Test - Ch.18 ChemicalChanges - 2022

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Science Sec 1 Accelerated Test: Ch.

18 Chemical Changes

Name : ________________ Class : __________ Date:______ Marks: ____/30

Section A. Multiple Choice Questions [10 Marks]

Write the letter of the correct answers in the boxes provided.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 When zinc carbonate decomposes on heating, it produces …………………….

A zinc and carbon dioxide B zinc, carbon and oxygen

C carbon dioxide only D zinc oxide and carbon dioxide

2 Which of the following will produce potassium nitrate and water only when it is reacted with
nitric acid?

A potassium B potassium carbonate

C potassium hydroxide D potassium chloride

3 The following are some examples of chemical reactions:

I silver bromide → silver + bromine
II sea water → water vapour + salt
III magnesium + oxygen → magnesium oxide
IV zinc carbonate → zinc oxide + carbon dioxide

Which reaction(s) is/are thermal decomposition?

A I, II and IV B IV only
C I and IV only D All of the above

4 Which of the following will not turn blue litmus paper red?

A vinegar B lime juice

C detergent solution D soft drinks

5 What test will confirm the presence of the gas produced in the reaction of vinegar and baking

A A lighted splint extinguishes with a ‘pop sound’.

B Limewater becomes cloudy after the gas passed through it.
C The gas relights the glowing splinter.
D The gas turns moist red litmus paper blue.

6 The table shows the pH of various solutions.

solution O P Q R S
pH 1 5 7 9 10

Which two of these solutions when mixed together will not produce a neutral solution?

A S and O B Q and R C P and S D R and P

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Zinc powder is added into a test tube containing sulfuric acid.

7 The substances produced in the reaction are……………….., and …………….. gas.

A zinc sulfate ; hydrogen B zinc chloride ; hydrogen

C zinc hydroxide ; oxygen D zinc sulfate ; carbon dioxide

8 Which of the following is not a property of alkalis?

A It feels slippery on the skin.

B It reacts with salts to form acids.
C It tastes bitter.
D It turn red litmus paper blue

9 A scientist is preparing an optimum medium for fungi. After adding a certain amount of
nutrients, she checks the pH value of the medium and the pH is 6.5, but the pH of the medium
should be 7. Which of the following should be added to the medium to get 7 for pH value?

A dilute sodium chloride B dilute potassium hydroxide

C dilute vinegar D dilute sulfuric acid

10 Which of the following is not a physical change?

A freezing water to make ice cubes

B burning petrol in a car
C obtaining salt from seawater
D tearing a piece of aluminum foil

SECTION B. Structured Questions [20 Marks]

Write the answer in the spaces provided.

1 A group of students were having a discussion about acids, alkalis and indicators. Below are
some of their ideas.

Give the names of two students who give the wrong statement and correct their statements. [2]

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Name of student Corrected statement

2 Complete the following table for the type of changes and the name of process. [4]

Description Type of changes Name of process


Sugar turns to black solid when heated.

Formation of dew drops on the grass in

the morning.

Steel spoon is coated with silver.

Iron turns to brown flaky solid.

3 Chemical changes affect our lives all the time. These effects can be beneficial or harmful to us.

(a) Explain one benefit and one disadvantage of decomposition reaction. [2]



(b) Explain two harmful effects of air pollutants produced by combustion of fossil fuels in
cars and factories. [2]



4 The reaction shown in the diagram below produces a lot of bubbles.

gas bubbles

nitric acid


(a) What gas is produced in the reaction above? [1]


(b) Suggest the test used to test the gas produced and state the result. [1]

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(c) Write the word equation to represent the reaction. [1]


5 Explain the following facts based on the reaction between an acid and an alkali. [3]

(a) We brush our teeth with toothpaste every morning to prevent tooth decay.



(b) We take antacids to relieve gastric pain in our stomach.



(c) We apply calamine lotion if we were stung by a bee.



6 The following figure shows four types of indicators, code letters P, Q, R and S, with their
corresponding colour changes.

(a) What is meant by an indicator? [1]


(b) Lemon juice has pH 5. Each of the indicators was added to the lemon juice separately,
What was the colour of each indicator in lemon juice? [2]

P …………………………………… Q …………………………………….

R ………………………………….. S ……………………………………..

(c) What is the relationship between the pH value and the strength of an acid? [1]

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