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Alwathaniyah Full Day School
Tanda tangan Name/No. : ………………….../……. Tanda tangan
Orangtua Subject : PKn / Civic Ustadzah SCORE
Day/Date : Friday, October 7th 2022
Time : 10.15 – 11.45
(……………….) (Ayu Wulandari, S.Pd.) .......

Read basmallah before doing your test!

I. Fill in the blanks correctly!

1. Respecting difference is called ….

2. My friend is sick (sakit), I must (saya harus) ….

3. The name of traditional games is ….

4. I like playing (bermain) ….

5. I like playing (bermain) ….

6. I like playing ….
7. Papeda comes from ….
8. Traditional food comes from Betawi is ….
9. Ayam betutu is traditional food from ….
10. Place worship (tempat ibadah) of Islam religion (agama islam) is ….

II. Answer these questions correctly!

1. Write the example of traditional game!
Answer : ______________________________________________________________
2. What is the meaning of tolerance?
Answer : ______________________________________________________________
3. Ani and Doni fell off (terjatuh) from bike (dari sepeda). What do you do
(apa yang kamu lakukan) ?
Answer : ______________________________________________________________

4. Your friend didn’t bring lunch (tidak membawa bekal). What can you do?
Answer : ______________________________________________________________

5. What did you say (apa yang kamu katakana) when your friend to be the
winner (menjadi juara)?
Answer : ______________________________________________________________

6. What did you say (apa yang kamu katakana) when your friend sick ?
Answer : ______________________________________________________________
7. What is the feast day (hari raya) of Kristen?
Answer : ______________________________________________________________
8. What is the place worship (tempat ibadah) of Konghucu?
Answer : ______________________________________________________________
9. What is the origin place (daerah asal) of “kerak telor”?
Answer : ______________________________________________________________

10. Pelajaran apa yang dapat kita teladani dari persahabatan kerbau
dan burung jalak?
Answer : ______________________________________________________________

~Read Hamdalah after doing this test!~

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