Brightgems 2021octdec

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ems for His crown OCTOBER-DECEMBER ISSUE 2021


Slow to Speak Going the Second Mile

To minimize social
interactions during the
Knitted soul by Mrs Ng Mei Yin
Jonathan was the
Covid-19 pandemic,
we are having to spend eldest son of King Saul.
more time at home – 1Samuel 18:1-4 tells
whether it is for work how, the moment he
or for home-based met David, he loved
learning. If we are not him “as his own soul.” He even
careful, it is gave him his own garments
easy to get and weapons. When King Saul grew jealous
on each others’ of David’s popularity with the people and
nerves. To prevent sought to kill him, Jonathan risked his own
outbursts of anger, life and tried to talk to his father about
we must David. When he failed, he warned David to
learn to be
flee for his life. As the rightful heir to the
throne, he could have been jealous of
swift to hear
and slow to speak, David, made things hard for him and sought
slow to wrath. to kill him. Instead, he stepped aside, and
James 1:19b. protected and encouraged David. He did

Listen to what is all he could for David.

causing the Do we know how to be like Jonathan and
unhappiness rather love others in our lives? We are sinners so it
than jumping to can be difficult for us to love others. But
conclusions, and then, now, thanks to God, because of His love,
resolve it in the spirit we can now live transformed lives. By His
of love. grace we can love others and reach out
Ms Wendy Wong to help them.
Don’t be so confident you will win the contest -
afterall, pride comes before a fall you know.’

Pride Pride can be either positive or negative. If you do

comes well in your examinations, you and your parents

before should be proud of what you have accomplished.

The bad kind of pride results from an inflated ego
a fall (thinking too highly of oneself) and boastfulness.
Satan fell because he thought he was equal to God.
His pride led him to attempt to overthrow God
and steal His glory. In the same way, Adolf
Hitler fell because he trusted in his own
‘wisdom’ and effort. The Bible records
many instances where great rulers and
kings fell because of their pride. One
example is King Nebuchadnezzar. He
was initially blessed with power and
riches, and was highly respected in Babylon.
However, he took God’s gift of success and wealth
for granted. He allowed pride to rule his life and
failed to acknowledge God as the provider of these
blessings. As a result, he became like a wild beast
feeding on grass.
Let us stay humble and
accountable in our
Proverbs 16:18
walk with the Lord.
‘Pride goeth before
destruction, and an
haughty spirit
before a fall.’ by Mr Tan Yang En
Part 3 the tumour would
The operation to grow again. She was
drain the fluid from heavy-hearted, but
the brain, insert a God encouraged
shunt to drain the her through
fluid and remove the Isaiah 41:15-16,
tumour was carried
out. After the surgery “thou shalt
was completed, the thresh the mountains,
surgeon told Mrs and beat them small,
Liao that the tumour and shalt make
was not completely the hills as chaff.”
removed because it
was very near the This verse gave her
brain stem and if he the insight that
were to accidentally sometimes, solutions
cut the stem it might come in stages, and that
cause irreparable even if her “mountain”
damage to his eyesight. She had been reduced to a “hill”
was sorely disappointed that it metaphorically, God could
was not completely removed nonetheless help to reduce it to
and was fearful that chaff and completely remove it.

Current Issues
VSS_class 1A
Andy, Betty, carol, Dianne...... KAYPOH PARENTS
Published 15 Jan 2010 Dianne
Hello everyone
Published 30 Jun 2010
The first week in my new Got called out by my parents

Hi, we have so much fun meeting

Secondary School was great! I today for using ‘OMG’ in my

Yes LOL....

got to know a bunch of new texts. My mum saw my

Welcome to our group chat

friends in my class through WhatsApp

chat group
Hello everyone

Orientation Week. They are all messages because my phone

Hi, .....

really cool and popular! We added screen wasn’t locked while I

one another as friends on Facebook and went to the toilet. Ugh! So
followed one another on Twitter. My much for privacy. I mean,
friends also taught me these cool they didn’t scold me.
acronyms like OMG (Oh my My parents just told me
God!), LOL (Laugh out Loud), that I shouldn’t use
CYA (See You!), POS (Parents CYA! OMG because it uses
over Shoulder) and said I .....POS God’s name in vain.
should use them in posts or But I’m just annoyed
texts to sound cool! They’re that I have to be
so nice, I’m glad I met these restricted like that. Shouldn’t
nice friends in school. I have more freedom? I’m
already a teenager after all!
Published 31 Dec 2013
Scrolled through my old Facebook posts yesterday and saw the number of
‘OMG’s and even vulgarities I used in my posts last time. It was
cringe-worthy. Made me wonder why I used to use such words in my speech
and words! I was even rebellious towards my parents’ concerns over such
language I used. I believe my parents had prayed for me to repent from my
worldly ways. I came to realise how I had wasted much time on these
bad habits. We should take heed to God’s word in Colossians 4:6

“Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt,

that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.”

I’m glad I have grown out of that phase of using words with the
intention of making me sound cool, and now I know I should use my
words to glorify God instead!
Statements of Faith

Death is not the end -
Everyone will still be around after they die
- forever (eternity). Where we spend
eternity is extremely different.

The saved will be with the Lord

in everlasting bliss and happiness.
The unsaved will be in hell and everlasting suffering.

by Mrs Shelly Lim

Faith of our Fathers
to Christ,
If I am asked Spurgeon
Spurgeon what is my creed, I reply,
“It is Jesus Christ”.’
often called the tireless
‘Prince of in preaching. His vigour and
Preachers’, was oratorical skills earned him a
an influential reputation and, at twenty, he
preacher in London in was asked to pastor New Park
the 1800s. As a Street Church. There, he
teenager, he was lost in preached up to thirteen times
despair and dreamed of each week, sometimes
hell. Then during a addressing crowds of 23000
snowstorm, when he without needing
took shelter in a chapel, the amplification. The church soon
preacher specifically had to expand to accommodate
addressed him as he preached the growing congregation.
Isaiah 45:22. All the while, Spurgeon battled
Bright’s disease, gout,
Look unto me, and be ye rheumatism, neuritis, and
saved, all the ends of the depression. However, he had an
earth: for I am God, and unwavering belief and faith in
there is none else.
God’s sovereignty. He stated:
At that moment, Spurgeon saw ‘If I am asked what is my creed,
that Jesus Christ was the only I reply, “It is Jesus Christ”.’
one who could save him from Spurgeon showed that hope in
his despair and hell, and was God and our Lord and Saviour,
saved, aged fifteen. Jesus Christ will outlast all
Feeling an urgency to lead souls adversities.
by Shermyn Leong
Seeing God in nature around us

are one of the most commonly
sighted insects in Singapore.
They can be easily identified by
their large compound eyes,
outstretched wings, and
elongated colourful bodies.
Dragonflies play a crucial role
in the ecosystem. These agile
predators have great
manoeuvrability and can catch
prey, such as mosquitoes and
midges while flying. Certain
dragonfly species even mate
while flying. and construct a machine as
Today, aeronautical engineers sophisticated and complex as
use supercomputers and wind the animal designs created
tunnels to study the perfect by God.
aerodynamic design and flying Truly, we know God is real
mechanisms of birds and because we can see His
dragonflies. However, the handiwork.
scientists have yet to engineer by Mr Clement Ng

..the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are
clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,
even His eternal power and Godhead...
Romans 1:20

My father was King Solomon. opinions from my younger
After the death of my father, I friends and peers, who told me
was anointed king. I had to to raise taxes. I decided to trust
make a decision regarding a my friends and go with
request by the northern tribes their advice.
to reduce taxes. Initially, I Did I do the right thing? To find
sought counsel from my out, read 1 Kings 12.
father’s trusted elders, Remember the days of old, consider
the years of many generations:
who advised WISE
My Friends’ ask thy father, and he will FOOLISH
that lower shew thee; thy elders and
Dad’s taxes would be fair they will tell thee.
Elders and beneficial. Deuteronomy 32: 7

However, I also asked

Knitted Soul 1Samuel 18:1-4

Find the answers hidden in the puzzle.
1. Jonathan loved David as his
own ________. S Q W E R I S K E D
2. King Saul, Jonathan’s father,
grew ________ of David’s O R T Y U I O P L K
3. Jonathan was the rightful
________ to the throne. L J K L E O P E S O
4. Yet, Jonathan _______ his own
life to protect David L K M N B I V C X V
5. Thanks to God’s love for us, we
can likewise _______ others, P A S W E R R F D E
just as Jonathan
loved David. U J E A L O U S W Q


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