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Women empowerment organization is a registered Nongovernmental organization which works hand in

hand with the government at times by empowering women in different communities .It does so by
making sure that every woman is given an opportunity to participate in different is also
our duty to minimize common problems faced by them in their life, for example giving them loans to
start both small scale businesses and large scale depending on how they respond in our terms.

After conducting our research in 2019 we found out that 85% of women are not empowered in
communities which makes them to be vulnerable and not be able to participate in different community
activities. Population housing census of 2018 showed that 90% of women become poor and vulnerable
because they are not empowered in any way possible. The main problem of this issue is that there are a
few organizations that focuses on women empowerment and as a result it is hard for more women to
achieve their goals especially those in rural is so because in the past women were not allowed to
participate school which encouraged those people around them to make them feel vulnerable and as
result more women were unable to participate in school hence ending up being poor.

Having this issue in our country we found it wise to provide loans to women to start businesses to help
themselves daily and also that we can be able to empower women to participate in different community
activities which by the end of the day more women will have confidence and be able to stand up for

CEDAW organization conducted their project in 2015 to provide loans to women but it was not
sustainable because they were given in adequate money and no guidance on how they can benefits
from those loans and as a result it end up that the loans provide did just help them over a short period
of time and they were back to their old miserable life making it hard for them to sustain their lives


FUNDING AGENCY 30,000,000.00 75%
IMPLEMENTING AGENCY 15,000,000.00 20%
BENEFICARIES 5,000,000.00 5%
TOTAL GRAND 55,000,000.00 100%

Women empowerment is a registered organization by the Malawian government in 2009 with a
certificate number md4565bn12, Malawi Revenue Authority TIPN number M345623MY.We are basically
located in Zomba township, we have 20 best and hardworking employees and 17 temporary. Our
highest qualification of education is Master’s degree and our lowest is Malawi school certificate of
education .And above that our employees are of 4 years and above of project experience

To make sure that women are able to support themselves in such a way that they don’t feel more

To support women with loans so that they can be able to empower one another

Many women across Malawi do not have access to go to school at their young age which makes
them more vulnerable when they are growing up .They are not provided with loans to start to
start businesses when they at least grow .This makes more open to danger since they are
illiterate and they are unable to stand up for themselves as well .With this situation it is hard for
more women to participate in community activities because they usually feel vulnerable and no
useful to the community .It is also impossible for them to go to school at their old age because
they do have responsibilities to take care of for example some of them tend to get married and
do have children to take care of which makes it hard for them to do so because their
responsibility may not respond to that .Other women do go to the farm all day and it is also hard
for them to do so, if they tend to there they are laughed and bullied as well which makes them
to drop out of school without even knowing how to read and write which by the end of the day
they are unable to fight and read for their rights hence they are kept in the dark .

If we provide loans to women and also empower them that means they will be able to start
business which will help them to provide for their families and themselves as well.

Women in across the country who did not go to school are unable to support themselves and
for their communities as well .This is so because they are not included in useful community
activities because they are considered illiterate and non-helpful .With this situation more
women do end up being prostitutes and they get disease such as sexually transmitted infections
because they do not know how to protect themselves to those kind of diseases .With no
businesses to do or some of work to do they end up being dependent which is not health for
them as well as those people they are depending on .So if we provide them adequate loans and
that means they will be able to support their families by sending their girl children to school
since we will empower them which by the end of some years those girls will be able to fight and
stand up for themselves.

We are planning that if we give them loans to start businesses and empower them then we will
be able to minimize this problem for along the way .If we provide loans to them for the first five
years that means they will be able to support themselves and they be able to educate their
children so that in the future when they grow up they be able to support themselves.

It is our goal that by 2058 we should be able to eradicate this problem and making sure that
every woman especially in a rural area is being able to have a little something to do which by the
end of the day she is being able to source money from that business and be able to school her
girl children so that in the future they can be able to support themselves and later on adequate
inclusion of social activities in their communities
That they are important humans to the society.


Awareness campaign 4 months Project manager
Empowerment programs 5 months Project manager
Providing loans Continuous till 2078 Project manager

Our target will be girls and women since they are not mostly empowered than men.

Awareness campaign 4 months 5,000,000.00
Empowerment 5 months 10,000,000.00
Providing loans Continuous till 2078 40,000,000.00
TOTAL 55,000,000.00


People in across the country may at first not participate in this project for about various reasons e.g. due
to their believes that it is not necessary for a girl child to be empowered which may be difficult to

Some may not use the money to sustain their lives which may result in inadequate money to other
people so that’s why we will be able to monitor fully the money provided.

This project will be running for about 40 years across Malawi since we will tackle every rural village in
Malawi to make sure that we provide enough loans to women and empower them so that they can be
able to find their ends meet and also that they can be able to support their fellow women when they
need help whenever.
We will also consider participation of men in our project because they are the main culprits who
increase vulnerability among women by excluding them in development activities in communities and
we will civil educate them on how they empower women under different circumstances.


Our project will be monitored by a monitoring and evaluation officer who will then report to the project

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