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Objective: Recognize the tools, utensils, and equipment needed in the

preparation of appetizers.

Subject: Cookery 9

Grade Level: Grade 9

Learning across curriculum:

1. Science - Understanding the properties and functions of different cooking tools

and equipment.

2. Mathematics - Measuring ingredients accurately using appropriate utensils.

3. English - Describing the tools and equipment used in the preparation of appetizers
in written and oral forms.

Review Motivation:

1. Show a short video clip highlighting different appetizers being prepared using
various tools and equipment.

2. Conduct a mini-quiz on identifying common kitchen tools and their uses.

3. Ask students to bring their favorite appetizer recipe and discuss why specific tools
and equipment are needed.

Activity 1: Tools and Equipment Identification

Materials: Pictures or actual tools and equipment, flashcards, whiteboard or

chart paper, markers


1. Divide the class into small groups.

2. Distribute the pictures or actual tools and equipment to each group.

3. Ask each group to identify the tools and equipment and write their names on the
4. Each group will present their findings to the class.


- Correct identification of tools and equipment (5 points)

- Clear presentation and explanation (5 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. What tool is used to cut vegetables into small, uniform pieces?

2. Name two tools used to measure ingredients accurately.

Activity 2: Mise En Place Importance

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, handout with Mise En Place checklist


1. Present a PowerPoint presentation explaining the concept of Mise En Place and

its importance in cooking.

2. Distribute the handout with the Mise En Place checklist.

3. Discuss the checklist and its relevance to the preparation of appetizers.


- Active participation and engagement (5 points)

- Accurate completion of the handout (5 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. What does Mise En Place mean?

2. Why is Mise En Place important in cooking?

Activity 3: Tools and Equipment Description

Materials: Cooking tools and equipment, notecards, markers


1. Provide a variety of cooking tools and equipment for each group.

2. Each group will choose one tool or equipment and write a detailed description of
its uses, functions, and proper care on a notecard.

3. Groups will rotate and exchange notecards, then guess the tool or equipment
being described.


- Accurate and detailed description (5 points)

- Active participation and engagement (5 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. Describe the uses of a peeler in the preparation of appetizers.

2. What tool or equipment would you use to mix ingredients thoroughly?


Activity 1 allowed students to recognize and identify the tools and equipment used in
the preparation of appetizers. They were able to showcase their understanding
through presentations. Activity 2 emphasized the importance of Mise En Place in
cooking, ensuring that students understand the concept and its relevance. Activity 3
encouraged students to describe tools and equipment accurately, enhancing their
knowledge and communication skills.


Students have learned the importance of using the appropriate tools and equipment
in the preparation of appetizers. They understand the significance of Mise En Place
in ensuring a smooth cooking process. They can now apply this knowledge to
various cooking situations.

Present the students with a real-life problem: They are tasked to prepare
appetizers for a school event but the kitchen is not well-equipped. They should
identify alternative tools and equipment that can be used to achieve the
desired results.


1. Conduct a written test on the identification and description of tools and equipment.

2. Evaluate the students' participation and engagement during the activities.


Prepare a short video presentation showcasing the proper use and care of one
specific tool or equipment used in the preparation of appetizers. Provide a step-by-
step demonstration and explain its importance in the cooking process.

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