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101 All 9523 Jharkhand University of Technology, Ranchi Ast Semester Diploma Examination, 2022 Subject : Communication Skill-I | ‘Time Allowed : 3 Hours porysechnic Wate: Full Marks : 80 Visit © E) Subject Code : 101 Pass Marks : 26 ‘Answer in your own words. Answer all questions. Read instruction carefully. AC” Answer any four from the following: 2x4=8 (What is important to become a good public speaker? (ii) How did Shaw come out of his nervousness? (ii) According to Dr. Kalam what is essential for happiness, peace and prosperity? (iv) State the qualities of a magnetic leader, 4) Why was Gandhijee against modem machinery? (vi) How was the Singer Sewing Machine invented? (vii) Who inspired Kalpana Chawla? (viii) What is the technical definition of fossil fuel? What is its importance? fix) Which areas did Kiran Bedi prefer to work? (x) How does A. G. Gardiner elaborate the beauty of sunrise and sunset? 2. Write a short paragraph on any one in about 200 words: 1x8=8 (Fit India Movement (ii) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Gi) A buming candle can light another (iv) If you look to do something it is always possible 22784 Please Turn Over 101 Ixd=4 Classify the following any four words as noun, adverb, adjective and verb: alvation, snatch, fantasize, rescue, atmospheric, smog, emolument, decipher, dazzle, obvious! amateur, triumphantly 4. Write short notes on any four of the following: 2x4=8 (i) Body language (ii) Soft skill Gi) Verbal/Oral etiquettes ‘ (iv) Problems of telephonic conversation (v) Telephonic etiquettes 5. Doas directed: 1x8=8 (He said, “I came late today.” (Change into indirect speech) fii) Your friends are good. (Add question tag) iii)’ hurrah i won the match. (Punctuate) Giv): Bring all the files. (Change into passive voice) (v) You are sometime unwise. (Make negative sentence) (vi) America is the richest country in the world. (Change the degree) (vii) the man is too lazy to be perfect. (Remove ‘too’) (viii) He will come — you call him. (Use suitable conjunction) 6. (A) Fill in the blanks with suitable articles: “Idd () Copper is_4”-_-useful metal. (ii) Yesterday ___ European came to my office. (ii) Honest men speak _“Ahe _ truth. (iv) He is__.® _ MBA student but his sister is, doctor. 1x6=6 (B) Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives given in the brackets: (@) Every cloud has a lining. (white/silver) / (ii) Here is & 100; pay the fare and keep the reason to give? (good/ simple) money. (more/rest) (iii) Have you any (iv) Itisa lie. (black/white) errors are not easily corrected, (Many/Some) magic. (red/black) Gye (vi) That old lady knows some __ (3) 101 7. (A) Give the antonyms of the following: (Any four) Ixd=4 (@ boon (i) honour iii) arrival (iv) punishment (¥) transparent (B) Give the synonyms of the following: (Any four) Ix4=4 (i reply Gi) path ii) lazy (iv) knowledge (¥) postpone () Fill in the blanks with appropriate homophones given in the brackets: (Any four) Ixd=4 Gi) Most of the earth's surface is covered by the . (see/gea) di) I went to the bank to clear the - (check/cheque) ii) a minute. (WeightWait) yy) I that he was a cheat. (new/knew) (¥) He saw me through__. (hgle/whole) 8. Answer the following questions: (Any two) 8x2=16 (a) What is group discussion? Explain the process of group discussion. (b) What is leadership skill? Explain the different ways by which leadership skill can be developed. <(e)’ What do you mean by speaking skill? Explain instant public speaking, 9. Answer any one from the following questions in 100 words: 6x1=6 (a) Narrate “Vision for 2020” in your own words. (b) Explain the impact of fossil fuels on the environment. 9558 102 All Jharkhand University of Technology, Ranchi 1st Semester Diploma Examination, 2022 Subject : Engg. Mathematics-1 . Subject Code : 102 Time Allowed : 3 Hours peobrechmc Wore Full Marks : 80 it © CI Pass Marks : 26 ‘Answer in your own words. Answer five questions in which Question No. | is compulsory and answer any four from rest questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Choose the correct answer from given choices: (i) The value of "C, + "C,41 is equal to @ "Ec, ©) Cre Ac) "Cra (d) None of these (ii) The value of logyyz 144 is +(@) 3 ) 5 ©4 (@) None of these (iii) The points (2, 3), (5, &) and (6, 7) are collinear. Then the value of k will be @ 5 (b) 7 Mo) 6 (@) None of these (iv) A= EF | and B= [7 4, then the transpose of (AB) is 1@ isl 6 a olf al €{4) None of these (v) For the circle x? + y? — 6x — 2y — 6 = 0, the radius and centre is (@) 3:(,0) (b) 5;G,4) Ue) 43,1) (@) None of these * (vi) The value of sin“? x + cos™* x is equal to @ = a) = oF (@) None of these 22785 f Please Turn Over Polytechnic Walle emcee sc OO 102 (2) 47 3 (vit) 1A =|6 8 9), then the value of A is ig 14 6! @1 (b) 2 “©@0 @ -1 (viii) If@ = 3 — 4f + 5K, then modulus of [a] will be (a) 4V5 o(b) Sv2 (©) 3v2 (d) None of these son: —2¢*3 2. (a) Resolve into partial fraction: = () 1728S = 182 = HEE, then prove that aP**. be*#.c#*? 1 a a 1b BP 1 cc? 3. (@) Prove that (a-b)b-)(e-a). 35.7(n—4 . 2B57-GN) gny2, where nis a (b) Show that the middle term in the expansion of (1 + x)?" is “57 positive integer. tls tantia® 4. (a) Prove that 2tan“*3 + tan™*> = 7. sin? Avcos? A , sin? Ancos?A _ sinatcosA sinA=cOsA (b) Prove that 5. (a) For the two vectors @=1+3j—7k and B=St—2j+4K, find the dot product (@+5)-@-B). (b) A particle acted on by constant forces 41 + - 3 and 31+ J — Kis displaced from the point +27 + 3K to the point Si+ 4f + k. Find the total work done by the forces. 6. (a) Find the equation of a straight line which makes intercepts of a and b with x-axis and y-axis respectively. (b) Find the distance between the parallel lines 8x + 15y — 36 = 0 and 8x + 15y +32 = 0. 305 7 7. (a) Find the inverse of the matrix A=|2 -3 1]. 1 1 2 afi -2 3 eae , @ a=[2, FP g]ande=[4 5], then find AB and BA if possible and show that 21 AB # BA. 10. (3) 102 (a) If the sides of A ABC are 3, 4 and 5 unit respectively, then find the smallest angle of the triangle, (b) Find the equation of the circle whose centre is (1, 2) and which passes through the point of intersection of 3x + y = 14 and 2x + Sy = 18. (a) Find the 6th term of (a + 2b)®. () Prove c0s20° cos40° cos60" cos80° = =. (a) If the co-ordinates of end point of a diameter of a circle be (x,y) and (x2,¥2), find the equation of the circle, (b) @ has magnitude 3V2 and b has magnitude 5 and the angle between @ and b is 135°. Find the value of @- B. Polytechnic Walle tener OO 103 All 8722 Jharkhand University of Technology, Ranchi Ist Semester Diploma Examination, 2022 Subject : Engineering Physics-I PaRtechnie Wrens ene Code : 103 Time Allowed : 3 Hours stop aye Pe heated Full Marks : 80 Visit worm potytecrnicwatlecom © Pass Marks : 26 ‘Answers in your own words. Answer all questions. Marks are given on the right margin. 1, Choose the correct answer: 2x8=16 @) Unit of acceleration is fa) m/s (b) mis? (©) mus* (@) None of these Gi) Which is a vector quantity? (@) Force (b) Work (© Speed fa) Distance (ii) What type of wave carry sound in air? (a) Transverse wave (b) Longitudinal waves (©) Both of these (@) None of these (iv) How many significant digits are in 0-040587 a 4 (b) 5 6 @3 (v) Viscosity is a property of (@) liquid only (b) solid only (©) solid and liquid only (@ liquid and gases only (vi) The energy possessed by a body by the virtue of its motion is called @) Kinetic energy (b) Potential energy (©) Total energy (@) Motion energy 22786 Please Turn Over Polytechnic Walle 103 (2) ‘The unit of current is fa) Ampere (b) Weber () Tesla (@) Coulomb The spherical shape of rain drop is due to (a) Density of water (b) Atmospheric pressure (©) Gravity ‘{@) Surface tension 2. (a) State and explain Newton's law of gravitation. (b) Define surface tension and write its S.1. unit. Write the relation between surface tension, capillary rise and radius of capillary. 6+4=10 3. (a) Define molecular range. (b) Define angular displacement, angular velocity and angular acceleration. Establish the relation between linear velocity and angular velocity. 248=10 4. (a) State and explain Newton's laws of motion. (b) Derive the equations of potential energy and kinetic energy. 6+4=10 5. (a) State Hook's law. Define Young's modulus, Bulk modulus and modulus of Rigidity. (b) Define viscosity. 842=10 6. (a) Define the linear, aerial and cubical expansion and give the relation between them. (b) Define inertia. 842=10 7. Answer the following: (a) Define Echo and Reverberation. (b) Define Node and Antinode. (©) Write Sabine's formula, 44442=10 8. Find the viscous force acting on a rain drop of radius 0'5 mm falling with a terminal velocity of 2 ms" in air, Given, viscosity of air (n) = 18 x 10°° kgmr's 4 104 All 64 62 Jharkhand University-of Technology, Ranchi. Ast Semester Diploma Examination, 2022 Subject : Engineering Chemistry Subject Code : 104 Time Allowed : 3 Hours Polytechnic Walle Full Marks : 80 it wi pobrcenniewaocom © EG) Pass Marks : 26 ‘Answer in your own words. ‘Answer five questions in which Question No. 1 is compulsory and Answer any four from rest questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. (a) During a chemical reaction, atomic number 2x8=16 “7 changes (ii) remains same ii) changes and then is restored (iv) changes alternately (b) The electronic configuration of an atom having atomic number 20 is 2, 8,82 (i) 2,8,10 Gi) 2,6,8,4 (iv) 2,4,8,6 (c) Which of the following does not conduct electricity? iy Fused NaCl Gi) Solid NaCl Gi) Brine solution (iv) Copper (@ The principal ore of Iron is @ Haematite (i) Iron pyrites (ii) Copper pyrites ste (iv)_Spathic iron a (©) The main constituent of duralumin is () Magnesium Gi) Copper (iii) Manganese Gy Aluminium (®) Which of the following is thermosetting plastic? (wpve (i) Polystyrene Gi) Bakelite (iv) Teflon 22787 Please Turn Over Polytechnic Walle ‘nonecrereen OOS 104 (2) (g)_ The presence of CFCS in the atmosphere is responsible for the (i) formation of ozone (ii) production of healthy plants, iii) depletion of ozone layer (iv) None of these (h)_ The major air pollutant is .() CO (ii) Oxides of Nitrogen (ii Soot (iv) Oxides of Sulphur 2. (a) What do you mean by Hund’s rule and Aufbau’s principle? Explain with example. PPT) What is plastic? Differentiate between thermosoftening and thermosetting plastic: 8F8=10-——— 3. (a) What is Arrhenius theory of ionisation? Write its postulates. (b) Explain Faraday’ first and second law. 848216 4. (a) Explain different processes involved in the extraction of metal from ore. (6) What is alloy? What are the purposes of making alloy? 848516 5. (a) What do you mean by pollution and pollutant? Explain ozone depletion with cause and control methods. (b) Explain B.O.D. and C.O.D. with their significance. 848=16 6. (a) Whatis valency? Explain types of valency with example. (b) Write the differences between Natural rubber and Synthetic rubber. Why vulcanisation of natural rubber is required? 848=16 7. Write short notes on any two: 8x2=16 (i) Greenhouse effect Gi) E-waste “(ily Thermal insulating material ———— i (iv) Electrorefining of metals 106 1250 at Jharkhand University of Technology, Ranchi Ist Semester Diploma Examination, 2022 Subject : Fundamental of Computer . Subject Code : 106 Polytechnic Walle yy yarks :40 Time Allowed : 3 Hours top Salton for Plyschnie Sten vatwmesereemenincm OQ Pass Marks : 13 ‘Answer in your own words. Answer five questions in which question no. 1 is compulsory and answer any four questions from the rest. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Multiple choice questions: (i) The heart of any computer is (a) CPU (b) Memory (© WO unit (@) Disk (ii) The main memory of a computer is (a) ERAM (b) ROM (©) RAM (@) Allof these Gili) A piece of icon or image on a webpage associated with another webpages is called (@) URL (b) hyperlink (©) plugin @ None of these (iv) With which of the following all formulas in excel starts? @/ (b) * os @= (v) For moving the mouse there are scroll bars. (@) three () four © two (@ None of these (vi) Every webpage has a unique address, called (@) HTTP (&) URL (© www (@ None of these (vii) Which can be used for quick access to commonly used Commands and Tools? (@) Status Bar (b) Tool Bar (©) Menu Bar (@) Title Bar 22788 Please Turn Over 106 Q) (viii) We can detect spelling and grammar errors by press (@) Shift +F7 (b) Ctrl F7 (© Alte F7 @ F7 2, (a) Why do we use Backspace and Delete key? (b) What are primary tags? (©) What are components of computer? (@) What is cell reference? 3. (a) What is difference between primary memory and secondary memory? (b) Write the features of spreadsheet. (©) Explain fourth generation computer system with its advantages and disadvantages. 4. Draw and explain the architecture of computer system. 5. (a) What is container tag? How does it differ from empty tag? (b) Explain the term— ( Cyber security Gi) Computer virus 6. Write short notes: (@) Mobile computing (b) Artificial Intelligence (©) Social Networking @ Cloud computing Polytechnic Walle tener OO 105 5777 Mech./Auto/MEA/ ‘SIT/CEA/CE/ECE/Met. Jharkhand University of Technology, Ranchi Ast Semester Diploma Examination, 2022 Subject : Engg. Graphics-1 Qe Walle —_‘Stbiect Code : 105 ‘Time Allowed : 4 Hours Stop Solution for Polytechnie Students Full Marks : 40 at wv pobrccrnicwatocom © EG) Pass Mark: ‘Answer in your own words. Answer any five questions in which Question No. 1 is compulsory and answer any four from rest question. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Multiple choice questions: 1x8=8 () Which of the following represents reducing scale? @ 1:1 wb) 1:2 (©) 2:1 (@) 10:1 (ii) Representative fraction (RF) is defined as (a) length of an object in the drawing / actual length of the object (b) actual length of the object / length of an object in the drawing (c) length of an object in the drawing / isometric length of object (Gii) The principal views associated with orthographic projection are (a) Front view (b) Right side view (© Top view (4) Allof these (iv) When a line is parallel to a plane, the projection of the line on to that plane will be its length. (a) shortened {b) true (©) enlarged (@) point (v) A straight line is the distance between two points. (a) shortest (b) longest © half (@) infinite (vi) A plane surface has dimension(s). (@) one s(b) two (© three (@) no dimension 22790 Please Turn Over Polytechnic Walle wneenennecniernsn OO 105 Q) (vii). A regular hexagonal lamina has (a) equal sides (b) equal angles (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these (viii) A solid has (@) zero dimension z (b) one dimension (©) two dimensions @) three dimensions 2. (a) Write in single stroke capital letters in the ratio 6 : S with height of 25mm, the following statement, 6 ‘Honesty is the best policy.” (b) Compare first angle and third angle projections. 2 Or, A hexagonal prism, edge of base 25mm and height SSmm rest on one at its base edges in HP such that its axis is parallel to V.P. Draw the projection of solid when its base makes an angle of 45° with HP. 8 3. Construct a diagonal scale of 1 : 50 to show metre, decimetre and centimetre and long enough to measure upto 6 metres. Also indicate on this scale a distance of 4m Sdm and 4:S4m, 8 4, ‘The major axis of an ellipse is 130mm and the minor axis 80mm long. Draw the ellipse by ‘arc of circle method’. 8 5. (a) A point B is 30mm in front of V.P, and 20mm above H.P. Draw the projections of the point. 2 (b) A line AB, 65mm long, has its end A 20mm above the H.P. and 25mm in front of the V.P. ‘The end B is 40mm above the H.P. and 65mm in front of the V.P. Draw the projections of AB and show its inclinations with the H.P. and the V.P. 6 6. A right circular cone of 60mm base diameter and axis 80mm long resting on its base on the H.P. Itis cut by the section plane incline at 45 degree to H.P. and perpendicular to V.P., bisecting the axis of cone, Draw (i) Front view, ii) Sectional top view, ii) True shape of section, (iv) Development of lateral surfaces. 8 7. Draw the projections of a cube 25mm when it is resting on one of its corners of base in such a way that the base makes an angle of 45° with H.P. and the vertical edges of the cube equally inclined to the V.P. a

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