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❑ Subject – Geography

❑ Chapter – Universe

Lecture No.- 02 By- Rahul Parmar sir


Big bang theory
• The Big Bang Theory is the prevailing
cosmological model for the universe’s birth. It
states that 13.8 billion years ago, all of space
was contained in a single point of very high-
density and high-temperature state from which
the universe has been expanding in all
• It is believed that the first atom was formed
within 3 minutes of the Big Bang event. In the
next 300,000 years, the temperature dropped to
4226.85°C and gave rise to atomic matter, which
eventually became stars, planets.
• Condensation took place stars
• Planets are formed
• Distance between the star is measured by Light year.
• 𝟗. 𝟒𝟔𝟎𝟕 × 𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟓 𝒎
Consider the following statements about Light year: NDA 2021 02
1. Light year is a unit for measurement of very large distance.
2. Light year is a unit for measurement of very large time intervals.
3. Light year is unit for measurement of Intensity of light

A 1,2 and 3 B 2 and 3

C 1 and 2 D 1 only
• A galaxy is a system of stars, their planets , interstellar gas, dust,
bound together by gravity.
• The Milky Way is our home galaxy.
• The Milky Way is spirally shaped
Our Milky Way Galaxy has a supermassive black hole and its
centre is known as “Sagittarius A.”
Galactic revolution
Our solar system lies in a spiral shaped galaxy called “Milky way”.
The nearest galaxy from us(Earth) is called “Andromeda”.

✓ Some celestial bodies are very big

and hot.
✓ They are made up of gases.
✓ They have their own heat and light,
which they emit in large amounts.
✓ These celestial bodies are called
stars. The sun is a star.
✓ Nuclear fusion

✓ Countless twinkling stars in the

night sky are similar to the sun.

• While watching the night sky, you may

notice various patterns formed by different
groups of stars. These are called
Anatomy of Sun
❖ Situated in the Centre of solar
❖ made up of extremely hot gases
❖ Source of heat and light on the
❖ Age 5 billion years approx.
❖ density of centre 100 gm/cm3
❖ temperature of centre 15 million

❖ Temperature sun surface


The colour of the star is an indication of its

A Distance from the earth

B Distance from the sun

C Temperature

D Luminosity

❖ A celestial body moving in an elliptical

orbit around a star is known as a planet.
❖ There are total 8 planets in our Solar
❖ And one Pluto is a dwarf planet
❖ The planets of the inner circle are called
as terrestrial planet
❖ The planet which are situated in out to
the asteroid belt are the Jovian planet.
❖ After Pluto Kuiper belt is present

• It is the innermost and smallest planet

in the solar system.
• Mercury is nearest to the Sun, having
rotation period is 58.65 days and
revolution period is of 88 days (fastest in
solar system) with no satellite.
• Also known as Earth’s twin, morning star and
evening star.
Brightest heavenly body after the
Sun and the Moon because of 70% albedo.
• It is hottest planet in our solar system because
97% CO2
It rotates clockwise (East to West) and it does
not have satellite.
• It has slowest rotation period in our solar
(257 days) and have almost equal rotation and
revolution (224.7 days) period.
• Mars is the fourth nearest planet to the Sun.
It is also known as Red Planet.
• Its revolution period is 687 days and rotation
period is of 24.6 hrs (almost equal to that of
Earth), it has two satellites Phobos and Deimos
and it has signs of water, hence, there a
possibility of life.
• Various space missions have been sent e.g.
Vikings, Pathfinder, Mars Odyssey.

• Largest of all planets, almost 11 times of

the Earth, it is also called Lord of the
• It has fastest rotational time in our solar
system (9.8 hrs) and revolution period is of
12 years, it has 79 satellites
(prominent are Europa, Ganymede and
• Europa resembles the living condition like
that of the Earth.
Ganymede is the largest satellite of our Solar

• Second largest planet (in size)

after Jupiter and Least dense of
all (30 times less dense than the
✓ It has revolution period of 29 years
and rotation period is of 10.3 hours.
✓ It has around 82 satellites.
Titan is the most prominent one.
✓ It has a system of three well defined

✓ Identified as a planet in 1781 by

William Hershal.
✓ It rotates from North to South as it is
inclined at an angle of 98° to its Orbit.
✓ It has revolution period of 84 years
and rotation
period is of 10.8 years.
✓ Like Saturn, it is also surrounded by a
system of 5 faint rings and it has 21
satellites (Miranda, Ariel etc.)

• Appears as ‘Greenish Star’

because of presence of
‘Methane’. It has revolution
period of 165 years and
rotation period is of 15.7 days.
• Discovered by JG Galle of
Berlin in 1846. Its prominent
satellite are ‘Trion and Neroid’.
Uranus and Neptune are called
Jovion Twins.

Pluto was discovered in 1930.

Pluto is a complex world of ice
mountains and frozen plains. Once
considered the ninth planet, Pluto is the
best known of a new class of worlds
called dwarf planets. After Pluto Kuiper
belt start.
2006 summit of IAU
The following items consist of two statements, one labelled as 'Assertion (A)'
and the other as Reason (R)'. You are to examine these two statements
carefully and select the correct answers to these items using the code given
below :
Assertion (A): Venus is the brightest object in the sky after the sun.
Reason (R): Venus is the second planet from the sun in our solar system.

A. Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

B. Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

C. A is true but R is false.

D. A is false but R is true.

Some Important Facts About The Earth

❑ Shape : Geoid
❑ Age : 4.5 billion year
❑ Satellite : Moon
❑ Minimum distance from sun : 147
million km
❑ Maximum distance from sun : 152
million km
❑ Radius : 6371 km
❑ Polar circumference : 40007
❑ Equatorial circumference : 40075
Other celestial bodies

1. Meteoroids are objects in space that range in

size from dust grains to small asteroids. Think
of them as “space rocks.”
2. When meteoroids enter Earth’s atmosphere
(or that of another planet, like Mars) at high
speed and burn up, the fireballs or “shooting
stars” are called meteors.
3. When a meteoroid survives a trip through the
atmosphere and hits the ground, it’s called
a meteorite.
The solar system
Other Celestial Bodies

❑ Asteroids are small, rocky

worlds revolving around the
sun that are too small to be
called planets. They are also
known as planetoids or minor
planets. In total, the mass of all
the asteroids is less than that of
Earth's moon.
Comets are cosmic snowballs of
frozen gases, rock, and dust that
orbit the Sun. When frozen, they
are the size of a small town.
When a comet's orbit brings it
close to the Sun, it heats up and
spews dust and gases into a
giant glowing head larger than
most planets.

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