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Ma. Via T. Cabudbud Jamayca T. Nuez
Joanna Rica J. Duran Rosemarie B. Sarong
English language anxiety is the feeling of nervousness and apprehension
experienced in learning or using second language. It is usually studied and seen in
a language classroom situation. Students who have English language anxiety tend
to being less likely to get encouraged in their academic performance.
Moreover, due to the government’s mandate, the majority of Filipinos spend their
time in school studying the English language. As a result, English is a common
language of instruction in Philippine higher education institutions. Despite its
widespread use, many Filipinos, even college students, still feel uneasy when
speaking it.
However, according to MacIntyre and Gregersen (2012) on page 103, "language
anxiety encompasses the feelings of worry and negative, fear-related emotions
associated with learning or using a language that is not one's mother tongue.
"According to Young (1992), anxiety in foreign language classrooms is a complex
process that is difficult to evaluate but invariably has an impact on L2 acquisition at
various levels. It needs understanding of the cultural nuances of the target language
and social interaction with others, possibly native speakers, to learn a foreign
Moreover, according to Naser Oteir and Nijr Al-Otaibi (2019), learning the English
language is significantly impacted by anxiety related to it. These writers categorized the
affects into five categories. According to their level of language proficiency, students who
have experienced English language anxiety are more likely to have poor academic
performance (Naser Oteir & Nijr Al-Otaibi, 2019).
This study aims to find out how anxious BSED-English students from the Bohol Island
State University's Bilar Campus are when it comes to the English language, what's
causing it, and how that anxiety affects their academic performance. The researcher
thinks that by investigating students' English anxiety, a pertinent theory may emerge that
could potentially explain why English is a subject that causes worry in students. It is
necessary to link their sexual preferences to their English anxiety. The researcher's main
goal is to determine the connection between BSED-English students at BISU-Bilar
Campus's academic performance and English language anxiety.
Theoritical Framework of the Study


Executive Order 210 Series of
Social Cognitive Theory
Theory of Foreign Language
The Improve Basic Education
Act of 2012 also known as
House Bill No. 6643
BSEd-English Majors
2nd year
3rd year Demographic Profile
4th year sex
S.Y 2023-2024 year level

Language Anxiety
social evaluation
apprehension on
academic asessment

Research Analysis Report

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study is to determine the level of English language anxiety
and academic performance of BSEd-English students particularly the 2nd, 3rd and 4th
year level of Bohol Island State University Bilar Campus, academic year 2023-2024.
Specifically, the study aims to determine the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. sex; and

1.2. year level?
Statement of the Problem

2. What is the level of English language anxiety in terms of:

2.1 interpersonal communication;
2.2 social evaluation; and
2.3 apprehension on academic assessment?

3. What is the academic performance of students in their English subjects?

4. Is there a significant relationship between English language anxiety and academic

performance of students per year level?

There is no significant relationship between English language anxiety and academic

Significance of the Study

It is believed that this humble piece of work will be useful to the following:
Society of English Enthusiast
Language Teacher
School Administration
Future Researchers
Research Methodology


Descriptive 2nd year - 4th year

Correlational BSED-English
Research Survey Students of BISU-
Design Bilar
Research Methodology


Modified Foreign
Language Classroom I. Asking permission
Anxiety Scale II. Conducting the
(FLCAS) Horwitz,
Horwitz & Cope III. Collect the Data
Statistical Treatment
A simple percentage will be used to show the demographic profile and the academic
performance of the BSEd English students.

P = percentage
F = frequency
N = total number of respondents

Weighted mean will be used to determine the level of English Language Anxiety of the
BSED – English students.
= Average Weighted Mean
f = frequency
x = score
N = total number of respondents

Numerical Value Description

3.66 – 5.00 Agree
2.33 – 3.65 Somewhat Agree
1.00 – 2.32 Disagree

Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation will be used to determine the relationship
between English language anxiety and academic performance.
r = the coefficient of correlation
x = mean of variable x
= sum of variable of x
y = mean variable y
= sum of variable y
Survey Questionnaire
Kindly put a check mark (/) in a box that corresponds to your answer.
1. Sex : Male Female
2. Year level: 2nd year 3rd year 4th year

Part II. English Language Classroom Anxiety Questionnaire

Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., & Cope, J. (1986). English language classroom anxiety. The Modern
Language Journal, 70(2), 125-132.

Directions: This section contains items that may reflect your feelings about your English class. For each
statement, check the number in the box that would indicates whether you “Agree”, “Somewhat Agree”,
and “Disagree”

5 – “Agree”
3 – “Somewhat Agree”
1 – “Disagree”

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