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1. What is KDD in data mining?

A. Knowledge Discovery Data

B. Knowledge Data definition
C. Knowledge data house
D. Knowledge discovery database

2. What are the functions of Data Mining?

A. Prediction and characterization
B. Cluster analysis and Evolution analysis
C. All of the above
D. Association and correctional analysis classification

3. What are the different types of attributes?

A. Nominal
B. Ordinal
C. Spacial
D. All of the AbovE

4. Examples of Nominal can be:

A. ID Numbers, eye color, zip codes
B. Rankings, taste of potato chips, grades, height
C. Calendar dates, temperatures in celsius or Fahrenheit, phone numbers
D. The temperature in Kelvin, length, time, counts

5. The type of a Nominal attribute depends on which of the following properties:

A. Distinctness & order
B. Distinctness, order & addition
C. Distinctness
D. All 4 properties

6. The type of an Ordinal attribute depends on which of the following properties:

A. Distinctness & order
B. Distinctness, order & addition
C. Distinctness
D. All 4 properties

7. What are some examples of data quality problems:

A. Noise and outliers
B. Duplicate data
C. Missing values
D. All of the Above

8. Which of the following is true about outliers -

A. Data points that deviate a lot from normal observations
B. Can reduce the accuracy of the model
C. Both A and B
D. None

9. In standardization, the features will be rescaled with -

A. Mean 0 and Variance 0
B. Mean 0 and Variance 1
C. Mean 1 and Variance 0
D. Mean 1 and Variance 1

10. How to handle the missing values in the dataset?

A. Dropping the missing rows or columns
B. Imputation with mean/median/mode value
C. Taking missing values into a new row or column
D. All of the above

11. The correct way of pre processing the data should be-
A. Imputation ->feature scaling-> training
B. Feature scaling->imputation->training
C. Feature scaling->label encoding->training
D. None

12. Which one is a feature extraction example?

A. Constructing a bag of words model
B. Imputation of missing values
C. Principal component analysis
D. All of the Above

13. What is the main goal of data mining?

A. To store and distribute data
B. To turn raw data into helpful information
C. To classify data for further tasks
D. none of the above

14. Width and height belong to which form of data?

A. Continuous data
B. Discrete data
C. Finite data
D. none of the above

15. Which process takes operational data from different sources and map it to a new
structure in the warehouse?
A. Transformation
B. Integration
C. Combination
D. none of the above

16. In data mining, which stage involves collecting and preparing data?
A. Exploration
B. Validation
C. Both A and B
D. none of the above

17. In a decision tree, each node is either a decision node or …

A. A sub node
B. A root node
C. A leaf node
D. none of the above

18. A supermarket wants to divide their customers into different groups with
distinctive features. Which process should be used?
A. Unsupervised learning
B. Supervised learning
C. Reinforcement learning
D. none of the above

19. Which technique can be used to predict the number of newborn babies based on
existing data?
A. Clustering
B. Classification
C. Regression
D. none of the above

20. What is a binary attribute?

A. A system that can be used without previous knowledge of the internal operation
B. Variables with only two values
C. A natural environment of some species
D. none of the above

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