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Structural Rehabilitation and

Timber Design (CIVL5277)


Timber Connections

Dr Ali Hadigheh
School of Civil Engineering | Faculty of Engineering


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1. Introduction to timber connections

2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections
3. Bolted connections
4. Summary

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1. Introduction to timber connections

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1. Introduction to timber connections

Type 1 connections
Shear on fastener
Lateral loads

Fastener into side grain

Coach screw
Fastener into end grain

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1. Introduction to timber connections

Type 2 connections

Tension on fastener
Withdrawal loads

Coach screw

Fastener into side grain

eg. batten or rafter joint
Fastener into end grain
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1. Introduction to timber connections

Effective timber joint configurations

• Fasteners stronger into side grain than into end grain

• Minimise tension perpendicular to grain

• Unseasoned timber will shrink, allow for movement perpendicular to grain

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1. Introduction to timber connections

Conventions for edge end and end distances, spacings

• Edge – always towards side of timber member
(across grain)

• End – always towards end of timber member

(parallel to grain)

• Centre to centre distances

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1. Introduction to timber connections

Edge and end distances, spacings

Edge distance
Spacing perp to grain

End distance Spacing parallel to grain

Spacing parallel to grain End distance

Edge distance
Spacing perp to grain

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1. Introduction to timber connections

Timber strength in connections

AS1720.1 – currently only includes design for

• small connectors - nails and screws
• large connectors - bolts and coach screws
• split-rings and shear-plates
Joint strength groups:
• related to timber density
• JD1 - JD6 (strongest to weakest) – seasoned
• J1 - J6 (strongest to weakest) – unseasoned
Joint configuration:
• Most fasteners stronger in side grain than in end grain.
• Minimise tension perpendicular to grain.
• Unseasoned timber shrinks with time - allow for movement
perpendicular to grain.
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1. Introduction to timber connections

Fin-plate Connections

Bolted fin-plate connections

at beam/column joints

Teraxion Head Office, Quebec, Canada

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1. Introduction to timber connections

Fin-plate Connections (cont.)

Fin-plate connections at nodes

Abraham Darby Sports and Learning Academy, Telford, UK

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1. Introduction to timber connections

Hidden structural connection Structural connection

– small forces Rotating connection
– large forces
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1. Introduction to timber connections

Connections displayed Connections hidden

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Nails Screws

Large structures

Large structures

Domestic construction
Domestic construction

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

– Gun-driven
– Hand-driven
– Self-drilling
– Huge range lengths, diameters, profiles
– Wood to wood
– Wood to steel plate

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Connection capacity

Shear (Type 1 connection) capacity of screwed joints only marginally better than nailed
connections. (AS1720.1 Nail or screw

Nails do not cut fibres. They spread them apart

and therefore do not reduce strength of timber.

Nail or screw
Screws have about three times the withdrawal strength (Type 2
connections) of similar sized nails. (AS1720.1

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Design capacity

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl (Nails) & Cl (Screws) Nd,j=Ø k1 k13 k14 k16 k17 n Qk

Ø Capacity factor for connections - Table 2.2

Still a function of connection type, and structural use
k1 Duration of load (for connections) - Table 2.3 right hand column
(Often different to k1 for members) Nail or screw

k13 Grain orientation factor - nail, screw

k14 Shear plane factor - nail, screw
k16 Head fixity factor - nail, screw
k17 Factor for multiple nails (rows) - Table 4.3(A)
n Number of fasteners in connection
Qk Capacity of single nail in shear (N) - nail Table 4.1, screw Table 4.5

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Design capacity – nails in shear (type 1 joint)

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl Nd,j=Ø k1 k13 k14 k16 k17 n Qk

Grain Orientation factor k13

=1 for nails embedded in side grain

= 0.6 for nails embedded in end grain

Note: Nailing into end grain reduces capacity of connection.

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Design capacity – nails in shear (type 1 joint)

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl Nd,j=Ø k1 k13 k14 k16 k17 n Qk

Shear Plane Factor k14

=1 for connections with nails in single shear

=2 for connections with nails in double shear

Note: Nails in double shear have twice the capacity of nails in single shear.

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Design capacity – nails in shear (type 1 joint)

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl Nd,j=Ø k1 k13 k14 k16 k17 n Qk
Head fixity factor k16
= 1.2 for thick steel side plates with close fitting holes

= 1.1 for plywood gussets

= 1.0 for all other cases

Note: Wood side plates

Nail head fixed in
particularly place - double
important for curvature in nail
Rotation of nail head
gusseted Steel side plates increases strength
and splice
No rotation of nail head
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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Design capacity – nails in shear (type 1 joint)

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl Nd,j=Ø k1 k13 k14 k16 k17 n Qk
Multiple nail row factor k17
Load sharing between nails in a multiple nail connection is not uniform. Nails on a perimeter
carry higher loads.
k17 reduces the characteristic capacity of the entire connection depending upon number of ROWS
of connectors.

Connection A has 4 rows, B has 6 rows.

A row of nails is perpendicular to the line of force.

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Design capacity – nails in shear (type 1 joint)

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl Nd,j=Ø k1 k13 k14 k16 k17 n Qk
Multiple nail row factor k17
k17 reduces the capacity of long connections by up to 25% for unseasoned timber and up to 15%
for seasoned timber.

e.g. Connection A (4 rows) has k17 = 1.0 (hence design capacity) 10% greater than connection B
(6 rows) and k17 = 0.88 with same number of nails.


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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Design capacity – nails in shear (type 1 joint)

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl Nd,j=Ø k1 k13 k14 k16 k17 n Qk
Capacity of single nail in shear Qk

Use Joint Strength Group of timber (J or JD) - Table H2.3 and H2.4 and diameter of nail Qk from
Table 4.1:

Details - depth of
penetration, spacing,
edge, end distances

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Design capacity – type 2 joint

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl (Nail) & (Screw) Nd,j=Ø k13 lp n Qk
• Nd,j in N
• Grain Orientation factor k13 (Note difference to Type 1):
k13 = 1.0 for nails embedded in side grain
k13 = 0.25 for nails embedded in end grain (Cl Nail or screw
• Qk in N/mm (Table 4.2 nails, Table 4.6 screws)
• n is number of effective nails/screws in withdrawal – (prying action may
make some ineffective)
• Spacing, edge, end distances still apply
• Profiled shank nails may perform better than plain nails
No k1 factor & No k17 factor

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Design capacity – type 2 joint

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl (Nail) & (Screw) Nd,j=Ø k13 lp n Qk
• lp is depth of penetration (mm) of nail shank into innermost element in the connection.

• Select length of nail carefully to ensure depth of penetration is adequate to meet required

Into side grain Into end grain

k13 = 1 k13 nails = 0.25
k13 screws = 0.6
lp lp
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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Design capacity – type 2 joint

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl (Nail) & (Screw) Nd,j=Ø k13 lp n Qk
• Characteristic capacity Qk
Use Joint Strength Group of timber (J or JD) (Tables H2.3 and H2.4)
Use diameter of nail Qk from Table 4.2.
Note: Characteristic capacity is “N per mm” penetration of nail.
To achieve Qk - must have the right details
• Depth of penetration
• Spacing
• Edge and end distances

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Length of nails
Nail length and timber thickness

The characteristic capacities given in Tables 4.1(A) and 4.1(B) shall be applicable, where timber
thicknesses and nail length are as follows:

Two-member joints (nails in single shear):

• Thickness of first member, tl >10D;
• depth of penetration of nail into second member, tp >10D

Three-member joints (nails in double shear):

• thickness of central member, tm >10D;
• thickness to outer member, to >7.5D;
• depth of penetration of nail into outer member, tp >7.5D
D is nail diameter
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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Spacing of nails
AS1720.1 (2010) Table 4.4 (Nail) & Table 4.8 (Screw)

Pre-boring - hole is 80% diameter of nail shank:

• Used whenever splitting is likely.
• Used with some seasoned hardwoods.
• Tendency to split index (tricky to calculate).
• Same capacity , different spacings.
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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Nailplate connections
Nail plates - engineered products e.g. trusses

Require special presses to install.

Close spacing, but rigidity of plate gives confinement - prevents splitting

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Other types of nail connections

Nail gusset connections – e.g. portals:
• Moment carrying connections
• Many nails in rings around outside of joint

Skew nails
• Nails cross in the centre of the connection.
• Better holding power than nails driven directly into end grain.
• Useful for holding members in place.
• Not a high capacity connection.

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Screwed connections
Philosophy and equations for capacity very similar to that used for nailed connections.

Even self-drilling screws are much more expensive to install than nailed connections.

Strength data applies to:

• Taper threaded wood screws.

• Type 17 self-drilling self-tapping screws.

Shear (Type 1 connection) capacity of screwed joints only marginally better than nailed
connections (AS1720.1 Cl

Screws have about three times the withdrawal strength (Type 2 connection) of similar sized nails.
(AS1720.1 Cl

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Example 1

A timber mill roof has a number of secondary roof trusses of F14 unseasoned Messmate timber.
The central 150 x 38 member is nailed to two outer plates of 150 x 38 timber by eight rows of
three 2.5mm nails.
Find the capacity of the connection to resist permanent loads.

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Example 1 - Solution

f = 0.85 Secondary element, normal structure – <Table

<Table 2.6> 2.2>
k1 = 0.57 permanent load – <Table
(joint column in <Table 2.7>2.3>
k13 = 1.0 nails embedded in side grain – <>
k14 = 2.0 nails in double shear – <>
k16 = 1.0 nails driven through wood – <>
na = 8 Number of rows of nails
k17 = 0.84 unseasoned timber – <Table
(interpolation in <Table 4.3>)4.3.(A)>
n = 24 Unseas. Messmate in Joint Group J3 <Table 2.2>
Qk = 545 N Unseasoned J3 timber, 2.5 mm nails – <Table
<Table 4.1.(A)>
f N j = f k 1 k 13 k 14 k 16 k 17 n Qk
Nd,j = Ø k k k k k n Q
= 0.85 ´10.57 ´131.0 ´142.0 ´161.0 ´ 170.84 ´ 24 ´k545
= 0.85 x 0.57 x 1.0 x 2.0 x 1.0 x 0.84 x 24 x 545 N = 10.6 kN
= 10.6kN

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Example 1 – Solution (cont.)

spacing along grain edge distance

spacing across grain end distance

Now min depth of embedment in three-member joints (double shear)

= 7.5D = 18.8 mm
ie. min nail length = 38 + 38 + 18.8 = 94.8 mm
and max nail length = 38 + 38 + 38 = 114 mm
a 100 mm nail would be appropriate (if available)

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Example 1 – Solution (cont.)

spacing along grain edge distance

Min edge distance = 5D = 12.5 mm spacing across grain end distance

Min spacing across grain = 10D = 25 mm
ie for three per row width= 12.5 + 25 + 25 + 12.5
= 75 < 150 mm ü
The edge distances and spacings can be increased so that they
all fitted into the width of the section.
Spacing across grain = 45 mm
Edge distance = 30 mm
Sum to 150 mm

Min end distance = 20D = 50 mm

Min spacing along grain = 20D = 50 mm
ie overlap for eight rows = 50 + 7x50 + 50 = 450 mm

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2. Small (nailed and screwed) connections

Example 1 – Solution (cont.)

Connection has a long-term capacity of 10.6 kN, and can accommodate 3 nails per row easily. If
necessary, at least 5 nails could be used per row.

With the current configuration the length of overlap of the connection must be at LEAST 450 mm
to give an end distance of at least 50 mm, and spacing of at least 50 mm between rows of nails.

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3. Bolted connections

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3. Bolted connections

Behaviour of nails vs bolts

Nailed connections Bolted connections

– Nails part fibres – no discontinuity of – Holes drilled – break wood fibres
fibres – Large diameter fastener – rigidity
– Small diameter fastener – flexibility – Force transfer by bearing only
– Force transfer by bearing and friction – A few large fasteners – high load per
– Many small fasteners – low load per unit area
unit area – Smaller area – stress concentration
– Over large area – less stress

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3. Bolted connections

Bolts connection

Timber member

National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, ACT Steel connection

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3. Bolted connections

Bolts connection

Timber member

Hidden steel
connection plate

Hidden bolts

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3. Bolted connections

Bolts connection
• Type 1 – shear in the bolt

• Type 2 – tension in the bolt (rare)


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3. Bolted connections

Design capacity – type 1 joint

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl N d,j = φ k1k16 k17 nQsk
Ø Capacity factor for connections. Still a function of connection type, and structural use-
Table 2.2
k1 Duration of load (for connections) - Table 2.3 (Often different to k1 for members)
k16 Side plate factor, stiff side-plates and close-fitting holes can prevent rotation of bolt
– Cl
k17 Factor for multiple bolts (rows), seasoned/unseasoned - Table 4.12
n Number of bolts in joint
Qsk Capacity of single bolt in shear (N) - Table 4.9 or 4.10

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3. Bolted connections

Multiple bolt factor (cont.)

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl N d,j = φ k1k16 k17 nQsk
Unseasoned timber
v Unrestrained - bolts and bolt holes allow shrinkage
• eg use slotted holes in one member,
• or use identical members - same shrinkage Transverse
• or use one bolt per row restraint

v Transverse restraint - one member can shrink perp to grain and other
member can’t
Timber bolted
• eg for timber to metal plate
to steel (behind)
• or for timber to timber in other direction
• or for unseasoned timber to seasoned timber
Connections should be detailed so that unseasoned timber can shrink and will be free of
transverse restraint
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3. Bolted connections

Characteristic system capacity of a single joint

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl N d,j = φ k1k16 k17 nQsk
q Qskl System capacity parallel to grain – sum of all Qkl for shear planes on one bolt in the
Qkl Capacity of a single bolt, single shear plane with force parallel to grain.

q Qskp System capacity perpendicular to grain – sum of all Qkp (load to grain) for the shear
planes on one bolt in the connection.
Qkp Capacity of a single bolt, single shear plane, with force perpendicular to grain.

Used to find Qskq for q not 0° or 90°

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3. Bolted connections

Characteristic system capacity of a single joint (cont.)

Direction of force: Qkl
• Parallel to grain - Table 4.9
• Perpendicular to grain - Table 4.10

• Force in both members parallel to grain - use only Qkl

• Force in one member perpendicular to grain - use only Qkp for that member.
• For all other cases find both Qkl and Qkp

– Qskq – system capacity at an angle (q )to grain Qkq

Qskl Qskp
Qskq =
Qskl sin 2 q + Qskp cos2 q

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3. Bolted connections

Characteristic system capacity of a single joint (cont.)

Use diagrams to find beff for each shear plane in connection:

• For Qkl use Table 4.9(A) - thinnest timber element.

• For Qkp use Table 4.10(A) thickness of timber element with force perpendicular to grain.
• Diameter of bolt D and beff used with Joint Strength Group in Tables 4.9 and 4.10 to find Qkl
or Qkp.
• Capacity of connection across each shear plane summed to give system capacity for a single
bolt (see Table 4.9(A) and Table 4.10(A)).

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3. Bolted connections

Characteristic system capacity of a single joint (cont.)

Table 4.9(A) Table 4.10(A)

t1 t1 t1
Note:this is a
single member

beff = thickness of
beff = thickness of member
thinnest member with
t2 with load perp to grain
load parallel to grain t2
beff = min(t2, 2t1) beff = t2
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3. Bolted connections

Characteristic system capacity of a single joint (cont.)

TABLE 4.9(C)
force Effect Characteristic capacity, Q kl, N

Species timber Bolt diameter

Group thickness
Species Joint b eff, mm
M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M30 M36

Strength Group JD1 25 4 100 6 900 8 600 10 400 13 800 17 300 20 700 25 900 31 100
35 4 100 7 300 11 400 1414500
500 19 300 24 200 29 000 36 200 43 500
40 4 100 7 300 11 400 16 400 22 100 27 600 33 100 41 400 49 700
Timber 45 4 100 7 300 11 400 16 400 24 800 31 100 37 300 46 600 55 900

thickness beff 70 4 100 7 300 11 400 16 400 29 100 45 500 58 000 72 500 86 900
90 4 100 7 300 11 400 16 400 29 100 45 500 65 600 93 200 111 800
105 4 100 7 300 11 400 16 400 29 100 45 500 65 600 102 500 130 400
120 4 100 7 300 11 400 16 400 29 100 45 500 65 600 102 500 147 500
Bolt Size JD2-JD5
JD6 25 1700 2 200 2 800 3 300 4 400 5 500 6 600 8 300 9 900
35 1900 3 100 3 900 4 600 6 200 7 700 9 200 11 600 13 900
40 1900 3 400 4 400 5 300 7 000 8 800 10 600 13 200 15 800

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105 1900 3 400 5 300 7 600 13 500 21 100 27 700 34 700 41 600
3. Bolted connections

Design capacity – type 2 joint

AS1720.1 (2010) Cl
Capacity is lesser of
• Bolt failure N d,j = n N d,tb

• Wood crush failure N d,j = φ k1k7 n f 'pj Aw

Serviceability failure rather than a separation of the members

k7 – bearing area factor
f 'pj – crushing strength under fasteners (confined bearing strength) larger than f 'p
(unconfined bearing strength)

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3. Bolted connections

Geometry of bolted connections

ü All bolts must have washers that comply with Cl 4.4.5 - otherwise strength may be reduced

ü Min spacing of bolts is a function of angle of force to grain direction:

End distance - always measured parallel to grain between CL of bolt and cut end of timber
Edge distance - always measured perpendicular to grain between CL of bolt and side of
Spacing - measured CL to CL both parallel and perpendicular to grain

ü Tendency to split is greater normal to grain – detail to minimise direct tension applied normal
to the grain.

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3. Bolted connections

Geometry of bolted connections (cont.)

Be aware of all possible load directions
Spacing parallel to grain, End dist. Load
load parallel to grain parallel to grain

Edge dist.
Spacing perp to grain,
load parallel to grain

Spacing parallel to grain, End dist. Load

load perpendicular to grain perpendicular to grain

Edge dist.
Spacing perp to grain,
load perp to grain

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3. Bolted connections

Geometry of bolted connections (cont.)

Some minimum spacings are a function of angle of force to grain direction:
• End distance – greater for forces parallel to grain.
– Poisson effect gives tension normal to grain.

• Edge distance – greater for forces normal to grain.

– Forces normal to grain cause tension normal to grain.

• Spacing between bolts parallel to load direction – 5D.

• Spacing between bolts normal to load direction:

– 2.5D to 5D for load normal to grain, but spacing parallel to grain.
– 4D for load parallel to grain, but spacing perpendicular to grain.

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3. Bolted connections

Example 2

A hospital in Wodonga (Vic) has a number of widely spaced exposed parallel primary roof trusses
of F14 seasoned mountain ash truss with bolted connections of two M16 bolts.
For the connection between a horizontal 125 x 35 member that bears on top of a wall and an
inclined 175 x 35 member:
• Find the capacity of the connection for permanent actions.
• Detail appropriate locations for the bolts in the connection.

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3. Bolted connections

Example 2 - solution

Trusses are a primary structural element in a building with a post-disaster function.

Wide spacing of the trusses means that there is limited load sharing between them.

6 kN
inclined member 6 kN

6 kN

horizontal member

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3. Bolted connections

Example 2 - solution

f = 0.75 M16 bolt (Table 2.2)

k1 = 0.57 50+ year duration load / joint (Table 2.3)
k16 = 1.0 Bolts not through metal side plates (
k17 = 1.0 Two rows of bolts in group (Table 4.12)
n =2 Two bolts in group
Qsk Function of the angle of the force to the grain.

For the inclined member: For the Horizontal member:

• 6 kN load acts parallel to the grain. • Same 6 kN force is loaded through the bolts.
• Bolts are loaded parallel to the grain. • Force is 30°to the grain direction.

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3. Bolted connections

Example 2 - solution

Seasoned mountain ash timber is in Joint Group JD3 (Table H2.3).

For components of load parallel to grain:
•beff = b of thinnest piece = 35 mm
•Qkl = 12300 N (Table 4.9(C))

For components of load perpendicular to grain:

•beff = 2 ´ b of thinnest piece = 2 ´ 35 = 70mm
•Qkp = 9520 N (Table 4.10(C))

Qsk at q = 30°
Qs k l Qs k p 12.3 ´ 9.52
Qs kq = = =11.5kN
Qs k l sin 2 q +Qs k p cos 2 q 12.3 sin 2 30 ! + 9.52 cos 2 30 !
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3. Bolted connections

Example 2 - solution

In the inclined member (force parallel to grain)

N d,j = φ k1k16 k17 nQsk
= 0.75 × 0.57 × 1.0 ×1.0 × 2 ×12300
= 10 500 N

In the horizontal member (force at 30° to grain)

N d,j = φ k1k16 k17 nQsk

= 0.75 × 0.57 × 1.0 ×1.0 × 2 ×11500
= 9830 N

In both cases, Nd,j > N*

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3. Bolted connections

Example 2 - solution

For minimum edge distances, end distances and spacings the Standard has different values for
loads parallel or perpendicular to the grain. For q = 0 to 30° the “Parallel to Grain” limits apply
to both pieces (AS 1720.1

Min. edge distance: 2D = 32mm

Min. spacing across grain: 4D = 64mm (load parallel to grain)
Width with two per row: 2D + 4D + 2D = 8D = 128mm < 140mm

Min end distance (horizontal member) = 7D = 112mm (Tension)

Min end distance (inclined member) = 5D = 80mm (Compression) (Use 112mm to allow for load
reversal - makes both members “tension” structures).
Min spacing along grain = 5D = 80mm.

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3. Bolted connections

Example 2 - solution
Spacing parallel to grain,
edge distance
32 load parallel to grain
> 80
End distance, load- Edge distance
edge distance 32
horizontal member
end to grain
distance 112

Connection Edgedistance
edge 32

Area within edge and

end distances
> 80
End inclined
distance, load -
end distance 112 Spacing parallel to
parallel to grain
grain, load parallel to

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3. Bolted connections

Example 2 - solution

The diagram shows that there is easily enough room to accommodate the two bolts.

The long-term capacity of the connection is more than the 6 kN permanent action in the inclined

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3. Summary

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4. Summary

– Range of different types of connections

– Type 1 connections – shear in fastener
– Type 2 connections – withdrawal of fastener
– Fasteners stronger into side grain
– Minimise tension perpendicular to grain
– Allow for shrinkage perp to grain in unseasoned timber
– Limitations on edge and end distances, spacings

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4. Summary

- Nails and screws used in large numbers can connect large timber members
- Type 2 connection (withdrawal) capacity of screws > nails
- Capacity of connector is a function of:
• Diameter and length of fastener (Types 1 and 2)
• Joint strength group of timber (Types 1 and 2)
• Depth of penetration into timber (Type 2)
- Prevent splitting of timber
• Comply with minimum edge and end distances, spacings
• Pre-bore holes in seasoned hardwoods

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4. Summary

• Bolts often used to connect large timber elements

• Type 1 connections (bolt in shear) more common
• Restraint of bolted connections and k17
• Capacity dependent on direction of load with respect to grain
• End and edge distances, and spacings different for loads parallel and perpendicular to grain

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Plan for Next Session

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Plan for Next Session

– Durability and service life

– Review and wrap-up

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– AS1720.1-2010, Timber Structures- Part 1: Design Methods

– WoodSolution design and build resources

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