Mannuru Et Al 2023 Artificial Intelligence in Developing Countries The Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence Ai

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Artificial intelligence in developing © The Author(s) 2023
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countries: The impact of generative

DOI: 10.1177/02666669231200628
artificial intelligence (AI) technologies
for development

Nishith Reddy Mannuru

University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA

Sakib Shahriar
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada

Zoë A Teel
University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA

Ting Wang
Emporia State University, Emporia, KS, USA

Brady D Lund
University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA

Solomon Tijani
Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research, Ibadan, NG

Chalermchai Oak Pohboon

University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA

Daniel Agbaji
University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA

Joy Alhassan
University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA

JaKLyn Galley
Emporia State University, Emporia, KS, USA

Raana Kousari
Department of Medical Library and Information Science, School of Health Management and
Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Lydia Ogbadu-Oladapo
University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA

Shubham Kumar Saurav

Documentation Research and Training Centre, Banglore, India

Aishwarya Srivastava
Seth M.R. Jaipuria School, Rajajipuram Campus, Lucknow, India

Sai Priya Tummuru

University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA

Sravya Uppala
University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA

Corresponding author:
Brady D. Lund, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA.
2 Information Development 0(0)

Praveenkumar Vaidya
CHRIST University Pune Lavasa India, Maharashtra, India

This paper explores the potential impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) on developing
countries, considering both positive and negative effects across various domains of information, culture,
and industry. Generative Artificial Intelligence refers to artificial intelligence (AI) systems that generate con-
tent, such as text, audio, or video, aiming to produce novel and creative outputs based on training data.
Compared to conversational artificial intelligence, generative artificial intelligence systems have the unique cap-
ability of not only providing replies but also generating the content of those responses. Recent advancements
in Artificial Intelligence during the Fourth Industrial Revolution, exemplified by tools like ChatGPT, have gained
popularity and reshaped content production and creation. However, the benefits of generative artificial intel-
ligence are not equally accessible to all, especially in developing countries, where limited access to cutting-edge
technologies and inadequate infrastructure pose challenges. This paper seeks to understand the potential
impact of generative AI technologies on developing countries, considering economic growth, access to tech-
nology, and the potential paradigm shift in education, healthcare, and the environment. The findings emphasize
the importance of providing the necessary support and infrastructure to ensure that generative AI contributes
to inclusive development rather than deepening existing inequalities. The study highlights the significance of
integrating Generative AI into the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in developing countries,
where technological change is a crucial determinant of progress and equitable growth.

generative AI, artificial intelligence, fourth industrial revolution, developing countries, technological change

Submitted: 4 June 2023; Accepted: 24 August 2023.

Introduction it is, and not all conversational AI is incapable of gen-

erating content (Lim et al., 2023).
Artificial intelligence (AI) is widely recognized as a
Furthermore, the recent advancements in AI have
key driver of technological change in the Fourth
the potential to impact content production and
Industrial Revolution (4IR). In recent times, there
has been significant progress in AI, with creation profoundly. The introduction of ChatGPT
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) emerging and DALL-E has played a significant role in the
as a highly discussed and popular topic. Generative growing popularity of generative AI in the twenty-first
AI refers to artificial intelligence tools or technolo- century. ChatGPT is a generative AI-powered conver-
gies that generate content, such as text, audio, or sational assistant that generates responses that closely
video, aiming to produce novel, unique, and creative resemble natural human language based on its training
content using the data it has been trained on (Aydın data (Lund et al., 2023a). Similarly, DALL-E is a gen-
and Karaarslan, 2023). erative AI tool that uses natural language prompts to
It is important to highlight that Generative AI generate realistic images (Singh et al., 2021). These
systems possess a unique capability of providing developments have the potential to reshape our per-
replies and generating the content of those responses, spective on content production and creation.
surpassing the human-like interactions seen with According to PwC, the widespread adoption of AI
Conversational AI systems (Lim et al., 2023). could increase global GDP by $15.7 trillion by 2030,
Generative AI’s ability to produce complete and com- highlighting its importance for economic growth
prehensive real-time responses sets it apart from (PWC, 2023). However, it is crucial to recognize
Conversational AI systems, making it a powerful tool that AI advancements have predominantly benefited
for various applications. It is worth mentioning that “developed countries,” and the potential impact of
while some Generative AI is conversational, not all of generative AI on developing countries remains
Mannuru et al. 3

largely unexplored. The benefits of these technologies such as job automation and reduced demand for
are not equally accessible to everyone, and developing certain skilled positions. Understanding these dynamics
countries face unique challenges due to limited access is essential in harnessing the benefits of generative AI
to cutting-edge technologies and inadequate infra- while mitigating the potential challenges for employ-
structure. Therefore, the objective of this study is to ment in developing countries.
explore and understand the potential impact of genera-
tive AI technologies on developing countries, focus-
ing on both positive and negative effects across Positive impacts of AI on employment opportunity
different domains. Language proficiency and communication skills are
crucial for employment opportunities in developing
Key terms used in this paper countries, as they impact job prospects, career advance-
The following definitions will be helpful for under- ment, and effective communication with colleagues,
standing the terminology used in this paper: clients, and customers (Abbas et al., 2021; Durga,
Fourth Industrial Revolution: The current era of 2018; Roshid and Chowdhury, 2013; Sobaih, 2015).
technological advancements, characterized by the Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, has the potential to
integration of digital technologies, artificial intelli- improve job seekers’ language education, assist with
gence, robotics, and automation into various indus- translation in online platforms, and enhance grammar,
tries and sectors (Lund, 2021). language, and writing skills (Jiao et al., 2023).
Artificial Intelligence: The simulation of human In addition to language barriers, technological bar-
intelligence in machines, enabling them to perform riers can limit employment opportunities in develop-
tasks and make decisions that typically require ing countries, where basic technical skills and digital
human intelligence (Kok et al., 2009). literacy are often required (Bejaković and Mrnjavac,
Generative AI: A subset of artificial intelligence 2020). Generative AI, including chatbots like
that focuses on creating new content, such as text, ChatGPT, can help bridge the gap of digital illiteracy
audio, or video, using machine learning models by providing guidance and instructions for tasks like
trained on existing data (Lund and Wang, 2023). managing a GitHub repository (Choi et al., 2020).
Developing Countries: Countries that are in the Generative AI can also automate tasks such as
process of improving their economic and social condi- resume generation, portfolio creation, scheduling,
tions, often characterized by lower income levels, data entry, and research, increasing job seekers’ effi-
limited industrialization, and infrastructure development ciency and reducing expenses (Malhotra et al.,
compared to developed nations (World Trade 2021). AI coaching systems can provide personalized
Organization, 2023). This term may be used interchange- feedback and guidance to enhance performance and
ably with “developing nations” and “the Global South.” achieve professional goals, offering a cost-effective
ChatGPT: An advanced language model developed alternative to traditional coaching (Graßmann and
by OpenAI that can conversationally generate text Schermuly, 2021). The emergence of generative AI
responses, resembling natural human language (Lund models will create new job roles, such as prompt engi-
and Wang, 2023). neers, who play a crucial role in creating prompts and
ensuring quality output (White et al., 2023). However,
adapting to new technologies and acquiring technical
AI and employment opportunity
proficiency will be essential for job seekers from
Although several researchers have discussed potential developing countries to succeed in these roles.
job replacement opportunities in the broader context In summary, generative AI has the potential to
of AI emergence (Acemoglu et al., 2022; Damioli revolutionize employment opportunities in develop-
et al., 2023; Genz et al., 2021; Tolan et al., 2021), this ing countries in the following ways:
section specifically focuses on the impact of generative
AI on employment in developing countries. Generative • AI overcoming language barriers and helping
AI has the potential to revolutionize employment oppor- with translation and language education.
tunities by addressing language barriers, improving • AI providing technological skills and improv-
digital literacy, automating tasks, and providing cost- ing the digital literacy of employees.
effective coaching (Lund et al., 2023a). However, it is • AI increasing employer’s efficiency by delegat-
crucial to also consider the potential negative impacts, ing mundane and repetitive tasks.
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• AI providing a cost-effective coaching service (Houde et al., 2020). However, this growth relies
for skill development. on establishing infrastructure, investing in resources
• AI creating new roles for working with genera- and education, and implementing proper policy
tive AI, such as prompt engineering. frameworks. Research shows that investing in an
AI-driven economy can reduce poverty, enhance
infrastructure, and promote economic stability
Negative impacts of AI on employment opportunity
(Houde et al., 2020). It also facilitates international
Generative AI offers benefits to job seekers by auto- trade, knowledge exchange, and economic diversity.
mating repetitive tasks, but the widespread automation Generative AI offers benefits in art, architectural
of jobs can have negative implications for employ- design, and serving underserved markets by generat-
ment opportunities, particularly in emerging econ- ing realistic images, modifying audio streams, and
omies (Soto, 2020). Since many workers from producing high-quality speech for communication
developing nations rely on online platforms and free- disabilities (Tacheva and Ramasubramanian, 2023).
lance work, the impact of automation could be devas- Additionally, it improves efficiency, productivity,
tating (Beerepoot and Lambregts, 2015). Clerical decision-making, innovation, and customer experi-
tasks like data entry, tech support, and customer ence by automating tasks, enabling focus on higher-
service, which are popular job postings in the online level responsibilities, providing insights from complex
space, are likely to be replaced by generative AI data, and personalizing customer interactions (Bang
(Kässi and Lehdonvirta, 2018). AI chatbots are et al., 2023; Rudolph et al., 2023). However, chal-
already being used extensively for customer service lenges exist, including upfront costs, limited
applications across various sectors (Dwivedi et al., Internet access, disparities, biases, and obstacles per-
2021; Mogaji et al., 2021), posing a risk of unemploy- petuated by AI (Houde et al., 2020). Previous indus-
ment for employees in developing countries. trial revolutions highlight potential challenges, and
Moreover, generative AI has the potential to concerns about fakes and job displacement arise.
reduce the demand for certain skilled jobs as technol- To mitigate these drawbacks, businesses and policy-
ogy advances. For instance, ChatGPT has shown makers should invest in retraining programs, ensure
promise in tasks like software coding and fixing pro- diverse and unbiased training data, implement
gramming bugs, which traditionally required specia- robust cybersecurity measures, and establish ethical
lized training (Jalil et al., 2023; Sobania et al., 2023; standards for generative AI.
Surameery and Shakor, 2023). While generative AI’s
creative capabilities in producing visual and literary arts
are still limited, it is expected to improve over time Positive impacts of AI on industry growth
(Shahriar, 2022). This advancement may result in the Developing countries have the potential to become
replacement of tasks like copywriting and branding, global leaders and experience rapid economic growth
further limiting employment opportunities for artists through the development and adoption of generative
and creative talents in developing countries. AI technology. However, this growth relies on the
In summary, generative AI may hinder employ- establishment of proper infrastructure, investment in
ment opportunities in developing countries in these resources and education, and the implementation of
ways: appropriate policy frameworks (Arun, 2020; Heng
et al., 2022). Studies indicate that investing in an
• AI replacing clerical tasks, such as data entry AI-driven economy can reduce poverty, enhance infra-
and customer service, through automation. structure, and create a more stable economy (Goralski
• AI reducing demand for some jobs requiring and Tan, 2020; Mhlanga, 2021; Wakunuma et al.,
human expertise, such as programming. 2020). AI adoption can also elevate countries in inter-
• AI reducing employment opportunities for national trade, facilitate the exchange of students and
artists and creative workers (Rampersad, 2020). top researchers, and increase the diversity of an
economy (Korinek and Stiglitz, 2021; Kakaniet et al.,
AI and industry growth 2020; Meltzer, 2018; Sharma et al., 2022).
Developing countries can achieve rapid economic Generative AI offers numerous benefits, such as its
growth and become global leaders through the adop- art and design abilities, which can be utilized in the
tion and development of generative AI technology creative industry for architectural design and serving
Mannuru et al. 5

under-served markets (Blaas, 2023; Houde et al., Industrial Revolution may seem impossible (Ernst
2020). It can also generate time-aged images of lost et al., 2019; Lund, 2022; Lund et al., 2021).
loved ones, modify accents in audio streams, and There are also foreseeable risks with how existing dis-
produce high-quality speech for individuals with parities in the economies of developing nations may be
severe communication disabilities (Houde et al., exacerbated by an AI-driven economy. Such disparities
2020; Qadir, 2022). Additional benefits of genera- include gender inequities, ethnic barriers (Hagerty and
tive AI include: Rubinov, 2019), and wealth barriers (Lutz, 2019),
which is not to mention the biases and obstacles per-
• AI increasing efficiency: Generative AI auto- petuated by AI, as well documented by authors like
mates tasks that would typically require signifi- Safiya Noble (2018).
cant time from humans, leading to time and Based on prior industrial revolutions, we can
resource savings for businesses (Tacheva and foresee the additional challenges posed by generative
Ramasubramanian, 2023). AI and the Fourth Industrial Revolution and their con-
• AI increasing productivity: By automating sequences. The first industrial revolution, lasting from
repetitive tasks, generative AI allows employ- the mid-eighteenth century to the mid-nineteenth
ees to focus on more creative and higher-level century, produced considerable disparity as “western”
responsibilities, resulting in increased product- countries capitalized on access to resources, trade,
ivity (Tacheva and Ramasubramanian, 2023). and labor, while once- dominant eastern nations like
• AI producing better decision-making: India and China experienced much slower growth
Generative AI provides insights into complex (Mohajan, 2019; Stearns, 2020). The second industrial
data sets, empowering businesses to make revolution, in the late 19th and early twentieth century,
informed decisions, particularly in areas like relied on skilled labor for growth in nations with
customer data analysis for product develop- existing infrastructure (Chin et al., 2006). The third
ment and marketing strategies (Tacheva and industrial revolution (or “digital revolution”), in the
Ramasubramanian, 2023). mid-to-late twentieth century, emphasized the need
• AI increasing Innovation: Generative AI enables for highly-trained educated workers with English
the creation of new products and services that language proficiency (Charlesworth, 2009). None
businesses may not have been able to develop of these industrial revolutions have destroyed econ-
otherwise, leading to new revenue streams omies, but they have dramatically impacted indivi-
(Tacheva and Ramasubramanian, 2023). duals and impacted people and groups in disparate
• AI enhancing customer experience: Generative ways (Makridakis, 2017).
AI allows for personalized customer interac- Some opined that for generative AI to interactively
tions through tailored marketing campaigns present as humans might be harmful interactively,
and the use of technologies like facial recogni- generated contents may contain fakes, and ownership
tion, iris scans, and fingerprints (Crawford, and market niche for hand-crafted materials may be
2021). It can also assist public service organi- affected, thereby requiring more digital forensics
zations in processes like telehealth, passport (Houde et al., 2020).
issuance, and government subsidy disburse- Others anticipate a significantly increase in fake
ment by identifying ghost workers (Tacheva materials due to reduced costs (Houde et al., 2020).
and Ramasubramanian, 2023). Other negative impacts include:

• Overreliance on AI: Businesses that become too

Negative impacts of AI on industry growth reliant on generative AI may lose the ability to
Risks and pitfalls for the AI economy in developing innovate and make decisions without the help of
countries are as multitudinous as the potential benefits. AI, which can be detrimental in the long run
In many countries, investing in the AI economy may be (Keding and Meissner, 2021).
prohibitive due to upfront costs (Kumar et al., 2021; • AI-produced bias and discrimination:
Nadeem et al., 2023; Strusani and Houngbonon, Generative AI models are only as unbiased as
2019). In nations where reliable Internet access is a the data they are trained on, and if there are
luxury and access to necessary software costs more biases, inequities, or discrimination in the data,
than a month’s wages, participation in the Fourth the generative AI model may perpetuate those
6 Information Development 0(0)

prejudices (Costanza-Chock, 2020; D’Ignazio the boundaries and exploring the positive and negative
and Klein, 2020; Qadir, 2022; Tacheva and impacts of Generative AI (Bearman et al., 2022). “The
Ramasubramanian, 2023). priority should be to embrace the opportunities pre-
• AI-related security risks: Generative AI models sented by this [Generative AI and developments that
may be vulnerable to security breaches, which fall under its’ scope like ChatGPT] development and
can lead to the theft of sensitive data or intellec- optimally manage any associated risks” (Dergaa
tual property (Costanza-Chock, 2020). et al., 2023). It is, furthermore, important to consider
• AI-caused job displacement: As generative AI how these positive and negative changes will specific-
becomes prevalent, some jobs may become ally affect the functioning of higher education in devel-
automated, leading to job displacement for oping countries.
certain workers.
• Other AI-related ethical concerns: Generative
AI models can create content that may be Positive impacts of AI on higher education and learning
inappropriate or unethical, such as deep fakes To fully appreciate the potential of Generative AI, it is
or fake news, which can have negative impacts crucial to understand that it transcends Conversational
on society (Tacheva and Ramasubramanian, AI by not only providing responses but also generating
2023). the content of those responses in a human-like manner
(Lim et al., 2022). As a result, Generative AI has the
While Generative AI offers many advantages, there capacity to bolster interpersonal communication
are also significant drawbacks to reflect on. skills, which could have a positive impact on indivi-
Therefore, businesses and policymakers must be con- duals from developing countries in higher education.
scious of the potential negative impacts of generative By retaining and utilizing information provided by
AI and work to lessen their effects. This action can users, it can assist with various tasks within higher edu-
include investing in retraining programs for displaced cation, such as writing, communication, curriculum,
workers, ensuring that data used to train generative AI and administrative duties. Consequently, Generative
models are diverse and unbiased, implementing strong AI has the potential to create significant opportunities
cybersecurity measures, and setting ethical standards in higher education within developing countries by
for generative AI. improving writing performance, facilitating persona-
lized learning experiences, advancing research capabil-
AI and higher education and academic ities, enhancing accessible learning opportunities, and
libraries optimizing grading, scheduling, and enrollment pro-
Generative AI has the potential to bring about trans- cesses. For instance, an AI writing assistant application
formative changes in higher education among develop- called Wordtune, helping authors writing in English
ing countries. Throughout history, higher education has improve writing skills through understanding their
been a catalyst in raising challenging questions and thoughts, is receiving increasing attention in English
forming comprehensive opinions about novel concepts. as Foreign Language communities (Zhao, 2022).
In particular, higher education has played a vital role in To begin, Generative AI has the potential to enhance
adopting emerging technologies that have eventually writing performance by offering automated suggestions
been successfully incorporated into education, becom- for improving word choice, sentence structure, flow,
ing the “norm.” For instance, consider the way in and overall coherence of the text. Since “these text-
which higher education revolutionized the delivery of generating software [like] programs sift through
curriculum by advocating for alternative modes of massive databases to generate human-like responses
learning that catered to nontraditional students, result- to prompts or questions from users,” it has the ability
ing in the advent of hybrid or blended learning. This to further craft or hone an individual’s writing skills
example establishes that higher education is not (Garbarine, 2023, para. 2). For example, Generative
averse to taking a leadership role and providing guid- AI takes large datasets of texts to identify patterns
ance to others in terms of creating opportunities for and relationships between words and phrases, enabling
emerging technologies, including Generative AI. it to make informed suggestions for improving the
Though “references to AI in the literature are often quality of writing. Furthermore, it could help academics
vague and open to debate,” higher education has an who are attempting to write in a language that is not
opportunity to be a trailblazer in regard to pushing their native tongue take advantage of these tools “for
Mannuru et al. 7

intellectual development and higher-order reasoning” • AI improving research capabilities by swiftly

(Garbarine, 2023, para. 8). Accessibility to these navigating scholarly literature, distilling key
improvements and suggestions could benefit students insights, and streamlining information.
that do not, sometimes, have the support of their educa- • AI expediting the research process by sourcing
tion systems that developed countries often do. By and organizing data, particularly valuable for
using Generative AI to improve their writing, these stu- students with limited access to physical libraries
dents could increase their opportunities for employment and resources.
or pursue higher educational degrees. • AI creating personalized learning experiences
Since Generative AI can help students become better to overcome environmental and educational
writers it also leads to furthering their research capabil- barriers, such as limited resources and over-
ities and opportunities. This will help them thereby crowded classrooms.
embark on a trajectory of enhanced academic achieve- • AI improving academic performance and strength-
ment. Research, a cornerstone of higher education, ening accessible learning opportunities, ultim-
stands to benefit significantly from the integration of ately benefiting students in developing countries.
Generative AI. Students in developing countries
could have the ability of AI-powered tools to swiftly
navigate vast repositories of scholarly literature, distill
Negative impacts of AI on higher education and
key insights, and streamline information. Their avail- learning
ability and accessibility to these tools will lead to To fully comprehend the potential effects of
more content being created in research. Moreover, for Generative AI, it is crucial to consider its limitations
these students, who may encounter limited access to and negative implications, particularly in the context
physical libraries or constrained resources, Generative of higher education in developing countries. While
AI presents an invaluable resource for sourcing and Generative AI has the ability to generate content in a
organizing data, thus expediting the research process. human-like manner, it may inadvertently hinder inter-
In the context of education, the potential of personal communication skills rather than bolster
Generative AI to create personalized learning experi- them. The reliance on AI-generated responses can
ences is of great interest in developing countries. The potentially discourage authentic human interaction
effective use of this technology can be a significant and hinder the development of effective communication
advantage for improving educational outcomes in this skills, which are vital in academic and professional con-
region. Pataranutaporn et al., (2021) explore how texts. Using AI to determine what educational and
advancements in Generative AI can make an “enormous reading materials to acquire could result in biases in
impact” on students simply because their environments selection that reflect the biases of the AI algorithm.
matter, spending so much time in learning. Students in These biases may restrict the freedom of the public to
these regions often face a range of environmental and access the information that they need, which has detri-
educational barriers and challenges, such as limited mental impacts on society (Teel, 2023).
resources, overcrowded classrooms, and a lack of indi- Regarding writing performance, while Generative
vidual attention from teachers. By creating personalized AI can offer automated suggestions for improving
learning experiences, Generative AI can help students word choice, sentence structure, and coherence, it
overcome these challenges and improve their academic runs the risk of homogenizing writing styles and stif-
performance. This will ultimately lead to strengthening ling individual expression. The AI-generated sugges-
accessible learning opportunities. tions may prioritize conformity over originality,
In summary, Generative AI has the potential to potentially inhibiting the development of unique
revolutionize higher education and learning in devel- voices and perspectives among students. This could
oping countries in the following ways: have a negative impact on the cultural diversity and
intellectual richness that students from developing
• AI enhancing writing performance through auto- countries bring to the academic landscape.
mated suggestions for improving word choice, In the realm of research, the integration of
sentence structure, and coherence of the text. Generative AI may inadvertently lead to a devalu-
• AI supporting academics writing in a non- ation of traditional research methodologies. While
native language, fostering intellectual develop- AI-powered tools can assist in navigating scholarly lit-
ment and higher-order reasoning. erature and extracting key insights, there is a danger of
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overlooking the nuanced and context-specific aspects developing nations to take a proactive approach. They
of research. Relying solely on AI-generated informa- should lead in exploring the potential of Generative
tion may neglect the critical evaluation and interpret- AI, while also critically examining its limitations and
ation of data, potentially compromising the quality and negative implications. Responsible integration of
validity of research conducted by students in developing Generative AI should prioritize the development of
countries. Moreover, the adoption of Generative AI in effective communication skills, the preservation of indi-
personalized learning experiences can raise concerns vidual expression and diversity, and the equitable distri-
about equity and access. The reliance on AI algorithms bution of resources and opportunities.
may exacerbate existing disparities in educational By carefully considering the positive and negative
resources and opportunities. Students in developing aspects of Generative AI in higher education, institu-
countries, who already face limited resources and edu- tions in developing countries can harness its potential
cational barriers, may encounter further marginalization for transformative change while ensuring that it aligns
if they lack access to the necessary technology, infra- with their specific needs and values. The responsible
structure, or training required to leverage Generative and inclusive integration of Generative AI can contrib-
AI effectively, which could deepen the digital divide ute to advancing education and empowering students in
and perpetuate existing inequalities in education. developing countries, while also addressing the chal-
While Generative AI presents potential benefits for lenges and risks associated with the technology.
students in higher education, particularly in develop- Furthermore, the issue for higher education related
ing countries, it is essential to critically examine its colleges and universities is intellectual integrity pol-
negative implications. The potential hindrance of icies. It is the principle that the students should do
interpersonal communication skills, overdependence their own work rather than use generative AI. An auto-
on AI systems, homogenization of writing styles, matic academic fraud detection machine may lag
devaluation of traditional research methodologies, behind new technology and innovation (Anctil, 2023).
and exacerbation of equity issues are all factors that
should be carefully considered and addressed to
ensure the responsible and inclusive integration of AI and environmental issues
Generative AI in higher education settings. This section of the paper explores the positive and
In short, it is important to contemplate the negative negative impacts of General Artificial Intelligence on
implications of generative AI in higher education and the environment. AI has the potential to play a signifi-
learning, including the following ways: cant role in mitigating global warming and reducing
greenhouse gas emissions through its ability to auto-
• AI hindering interpersonal communication mate data processing, expedite knowledge acquisition,
skills by discouraging authentic human inter- and enhance decision-making processes (Barteková
action and reliance on AI-generated responses. and Börkey, 2022). By enabling computers to under-
• Biases in AI algorithms for determining educa- stand natural language, AI facilitates climate analysis
tional materials, potentially restricting access to and forecasting, aiding in the understanding of human
information and undermining freedom. activities’ interactions with natural phenomena
• AI homogenizing writing styles and stifling (Rosenbaum, 2023). Additionally, AI contributes to
individual expression by prioritizing conform- energy conservation by automating energy audits,
ity over originality. identifying energy-saving opportunities in buildings,
• Devaluing traditional research methodologies and optimizing renewable energy systems’ design
by relying solely on AI-generated information, (Murphy, 2023; Maharaj, 2023). It also assists in
potentially compromising research quality. improving the efficiency of carbon capture and
• Raising equity and access concerns, as students storage by automating the design process (Maharaj,
lacking necessary technology, infrastructure, or 2023). However, there are negative environmental
training may face further marginalization. impacts associated with AI, primarily related to its
• AI deepening the digital divide and perpetuat- energy consumption, water usage, and greenhouse
ing existing inequalities in education. gas emissions during model development and training
(Barteková and Börkey, 2022). These negative conse-
To maximize the benefits and mitigate the drawbacks, quences must be carefully managed to minimize their
it is crucial for higher education institutions in impact.
Mannuru et al. 9

Positive impacts of AI on the environment industries, including transportation and

AI has the potential to significantly contribute to miti-
• AI enhancing design optimization and retrofit-
gating the consequences of global warming and low-
ting modifications
ering greenhouse gas emissions by automating data
• AI aiding calculation of energy performance
processing, providing new knowledge more quickly,
and helping us make better decisions (Huntingford
• AI supporting digital twin simulations of
et al., 2019). It plays a crucial role in advancing
Earth’s environmental characteristics
human communication by enabling computers to
understand and converse in natural language
(Barteková and Börkey, 2022). Understanding the Negative impacts of AI on the environment
interactions between human activities and natural phe-
The direct environmental impacts of AI computing,
nomena is key to combating climate change and the
particularly in the development and training of AI
biodiversity crisis, and developing a digital twin of
models, are primarily negative in terms of greenhouse
the Earth will enable dynamic Earth simulations,
gas (GHG) emissions and resource consumption
improve prediction capabilities, and inform environ-
(Barteková and Börkey, 2022). The energy consump-
mental policy-making (Rosenbaum, 2023).
tion associated with large-scale AI models and the
The ability of AI to automate most of the analysis
widespread use of AI in various applications, includ-
and computations reduces the time and effort neces-
ing basic searches, can be substantial, surpassing con-
sary to complete an energy audit. It examines a build-
ventional conceptions (Chang and Kidman, 2023).
ing’s design, construction materials, and environment
The magnitude of energy usage is projected to
to identify possible energy savings and sustainability
increase significantly, with each AI query demanding
improvements, fast-tracking the energy audit and cer-
four to five times more computer power (Kumar,
tification procedures while lowering costs and improv-
2023). OpenAI’s power consumption in January
ing accuracy (Murphy, 2023).
2023 has been estimated to be equivalent to the
AI can also help improve the effectiveness of
yearly consumption of 175,000 Danish families, and
renewable energy systems by automating the design
the potential spread of AI usage could result in mil-
process and evaluating data on energy output and con-
lions of people’s electrical use (Auslender and
sumption using machine learning algorithms. It may
Ashkenazi, 2023; Pascual, 2023).
provide new designs that are more efficient, econom-
The rising demand for data centers, driven by the
ical, and scalable, while also improving the accuracy
growth of Generative AI and other AI applications,
of energy forecasts by evaluating data from weather
is straining local energy networks and affecting new
satellites and other sources (Maharaj, 2023; Murphy,
housing developments (Financial Times, 2022; The
2023). However, the ethical use of AI in this context
Times, 2022). Moreover, the demand for power
is crucial to avoid incorrect resource allocation and
systems and data centers is expected to increase due
forecasts that can lead to waste and inefficiency.
to climate change and more frequent heat waves, poten-
Furthermore, AI can assist in improving the effi-
tially causing disruptions (Google Cloud, 2022). Water
ciency of carbon capture and storage by automating
consumption is another concern associated with AI
the design process. By evaluating data on carbon col-
systems, with water used for cooling and energy gener-
lection and storage, AI can provide new solutions that
ation in the hardware and infrastructure (OECD, 2022).
are more effective, economical, and scalable, helping
Data centers, including those supporting Generative
to enhance carbon storage and greenhouse gas absorp-
AI, are among the top water-consuming businesses
tion (Maharaj, 2023).
in the United States, relying on limited water sources
In summary, the positive impacts of Generative AI
and impacting watersheds (Mytton, 2021; Siddik
on the environment include:
et al., 2021).
GHG emissions from Generative AI model training
• AI facilitating climate analysis and forecasting and development contribute to the environmental cost
• AI promoting energy and biodiversity of AI computing (Barteková and Börkey, 2022). Even
conservation when renewable energy sources are available, the high
• AI enhancing carbon storage and GHG absorp- energy demands of these models remain a concern,
tion while also decarbonizing carbon-intensive and the emissions disproportionately affect marginalized
10 Information Development 0(0)

communities residing in polluted areas (Chang and disciplines, such as ophthalmology, dermatology, and
Kidman, 2023; Michelle, 2023). radiology (Yu et al., 2018). In radiology, for instance,
In summary, the negative impacts of AI on the radiologists use a collection of images for disease
environment include: screening and diagnosis to determine the disease’s
cause and monitor the disease’s signs of progress
• AI creating high energy consumption (Reed, 2010). With the help of modern machine learn-
• AI increasing water consumption ing methods, AI has formed deep neural networks by
• AI increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission training them with millions of natural, non-medical
and pollution images and fine-tuning neural network connections
with thousands of biomedical images. AI has reached
Generally, the environmental impacts of AI will be
expert diagnosis accuracy in radiology (Yu et al., 2018).
determined by how it is built, implemented, and
Rare diseases are a significant challenge for
managed. Like with any technology innovation, it is
healthcare providers due to factors such as delayed
critical to carefully consider the potential environmental
diagnosis and misdiagnosis, lack of response to treat-
effects and work to minimize the negative consequences
ment, and inadequate practical surveillance tools,
while taking full advantage of its positive benefits.
caused by the small number of individuals with a
single rare disease, the lack of relevant information,
AI and health and well-being and the overlap of symptoms in multiple rare diseases
Since the mid-twentieth century, medicine has been (Hurvitz et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2023). AI has not
considered one of the most promising application only been proven to provide early detection and diag-
areas of AI based on the development of clinical deci- nosis, treatments, prognostic prediction, and evalu-
sion support systems, interpreting ECGs, diagnosing, ation for patients suffering from common diseases
and choosing treatments (de Dombal et al., 1972; S such as stroke (Jiang et al., 2017) but also find new
Kundu et al., 2000; Miller, 1994; Yu et al., 2018). disease mechanisms and therapeutic targets through
In recent years, with the proliferation of AI and mutation detection, prediction, and classification of
related technologies, algorithms have been shown to AI algorithms to provide and accelerate diagnosis,
outperform radiologists in finding malignant tumors and correct misdiagnosis for individuals with rare
and can guide researchers in building fleets for expen- diseases, and bosts relevant drug development
sive clinical trials (Davenport and Kalakota, 2019). In (Brasil et al., 2019). For instance, the Hugh Kaul
addition, AI can help medical professionals provide Precision Medicine Institute has developed
up-to-date medical information from journals, text- mediKanren, an AI tool that identifies treatment
books, and clinical practices, and extract useful infor- options by linking all relevant literature and identify-
mation from large patient populations to help infer ing mechanically-based insights into rare diseases
health risk alerts and health outcome predictions in (Foksinska et al., 2022). In addition, Kiely et al.
real time (Jiang et al., 2017; Neill, 2013). However, (2019) used AI algorithm modeling to screen idio-
the medical community has also widely discussed pathic pulmonary hypertension to promote early
the ethical and legal challenges associated with the diagnosis rate and patient prognosis of the disease.
application of AI in healthcare. With the continuous development of AI, it has been
able to monitor health status and interpret changes in
patient status, disease progression, treatment response,
Positive impacts of AI on health and well-being and environmental factors through a dynamic feedback
The application of AI in the medical field is vast, such loop, to improve treatment and care outcomes and
as cardiology, neurology, and genetics (Bouton et al., reduce cost (Hurvitz et al., 2021).
2016; Dilsizian and Siegel, 2014; Somashekhar et al., In summary, the application of AI may have tre-
2017). It has positively impacted the development of mendous impacts on healthcare in developing coun-
medicine, such as accelerating drug discovery, assisting tries, including:
clinical trials, patient caring (Shaheen, 2021), estimating
health status via wearable health devices, and automatic • AI accelerating drug discovery and assisting
robotic surgery (Yu et al., 2018). Automated medical clinical trials.
image diagnosis is the most prosperous area of • AI assisting in patient care and estimating
medical AI, especially in image-based diagnosis health status through wearable health devices.
Mannuru et al. 11

• AI enhancing automated medical image diagno- standardized regulatory standards for assessing the
sis in disciplines such as ophthalmology, safety and impact of AI algorithms further complicates
dermatology, and radiology. the implementation of AI in healthcare (Aronson and
• AI improving early detection, diagnosis, and Rehm, 2015). Clinician trust in AI-recommended treat-
treatment of rare diseases. ment strategies is crucial, as lacking trust may lead to
• AI providing prognostic predictions and evalua- the rejection of appropriate recommendations (Luxton,
tions for patients with common diseases. 2019). Additionally, the introduction of AI in healthcare,
• AI identifying new disease mechanisms and while aiming to improve care quality by reducing human
therapeutic targets. error and physician fatigue, may increase physician
• AI facilitating mutation detection, prediction, workload as AI clinical guidelines recommend more fre-
and classification for individuals with rare quent examinations of high-risk patients (Yu et al.,
diseases. 2018).
• AI monitoring health status, disease progres- While AI has demonstrated success in tasks such as
sion, treatment response, and environmental image classification, translation, and speech recogni-
factors for improved treatment outcomes and tion, clinical diagnostic and therapeutic tasks require
reduced costs. a deeper understanding of context, including patient
preferences, values, social support, and medical
history (Boulanger-Lewandowski et al., 2012;
Negative impacts of AI on health and well-being LeCun et al., 2015). The current algorithms for AI
The successful implementation of AI in healthcare ser- multi-modal clinical data analysis often lack consider-
vices faces three primary challenges: ethical chal- ation of social context, posing a challenge in compre-
lenges, social and regulatory concerns, and technical hensive healthcare analysis (Yu et al., 2018).
barriers. Ethical challenges encompass potential Although AI models may outperform humans in ana-
biases in AI models, safeguarding patient privacy, lyzing medical data and images, they may struggle to
and establishing trust among clinicians and the provide intuitive explanations for their conclusions or
public when utilizing AI in healthcare (Whittlestone identify their own weaknesses, which humans can
et al., 2019). Biases arise when the training data often accomplish (Yu et al., 2018).
used for AI models lack representation of the target In developing nations, the use of AI technology in
population or are inadequate and incomplete, exacer- the medical field raises concerns about over-reliance
bating health disparities (Reddy et al., 2020). due to the cost disparity between AI and human labor
Protecting patient privacy is crucial as the deep learn- (Mahomed, 2018; Panesar et al., 2020). Collaborative
ing model employed by AI may inadvertently collect partnerships between AI and human healthcare profes-
and transmit data without the patient’s knowledge, sionals can yield productive outcomes (Kolbjornsrud
leading to privacy breaches (Vayena et al., 2018). et al., 2017; Liaw and Kakadiaris, 2020). However,
Breaches in privacy can result in psychological and relying solely on AI without human intervention
reputational harm to patients, necessitating robust poses risks. While AI may perform exceptionally well
privacy safeguards (Dawson et al., 2019). The in most cases, human intervention becomes critical in
researchers also noted the relevant concerns. Wu the rare instances where AI misprescribes medications
et al. (2022) proposed a medical service data privacy or makes obvious surgical errors, potentially saving
protection scheme based on blockchain and AI—users lives (Chen and Decary, 2020; Wiljer and Hakim,
can securely transmit healthcare data to doctors by 2019). Patient reluctance or hesitancy toward
managing session keys. AI-driven treatment is another challenge, particularly
Integrating AI applications into a decentralized in developing countries, where technology innovations
healthcare system encounters challenges due to may be slower to gain acceptance (Cadario et al., 2021;
complex political and economic dynamics influenced Ghosh, 2022; Longoni et al., 2019; Shandlen, 2012).
by medical practice norms and commercial interests In short, the potential negative impacts of genera-
(Panch et al., 2019). Ambiguity in current medical and tive AI in developing nations are multitudinous,
legal guidelines regarding AI’s role can create confusion including the following:
about responsibilities, potentially impacting treatment
strategies in routine clinical practice and increasing regu- • Ethical challenges: Biases in AI models and
latory complexity (Reddy et al., 2019). The absence of patient privacy concerns.
12 Information Development 0(0)

• Regulatory complexity for AI: Ambiguity in capabilities and driving economic growth. Therefore,
medical and legal guidelines, lack of standar- governments must allocate resources to support
dized regulatory standards. AI-focused research institutions, universities, and
• Physician workload: Potential increase due to innovation centers to strengthen the AI ecosystem
AI-recommended guidelines. and harness its benefits for economic advancement
• Contextual limitations: AI algorithms often (OECD, 2022). Simultaneously, fostering a skilled AI
overlook social context in healthcare analysis. workforce is essential for economic development and
• AI acceptance and adoption challenges: Patient improved employability in developing countries
reluctance toward AI-driven treatment, espe- (Executive Office of the President, 2016).Making
cially in developing countries. explainable artificial intelligence a requirement, where
AI creators must explain how the technology works,
AI has revolutionized the medical field with its appli- can enhance safety and security for the public (Guo,
cations ranging from drug discovery and clinical trials 2020).
to automated medical image diagnosis and patient At a micro and mezzo-scale, organizations should
care, especially to detect and diagnose rare diseases, adopt AI policies that govern how employees,
find new disease mechanisms and therapeutic members, and/or users utilize AI technologies. For
targets, and improve treatment and care outcomes. example, employers may implement a policy that
However, the ethical, social, regulatory, and technical restricts employees to use AI only with non-confidential
issues of the implementation of AI exist, which should information due to the risks related to data collection by
be addressed to ensure it is appropriately used to AI companies. Having these policies in place allows
improve healthcare outcomes. employers to take appropriate actions if issues arise con-
cerning employee use of AI technologies (Schiff et al.,
2021). Similarly, schools may impose significant
limits on the use of AI, such as large language
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds both pro- models, not only to mitigate plagiarism and cheating
mises and threats for nations with developing econ- risks but also to prevent the disclosure of confidential
omies. Without the necessary support, the AI information, such as class materials.
revolution may serve as another barrier that exacer-
bates the economic divide among countries (Yu,
2020). It is plausible that some countries may seize AI education and training
the opportunity for growth, while others will struggle Governments should prioritize AI-related skills
to launch an AI economy. Similarly, some countries in through educational initiatives, training programs,
developed countries may lose their prominence as and industry collaborations. By equipping individuals
they struggle to transition their economies (Aly, with AI skills, countries can drive innovation, enhance
2022). With rapid transformation in the information employability, and foster entrepreneurship in AI
and technology sectors, it is necessary for nations to sectors, promoting economic growth. This entails inte-
invest in the following areas for sustainable development: grating AI into curricula, forging partnerships with
AI policy, AI education and training, AI infrastructure, industry stakeholders, and providing support for AI
and public-private partnerships (Lund et al., 2023b). startups, empowering the next generation to thrive in
an AI-driven economy. Dynamic higher education
programs that emphasize the integration of artificial
AI policy intelligence into industry should be prioritized by
At the macro-level, it is essential for developing coun- grant funding agencies.
tries to establish comprehensive policy frameworks to An example of a successful implementation of AI
guide AI adoption and development. These policies training is detailed in Leoste et al. (2021). In this
should outline a clear vision, objectives, and strategies study, the authors detail a series of workshops designed
for integrating AI across sectors (Schiff, 2022). Such to introduce future workers to emerging technologies
policies will create an environment that attracts invest- such as AI through direct interaction with the technol-
ments, fosters innovation, and supports AI-driven eco- ogy. Other practical implementations of AI training
nomic activities. Investing in AI research and include AI microcredential programs (Ralston, 2021)
development is crucial for developing indigenous and learning games (Alam, 2022).
Mannuru et al. 13

AI infrastructure immense potential to reshape content production and

creation. However, the impacts of generative AI are
Access to AI infrastructure and resources is vital for
not evenly distributed, with the Global South facing
developing countries to participate in the AI revolu-
unique challenges in accessing and benefiting from
tion (Makridakis, 2017). Governments should invest
these transformative technologies. The potential for
in robust digital infrastructure, including high-speed
job replacement, industry growth, higher education
internet connectivity, cloud computing facilities, and
transformation, environmental consequences, and
data centers (Mhlanga, 2021). By reducing barriers
impacts on health and well-being are significant con-
to entry, developing countries can empower entrepre-
siderations in the context of generative AI’s integra-
neurs, startups, and small and medium-sized enter-
tion. While generative AI presents opportunities for
prises to leverage AI technologies for economic
economic growth and transformative changes, it also
raises ethical, legal, and environmental concerns that
For example, China has invested considerably in
require careful attention and resolution.
the infrastructure to support emerging AI technology
To ensure equitable access and maximize the posi-
(Ding, 2018). The aim of China’s investment is to
tive impacts of generative AI, it is crucial to provide
become a leader in AI development rather than
comprehensive support, infrastructure, and policy
become dependent on international technologies,
frameworks for developing nations to harness its poten-
which is accomplished by providing access to
tial. Additionally, responsible adoption and integration
necessary hardware, data sources, and training while
of generative AI call for careful consideration of its
instilling Chinese national values (Allen, 2019).
implications in various domains. The transformative
Investment in AI at a national level ensures coherence
potential of generative AI can only be realized
and consistent sources of funding and support
through collaborative efforts that prioritize ethical con-
(Roberts et al., 2021).
siderations, inclusivity, and sustainable development
across global contexts. By embracing the advance-
Public-Private partnerships for AI development ments in AI, including generative AI, and addressing
Public-private partnerships and collaborations its challenges responsibly, we can pave the way for
hold immense potential in driving AI adoption, eco- a more equitable and prosperous Fourth Industrial
nomic development, and innovation across various Revolution.
sectors (Baldoni et al., 2020). Governments should
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Data Resurgence. Advance.
advance.22012724.v1. About the authors
Teel ZA (2023) Discouraging freedom in the library. The
Nishith Reddy Mannuru is a PhD student at the
Serials Librarian.
University of North Texas’s Department of Information
The Times (2022) Doubt over tech giants’ EUR 2bn data Science, Denton, TX, USA. His research focuses on
investment. machine learning, AI, and information behavior.
Tolan S, Pesole A, Martínez-Plumed F, et al. (2021)
Measuring the occupational impact of AI: Tasks, cogni- Sakib Shahriar is a PhD student at the University of
tive abilities and AI benchmarks. Journal of Artificial Guelph’s School of Computer Science, Guelph, ON, CA.
Intelligence Research 71: 191–236. His research focuses on machine learning, health data,
Vayena E, Blasimme A and Cohen IG (2018) Machine natural language processing, and deep learning.
learning in medicine: Addressing ethical challenges.
PLoS Medicine 15(11): e1002689. Zoë A Teel is a master’s student at the University of North
Wakunuma K, Jiya T and Aliyu S (2020) Socio-ethical impli- Texas’s Department of Information Science. Her research
cations of using AI in accelerating SDG3 in least developed focuses on the integration of learning technologies, cogni-
countries. Journal of Responsible Technology 4: article tive science, and professional ethics and values.
Wang T, Lund BD and Dow M (2023) Do hospitals satisfy Ting Wang, PhD, is a lecturer at Emporia State University’s
our healthcare information needs for rare diseases?:
School of Library and Information Management, Emporia,
Comparison of healthcare information provided by hos-
pitals with information needs of family caregivers. KS, USA. Her research focuses on information behavior,
Health Communication: 1–10. rare disease, and instructional design and technology.
White J, Fu Q, Hays S, et al. (2023) A Prompt Pattern Brady D Lund, PhD, is an assistant professor at the
Catalog to Enhance Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT University of North Texas’s Department of Information
(arXiv:2302.11382). arXiv. Science. His research focuses on the impact of emerging
arXiv.2302.11382. technology on the processes of information creation,
Whittlestone J, Nyrup R, Alexandrova A, et al. (2019) seeking, and use.
Ethical and societal implications of algorithms, data,
and artificial intelligence: a roadmap for research. Solomon Tijani is an IT consultant affiliated with the
London: Nuffield Foundation. Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research in
Wiljer D and Hakim Z (2019) Developing an artificial Ibadan, Nigeria. His research focuses on the impact of AI
intelligence-enabled health care practice: Rewiring within society.
health care professions for better care. Journal of
Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 50(4): S8–S14.
Chalermchai Oak Pohboon is a master’s student at the
World Trade Organization (2023) Who are the developing
countries in the WTO? Retrieved from https://www. University of North Texas’s Department of Information Science, specializing in health informatics.
Wu B, Pi Y and Chen J (2022) Privacy protection of
medical service data based on blockchain and artificial Daniel Agbaji is a PhD student at the University of North
intelligence in the era of smart medical care. Wireless Texas’s Department of Information Science. His research
Communications and Mobile Computing 2022. https:// focuses on the impact machine learning and artificial intel- ligence within society.
Mannuru et al. 19

Joy Alhassan is a master’s student at the University of Shubham Kumar Saurav is a master’s student at Indian
North Texas’s Department of Information Science, special- Statistical Institute’s Documentation Research and Training
izing in information science and systems. Center, specializing in library and information science.

JaKLyn Galley is a master’s student at Emporia State Aishwarya Srivastava is a library professional affiliated
University’s School of Library and Information Management, with the Seth M.R. Jaipuria School in Lucknow, India.
specializing in library science.
Sai Priya Tummuru is a master’s student at the University
Raana Kousari is a PhD candidate at Iran University of of North Texas’s Department of Information Science, spe-
Medical Science’s School of Health Management and cializing in health informatics.
Information Sciences. Her research focuses on information
literacy and health information literacy. Sravya Uppala is a master’s student at the University of
North Texas’s Department of Information Science, special-
Lydia Ogbadu-Oladapo is a PhD candidate at the izing in health informatics.
University of North Texas’s Department of Information
Science. Her research focuses on human-computer inter- Praveenkumar Vaidya, PhD, is a reference librarian at
action, information behavior, health equity, informatics, CHRIST university, Pune, India. His research focuses on
AI and security. aspects of library systems management and technology.

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