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Elemen Definition Example
Population Population being studied Children
Intervension Intervension or indicator Speech delay
Comparison Comparison group Children with no diagnosed
speech delay
Outcome Outcome of interest Increased risk of slow learner
Would speech delay affect increased risk of slow learner with children who no diagnosed
speech delay?

2. PEO
Element Definition Example
Population Who is my question focused Elementary students
Exposure What the issue i’m interested Application of problem
in based learning
Outcome What, in relation to the issue, Critical thinking
do i want some examine
In elementary students, will application of problem based learning can increased critical

Element Definition Example
Sample Who is the group of people Homeless people
being studies?
Phenomenon of Interest What are the reasons for Attendance at personal
behavior and desicions? health
Design How has the research been Interviews
Evaluation What is the outcome being Result of science research
Research type What type of research Qualitative studies
(qualitative or mixed
What are the results of science research on the personal health of the homeless?

Element Definition Example
Setting Setting is the context for the Ponorogo
question (where).
Perspective Perspective is the users, Teenagers
potential users, or
stakeholders of the service
(for whom).
Intervension/interest/exposure Intervension is the action Socialization about juvenile
taken for the users, potential delinquency and its
users, or stakeholder (what). mitigation.
Comparison Comparison is the Teenager marriage as a
alternative actions or solution to avoid juvenile
outcomes (compared to deliquency.
Evaluation Evaluation is the result or The success rate in reducing
measurement that will juvenile delinquency and
determine the success of the marriage is compared to
intervention (what is the making juvenile marriage a
resultm how well). solution to avoid juvenile
For teenagers in Ponorogo, what is the effect of socialization about juvenile delinquency and
its mitigation on number of attempts teenager marriage as a solution to avoid juvenile

Element Definition Example
Expectation What are you looking to To increase students
improve or change? What is motivation in solving
the information going to be problems in learning.
used for?
Client group Who is the service or policy Students
aimed at?
Location Where is the service or High school
policy located?
Impact What is the change in Improve students' problem-
cervices or policy that hte solving and critical thinking
researcher is investigating? skills
Professionals Who is involved in providing Teacher, students
or improving the service or
Service What kind of services or Implementation of learning
policy is this? with problem based learning.
How can I increase students motivation in solving problems in learning for high school
Penulis, Tahun, Judul Tujuan Artikel Hasil artikel
Artikel, Nama Jurnal,
Volume dan Halaman.
Diana Ariani, 2017, Untuk memberikan Dengan melihat konsepsi
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menciptakan siklus
pembelajaran yang bersifat
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