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thank you for leaving me for making me


stupid sometimes we don't get what we

wanted because we deserved better we

just don't know this until

later thank you for showing me how much

something can matter to me even if it

never mattered to you how much of it was

all in my head for you it was like

nothing ever happened between us 11,000

texts in one month and now you're just a

stranger who knows all my

secrets thank thank you for making me

grow up thank you for showing me that

people do choose the love that they

think they deserve you made me a plan B

to a plan a that had hurt you and

abandoned you in the past and still you

were only passing time hoping you'd find

him in me you used the love I gave you

to strengthen yourself to find the

courage needed to see if he still wanted

you and he did it hurt to be nothing

more than the necessary sacrifice for

two people to get back together I am the

plot device that will be conveniently

left out of your wedding

vows thank you for showing me that I

should never prioritize how I feel about

someone over how they make me

feel sometimes people at their lowest

will find you at your highest just so

they can use you to bring themselves up

in doing so they also drag you down no

amount of my love could fix you and any

attempts to do so only further broke me

thank you for showing me that it was

never about not being enough to be loved

I gave you my best I tried I really did

but no amount of working on myself would

be enough for your love you knew how

much I cared and you simply didn't like

me all that much to begin with thank you

for showing me this in your absence and

thank you for showing me how much I can

give to something that never gave back I

was honestly scared that I was selfish I

have been in the past

but now I know that I can also give far


much thank you for revealing the line

between determination and

Desperation and thank you for showing me

the importance of knowing oneself and

taking time to actually heal you were

hurt before and so you built a wall

around who you were and nobody could get

in and then when you wanted to feel good

you sought distractions like me and you

played around without ever questioning

why when you finally understood why you

tossed me

aside I now know that it's everyone's

responsibility to understand themselves

so they don't spread their

pain and on that note thank you for

hurting me so much from this I

recognized the hurt I had caused others

in the past those moments when I had

duded myself into thinking I was over

things and then I used others to fill a

void I was denying all along thank you

for doing this to me

thank you for using me for ruining my

sleep for waking me up to my own past

wrongs I had no other choice but to

learn from my

mistakes thank you for helping me

grow thank you for making me aware of my

own weaknesses where toxicity and

chemistry would blur I mistook your

cruelty for confidence and the more you

withdrew the more I fought for us the

more I blamed myself it fueled my

feelings for you

I now know that I can't be with someone

like that thank you for showing me that

people are what they do and not what

they say they'll do and thank you for

making me realize that it's my choice to

let loss Harden or soften me to life I

wanted to be angry to withdraw I was

weakened and had to lean on those close

yes you left me and you leaving showed

me how much love I already had in my

life you left me with with a group of

amazing friends who patiently listened

to me process my hurt you left me with a

family who loves me

unconditionally thank you for showing me

the love I had all along and how

misguided I was in seeking it through

you and thank you for leaving me with

myself thank you for showing me that I

can be okay after something like this

that it does pass and it gets even

better that I can do things for myself

that I can be my own best friend that

there was a brighter future after

this above all I want to thank you for

showing me that the only love we are

guaranteed in this life is that which we

give to

ourselves the day I stopped looking for

you was the day I found

myself thank you for losing

me today I decided to forgive you not

because you deserved it but because my

my soul needed



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