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kshop on
o Koha
a Integra
ated Lib
brary Ma ment Sy
anagem ystem
O r: PIPS Is

05 Days
D Prog

Daay & Timee Sesssion Tiime Resou



onday 09:30 o Recitation of H
Holy Quran
28//11/22 09:35 o We
elcome Rem
marks Executive
0940 o Pro
ogramme O
Overview Waqas
First o Intrroduction to
o integrated
d Library Sher Afzzal
09.30 To
T 10:30 Sys
stem Khan
o Intrroductions tto Automattion
o Inte
erlocution t o Koha ILM

o Cre
eate a libra ry
o Cre
eate a patroon categoryy
o Cre
eate a patroon
o Cre
eate an Itemm type
o Cre
eate a Circuulation Rulee
o Onboarding to ool complette
o Log
gin to accesss staff inte

Second o Intrroduction to
o Koha OPA
AC Sher Afzzal
10:30 To 11:00 o Main Use of OPAC Khan
o User Login in OPAC

o Main features of Koha OPAC

o OPAC self-registration
o Your account
o Purchase suggestions

11:00 To 11:15 o Break

Third o Introduction to Admin Interface Sher Afzal
11:15 To 12:00 o Main Modules of Koha ILMS Khan
o Koha Administration
o Basic parameters
o Patrons and circulation
o MARC bibliographic framework
o Acquisition parameters
Fourth o Additional parameters
12:00 To 12:30 o System preferences
o Features
o Policy
o Accusations
o Administration
o And other
Tuesday First o Catalogue Module of Koha
29/11/22 09.30 To 10:30 o Type of Cataloging
o Z39.50 Cataloging
o Copy Cataloging

o Fast add cataloging

o Manual Cataloging
o Cataloging Module
o Introduction to MARC
o Hands-On Training
Second o Introduction to Patrons Modules
10:30 To 11:30 o Data entry of Patrons
o Rules and Regulations
o Type of patrons
o Categories, Searching of patrons
1130 to 11:45  Break
Third o Introduction to Serials
11:45 To 12:30 o Data entry of Serials
o Different type of Serials
o Serial management
o Vendor Management
o Budgeting
Wednesday First o Introduction to Circulations
30/11/22 09.30 To 10:30 o Check out (issuing)
o Renewing
o Check in (returning)
o Circulation messages
o Holds
o Transfers
o Set library
o Circulation reports
o Tracking in-house use
o Self-checkout
o Self-check-in
o Offline circulation utilities

Second o Advance Search

10:30 To 11:30 o Different Searching Modules
o Item Search, Book, and patrons
1130 to 11:45 Break
Third o Introduction Mark Standard
11:45 To 12:30 o Different data format
o Koha catalogue data format
o MARC Cataloging edit, delete and
Thursday First o Report Modules
01/12/22 09.30 To 10:30 o Different type of Reports
o Report Creation from SQL
o Manual Report etc.
Second o Introduction to different Policies
10:30 To 11:30 o Circulation Policy
o Acquisition Modules
o Budget and Currencies
o Acquisitions Policy
1130 to 11:45 Break
Third o Tools Management
11:45 To 12:30 o Hands on training
o Patrons and Circulations
o Additions Tools
o Catalogue batch deletion,
o Import and Export Data
o Backup and Restorations of data
Friday First o Spine label creation
02/12/22 09.30 To 10:30 o Barcode creation
Second o Adding different libraries for
10:30 To 11:30 cataloging
o Data migrations tools and methods
o Seating Currency and other
accounting parameter
1130 to 11:45 Break
Third o Logs of Koha
11:45 To 12:30 o MARC Framework
o Review of all modules
o Backup and Restoration

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