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Eight parts of Speech (ဝါစင်္ဂ ၈ မျိုး)

1. Noun (နာမ်)

2. Pronoun (နာမ်စား)

3. Adjective (နာမဝိသေသန)

4. Verb (ကြိယာ)

5. Adverb (ကြိယာဝိသေသန)

6. Preposition (ဝိဘတ်)

7. Conjunction (သမ္ဗန္ဓ)

8. Interjection (အာမေဋိက်)

1.Noun - သက်ရှိ၊ သက်မဲ့ ၊ ဒြပ်ရှိ၊ ဒြပ်ရှိတို့၏အမည်ဟူ သမျှကို Noun (နာမ်) ဟု ခေါ်သည်။ ဥပမာ - cat, dog, love,
Myanmar, country, etc.
2.Pronoun - နာမ်၏အစားသုံ းသောပု ဒ်ကို Pronoun (နာမ်စား) ဟု ခေါ်သည်။ ဥပမာ - I, we, you, he, she, it, they

3.Adjective - နာမ်ကို အထူ းပြုသောပု ဒ်ကို Adjective (နာမဝိသေသန) ဟု ခေါ်သည်။ ဥပမာ - beautiful, lazy, late,
good, etc.
4.Verb - ဖြစ်ခြင်းကို ဖြစ်စေ၊ ရှိခြင်းကို ဖြစ်စေ၊ ပြုခြင်းကို ဖြစ်စေပြသောပု ဒ်ကို Verb (ကြိယာ) ဟု ခေါ်သည်။ ဥပမာ - run, go,
eat, be, has, etc.
5.Adverb - ကြိယာကို အထူ းပြုသောပု ဒ်ကို Adverb (ကြိယာဝိသေသန) ဟု ခေါ်သည်။ ဥပမာ - beautifully, lazily,
lately, well, etc.
6.Preposition - နေရာ၊ အချိန်ပြသောစကားလုံ းကို Preposition (ဝိဘတ်) ဟု ခေါ်သည်။ ဥပမာ - in, on, at, to, from,
by, for, with, etc.
7.Conjunction - ပု ဒ်အချင်းချင်းကို ဖြစ်စေ၊ ဝါကျအချင်းချင်းကို ဖြစ်စေ၊အဓိပ္ပာယ်အချင်းချင်းကို ဖြစ်စေဆက်စပ်ပေး သော
စကားလုံ းကို Conjunction (သမ္ဗန္ဓ) ဟု ခေါ်သည်။ ဥပမာ - before, after, without, and, instead, etc.

8.Interjection - အံ့ ဩဝမ်းသာပျော်ရွှင်ကြည်နူးကြောက်ရွံ့ထိ တ်လန့်သောအခါထွက်သောအသံ များကို Interjection (အာမေဋိ

တ်) ဟု ခေါ်သည်။

Noun (နာမ်)
Noun (နာမ်) ဟု ခေါ်သည်။ Noun (နာမ်)တို့သည် subject
သက်ရှိ၊ သက်မဲ့ ၊ ဒြပ်ရှိ၊ ဒြပ်ရှိတို့၏အမည်ဟူ သမျှကို
နေရာ၊ direct object နေရာ၊ indirect object နေရာ၊ subject completement နေရာ၊ object completement
နေရာ၊ appositive နေရာ၊ preposition အနောက်နေရာနှ င့် adjective နေရာတို့တွင် နေရာယူ တတ်ကြသည်။

Completement ဆို သည်မှ ာ ပြန်လည်ရည်ညွှန်း‌သောပု ဒ်စု များဟူ ၍ အဓိပ္ပာယ်ရပြီး subject completement

ဆို သည်မှ ာ subject ကို ပြန်ရည်ညွှန်းသောပု ဒ်ဖြစ်၍၊ object completement ဆို သည်မှ ာ object ကို ပြန်ရည်ညွှန်းသောပု ဒ်
ဖြစ်သည်။ ထို ကြောင့် ထို ပု ဒ်စု များအား direct object, indirect object တို့နှ င့် မမှ ားသင့်ပေ။ အဘယ်ကြောင့်ဆို သော်
direct object နှ င့် indirect object များကို transitive verb(ကံ လို ကြိယာ) အနောက်၌သာ တွေ့နို င်သောကြောင့်ဖြစ်ပေ

1. Noun in subject position

Mg Mg plays badminton with Aung Aung.

2. Noun in direct object position

Mg Mg beats Aung Aung.

3. Noun in indirect object position

Alissa gives Mary a flower. (or) Alissa gives a flower to Mary.
Paing Hmue buys his brother a bicycle. (or) Paing Hmue buys a bicycle for his brother.

4. Noun in subject complement position

Ye Win is a professional engineer.

5. Noun in object complement position

Mg Myo calls his mother a saint.
Aung Aung painted his fence red.

6. Noun in appositive position

Myo Myo, my best friend, lives near my house.
I like Shwe Lone, an engineer who built a beautiful house for us.
7. Noun after prepositions
in the house, on the roof, under the tree.

8. Noun after adjectives

a beautiful girl, a lazy boy, a hardworking student

Common Noun(ယေဘူ ယျနာမ်) and Proper Noun(ကို ယ်ပို င်နာမ်)

အင်္ဂ လိပ်စာတွင် Common Noun (ယေဘူ ယျနာမ်) နှ င့် Proper Noun (ကို ယ်ပို င်နာမ်)ဟူ ၍ရှိရာ ကို ယ်ပို င်နာမ်
မဟု တ်သော နာမ်များအားလုံ းသည် ယေဘူ ယျနာမ်များဖြစ်ကြသည်။

Proper Noun - Sam, Bangkok, Kyoto, Seoul, etc.

Common Noun - river, school, student, success, man, etc.

Common Noun များအား အမျိုးအစားထပ်မံ ခွဲရာ concrete noun(ဒြပ်ရှိနာမ်)၊ abstract noun(စိတ္တ ဇနာမ်) နှ င့်
collective noun(အစု ပြနာမ်) ဟူ ၍ သုံ းမျိုးသုံ းစား ထပ်မံ ထွက်ရှိလာသည်။

Concrete Noun - doorbell, keyboard, apple, etc.

Abstract Noun - courage, success, freedom etc.
Collective Noun - school, colony, class, batch, etc.

Compound Noun(ပေါင်းစပ်နာမ်) and Possessive Noun(ပို င်ဆို င်မှုပြနာမ်)

Compound noun - cowboy, boyfriend, classmate, water bottle, etc.

Possessive noun - boy's ball, girl's doll, my friend's house, etc.

Genders of Nouns(လိင်များ)

Masculine gender (ပု လ္လိင်) - man, king, boy, etc.

Feminine gender (ဣတ္ထိလိင်) - woman, queen, girl, etc.

Common gender (ဒွိလိင်) - baby, judge, waiter, etc.

Neuter gender ( နပု လ္လိင်) - telephone, washing machine, family, car, etc.
Countable Noun (ရေတွက်၍ရသောနာမ်) and Uncountable Noun (ရေတွက်၍မရသောနာမ်)

နာမ်တွင် Countable Noun (ရေတွက်၍ရသောနာမ်) နှ င့် Uncountable Noun (ရေတွက်၍မရသောနာမ်) ဟူ ၍ရှိ

ရာ ရေတွက်၍ရသော နာမ်များကို အနည်းကိန်းမှ အများကိန်းပြောင်းနို င်ပြီး ရေတွက်၍မရသောနာမ်များမှ ာ အနည်းကိန်းမှ
အများကိန်းပြောင်းမရပေ။ ‌ရေတွက်၍မရသောနာမ်များအား articles (a, an, the) နှ င့်လည်း တွဲသုံ း၍မရပေ။

Countable Noun - boy, student, elephant, river, etc.

Uncountable Noun - ink, hair, milk, fish, etc.

Noun အနည်းကိန်း (Singular number) မှ Noun အများကိန်း (Plural number) ပြောင်းနည်း

1.ပုံ မှ န် Noun ဆို ‘s’ ပဲပေါင်း

ဥပမာ doll dolls

cat cats
kite kites
boy boys
2.s,sh,ch,x နှ င့်ဆုံ းရင် ‘es’ ပေါင်း

ဥပမာ class classes

bush bushes
bench benches
box boxes
3. ‘o’ နှ င့်ဆုံ းရင် ‘es’ ပေါင်း

ဥပမာ mango mangoes

potato potatoes
volcano volcanoes
tomato tomatoes
ခြွင်းချက် photo photos

piano pianos
dynamo dynamos
bamboo bamboos
zoo zoos
studio studios
4. ‘y’ ကို ဖြုတ် ‘ies’ ပေါင်း

ဥပမာ fly flies

country countries
spy spies
story stories
သို့သော် ‘y’ ၏ ရှေ့တွင် ‘a, e, i, o, u’ ရှိပါက ‘s’ ပဲပေါင်း

ဥပမာ day days

boy boys
key keys
monkey monkeys
5. ‘f, fe’ ဖြုတ် ‘ves’ ပြောင်း

ဥပမာ leaf leaves

knife knives
wife wives
life lives
ခြွင်းချက် roof roofs

dwarf dwarfs
chief chiefs
hoof hoofs
proof proofs
handkerchief handkerchiefs
6.အလယ်သရပြောင်း/မူ မမှ န်ပြောင်း

ဥပမာ man men

woman women
tooth teeth
foot feet
mouse mice
goose geese
person people
7. en ပေါင်း

ဥပမာ child children

ox oxen

ဥပမာ sheep sheep

fruit fruit
deer deer
fish fish
scissors scissors
pants pants
trousers trousers
9.e ထည့်ပေါင်း

ဥပမာ larva larvae

formula formulae

Give the plural of the following nouns.

1. glass
2. hero
3. city
4. cow
5. photo
6. lady
7. life
8. shelf
9. dish
10. desk
11. brush
12. watch
13. volcano
14. army
15. roof
16. man
17. boy
18. water

Give the singular of the following nouns.

1. women
2. children
3. keys
4. chairmen
5. mangoes
6. oxen
7. wives
8. sheep
9. mice
10. bamboos
11. countries
12. glasses

Determiners (Noun ၏ ရှေ့သုံ းစကားလုံ းများ)

Noun ၏အရှေ့တွင် သုံ းရသော အရေအတွက်ပြ၊ ညွှန်ပြစကားလုံ းများကို determiner ဟု ခေါ်သည်။

Determiner အား အကြမ်းဖျင်းအားဖြင့် လေးမျိုးခွဲ၍ရပြီး Articles, Quantifiers, Demonstratives နှ င့် Possessives
ဟူ ၍ဖြစ်သည်။

1. countable nouns များနှ င့်တွဲသုံ းသော determiners များ

a, an, one, this, that, every, each, two, three, this, that, these, those, every, each, many, few, a
few, all, a lot of
2. uncountable nouns များနှ င့်တွဲသုံ းသော determiners များ

this, that, much, little, a little, all, a lot of

*some, any, no, the တို့ကို noun အမျိုးအစားအားလုံ းနှ င့်တွဲသုံ း၍ရသည်။

Choose the correct determiners in the following sentences.

1. He doesn’t have (many/much) money.
2. I would like (a few/ a little) salt on my vegetables.
3. She bought (that/ those) cards last night.
4. These are (less/ fewer) students in this room than in the next room.
5. There is (too much/ too many) bad news on TV tonight.
6. I do not want (these/ this) water.
7. This is (too much/ too many) information to learn.
8. A (few/ little) people left early.
9. Would you like (less/ fewer) coffee than this?
10. This jacket costs (too much/ too many).
11. I saw (a/ an/ the) young man.
12. Who is (a/ the) boy standing at the door?
13. We get light and heat from (a/ the) sun.
14. He is (a/ the) cleverest boy in our class.
15. (A/ An/ The) earth is round.
16. This house is very nice. Has it got (a/ the) garden?
17. It’s a beautiful day. Let’s sit (a/ an/ the) garden.
18. What is (a/ the) name of that man we met yesterday?
19. There isn’t (a/ an/ the) airport near where I live.
20. He has (less/ few) friends.

Articles (a, an/the)

1. မတိကျမသေချာသော၊ အကြမ်းဖျင်းသာရည်ညွှန်းလို သော Noun

‘အ’ သံ ထွက်ရင် an ‘အ’ သံ မထွက်ရင် a

2. a, an တို့ကို မတိကျသော noun များနှ င့် တစ်ခု ၊ တစ်ကောင်၊ တစ်ယောက် ဟု သုံ းချင်သောအခါတွင်သုံ းသည်။

ဥပမာ - a book, an apple, a man, an aeroplane, a kite, an orange, an umbrella, an ox, an animal,
an elephant, an ice-cream, an hour, an honest man, a university
3. the ကို noun အများကိန်းများနှ င့်လည်းကောင်း တိကျစွာ ဖော်ညွှန်းလို သော noun များနှ င့်လည်းကောင်း

တွဲသုံ းသည်။

ဥပမာ I saw a cow. The cow was white.

The man in the corner is my friend.

4. the ကို တစ်ခု တည်းသာရှိသော အရာများနှ င့်လည်းတွဲသုံ းရသည်။

ဥပမာ the moon, the earth, the sun, etc…

The university of Florida, the garden, etc…

4. the ကို morning, afternoon, evening တို့၏ ရှေ့တွင်လည်းကောင်း

ဥပမာ the morning, the afternoon, the evening, etc...

5. the ကို adjective degree 3 တို့၏ရှေ့တွင်လည်းကောင်း

ဥပမာ the most beautiful girl, the biggest river, the laziest boy, etc…

6. the ကို first, second, last, only စသော စကားလုံ းတို့၏ရှေ့တွင်လည်းကောင်း

ဥပမာ the first prize, the last month, the only one dirty dress, etc…

7. school, church, bed, college, table, hospital, market, prison တို့သည် ပုံ မှ န်အားဖြင့် the ဖြင့် တွဲမသုံ းရ။ သုံ း
ပါက အဓိပ္ပာယ်တစ်မျိုးဖြစ်သွားတတ်သည်။

ဥပမာ He goes to school. (စာသင်ရန်)

He goes to the school. (အခြားကိစ္စ )

We go to church. (ဝတ်ပြုရန်)

We go to the church. (အခြားကိစ္စ)

Complete ‘a’ or ‘an’ or ‘the’ as suitable.

1. …… able man does not always have a distinguished look.
2. Honest men speak …. truth.
3. He is not …. honourable man.
4. The world is …. Wonderful lamp.
5. …….. sun shines brightly.
6. Yesterday …. European came at my office.
7. Ma Ni got ….. best present.
8. French is …… easy language.
9. Which is ….. longest river in Myanmar?
10. The children found …. egg in the nest.
11. She is …. Untidy girl.
12. U Ba has come without …. umbrella.
13. ……. lion is …. king of beasts.
14. Ceylon is ….. island.

Pronoun (နာမ်စား)
အကြမ်းဖျင်းအားဖြင့် နာမ်စား ၇ လုံ းရှိရာ ၎င်းတို့မှ ာ I, we , you , he, she, it, they တို့ဖြစ်ကြသည်။

ပြောသူ နာမ်စား (1st Person) - I, we

ကြားနာသူ နာမ်စား (2nd Person) - you

အပြောခံ နာမ်စား (3rd Person) - he, she, it, they

Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive Pronoun

Pronoun Pronoun Adjective Pronoun (ကို ယ်တို င်)
(သည်) (ကို ) (၏) (၏ဟာ)
ကျွန်ု ပ် I me my mine myself
ကျွန်ု ပ်တို့ We us our Ours ourselves
သင်/သင်တို့ You you your your yourself/yourselves
သူ He him his his himself
သူ မ She her her hers Herself
၎င်း It it its its itself
သူ တို့ They them their theirs themselves

Supply the correct pronouns.

1. He must clean (he) shoes.
2. Ko Ko took (I) book.
3. (We) shool is big.
4. I like (you) shirt.
5. They call (he) Bo Bo.
6. You know (she) mother well.
7. I saw (they) in the market.
8. The teacher teaches (we) English.
9. The boys visited (they) village.
10. Maung Maung is (he) brother.
11. Mother told (I) stories.
12. Mu Mu cleaned (she) teeth.
13. The teacher told (they) to do the exercises.
14. (I) father is a doctor.
15. The dog wags (it) tail.
16. These are your books, those are (I).
17. This book belongs to (I).
18. I must do (I) homework.
19. Your fingers are longer than (I).
20. Tell (I) the time, please.
21. (She) does (she) homework every day.
22. His parents love (he) very much.
23. Our teacher told (we) to finish the work.
24. My house is big but (you) is bigger.
25. That book is (she).
26. Ma Ni and (I) were present.
27. Wait for Hari and (I).
28. I will go (I).

Adjective (နာမဝိသေသန)
နာမဝိသေသနတွင် အဆင့် ၃ ဆင့်ရှိရာ ၎င်းတို့မှ ာ

1. Positive Degree (သာမာန်အဆင့်)

2. Comparative Degree (သာလွန်အဆင့်)

3. Superlative Degree (အသာလွန်ဆုံ းအဆင့်)

Adjective degree များပြောင်းနည်း

D1 D2 D3
1.ပုံ မှ န် adj ဆို er/est ပဲပေါင်း old older oldest
large larger largest
clever cleverer cleverest
tall taller tallest
2. y ကို ဖြုတ် ier/iest ပေါင်း busy busier busiest
lazy lazier laziest
crazy craziest craziest
3.နောက်ဆုံ းအလုံ းရှေ့မှ ာa,e,i,o,u ပါရင် big bigger biggest
နောက်ဆုံ းအလုံ းကို နှ စ်ခါရေး er/est ပေါင်း fat fatter fattest
hot hottest hottest
4.အသံ နှ စ်သံ ထက်ပို ရင် more/most နဲ့ beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
ပေါင်း difficult more difficult most difficult
dangerous more dangerous most dangerous
5. မူ မမှ န်ပြောင်း၊ အလွတ်ကျက် good/well better best
bad worse worst
little less least
far farther/further farthest/furthest
many/much more most

*တစ်ခု တည်းပြောရင် D1

*နှ စ်ခု နှိုင်းယှ ဉ်ရင် D2 (than အများအားဖြင့် ပါ)

*အားလုံ းထဲက တစ်ခု ဆို D3 (the ၏အနောက်ဘက်တွင် ပါ)

Fill the blanks with the correct form of the adjectives.

1. Yangon is the …… city in Myanmar.(large)
2. Who is the ……student in your class?(good)
3. Thu Thu is two years ….. than her younger sister.(old)
4. Is the Ayeyarwady ….. than the Chindwin?(long)
5. Phyu Phyu is the ……. girl in our school.(pretty)
6. Which ocean is ……, the Pacific or the Atlantic?(deep)
7. The Shwedagon Pagoda is ……. than the Sule Pagoda.(high)
8. Khin Maung is the …… of the boys.(tall)
9. A cat is …… than a tiger.(small)
10. Your box is ….. than mine.(heavy)

Verb (ကြိယာ)

ကြိယာကို အကြမ်းဖျင်းအားဖြင့်မူ ဖြစ်ခြင်းပြကြိယာ၊ ရှိခြင်းပြကြိယာ၊ ပြုခြင်းပြကြိယာ ဟူ ၍ ၃ မျိုးခွဲခြားနို င်သည်။

Verb to be (ဖြစ်ခြင်းပြကြိယာ)

am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being - ရှိသည်။ဖြစ်သည်။

Verb to have (ရှိခြင်းပြကြိယာ)

has, have, had, had, having - မှ ာရှိသည်။

Verb to do (ပြုခြင်းပြကြိယာ)

do, does, did, done, doing - ပြုလု ပ်သည်။ (အင်္ဂ လိပ်စာ၏ အခြား verb များအားလုံ းသည် ဤ verb အု ပ်စု အောက်တွင်
Modal auxiliary verb

အကြမ်းဖျင်းအဓိပ္ပာယ်များအား ရေးပေးထားသော်ငြား modal auxiliary verb များသည် အမှ န်တကယ်တမ်းတွင် ဒီထက်

ပို ၍နက်ရှိုင်းသော အဓိပ္ပာယ်များ အသုံ းအနှုန်းများရှိနေသေးသည်။
can, could - နို င်သည်။
shall, should - သင့်သည်။
will, would - လိမ့်မည်။
may, might - ဖြစ်ကောင်းဖြစ်နို င်သည်။
must,(had to) - ဖြစ်ရမည်။

အငြင်းပြောင်းနည်း (Making Negatives)

1. am, is, are, was, were တွေ့ရင် နောက်မှ ာ not ထည့်၍ အငြင်းပြောင်း

2. can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must နောက်မှ ာ not ထည့်၍ အငြင်းပြောင်း

3. has, have, had နောက်မှ ာ V3 ပါရင် has, have, had နဲ့ V3 ကြား not ထည့်၍ အငြင်းပြောင်း

4. has, have, had နောက်မှ ာ V3 မပါရင်

has - does not have

have - do not have
had - did not have
5. general verb များအားအငြင်းပြောင်းသောအခါ

V1 (s,es) - does not V1

V1 - do not V1
V2 - did not V1
1.She is a doctor. (She's)
She is not a doctor. (She isn't a doctor.)
2.The children are playing in the playground.
The children are not playing in the playground. (The children aren't playing in the playground.)
3.I am interested in English. (I'm interested in English)
I'm not interested in English. (I'm not interested in English.)
4.She will go to Bagan by plane tomorrow. (She'll go to Bagan by plane tomorrow.)
She will not go to Bagan by plane tomorrow. (She won't go to Bagan by plane tomorrow.)
5.They can lift this heavy box easily.
They can not lift this heavy box easily. (They can’t lift this heavy box easily.)
6.U Ba has done feeding the cows. (U Ba’s done feeding the cows.)
U Ba has not done feeding the cows. (U Ba hasn't done feeding the cows.)
7.They have lived in this city since 1980. (They’ve lived in this city since 1980.)
They have not lived in this city since 1980. (They haven't lived in this city since 1980.)
8.I had had my dinner. (I’d had my dinner.)
I hadn't had my dinner. (I hadn't had my dinner.)
9.Shwe Yi and Shwe Thi have many longyis.
Shwe Yi and Shwe This do not have many longyis. (Shwe Yi and Shwe Thi don't have many
10.Myo Swe has a puppy named Rango.
Myo Swe does not have a puppy named Rango. (Myo Swe doesn't have a puppy named Rango.)
11.They had a beautiful garden in their last house.
They did not have a beautiful garden in their last house. (They didn't have a beautiful garden in
their last house.)
12.Maung Maung eats a cake.
Maung Maung does not eat a cake. (Maung Maung doesn't eat a cake.)
13.Su Yee went to the Shwe-Maw-Daw Pagoda last Sunday.
Su Yee did not go to the Shwe-Maw-Daw Pagoda last Sunday. (Su Yee didn’t go to the Shwe-
Maw-Daaw Pagoda last Sunday.)
14.I always have my breakfast at Sedona every morning.
I do not always have my breakfast at Sedona every morning. (I don't always have my breakfast at
Sedona every morning.)
15.Ko Ko has been studying for two hours. (Ko Ko’s been studying for two hours.)
Ko Ko has not been studying for two hours. (Ko Ko hasn't been studying for two hours.)

Change the following sentences into the negatives.
1. He can answer all the questions.
2. My father gave my brother a birthday present.
3. I have borrowed a book from the library.
4. Bago is over fifty miles away from Yangon.
5. Sein Sein usually goes to school by bus.
6. The girl lost the ring two days ago.
7. This plate is made of fibre.
8. He has a dog named Chiko.
9. U Hla Mg went to Mandalay last month.
10. Mg Myo will go to Pyin-Oo-Lwin next month.
11. Ma Ma is studying her lessons now.
12. They had a garden in their last house.
13. Ma Yi and Ma Thi study their lessons according to their time-table.
14. Nyi Nyi had done his homework when the father arrived.

1. She is doing her best.

2. I have had my lunch.
3. They got what they needed.
4. You must go to the doctor.
5. Su Su helps her mother every day.
6. I know what I am saying.
7. They had a playground in their backyard.
8. I am going to Canada tomorrow.
9. You know what to do.
10. I have no idea what you’re doing.
11. They will go there next month.
12. Shwe Lone has done his lessons.
1. Mg Mg is playing monopole.
2. They have asked for help.
3. I eat my apple.
4. She will come to us.
5. They swam in the river.
6. Mg Myo is my pal.
7. U Chit has two daughters.
8. She plays the guitar very well.
9. I should live there.
10. They were born in Canada.
11. May May had done cooking.
12. Mg Mg had a puppy in the last house.

ရို းရို းမေးခွန်းလု ပ်နည်း (Making Simple Questions)

1. am, is, are, was, were တွေ့ရင် S ရှေ့ပို့ မေးခွန်းပြောင်း

2. can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must တွေ့ရင် S ရှေ့ပို့ မေးခွန်းပြောင်း

3. has, have, had နောက်မှ ာ V3 ပါရင် S ရှေ့ကို ပို့ မေးခွန်းပြောင်း

4. has, have, had နောက်မှ ာ V3 မပါရင်

has - Does S have….?

have - Do S have….?
had - Did S have….?
5. general verb များအား မေးခွန်းပြောင်းသောအခါ

V1 (s,es) - Does S V1…..?

V1 - Do S V1…..?
V2 - Did S V1…..?
1.She is a doctor.
Is she a doctor?
Yes, she is.
No, she isn’t.
2.The children are playing in the playground.
Are the children playing in the playground?
Yes, they are.
No, they aren’t.
3.I’m interested in English.
Are you interested in English?
Yes, I am.
No, I’m not.
4.She will go to Bagan by plane tomorrow.
Will she go to Bagan by plane tomorrow?
Yes, she will.
No, she won’t.
5.They can lift this heavy box easily.
Can they lift this heavy box easily?
Yes, they can.
No, they can’t.
6.U Ba has done feeding the cows.
Has U Ba done feeding the cows?
Yes, he has.
No, he hasn’t.
7.They have lived in this city since 1980.
Have they lived in this city since 1980?
Yes, they have.
No, they haven’t.
8.I had had my dinner.
Had you had your dinner?
Yes, I had.
No, I hadn’t.
9.Shwe Yi and Shwe Thi have many longyis.
Do Shwe Yi and Shwe Thi have many longyis?
Yes, they do.
No, they donl’t.
10.Myo Swe has a puppy named Rango.
Does Myo Swe have a puppy named Rango?
Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
11.They had a beautiful garden in their last house.
Did they have a beautiful garden in their last house?
Yes, they did.
No, they didn’t.
12.Maung Maung eats a cake.
Does Maung Maung eat a cake?
Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
13.Su Yee went to the Shwe-Maw-Daw Pagoda last Sunday.
Did Su Yee go to the Shwe-Maw-Daw Pagoda last Sunday?
Yes, she did.
No, she didn’t.
14.I always have my breakfast at Sedona every morning.
Do you always have your breakfast at Sedona every morning?
Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.
15.Ko Ko has been studying for two hours.
Has Ko Ko been studying for two hours?
Yes, he has.
No, he hasn’t.

Change the following sentences into the questions.
1. He can answer all the questions.
2. My father gave my brother a birthday present.
3. I have borrowed a book from the library.
4. Bago is over fifty miles away from Yangon.
5. Sein Sein usually goes to school by bus.
6. The girl lost the ring two days ago.
7. This plate is made of fibre.
8. He has a dog named Chiko.
9. U Hla Mg went to Mandalay last month.
10. Mg Myo will go to Pyin-Oo-Lwin next month.
11. Ma Ma is studying her lessons now.
12. They had a garden in their last house.
13. Ma Yi and Ma Thi study their lessons according to their time-table.
14. Nyi Nyi had done his homework when the father arrived.

1. She is doing her best.

2. I have had my lunch.
3. They got what they needed.
4. You must go to the doctor.
5. Su Su helps her mother every day.
6. I know what I am saying.
7. They had a playground in their backyard.
8. I am going to Canada tomorrow.
9. You know what to do.
10. I have no idea what you’re doing.
11. They will go there next month.
12. Shwe Lone has done his lessons.

1. Mg Mg is playing monopole.
2. They have asked for help.
3. I eat my apple.
4. She will come to us.
5. They swam in the river.
6. Mg Myo is my pal.
7. U Chit has two daughters.
8. She plays the guitar very well.
9. I should live there.
10. They were born in Canada.
11. May May had done cooking.
12. Mg Mg had a puppy in the last house.

“Wh” မေးခွန်းလု ပ်နည်း

What - ဘာလဲ

Where - ဘယ်မှ ာလဲ (နေရာကို မေး)

When - ဘယ်အချိန်လဲ (အချိန်ကို မေး)

Who - ဘယ်သူ လဲ (လူ /subject ကို မေး)

Whose+(N) - ဘယ်သူ ၏လဲ (ပို င်ဆို င်သောလူ ကို မေး)

Whom - ဘယ်သူ့ကို လဲ (လူ object ကို မေး)

Which+(N) - ဘယ်အရာလဲ (အရာဝတ္တ ု/ရွေးချယ်မှုကို မေး)

Why - ဘာကြောင့်လဲ (အကြောင်းအရာကို မေး)

How - ဘယ်လို လဲ (အမူ အရာကို မေး)

How many+(N) - ဘယ်လောက်များလဲ (အရေအတွက်ကို မေး)

How long - ဘယ်လောက်ကြာကြာလဲ (အချိန်ကို ‌မေး)

How far - ဘယ်လောက်ဝေးလဲ (အကွာအဝေးကို မေး)

*What နှ င့် Which အား subject နေရာတွင်ထား၍ မေးခွန်းလု ပ်သောအခါ who အားမေးခွန်းပြုလု ပ်သကဲ့ သို့ မေးခွန်းလု ပ်ပေး
ရမည်ဖြစ်ပြီး အကူ verb များအား subject ရှေ့သို့ ပို့ပေးရန်မလို တော့ ပေ။

1.Ma Ma has kept the money in her purse. (Where)
Where has Ma Ma kept the money?
2.Hla Hla can dance beautifully. (How)
How can Hla Hla dance?
3.He is a doctor. (What)
What is he?
4.She is singing because she is happy. (Why)
Why is she singing?
5.The train will leave Yangon at three o’clock. (When)
When will the train leave Yangon?
6.We sat on the grass. (Where)
Where did they sit?
7.Tun Tun usually spends his vacation in Taung Gyi. (Where)
Where does Tun Tun usually spend his vacation?
8.The boys play football in the afternoon. (When)
When do the boys play football?
9.She writes very neatly. (How)
How does she write?
10.Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. (What)
What did Alfred Novel invent?
11.Maung Ba is a student. (Who)
Who is a student?
12.He likes reading. (Who)
Who likes reading?
13.Mother bought three roses. (How many)
How many roses did mother buy?
14.The little girl wore a red dress. (Which)
Which dress did the little girl wear?
15.There are thirty men in this room. (How many)
How many men are there in this room?
16.Driving recklessly caused that accident? (What)
What caused that accident?
17.The red fruit can make him sick. (Which)
Which fruit can make him sick?

1. He can answer all the questions very easily. (How)
2. My father gave my brother a birthday present. (What)
3. I have borrowed a book from the library. (Where)
4. Bago is over fifty miles away from Yangon. (How far)
5. Sein Sein usually goes to school by bus. (How)
6. The girl lost the ring two days ago. (When)
7. This plate is made of fibre. (What)
8. He has a dog named Chiko. (What)
9. U Hla Mg went to Mandalay last month. (When)
10. Mg Myo will go to Pyin-Oo-Lwin next month. (When)
11. Ma Ma is studying her lessons now. (What)
12. They had a garden in their last house. (Where)
13. Ma Yi and Ma Thi study their lessons according to their time-table. (How)

14. Nyi Nyi had done his homework when the father arrived. (What)

Simple Present Tense - ပစ္စုပ္ပန်ကာလ(V1,V1(s,es))

1. He drinks tea every morning.
2. I get up every day at 5 o’clock.
3. The sun rises in the east.
4. Honey is sweet.
5. Hla Hla and his brother usually walk to school.

Key words

usually, always, sometimes, often, every, daily, today, generally, once a…, twice a…, etc

6. He always gets up early.

7. She often goes to the cinema.
8. We read newspaper everyday.
9. They play football once a week.

Present Continuous Tense - ပစ္စုပ္ပန်အပြိုင်ကာလ (am, is, are + Ving)

1. He is reading the newspaper now.
2. What are you doing?
3. I am writing a letter now.

Key words

day by day, now, at present, at the moment, at this moment,…

4. Look! He is swimming.
5. Aye Thidar is dancing now.
6. They are waiting for the bus now.
7. He is walking to school tomorrow.

Present Perfect Tense - ပစ္စုပ္ပန်မတို င်မီလေးကာလ (has,have + V3)

1. He has just gone out.
2. Have you done your homework?
3. I have not done my homework yet.
4. I have been to Mandalay.
5. I have never been to Mandalay.
6. He has never seen a lion.
7. John has lived in this house for twenty years.
8. He has been ill since last week.
9. He has written a letter.


already, ever, for, never, just, yet, since, so far, till now, etc…

10. I have already finished my work.

11. Have you ever seen a tiger?
12. He has never been to Pyin-Oo-Lwin.
13. She has gone for five hours.
14. She has gone since five o’clock.
15. He has not done his exercise yet.
16. He has just bought a new car.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense - ယခု ဖြစ်ပြီးဆက်ဖြစ်နေဆဲကာလ (has, have been + Ving)

1. He has been working in this office for a long time.
2. He has been sleeping for four hours.
3. They have been playing since four o’clock.
4. The boys have been eating the cakes.

Simple Past Tense - အတိတ်ကာလ(V2)

1. I wrote a letter yesterday.
2. He went to the cinema last night.
3. She left school last year.

Key words

previous, last, ago, yesterday, this morning,…

4. John went to Japan last year.

5. Mary did her homework last night.
6. He bought a book yesterday.
7. She wrote a letter a few hours ago.
8. Bogyoke Aung San died in 1947.
9. He bought this car in Japan.

Past Continuous Tense - အတိတ်အပြိုင်ကာလ (was, were + Ving)

1. Mother was watching television at 7 o’clock last night.
2. He was working in the garden at eight o’clock yesterday morning.
3. We were playing football all evening.
4. The baby was crying the whole day.

သုံ းလေ့ ရှိသော pattern များ

When S V2 , S was/were +Ving

S was/were+Ving when S V2

While S was/were+Ving , S V2

S V2 while S was/were+Ving

5. He was sleeping when his friend came.

6. While he was sleeping, his friend came.
7. While Ma Ma was watching TV, John read the book.
8. When I saw him, he was playing chess.

Past Perfect Tense - အတိတ်မတို င်ခင်လေးကာလ (had + V3)

-အတိတ်ဖြစ်ရပ်နှ စ်ခု ၌ ပထမဖြစ်သောဖြစ်ရပ်လည်းဖြစ်သည်။

1. U Ba had lived in Mandalay for ten years before he moved to Yangon.
2. John had gone to the store before he went home.
3. John went home after he had gone to the store.
4. I had done my exercise when he came to see me.
5. I had written the letter before he arrived.
6. After Maung Maung had washed his clothes, he began to study.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense - အတိတ်၌ဖြစ်ခဲ့ ပြီးဆက်ဖြစ်နေဆဲကာလ(had+been+Ving)

Simple Future Tense - အနာဂတ်ကာလ (will/shall + V1 or am, is, are + Ving or am, is,
are going to + V1)

1. We will go to the zoo coming Sunday.
2. Keywords
3. Next, tomorrow, tonight, soon, coming, etc…
4. She will visit Bagan next month.
5. Tomorrow will be Sunday.
6. We will go to the cinema tonight.
7. He will start the work tomorrow.
8. She will return soon.
9. She is coming to our party by flight tomorrow.
10. He is going to build a new house.
11. The building is going to fall down.

Future Continuous Tense - အနာဂတ်အပြိုင်ကာလ (will/shall be + Ving)

1. He will be meeting us next week.
2. He will be studying this lesson at nine o’clock tonight.
3. We will be having our breakfast at this time tomorrow morning.
4. I will be staying here till Sunday.

Future Perfect Tense - အနာဂတ်မတို င်မီလေးကာလ (will/shall have + V3)

1. I shall have written my homework by that time.
2. Before you go to see him, he will have left the place.
3. They will have finished their work by next month.
4. She will have cooked dinner before her mother returns.

Future Perfect Continuous - will have been + Ving

Adverb - ကြိယာဝိသေသန
ကြိယာကို အထူ းပြုသော စကားလုံ းများဖြစ်ပြီး အများအားဖြင့် adjective များကို ly ပေါင်းထားသော စကားလုံ းများဖြစ်သည်။

1.Adverb of Manner (အမူ အရာပြကြိယာဝိသေသန)

quickly, successfully, steadily, regularly, slowly, faithfully, extremely, beautifully, etc…

1. The child sleeps soundly.
2. He works well.
3. She walks slowly.
4. I can hardly read your handwriting.
5. He nearly missed the train.

2.Adverb of Frequency (အကြိမ်ပြကြိယာဝိသေသန)

Once, twice, sometimes, often, seldom, hardly, never, always, usually, ever, frequently, again,
1. I have told you twice.
2. He often makes mistakes.
3. She seldom comes here.

3.Adverb of Time (အချိန်ပြကြိယာဝိသေသန)

Soon, now, presently, before, after, since, ago, early, late, lately, yet, still, till, already,
afterwards, today, yesterday, tomorrow, at present, last, next, daily
1. She will come soon.
2. We shall now begin our class.
3. I have already spoken to him.

Adverb of Time (အချိန်ပြကြိယာဝိသေသန)

Here, there, hence, in, out, inside, outside, within, far, near, by, forward, backward, anywhere,
everywhere, nowhere
1. Stand here.
2. My brother is out.
3. Go there.
4. Come in.

Adverb of Degree or Quantity (အတို င်းအတာ/ပမာဏပြကြိယာဝိသေသန)

Very, so, too, quite, much, rather, little, wholly, almost, enough, altogether, fully
1. He is very clever.
2. The tea is too sweet.
3. He reads quite clearly.

Preposition - ဝိဘတ်
1.Simple Prepositions
At, for, in, off, out, till, to, under, with, near, by, from, of, on, out of, until, up, down, over,
1. There is a cow in the field.
2. He is fond of tea.
3. What are you looking at?

2.Compound Prepositions
About, across, along, amidst, among, before, behind, beside, into, inside, outside, within, above,
afte, against, around, below, beneath, between, beyond, onto, upon, without, toward
1. He went out about seven o’clock.
2. She is above the age of fifteen.
3. We shall play after school.

3.Phrase Prepositions
According to, along with, because of, by mean of, by reason of, by way of, in according with, in
addition to, in (on) behalf of, in course of, in order to, in reference to, with regard to, away from,
in place of, owing to, in regard to, in case of, in front of, with a view to, with an eye to, instead
of, on account of, in spite of
1. He acted according to my instructions.
2. She will go along with us
3. Many people died on account of accidents.

1. Hey look …… these jeans.
2. Maung Maung was looking …… you last night.
3. The nurse looks …… the sick man.
4. The dentist pulled …….his tooth.
5. Two of the prisoners got……..
6. She is getting ….. her illness.
7. The government put ……. the revolt.
8. He has made ….. his property to the hospital.
9. He has given …….. the idea.
10. He is very much pulled ….. by his illness.

at, for, to, down, up, on, in, under, of, with, after, off
1. Our school begins …. nine-thirty.
2. The colour….. my shirt is white.
3. The boys are swimming ….. the river.
4. Maung Nyan is ….. his bicycle.
5. The teacher is talking ….. the class.
6. The pupils stand ….when the teacher comes in.
7. This textbook is ….. the standard five.
8. The students are looking ….. the whiteboard.
9. The steam is flowing…….
10. Your pen is …… your pocket.
11. The policeman is …….duty.
12. They are ….. a hurry.
13. I switched … the light.
14. I write the exercises …… a pencil.
15. I saw some other dogs …… the street.
16. I found my dog sleeping …… a tree.
17. The dog woke …….and ran away.
18. I ran…… the dog.

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. I am going …. a party tonight.
2. They leave for Bagan ….. plane …. six o’clock.
3. My friend live ….. No.234 …… Main Road.
4. We have been living ….. this village …. my childhood.
5. I shall finish my work ……… an hour.
6. I hope there is no quarrel …… you and me.
7. My cousin lives …. Taung Gyi.
8. She cooks dinner ….. five people.
9. Su Su is very fond …… of her dog.
10. She paid no attention …… the noise.
11. This car is different ….. the other one.
12. Maung Myo agrees ….. me to go swimming.
13. He is not used …… smoking.
14. He is no ashamed …. of his conduct.
15. I am not satisfied …… your explanation.

Conjunction - စကားဆက်
And, or, but, as, because, so, if, therefore, although, though, however, after, before, while, else,
otherwise, whereas, unless, whether… or, either….or, neither…nor, both…. and, not only….. but
also, so….. that, as well as, as soon as, as though, also, together with, that, what, when, where,
why, how
1. He is slow but he is sure.
2. As he was not there, I spoke to his brother.
3. Tell him that I will come.
4. He finished first though he began late.
5. Neither a borrower nor a lender.

Interjection - အာမေဋိက်
Hello! Alas! Hurrah! Ah!
Supply the correct form of the word given in brackets.
1. She was dressed (beautiful) on her birthday.
2. Friends sent me many (present) for my birthday.
3. It is (danger) to play with a match.
4. The (build) in our town are built of wood.
5. Be (care) when you cross a busy road.
6. (Walk) is the best exercise for the old people.
7. Please (speak) loudly.
8. I bought three (loaf) of bread yesterday.
9. Sleep is the (good) kind of rest.
10. The dog is barking at a (strange).
11. He has a lot of (problem) to solve.
12. I (usual) have my dinner at 6:00 pm
13. What does he do for his (live)?
14. A tortoise moves very (slow).
15. The glass (drop) and broke into pieces.

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