лrry
aJ4i ьлdл,stпл/ cotttpa,п,tes, th,e qrerk алl4j. t"ok
r аl/tи/а/
й*hh,tt[aш. Аилd tnk
t'lr* rBtal.traлts! I ьиz (4) iП"едlХhh Йrф.
I фLl/ и"ееd to sal.te а (s) s,iли,tlъса,r<t аиоu,|It rf
и,сап*ч L{
t Lpa,ltt to qо to
J /

| Аth,е,иБ l,tzfr s.t*tи,tц.еr, I и2еj. to

fпl jЙl а
ýРý&ЖýЖý Discussing urЬап епчirопmепts
You оrе going to lеоrп how lo use tog questions, lhе correct intonotion whеп
using these, ond how to shift topics in о discussion. You оrе thеп going to use
these skills to discuss urbon епчirопmепls.

.: ]

тАý *tJEýTl*hlý

Tog questions оrе odded to ihе end of о stotement to tuгп it into о question. Тhеу оrе used
whеп thе speoker expects the listепеr to ogree.
А positive stoiement hos о negotive iog.
Тhе пеw mоIl looks like thе old опе, doesn't il?

А negotive stotement hоs о positive tog.

UrЬоп sрrоwl didn't опlу hорреп iп Ечrоре, did il?

Тhе tog hos the some tense os the stotement. Тhе чеrЬ tense helps you dеiеrmiпе whot word
to use in the tog.

Fеrm Тчg Ехчшрlе

simple present / по оuхiliоrу Yочr роrепts live iп thе city, dоп't lhеу?
- :.,,,.: iп the simple tense rереоt the
Ibis Ь оп ореп office рlоп, isn't it?
moin чеrЬ
;* os the moin чеrЬ ,:j;.:._i,;:,:,,i OR
:- -- - : i..,, ,, Не hqs оп office, dоеsп'l hе?

present рrоgrеssiче Не is living iп thе city, isn'I hе?

рrеsепt реrfесt не has moved fo thе suьurьs, hоsп'l hе?

Find the mistoke in еосh sепtепсе ond соrrесl it.

I Angela рrеfеrs having hеr own cubicle, iЬ6she?
l Му boss has his оwп office, isn't he?
3 You live in the suburbs and work in the ciry аrеп't you?
4 Mikhail doesn't Want to leave the city, doesn't he?
5 Your Ьrоthеr is working at а new соmрапу/ doesn't he?

Add tog quesfions to these stolements.

I UrЬап sprawl is а positive developmeng _ ?

2 Most people want to live in urЬап areas, ?

Э The рорulаtiоп of оur city is staгting to spread оutwаrd,

4 We аrе still seeing urban sprawl today, _

5 Open office space plans аrе better than closed office space plans,

6 This city has completely changed since the 1980s,


Tog questions соп Ье rеоl questions, used to сhесk informotion; оr thеу сqп Ье requests fоr
о оgrееmепt with по rеоl опswеr expected. Тhе intonotion is different in eoch cose.
ьо Whеп you use rising intonotion, you show thot pu оrе expecting оп опswеr to thе tog question.
lFl . Тhе пеw mqlllool<s /ike the old опе, dБХV|ift
Whеп you use folling intonotion, you show thot you оrе not expecting оп опswеr.

G о /f's о Ьеоutiful old cily,

v) 1 @ l"l+ listen to thе tog questions. Does the intonolion rise or foll?
I It's а great workspace, isn't it?
2 She lives in thе city, doesn't she?
3 He's attending а lecture about urЬап sprawl, isn't hе?
4 Having а small office doesn't Ьоthеr him, does it?

2 Ф l.!4 Listen ogoin ond rереоt.

SHltTlNG тнЕ ToPlc

During о сопчеrsоtiоп оr discussion we sometimes need to сhопgе, оr shi[t, о topic. When speoking
to оthеr people it is importont to гесоgпizе thе topic shilts so you con follow thе discussion. Ърiс
shifts соп hорреп becouse о speoker moy not wont to tolk obout something, they moy wont to move
оп to something mоrе interesting ог becouse thеу hove Ьееп reminded of something else.
Ву the woy ... Sреоkiлg of whiсh, тhоl rеmiпds mе

r @ Listen to еосh conversotion.@the words whеrе thе topic shift hoppens.
Repeot fhе topic shifts.
I А: We аrе learning а lot in history this semester.
В: Oh, yeah?
А: Yesterday's lecture was about ancient China.
В: That reminds mе. Тhеrе is а new Chinese restaurant in town. Do you want to eat йеrе?
2 А: Тhе museum has some fabulous paintings on display. Тhеrе is one painted in
the 17m century. The агtist used .

В: I just thought of something. Тhеrе is а technology musеum in Boston.

We should go there sometime.

2 look ot еqсh сопчеrsоtiоп ogoin. Why do you think еосh shift hоррепеd?

J Work with о роrtпеr. To]k obout the first tropic ond thеп switch to thе second.
Тhе first опе hos been done os оп exomple.
I favorite vacation destination -l fачоritе food
2 the city whеrе you live э urЬап sprawl
3 emotional поurishmепt + YOUR CHOICE ,,:l
4 community service + YOUR CHOICE jjb, .,,.,,.*

ýрýАх{lжý теýк
Work with о роrtпеr to give о presentotion on о city.

Wоrk wilh о роrlпеr. Regd the informotion uЬоul lhrее cilies. Тhеп discus whot inlerests you
оЬоut eoch опе. Rеmеmhеr to use tog queslions to check informotion or request ogreement.

ýt. Lguis Beiiiнg ýшчdпlпiпru

Lgg*tiоп Missouri, United Northern Chino Jolisco, Mexico


Рерulчtiап {шr&*п opproximotely opproximolely opproximotely

*nd suЬurhпп} 2,8/8,000 l9,612,000 4,з29,000
Forrnded 1764 :оhоut3,000уеоь i I5З2
l0g0 :

{еу hiяtоritаl controlled hу Frопсе very lопg history hod three previous
iпfоrmцtiоп ond Spoin before
hеiпg sold lo the U.S
- previous nomes locolions before ib
indude Peking, сurrепl опе
iп l803 Веiрiпg, Ji, ond

Есопоmу servl(esl service, finonce, reol tоmmеrсе, tourism
monufocturing, tпdе, estote, outomobiles

{limgte moderote spring ond ,'rdr*rrJr' ;;й----

очtчmп, hot summеr, sчmmеr, short
cold winter outumn cold winler

А: St. Louis sounds interesling, doesn't it? А: l like the wiпtеr, don't уоu?
В: Whot do уоu like obout it? В: Not reolly.
Д: l don't like big cilies, so itЪ о good size for mе. А: Where would you choose?
В: lt gets cold though. В: lthink...

1 Рrероrе о short introduction obout о city, You сOп choose 0пу city уOu 0rе interesled iп,
0r 0пе from the сhшrt пЬоче. Include iпfоrmuliоп оп the following.
r locotion r history l climote . есOпOmу
r populotion

2 Wоrk with уочr роrlпеr. Decide in whiсh order you will present the iпfоrmоtiоп. Use
time signols so lhot уочr clgssmotes соп moke о timeline of imроrtппt events,

Give уоur presentotion lo two оr three other poib. Ве рrерurеd to uпswеr опу questions
ofter you hove finbhed. Whеп you hove listened to the other presenlotions, choose опе
of the cities thot уоч wоuld ol| like to visil. As уоч discuss the choices, rеmеmЬеr lo use
strulegies for shifting the topic uпd giving reosons for уочr choices.

Fiпd о роrtпеr from uпоthеr poir. Tell him оr her whiсh сilу уOur group chose to visit опd why.
%YЖffiY %ý€ýfut% Active listening
".,f,ЁJ, Discuss these questions with о portner.
Э \\thy is it imporlant to lister. carefully to lectures and discussionsl
? How сап you tell ц,hеп sопlеопе is listening to уоu?
З Нои, сап yoll tell и,lren someone is поt paving attention?

Reod this scenorio ond think obout whot Milod is doing right ond whot hе is Milad is an engineering
doing wrong. studerrt attending classes fоr
the first tirne in ап Er-rglish-
speaking unir.ersit),. Не has а
grоuр project and the оthеr
Look ot rhis list of dos ond don'ts. Discuss eoch опе with о portner. Whot is
mеmЬеrs оf the grоuр аrе
good obout lhose оп thе Do list? Whot is not good obout thе others?
native English speakers. W}ren
Do he is in а grоuр meetirrg,
Milad allvays takes а rrotebook,
* stav focused
and hе r,vrites r,vhat hе сап,
a let tlre sреаkег know yоu аге listelring Ьу usirrg попr.егЬаl language
ьut hе doesnt understand
(nodding, leaning fоrwаrd) оr чеrЬаl language (Olt, yeah| Reall1,|)
everything. Не is ernbarrassed
Ё make еуе contact that sometimes hе doesn't
* resporrd аррrорriаtеly (апsr,r,еr questions) understand, so lvherr the
* take notes speaker asks ifhe understands,
* ask fоr cIarificatiorr (Сап yotl spell tfult.|, Is that right|) hе alu,a),s says yes. Sonretimes
* rереаt what tl-re speaker said iп оthег words to make sllгe vоu understand he stops r.r,ritit-tg and tries to
(Yоч said ... , right| Do yott пrcа.п ... |) focus оп 1istenirrg. \\rhen hе
rеаllу doesn't understand, hе
DoN,T starts thinking about оthеr
о let уоur mind wander things. Аftеr the meetings,
* doodle оr и,lite оthеr thirrgs in чоur notebook hе looks at his notes arrd
8 pretend you uпdегstапd if you don't tries to trnderstand r,l,hat tl,as
discussed. sometinres hе calls
s Iook out the window ог dоог
one оf the grоuр members
* usе iпарргорriаtе попчеrЬаl language (e.g. leaning Ьасkwаrd)
and asks for clarification
а stop takirrg notes about опе оr tr,vo points. Не
ý stay silent is finding this process time
consuming and he sti]l doesnt
get a1I the information since
the оthег lпеrпьегs don't
Discuss lhese questions with о роrtпеr.
аlи,ауs rеtпеmЬеr exactly r,r,hat
l Which of these strategies do you use? Which do you think tl-rey said. Не is discouraged,
аге the most helpful?
ьесаusе he feels hе could do
3 Аrе there апу on the Don'r list that you need to stop doing? а better job on his part оfthе
ý Аrе thеrе апу strategies you want to try? Why? project ifhe understood better.


зб UNIT 3
,' UNlт4




Discuss thеsе questions with о portner.

l Look at the picture. What do you see?
2 What is the biggest соmрапу in уоur country? What does it sell?
Whеге does it sell? What оthеr big соmрапiеs do you know?
З Some people believe if something is bigge1 it is better. Do you аgrее? Why оr why not?
. t-i Reod these senlences. Circle the correcl meonings of the words in bold.
.д( l Good employees аrе essential to make а large соmрапу wоrk well.
q) 0 not necessary at all Ь completely necessary
00 2 The company added а few пеw features to their updated product to make
н it work better.
. trl с useless раrts of something Ь imроrtапt рагts of something
п 3 I hаче а general idea about what it is like to work for а multinational
Ф соmрапу.
ЁJ 0 not specific оr exact Ь very specific оr exact
.-о 4 Моrе than 60,000 people wоrk thеrе. It's а gigantic соmрапу!
F] о extremelv small Ь extremely lаrgе
5 The building looks very simple and plain frоm the street. Ноwечеr, the
interior is beautiful.
о the inside of something h the outside of something
6 The profits rапgе frоm fоrtу to fifty million dollars each уеаr. That is а lot
of mопеу!
о to Ье included in а group of пumЬеrs
h to Ье excluded fiom а gToup of пumЬеrs

tlSTE],|l}lG I Building big

В*f*эrе уФý }iýЁеý
Whot/s the biggest building you've ever Ьееп in? Why were you thеrе?
Do you know опу оthеr big buildings? Describe them.

@ э,l* Listen to thе first роrt of Building big. Which topics hove the students

Large countries, like China Whales Large buildings

Dinosaurs Large planes Large boats

Listen to thе first port of thе discussion ogoin. Complete the tоЫе.

Height Length People (ost

Вurj Khalifa I пlа 2

Airbus А380 ilа ? 4

Oasis of the Seas 5 6


А соmmоп woy fоr speokers to orgonize is Ьу соmроriпg ob|ects оr ideos.

очеrо9е (odi) /'reч(а)rIdз/ cl)
This orgonizotionol роftеrп hеlрs сrеоtе о рiсtчrе fоr thе listeners. Listen fоr r,+
thёsе words ond рhrоsеs to recognize whеп thе speoker is соmрогiпg fwo essentiql (odi) Л'sепJ(э)l/ Ф
thеmе (n) н
things: /0im/ р
опd соmроrеd lo like some о5 similоф similor to too
Similar to thе hоtеl, it cost $1.4 Ьilliоп to build. э
Соmроrеd to оп overoge fomily соr, о mопstеr truсk weighs qrоuпd .
Speokers olso use thе -еr suffix оп od|ectives whеп соmроriпg items. Е
Тhеу оrе muсh bigger lhоп оп S|JV. }i.
l lhiпk it's olso сhеареr опd easier to rероir. ld

2Ф ?"lf Listen to the rest ot Building Ьф. Complete the chort.

FеutчrаЕ Д fomily tшr А monster trцсk
Weight l
Material l
Interior J
Тirе Size { 5

Соmроrе поЪs ond сhоrts with о роrtпеr. Discuss these questions.

I What соmраrisопs can you make between а family саr and а monster
2 What comparisons can you make between two саrs you аrе familiar

@ з,lв Listen to thе whole discussion.фthe

best onswen
l Тhе Вurj Khalifa was mоrе expensive / less expensive than the Ocsls
of the Seas.
2 The Oasis of the Secs is lопgеr / shопеr than ап Airbus.
3 Ап Airbus сап саrry mоrе / fеwеr passengers than the Oasls of the Seas.
4 Тhе bodies of mопstеr trucks аrе lighter / heavier than those of family
5 Monster trucks аrе easier / hаrdеr to rераir than family cars,
6 Monster truсks hаче bigger / smaller wheels than family саrs.

Discuss these questions in о group.

l What's the biggest building in уоur country? What is it used fоr?
,! l,
Tl-- l-' --t l.
соииfrу Б,., l
2 Аrе products like сагs and TVs getting bigger in уоur country оr smаllеr?
Why do you think this is?
з What kinds of рrоЬlеms can Ьiggеr products оr buildings cause?

tlýTE}|ll\Iý 2 Big business
Ёtq, ýef*e-e у*u listen
r Think obout big businesses in уочr сочпtrу. Тhеп onswer thе questions.

l Which аrеаs of business do these big businesses operate in?
ii 2 What effect do they have on smaller businesses? odvertising medio
11 Опе eSect tйеу йаrе s Ьопkiпg retoil
ii ,..

aJ Sомi'пеjаlt'ir effects tkеу йаче аrе ",,

ЁJ 3 What benefits do they Ьriпg?
J trl
r}ие &жеft ts ...

2 You ore gоiпg to hеоr о Iecfure obout thе oulomotive business. Сhесk (Z)
lhe feotures уоч think will Ье discussed.

manufacturing processes rоlе of саr industry in wоrld

date of first automobiles есопоmу
biggest саr mапufасturеrs size of саr industry
negative aspects ofcar how engines work
industry top саг-рrоduсiпg countries

GlgЬаl listening
@ l.з* Listen to thе first port of Big business. Whiсh of thе feotures from
exercise 2 were discussed?

Ctrg}*e liste*irag
1 @ l,эо listen to the whole lecfure. Are the sentences below true or folse?
Write Т (True) or F (Folse).
I Fоur mаrkеts will eventually dominate world demand.
2 Irап is опе of the strongest markets at the mоmепt.
3 Gеrmап and South Коrеап саr companies аrеп't very successful. *_._

4 Brazil produced between Мо and fоur million саrs in 2011.

5 The OICA helps people to choose the best саrs.
6 Asian companies аrе the top two mапufасturеrs.

Whеп speokers соmроrе things, they often use contгosts os well to describe
hоw these things оrе different. Listen [оr words ond рhrоsеs such os
olthough, but, diffеrепt frоm, differ(s), hоwеvеr, uпlikе +о recognize whеп
the speoker is соmроriпg two things.
Дlthоugh dеmопd is worldwide, some Ьеliече thоl {оur mqrkеts will
eventuolly dоmiпqtе wоrld dеmопd: Brozil, Russio, lndio, опd Сhiпо.
Unlike qll thе оthеr corrioges ot lhе time, this опе didn't use borses.
However, поt oll of thеm are Дsiоп.
ffiэ"х* Listen ogoin ond complete thе сhоrt of controsting ideos. The ideos г{
оп the right should controsl with the ideos оп the left. Listen for controsl
words to hеlр you. dominote (u) /'domt,nett/ сп
potentiol (n) f+
Б- i {**тr*sа!а:g idea
/рэ'tепJ(э)l/ Ф
рrоduсtiоп (п) /рrэ'd,rkJэп/ J
lrоп is опlу l З'Ь оп the list. F,
тhеrе is worldwide demond fоr соrs. оа
lп thе post, only the riсh could buy _

со rs.
Mony of the biggest mопufосturеrs ld
оrе Asion. сл

Discuss Йese questions in о grоuр.

З Why do you think the automotive industry has Ьесоmе so lаrgе?

Ё What оthеr industгies hаче grоwп in thе same way? What industries
that used to Ье lаrgе have disappeared?

есопоmу locol сulturе

Think obout the ideos from Buflding big ond Big business ond discuss globolizotion trode
these questions in о group.
iob opportunities troditions
! What аrе the advantages of large-scale building projects and businesses? locgl communities
What аrе the disadvantages?

Ё ,Uake predictiorrs 1-оr the уеаг 2050, \\rhat ц,ill Ье the world's biggest
iлdr_rstrT? DеsсriЬе tl-re rvorlcl's tallest br_rilding, оr lalgest airpiarre.

i:* .'t*'р**,-a'{Ы* -::а


Word fomilies оrе grоuрs of words thot hove о соmmоп stem. То extend уоur
rопgе of vocobulory, think qbout how о new word would Ье fоrmеd os о
noun, чеrЬ, odiective, оr qdчеrЬ whеп уоu first see it.
чеrЬ noun odiective оdчеrЬ
соmроrе соmроrisоп соmроrоlivе comporotively
Being fomilior with fomilies соп olso improve уоur listening becouse you moy
rесоgпizе the fomily ечеп if you don't rесоgпizе the word.

Complete these word fomilies.

VеrЬ }lочп Adiectiv* Ad,эerb

I d h { d

2 f, h ( d

J ý ь d

4 ý ь { d

0 ь { d

6 lI ь ( d

Соrrесt thе six mistokes in thе роrоgrорh below.

l rea/izatioи that !-iч lrиоws а lot аЬоиt cars, Не to{l уие t/tаtJвуаи аиd
thе tlиitel Stпtes are lпrзе саr мвнфсtиriпg соииtriеs, Д{sо,Jараи is
а иаtiоиаltkаt exports а /ot of oars. Не also sBil that sgме t/liпl<
the car оrgiи iи Qеrмаиу, LM is lle9l
frst реrоерtiои Ьесп*sе *е fр*rel
оцt that Brazil wil/ оие day Ье а Ьу lиf*еисе iи dhе aиtoпotire iиdиstt7.
/ as/<el hirи аЬоиt hоw миоh
цsе. Не sail it Ь иоi siмр{iоф to
lеtеrмiие /tow Mrch fив/саrs и5е е{еуf у€аr" Оие tй;и9 Ь оейаtи tйоryй.
Ьемаиd for cars is jеиеrа/ rery lagtt.

3 Complete the questions with words from the сhоrt or thе skills Ьох.
l Аrе you interested in cars, speaking?
l Do уоu know whеrе cars ?

3 How important is the automotive industry whеге you live, at а local and
4 what is the most new design fеаturе you've sееп in а
5 What do you the future of саrs to Ье?
6 How will саrs of today with саrs of the future?

SPEAKI}|G Discussing lаrgе companies
You ore going to lеоrп how to moke conlrosls, how to use controsling stress
potterns iп short phroses, ond hоw to osk for clorificotion. You ore lhеп going
to use these skills to соmроrе two componies.


lessond Ьwеrоrе comporotives. Тhеу оrе the opposite of mоrе. Use bwerwith count nouns
use /ess with noncount почпs.
Leosf ond bwesf оrе superlotives. Тhеу оrе the opposite of rnosf.
То emphosize о соmроrisоп оr сопtrоst, you соп use the wоrds with fоц о lot or mчсh

Fоrm Ехпmрlе

:1|:.,'.|;:!\,. :._|:.|a.| 1 ||._:: :aI Тhеrе оrе fewer electric соrs thоп goso/ine-powe red cors
:i::,:.,'! 1 :'-:.,".-:- :.,, i a ;.; Тhеrе is less рrоduсtiоп iп Jороп lhqп iп Сhiпо.

':i::: ::*р:.,с? -- i:+:.:i:! |-:i:::|; l wопdеr whiсh соmропу hos Ihе fewesl electric соrs in
., : рrоduсtiоп.
НуЬrid соrs use lhe leosl goso/ine,
,-' '!|
__' |-|::._:j тhеrе оrе for fewer соrs so/d iп wiпtеr.
Д lot less mопеу is spenf оп mоlоrсусlеs thоп iп fbe posf.

Complete thе senlences with less, fewer,leosf, or fewest.

l You will find automobile manufacturers in Gеrmапу
than in the united states.
2 South Коrеа produces _ vehicles thап |apan.
3 Togo is the соuпtrу with the _ motor vehicles реr capita
4 Right now, Irап produces _ саrs thап china.
5 I think the boat industry makes mопеу than the саr
6 In mу country people use рuЫiс шапsроrt than driче
7 The рорulаr fоrm of trапsроrt in mу country is the

Moke sentences соmроriпg the following, using less or [ewer, including

о lot, muсh, опd fоrwhеrе оррrорriоtrе.
I саrs iп уоur city / motorbikes in уоur city

2 осеап on Еаrth / land оп Еаrth

3 people living in Rio de |aneiro/ people living in уоur city
4 sunshine in |anuary/ sunshine in |ulу (in уоur country)

Тhеrе оrе lots о[ shоrt рhrоsеs in Епglish with ond thot connect one
-о odiective, поuп/ оr чеrЬ to опоthеr.
aD Whеп you soy these рhrоsеs, the content words оп еithег side of олd оrе
Е usuolly stressed. Тhе pottern looks like this: ОоО.

Тhеrе сrrерВ, оВа с9s lоr
to working thе outomotive industry,

d Му industry hr;s hоd;rc u$s oЯdaJ%r.

Sometimes you соп сhопgе thе usuol stгess роttеrп to highlight the controst
е. between the nouns оr od|ectives.
(r) Тhеrе оrер.1Ь Яd с8пs fo оwпiпg qп еlесtriс соr.

1 Look ot thе senlrences below. Mork the stress роtып оп the phroses with
l The process of buying а саr is not usually short and sweet.
2 Тhеrе аrе рrоs and cons to owning а саr; it's not all good.
3 I like реасе and quiet, so electric cars аrе mу favorite.
4 Pinar would not tell us where she is going to college. We will hаче to
wait and see.
5 Му grandfather is very асtiче; he's always out and about.
6 She's multi-talented; she gets top grades in arts and sciences.

2 Ф 1.2l Listen ond check уоur onswers. Тhеп reod еосh sentence oIoud
using thе correct slress pottern.

ýpeaking ýkill
AsKlNG FоR сцRlFlсАтlоN
Sometimes thеrе is о lot о[ informotion being shоrеd duriпg о discussion.
lt is о good ideo to сhесk to moke surе you understond. Тhеrе оrе sечеrоl
woys you соп do thot. Some оrе mоrе fоrmоl thоп others.
Showing lock of understonding
l didn't lollow whot уоч soid obout ...
l'm sоrrу, l'm поt sure l undersfond.
Askinq fоr rеоеtitiоп
Could you go оvеr lhоt point оgоiп, pleose?
Соп you rереаt thоt pleose?
5iаlrпi .д Ье.ltиs bs ,alti,lз
Would you ехрlоiп thаt оgоiп? s.lлисihiи.9 лЬ"и! ,, l.s Ь,t;tцt>s-

@ r:z Listren to thе сопчеrsоtiоп. Note down thе longuoge used fio
shоw lock of understonding ond requesl for repetition. Тhеп onswer the Stиt{cat В sllаrrs а fBal< о{
questions. *иаiеrзfапliи_1 аиd rcqисstз я
l How did the listener show lack of understanding? rерtлrаsе.

2 How did the listener request repetition?

Work with о роrlпеr. Сrеоtе о diologue where опе speoker is finding it

hord Ь follow. Proclice, then rечеrsе roles.
Stнltиt lt rерt*ts or rеуДмsеs {Ье
ýPEAKI],IG тАýк v)
Work in о grоuр to соmроrе ond controst two componies. Ф



l- о,
1]RAIl{,ýTt}RM сл
Wоrk with о роrtпеr. Look ot lhese industries. Dbcuss whith оrе the most сOmmOп iп
уоur соuпtrу.

clothing fiпапсе (banking) food and driпk oil

pharmaceuticals rеtаil technology

t (hoose опе industry to dbcuss. Think obout two
componies you ore fпmiliоr with in the industry уоч chose. Moke
notes using lhe questions. Тhеп use your notes t0 сOmрOrе ond conlrost the componies.

{оmршпу l
Ноw big пrе they?

Whot do 1hey sell?

Whоlt their mоfi fomous producl?

Whу do people IikйЫike thb соmропу?

{*крппу !
Ноw big оrе lhey?

Whоl do they sel|?

WhоtЪ their most fomous product?

Whу do people llke/disllke thb соmропу?

э usе уоur notes lo рrерOrе to discuss the componies

уоu hпче chosen. Think uьоut the vocobulory уоu need to mukе
comporisons ond conlrosts.
li: we соп tolk obout food ond drink. Do уоu wопt to сOmрOrе ппd controst two rеstоurолts?
ý: Thot sounds good. Whol componies should we tolk оЬоut?

А, Ноw obout Big Burger опd Сhiсkеп l{ut?

В: They ore similor becouse they оrе both fostfood. Also, they ore both big.

Д: llowever, they ore fпmous for different products.

В: l think Chkken Нut isn't os strong cs Big Burger.
lX. l'm not sure whot you mеоп. Соп уоu ехрlоiп it to mе?
в: sure. l think Сhiсkеп Hut mokes les mопеу thоп Big Burger. why do you think people like them?
Д: l think people like them both becouse thеу'rе inexpensive.

work iп groupsond discuss your choices. |f you don't understgnd о speoker iп
уоur grоuр, let them kпоw, опd пsk them
lo rереоt the informotion.

After еvеrуопе speoks, tolk wilh уоur рпrtпеr пЬоul which соmрпrisоп
уоu found mosl inleresting. Did you feel
comforloble osking people to clorify whot they wеrе soying?
,, : ,,,] , . ,', l, ,.,;

слl Managing уочr time

i-l |

ofit Ьу Stella Cottrell
0| As опlу part of уоur week and уеаr will Ье
formally timetabled, you will Ье responsible for
organizing most of your study time, This сап Ье
challenging when thеrе are commitments such
as work, family, and friends to fit in.
о| Organize your time
То manage time well, it helps to do the following:

I Ье аwаrе of your оwп time management
l Ье aware of how much time it takes you to
complete each type of study task
r Ье aware that many aspёcts of study take
much longer than expected
l schedule time for unforeseen events
r schedule time for relaxation and leisure
r Ье very specific уоur time-planning.
Set your prlorities
How well do l mапаgе mу time поw? Yоu may find that you have more things to do
yes / по than there is time to complete. lf so, it will help
if you decide which ones аrе most important -
Do l usually turn up оп time? П П your priorities. You can set priorities either for
Do l keep most appointments? П П the day, оr the week, or the year. The following
Do l manage to fit in most of the checklist may help you to sort out what to do
things that l need to do? П П and when to do it,
Do l find l often have to rush things
at the |ast minute? пп Priority-setting checkl ist
Do l meet deadlines? пп
Have you:
Do l have any time fоr myself and
to rеlах? пп П written а list of everything you have
Do l use mу time effectively? пп to do?
П under|ined essential tasks in опе
соlоur, and items that can wait iп
another colour?
What do your answers to these П identified the most urgent item on
the list?
questions suggest about how we|l you
manage уоur time поw? Do you need П worked out the best order in which to
to change апу of уоur attitudes to do things?
time iп оrdеr to mапа9е уоur studies П worked out how long you can spend
well? оп each?
П entered each essential task into your
timetable and рlаппеr?

46 UNIT 4
Ul\llт 5

l Discuss these queslions with о

Liýtening t0
Listening fоr
vocabulary in context
l who is the most successful реrsоп уоu know? what has hе оr I-1ornophones

she accomplished? Agreeing апd

Соmроuпd nouný

What characteristics make sоmеопе оr Something successful?

When have you епjоуеd success?

.Fl Complete the text with words in the Ьох below.

U) achievements adhered attempt determined

focused persistent рrочеrЬ specifics
tl BilI Cates is опе of the world's most successful реорlе. Не is best kпоwп
for his business (1)
- and his inventions which hаче
q,) changed the way we use computers. His parents wanted him to Ье а lаъl,еr,
{_' Ьшt he wanted to (2) something else because he was tпоrе
.Ё interested in math. Не (3) on соmрutегs instead. Аftеr а
J while, he Ьесаmе (4) to Staгt а соmрапу. Не talked to his
раrепts and they suppor-ted hirп because hе seemed (5)
enough to make it hарреп. I don't know all the (6) , orrlv
the gепега1 story. Hower.e1 he must have (7) to his plan
because now his соmрапу, Microsoft, is kr-rown аrоuпd the и,оrld. I guess
the (8) 'Whеrе thеrе is а will, thеrе is а way/, is tгuе

Choose Мо questions to discuss with о porlner.

l What has been уоur greatest achievement irr schoo1?
2 What аrе the most important rules to аdhеrе to?
3 Have you ечеr attempted something sечеrаI times Ьеfоrе succeeding?
4 What аrе yoLI dеtеrmirrеd to do iп the rrext five 1,ears?
5 What аrеа of study do you want to focus on?
6 What difficulties have you had to persist to очеrсоmе?
7 Аrе thеге any рrочеrЬs in Bnglish which уоu think аrе parlicularly truе?
8 What specific skills do чоu need fоr the job you r,vant to have? аЖlitI
' '"'

LIýTEilll]-|ý I wbat is success?

:eLra* }ftrц яgýLgЁý
Look ot the lisr of ochievements. Check (Z) the things уоч hove olreody
ochieved. Put оп Х Ьу thе things you plon to ochieve lqten

getting а college degree completing а school ргоjесt

getting mаrriеd being accepted to college
winning а SрогtS gаmе гаisiпg а famil,v

2 Whot do you need to do to осhiече thе items you morked with оп Х?

Speokers will often summorize thеir ideos ot the end оr пеоr thе end of their
tolk. lt's useful to moke о note of thеir summories os they will contoin:
. moin ideos
. thе most importont supporting detoils
. о сrеdit to thе sоurсе,
Тhеу don't contoin specific focts, stotistics, оr о lot о[ detoils, exomples,
оr орiпiоп.

1 Liýlen to What is 5ucce55. Circle thе sentence whiсh best
summorizes thе presentotion.
ochieve (u) (л
g Success is about doing what society expects you to do.
definition (п)
Ь Success is about doing what you planned to do.
foilure (п) 'Ге rlj огl
2 Look ot these noles. Check (/) the ideos thot should Ье included in о li.
summory of the presentotion. F{
l examples of success аrе mопеу/ work, and college оа
2 success is the achievement of something 1rou planned оr attempted сл
3 the key is that YOU рlап л
4 it does not matter what society dictates lпa
5 Маrk ZuсkеrЬеrg and BilI Gates аге successful (л
6 running а mаrаthоп is а good example
7 success is determined Ьу the individual
8 doctors and maids аrе both successful
9 the specifics аrе different fоr everyone
l0 working hard, practicing, and focusing are impoftant to success
1l the sреаkеr believes riсh mеп and роог mеп can both Ье successful

3 Choose thе best summory. Give reosons fоr your choice.

::, Success is achieving something you planned ог attempted. The key is

to р[ап what you want and then try to do it, Success is determined Ьу the
individual and not Ьу what оthеrs want. Тhеrеfоrе, everyone's idea of success
is different. The characteristics fоr achieving success аrе simi[аг, but the end
goaI is diffeгent. ln gепега[, if you choose it, рtап it, and then attempt it, then
you аrе successfu[.

* Success is achieving something you planned or attempted, such as

making а lot of mопеу оr going to college. The key is planning what you
want and then trying to do it. Success is determined Ьу each person
arrd not Ьу others. Most people feel that graduating fTom college makes
уоu successful, but mеп like Bill Gates didn't graduate and they аrе
still considered successful. It doesn't matter if а person is а doctor оr
а maid. Both сап Ье successful because the specifics are diffeTent for
each person. There аrе mапу chaTacteristics of successful people. For
ехаmрlе, successfu] реорlе wоrk hard and focus. In general, rich people
and рооr реорlе can Ье successful ifthey work hard.

Cl*se liBtening
:,;:i Listen lo WhоI is success? ogoin. Write r (Тrче) or F (Folse).
l Success is always dictated Ьу society.
2 You don't have to finish college to Ье successfirl.
J BiIl Gates печеr intended to stаrt а соmрапу.
4 Тhе speaker believes that doctors аrе mоrе successful
than maids.
5 Еаrпiпg mопеу isn't а sign of success.
6 Everybody аgrееs on what success is.

v Discuss these questions iп о group.
j Do you аgrее that people iп all kinds of jobs аrе equallv successful if they
- ч) аrе doirrg what they planned to do? Why оr why поt?

ш ! Some people sav working hаrd is епоugh to make suге voll аrе successful.
Do you think it is errough?
týýTý$ýýr*S Bidding fоr the Games
д Do you think the Olympic GomesTM оrе оп importont evenf? Why оr
whу not?

Whot do you think counlries hove lo do whеп they moke о bid to hosf thе
Olympic GomesTM? Whot chorocterisfics does о city need to hоче in order
lo Ье successful in its bid?

Моtсh the sчmmеr Olympic GomesTM host сочпtriеs with their ploces оп thе mop.
. ],
--_. .а,_..._;,.i.:)a.
||l]ati,l.]!a\ .r*, . ].i].]laiir__..




Greot Briloin



uniled s'gtes

ffiЗ.;е listen to Bidding fоr the Games. Mork еосh ideo os fil (mоiп ideo) оr D (detoil).
l There аrе sечеrаl key steps to making а bid.
2 The process becomes mоrе focused as it progresses.
3 It takes six months fоr the committee to study the applications.
4 Sечеrаl rounds ofconsideration take place.
5 Questions about wеаthеr and finances аrе answered.
6 Аftеr the final rероп, фе committee votes and the host is announced.
) ffi З-Zа Listen to Bidding for thе Gomes ogoin. Toke notes so thot you соп wrile о summory.

3 Соmроrе your notes with о porlner. Consider these questions.

l What points do уоu think аrе key ideas?
2 Would you include the same things in а summary?
З What differences did уоu have?
Write о summory with о роrtпеr.

@ succEss
LЕэт*r,{ý!ч* F** ъf*{&*LJL&RY gг{ с*жтfiхт onolysis (n) /э'пеlэsts/
Leorning new vocobulory frоm context will hеlр you focus on key present (u) lрtl'zепtl
informotion ond hеlр build your understonding of thе topic. Тhеrе оrе submit (u) /sэЬ'mIt/
sечеrоl stгotegies you соп use whеп you hеоr new vocobulory.
. listen fоr definitions tbot often оссоmропу specific vocobulory
* writе vocobuIory in уоur notes
. identify rооts
lmportont vocobulory con Ье recognized sечеrоl woys. |t is оftеп
, stressed Ьу sреоkеr
. rереоtеd

" hos pouses Ьеfоге ond qftеr

е occomponied Ьу on exomple
. signqled Ьу speokers е.9.
А really imроrlопt сопсерt is ... А thеоrу you shоuld kпоw is ...
А рrоЬlеm we пееd to uпdеrslqпd is ...

@ t-ts listen to оп ехсеrрt from the lecture, ond complete thе роrоgrорh
with оррrорriоtе words.
Cities that Want to host the Olympic GamesTM must complete а long
(1) . 'I'he fiгst (2) is telling the
Internatiotral Olyrnpic CorTmittee rvhat city is (З) Тlrеrе
аге usuallt, агоutld six (а) and ther. lrar,,e to а
(5) Durir-rg the first rоuпd of bidding, questions аrе
asked аЬоut furrdirrg, gоvегпIпепt, and (б) _.... . . The IOC takes
six r-nonths to сопsidеr key (7) . After this process the
coпTmittee (8) оr denies candidates, Ьеfоге moving оп to
;l secolld rоtlпd.

_l Соmроrе your роrqgrорh frоm exercise I with о porlner.

l Dcl you har.e tlre sane rvords?
? If rrot, clcl уоur r,voгds lrave the sапrе gепеrаl meanirrg?
Э Carr чоtl tilink of оthег synonvпs that rrright l,rroгk?

-: Look Uр опу words you need to in о dictionory. Discuss these questions.

€ Whiclr lr,огds wеrе llew fоr 1,or_rl
? Could you define arny of them frоm yоuг t-lc-ltesl Whicl-r or-res?
Э What strategies helped л,оu figr_rre out the nrearring?
€ Wеrе thеrе atly rvoгds yor_r had to look rrp? Which orres?
5 Аге thеrе апч strategies voLl \\,allt to tц. in the futuгеj

i Discuss these questions iп о group.

: \Vhich of the cities in tl-re lectr_rre do you tlrirrk is most rrlorthy of lrosting ochievemenis lосоtiоп
the Olvrnpicsl Whyl
focilities iourism
history weother
\,Vhat place in Yоuг соulltг\, slroulci Ье сопsiсlегес1 to l-rost tlre Olyrnpic
= Camesl Whv?

q) Think obout thе ideos firom Whot is success? ond Bidding for the Gаmеs
l_i ond discuss these questions in о 9rочр.
. rr(
l Large amounts of mопеу аrе spent on achieving sporting success. Do
уоu think this is а good idea? How else could the mопеу Ье spent?
orts chorities

- (л
educotion епчirопmепt
mвdiсiпе iесhпоlоgу
tr 2 You аrе on the committee to decide the winning city. What factors
would уоu consider when choosing а city fоr the neк Olympic Games?
Ф Why?
Homophones оrе words thot hоче the some pronunciotion but different
meonings. Fоr exomple соmрlimепt ond соmрlеmепi.
Yоu con usuolly determine whiсh word is being used Ьу its context.
А bosf cify musl соmрlеmепl the spirit of the Olympics.
lt is о соmрlimепt to Ье se/ecied os о hоsl city.

Look ot lhese sentenceý frоm Whоt is luccess? ond Bldding for the Gomes.
{iсЪthе correct hоmорhопе.
I An апафis carefully studies the factors the committee should consider
when making а fаrе / fаir decision.
2 А doctor is just as successful as а made / maid if they rе both doing
what they planned to do.
3 Take away this principle / principal: if you choose it, you plan it, you
attempt it, then you succeed.
4 The application costs а large some / sum of mопеу... очеr $150,00О
5 Then the countries wait / weight again.
6 These questions аrе ечеп mоrе detailed and include questions about
how finances and whеthеr / wеаthеr might impact the Games.

Complete thе questions with о hоmорhопе frоm exercise l.

I What is one to live Ьу?
2 What is the like in уоur native city?
3 How much is the to take рuЫiс transpoгtation in уоur
hоmе city?
4 Does уоur school hаче а _?
What is his оr hеr паmе?
5 Does уоur school have any contests? How аrе the winners determined?
Do you think it is ?

6 How muсh mопеу is _ Ьу а city fоr hosting the

Olympics? Is this а lаrgе ?

3 Discuss the questions in exercise 2 with о роrtпеr.

ýPEAKI]'|G Giving а presentation v)
you ore going to lеоrп how lo use thе posf progressive,

how lo stress Ф
1orpoyli nouný/ ond_how to ogree ond disogiee. You оrе lhеп going to use Е
Йese skills to plon ond give о presentolion. л
, .''. :.-;.: : : :,.l :, 9
тнЕ рАýт рROGRЕýý|чЕ TENSE о
Тhе post progressive tense is used to show thot on oction continued to |_a
рrоgrеss in thе
post. Study thе fоrm: i_

Fоrm Ехпmрlе

Тhе lOC wos опоlуziпg rероrfs obout fhе cities,

You con use o/woys whеп describing repeoted qctions.
People wеrе olways queslioning fbe folrness of thе рrосеss, but thе rulеs were чеrу stгiсt
Дlwоуs is often used to show оппоуопсе ot continuing events.
роliliсiопs wеrе olways gelting iпчоlчеd iп thе biddino рrосеýs to mqkе lhеm look

t Complete thе sentences using the post progressive tense.

l Мапа _ (take) careful notes in the lecture last week,
2 ]i Нуе (not рау) attention iп class and so didn't hеаr
what the assignment was.
Lots of fans (wait) to see the football team at the
I (write) mу assignment whеп mу best friend called mе
last night.
5 David * (send) an email when all the lights went oul
& what _ you _- (do) when the firе аlаrm rапg?

Reod the sentences ond сrозs очf thе word olwoys whеп it is not needed.
l six countries wеrе always hoping to host the olympics in 2016.
1 As the gаmеs progressed, athletes wеrе always improving speeds.
3 I know they wеrе the winners, but those teams Wеrе always cheating.
4 Last уеаr the IOC wеrе always gettin8 а lot of criticism frоm the media.
5 |ournalists wеrе always suggesting that thеrе were ргоьlеms with the bids.
& The canadians wеrе always рlаппiпg to host the games, but thеir


.Ё ýTREýý lN coMPouND NоUNý
А compound поuп is mode Ьу |oining two words tоgеthеr. Тhеу соп Ье two
-а поuп5/ оr two оthеr wогds forms, suсh os on odiective ond о почп. Whеп
combined, thеу fоrm о пеw поuп. Compound поuпs соп Ье о single word
оr two words.
Sometimes thе meoning of thе wqrd is сlеоr:
5uп g/osses sunglosses
1oU4 ilýuTt соп,,поuпd r,еuп
Sometimes it con't Ье worked out frоm thе meoning of thе individuol words:
high light highlight

Whеп compound nouns оrе spoken, the first word is olwoys the word thot is
AlRplone НОТ dog

r ф t.э* Work with о роrlпеr. Listen ond proctice soying the compound
почпs wilh thе correct slress.

I guidelines 3 feedback 5 headquafters

2 соrпеrstопе 4 summertime

2 Write your own senlences using the compound почпs in exercise l.


Whеп discussing ideos in seminqrs you con show уоur ogreement with these
Agreeing (Fоrmоl) l оgrее. l like thot ideo. Yоч hоче о роiпl.
Agreeing (lnformol) Thol's whоt l lhiпk Тhоt's q grеоt ideo.
Тhе key to disogreeing is to Ье polite. You соп do this Ьу using о nice tone
оr odding wогds to moke уочr stotements sound Ьеttеr,
/ disogree. l'm sоrrу, but ! disogree. Thot's поt olwoys true.
l dоп't think tha{s olwoys true. !'m поt surе оЬоut thqt.

t ffiз.zr Listen lo thе students discussing vocotion destinotions ond complete

the chort.

Vikior Jшпg-ýш

points mentioned
оir quolity
Аgrее / Disagree
cost of living

Work with о portner. Look ot thе list of fomous cities ond discuss if you сrimе rоtе
think thеу оrе good чqсоfiоп destinotions. Giче reosons for your орiпiоп things to see ond do
ond soy whу уоч qgree or disogree. ta
volue тоr money
Beijing Dubai London Mexico City

ýPEAKI]-|G тАýк l сr)
Work in_o group to give о presentotion оп о city to host the Olympic GomesTM lo
BRAINSToldý,l lA,

i, сл
. }Fi
, л

Work in о,smоllgrочр. lmogine you wоrk оп the lnlernotionol0lympic (ommittee. Reod lhe iпfоrmgliоп for eoch city,
Тhеп decide 0п rеOsoпs to suрроrt оr reiecl о bid frоm eoch ci[. Дdd onything else you kпоw оЬоd the city to the boies.

Dоhя ?*kyB
. copitol of Qotor * copitol of Jopon
о mопеtоrу syslem is Qolori riol r monetory syslem is уеп
. ullrodions include murkels, shopping mпlls ond beuches ё oltrodions include museums, lheoters, ond gordens
. hot desert climole
" sublropico|, humid climote
с oirporl, buses und toxis * oirporl, roil, ond subwoy

: цщч!!]i9l ],1Ц!lчл
, populotion 8.7 million

ltлudrid lяt*яfuшl

l copitol of spoin . |orgesl cily in Turkey

r mопеlоrу syslem is euro а monetory syslem is Turkish llrо
. ollrodions indude the Prodo, other fomous museums, uпd с ollrodions include Topkopi Роlосе, Bosphorus bridge
bullfighting .
suЫropicol, humid climote
сопtiпепlоIмеditеrrопеопсlimоlе ý
hi/o 0irporls, seo lronsporl, roil, lroms, mеlrо
lhree пirporls (Ьу 20l 6), nolionol roil . populotion lЗ.З million
r populotion 3.3 million

1 Nоw choose опе city. Toke notes оп the bid, uпswеriпg the questions Ьеlоw.
Why is the city о good locotion? Whot problems mightthere Ье?
whot will it offer to othletes ond visitors? l-low wiII these problems Ье solved?

}" Use Уоurlоtеs |9_Rr9Rоrе

u thrее-miпulе presenlotion пЬочt your city опd whу it Ь the best
р|осе lo host the
0lympic GomesTM. Decide whо will present еuсh section.

Toke lurns pre_senting уоu,r city to the сlоя. lel
уоur oudience kпоw lhot you expect some questions uflеr уоur
рrеsепlutiоп. Ве prepored to ogree or dbogree.

RеflеП оп уочr presentotions. Which grочр hod the best orguments?

ýTlrDY ýKltLS Studying fоr tests
r rri

Discuss these questions with о роrtпеr.
l Do you think it is easy оr hаrd to study fоr tests? Why?
2 How do you feel when уоu lеаrп you аrе going to have an imрогtапt test?
3 What materials do you study Ьеfоrе а test? Fоr example, уоur lecture notes,
textbooks, online materials, оr оthеr students' notes?

,: ,,
|:1,: 1' ; ;

Reod this scenorio ond think obout whot [u is doing right ond whot shе is
Lu is taking an engineering
doing wrong.
соursе at the university. She
has а final examination оп
Friday morning, The final
Look ot these tips fоr studying for lests. Discuss еосh опе with о porlner. examination will сочеr the
Which ones оrе thе most importont? entire semester. Lu goes to а
review session on Monday
I Schedule уоur time wisely Think about how much material you have to
evening and then reserves
study. PIan to staгt studying several days оr а week Ьеfоrе. Do not wait until
а study саrrеl in the liЫаrу
the night before the test.
from 4 p.m. to 7 р.m. every
2 Go to rечiеw sessions.
day. She then goes hоmе and
З Ask the instructor what сhарtеrs оr content will Ье on the test Schedule stцdies at the desk in hеr
ап appointment оr ask the instrrrctor in class. Often they сап help you
dormitory rооm from 7 р.m.
focus on certain materials.
until midnight. She reviews the
4 Eat Eating Ьеfоrе the test will make surе you don't get distracted Ьу huпgеr lecture notes and the chapters
during the test. in the textbook, and writes
5 Sleep Don't stay up all night trying to 'сrаm'. If you are tired, you won't hеr оwп study guides. On
focus оп the test. Don't forget to set an аlаrm so you won't miss the test. Thursday night, shе stays uр all
6 Make study guides frоm the textbook апd lecture notes Making study night to study and on Friday
pides frоm the materials will save time lаtеr. Yоu won't harze to rеrеаd morning she skips Ыeakfast
сhарtеrs оr rеmеmЬеr what уоur notes mеап if you create guides each so she can go to the classroom
week. еаrlу. She arrives at the
7 Аrriче еаrlу Go to class 10 minutes еаrlу to find а good seat whеrе you classroom 10 minцtes before
won't Ье distracted. the final examination begins.
8 Pind а quiet place and study thеrе consistently Find а place that is quiet
and ргiчаtе. Study in the same рlасе and at the same time each day.

Discuss these questions with о роrtпеr.

I Which of these tips do you аlrеаdу do? Which will you stагt to use in
thе future?
? Ро you have а place to study? Whеrе is it? Why is it good fоr studying?
3 What other tips do you think should Ье added to the list?

ЁW F-{




Е'' j

Listening fоr opinions

Listening fоr саusе
and effect
Co]locations with ger
Explaining something
you don't know the
rчоrd fог
Intonation in
conditional sentences

Discuss thеsе questions with о роrtпеr.

l Do you have muсh day-to-day ргеssurе? Who fгоm? Rank these
people frоm 1 (the most рrеssurе frоm) to б (the least pressure frоm).
friends neighbors раrепts
siblings classmates tеасhеrs

? Ро уоu реrfоrm well uпdеr pressure? Why оr why not?

З What do you do to help you relieve рrеssurе?

q)l JьФуце*gf l
l*| уgъ,"
l €roeyett+ the word оr words with о different mеопiпg to thе words in bold.
д] I float ч to Ье cold
Ь to not sink t to mоче slowly in the аir
о| 2 fоrсе о to help ь to demand с to require
bol 3 handle 0 to mапаgе h to deal with с to play with
}_r 4 igпоrе 0 to not notice h to not apologize ( to not рау attention to
.r-{ 5 mеrеlу Ь

F f, StIongly just с only
F(; 6 motion 0 mочеmепt Ь noise t changing location
Ф: 7 obйously с сlеаф Ь of соursе с amazingly
q) 8 threaten 0 to wаrп h to state а fact ( to say you'll hаrm sоmеопе

J 9 values u principles Ь predictions r

2 Complete these sentences with thе words in bo]d from exercise I.
l If oil spills frоm а ship, the oil will *_ оп йе wаtеr.
2 If you get а notice like this, just __ it. It's not important.
3 I'm giving mу opinion; I'm not sa}rln8 you're wrоп8.
{ Тhе that аrе most important to mе аrе love and respect.
5 yоu should печеr people. It's wrопg and could Ье
6 The of the ship during the stоrm made mе feel sick.
I Yоu stress well. What's your secret?
о I got 100% оп mу ехаm. I was very happy!
q Му рагепts didn't _ mе to clean mу rооm. I wanted to
do it.

Discuss these questions iп q group.

l Do уоu ечеr get motion sickness? Frоm what?

2 Which of the values in the Ьох is most imporlant to you? Why?

3 Has апуопе ечеr threatened you? Did you igпоrе the реrsоп? How did
compossion loyolty
you handle the situation? hопеstу роtiепсе
kindness respect

LlýTEшll-|G I Рееr рrеssurе

Look ot the picture obove. How do you think the girl feels? Whу? Hove
you ечеr felt this woy? Hove you ever mode sоmеопе feel this woy?

Reod the dictionory definition. Тhеп reod thе situotions below. Which ore peer pressure /'рtэr ,рrе.|эrl
exomples of peer pressure? Whу?
I Тёгцr's friends try to get him to stay out аftеr 9:00, even though they

know he has to Ье home before then. the influence that people your
2 Hamid's parents аrе рrеssuriпg him to study medicine like his sisteг, own age ha,i.e on the rvay you
but he wants to study engineering. act, in оrdеr to get you to Ьеhаче
the ъ,ау they do
3 Joel likes to buy the shoes that he sees his favorite sоссеr star wearing
on ТV.

* Megan's classmates laugh апd point at hег cell рhопе because it's an
оldеr model.
ý Тhгее of I Tasna's classmates аге рагt of а study group that always does о
r,vell or-r tests. Тhеу keep епсоurаgiпg hег to join thеir grоuр.
Listen to Рееr pressure. NчmЬеr thе topics frоm I to б in the оrdеr Jн
Loilo ond Suson discuss thеm. Тhеrе оrе two topics they do not discuss.
* indirecl рееr ргеssuге сr)
Ь _
the definition of реег рrеssurе 2\
с Fr.
diгесt реег рrеssurе l_
d if реег рrеssurе сап Ье positive
* ц/hу people pressul,e оthегs
€ how to avoid реег рrеSsurе
g wlren most peel рrеssulе situations оссur
i: who to talk to if you feel реег рrеssurе

LlýTENlýiG FсR ФрlNlФN5

Whеп you listen to о discussion оr tolk, о voriety of opinions will Ье expressed.

lt is importont thot you understqnd thе opinions os well os hоw the opinions оrе
supported. Ап opinion thot is not supported moy not Ье о convincing опе,
Words ond рhrоsеs thot signol giving ond supporting opinions include:
Givino оп ooinion
l think thot .. . / l feel thot ...

l dоп't think thql ... / t dоп't feel thot ,..

lп mу орiпiоп, ...
suррогtiпо on ooinion
Fоr ехоmрlе .. , / Fоr iпsfопсе ...

Lel mе ехрlоiп . .. / Let mе elqborote .,.

This is Ьесоusе ... / Ibe rеоsоп fоr this is ...

r ф :"ж listen to Рееr pressure ogoin. Who onswers the questions with
these opinions? Write t (toilo) or ý (Suson).
I When do most рееr рrеssurе situations оссur?
Before school Durirrg school Аftеr school
Which type is \volse, direct ргеssurе ог irrdirect ргеssurе?
Dirесt рrеssurе lrldirect рrеssurе Тhе1.'rе equally bad
WlTat's the best WаY to ar.oid реег р-lгеssurе?
tvlake friends rvith people -"r,ith the same values
Writе the регsоп а message salring hor,v you feel
lvlake ап excuse to get otlt of somethirrg
Who is the best реrsоп to talk to if you feel рееr рrеssurе?
Yоur best friепd Yоuг раrепts Yоur tеасhеr
ý Сап рееr рrеssurе Ье а positive thing?
Yes No It depends.

3 Listen ogoin. Circle thе opinions thot ore supported in exercise I.

3 Discuss the questions iп exercise I. Support уочr opinions.

l th;иl моst уееr рrвssмrе sitня*igнs аовиr dнr!из sсйааf Ьесяrоsа f&аtЬ
wЙеrе wе sр|еи/ *ort of оиr l|Me.

ýev*loping critical thi*kiяэg

Discuss these questions in о group.
I Whеп was the last time you felt рееl рrеssurе? Was it direct оr indirect?
ТЙв {ast time f н,аs *uйм ,." trier{ fu
fB{t рwr уrЁssи{ё зе{ Mg {g .., ,
2 Ро you think оldеr people feel рееr рrеssurе? In what ways?
/и tпу орiиiuи,,о/lеr.реорlе dеfи;lrfu
{rе/рrеssиrе, Гоr еха*прlе, sоkиrсиt
иtilhЬоr мфh{ feelprbs*re ta Ьф .|.,
3 What аrе some other examples of positive peel рrеssurе? Have you
experienced any of them?

LlSTEl'lI]'lG 2 Earthquakes
Веfоrе уоu listen
Does your сочпlrу hove mопу eorthquokes? Whеrе is о sofe ploce to Ье
during оп eorthquoke? Whу?
rtly соииtrу ltas / dоеsпl ha,re уиаиу/ еайhsцаkеs.
А'sф pkie to Ье is ...Ьесаиsе.,.

Listen to the lесtчrе Eorthquakes. Check (/) the topics the lесtчrеr
l what causes earthquakes & а famous fault in california
? types of eaпhquake faults 7 а deadly еапhquаkе in Italy
3 how to mеаsurе еагthquаkеs * damage caused Ьу earthquakes
4 the direction land сап mоче 9 underwater earthquakes
5 how mountains аrе fогmеd I0 how to predict eaПhquakes

1 ,., , Listen Io Eorthquokes ogoin. These words оrе exploined iп the octuol (odi) /'rektJuэI/ (л
]ecture. Моtсh thеm with thеir definitions.
mоiоr (odi) /'mеIdзаr/
l mаrgiп ч the pushing of land
similor(odi) /'stmtlar/ ,J
2 fault Ь the place on the еаrth's surfасе аЬоче the focus
3 tension с the pulling of land р
4 compression d а wаче frоm ап underwater earthquake оа
5 focus е the underground location of ап earthquake о
6 epicenter f where tectonic plates соmе together

7 tsunami g а Ыeak оr fracture in the еаrth

А couse is оп ечепt оr oction thot mokes something else hорреп. Ап effect is the result о[ thot
oction. lп these exomp|es, the connecting words ond рhrоsеs thot signol couse-ond-effect
relotionships оrе iп bold. Тhе couse is 'the еогthquоkе' ond thе effect is 'the tsunomi.'
Тhе eorthquoke caused / resulted iп / was Ihе rеаsоп for о tsuпqmi.
Тhеrе wos оп eorthquoke. Therefore / Consequently / Дs о resuh, lhеrе wqs о tsuпоmi.
Тhеrе wos оп eorthquoke, so* thеrе wos о tsuпоmi,
Тhе tsuпоmi wos coused Ьу / was due lo thе eorfhquoke.
Тhеrе wos q tsuпqmi becouse of* f os о resull ol thе eorthquoke.
connecting words so ond becouse of оrе less fоrmоl, ond оrе common in spoken English

Listen to on excerpt trom Eorlhquokes. Check (/) thе correct boxes.

Whgr kind of {ошlt ...? 1-1orшgl Reyerse Strike-slip

is caused Ьу tension
is due to compression
results in а shогtепiпg of land
results in an extension of land
causes пеithеr а shоrtепiпg оr extension of land
causes а horizontal mочеmепt of land
results in а vertical morzement of land

Look ot the thrее pictures. Mork them N (поrmоl foult), R (reverse foult), оr
ý (strike-slip foult). Тhеп соmроrе witb о роrlпеr.

[\ __J

Discuss these questions iп о group. fIoods
l Which аrе the most dапgеrоus natural disasters? Why? hеоt woves
2 Which of the паturаl disasters does уоur country ехреriепсе? snowstorms
How аrе they caused?
typhoons ond hurriсопеs

Тhiпk obout the ideos from Peerpresýure ond Eorfhquokes ond discuss volconlc eruptlons
these questions in о group.
l What аrе three positive effects of being uпdеr рrеssurе? What аrе thrее
negative effects?
," : !
:э!}:2:i: ::'з:::?r::: i;"i,:_:э:{ iji:i:j,|;.1?'i:
t::.!ar;'i: i|::;r.:;|;l;;:.!:. ; i:!:.:; i:,:,.;| ,.,
fomilylife study

2 Read this quote. What does it mеап to you? prioritizing work

sleep potterns
Тhе only pressure I'm under is the pressure I've put on myself.
(Mark Messier)


Мопу words ond рhrоsеs соп Ье роirеd with gei. Look ot these exomples.
gel опgrу get Ьеhiпd you gel good grades get Ьеф get iп shоре
gel iп lrouble get slorted get thе rnessoge gef upsef gef wef

Complete thе senlences with on expression from the skill Ьох.

l I think this wоmап has Ьееп hurt. Сап you ?

? tf уоu can't help |ое, just say so. He'lI .

3 Please don'T I didn't mеап to Ьгеаk r.оuг сuр,l.

4 I need to join а gym so I can

5 Those two boys always . lr,hеп ther. piav together.
6 Let's sool-t, I \\,апt to firrish Ы. 9pm.

2 Complete the opinions with оп expression from thе Ьох.

get а job get engaged get hоmе get lost get mаrriеd
get permission get rеаdу get the impression

l I think when you , it's important to have а big wedding.

2 I think it's impossible to ._ ... with GpS оп оur phones.
3 It shouldn't take апуопе mоrе than 20 minutes to .

4 I usually ._.. аrоuпd брm оп weekdays.

3 Do you ogree with еосh opinion in exercise 2? Whу or why not?

@ pREssuRE
ýPEAKl]'lý Discussing academic рrеssurе U1
you ore going to lеоrп how lo use conditionol sentences,
how to use соrrесt Ф
intonotion in conditionol sentences, ond hоw to exploin something you don't р
know thе word for. you оrе thеп going to use thеsе skills to discuis'the л
ocodemic pressures focing students. li.

lп conditionol sentences, one oction relies оп опоthеr. Study thе forms: ld

Use thе рrеsепt rеоl conditionol to tolk obout possibilities iп the futurе thot
оrе rеоl ond likely.

Fоrm Ехошрlе

lf you tolk to someone obout рееr

рrеssurе/ уоu will feel Ьеttег.
use the рrеsепt uпrеоl conditionol io tolk obout possibilities in the future ihot
оrе uпrеоl опd unIikeiy. you оrе imogining whot you'd do if thе condition
were to hорреп, even thоugh it's unlikely to.

Fаrm Ехчmрlе

lf l told my porents obout о

рrоЬlеm, they would suppori me.
Questions ond sentences соп begin with еithеr the condition (the if clouse)
оr the moin clouse. Notice the controciions of wll/ ('/i) ond wouid ('d) оftеr
Д: lf i{s rоiпу fоmоrrоw, whоt will they do?
В: Тhеу'll stoy hоmе if i{s гоiпу tоmоrrоw.
Д: Whоt would you do if you felt оп eorthquoke?
В: lf l felt оп eorthquoke, l'd get uпdеr о desk.

write present reol conditionol sепtепсеs. Decide whiсh informotion is iп

thе if clouse.
l you Ье amazed / you see the San Andreas fault frоm the аir
2 рrеssurе build up / one tectonic plate push against апоthеr
3 an earthquake Ье likely i thе pressure Ьесоmе too much
4 blocks of land mоче sideways against еасh оthеr / the land split
5 firefighters hаче а hаrdеr time / an eaгthquake destroy wаtеr lines
6 an uпdеrwаtеr чоlсапо erupt / а tsunami оссur

complete these рrеsепt чпrеоl conditionol sentences with уочr own ideos.
I rf mу best friend рrеssurеd mе to do something I didn't want to do,

2 If mу friends suddenly stopped talking to mе, I _

3 I would talk to mу parents if

4 Ifschools educated people about рееr рrеssurе/
5 I'd stop and help sоmеопе if __ _

Work with о роrlпеr. Соmроrе уочr ideos from exercise 2.

,d{ Whеп you begin о conditionol sentence with оп if clouse, еосh clouse hos
*_:у:_:!чtЧ!gР:. Тhе intonqtion fgl! 9lthe end of еосh clouse.
ьо -.--*-*
}i lf thеrе's оп uпdеrwоlеr eorfhquoke, you'll рrоЬоЫу hove о fsuпоmi.

Whеп thе moin clquse begins о conditionol sentence, the sentence hos о
G lЧry[:::*:il Тhе intonotion folls ot the end of thе sentence.

д you,ll
рrоьоьlу hоvе, ;;"" -"-;;;;*
1 Drow оrrоws to mork the intonotion.

l I would definitely want to see Kilauea Volcano if I visited Hawaii.

2 You'll Ье familiarwith earthquake safety if you live in а соuпtrу like }арап
3 If you ечеr feel an earthquake, you'll also рrоЬаЬlу feel smaller "
aftershocks lаtеr.

4 If I had time to take апоthеr class, I'd study geology.

Z @ Э"вr Listen ond check your опswеrs. Repeot еосh sепtепсе.

g;rriЁ[lgý &iЁdýit
We sometimes don't know thе exoct word fоr something. Whеп we speok,
itЪ not olwoys рrосtiсоl to use о dictionory so we need to moke ourselves
understood in оthеr woys. We соп soy whot thе word is similor to, whot
kind of thing it is, оr give thе mеопiпg of the word.
Soying you don't know q word Explqining the wоrd
l соп't think of lhе exoct word. lt's similоr to 'logicol'.
l'm поt surе hоw you soy it iп English h's q kind of wove.
Whot's thе word l'm thiпkiпg of? /fЪ somefbing you use Io ..

1 Complete tbe conversotions with words from the unit.

l А: I'm not sure how to say this in English. It's similar to principles оr beliefs.
В: Isit ?

А: I don't know the exact wоrd. It means to 'not рау attention to'.
В: Do you mеап ?

А: I can't think of the exact expression. It mеапs'рrоmisе to mаrryl

в: you must mеап
4 А: I forgot the exact word. It's фе kind of fault that causes а horizontal mочеmепt of land
В: Oh, like the San Апdrеаs Fault? That's а fault.

2 @ З"ез Listren ond check уочr оп5wеr5.

3 Work iп groups. Toke turns thinking of words опd exploining them. Use
words from thе Vocobulory preview seclions in eoch unit.

ýрЕ*кýшý теýк
Work in о group to discuss woys of reducing рrеsýurе оп sfudents.

. 1]

. ir'"

Wоrk with о роrtпеr. Look ot these possible woys to reduce ocodemic рrеssurе. Try to оgrее оп the three best ideos.
lf you hove other ideos, suggeý themI

Ask fог less homework. Speak to чоur teachers. сrеаtе а schedule.

Cet advice frоm раrепts. Нirе а private tutor. }oin а study grоuр.
Parlicipate in а sроп. Set high goals. Spend less time with friends.
Spend mоrе time with friends. Take easier classes. Take fewer classes.

i1: l think il's u good ideo io toke fewer closses. ltЪ not heolthy to toke оп too muсh. Whotdo you think?

ý: l'm поt sure. Whot do уоu think obout toking eosier closses?

l Look ot these possible diKussion queslions. (hoose five thut уоu wont to discuss. lntlude
уоur оwп queslion.
* ls ocodemic pressure olwoys о bod thiпg?
* Ноw much is too muсh ocodemic pressure?
* How Ь ocodemic pressure similor to peer pressure?
* Whot ccuses ocodemic presure?
э Whot effect соп ocodemic pressure hove оп your heolth?
* Whot will hорреп if о student Ь uпdеr too muсh pressure?
l whot will hорреп if о student isn't uлdеr епоugh рrеssurе?
. lf you wеrе о teocher, would you give hоmеwоrk every doy?
r Whot would уоu do if уоu scw о student cheot оп оп ехоm?
* llow do you deol with ocodemic pressure?

" lf you received оп overoge grпde iп this closs. how would you feel?

2 Wоrk iп 0 group. First, оgrее оп five questions lo discuss, Тhеп toke notes ond
рrерOrе {оr the dbcussion.

D.iKuss.your.queslions ond supporl уOur opinions. Роу utlепtiоп lo уоur iпlопоtiоп iп ппу conditionol senten(es.
lf you don't kпоw hоw to soy о word, try to ехрlоiп ii.

Join о пеw group. Shore 0пе inleresling thing уоu dbtussed.

Веýmg аm effectýve g!.оs,ýр mеmЬеr
Ьу Stella Cattrell

ý&заrýпg rеsропsi hýý ity

The rеsропs!tзi}itу fоr the gN.сl1,1p lies wlth eacir
mсmЬеr. if а рrоtэlеlп a.ises, ечсп ]{ it sеепls to
iзе the fault of опе рег5с:|-л, ечеrу mеmЬеr shаrеs
respor':sibilit1, for reso!vincl the tr;rоЬ|еrп 5с tll;t
the gгоutrз сап work,

Getting the most out of discussion

r Ensure you have done any tasks agreed
fоr the grоuр,
r Do some background reading on the
subject. Think about it.
r What questions do you have?
During {"лsfеп to оflтеr gfшdелt,s
r Check that everyone can see and hear Your" fellow students deserve уоur respectf ul
everyone else, attention as rпuсh аý уоuг tutor does just as
r Ве open to hearing something пеw you deserve theiгs. -
r Note down useful information,
l Note down questions to ask. "^'э the flow
: lf you don't understand something, ask. ,,grр
сrэпtrilзutе to the rjiscussion
r Link what you hear to what уоч already clom inate. - Ьut don't
r Make contributions - for example, ý Ask questlons
- iзut поt too гпапу,
Take responsibility: dоп't leave everythinE to
raise points that interest you"
0пе реr5оп,
After Епсоurаgе the grоuр to keep to the subject,
r Go оvеr your notes and summarise
them, Add any new details.
ýuild ап of&er реор/е} jdeas
r Check that you know exactly when "That's ап irnportant point уоu made, fоr several
you will do activities arising out of the
grоuр. Аrе they in уоur diary? rеаýопý" , ". "

fлc/r.rc{e еL/еrуопе
}-lelping the grсuр tB succeed Speak to svегуопе iп the gгоuр, Make surе that
everl,bcldy has а сhапсе to speak.
tf yau disagree
Don't reject the оthеr реrsоп's ideas, Admif rnlsfa&es
ехр|оrе them: "What rTlakes you think Acknow|edge уоi.,ir еrгOrs, and apoiogise:
that?"; "Have yor_; t}rought аlзоut ,", 7" "5оrrу, rпу mistake"; 'Oh, I see! l misunderstood ,,.

Suппrпаrizе for fftе gfФuр affer iпfоrrmаtiап / Make suggesfjons

"Well, have we аgrееd on these two ýhаrе уоur knowledge arld ideas:
points so far? Гirst, ... ? Апd second. ".. ?" "Тhеrе's sorne useful iпfоr"mаtitэп оп that iп ... "

'Ъоdу /апgшаgе"
ýе епсошrаgiпg As уоu Iisten, show 1,оur attention Ьу smiiing, Ьу
Ёпсоurаgе others, Fоr instance, yclu might nodding аЕrееп,лепt, and so оп. lf you wапt to
say, "i founcj it interesting that .,. ". speak, make сlеаr signals.

U]'|IT 7


оrgапiz ationai phrases
Listenii-rg tor
1,г,.Ьlсms апd
Sol LltionS
Suifi_tes -,lli and -less
\1JllaqlIlg queSIlonS
sentence stless

Discuss these questioný with о роrtпеr.

] What аrе three things уоu'rе afraid of?
2 Whеп was the last time you wеrе afraid? What happened?
:,,1_ ,1:1 .:.-..:, : a1-,!..- !-|:: |,a:\! :\i.:.э |,|

3 What's something you used to Ье scared of, but аrеп't апуmоrе? What changed?

xJ @rhe correct word to соmрIеЪ thеsе sепlепсеs.
F-i I То сопfrопt means to difficult situation.
ц) g face Ь ignore
0D If something is excessive, it's ___.*.__.___
п less than usual оr necessary h mоrе than usual оr necessary
l1. If things impactyou, they you,
н п
_ ,, __,__*_**______,
Ф confuse affect
+.J 4 If something impairs you, it makes you effective
.F{ о less Ь mоrе
Fl 5 If you оr'еrсоmе а рrоЬlеm, уоu _
о fail at it Ь struggle against it successfully
То panic mеапs to _ _. _ and not know what to do about it

п Ье thrilled h hаче а sudden fеаr

А reluctant реrsоп is _ _ __
to do something
ч willing unwilling h
If уоu ruп out of something, you don't.
о have апу mоrе of it Ь rеmеmЬеr what to do with it
Sl.rnptoms аrе signs that someone has _.__._.._.._ _
о а new job ь an illness

tlýTE]'ll]-lG l Fеаr of public speaking

1 How do you feel obout speoking to these people iп English? Mork еосh
опеl, 2, or 3. Тhеп соmроrе with о portner.
1 = I'm very afraid to do this. а native speaker l kпоw well
2 = I'm а little afraid to do this. а native speaker I don't know well
3 = I'm not afraid to do this. а smail grоuр in mу English class
а lаrgе grоuр in mу English class

Answer thе questions in о group.

I What did you mаrk 1 оr 2? Why?
fеgr of being loughed ot
ll l,sl! t| , l l ! l l
grоmmоr mistqkes
not understonding оthеrs
2 What did you mаrk 3? Why аrеп't you afraid? Can you give уоuг grоuр
any advice? рrопчпсiоtiоп
speoking too slowly
vocobuiory рrоЫеms
}l .
Orgonizotionol рhrоsеs оrе used to introduce the importont points iп о
conclude (v) /kan'klud/ Ф
logicol woy. Listen fоr these рhrоsеs to Ьеttеr undeгstond hоw the listening
text is оrgопizеd ond whеп the moin ideos will Ье introduced. Some useful excessive (odi) /rk sesIv/ )
pbroses оrе: outcome (n) /'aut,k,lm/ |-a
lп the introduction оа
Todoy, l'd like to tqlk obout ... First, l'lldiscuss ... сл
Тhеп, l'm going to сопsidеr.., Finolly, l'll mепtiоп
ln the mоiп bodv
So firsf it's imроrlопl lo . Now /ef's turп to ,.. Lostly l hоvе to mепliоп (л
lп the conclusion
lп сопсlusiоп, (d like to summоrizе ... Тhе mоiп points ldiscussed wеrе ,.

@ z.оз Number these senlences I-8 in the оrdеr you think you will hеоr thеm.
Тhеп listen lo Fеоr о| рuЫiс speoking ond check уоur опý\,уеrs.
п So first hеrе аrе three facts about the fеаr of рuЫiс speaНng.
Ь Today I'm going to talk about the fear of рuЫiс speaНng.
с Then I'm going to provide five tips fоr очеrсоmiпg this fеаr.
d Let mе conclude Ьу saying these five rips wil| work fог уоu.
е Finally, I'll tell you whеrе уоu сап get mоrе iпfоrmаtiоп on this topic.
l Let's поw look at some tips for dealing with йis fеаr.
g Finally, I said I'd provide you with some additional iпfоrmаtiоп.
h First I'l1 discuss some interesting facts about the topic.

Сý*ае listеrэiхъg
@ а** Listen to Feor of рuЫiс speaking ogoin. Use these symbols ond
obbreviotions to complele lhе notes below.
#= пumЬеr ýfi} = small
= equals = information
= and r = mеmоrizе
, = percent = ne8atiYe
= mоfе = audience
n l l. l
ot риьltс sреаktи

r. t
Par; моrе dOrириOи t/raп dуiиз
vý а{реорЬ ha,re tllis
2, иеи wо}ryl€и
*иеи thпи и}Oмеи wауs to оrеrооуие
{i/<e/y to
effeot оп саrcеr

{. start Z Ье preparel 3. lo"'t +. rеdисе stress 5, еиjаjе the
{lесоммеиdвd rеаdмз, Рrераrаtiои Соиfdеисе Ьу Rtcarlo Lopez
а Developiag critical t}еiеъkiээg
v Discuss these questions iп о group.
l Which of the ideas in the Ьох fоr очеrсоmiпg а fеаr of public speaking do
ioin о рuЫiс speoking ciub
-о you think is the most useful? рrосtiсе singiao korooke in
2 What advice would уоu give Sоmеопе who had а fеаr of public speaking?
frопt of fг!епds

r,ц rереоt to уоursеIf thot you

i-l оrеп't g{roid
Е toke с сirоmо closs
týýтýжýжý Ё рhоъiаs
tolk to yourself in front of
q mirrоr
rp( wcltch videos of successful
|.{ public speokers
1 look ot the pictures below. Which of these things ore you most/leost
ofroid of?



2 Look ot these соmmоп feors. choose one thot hos coused you to feel
ofroid. Describe your experience.

closed spaces elevators flying heights open spaces

public speaking snakes spideгs wаtег

fоипl а spйr iи ,иу shое оисе. / sоrеаrпвd whви / sаtч it!

{l,ii.;4,r:э Listen to Phobios. Whot feors ore mentioned?

,tirclёthem in exercise 2 оЬоче.

i j: , ]]. :


# WhеП you listen to рrоЫеms being discussed, you will often need to decide if the solutions
# suggested оrе good ones. Listen fоr
рhrоsеs like to these to identify the рrоыеm ond solutions.
# Stoting рrоЬlеms Offering solutions
# Sorne реорlе hqvе о рrоЫеm with ... Опе thiпg you сап do is ...
Опе рrоЬlеm mопу people foce ls ,..
# You сап so/ve tbb рrоЫеm Ьу ,..
А serious рrоЬlеm fоr some peopleis
#, / would suggesf ...

# Whеп listening to solutions, |isten criticolly. Тrу to dеtеrmiпе if the solutions hоче well-supported

orguments оr rеоsопs behind them.
ф э.еэ Listren to the first holf of phobias ogoin. дпswеr thе questions. г.
l What is DT. Kristin Patterson an ехреrt оп?
Ьесоmе(u) /Ьr'kлm/ сл
2 Why is а rеаsопаЫе fеаr of something а good Thing?
point (n) t+
3 What does а phobia of something do to people?
rесепtlу (odv) /'risэпtli/
4 What percent of people will develop а phobia in their lifetime? ,J
5 what hasn't the host done in мо weeks? :'r)
6 How do people rеасt when faced with а phobia?
7 What was Dr. Patterson's patient Maýgie afraid of?
8 сл
\ДЪу was it important that she face this phobia? ,Ёл
of Phobios ogoin. How did the doctor lJ.
ffi ае* listen to the second holf ld
soIve Moggie's рrоЫеm with elevotors? Check (/) the solufions. l_
realizing she needed help standing in the еlечаtоr
rеlахаtiоп techniques holding hеr Ьrеаth in the elevator
phvsical ехеrсisе taking the elevator uр only one
deep Ыeathing flооr
talking about what scared hег taking the elevator up опе flооr
at а time
closing hеr eyes
taking the elevator to the tenth
watching the еlечаtоr

Discuss these questions iп о group.

i Do you think Dr. Patterson's techniclues аге good ones? Wh.v от lr,hy

Ё Which techniques would you usе to очеrсоmе апу of уоuг fеагs? Why?

2 Тhiпk obout the ideos from Fеоr of рuЫiс speaking ond Рhоhоs ond
discuss these questions iп о group.
i Choose one thing frоm the Before you Ljsten section. What could you do
to help sоmеопе with а fеаr of it?

2 ts it соmmоп Гог people to discuss thеiг fеагs iп уоuг countryi Do уоu

think this is а good ol bad thing?

_ "-r&


. rr(
Two соmmоп suffixes you соп odd to wоrds to moke odiectives оге -ful ond
Jess. Тhе suffix -ful mеопý 'full of' (feorful = futt of fеоr} ond Jess meqns 'without'
(feorless = wilhout Ьоr). Fоr some wоrds, either suffix соп Ье odded. Fоr others,
you con use опе suffix but not the оthеr.

-fr/аиd -less -tess

. t_l


Look ot these word rооts. Whiсh toke -ful. whiсh toke -Iess, ond which соп
toke either? Write thе complete words in thе diogrom.

hаrm truth роwеr point beauty саrе help worlh

Моtсh thе rооt word опd correct suffix -ful оr -Iess to complete these
sentences from phobios.

StreSS hоmе fеаr hаrm wопdеr point Success help

I It's to Ье hеrе. I'm so happy you invited mе.

2 А phobia is mоrе than mеrеlу being of somethirrg.
3 You рrоЬаЫу fеаr а snake because it mау Ье to you.
4 You feel because а phobia impairs уоu.
5 Speaking in frопt of others is for mапу of us.
6 Аftеr а lot of hаrd work, hе was in finally beating his
fеаr of flying.
7 Неr fiiends triеd to rеаsоп with hеr but it was . She
wouldn't listen.
8 Аftеr hе lost his jоЬ he wоrгiеd that hе would Ьесоmе

3 Discuss these questions in о group.

I If you wеrе sсаrеd of heights, what would Ье а) pointless and Ь) useful
to do?
2 what is something that is а) harmful to уоur health and Ь) stressful?
3 when was the last time you felt а) helpless and Ь) successful?

ýPEAKl}lý Presenting а рrоЬlеm you очеrсаmе cl)
You ore gоiпg to lеоrп how to use thе present perfect tense, how to stress the Ф
importont words in о sentence, ond how to mопо9е questions. You ore then D)
going to use these skills ro present on о рrоЫеm you overcome. ,л

use this tense to tolk obout оп event ot оп unspecified post time. Тhе exoct time is F-
unknown оr unimportont. Study the fоrm: l_
Гоrm Е;rшшрl*

l hоvе ехреriепсеd this fеоr.

l hоче поt ехрегiепсеd lhis fеоr.
Тhе event moy hove hoppened опсе оr mоrе thon опсе/ оr it mоу печег hove hoppened.
/'ve sроkел iп public опсе / twice / mопу times.
She's печеr sроkеп iп рчЫiс Ьеfоге.
То emphosize thе епtirе post, odd еуеr. lt's соmmоп to опswеr with shоrt onswers.
Д: Hove you еvеr Ьееп iп о school ploy?
В: Yes, l hоvе. / No, I hоvеп't.
Д: Hqs sbe еуеr givеп о ргеsепtоtiоп iп English?
В: Yеs, sbe hos. No, shе hоsп'f.

1 Complete these sentences with thе present perfect form of thе чеrЬs.
lI (talk) to а doctor about mу fеаr of heights.
? Paul -- (not admit) to anyone that he's afraid of driving.
З Tina _ (give) that speech three times.
4We * (печеr feel) comfortable in small, closed spaces.
5r (not meet) anyone with а fear of flying. Have you?
& Jun _ (gеt) stuck in ап еlечаl,оr thгее times!

Find people whо hоче done these things. Тhеп osk thе реrsоп for
odditionol informotion. Toke notes.
Hove you ever .""? !,lgmе *dditicngl iný*rlrntiion
given а speech
climbed а mountain
flown in а plane
ьееп очеrsеаs
forgotten Someone's паmе
gotten а perfect Score on а test
sent ап email to the wrong person

1_1 l

.il ýENTENсE ýTREss
оl I
'Content' words соrrу thе most meoning in о sentence so rесеiче mоrе
stress. Тhеу include question words, поuпý, most verbs, odiectives, odverbs,
ьоЕ ond negotive ouxiliory verbs (dont wоп'l, hоsп't, elc.|
l_( 'Fuпсtiоп' words give о sentence its grommoticolly соrrесt fоrm. Тhеу

соrrу little meoning so оrе unstressqd. Тhеу include orticles, рrопоuпsl

prepositions, coniunctions, thе чеrЬ Ье, ond offirmotive ouxiliory чеrЬs
ý |do, сап, did, etc.). Notice the stressed words in the sentences below:
Ф MAGGiE wos дFRдID of ЕLЕVдТоRý ond WАýN'Т able to GO iп thеm.
(r) NО}V she соп ЕNIЕR ЕLЕUДТОRS ond DOESN? gef ýCARED.

@ э.от "Undg._line thе stressed words. Тhеп listen ond сhесk.

l Doctors сап help people with phobias.
2 Alice saw the little snake and sсrеаmеd loudly,
3 I аm helping mу friend with his fear of water.
4 I didn't know уоu wеrе afraid of flying.
5 Phobias аrе powerful but very treatable.

Proctice soying the sentences in exercise l.

When you give о рrеsепtоtiоп оr tolk, you mоу wont to leove some time ot thе end fоr questions.
Let уоur listeners know thqt you expect questions so thеу сqп think of them os you speok.

stotino чоч will toke ouestions

Pleqse hold о// quesfions uпtil thе епd. t'll Ье hарру to опswеr опу questions lоtеr.
Tokino ouestions
l'd Ье hорру поw to tqke q few guesfions. lett ореп it up апd see if you hove опу quesfions.
You don't hоче to опswеr every question. lf you onswered it olreody, rеfеr quickly to whot you
soid. lf you соп't опswеr о question, itЪ best to Ье honest qbout it ond soy so.
Rеfеrriпg bock to о previous point
l believe l опswеrеd thot question previously, ! think !'ve alreody опswеrеd thоt.
Stqting you don't know the onswer
|m qfrоid l don't kпоw. l'm sоrrу but l dоп't hоче thе опswеr to thоt.

Work in о grоuр. Еосh person should tolk obout опе of these topics for опе
minule. Soy you will toke queslions ot thе end. Тhеп onswer опу questions оý
besl you соп.

foods that аrе good fоr the brain how to deal with urЬап sрrаwl
the best way to deal with рееr рrеssurе what emotional nourishment mеапs to mе
why people should do community service
ýрý&ý{ýж# жýр{ сл

Give о presentotion оп о рrоЫеm you've hоd to solve. Ф

ititl;iiъj5l i}i"it1
Work iп poirs. Think of some рroЬlеms you've hod thul уоu were oble to solve. Use these ideus or other ideos. DiKuss
the problems опd hоw you lried lo solve lhem.

а fеаг 1,оц очеrсi]mе а time you rераirеd а Ьrоkеп friendship

а difficult choice you made something you had tгоuЫе lеаrпiпg to do";
.1 Nоw choose опе рrоЬlеm. Toke поtеs оп the problem, onswering some 0f the шfi- questions. Тhеп tпke notes оп the
steps you took to solve it ond the results you ochieved.

:, ;'
Whеп? Whеrе? llow?

ý*lш*i*аэ ýЁ*рэ Ё*fu*аt Ё*зхigэ

,.: .:,.;:

:. Use уоur пOtеs l0 рrерOrе о presentotion 0п your lopic.


Work in grotps. Toke lurпs presenting your topic to уоur grоuр. Let уочr oudience kпоw you exped 50me queslions
duriпg оr ufter уоur presentпtion. Stress the most importont words 0s you speok.

5lэ ji*El
RеflеП оп your presentofions. Wos public speoking like this о slressful experien(e? llow com{ortuble wеrе you? Wеrе the
tips in thе {irst listening helpful? Whot would уоu do differenlly пехl time?
Ё ýТlIВY ýKILtý Increasing confidence whеп
.Ё speaking
- са '"' ]: :

;i{ Discuss thеsе questions with о роrlпеr.
,{ l How confident аrе you when you speak in уоur first language?
t l In which of these situations would you feel most confident (speaking in
v) уоur first language)? In which would you feel least confident? Why?
chatting with а friепd after school giving а shогt presentation
interviewing fоr а job paгticipating in а debate
reading aloud а story you wrote talking with а friend оп the рhопе

3 How confident аrе уоu when you speak in English?

: ,,
Paulo has been studying
Reod this scenorio ond think obout whot Poulo is doing right ond whot hе is English for several years but
doing wrong. finds hе sti1l lacks confidence
lvhen hе speaks. Не has
rесепtlу tried solne strategies
to trlr 19 increase his feeling of
Look ot these tips for how to increose confidence whеп speoking. Which ones conlidence. Не fЪеIs nervolrs
do you think would Ье eosy to follow? Which could Ье more chollenging? Why? when hе speaks in certain
l It's ОК to Ье nervous Everyone gets пеrчоus sometimes. Instead of trying situations and has decided
to eliminate уоur jitters, focus оп turning those feelings into positive that it\ wоrIh Irуiпg to focus
епеrgу. this nervous епеrgу and turп
Organize уоur thoughts The mоrе огgапizеd you аrе, the mоrе confident it into mоrе positive епеrgу.
you will feel. Кпоw what you want to say and why. не also Iinds that the mоrе
Slow down Speaking slowly gives you time to think about what уоu'rе organized hе is before hе
going to say next. Pause at the end ofkey points and sentence to let your speaks, the mоrе confident hе
audience take in what you've said. гееls. Не feels sеlг-сопsсiоus

Кеер it simple When you speak, don't try to соrzеr too muсh. You might when hе speaks, so tries
lose уоur trаiп of thought and miss imроrtапt things you want to say. to speak а little faster than
поrmаl so no one notices
Contribute Always try to сопtriЬutе something to а grоuр discussion. Ечеп
this. When he раrtiсiраtеs iп
if you don't think you have anything to say, уоur ideas and perspectives will
а grоuр discussion, hе frnds
ье чаluаые to those around vou.
that sometimes itъ better to Ье
& Rеfrаmе If something unexpected happens, don't let it knock уоur self-
silent and let others do all that
confidence. Тry to "геfrаmе" the situation and look at it in the best роssiЫе
talking, Раulо also "fakes it"
sometimes - he mау поlfееl
7 Act confident People can't tell if уоur palms аrе sweating оr уоur hеаrt confident, Ьut hе acfs like he is
pounding, so don't tell them. Act confident, ечеп if you don't feel it. very confident.
ji f,:ja]'
i.i-]]i:] !! i] i;,] :i

Discuss these questions with о роrlпеr.

! What аrе some оthеr ways to develop confidence when speaking?
! Think of а person who speaks confidently. What do уоu think makes
this реrsоп confident?
3 What аrе some ways that others' Ьеhачiоr can influence how confident you
feel? what do others do that can make you feel mоrе оr less confident?


Listening fог tire ordeT

of eтents
fоr details to
add to а r-isual
Ll Sl пg deScтlptlve
Веiпg ап effective
public speaker
.-s a.эz,.-l.t:?,:.:}2,..?.Ll Emphatic stress
'_:.э_,::_..._,." +
Discuss these questions with о роrtпеr.

! What kinds of story do you enjoy? Do you рrеfеr fiction оr non-fiction?

funny sad scary romantic аdчепturе inspirational

2 Do you рrеfеr to read оr listen to stories? Why?

3 What was the last story you hеаrd оr rеаd? What was it about?

Reod the sentences. Тhеп write еосh bold word пехl to thе correct definition.
l Please analyze these sales figuгеs to see whеrе wе'ге selling the most books.
о| ? This book consists of ten units.
bDl 3 The allthor and editor had а conflict that they couldn't find а solution to.
irt 4 She showed а lot of emotion as she told hеr story
5 Alex hopes to estaЫish а book club in his school.
* I'm not familiar with that writеr's first book.
i 7 The initial rечiеws of his пеw novel wеге excelient.
Uэ, 8
.F( Тhе rеlеаsе of dangerous chemicals into the riчеr was illegal.
9 It wasn't easy to rеsоlче the disagгeement with mу пеighЬог.
l0 It was exciting how the tension in the story kept buiiding апd building.

s disagTeement between people оr groups

fu а feelingthatyou experience, such as fear, love, оr апgеr
( to study something in detail so you сап understand it better
d to Ье made of parlicular рагts of things
* to make something stаrt to exist оr hарреп

{ happening at the beginning of something

ý the act of letting something go оr setting it frее
h the buildrip of excitement оr suspense in а story
i to solve а рrоЬlеm оr find а way of dealing with а
well,known to you оr easily recognized Ьу you

Lýýтýжýж* ý А trачеl story

Work in о group. Describe уочr lost vocotion. Use the ideos in the Ьох оп
the right.
whot you didn't like
Work in о group ond look ot thе pictures. Hove these things ever whot you liked
hоррепеd to you оп о trip? Whot exoctly hoppened? whо you went with


' {\
i: li. ,

, 1?.
78 UNIT 8 "н
i-, "
Gl*bal list*эъiпg г.(
j.:]i Listen to Д travel sfory. Сhесk (/) the things hе discusses. consist (u) /kэn'srst/ о
his latestbook whеrе they went swimming
initiol (odi) /I'пlJ(э)1/
his future book rеsоlче (u) lп'zа,\чl ,J
the time he went fог а walk
his wife trip to the zoo н
his сhildrеп how he fell and got hurt са
а beach vacation his пеw shoes (л
Stories оге usuolly told in chronologicol оrdеr - thе оrdеr in whiсh thе events hoppened.
Listen fоr these expressions to hеlр you follow the stоrу.
Д long time ago, ... Iп Augusf, .,.
Дftеrwоrds, Whеп lwas lB, ... Lоtеr thоf doy,
Lostyeor,... Тhе пехf mоrпiпg, .,.
fiгst event second event ihird event
l mеf Jqmes оп Sundoy. Firs| we hоd cof{ee опd loler thot doy we wепt shopping.
Ве соrеful of these expressions. Тhеу indicote опе event hоррепеd Ьеfоrе опоthеr.
Еоrl'iег, ... Previously, .., Веfоrе thоt, . ., Fоrmеrlу, ,.. Ргiоr to thqf, ..,
second event first eveni
l gгоduаtеd lqst mопth. Prior Io lhat, l'd Ьееп studying Есопоmiсs iп Frопkfurt.

,,,.', Listen to thе first port of Д lrovelsfory. Number lhe events frоm
ýf ýе Сgп
I-8 in the order they hoppened.
а Kevin paid fоr the water.
Ь Kevin's wife told him to put оп sun block. йgз ý&k*пg,
kevin realized he didn't have his wallet.
Kevin SaW а Slore,
ý* ýtrill
е kevin drank а bottle of wаtеr.
f Kevin got directions from the storeowner,
g Kevin started his walk.
h Kevin 8о[ lost.

.j:, :.,,, Listen to the rest oI Дtrаvеl sfory. Whot hoppened пехt? Complete
lhe notes in the flowchort.

ket iп сiж&еl Амr,i а rевfizес{ lrе ils{ а saL{ а.

я *,ll :r li irer-,

* 5
эtil{е{wисг jаr€ hiуи
!\сVlи ь s!оrе,лtциеr ао1 Дuи ьцла/i,иа rеtиrиtl tl tiле
JJ оrа

Do you think Kevin ond his wife hove о good relotionship? Whу or why not?

.F{ Discuss thеsе questions iп о group.
Fa.l I What did you like about how he told the story? What didn't you like?
сл сопtепt of stоrу
longuoge used
bD ý How impor-tant is stoцztelling in уоur сulturе? Is there а tradition of оrа1
/1 tone of voice
.-t-l stoцrtelling?
use of pouses
tlýTEШImG ý Elements of а plot
. r_,(
Wоrk with о роrtпеr. Тhiпk о{ о story you both know well. Тhеп discuss these
ý Whеrе does the stoly take place?
Ё who аrе the сhагасtеrs?
ý Is thеrе а рrоЬlеп the main сhаrасtег faces?
4 If so, how does he оr she solve the рrоЬlеm?
ý What's the most exciting рап of the story?

. ]'' , Lislen to Elemenfs of о plot. Write the поmе of еосh element before its
; = Тhе сhаrасtеrs аrе introduced.
ý = The 'plot thickensl

ý = It's the high point of the story.

ý = The сhаrасtеr begins to solve the рrоьlеm
5 = Тhе conflict is fullv resolved.

LIýTEN|Nб FоR DETA|Lý то АDD то А,\tlsuлL ж

Alwoys роу ottention to опуthiпg Visuol о lесtчrеr shows. lf о lесturеr drows
о diogrom оr сhоrt оп the Ьооrd, сору it into уоuг notes. Тhе diogrom оr
сhоrt moy оlrеоdу give you clues whot thе moin points of the lecture will Ье.
You сqп odd mоrе detoiled notes while you listen.
1 Look ot the diogrom the lecturer drew on the boord.
Write the five ports in the boxes. ll .
ж сhогосtеr (n) /'kегэktаг/ v)
exomine (v) /rg'z:tnlrn/
i *___-__*j liieroture (n) /'lrt(э)гэt.|'аг/ pJ






*1,1e t*аrаi*rs аус iиtпiltсtd

]-] :Listen to Еlеmепts of о plof ogoin ond toke noles. Add опу
importont detoils to thе diogrom оЬоче.

Соmроrе your notes in о grочр. Тhеп complete these summory noles.

{rsy{lzу s Руrвrл t|i : {r} rlеопеиts to rлоst (Z)

isJ : iBi Ь, sеthизs мtrоdисеl

{S} Аt!/gп : ;iза:,а;t*r
ftоеs я {S}

#t,Max : iZr} lэоiиt {чиоst iýi y;,,tj

, {rl) : ооиýiсt ;s {rzJ yeso/*,cc{ 8. оиr Qs are {rs}

4._:,,, You will hеоr five ports of о short story out of order. Listen ond
mоtсh eoch port to thе correct element. Toke notes.
РsrЁ !

Pgrt 2 Rising action

Рgгt З Climax
Psrt * Falling actiotl
P*ri ý Resolr_rtion

З ',..]: ]'".' Listen to lhе соrrесt order of thе story. Check уочr опý\,чеrs.

t Discuss lhese questions in о grоuр.

l How аrе а shогt stoly, а почеl, апd а play different? How аrе they similаг?

З Think back to the story you discussed in Before you listen. Does it
follow the five elements merrtioned in the listening? How is the conflict

. -. :' ': , : -, .

Тhiпk obout the ideos from А lrovel story ond E/emenfs of о plof ond
discuss these questions in о group.
1 What kinds of stories did you parents and grапdраrепts teII you?

оdчепturе legend
2 What аrе some of the challenges of telling an interesting story? foiry tole mystery
fоЫе tqlltole

uýlNG DЕSсRlртlYЕ ADJEcTlvEs

You соп moke whot you soy mоrе interesting Ьу not rеlуiпg оп thе some
odiectives oll the time. Тrу to use mоrе descriptive longuoge. Fоr exomple,
insteod of soying о rооm is very diгtу,уоч could soy it's grimу ог filtby. We
hоче оп immedioie ond сlеоr imoge in оur minds. lnsteod of iust о cold doy,
реrhорs it's chilly, biller, or frееziпg? А good dictionory оr thesourus con
hеlр build уоur чосоЬulоrу, ond уоur use of descriptive longuoge.

Add these words to the соrrесl columns. Тhеп соmроrе with о portner.
Check уоur опýч/еrs in о dictionory or lhesourus.

awful delighted enchanting gigantic gоrgеоus

huge joyful sizz|iпg steaming tеrriЫе
hеацtifчl hot big hnppy hud
lovely scorching massive cheerful unpleasant
striking blistering епоrmоuS thrilled dreadful
stunning stifling immense ecstatic hоrriЫе

Rewrite these senlences. use опе of thе words in exercise I.

I l was happy that I got а promotion.
2 The lion's eyes looked big.
3 The sunset was beautiful.
4 what hе did next was bad.
5 It was hot when the wind died down.

Work with о роrtпеr. Rewrite these sentences. Reploce the underlined

words with о mоrе descriptive odiective.
l I'll печеr forget the kind old mап.
2 The small kitten looked uр at mе.
3 The cake was so good I ate two pieces.
ýРý&ý{ýЖý Telling а story
Yo_u оrе going to leorn hоw to use defining relotive clouses to give mоrе
informotion obout о noun, how to use emphotic stress, ond how to Ыiпg
о story ro life. You ore thеп going to use these skills to tell о story.


Defining rеlоtiче clouses odd ехtго, essentiol informotion obout о noun.

Use еithеr whо or tДоt fоr реор|е ond еithеr which or fhоt fоr things. These
рrопоuпs соп Ье the obiect оr subject of о defining rеlоtiче clouse. Тhе
relotive рrопоuп ibof is mоrе iпfоrmоl thоп wbo or whiсh.

As thе obiect of the clouse Тhе wоmоп who/thot I mеl wos mу sister.
Тhе wolf which/thot Ье sow wos rеоl.
As the subiect of the clouse Не wos о Ьоу whо/thоt lived пеоr о forest.
Не developed sоmеthiпg which/thot is

Whеп the rеlоtiче рrопоuп is the obiect, we соп leove it oui.

Тhе wоmоп l mеf wos mу sister.
тhе wolf де sow wos rеоl.

Complete the sentences with whо or which.

l Тhе fictional character I identifywith is Dоп Qпl,\оге,
YI l,.,jl,Ac
Thebook* I love the most is МоЬу Dich.
3 The реrsоп wrote this book didn't use lris rеа1 паmе
4 She told us something was rеаllу funn\r,
ý Тhе story was аьоut а mап . walked асгоss Austlalia.
* The story she геаd to us had ап important mотаl.

2 Cross out опу of thе relotive рrопоuпs in exercise I thot оrе not needed.

3 Add the correct рrопочп ond complete еосh senience \ryith your оwп
ideos. Тhеп compore ond discuss with о роrtпеr.
l t enioy stories
2 I don't really understand people
DoN qUIxoTý
3 Тhе writer 7iапslаtu| Ь7 ElitЪ бrоssпап

{ The book


Sometimes whеп you speok you con drqw ottention to сеrtqiп words Ьу
giving them ехtrо emphosis. Тhеsе will often Ье odiectives |huge, crozy, tiпу|
ond odverbs |ехtrеmеlу, totolly, slowly). Notice thе chonge iп Ъmрhоsis in
the second of еqсh роir of sentences.
Thot wos о fчппу STORY. Не wqs ехtгеmеlу FR|GHTENED
Тhоt wos о FUNNY story. Не wos EXTREMEIY frightened.

о @ t.l+ listen to lhe sentences. lJnde"r|ine fhе word thot receives еmрhоtiс
lrl stress.
v l The Воу Who Cried Wolf is а really famous story.

-о 2 The people in town wеrе pretty dreadful.

3 The Ьоу was ехtrеmеlу embarrassed Ьу his actions.
ьо 4
а The wolfs teeth wеrе епоrmоus!
Fl 5 The old mап was totally ecstatic.
i-{ 6 The Ьоу leamed а huge lesson that day.
G @arq Now ogoin ond repeot.
Ф listren

а Add оп odiective or odverb lo еосh sentence. Тhеп соmроrе ond proctice

сл thеm with о роrtпеr. Ploce еmрhоtiс stress оп the wordi
уоч оddЁd.
l In the distance I could hеаr а "- voice.
2 Не said something that was .-.
3 I was surprised Ьу what I hеаrd.
4 Не told the story of his rеsсuе


lп mony woys telling о similor to giving о presentotion. А good speoker commonds
the oftention of listeneTs, ond will Ье mеmоrоые. we oIl hоче оч.ъwп style ond thеrе is по
опе соrrесt woy to tell о story. Тhе following tips оrе good odvice fоr опу
рuЫiс speoker.
О lnclude о beginning, middle, ond о сlеоr end.
. Speok with о strong, сlеоr voice.
a Vоrу уоur voice to moke the story mоrе interesting.
a Use descriptive words so the oudience соп 'see' thе story.
a Stress importont iпfоrmоtiоп so thе oudience knows it's importont.
a Mointoin еуе contoct with уоur whоlе oudience, not iust those in thе front.

1 Work with о роrlпеr. Reod this story ond complete the lost ]ine.

тhеrе was а уоuп8 Ьоу who was ехtrеmеlу afraid of the dark. Не and
his раrепts lived in an епоrmоus, old house down а long, lonely rоаd.
Every night, hе left the lights оп whеп he went to sleep. Аftеr а while,
his parents got tired of this. Тhеу would say, 'Enough l you need to
up soonl' But the Ьоу continued sleeping with the lights оп. His рагепts
always саmе into his rооm while hе was asleep and turпеd off the lights.

one weekend, his раrепts went away and left him hоmе alone in the
hоusе for the first time. That evening, he rеаd а rеаllу Scary Story and, as
usual, went to sleep with the lights оп, Ьut hе wasn't scared. However, in
the middle of the night, he woke uр and hеаrd soft footsteps in the hall.
не slowly opened his eyes. someone had turned off the lightsl Тhеп he
got rеаllу scared. In the doorway he saw !

2 with your роrtпеr, proctice reoding the story oloud. whоt suggestions соп
you give еосh оthеr to moke thе story sound more interesting7

ýрý&ý{ýжý теýý{ сл

Work with о роrlпеr to tell о dromotic story. Ф
1 Work,with 0 pоrlner. Think of о posible story for eoch type. ll соп Ье о lrue story thot hoppened
heord оr reod, or something you imпgine.
уоu, о story уоu Jн


а funny story а hарру stoly а scary stoly ап еmЬаrrаssiпg story

[hoose опе of the stories. Moke notes оп ull the evenls thпl hoppened, iп order.

з *
ý ý
4 ý
ý ý*

Э Add the detoils from exercise I obove lo the correcl рuП о{ the diugrom. lnclude пdditionol detuils оп lhe chorocters,
selling, ond time.


€ €

ý "/-,

ýxp*siti*;: **r:г.ltя*mе:,:f

Э Work with your рпrtпеr.. Show eoch. other your diugroms. Do
уоu ogree оп the divbion of the ports?
Suggest опу detoils lo mgke the stories cleorer оr mоrе interesting.

Work iп groups. Look buck ut the tipsfor Ьriпgiпg о story to li{e оп poge 84. Тhеп tell your stories. Use deKriptive
odledives ond ut leost thrее relotive clouses iп уоur stories.

Decide оп the most inleresling story in eoch group. Shоrе it with the closs.

ýТUПY ýKILLS Learning sýles

-ýп 1 Complete еосh sentence so it's true for you. Choose thе best опswеr. Circle о, Ь, or с.
itsl I I'm good at ...
\J fi rеmеmЬеriпg faces. Ь rеmеmЬеriпg names. Iеагпiпg physical skills.
2 lп class lргеfеr [о...
€э, с look at рiсturеs. h discuss ideas. do something practical.
3 I like it best when teachers ...
{l use сhагts. Ь explain things. have mе do а lab ехрегimепt
4 When learning а new skill I рrеfеr to ...
g watch sоmеопе do it. h hеаr it explained just do it.
5 I рrеfеr to ,..
{l see а comic strip of а story Ь listen to а story. act out а Stoly.
6 If I get iп trоuЫе in class it's usually for ...
ч drawing. Ь talking. поt sitting still,
7 Of these jobs I'd рrеfеr to Ье ...
g an artist. Ь а radio Dl. а technician.
8 Of these activities I'd рrеfеr to . ..
ý gо to ап аrt gallery. h listen to music. т рlау sports.
2 Count the пчmЬеr of о, Ь. ond с onswers obove ond check your роssiЫе
preferred leorning style. Do thе resuhs surprise you?

llilвзtlу а qnýwers You mау Ье а Visual lеаrпеr. You learn best Ьу seclrrg things.

iUlostly Ь ýпýwяrý You mау Ье ап Auditory lеаrпеr, You lеаrп best Ьу hеаriпg things.
llilostlv с ппswёrs You may Ье а Kinesthetic lеаrпеr, You lеаrп best Ьу dolng things.

Reod this scenorio. Whot do you think Leilo's leorning style is? Why? Leila is taking а chemistry
class. she takes notes in class
1 ._,;.,,: j 1l :1.1 1.:::1.'; -,
i but always rесоrds the lecture
as well so she can listen to it
Look ot these lеоrпiпg tips. Which type of lеоrпеr would enioy doing these
again later. When she plays
things the most? Write У (Visuol), А {Auditory), оr К (Kinesthetic).
it back, she often repeats the
Drаw diagrams of а lab experiment Retell а Story frоm рiсturеs key points to herself rvith
Repeat facts aloud with eyes closed Do rоlе plays hеr eyes closed. She finds
this helps her rеmеmЬеr the
Реrfоrm language skits write оп the Ьоаrd
imроrtапt iпГогmаtiоп Гrоm
Highlight and annotate а text Take frequent study breaks the lecture. Shе gets together
Record lectures to listen to again Participate in group discussions with sечеrаl classmates Ьеfоrе
Listen to soft music while studying any quiz оr test to discuss
and go очеr the material. She
doesn t find it hеlрful оr а good
usе of hеr time to rеwritе hеr
Discuss these questions with о роrlпеr. notes, or put thеm into ап
] Which of the tips fоr уоur lеаrпiпg style аrе things that уоu already do? oцtline. LеiiаЪ least favorite
What about the tips fоr оthеr learning styles? part оf hеr chemist11, c|ass is
2 Ьо оthеr learning styles аrе iпtгареrsопаI (рrеfеrs to work alone) апd the weekly lab. She doesnt
interpersonal (рrеfегs working with others). Which is уоur рrеfеrепсе? like participating in the 1аЬ
Why? experiments and, in fact,
doesnt feel she needs thеm to
understand the key points.

Ul\llт 9

l l
l l
Listегriпg tЪr pros and
Listening for thе oTder
in а process
\\Ъrkiпg out meaning
frоm context
lIsing апd rеfетriпg to
r-isual aids
stress it-t rt ords rvith
-|'__.- suГfixes
Discuss lhese questions with о роrtпеr.
I What do people use water for? Think of as mапу uses as you can. =::,-,

|-.:.:a":-'i.:; raэ,': :..:'i,iL::|:. |;;! i:I ir-1_:,a::,:!:. ._,

2 Do you think уоu use mоrе оr less wаtеr than the average реrsоп where you live? Why
; : ;,|,_:,i: :?':.=?': _.' !15:' :!.;i:::!'i..:::-:,|'i !:;:i:'|,|::"".:.::. ?:;;':;!_:,:: !?;:.::;..,.зa _.
ý If уоu suddenly had to rеduсе the аmоuпt of water уоu use, how would you cut back?

. rr{ Reod the sentences опdф@hе best definition fоr еосh word.
l-{ l I like уоgurt smoothies to hаче the consistency of thick ice сrеаm.
ч) g tlre level of coldness ь the level of thickness оr smoothness
ьо 2 I feel that access to fiesh wаtеr is the most critical issue facing humanНnd,
Е 0 extremely imрогtапt Ь imроssiЫе to solve
3 It would Ье а disaster if ап eart}rquake hit а large city at night
}_( f, ап ечепt that саппоt Ье predicted ь ап event that causes serious hаrm
Ф 4 Some estimates say sea levels could rise about 50 mm in the next century
q) 0 an exact calculation Ь ап approximate calculation
J Тhеrе is по evidence to suggest that bottled water tastes better than tap water.
О something that gives proof of something else Ь something that no опе believes
Реорlе аrе mоrе impatient nowadays as they can get information almost instantly.
s fоr frее Ь immediately
7 If oil leaks frоm а boat, it can cause екIеmе damage to fish and оthеr mаriпе life.
о is роurеd out Ь escalresacciderltalIy
8 Many people object to building mоrе dams to control flooding.
ч to Ье in fачоr of something Ь to Ье opposed to something
9 Frеsh wаtеr is so cheap in mапу places that it's practically free.
g чеry пеаrlу, but not quite h not at all
2 Work with о роrtпеr. Whiсh of thе stotemenls in exercise l do you ogree with?

LIýTE]'|I}IG I Bottled wаtеr

ls thе locol woier in your town оr city sofe lo drink? Do Mexico ':l::; Thoilond

mопу people filЫ their woter оr buy bottled woter? How ffi ltoly ý United Stotes

mчсh does о bottle of woler cost? How mчсh do you spend Emirotes
United Arob Soudi Arobio
оп woter еосh week/month/yeor? ffi LеЬспоп f Austrio

Work in о group. Look ot the grорh of bottled woier 290

consumption iп eight countries. Тhеп discuss these 270
questions. Тrу to think of reosons for thе опýwеrs. 250
I Which country had the largest increase between 2001 2з0
and 2010? с
2 Which country had the smallest iпсrеаsе between 2001 о
]90 -ъ*
and 2010? 170

3 'tопsumрtiоп
Which countries hаче recently decreased their Ф
оГ bottled wа[еr? = 1з0







i i

@Э":s Listen to Bottled woter. Тhе rodio news hosl is discussing thе issue очоilоЫе (odi) /а'чеrIэЬ(э)l/ (л
with М9 guests. Сhесk (/) the opinion thot best motches eoch speoker's r,+
suggest (u) /sэg'dзеst/
position оп the issue. н
l_] Н" feels that bottled wаtеr is рrеfеrаЫе to tap wаtеr.
typicolly {odv) /'tIprkli/ ,)
Roger lrlelson l-.
l] Н" feels that bottled water should Ье made сhеареr. J
ý*rшh J*rleg She believes water companies аrе lying about bottled wаtеr. оа
She believes that tap wаtеr is fine and bottled water is wasteful. о
The hgg8 Shе shows that she agrees strongly with one speaker. л
She remains neutral and doesn't ехрrеss hеr opinion about the issue.


Speokers will often discuss Ьоth thе pros (orguments Ьr) ond thе cons
(orguments ogoinsf) о роrtiсчlоr issue. Understonding ond considering Ьоth
sides is о useful woy to weigh оп issue. If you qrе owore thot о lесtчrеr оr
ропеl of speokers is going to discuss both sides of оп issue, use two columns
so you соп toke notes eosily. Anticipoting thе рго ond cons of оп issue is olso
о useful skill whеп you оrе рrероriпg fоr о debote.

Listen to Bottled wofer ogoin. Complete these notes obout thе pros ond cons.

Pras €оиs
wаtеr (ВW) Ь иоt bedter or sфr
thаи wаtеr
,*ирw whаt * сап real з
'еи fMst TW H,la
BW : саиrеиiеиt Ь/о sомеtiуиеs с{еаи TW иоt plastic bott/es {еа/< ойвrпiса/s + оацsе

ВW саи prov,[lc iи{о 0и/л (r' costs а {ot iи

+' to More BW
уи i пеrаl' iиtаlе; о /io,

l, -t ll
ýýqr€s'" а/( с,ди Mgvf lr
fи!сКУ цsе5 а /ot of " маliпз the bott{es

Ф а!s Listen io Bortled wofer ogoin. Complete lhese stotemenls using о

word оr о пчmьеr.
I Both guests agree that mапу places need better water
2 About реrсепt of plastic bottles аrе not rerycled.
3 New plastic bottles аrе coming onto the mаrkеt that will
in time.
4 А lot of mопеу is spent оп fuel and mоипgWаtеr
агоuпd the wог|d
5 of gallons of oil аrе usеd in the bottle-makirrg process.
* Making а bottle takes times mоrе water than the bottle
actuaIly holds.
F Water is often the first tlring that is shipped during а паturаI

8 А beverage соmрапу carr quicklv package and

wate[ to the disаstег site. WATERщE
ч) ТЗ *:н *:Ё т7зiz"аg; tт ЭЪэ*аЪ €ЬiтэЫЕтз g
ор( Discuss these questions in о group.
I_ Whose opinions do you аgrее with mоrе? Why?
о ! !*:';эi ! *,з:,,::е za:17} .,. *:;,ч.rrзr: .,.

ьо ? Сап you think of any оthеr рrоs and cons rеgагdiпg bottled wаtеr?
.F{ Аиоthеr alraйrya4badraйaje of lr;иl<;и5 ЬOttЫ wаtеr is ...
сл tlýTEжl}-lS ? An experiment with dry ice
. t-l
**Ё*rе у*ея li*Ёеяъ
А lot of woter is used to produce the food we eot. Тrу to motch the food wirh
lhе qmounts of woler needed. Think obout whot woter is used fоr (drinking.
wolering, tronsporling, monufocturing, etc.) Тhеп compore your onswers with
о роrlпеr.

з *t т::a} *:Е* "4а=

,: * эijr,* *? *{",*** э, r:Эr :.,! ь*tа :::ra-:: 1ali:+
r1-. a1|

а З<lL:: ::€ ***€ а liL+ *t.:,:*,*=i

t ffiz"з* Listen to the first port of Дп ехреrimепIwilh drу ice.ffiýqll the

things the speoker will use.
dry ice а Spoon а pot milk
gloves а рареr bag Su8аr yogllfi
а frееzеr а hаmmеr salt coffee сrеаmеr
а bowl а Ьurпеr eggs whipping сrеаm
2 #э.;F listqn to the lost port of thе demonstrolion. Check t/) the pictures
thot occurotely show роrt of the demonstrolion.

3 Whiсh piclures did you поt check in exercise 2? Why not? Соmроrе уоur
опswеrý with q роrtпеr.
:;-:., L|ýTENING FOR ТНЕ ýRDЕR lN д РR*СЕý5 :=.::=.:j..!::=.-:.:..= imроrtопt (odi) Лm'рэrt(э)пt/ о

(п) ,+
When you listen to о story, you listen fоr events in о сhrопоlоgу (Unit В). .:.,.
protection /рrэ'tеk.|эп/
|,, Similorly, whеп you listen to instructions оr оп explonotion of how something .:., show (u) llool J
is done, you listen fоr thе соrrесt оrdеr of the рrосеss. Роу ottention to Ьоth lr.
'|:. н
-::. the
опсе,whilе, о5 soon os, until|.To Ыеоk up the steps in thе process,
-=. speoker moy provide odditionol detoils ond reminders.
step odditionol detoil
Eggs опd sugor оrе mixed tоgеthеr iп q bow!. lJse о mеtо! bowl.
=:,, li.
=-,,,, step rеmiпdеr tr
Опсе thе eggs ond sugоr аrе mixed, it's hеqtеd. Ве surе you heat il slowly. -=

i tisten to Дп ехреrimепt .... Number thе steps in the process in

order frоm I-8.
* Eggs and sugar аrе mixed tоgеthеr until light and airy.
Ь The dry ice and mixture is stirred tоgеthег.
с The dry ice is placed into а рареr bag.
$ The dry ice is сгushеd with а hаmmеr.
g coffee сrеаmеr is added to milk.
{ Whippirrg сrеаm is added.
g 'I'he coffee сrеаmеr апdmilk аrе heated.
h The egg and sugar шiхtllге is combined with the coffee сrеаmеr and
milk miхtuге.
З Соmроrе уоur onswers with о роrtпеr. Тhеп cover the steps ond describe
thе process. Соп you rеmеmЬеr oll thе steps?

З Discuss these queslions iп о group.

I What do yotl think would happen if you
а) didn't use glol,es?
Ь) boiled the соffее сrеаmеr and milk п-riхturе?
с) didn't Ьгеаk dowrr the dry ice into smaller pieces?

Ё Imagirre you wallt to make chocolate ice сrеаm. Look back at the steps
in the demonstration. After which step would чоu add chocolate?

Think obout thе ideqs from Bottled wofer ond Дп ехреrimепt wiIh dry ice
ond discuss these questions in о grоuр.
l What is а simple demonstration or ехреrimепt уоu could do using
wаtеr оr ice? cond itions
Увн сggа{l sее w&iй &cits * gr з{Ёll *u*ёву.
{вsёсr ffёsl€ Msater iпfоrmоiiоп given to sub|ects
2 In most experiments people can't tell the difference between tap and lосqtiоп
bottled wаtеr. How do уоu think the experiments wеrе set up? If people
find it hаrd to tell the difference, why do they continue to buy bottled
цv ъАlfпвуlhi*
! Ё vtаaъaл чv
yg lT АqЕ&ht,гdý FR*ж {*Nтf;хт
a !v

Whеп you hеог о new wоrd, you con write it down to look up loter, but try
ь0 to get the meoning os you listen. This helps очеrоll соmрrеhепsiоп. Guess thе
н meoning of new чосоЬulоrу frоm context using these strotegies.
о 1r(
Е Def in itions

qJ These phroses оrе followed Ьу definitions: rпеопs/ rеfеrs to, conslsfs of, is
ЁJ defined os, is kпоwп os, ond is col/ed.
о Wоtеr shочldп'f Ье о соmmоditу, Д соmmоditу is defined os sоmеfhlпg

. r-(
people buy опd sell.
These phroses signol thot on exomple is coming: fоr ехоmрlе, fоr iпstопсе,
such os, ond /ike.
Botfled wоtеr is shipped iп during поturql disosiers, sucb os tурhоопs оr
Ап explonotion соп olso help you determine the mеопiпg of the word. Тhеу
соп соmе Ьеfоrе оr ofter the word.
Тhеsе mоtеriоls will decompose iп time, опd whеп they breok dоwп, thеу'ге
поt dопgеrоus.

Reod these sentences obout drу ice. Write the mеопiпg of the words in bold
I Dry ice, also known аs'саrd iсе'rеfеrs to the solid fоrm of саrЬоп dioxide.
З СаrЬоп dioxide consists of two охуgеп atoms bonded to а single саrЬоп
З The рrосеss of сагЬоп dioxide changing frоm а gas to а solid phase
(at -78.5 " С) is called deposition.
{ Dry ice is sometimes used to Iemove wаrts, These small rоugh gгомhs аrе
typically found on а person's feet оr hands.
5 Drу ice has been knowrr to lead to asphlxiation because it displaces
о\уgеп. If you find you аrе unable to Ыеаthе аrоuпd dry ice, leave
* Dry ice can Ье used to trар pests such as mosquitoes, bedbugs, and оthег
insects. This is because they аге attracted to саrЬоп dioxide.
7 Dry ice fоrms thе top lауег of the роlаr ice caps оп Маrs. Тhе violent
storms that take place thеге аrе called dry ice storms.
! dry ice =

ý саrьоп dioxide =

4 Wаr[S =

5 asphyxiation =

& pests =

7 dry ice storms =

ýPEAKI]'|G Presenting а poster U)
You оrе going to lеоrп how to use present ond modol possives, how lo stress Ф
words with suffixes, ond how to use ond rеfеr lo visuol oids. You ore then р

going to creote ond present о poster оп how something is mode.
lrl о
Тhе possive voice is соmmоп in describing processes in scientific rероrts ond lob experiments, lпa
when ihe реrsоп реrfоrmiпg thе oction is unimportont оr unknown. l_

Fоrm Ехпmрlе

тhе wоtеr is trеоfеd with chemicols,

ДЬочt l5% оf plostic bottles оrе recycled
Bottled woter соп Ье shipped quickly.
Тrеоtiпg опd fesling wqtеr should Ье dопе.

Compleie the porogroph with present опd modol possives.

Distilled wаtеr is water that is рurеr than rеgulаr watel. It can
(2) _ (distill) at hоmе wiф some simple equipment, First,
condenser is basically а cold surfасе whеrе the steam (6) ......._._-.*-
(cool). Then another сопtаiпеr (7) (attach) to the end of
the сопdепsеr in оrdеr to catch the wаtеr. At this point the wаtеr
(8) (heat) and (9) (boil). The steam that
forms (10) (condense) back into wаtеr and the water
( 11) (collect). You now have distilled wаtеr! The wаtеr
сап (12) (drink) оr (13) (use) fоr оthеr

Rewrite these sentences using рrеsепt or modol possives.

l People use distilled water in steam irons at home.
2 You сап drink this wаtеr without boiling it.
3 People spent а lot of mопеу оп bottled water.
4 you find а lot of chemicals in some bottled wаtеr.
5 People should put plastic bottles in recycling bins.


Stress the sуllоЫе immediotely Ьеfоrе these suffixes.

-cious/-tious deLlcious ficTltious
speClfic qthLEtic
-cic,l fiNANclol comMERciol
-ity oBlLil.y comMODity

U) ffi Mork thе stressed sуllоЫе in these words. Тhеп listen qnd check.
. t-l I academic 4 artificial 7 consumption
дq) 2 suspicious 5 protection 8 superstitious
3 necessity б characteristic 9 condensation

Add thе sуllоЫеs. You mоу hove to moke some spelling сhопgеs.
Тhеп compore with о portner. Сhесk your words in о dictionory.
I conclude + -sioп 4 possible + -iry
2 infect + -tious 5 anticipate + -tiоп
3 intellect + -исl 6 science + -fc

3 Proctice soying the words in exercise 2.


Whеп you рrеsепt iпfоrmоtiоп, visuol oids such os flipchorts, interoctive whiteboords, posters, slides,
video clips, рrорs, ond hqndouts соп hеlр уоur oudience stoy ottentive ond retoin informotion. Use thеm
to rеiпfоrсе thе key points о[ уочr presentotion ond illustrqte imроrtопt concepts thot moy Ье difficult to
visuolize. Use these expressions whеп you rеfеr to о visuol oid.
Дs you соп 5ее оп fhis роsfеr, ... As sЬоwп iп this сhоrt, ..

Toke о look ql lhis video. Yоч will see ... Nofe fbof thе first bullet роiпt lс'ys ...
Letmе drow уоur qttепtiоп to this slide ... Тhе rеfеrепсеs оrе iп уоur hопdоuf.
Remember, you ore giving thе presentotion, not thе visuol oid. Ве sчrе you stoy the сепtеr of ottention.

t " , Look ot these visuol oids. Тhеп listen to excerpts from six different
presenlotions. Which visuol oid is еосh person referring to?

т,*=#ж W&Yжж

afu -q е

SE US Вrаzil
* ASia
2.tý Listen ogoin. Complete lhe sentences.
1 Thke а look at this _. It's titled Save Water.
2 As shown in this , not ечеry country has the
amount of water.
3 This _ shows that only 3%о of оur water is
{ Let mе drаw уоur attention to this . It shows the
ý Note that thеrе аrе fiче hеrе fоr ways to save water.
6 As you call see оп the handout, of оur Ггеsh wаLег is

3 Work with о portner. Find three illustrolions, diogroms, chorts, оr photos

in this book. Toke turns to soy one thing obout еосh one.

ýрý&жýжý Y&ýж U)
Work iп о group ond сrеоlе о poster showing hоw something is mode. Ф
ýlLAttiST{]ttý|t a{
Чl'!' il
groups. (h.oose three of these producls thgt ore mode iп fuclories. Whot do you kпоw
пЬоul lhem? How do уоu
think they ore mude?
balloons Ыеаd chewing gum (а
chocolate bars DVDs hr

instant coffee ketchup ld.
matches pasta pencils ld
potato chips rubber bands V)
silk soap sоссеr balls
soy sauce tea bags tiгеs

Х As о grоuр, choose опе producl.
Reseorch опd liЯ the steps thot exploin
hоw it! mode. use more or fewer boxes
os needed.


2 (reote u poster to use 0s 0 vbuol oid

wien уоu present the pro(ess. Think obout whпt to include lhпt will help пп
ouldience understond the process сlеurlу.

Proclice your,presenlulion. Decide who will speok first, second, lhird, elc. Роу oltention to your usе of signol
words, timemtrkers, ond presenl опd modol posives. llelp
уоur oudiente undeЫond опу difficult,oid, Ьу defining
them, exploining them, оr giving exomples.

Present your poster lo uпоthеr group 0r the closs. Answer опу questions.

Making уоur point
Ьу Stella Cottrell

Speakýng iп а grоuр
if уоu аrе пеrvоus at the idea of speaking out in
а grоuр, the ftзllowing rлау heIp.

tsefore ffTe grосяр

и |\Лаkе а decision to speak at least опсе during
the grсuр еvеп if it is опlу to hеаr yourself
- Ioud"
5ау'уеý' оut Build up frоm а smail base,
х Get to kпоw other group n,lembers, if possible,
so that уоu feei more at ease.

Buring t,fre grrошр

х Sit next to sоrпеЬоdу you find reassuring.
х Write down what you want to say
песе55аrи read it out. - if
х Think of ап ехаmр|е, оr evidence, оr an
illustration to support уоur point.
х lf уоu аrе пеrvоL.|s, breathe out slightly mоrе уоur voice, оr accent, is less irпроrtапt than
slcwly than usuаl, уоur ideas апd opinions
х Take усur time whеп speaking other people rпау, Ье just as self-conscious
- aim to speak
гпоrе slowly than уоu would usuaIly" about the wау they speak
х Make еуе contact with at least опе реrsоп in сопсепtrаtе оп getting уоur rnessage
уоur ar.ldience" асrо55 апС rnaking sense rаthеr than оп
в Ве Ьriеf. Whеп уоu have rпаdе уоur роiпt рrопuпсiаtiоп
stop, Avoid going back очеr w}rat уоu have- there аrе mапу sl]ccessfui people with alI kinds
aIready said. of accerrts
я Ве сlеаr. lf sогпеthiпg sounds confused, sау
'l'll rnake that сlеаrеr', оr check people have
understood. Group disruptions
х 5peak uр so ечеrуопе сап hеаr. lf people lt is quite easy to disrupt а 9rоuр. Often
have to strаiп to hear you, they wil| Ье less this happens unintentionally, because
sympathetic to what you аrе sayinE
уоu may have to say it all over аgаiп.
- and people аrе nervous оr wоrrу about being
judged Ьу others.
х Act as though yo{--i аrе confident, even if уоu
don't feel it. rэйЙl,t)d
r Don't apoiogize
- smiie! \:-l\_l
ечеryопе _-/ 1:
After the Еrаuр l -; lг--=- Ч
\\ ll ib--tll
r CongratuIate yourself оп апу progress уоu'vе
made. \
п Don"t worrу too much about апу nlistakes

it's поt а n"rajor disaster! -

r Decide what уоu will do next time.

Веi,зg jmdged Ьу уоur voice

Мlапу people feel self-conscious or embarrassed
abcut the way, they speak, оr about their accent.
lf you feel wоrriеd about уоur voice, rеmеmЬеr:
ý yOUl, voice is ап important раrt of уоu нош"л might уоu disrupt а grouр
everybody has ап accent, апd пrэ accent- is
better than апу other
- fоr ехагпрlе,
being late, not рrераriпg,
or chatting? What could уоu do
d ifferent ly?

U]{Iт l0



speaket attitude
Listening to hоw an
аrgumепt is sr-rppoпed
collocations ylith take
Retirting ап аIgumепt
Linking of same
l when was the last time sоmеопе persuaded you to do something? ;iЁi*{ сопsопапt sounds
When was the last time you реrsuаdеd sоmеопе to do something? ;i,;:;'li;#
what was itl
? Which of these techniques аrе used to реrsuаdе people to Ьuу
something in уоur country? Which do you think аrе the most effective?

Ье very friendly compliment the customer оп his/her taste

offer а discount offer extra сustоmеr service
оffеr а free gift point out positive qualities of the item

3 How do уоu реrsuаdе people to do something оr аgгее with уоuг роiпt оГ viewl

v Qlprhe correct definition for the words in bold.
l- Не was adamant that he wouldn't рау any mоrе fоr the souvenir.
-о о determined Ь persuaded
ьо 2 Неr aggressive sales tactics tumed offthe prospective Ьuуеrs.
t-{ п fair and thoughtful Ь
strong and forceful
. r-( 3 Тhе shoes I bought didn't fit but I,didn't Ьоthеr to rеturп them.
н п take the trouble to do something
Ф Ь аппоу someone in the sеrчiсе industry
tJ 4
а Don't distort the sales figures to make them mоrе appealing.
. trl п misunderstand Ь misrepresent
F] 5 It's not good for kids to Ье exposed to so many advertisements
о hidden frоm Ь subjected to
6 Do commercials with celebrities influence people to buy certain products?
о have an affect on h cause behavioral рrоЬlеms
7 I was left with а fачоrаЫе impression frоm the sales presentation.
0 а series of Ьrосhurеs оr rероrts Ь а lasting effect оr mental image
8 His techniques wеrе suЫle. I didn't ечеп realize hе was trying to sell
thе сагреt.
о сlеаr ь not obvious

LISTE],|l],lG I Наrd sell / soft sell

Discuss these questions with о porlner.

I Do уоu like to shop alone оr with апоthеr person? Why?
2 Ро you want а sales сlеrk to offer help right away, оr wait а while?
3 what аrе the best characteristics fоr а sales сlеrk to have?

efficient friendly kпоwlеdgеаЫе persistent persuasive subtle

1 ,,Э'":lListen to Hord sell / soh sell. Did thе four shoppers ехреriепсе о
hord оr soft sell? Mork your onswers Нý or 55.
I Cynthia 3 Young-hee
2 Antonio 4 Dайd

Y9u соп understond о speoker's qttitude tоwоrd о topic Ьу listening to thе specific words hе оr
shе chooses to use. This is especiolly truе with odiectives. А wоrd often hos о positive оr negotive
connototion. lп these two exomples, thе bold words hоче о similor meoning but it's сlеqr the speoker
feels mоrе positively in the first sentence ond mоrе negotively in thе seconJsentence.
Eric did еvеrУhiпg hе could to get thоt iob. Не was чеrу dеtеrmiпеd.
Еriс did еvеrУhiпg hе could to gel thot iob. Не wos yеry hеоdstrопg.
Words оlопе mоу not tell you ечеrуthiпg obout о speoker's qttitude. ln oddition, listen to hоwthе
speoker speoks. Тhе speoker's tone of voice olso indicotes qttitude.

2 @:.ээ ond responses frоm the news rероrl Hord sell
[is!_вд rо queslions / г{
sofr sеll(!фifthe response is positive оr negotive. Toke noles оп whot ll .
helped уоч with thе onswers. controst (ч) /'kqпtrrest/ U)
l Did anyone pressure you to make а purchase? positive / negative (odi) /'negatIv/
(n) t
2 How did you feel about the salesclerk? positive / negative rеlоtiопshiр /rr'1етJ(э)п,JIр/
3 How did that make you feel? lr.
positive / negative :
4 Wеrе you happy with the ехреriепсе? positive / negative )
L €gйъъавв&а& (л
listen to Hard sell / soft sell оgоiп.ffфrhе соrrесt onswers. ll .
Someone asНng for а donation fоr а cause is |_
о hаrd selling (л
h soft selling
с both hаrd and soft selling
2 А store sending you an email rеmiпdеr of а sale is
ч hard selling
h soft selling
с both hаrd and soft selling
3 The sale is the bottom line fоr
о hard selling
Ь soft selling
t both hаrd and soft selling
4 Some salespeople usе hard selling techniques because
о the techniques сап Ье effective
Ь the salespeople want to give а negative impression
с they hаче been рrочеп to Ье mоrе effective than soft selling techniques
5 The salesclerk who helped Antonio is .-,
с dishonest but effective
Ь direct and aggressive
с rudе but respectful
6 Аftеr the salesclerk complimented David, he felt
о it showed the salesclerk had good taste
ь it wasn't sincere
с bothered Ьу it

Discuss these questions in о group.

l Which shорреr that the rероrtеr interviewed аrе you most like? Why?

2 Choose опе of these ргочеrЬs. Explain its meaning in уоur own words. Do
you аgrее with it?

.- !_ t- i
lisiltiR Ёf*i.i*i*

* rlt
гi*tc,i рr*т*l*

* дЁ1:{{lR " Ёisт*r*

'l... : '|" ,i;:i;.'

.:, ::.

- l,i*ё€gс* ?{*ч*{*
LlýTEШl]-lG 2 А dеЪаtе: рареr чs. еlесtrопiс
.ri dictionaries
цv, debate /dI'beIt/
а ýеft:rе уоu listen поuш р] ***
ýо 1 Work iп groups опd onswer the questions. Опе group will use о рqреr
t1 а discussion in which people
.r.( dictionory ond the other group will use оп eleclronic dictionory. or groups state different
ti l Look up the wоrd axpose. How mапу seconds did it take you to find it? opinions about а subject
r-J 2 Lookup the wоrd
U) аdаmапt. which sчllаые is stressed?

. t-( 3 Lookup the word persuade. What slmonyms does it list?

4 Look up the word iпfluепса. How mапу definitions аrе there?

5 Look up the word маау. Write the definition that matches the meaning
in йis sentence.

The salesclerk was not аЫе to я,аау t}re сustоmеr.

2 How ore уочr onswers different? Whу do you think there ore differences?

Global listening
r ФеВ Listren to Д debole: paper vs eleclronic dictionories. Number the
tropics frоm l -9 iп thе order thе four studenls discuss thеm.
noise ассurаry pronunciation of wоrds
convenience size getting meaning frоm context _
weight speed пumЬеr of words

2 Whо do you think won thе debote? Why?

t Listen to А debote: poper vs eleclronic dictionories оgоiп. Complete

these sentences with the соrrесt words.
l Learning the alphabet is especially imроrtапt fоr
2 It takes seconds to look up а wоrd in а рареr
3 Good рареr dictionaries can have sечеrаl words.
4 А student will оftеп just _ the first definition that
арреаrs on the electronic sсrееп.
( тhеrе can
J Ье in both рареr and electronic dictionaries.
ь With еlесtrопiс dictionaries уоu can listen to hоw words аrе
рrопоuпсеd in different of English.
7 It's better to use the to try to 1еаrп а word than depend
оп any dictionary.
8 Some people might Ье mоrе iп thеir learning with an
electronic dictionary because it uses technology.

@ pERsuAsloN

Whеп о speoker is orguing о point, listen to hоw thоt оrgчmепt is

ll .
orgument /'оrgjэmапt/ U)
supported. А well-supported orgument is о strong опе. Look ot these woys f,+
о speoker con support оп orgument. Often оп orgument is supporting issue (n) /'I.|'u/
thrоugh о combinotion of techniques. useful (odi) /'jusf(a)l/
common sense Exomples ond detoils -.
Еvеryопе kпоws thot ,.. Fоr iпslопсе, . ..
!t's соmmоп knowledge thot Let mе give оп exomple ...

Focts ond stotistics Exoert ooinions _

lt's q fqct lhсlt ... Ассоrdiпg to ехреrts, .., llo
Опе imроrtопf sfofisfrc is ... опе rеsеоrсьеr clqims thql . )_

@ z.а* listen to thе excerpts from А debote.... How is еосh оrgчmепt

supported? Check (/) thе correcl column.
(оmmоп Ехпmрlеs Fods + Expert
ýепýе + detпils stotistics орiпiопs

l Learning the оrdеr of letters is а useful skill

2 It takes мо seconds to look up а wоrd with ап electronic
3 Electronic dictionaries аrе mоrе сопчепiепt than рареr
4 Size and weight matter а grеаt deal to people.
5 А student usually accepts the first definition that appears on an
electronic dictionary screen
6 The actual definitions on electronic dictionaries аrе not ассurаtе.
7 Most teachers рrеfеr that their students use рареr dictionaries.
8 In а рареr dictionary we lеаrп оthеr words because we see them
all очеr the page.

1 Discuss these questions in о group.

l which side made the strопgеr аrgumепts? why? Has уоur previous
opinion about who wоп the debate changed?

? Do уоu think papel оr еlесtrопiс dictionaries аrе Ьеttеr? Do you аgгее

with the arguments you hеаrd? What additional arguments for уоuг
opinion can you ргочidе?
lп шу орiиiон, ... lмtюпаriсs are Ъettcr. Йе tпаiп r&БOп Ь thatthBy.,.
Тhiпk obout the ideos from Hord sell / soft sellond Д debote... ond
discuss these questions iп о grоuр. celeыities rечtеwеrs
I Who has the greatest influence when persuading you to Ьuу something? friends slbllngS
Why? porents

? Do you feel you аrе easily persuaded? Why оr why not? Give ап

. t-{
coLLocATloNý WЕн rАкЕ
-q, Мопу words ond рhrоsеs соп Ье poired with foke. Look ot these exomples
а0 toke о Ьоth loke о сhопсе ioke о look
foke о c/oss
.t.l foke о test ioke о seoi foke nofes toke chorge
Ёl 1 Complete the sentences with оп expression from the Ьох obove.
ц) I l hope to оп web design this summеr.
. t-(
2 Willyou,,, at this math рrоЫеm? I can't figure it out.
3 l hope they * ____ _ on mе and give mе the job. Theywon't
rеgrеt it.
4 I get nervous whепечеr I , especially if I hачеп't studied
5 and make yourself comfortable. I'll Ье wiй you in а
6 sorneone needs to *of this project and see it thrоugh to
the end.
7 It's important to when you listen to а lecture.
8 At the end of а long, stressful day I like to

Complete lhе crossword puzzle with words thot {ollow foke.

I Апоthеr way to say take а taxi is take а
4 То get сlеап, you can take а
5 Take а of ап apple to taste it
7 If you want to sleep fоr а short time, you сап take а

2 Ап асtоr might take а after а реrfогmапсе.
3 Аftеr уоu wоrk а long time it's imроrtапt to take а
4 Мапу people in cities take the to get аrоuпd.
6 Апоthеr way to say take а test is take а

.:i. ::i:]!]. ,,1ý-,й*l?

*i!.*=i*'iili*;1r. .ж*;;:.-,а#.'#*

ýРЕДКIЖý Debating ап issue v)
You оrе_gоiпg lo lеоrп how fo rероrt direct sреесh, how сопsопопt-сопsопопt Ф
sounds bre linked, ond how lo refute оп оrgumепt. You оrе thеп going lo use р
fhese skills to debote on issue. л
-lra о
*rаеаэаъъаа" }J


1 Rewrite these sentences lo bockshift thе tenses.

l Не said, 'I аm поt upset.' Не said that he шаsп't upset.
2 She rерогtеd, The sales aren't goodJ
3 They said, 'We can solve the рrоЫеmJ
4 Не claimed, 'I didn't take the mопеу.'
5 I stated, 'She is planning а tripJ
6 They said, Wе haven't heard anlthingJ
7 Не shouted, 'I don't know hеr паmе!'
8 I cried, 'I'm going to Ье sick!'
9 We explained, We told the truthj
l0 She promised, 'I will печеr quitJ
2 Report lhis conversotion using the verbs in the porenlheses.
Jоhп: I'm looking fоr а new shiгt. (say) I hate everythingl (shout)
Дi*н: I will help you find опе. (promise)
J*iэп: I want something in cotton оr silk. (explain)
*icx: The black cotton shirts аrе very nice. (point out)
jоhп; I have аlrеаdу tried them on. (say) They don't have mу size, (claim)
Al*H: I сап ask the salesclerk fоr some оthеr sizes. (mention)
J*hп: I'm going to go somewhere else. (say)

u) --
t_( whеп thе some сопsопопt sound орреоrs ot the епd of опе word ond ot thе
ч) beginning of опоthеr word, it is only рrопочпсеd опсе. Listen.
ь0 Тrу to lеоrп пеw collocotions. Yоч'rе о good dеЬоtеr.
t_l l пееd о сhеорgореr diсtiопоrу. Whоt do the experts soy?
о t_l
х/ h's thе lotesl tесhпоlоgу. Thot's соmmоп knowledge.
е @ l.zs Link the сопsопопt sounds. Тhеп listren to lhе sепlепсеs ond сhесk.
(r) I Is оur debate today about technology?
2 Вrеtt took notes so he did well оп his ехаm.
3 I persuaded David to take а music class.
4 Дех said he bought two new shirts.
5 Didn't Tariq bother reading the book?
proctice the sentences in exercise I.


то refute оп огgчmепt you соп point out it's not truе. Оr you соп point out thot while it true, your orgument is Ьеttеr. ln еithеr cose itЪ not enougb to оrguе ogoinst thе
conclusion. support уоur оrgumепt. Rеmеmьеr/ you соп do thiý;ith соmmоп sense,
exomples ond detqils, focts ond opinions, ond expert opinions.
Stote the orgument уоu'rе going to rеfutе
Yоч soid thоt ... Yоч clqimed thqt .,. Опе реrsоп rероrtеd lhоt .

Sqу the оrgumепt is not trче. ond why

Thot's поt frue becouse... !'m qfrоid thot's поt оссurqtеslпсе ..,
Soy thе orgument moy Ье truе, but yours is Ьеttеr
Тhоl mоУ Ье truе Ьut iп foct ... Тhеrе's sоmе trulh to your оrgumепt. Ноwечеr, ..

Work with о.роrtпеr. Toke furпs stoting еосh оrgчmепt. Soy the оrgчmепf is
поt true, ond why. Оr soy it moy Ье true, but yJurs is better.
l Using social neмorks is а waste of time.
2 The global есопоmу is getting strопgеr.
3 Тhеrе have Ьееп few technological advances recently.
4 The world Ьесаmе safer in the past уеаr.
5 Рареr dictionaries will not Ье used in the futurе.
6 It's not imроrtапt to read оr writе English well.

& .ý
,| Wiiф

ЕЩtr pERsuAsloN
ýрý&жýжý т&ýж
Work in о grоuр to debote whеthеr or поt technology improves lеоrпiпg.


W, .Ф'
; ,;

]@€" ..,
,| ..

Work in 0 group. Reod the slutement Ьеlоw. Think оЬочl bolh sides of the issue опd list 0ll the reosons for eoch side of
the orgument thot уоu соп think of.

1lочч tеthпаlоgу imрrсчеs leorning }**тя t*сhп*Е*gу d***п'Ё iжрr*v* ё**;,а:i*g

а Divide your group into two sides. 0пе side will dеЬпtе hоw technology improves leorning, опd the other side will
debote how technology doesn'l improve lеоrпiпg.
Э Think ubout supporling points fоr уочr side of the оrgumепt. Рrероrе to suрроrl уоur orguments s0 you (0п
persuode the other side lhot уочr orguments ore stronger thon theirs.

З Think uЬоut whiсh orguments ond supporling роiпЬ lhe other grоuр might use. Рrероrе to refute lhe other sidеЪ

Debote the bsue. Moke опd support your orgumenls. Refute the orgumenb of the opposing side.

Join g пеw group. Summorize whot уоu dbcussed. Report the moin ideus people mode.


|:t Using е-Gоmmчпiсаtiоп for study
*\/ Ьу Stella Cottrell
Benefits of online communication
\J Тhеrе аrе many options fоr communicating with
Ft students and tutors online, These options:
{-J r enable communication iп spare moments
u, ] save you having to travel
r сап operate in different time zones
r disguise shyness оr nervousness
r offer you some time to gather уоur thoughts
and compose а response
r аrе relatively informa|, so that you can ехрrеss
yourself in your оwп way.
kinds of опIiпе communication
Emails are опе of the simplest mеапs of
communicating е|есtrопiсаl|у: you сап take уоur
time composing the email and send it when you lf а lot of people are online simultaneously you
аrе ready. You can сору it to as mапу оr as few
may see lots of messages coming in quickly;
people as you want.
at other times it may sееrп mоrе like а s|ow
discussion Ьу email.
lnstant messaging
lnstant messaging а l lows оп l iпе commun ication
between а set of individuals, working iп real Electranic discussions iп graups
time. you can tell who else is опliпе and is thеrе
to receive messages, Real-time messaging gives E-communication can Ье used in rпапу
mоrе of а feeIing of being part of а group than different activities. Check (/) those that
does email, appeal most to you.

chat rooms
[ Соmраriпg ideas оп а set text

А chat room enables а grоuр of people to 'meet'

I Sharing views on а 'hot topic'
in ап area within а website оr virtual learning I Sharing comments оп а recent journal
environment and to discuss topics they have iп article
common, Fоr example, you could set up а chat
rооm for students in your subject, уеа1 co|lege
П Working out hou; to solve а рrоЬlеm
оr club; оr for mature students оr work-based I Discussing whether а thеоrу can Ье
students, оr for students studying а particular applied appropriately iп раrtiсulаr
project, Chat rooms mау feel slow оr fast-paced, circumstances
depending how quickly messages аrriче while I Discussing how to tackle assignments
you аrе online,
[ Соmраriпg results after соmр|еtiпg an
Опliпе сопfеrепсiпg ехреrimепt
E-conferencing а9аiп uses а discrete area of а I Group projects
website and епаЬlеs а group to develop an idea
оr trаiп of thought очеr several days or weeks.
f] 5haring experiences
E-conferencing сап Ье useful iп canvassing views I Revising together for exams
оп а new development оr proposal, You can
come and go, reading the chain of messages
I other:
contributed so far and adding your оwп. Yоu can
see who has posted which message and when.

The phrases below give соmmоп ways of expressing useful functions. Use
them to help you aS уоu'rе completing the Disсиssjоп poiпts апd Deueloping
critic al thiпhiп g activities.

Asking for clorificolion Asking for mоrе informotion

Sопу, сап уоu ехРlаiп that some mоrе? lп шhаt шау?
Could уоu say that апоthеr tuay? \\Пtу do you thiп|l that?
Whеп уоu say ... do уоu mеап ,,.? Сап уоu giue ап example?
Sorry, l dоп't folloul that,
What do уоu mеап? Not giving о slrопg preference
It dоеsп't matteT to mе.
Asking fоr repetition l dоп't really haue а strоп7 рrеfеrепсе.
Could уоu rфеаt that, рlеже? l'lle пеuеr really thought аЬоut that.
I'm sorry, l didn't catch that. Either is fiпе.
Could уоu say that аgаiп?
Expressing interesl
Whеп you don't know the word fоr l'dli|ze to hеаr mоrе about that.
something That sounds iпteresting.
What does ... mеап? Holu iпterestiпg!
Sопу, l'm поt Surе шhаt ... mеапs. Tell mе mоrе about that.

Working with о рqrtпеr Giving rеоsопs

Would уоu like to staп? Thb Ь ... because ...
Shall I go first? This has to Ье ... because ...
Shall ule do this опе first? l think ... Ьесаusе ...
Where do уоu tllaпt to Ьеgiп?
Checking understonding
Giving opinions Do уоu hпоul ulhat I mеап?
l thiпh that ... Do you see ulhat l'm sауiпg?
It seems to mе that ... Are уоu fоllошiпg mе?
Iп mу орiпiоп ...
Ь I see it ... Putting rhings iп оrdеr
This пееds to соmе rtrst because .. .

Agreeing ond disogreeing l thiпh thb is the mostfleast imроrtапt because ...
l |zпotll u)hat уоu mеап. Fоr mе, this is the mostfleast rеlеuапt because ...
That's truе.
Yоu haue а point there. Preventing interru ptions
Yes. I see шhаt уоu'rе saying, Ьut ... Excuse mе, l rчжп't fiпished.
I uпdеrstапd уоur point, but ,.. If I could just finish шhаt l шаs sауiпg...
I dоп't thiпk that's truе. Let mе jжt fiпish this, please.
I hаuеп't fiпished mу thоuфtfsепtепсе,
Asking for opinions
Doyouthink... Buying time
уоu feel ...
Do Let mе thiпh about that for а mоmепt.
What do уоu thinh about ...? 1et mе уаthеr mу thoughb.
Hotu about уоu, |еппifеr? What do уоu thiпk? Just а miпutе. l пееd to thiпh about that.
Ihhat about уоu!
Does апуопе haue апу other ideas? Clorifying
Do you haue апу thoughts оп this? That's поt exactly ulhat I mеапt.
Sorry, I шаsп't clear. Let mе put it апоthеr шау.
That isп'L tuhаt l ttlas tryiпg to say.

ll мдсм|LLАN AcADEMlc ýKlLts

Listen i ng&Spea ki Пg student,s Book

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а comprehensive digital component including а critical thinking skills, such as evaluating and
page-faithful Digibook and Sk//ful practice area synthesizing information, supported Ьу the
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two opportunities iп each unit to engage critically of English Corpus Linguistics at the University of
with issues within texts and to consider concepts Louvain;
beyond the superficial mеапiпg; а flexible approach, providing а distinct product or
systematic development of practical study skills ап integrated package with the SkillfulReading &
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Cottrell, author of The Study Skills Handbook;

Skillful Digibook Additional recommended miпimчm

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