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1. Name a person from Hidden Figures who you think is a good role model and
briefly explain why.
Dorothy, for his leadership skills, persistence and motivation
2. What do you think about the roles of women in this movie? Are female role
models at the same level as the male role models in this movie? Support your
answer with details and examples from the movie.
The role of women in the film is important since they fought against racial
and gender discrimination, they inspire empowerment, leadership and
camaraderie, for example when Dorothy learns that a new IBM computer has
been installed on the base, she takes it upon herself to learn how to use it, and
instead of being selfish with her knowledge, she dedicates herself to teaching
others. Overall, they outperform any other male role model as the things they did
were bigger, their performance and persistence began to pave the way for more
equality in the workplace.

3. Can Al Harrison (Katherine’s Boss) be considered a good role model? Why or

why not? Does he fall into the “white savior” category? What about Paul
I think that Al Harrison can be a role model because he did not discriminate
against Katherine because of her color but rather saw her as another worker who
was intelligent, applied and with a great personality. He sought equality and
inclusion, for example when there were bathrooms only for whites and people
had to go to other buildings to relieve themselves, he tore up the signs and said
that now they would only be bathrooms that everyone could use, reducing
inequality a little. that's why I think he can be a “white savior”. Regarding Paul, his
attitudes are not entirely admirable, I do not consider him a model.

4. Can characters who were/are negative role models redeem themselves from
their mistakes?
I think so, they could have been wrong but change their attitude

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