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CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH Language Assessment Part af tha University of Camoidae TEACHING KNOWLEDGE TEST MODULE 2 a Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching 00: Test 60 Time 1 hour 20 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so. Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they are not already there. Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully . Answer all the questions. Read the instructions on the answer sheet. Mark your answers on the answer sheet. Use a pencil ‘You must complete the answer sheet within the time limit. At the end of the test, hand in both this question paper and your answer sheet INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES There are 80 questions in this paper. Each question carries one mark 2 week's lessons and three suggestions for 1-7, look at @ teacher's evaluation of this do if these situations happen again listed A, B and C. .ch situation, One suggestion is NOT. ropriate on your answer sheet. For questions what she can Two of the suggestions are appropriate in ea Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) for the suggestion which is NOT appr suggestion is NOT Students came late and this spoiled the timing of the lesson, Whic appropriate in this situation? A Talk to the late students in private. B Give late students 10 minutes of your time at the end of the lesson. © Include a warmer in your plan so late students don't disturb the lesson. I started presenting the grammar but | realised | didn't give students enough time to finish reading the model text first. Which suggestion is NOT appropriate in this situation? A Before presenting the grammer, summarise the important content points in the text B Before presenting the grammar, tell the slower students to finish reading the text for homework. © Before presenting the grammar, elicit the main ideas in the text and write them on the board. ‘There was too much new lexis in the unit for one lesson and | tried to teach it all. Which 3 suggestion is NOT appropriate in this situation? ‘A Prioritise the most useful words and phrases. B Plan related activity book exercises for homework C Give students a test at the end of the lesson. 4 | _ Some of the more able students finished the exercise really quickly and had nothin ‘Which suggestion is NOT appropriate in this situation? i ee A Allow short breaks in the lesson for fast finishers B Plan groupings for quicker students to help the slower ones. Provide more challenging extension tasks for individual work 5 | _ Inthe small-group discussions, some students didn't get a chance to say anything, Which suggestion is NOT appropriate in this situation? ‘A Appoint a chairperson to organise the discussion B Ask the more confident, chatty students not to say anything © Talk to the students about the role of tumn-taking, ‘ dn ‘Ask the class to repeat a chant using the new tense. - Rien sorpe' sonceps quesions 198 ‘the whole class. Ask students to choose between this and other tenses in different situations. “There was too much written work for me to take home and mark. Which suggestion is NOT ‘appropriate in this situation? A Create self-access keys for the grammar exercises. B Focus on correcting only two or three language areas at a time. © Choose the work of one group of students to mark. 4 ‘For questions 8 - 14, match the stages of a lesson with the main aims listed A~H. “Mark the correct letter (A ~H) on your answer sheet. There is one extra option which you do not need to use. Main aims aac to ensure students can produce accurate grammar to give practice in intensive listening to provide feedback on students’ use of language to practise scanning moog > to demonstrate the following activity to pre-teach/check vocabulary useful for the lesson o to give meaningful oral practice of grammar and vocabulary to focus on collocation | ‘Stages of a lesson The teacher shows the class pictures of teenagers doing different free-time activities. The students name the activities, The teacher gives students a text about teenage leisure activities and a list of numbers from the text. The students read quickly to find what noun follows each number. ‘Students match a list of verbs — play, do, go with leisure activities such as running, tennis, crosswords. The teacher puts a sentence on the board: ‘Find someone who plays football on Saturdays.’ She asks students in the class: ‘Do you play football on Saturdays?’ until one of them says yes. ‘The teacher gives students a list of ind someone who’ questions. In pairs, they write the questions they are going to ask. The teacher checks by monitoring. ‘The students mingle to ask each other questions, and note down names of students who say yes. ‘The teacher writes on the board examples of leamers' vocabulary errors she noticed while monitoring the survey. For questions 18 — 24, match the information from a lesson pian with the lesson plan sections: listed A-H. Mark the correct letter (A - H) on your answer sheet. ‘There is one extra option which you do not need to use: Lesson plan sections ‘A Main learning objectives B How the lesson fits into the scheme of work Assumptions jc | D Class profile | E Analysis of language | & Anticipated problems and solutions G Material and teaching aids H_ Personal teaching objectives Information from a lesson plan Je] Lexpect the students to be familiar with conditional structures, e.9. if + past, would/wouldn't [38 ' be able fo, but can't be sure they will be. 76] The discussion in small groups means a lot of moving of tables and chairs, so | will do this [*' before the class begins G7] _ The lesson continues the topic fram the previous lesson with a discussion about the L417) advantages and disadvantages of travel by air. 78 | Listen to every student in the class but try to monitor more from a distance. without the students seeing me. 49] _ Practice in the skill of speaking for fluency and making use of a range of phrases used for giving opinions. au] Snppe internecine oroun of trainee air traffic controllers needing to pass exams in nglish. Annumber of statements on a handout to agree or disagree with and an OHP transparenc 2 parency to help with feedback on errors made during the discussion. Turn over > : .- G) on your answer sheet. ‘option which you do not need to use. to give controlled practice of target language to increase oral fluency to increase awareness of rhythm to develop reading skills to give practice in process writing to recycle vocabulary items to focus on contrasting sounds Coursebook rubrics When you have written a first draft, ask your partner to look at it with you to see if they can suggest any changes. Put the verb into the correct tense ~ past simple or present perfect —to complete each sentence. Look af the wordsearch and find 10 of the school subjects used in the interview in Unit 4. Put these paragraphs in the correct order to make a story. _ The author ofthe article says “Your schooldays are the best days of your life. In pai Dr re terclice tr tm pane view und fve again ee eae ~ Listen to this sentence and then underline the stressed syllables. Mamed see o (RE OTE MW De reesitY waiyS a KORE i5 smpizavaaty et arrub ebam gran 7 For questions 28 - 34, match the assessment activities with the main assessment focuses listed A-H. ‘Mark the correct letter (A — H) on your answer sheet. ‘There is one extra option which you do nat need to use. Main assessment focuses to assess listening for detail to assess listening and note-taking skills, to assess understanding of specific detail in a short written text to assess recall of a lexical set to assess ability to produce a long turn | to assess awareness of written accuracy [zonamoogm> to assess knowledge of verb form | to assess awareness of pronunciation Assessment activities 28| Put each of the underlined words in the paragraph into the correct tense. 29] Read the paragraph about social change below and draw a diagram which conveys the ~! same information. 30] Choose the word in each set of four which has a different vowel sound from the other ("1 three. 21| — Complete the table with the times of the TV programmes mentioned in the recording 22| Read the article and correct the ten punctuation errors in it 33] _ Note down as many of the words for parts of the body that we talked about yesterday as you can remember. | 34] You have thirty seconds to think about the topic Good friends. Then you must give a two- [J minute taik about this topic. 8 and fill in the missing 36 — 40, read the stages of a vocabulary and ‘speaking lesson, F ark the correct letter (A — F) on your answer sheet. Missing stages , A The students write the words in their notebooks. The teacher draws a room plan on the board, and the students copy it into their notebooks. The students all vote on which room is the best. (They can't vote for their own plan.) The students study the information together, and agree on a list of furniture they would need to make a perfect living room. They prepare a poster with a plan of their perfect room. The students describe their own rooms and their furniture to their partners. They find similarities in their rooms (e.g. We both have a sofa opposite the window) and report back to the whole class. ‘The teacher puts pictures of sitting room furniture on the board, with a phonemic transcription of the words under each picture. The teacher corrects the students’ use of prepositions and their pronunciation of the vocabulary as they give their feedback. ‘Stages of a lesson 36 7 the teacher asks the students what furniture they can name in les: Geen bah eas the furniture in their own houses. the classroom. She asks them if it is the samé The teacher points to the visual aids and the students practise saying the vocabulary ‘The teacher then writes the correct spelling under each picture. The teacher describes where the furniture goes in the room, and the students draw it in the correct place on their plans. Then the students tell the teacher where they have drawn the furniture, ‘The teacher asks the students if the room she has described is like their living room at home. She puts the students into pairs The students work in small groups to look at furniture catalogues from a shop. The) have £1000 to spend i os ‘The students present their ideas to the rest of the cl i Piper eia rvsett 1@ class, with information about how The students write a description of their perfect room for homework a _ Tumover » For questions 41 - 46, match the video activities with the main aims liste 10 dA, Band C. ‘Mark the correct letter (A, B or G) on your answer sheet, a 42 Main aims ‘A _togive students the opportunity to use both speech and visual clues to help them get a general understanding B to develop prediction skills to support comprehension C to encourage students to practise listening intensively, focusing on every word Video activities The teacher plays one minute of a conversation on video. She repeats the section as many times as necessary to enable students to complete a gap-fill text of the conversation Students decide how they think a story on video will end. They then watch to see if they were right Students watch a video of a conversation between two people to work out what their attitudes are Students watch four video news clips and match each one to appropriate titles and photographs. Students are given a transcript of a small part of a video. They listen and read at the same time. They then practise saying the words in exactly the same way as the speakers Students watch a video clip of a conversation without the sound, Ti what they think the conversation is about. + They diecuskinpals For questions 47 - 82, match the teacher's questions with the unit titles in a methodology book listed A-G. rv Mark the correct letter (A - G) on your answer sheet. ‘There is one extra option which you do not need to use. Unit titles ‘A Selecting and adapting materials B Classroom management © Planning lessons D Receptive skills E Analysing language F Correction G Phonology | Teacher's questions 47| — What's the difference between form and meaning? What is the advantage for learners if | reformulate their answers? 49| — Why do my leamers confuse similar sounds when they speak? What's the difference between a PPP approach and a task-based approach? 50 51| How can use the advantages of different seating plans as efficiently as possible? 52 Why do learners sometimes misunderstand the meaning of what they hear? 12 For questions 3 - 60, look at the dictionary entry. Read the statements about the entry and possible ways to complete them listed A, B and C. Choose the correct answer. Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet. Dictionary entry skin * /skm/ n 4 [U] the natural outer covering of an animal or human body, from which hair may grow: Babies have very soft skin /a skin disease /! was out in the thunderstorm and I got absolutely soaked to the skin (= extremely wet) / [fig] He won't worry about the coniticism: he's got a preity thick skin (= he’s not easily upset) ~ see aiso THICK-SKINNED 2 [C,U] the skin of an animal for use as leather, fur, etc: It takes a fot of skins to make a fur coal. 3 [C] a a natural outer coating of some fruits and vegetables: banana skins / onion skins — see picture at FRUIT b skin of a SAUSAGE 4 [C:U] the solid surface that forms over a liquid when it gets cool 5 [C] [tech] an outer surface built over a structure: Aircraft wings have metal skins. 6 by the skin of one’s teeth infin! only just: We had to run for the train and caught it by the skin of our teeth ‘Adapted from: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Longman, 1987 §3| Some of the words are in capital letters to show that A. these words are all very important to the meaning of the headword B these words have an idiomatic meaning. these words have separate entries in the dictionary 64| [fig] inuse 1 means that A this use describes figures. B this use has a picture to show the meaning. this use is not actual or real but is used in an imaginative way 85| In the example in use 6, the phrase by the skin of one’s teeth is A anadverb phrase. B a noun phrase. ¢ an adjectival phrase. the three ‘ert ensin \S2'~ Pence % H (S680 phiwalcl rina) eli this example match? She was wearing sheepskin slippers. ‘The words or phrases in round brackets, (), : are Soeur! __ give examples. © refer to other entries. The ‘in ‘skin” A shows how to place the word stress. B__ shows that the first use described is the most frequently used. shows that there is at least one other entry for skin somewhere else in the dictionary. [tech] in use 5 gives us information about A the grammar of the word. B_ the context the word can be found in. the level of formality of the word. 14 61 — 67, match the uses of coursebook materials with the sequence of coursebook Uses of coursebook materials 61| requires students to listen to each other focuses students’ attention on a phrase which they can use in discussion 63| helps the teacher to check how much of the language in the lesson is new to students 64| _ personalises the topic 65| provides visual support for language of description 66| provides input on the use of subject pronouns 67| creates an opportunity for extended fluency practice of the target language 15 ‘Sequence of coursebook activities ‘A _| How many of the words below do you know? Match them to the photographs of places on page 26. Nouns Adjectiv mountains /mauntinz/ mountainous /mauntinas! hills Mulzd green /grisn/ dramatic /dro'maetik/ gentle Mdzental/ coast /kaust! rocky froki:/ B_ Look at questions 2 and 4 in Exercise B again. Then read the language notes below. | What's he / she / it like? / What are they like? When we ask for a description of a person, a place or a thing, we say: What's he / she / it like? When we ask for a description of people, places or things we say What are they like? | Think of a place. Where is it? What is it ike? Make notes. Then go round the class Work with different partners. Describe your place (but don’t say the name) to each other and guess which places your partners are describing Adapted from: Wavelength Pre-Intermediate by Burke, K. and Brooks, J. Longman, 2000 For questions 16 73, match the teachers’ needs for supplementary material with other teachers’ ‘recommendations listed A - G. “Mark the correct letter (A — G) on your answer sheet. ‘There is one extra option which you do not need to use. m1 73 Other teachers! recommendations You could look on the internet for information about starting a school newspaper or magazine. B You could photocopy the recording scripts from the teachers’ books The material in study skills books is usually interesting and very useful for most students. | D_Tryusing recent articies from English-language newspapers or magazines. I build my students’ confidence by asking them to recognise words which are E similar in their L1 or to use the context or other clues to make guesses about meaning Supplementary listening skills books tend to use actors of different ages and with a variety of accents. @ There are a lot of supplementary speaking skills books which have ideas for activities. Teachers’ needs My students are too used to the speakers in the coursebook recordings now. Some of my students will be taking college courses in English this 'd fi year and I'd {i prepare them for the note-taking, listening and writing that they will need to do. a I need to find some new ways to organise discussions or debates in the class. My students are beginning to enjoy writing and I'd lik imtuebipese ‘© fo provide them with more real-life The reading material in the coursebooks we use they want more up-to-date topics, Gets old so quickly and my students say ' can't seem to stop my students wanting to look every word up in their dictionaries = ne 47 For questions 74 - 80, match the questions about supplementary material with the answers jisted A-D. Mark the correct letter (A — D) on your answer sheet, ‘Supplementary materials Aa spot the difference task (where pairs of leamers find the differences between their two pictures by describing them to each other) B acrossword puzzle © both a spot the difference task and a crossword puzzle D neither a spot the difference task nor a crossword puzzle Questions Which supplementary material might the teacher select in order to: 74| consolidate target vocabulary? 75| practise spelling target vocabulary? 76| practise proofreading? 77| develop fluency skills? practise extensive reading? 78 79| practise summarising? 80 consolidate forming letters of the alphabet?

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