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Dear Parents,

Your son or daughter has been required to take part in the K-Outreach Program in Baguio City. It will
require ₱3,700 pesos for the trip to Baguio City. Payment is due by October 9, 2023.

Parents, don't be concerned; transportation and meals are provided in their program. We commitment
not to leave children behind on their journey to and from us.

The K-Outreach Program offers the opportunity for the students to:

Learn about healthy growth and development

Explore their goals for the future

Learn how to develop healthy relation

ships with other young people and adults

Receive tutoring and homework assistance

Work on volunteer service utilizes the K-Outreach Program curriculum which has been shown to be a
positive experience for young people.

If you have questions about the K-Outreach Program, please contact Ms Jaira P. Sta Maria (Adviser)

Please leave a message with the best time to reach you.

Your signature below shows you agreed for your son or daughter to participate in K-Outreach Program in
Baguio City.

__________________________________ _________________________

Child’s First and Last Names Child’s Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

_________________________ ___________________ __________

Parent or Guardian Signature Print Name Date

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