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Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274

The Role of the Beneficiary in Willingness to Pay for Socially

Responsible Products: A Meta-analysis
Stephanie M. Tully, Russell S. Winer ∗
Stern School of Business, New York University, 40 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10012, United States

Many companies have made significant investments in socially responsible production practices for their products. Environmentally safe cleaning
products, fair trade coffee, and sustainable seafood are just a few examples. In this paper, we conduct a meta-analysis of over 80 published and
unpublished research papers across a large number of product categories to better understand differences in willingness to pay (WTP) for socially
responsible products. In particular, we are interested in whether the beneficiary of the social responsibility program—humans, animals, or the
environment—affects WTP. We use two dependent variables: the percentage premium people are willing to pay and the proportion of respondents
who are willing to pay a positive premium. We find that the mean percentage premium is 16.8 percent and that, on average, 60 percent of respondents
are willing to pay a positive premium. Importantly, across both dependent measures, we find that WTP is greater for products where the socially
responsible element benefits humans (e.g., labor practices) compared to those that benefit the environment. Implications for retailers, manufacturers,
and future research are discussed.
© 2014 New York University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Meta-analysis; Social responsibility; Willingness-to-pay; Environment; Fair trade; Animal rights

Socially responsibly produced products and services are responsible attributes (e.g., De Pelsmacker, Driesen, and Rayp
becoming more important than ever for retailers as their pres- 2005; Ha-Brookshire and Norum 2011).
ence continues to increase dramatically. Environmentally safe Despite other disciplines examining this issue, there are still
cleaning products, fair trade coffee, and sustainable seafood are many unanswered questions about consumers’ WTP for prod-
just a few examples of this growing trend. Recently, Levi Strauss ucts produced using socially responsible methods. For instance,
announced a line of jeans with a pitch “These jeans are made of it is unclear how much more consumers on average are willing
garbage.” The Waste < Less jeans are composed of at least 20 to pay for socially responsible products in general. As might
percent recycled plastic (BusinessWeek 2012). Although compa- be expected from the rise in socially responsible product offer-
nies and retailers offering socially responsible products provide a ings, many studies have found that consumers are willing to pay
benefit to society, economic incentives are often a catalyst for, or a relatively large premium for these products (e.g., Aguilar and
at least an input into, the decision by a firm or retailer to provide Vlosky 2007; De Pelsmacker, Driesen, and Rayp 2005; Saphores
socially responsible products (Karnani 2012). Understanding et al. 2007). However, a smaller number of studies have reported
consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for products produced premiums closer to zero (e.g., Grönroos and Bowyer 1999) or
using socially responsible practices is important for the future even to be negative in rare cases (e.g., Akkucuk 2011). In addi-
success of such endeavors. Despite the growth in this product tion, the retail sales for some socially responsible products have
area and previous research on WTP, we found few studies in been slow. For example, Clorox’s widely heralded line of Green
marketing that have directly addressed this issue, with almost Works cleaning products has had considerable difficulty gain-
all focused on WTP for either coffee or apparel with socially ing traction with retailers and consumers. Importantly, price has
been suggested to be one of the top barriers to green consumption
(Gleim et al. 2013).
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 212 998 0540; fax: +1 212 995 4006.
Beyond the average WTP for socially responsible prod-
E-mail addresses: (S.M. Tully), ucts, factors that influence WTP for socially responsible (R.S. Winer). products are still relatively unknown. Research has examined
0022-4359/© 2014 New York University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
256 S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274

individual differences that can explain variations in WTP for social responsibility type as well as general characteristics of the
socially responsible products (e.g., Balderjahn 1988; Roberts data collection method. More explicitly, we suggest that the vari-
1996). Relatively less is known about the factors of socially ance in WTP for socially responsible products may be influenced
responsible products themselves that may contribute to differ- by the beneficiary of the social responsibility and the social
ences in willingness to pay. Understanding the economic value of norms for the socially responsible product. We also examine
implementing different types of socially responsible practices to how product domain, product certification and characteristics
consumers is of interest to society, manufacturers, and the retail- of WTP elicitation such as the year the study was conducted,
ers who distribute the manufacturers’ products. For instance, are whether the method of elicitation is incentive-compatible, and
products advertising the use of fair wages to employees more whether respondents are allowed to respond with negative values
or less likely to increase a consumer’s WTP compared to those for WTP influence WTP estimates.
advertising the use of environmentally friendly tactics? This is
not a trivial matter. A recent article in Forbes said that many Beneficiary of social responsibility
corporate leaders, realizing lackluster return on social respon-
sibility investments, want to know the best way to increase the The ISO 26000, an organization tasked with standardizing
value of these investments (Klein 2012). guidelines for social responsibility, defines social responsibility
To examine systematic differences in WTP for socially as the “responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its
responsible products, we employ a meta-analysis of a large decisions and activities on society and the environment, through
group of studies that have explored WTP for such products. transparent and ethical behaviour” (2010, p. 3). Thus, social
Meta-analyses have been widely used in marketing. Some well- responsibility is a broad term to describe anything a company
known examples are in the areas of advertising (Assmus, Farley, might do that benefits society at large. Similarly, socially respon-
and Lehmann 1984; Sethuraman, Tellis, and Briesch 2011), pri- sible products provide a benefit to society at large. However, by
cing (Bijmolt, van Heerde, and Pieters 2005; Tellis 1988), and using the term socially responsible products, we are referring
diffusion models (Sultan, Farley, and Lehmann 1990). These to products which benefit society through business practices
meta-analyses have helped the marketing field develop a large used in the creation of the product. Therefore, the manufacturing
set of empirical generalizations (Hanssens 2009). choices a company makes (through the labor they employ, the
Meta-analysis has also been used to understand variation in packaging they choose, the distribution network they use) are
WTP for socially responsible products (Cai and Aguilar 2013; done in a way to provide benefits to society. Choices a company
Lagerkvist and Hess 2011). However, past meta-analyses have makes outside of the business practices employed in producing
concentrated on one product category (e.g., wood products) and the good (e.g., giving profits to charity) fall outside the scope of
one type of social responsibility (e.g., the environment). By the current research.
widening the set of studies included in the meta-analysis, we are Broadly speaking, socially responsible products can benefit
able to make broader generalizations about average WTP for three types of beneficiaries: the people of a society, the ani-
socially responsible products and can examine factors not yet mals in a society, or the environment. The current literature
rigorously tested. Using each study in a paper as one data point makes it difficult to identify differences in WTP across type
permits an analysis of multiple product categories using differ- of social responsibility. The vast majority of studies on WTP for
ent types of social responsible practices that differ in strength of socially responsible products focus on one socially responsible
social norm. In doing so, our meta-analysis is able to examine beneficiary so whether the type of social responsibility impacts
whether consumers are likely to pay a larger or smaller premium consumers WTP is unclear. Only three articles in our literature
for socially responsible products that benefit the environment review yielded studies that looked across multiple types of ben-
compared to those that benefit human working conditions and eficiaries of socially responsible products. Loureiro and Lotade
whether differences in social norms for different products can (2005) look at WTP for fair trade coffee (which benefits peo-
predict variation in willingness to pay. See Table 1 for a com- ple) and shade-grown coffee (which benefits the environment).
parison of the current research to previous meta-analyses. The estimates of WTP across these two types of products are
The goal of this meta-analysis is to generate a set of findings nearly identical. Carlsson, Garcia, and Löfgren (2010) found
about consumer WTP for socially responsible products that are similar results. However, Hustvedt, Peterson, and Chen (2008)
not conditional on the particulars of any single study, product find that there is a greater interest in socially responsible wool
type, or social responsibility type and to provide researchers, pol- products which benefit animal rights than wool products benefit-
icy makers, and retailers with a concise synthesis of the research ting the environment. Given the small range of studies examining
results. Moreover, we aim to test moderators of the WTP for willingness to pay across beneficiaries, and the differences in
socially responsible products that may be of particular interest to findings across the few studies, it is currently difficult to make
retailers such as the type of socially responsible beneficiary and any generalizations. Thus, if a retailer has the choice of stock-
the social norms associated with a socially responsible product. ing a product that provides fair wages to its employees or one
made from renewable resources, it is currently unknown which
Main hypotheses product will allow for a greater price premium.
We hypothesize that the beneficiary of social responsibility
In the current work, we examine whether variation in WTP will impact WTP. Although environmentally friendly products
can be explained by factors associated with the product and have garnered much hype in recent years, we suggest that
S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274 257

Table 1
Comparison of previous meta-analyses to current meta-analysis.
Meta-analysis Social responsibility DV Main findings

Cai and Aguilar (2013) Environment Percent premium Mean WTP = 12.2 percent. Consumers are willing to pay a greater
percent premium for products with lower base prices, for products
that are more frequently purchased, when the elicitation method is
indirect rather than direct, for contingent valuation compared to
conjoint analysis, and for more recent studies.
Lagerkvist and Hess (2011) Animals Percent premium Younger age and greater income is positively associated with WTP.
Consumers were found to be willing to pay a lower percent
premium for products with legal regulations, when cheap-talk
scripts or double-bound dichotomous choices are used.
Peer-reviewed papers had a lower overall WTP.
Current research Environment, people, Percent premium and Mean WTP = 16.8 percent. 59.7 percent are willing to pay a
and animals proportion of people positive amount. Products that benefit people compared to those
that benefit the environment increase WTP both in terms of the
percent premium and the proportion of people willing to pay a
positive amount. Social norms may increase the proportion of
people willing to pay a premium.

socially responsible products that benefit people may be more this has not systematically been examined. Since there is cur-
likely to increase sales. While polls suggest that many people rently limited research looking at WTP across product domains,
care about the environment (Nielsen 2011), as noted previously, directional differences are exploratory.
sales of “green” products have often proven lackluster (Clifford
and Martin 2011; UNEP 2005). Additionally, if an increase in
Social norms
WTP for socially responsible products is viewed as a form of
donation toward the beneficiary, charitable contributions in the
Even within product domains (e.g., wood products), different
United States show that only 3 percent of charitable donations
socially responsible products may elicit differences in willing-
go toward animals and the environment combined compared to
ness to pay. Consumers were found to be willing to pay a
a much larger percentage going to causes that benefit people
lower price premium over the base price for an environmentally
such as education and human services (Giving USA 2013) sug-
friendly new home compared to other environmentally friendly
gesting that people are more likely to pay for things that benefit
wood products such as a kitchen remodeling job or a ready-
other humans. Therefore, our main hypothesis is that WTP for
to-assemble chair (Ozanne and Vlosky 1997). However, it is
socially responsible products that benefit people will be sig-
unknown what may be driving these differences.
nificantly greater than those that benefit the environment. The
It has been reported that frequently purchased products gar-
findings of Hustvedt, Peterson, and Chen (2008) suggest that
ner a greater WTP than less frequently purchased products (Cai
products benefitting animals may well elicit greater WTP com-
and Aguilar 2012; Teisl et al. 2002). Teisl et al. speculate that
pared to those benefitting the environment. However, given the
this is because frequently purchased products are seen as having
limited number of charitable donations toward animal causes,
a greater impact on society. Yet, another possibility is that there
this prediction is less clear. Further, how socially responsible
may be stronger social norms for some types of socially respon-
products that benefit both the environment in addition to another
sible products compared to others. Products that are frequently
beneficiary will compare to products benefitting the environment
purchased may have more visibility and thus greater social pres-
alone is also unclear. One might expect that adding additional
sure to purchase products produced in a socially responsible
beneficiaries will provide more motivation for consumers, but
manner. If social norms, rather than frequency of purchase, can
this is speculative as there is no literature to support a directional
explain differences in WTP, it would be of particular interest to
retailers since social norms are more malleable than changing
product characteristics such as purchase frequency.
Domain The evidence for social norms is currently mixed. Social
norms have been shown to predict WTP in some environmen-
Beyond the type of social responsibility, there is some evi- tal contexts (Spash et al. 2009), but not consistently (Carlsson,
dence that differences in WTP for socially responsible products Garcia, and Löfgren 2010). However, past research on social
vary as a function of product type. If a retailer is considering norms has primarily examined social norms within the context
stocking a socially responsible product, research suggests that of one product type or by manipulating social norms artificially.
which type of product it is may affect consumers’ WTP. For Thus, in the current research, we investigate whether average
instance, Akkucuk (2011) finds significant differences in how perceptions of social norms for different types of socially respon-
much consumers are willing to pay for recycled furniture com- sible products can predict WTP. We hypothesize that stronger
pared to other products such as tires or cell phones. However, social norms will elicit greater WTP.
258 S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274

Certification Table 2
A product that has been certified has passed some form Independent variable Hypothesis
of quality assurance test or met some objective standards that Beneficiary H1: Socially responsible products that benefit people
guarantees the product meets a minimum level of social respon- will have a greater proportion of participants that are
sibility. It typically costs money for companies to become willingness to pay a premium compared to socially
certified so the cost of products that are certified is often higher. responsible products that benefit the environment.
For example, Fair Trade certification requires the payment of H2: Socially responsible products that benefit people
will garner a greater average premium compared to
quarterly licensing fees (Fair Trade USA). Most companies will products that benefit the environment.
pass this additional cost on to consumers often resulting in higher
Social Norms H3: Socially responsible products that have greater
prices for fair traded products (Stecklow and White 2004). Thus,
social responsibility norms will have a greater
it is in a retailer’s interest to know whether certification of a proportion of participants that are willing to pay a
socially responsible product increases willingness to pay for the premium.
product. H4: Socially responsible products that have more social
responsibility norms will garner a greater average
premium compared to socially responsible products that
Changes in WTP over time
have less social responsibility norms.

It is currently uncertain whether WTP for socially responsi-

ble products is changing over time, and if so, in which direction
it is changing. There is both anecdotal and academic research in as the minimum price that the consumer will not purchase the
favor of increasing WTP over time. Trends show that corporate product. Varian (1992) indicates that reservation price is the
social responsibility is becoming more prominent and that con- price at which or below the consumer will purchase one unit
sumers are increasingly looking at social responsibility reports of the product. As Jedidi and Jagpal (2009) note, these three
that companies furnish (White 2012). Recently, Nielsen (2011) definitions have slightly different interpretations in terms of the
reported a 5 percent increase in the last two years in willingness probability of purchase at the reservation price with Hauser and
to reward a company that gives back to society. Additionally, Urban being zero, Jedidi and Zhang being .5, and Varian being
academic research has shown a significant positive relation- 1.0.
ship between time and WTP (Cai and Aguilar 2013). However,
there is also both anecdotal and academic support in favor of Approaches to measuring WTP
decreasing WTP over time. In the last few years, sales of some
eco-friendly options, such as cleaning supplies, have been in There are many methods used to elicit WTP. Open-ended
decline (Clifford and Martin 2011; Kurutz 2011). Additionally, responses allow a respondent to supply their own value of WTP.
Ozanne and Vlosky (2003) find a negative relationship between Alternatively, multiple choice methods provide respondents with
WTP for socially responsible products and time. Therefore, it is a range of options from which they can choose.
currently unclear whether WTP for socially responsible products Another approach, often used by economists to value natural
has systematically changed over time. resources, is called contingent valuation. Two types of contin-
In addition to the year of data collection, other character- gent valuation are possible. A within-subjects method provides
istics of the study design may be relevant moderators of WTP. a respondent with a starting price and continues to increment
Broadly, these include whether the study is incentive compatible or decrement the price from this point until a consumer reveals
and whether the study allows negative responses. These charac- their WTP. A between-subjects contingent valuation technique
teristics are discussed further in the WTP section below. In the gives different prices to each respondent and asks them whether
next section, we provide some background on what willingness or not they would buy the product at the stated price in yes or
to pay is conceptually and how we use it as a measure of effect no form. The sum of all the respondents’ answers to the single
size in our meta-analysis. question allows for the creation of a demand curve.
Our hypotheses are summarized in Table 2. Conjoint analysis estimates WTP for an attribute by estimat-
ing the indirect utility function, V, based on the experimental
Willingness to pay design and then estimating the marginal rate of substitution
(MRS) between an attribute (m) and price (p) using the following
Conceptual underpinnings relationship:

Definitions of customer value or WTP vary (see Jedidi and ∂V/∂m

Jagpal 2009). A commonly used definition is the economic term, MRS = − . (1)
reservation price, or the maximum amount a customer is willing
to pay for a good, or, stated differently, the price at which a con- Auctions, both those that are naturally occurring and those
sumer is indifferent between buying and not buying the product that are staged as part of an experiment, can also be used to
(Jedidi and Zhang 2002). However, there are other definitions. estimate WTP (e.g., Ellis, McCracken, and Skuza 2012). In an
For example, Hauser and Urban (1986) define reservation price auction, consumers bid on the right to buy the item up for auction.
S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274 259

Real purchase data can be used to estimate WTP. Hedonic the percentage change in WTP from a base price (the uncon-
analyses typically use cross-sectional data where there is varia- ditional percent premium) for the socially responsible product
tion in product prices for different levels of product attributes. as well as the proportion of participants willing to pay a price
Alternatively, field experiments can be run varying prices and premium for a socially responsible product. These two depend-
product characteristics. The resulting sales can be used to infer ent measures were chosen due to their frequency in reporting
the demand and WTP for the manipulated product features. as well as their ability to make meaningful comparisons across
While each method of eliciting WTP may result in studies. Further, these two dependent variables capture related,
small differences, an underlying characteristic of all of these but not conceptually overlapping aspects of consumers’ WTP,
approaches is whether the method of elicitation is incentive as evidenced by their moderate correlation in studies that report
compatible (Miller et al. 2011). Incentive compatible mea- both (r = .54).
surement approaches attempt to ensure that respondents have
an incentive to “tell the truth” about their WTP. For exam- Unconditional percent premium
ple, Wertenbroch and Skiera (2002) apply the well-known
Becker–DeGroot–Marschak (BDM) approach for measuring the The percentage difference from the base price that consumers
utility of lotteries. Ding (2007) and Dost and Wilken (2012) are willing to pay allows us to quantify the increased monetary
have also applied the BDM approach to conjoint analysis and value that consumers place on the socially responsible element.
estimating ranges of WTP rather than a point estimate. Some It is essentially capturing the percent premium a socially respon-
methods like auctions are incentive compatible by design. While sible product can demand. If a socially responsible element is
real purchase data cannot capture a person’s absolute high- costly to implement, this measure can be useful in determin-
est willingness to pay, purchase data is also considered to be ing whether the increased cost can be offset by the potential
incentive-compatible (Wertenbroch and Skiera 2002) because increase in WTP. However, the percent difference in WTP is
the purchase decision has real consequences. Other methods both a function of the number of people who are willing to pay a
such as hypothetical multiple choice scenarios are not. premium and the actual valuation placed on the socially respon-
Given the wide variety of approaches to estimating WTP, it sible element. This dependent measure is capturing the average
is not surprising that there are a number of studies that attempt willingness to pay across all participants (the unconditional per-
to compare them. The most comprehensive comparison study in cent premium). For instance, if the average premium in WTP
the marketing literature was conducted by Miller et al. (2011). is 25 percent, this might be because the average respondent is
The results showed that the incentive-based methods (BDM and willing to pay 25 percent more or it might be because half of
incentive-based conjoint) had much lower bias against the “real” the respondents are willing to pay a 50 percent premium and
criterion than the “hypothetical” methods. Thus, we expect that the other half of the respondents will not pay any premium.
methods that are incentive compatible will elicit lower WTP for Therefore, while the average premium across all respondents
socially responsible products than methods that are not incentive is important, so is understanding the proportion of participants
compatible. willing to pay a premium.

WTP as a measure of effect size Proportion of participants willing to pay a premium

In most of the previous meta-analyses in marketing, the effect The proportion of participants who are willing to pay a pre-
size or dependent variable studied is based on statistical anal- mium of any size can be seen as an indicator of potential market
yses of time-series of other secondary data not on primary size. As this percentage gets larger, it suggests that a greater pro-
data collection from human subjects. Examples include price portion of the population value the socially responsible element
and advertising elasticities. As noted above, the definitions of to some extent. However, this dependent measure cannot quan-
WTP/reservation price have nuanced differences. In addition, tify the change in WTP. For instance, a study in which every
the vast majority of papers included in our meta-analysis based single person is willing to pay a 1 percent premium and a study
their results on experiments or other data collection methods in which every person is willing to pay a 30 percent premium
utilizing human subjects. Unfortunately, many of the papers we would both show 100 percent of the participants willing to pay a
analyzed did not disclose the specific instrument used to col- premium. However, clearly these outcomes have important dif-
lect the data leaving the subjects’ interpretation of the WTP ferences when determining both customer value and pricing for
question or questions unclear. As a result, we make the neces- a socially responsible good. Because of each of their strengths
sary assumption that differences in interpretation of the WTP and limitations, we feel both dependent measures are important
construct across studies do not have an effect on the parame- to be able to understand meaningful differences in WTP in a
ter estimates of our models and, by implication, our substantive meta-analysis. Further, differences in these dependent variables
conclusions. across analyses are of theoretical and practical interest.

Dependent variables Conditional percent premium

In the current research, we consider two dependent variables We also calculated the average percent premium among only
or effect sizes to examine consumers’ WTP. We considered both the participants who were willing to pay more for the socially
260 S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274

responsible product. This may in fact be the most accurate metric In total, the full data set includes eighty-one usable papers
to understand WTP since it is a function of both the proportion yielding 174 observations. Thirty-six papers (96 observations)
of participants who are willing to pay a premium and the overall are included in both dependent measures data sets. Nine papers
percent premium. Unfortunately, only 21 papers (48 observa- (11 observations) are unique to the proportion of participants
tions) provided enough information to calculate this measure. DV set and thirty-five papers (67 observations) are unique to the
Further, these observations did not provide enough variance in percent difference from base price DV set. Given the increasing
independent variables (e.g., 41 of 48 observations benefitted the amount of research in the area of social responsibility and the
environment). Thus, we did not use this dependent measure in many types of behavior that can be considered socially respon-
any of our analyses. sible, we do not claim to provide a comprehensive review of
the social responsibility WTP literature. However, we believe
we have collected a reasonably large and representative sam-
Data collection ple of studies on the WTP for socially responsible products for
Data were collected using electronic databases (i.e., the
ISCWeb of Knowledge, Google Scholar, NYU Library Catalogs Calculating the dependent variables
“Bobcat”) and reference lists from identified studies including
meta-analyses (farm animal welfare: Lagerkvist and Hess 2011; Many papers directly report one or both of the dependent
certified wood: Cai and Aguilar 2013) and review papers (eco- measures. For papers that did not directly report one of both
labels: Gallastegui 2002; fair trade: Anderfer and Liebe 2012). measures, we attempted to compute the dependent variables
The literature search used the following keywords, individu- from empirical results provided in the paper. When multiple
ally and in combination: animal rights, eco-label, environment, choice responses offered ranges, the midpoint of the range was
ethical, fair trade, green, labor, social, willingness to pay, and used as the WTP for that option. When conjoint analysis was
WTP. used and WTP estimates were not provided by the authors, we
We included both published and unpublished literature since used expression (1) to calculate the marginal WTP based on the
publication bias can skew the results of a meta-regression utility function estimates. In rare cases, social responsibility was
(Stanley 2005). To further encourage the inclusion of unpub- described as being negative (i.e., the product is harmful to the
lished papers on the topic, we also searched the websites of environment or employees in some way). For these studies, the
authors who have an established history of conducting social sign of the percentage change of WTP was reversed. If a study
responsible WTP studies. Just under ten percent of the included did not provide sufficient information to calculate a dependent
papers are working papers. In addition to including unpublished variable, that paper was not used as part of the observation set
works, the final sample includes studies from a broad range of for that dependent variable.
journals, totaling over fifty different outlets.
In order for the study to be included, it had to meet a range Independent variables
of criteria. In general, we examined whether consumers are
willing to pay a premium for products produced using socially Socially responsible benefit. The beneficiaries of socially
responsible production practices that do not offer private benefits responsible undertakings can be broadly categorized into three
(e.g., improved health, economic advantages) for the consumer. main types: animals, the environment, or people. Products which
Specifically, we decided to restrict our data to products having a provide positive social benefits to animals provide better liv-
benefit conferred solely on society so that any incremental WTP ing conditions for animals through free range practices, more
could be attributed to this societal benefit. As a result, studies on humane types of castration etc. Environmentally friendly prod-
organic foods, which are commonly believed to provide health ucts protect rainforests, reduce pollution, and preserve water
benefits, and studies on hybrid vehicles and energy reducing sources, for example. We also categorized practices such as sus-
appliances, which provide economic incentives, were excluded tainable seafood as benefitting the environment since the use
from our analysis. Without this requirement, personal differ- of these practices is more about eco-system sustainability than
ences in valuations of the private benefits may artificially inflate it is about providing benefits to the sea animals themselves.
the valuations of the WTP for the socially responsible element. Finally, people can be beneficiaries of socially responsible prod-
Additionally, the social responsibility element had to be inher- ucts when the product provides fair wages or good working
ently part of the product itself. For instance, the company could conditions to its employees. In some papers, there were mul-
use socially responsible practices in the types of materials used, tiple recipients of the socially responsible element. In all of
the production methods employed, or the labor required in mak- these cases, the beneficiary was the environment in addition to
ing or testing the product. Products from companies who do either people or animals. These were coded as “multiple” and
socially responsible things outside of the production of the prod- used to understand if providing more than one beneficiary type
uct can be categorized as products from socially responsible significantly increases willingness to pay.
companies rather than being socially responsible products. Thus, Domain. We broadly categorized the product type used in
studies regarding other goodwill that the company generates out- each study. There were five categories that were clearly different
side of the sale of a product, such as donations to charity, are and that had a reasonable number of observations per group.
outside the scope of the current research. These were wood, electronics, food, clothing, and other. “Other”
S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274 261

incorporated any product that was not encompassed by the other product. This included studies using real purchase data as well
categories, but did not have enough observations to serve as its as others such as auctions.
own category (e.g., hotel rooms).1 We also coded whether the method of elicitation allowed
Social norms. As a means of understanding consumers’ per- participants to respond with negative changes in WTP. Papers
ceptions about the social norms associated with different socially measuring incremental WTP do not always permit respondents
responsible products, we polled an online sample and explicitly to indicate negative values. For instance, a question that asks,
asked them to rate the social norms of the products used in the “How much more would you be willing to pay if the product
studies included in our meta-analysis. Two hundred and six par- were environmentally friendly?” does not allow a respondent
ticipants from Mechanical Turk participated in the short study in to provide a negative WTP even if the respondent is allowed
exchange for a small sum of money. Twenty participants failed to respond in an open-ended format. Such a question is likely
an instructional manipulation check (Oppenheimer, Meyvis, and to skew WTP upwards. Thus, we expect that methods that do
Dividenko 2009) and were thus excluded from the analyses leav- not allow negative WTP estimates will estimate higher WTP for
ing a final sample of 186 participants (mean age = 35.5, 60.2 socially responsible products compared to methods that do.
percent male). Peer-reviewed. This is a dummy variable for whether the
The study procedure was as follows. Participants were given paper was published in a peer-reviewed outlet (1) or not (0).
a definition of social responsibility and explained how social Publication bias is expected to produce significant positive
responsibility can benefit people, animals, or the environment. coefficients on this variable indicating that peer-reviewed papers
Next, they read a definition of social norms. We then explained tended to have higher values of WTP and thus result in higher
that they would rate a series of products with socially responsible likelihood of publication.
practices that benefit either people, animals, or both the envi- Papers used in the analyses and their main characteristics with
ronment in terms of how strong any social norms to buy these the dependent measures collected are available in Appendix A.
types of products are and provided an example product that was
not part of the data set (disposable diapers with environmental Data analysis
benefits). Each participant rated 25 randomly selected socially
responsible products from the full list of 69 possible combina- Many meta-analyses report Q-tests of homogeneity of the
tions. They were asked “How strong are the social norms to effect sizes where the null hypothesis is that all of the effects sizes
purchase [product] with socially responsible benefits for [peo- are estimating the same population mean. Following Lipsey and
ple/animals/the environment]” (1 = there are no social norms to Wilson (2001), we conducted Cochran’s Q-tests on the percent-
buy this, 4 = there are moderate social norms to buy this, 7 = there age premium and the percentage willing to pay a premium and
are strong social norms to buy this). On each page we provided using the appropriate Chi-square test rejected the null hypothe-
the respondent with a reminder definition and some examples sis for both (χ2 = 1591.32 and 3508.74, respectively, p < .001).
of what constituted socially responsible benefits for the envi- This indicates that it is necessary to model the differences in
ronment, for people, and for animals so they could be used as a effect sizes using a set of design or independent variables.
reference. Means from this study were used as an explicit mea- We first ran a basic OLS regression on each of the dependent
sure of social norms.2 The study yielded a reasonable amount variables. However, it is well-known that meta-analysis models
of variance with means ranging from 2.41 to 5.65. suffer from heteroscedasticity (Farley and Lehmann 1986). The
Certification. Certification was coded as present if the paper heteroscedasticity results from two sources. First, the effects are
mentioned that the product was labeled or described as being estimated in each individual study with varying amounts of pre-
certified. cision and different sample sizes. Second, multiple effects are
Imputed year. We examined whether willingness to pay for taken from the same study using similar methodology. Since
socially responsible products has changed over time. Some many of the papers had multiple measures of the effects sizes,
papers specified the time period of the data collection while we followed the suggestion made by Bijmolt and Pieters (2001)
others did not. To impute the data collection year for the studies and used the complete set of measurements from each study
that did not specifically provide one, we averaged the difference rather than a single measure representing all the results. To
in number of years between data collection and publication for account for the sources of heteroscedasticity, we also used a
all studies that supplied the dates. The average difference was random effects estimation approach which was among the best
3.72 years. Thus, we subtracted 3.72 years from the date of pub- procedures tested by Bijmolt and Pieters (2001) (the metareg
lication for the remaining studies to ascribe an approximate data command from Stata; see Harbord and Higgins 2008). The
collection date. random effects model is an appealing specification because it
Elicitation method. Studies were coded as incentive compat- makes the assumption that the population effect sizes for dif-
ible if, as described in the WTP section, participants’ responses ferent studies are randomly drawn from a normal distribution.
had potential consequences for receiving or not receiving the Since individual study variances were unavailable for most of
the observations, the weights used were the inverse of the logs
of the number of participants in the study. We used the log trans-
1 We thank a reviewer for the idea of including domain as an independent formation due to the highly varying number of participants in
variable. the individual studies which ranged from 34 to over 100,000.
2 Results of the social norm study are available upon request from the authors. Of note, however, results from the OLS regression and from the
262 S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274

Table 3
Number of observations by independent variable for each dependent variable.
Variable Unconditional percent premium DV Proportion of participants DV Papers reporting both DVs
# of observations # of observations # of observations

Willingness to pay 163 107 96

Environment 111 87 81
People 22 12 7
Animals 21 3 3
Multiple (environment + other) 9 5 5
Wood 64 55 52
Electronics 11 8 8
Food 50 16 14
Clothing 18 13 10
Other 20 15 12
Certified 97 68 63
Peer reviewed 145 93 83
Allow negative 86 31 28
Incentive compatible 32 4 2

weighted random effects model are substantively equivalent so Although the conditional percent premium (the percent pre-
we only report the latter.3 mium among participants who are willing to pay a positive
To assess robustness of our findings, we ran the same amount) did not provide enough observations to conduct a full
weighted random effects model using only the set of papers analysis, we conducted an analysis of the difference between the
that report both dependent measures. While the sample size for unconditional percent premium and the conditional percent pre-
this model is considerably smaller, use of this model helps to mium among the available observations. Paired sample t tests
understand whether discrepancies across dependent measures revealed that the conditional percent premium is on average
are a function of differences in conceptualization across the two 5.77 percent (SD = 3.69) greater than the unconditional percent
dependent measures or whether differences may be due to the premium, t(53) = 11.48, p < .001.
papers included in the meta-regressions. Small discrepancies The mean proportion of participants who were willing to pay
arise when comparing results of the OLS and random effects a premium across the 107 observations is 59.7 percent, SD = 21.0
models to the random effects regressions using the smaller data (t(106) = 29.43, p < .001). This proportion ranged from 9.8 per-
set which reports both DVs. These discrepancies are discussed cent to 92.6 percent. We note that about 80 percent of the studies
for the independent variables when applicable. focus on the environment as the beneficiary of the socially
responsible element. Thus, as with studies measuring the per-
cent difference dependent variable, there is a significant lack of
Empirical results studies using people, animals, or any combinations of the three.
Histograms of the distribution of the two dependent variables
The unconditional percent premium across the 163 observa- are shown in Fig. 1.
tions reporting this measure ranged from −24.3 percent to 87.1 The empirical results for the random effects models are shown
percent.4 The mean difference in WTP over the base price is in Table 4.
16.8 percent, SD = 18.2 (t(163) = 11.78, p < .001). Thus, across
the 73 papers where we could get a measure of the uncondi-
Socially responsible benefit
tional percent premium, people are willing to pay a substantial
premium over the base price for a product with a socially respon-
Overall, results of the meta-analysis suggest that socially
sible element. We note that about 2/3rds of the studies focus on
responsible products which benefit the environment appear to
the environment as the beneficiary of the socially responsible
garner a lower WTP than products benefitting other beneficiar-
element as seen in Table 3. This shows a lack of studies using
ies. In support of H1 and H2, results demonstrate that a greater
people, animals, or any combinations of the three.5
proportion of consumers are willing to pay a premium and the
average percentage premium is greater for products where the
social responsibility benefits humans compared to products that
3 In addition, we ran the models using alternative estimation procedures benefit the environment (the omitted base). This is a robust
including correcting for heteroscedasticity only. Again, the results were subs- finding across all models and dependent measures.
tantively equivalent across methods.
4 We eliminated four observations whose percentages differences in WTP
The results suggest that people are willing to pay a signifi-
were over five standard deviations above the mean. cantly greater percent premium for products benefitting animals
5 We will discuss the research implications of this lack of studies later in the compared to products benefitting the environment. While
paper. the results are directionally consistent for the proportion of
S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274 263

A: Unconditional Percent Premium in Willingness to Pay


% of Sample
≤0 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100

B: Proportion of Participants Willing to Pay A Premium

% of Sample

0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
C: Bias Adjusted Unconditional Percent Premium in Willingness to Pay
% of Sample

≤0 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100

D: Bias Adjusted Proportion of Participants Willing to Pay A Premium

% of Sample

0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100

Fig. 1. Histograms of raw and bias adjusted results.

participants dependent measure, there is no significant increase on environmental concerns such as the Clorox Green Works line
in the proportion of participants that are willing to pay a premium mentioned in the introduction. The current results suggest that
for products benefitting animals compared to those benefitting products that offer human benefits such as good working con-
the environment. Of note, however, is that the number of observa- ditions may be able to obtain a greater price premium and have
tions for animals is much smaller in the data set for the proportion wider appeal than those focusing on animal or environmental
of participants measure. benefits. Second, as we noted from the results in Table 2, the
Products offering more than one socially responsible benefi- vast majority of research in this area has focused on environ-
ciary (i.e., the environment plus an additional beneficiary) show mental benefits. More research is needed on WTP for products
no significant increase in WTP in either of the models using the that benefit humans, animals, or have multiple beneficiaries.
full data set, but demonstrate a significant increase in WTP in the
models using the observations that report both dependent meas- Social norms
ures. The discrepancy in significance for WTP across dependent
measures is likely due to the small number of observations using The social norm variable was created to provide more con-
multiple beneficiaries. clusive evidence for whether social norms have a significant
The results of the beneficiary are interesting for two reasons. impact on consumers’ WTP for socially responsible prod-
First, the biggest push for new products has been for those based ucts. Unfortunately, the results of the meta-analysis again
264 S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274

Table 4
Results of weighted random effects regression.
Variable All observations Observations which report both dependent variables
Unconditional percent Proportion of participants Unconditional percent Proportion of participants
premium (n = 163) WTP a premium (n = 107) premium (n = 96) WTP a premium (n = 96)
Coefficient (SE) Coefficient (SE) Coefficient (SE) Coefficient (SE)

Constant −447.79 (696.54) −1309.53 (927.17) 31.13 (644.61) −832.65 (866.20)

Social norms −1.81 (2.31) 6.67 (3.13)c −2.46 (2.17) 5.19 (2.92)d
Benefiary: people 14.32 (4.55)a 13.49 (6.33)c 18.75 (5.93)b 25.00 (7.97)b
Benefiary: animal 12.12 (5.25)c 10.73 (12.25) 17.94 (8.35)c 17.52 (11.22)
Benefiary: multiple 4.76 (6.17) 10.78 (9.62) 12.35 (6.71)d 16.25 (9.01)d
Domain: wood −0.55 (5.12) 2.33 (7.11) 5.15 (4.98) −0.93 (6.69)
Domain: electronics −12.04 (6.22)d −0.45 (8.13) −1.38 (5.63) −0.42 (7.57)
Domain: food 2.85 (4.79) 19.18 (7.37)c 5.86 (5.55) 11.09 (7.45)
Domain: clothing 12.24 (5.51)c 5.31 (7.43) 28.46 (6.16)a 2.89 (8.28)
Imputed year 0.24 (0.35) 0.68 (0.46) −0.00 (0.32) 0.44 (0.43)
Certified 7.02 (3.24)c 7.70 (5.11) 6.64 (3.68)d 9.88 (4.95)c
Peer-reviewed −21.14 (6.11)b −18.04 (6.99)b −11.26 (4.66)c −22.60 (6.25)a
Allows negatives −10.22 (2.97)a −17.54 (4.86)a −13.62 (3.62)a −26.11 (4.87)a
Incentive compatible 17.22 (3.60)a −3.46 (9.58) 19.40 (9.43)c 34.71 (12.67)b
Adj R2 0.268 0.337 0.473 0.448
a p ≤ .001.
b p ≤ .01.
c p ≤ .05.
d p ≤ .10.

demonstrate mixed findings. Against H3, there appears to be observations, it did predict a larger proportion of consumers will-
no effect of social norms on the percent premium participants ing to pay a premium in the model among observations reporting
are willing to pay. However, in support of H3, there is some both dependent measures.
evidence that social norms positively influence the proportion
of consumers who are willing to pay a premium. The coefficient
for social norms is significant and positive for the model using Elicitation method
the full data set of 106 observations. Using the smaller data set,
however, this finding drops to marginal significance (p = .08). As predicted, studies that allowed respondents to indicate a
These results suggest that retailers may be able to increase the negative WTP for socially responsible products had a signifi-
potential market size for socially responsible products if they are cantly lower WTP for socially responsible products compared
able to encourage greater social norms or perceptions of social to studies that did not allow negative values. This finding was
norms for socially responsible products through advertisements robust across all models and both dependent measures. Thus,
or visibility of purchases. studies that only provide positive options for participants are
likely biased upwards.
Papers using incentive compatible methods show a sig-
Domain nificantly higher WTP for the percent premium dependent
measure. This finding was robust in both models and con-
The results of the model suggest that clothing may elicit trary to expectations. Part of this finding may be due to the
a greater percent premium compared to “other” products (the fact that incentive-compatible studies include real purchase
omitted base). None of the other categories were consistently data. In the real world, prices for socially responsible prod-
significantly different from the base category across both the ucts are often much greater than products that do not have
full model and the model using only observations that report socially responsible characteristics. Additionally, it has been
both dependent measures. suggested that auctions can increase consumers’ WTP due to
competitiveness among participants or participants becoming
Certification psychologically committed once they have bid, even when auc-
tions are incentive compatible. (Ku, Galinsky, and Murnighan
Certification has a positive effect on the percent premium 2006; Ku, Malhotra, and Murnighan 2005). We see no signif-
consumers are willing to pay; the implication from the results icant differences for studies using incentive-compatibility in
in Table 4 is that it increases the premium by about 7 percent- the proportion of participants dependent measure in the mod-
age points. There is also some evidence that it may increase els using all possible observations, but a positive and significant
the proportion of consumers willing to pay a positive amount. coefficient for incentive-compatibility on the proportion of par-
Although certification was not significant in the model using all ticipants dependent measure in the regression using the smaller
S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274 265

data set. However, there are a very small number of observa- benefit, the results suggest that the majority of consumers are
tions that are incentive-compatible for this dependent measure willing to pay extra for benefits that do not directly benefit
so results should be interpreted with caution. themselves.
In terms of the relative value of socially responsible products,
Peer-reviewed results from both dependent variables suggest that manufac-
turers’ historical emphasis on the development of products
If there is publication bias, one would expect that published that demonstrate an environmental benefit may be subopti-
papers would have a higher percentage WTP and a greater pro- mal for profitability as products with human beneficiaries
portion of consumers willing to pay a premium than those that obtain a greater price premium across both types of depend-
are rejected or otherwise unpublished. However, results from ent measures. All else equal, it appears retailers may be able
the meta-analysis suggest otherwise. Papers that have not gone to garner a higher price premium for products that promote
through a peer review process report higher WTP than those good labor practices and benefits such as fair trade com-
that have and report a significantly greater proportion of respon- pared to those promoting environmental benefits. Additionally,
dents willing to pay a positive amount for socially responsible retailers may attract more consumers by advertising prod-
products. Thus, there does appear to be evidence of publica- ucts that they carry which confer socially responsible benefits
tion bias, however it is in the unanticipated direction. Of note, for people opposed to products conferring benefits on the
these results are in line with the findings of Lagerkvist and environment.
Hess (2011) who attribute this finding to the imposition of While the results of the social norm variable are somewhat
more rigorous techniques of eliciting WTP in peer-reviewed mixed, they are promising. The results suggests that to the extent
papers. retailers can influence social norms via advertisements, visibil-
ity of purchases, or other means, they may be able to increase
Adjusting for researcher method choices the potential market size for the socially responsible products
they carry. This finding is noteworthy in light of the limitations
Albers, Mantrala, and Sridhar (2010) and Tellis (1988) sug- of the social norm measure. The method used to elicit social
gest that mean effect sizes should be adjusted for the significant norms had many advantages including being a natural mea-
effects of methodological choices that researchers make that are sure of consumers’ beliefs of the strength of social norms for
independent of the underlying theoretical explanations for the each specific product listed with the beneficiary (people, ani-
effect sizes. They call these “bias”-adjusted effect sizes. As a mals, environment or multiple). However, the measure of social
result, we corrected the effect sizes in the following way. We norms had multiple sources of noise which might have con-
adjusted the unconditional percent difference in willingness to tributed to the relatively weak results. To elicit social norms,
pay by the parameters from Table 4 of incentive compatibil- we used an online sample of U.S. respondents. This is likely a
ity and whether the study allowed for negative responses and different population than the populations used in many of the
the proportion willing to pay a premium effect size only for individual studies, possibly differing in important demographic
the latter. The bias-adjusted percentage difference in willing- factors. Additionally, the social norm variable was elicited at
ness to pay decreases from 16.8 percent to 14.8 percent and the one specific time (in 2013). Social norms may vary over time,
proportion willing to pay a premium decreases from 59.7 per- especially if social responsibility evolves in terms of awareness
cent to 51.6 percent (Fig. 1 shows the bias-adjusted histograms). and popularity. Given these limitations, the significance of the
Although both are significantly different at the p < .01 level, social norms variable on the proportion of participants WTP is
the bias adjusted numbers are still within the range of the raw encouraging. Future research would benefit to better understand
means. the role that social norms plays in WTP for socially responsible
Conclusions Our meta-analysis does have limitations. First, with the broad
area of socially responsible products, it is likely that not every
Our meta-analysis included studies from 80 papers with study on the topic was included in our meta-analysis. However,
174 unique observations. It is, to our knowledge, the largest we did have a relatively large sample size and feel that the papers
meta-analysis on WTP for socially responsible products and the are broad and representative. Another limitation was the neces-
only meta-analysis that looks at WTP across beneficiary and sary assumption that all the methods of eliciting WTP across
product type. By including such a diverse set of papers, the the studies were measuring the same underlying construct. As
results of our meta-analysis provide important implications for mentioned in the WTP section above, there are multiple con-
retailers. ceptualizations of WTP. Many, if not most of the studies, did
First, overall, people are willing to pay a positive and sig- not provide enough information to ascertain which definition
nificant premium for socially responsible products. On average, of WTP they believed they were eliciting. Further, even if
socially responsible products demand a 16.8 percent premium researchers believed they were getting one meaning of WTP
over products without socially responsible features. Further, (e.g., the indifference point), it is difficult to know if respondents
almost 60 percent of people indicate that they are willing were interpreting the question the same way.
to pay some type of premium for these products. Because Another limitation of this meta-analysis offers insights for
we excluded products that conferred any type of private future research. Our meta-analysis had a limited number of
266 S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274

observations for some of the independent variables, particularly compared to those that benefit the environment. A simple inter-
for the proportion of participants dependent measure. This con- pretation may be that people view benefits to other people as
tributed to difficulty in interpreting discrepancies across models. more important and are therefore more willing to pay a premium.
The variables particularly affected by the small number of However, alternative reasons are also plausible. For instance,
observations were the animal and multiple beneficiary types Gleim et al. (2013) found that a major impediment of WTP
and the incentive-compatible dummy. As noted by Farley, for environmentally friendly products was consumers’ belief
Lehmann, and Mann (1988), it is possible to use a meta-analysis of a lack of expertise. Perhaps consumers feel a greater sense
as the basis for designing other studies to have maximum of expertise in understanding labor conditions and fair wages
impact on knowledge generation in a field. The limitations than they do about ways to help the environment. A simi-
caused by the small number of observations for these vari- lar, but distinct explanation could be in regard to perceived
ables identify fruitful areas for future research. While we did consumer effectiveness (Balderjahn 1988; Roberts 1996). It
not perform the analysis suggested by Farley et al., it is clear is possible that consumers feel as though the difference they
from the data presented in Table 2 and from the discrepan- make when choosing socially responsible products that bene-
cies across models that there are understudied areas within the fit other people makes more of an impact than purchases that
social responsibility literature. This meta-analysis highlights benefit the environment. Research that can identify the cause
the need for research on WTP for socially responsible prod- of this disparity in WTP could introduce useful interventions to
ucts that benefit animals, or a combination of beneficiaries as increase WTP for socially responsible products that benefit the
well as studies which compare WTP across different benefici- environment.
aries. Additionally, more research using incentive-compatible This meta-analysis synthesizes the results of a large stream
methods, especially when exploring potential market size, is of literature conducted over the last few decades and provides
needed. important insights. We hope that this paper provides a roadmap
The results of this meta-analysis also suggest that research for future research attempting to better understand consumers’
is necessary to investigate the mechanisms underlying the inde- WTP for socially responsible products.
pendent variables affecting the variation in WTP. Research is
needed to understand the underlying reason that consumers are Appendix A. Summary of included papers and main
willing to pay more for products that benefit other humans characteristics
Authors Peer Product Domain Social Beneficiary Certified Year of data Incentive Allows Proportion of Unconditional
reviewed norm collection compatible negative participants DV percent
WTP (percent) premium DV
Aguilar and Cai Yes Bedside table Wood 3.30 Environment Yes 2006.3 No No 34.0 20.7
(2010) Yes Bedside table Wood 3.30 Environment Yes 2006.3 No No 50.0 39.3
Aguilar and Vlosky Yes Dining room set Wood 3.26 Environment Yes 1995 No No 61.3 16.8
(2007) Yes Kitchen Wood 3.61 Environment Yes 1995 No No 56.9 10.9
Yes New home Wood 4.98 Environment Yes 1995 No No 65.5 23.0
Yes Chair Wood 3.21 Environment Yes 1995 No No 63.3 13.2
Yes Dining room set Wood 3.26 Environment Yes 2005 No No 68.0 12.7
Yes Kitchen Wood 3.61 Environment Yes 2005 No No 60.7 12.1

S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274

Yes New home Wood 4.98 Environment Yes 2005 No No 71.4 27.1
Yes Chair Wood 3.21 Environment Yes 2005 No No 63.0 15.3
Akkucuk (2011) Yes Auto part Electronics 3.33 Environment No 2007.3 No Yes 31.0 −24.3
Yes Cellular phone Electronics 3.83 Environment No 2007.3 No Yes 23.0 −21.6
Yes Furniture Other 3.60 Environment No 2007.3 No Yes 26.0 −13.9
Yes Nonsanitary paper Wood 4.61 Environment No 2007.3 No Yes 22.0 −20.4
Yes Printer fax Electronics 3.72 Environment No 2007.3 No Yes 31.0 −13.7
Yes Sanitary paper Wood 4.15 Environment No 2007.3 No Yes 23.0 −24.1
Yes Tire Other 4.17 Environment No 2007.3 No Yes 19.0 −11.9
Anderson and Hansen (2003) No CD rack Wood 2.41 Environment Yes 1999.3 No Yes – 23.6
Anderson and Hansen (2004) Yes Plywood Wood 3.57 Environment Yes 2002 Yes No 36.9 –
Basu and Hicks Yes Coffee Food 4.57 People Yes 2004.3 No No – 47.0
(2008) Yes Coffee Food 4.57 People Yes 2004.3 No No – 57.0
Bennett (1997) Yes Eggs Food 4.53 Animals No 1993.3 No No 86.0 30.7
Bennett and Larson (1996) Yes Eggs Food 4.53 Animals No 1992.3 No Yes 68.0 18.0
Berghoef and Dodds (2011) Yes Wine Food 3.02 Environment Yes 2009 No No 78.0 8.3
Bjørner, Hansen, and Yes Paper towels Wood 4.96 Environment Yes 2000.3 Yes Yes – 1.9
Russell (2004) Yes Toilet paper Wood 4.44 Environment Yes 2000.3 Yes Yes – 18.1
Brouhle and Khanna Yes Paper towels Wood 4.96 Environment Yes 2008.3 Yes Yes – 39.0
(2012) Yes Toilet paper Wood 4.44 Environment Yes 2008.3 Yes Yes – 35.2
Camacho-Cuena et al. Yes Office table Wood 3.24 Environment No 2000.3 Yes Yes – 20.5
(2004) Yes Office table Wood 3.24 Environment No 2000.3 Yes Yes – 21.3
Yes Office table Wood 3.24 Environment No 2000.3 No Yes – 22.1
Yes Office table Wood 3.24 Environment No 2000.3 No Yes – 23.3
Carlsson, Frykblom, Yes Chicken Food 4.99 Animals No 2003.3 No No −4.8
and Lagerkvist Yes Minced beef Food 4.23 Animals No 2003.3 No No 66.0 9.0
Carlsson, Frykblom, Yes Eggs Food 4.53 Animals No 2003.3 No No – 20.0
and Lagerkvist Yes Eggs Food 4.53 Animals No 2003.3 No No – 54.9

Authors Peer Product Domain Social Beneficiary Certified Year of data Incentive Allows Proportion of Unconditional
reviewed norm collection compatible negative participants DV percent premium
WTP (percent) DV
Carlsson, Garcia, and Yes Coffee Food 4.57 People Yes 2006.3 No Yes – 34.0
Löfgren (2010) Yes Coffee Food 4.25 Environment Yes 2006.3 No Yes – 34.9
Carter (2009) Yes Music CDs Other 3.23 People No 2005.3 No Yes 66.0 –
Casadesus-Masanell et al. (2009) Yes Flannel shirt Clothing 3.39 Environment Yes 2005.3 Yes No – 10.6
and people
Cha, Chun, and Yes Wood flooring Wood 3.87 Environment Yes 2008 No No 79.4 7.6
Yeo-Chang (2009) Yes Copier paper Wood 4.87 Environment Yes 2008 No No 79.4 9.8
Yes Wood dining table Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 2008 No No 79.4 6.8
Yes Wood frame Wood 3.88 Environment Yes 2008 No No 79.4 11.6

S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274

Cranfield et al. (2010) Yes Coffee Food 4.57 People No 2006.3 No Yes – 7.4
Yes Coffee Food 4.57 People Yes 2006.3 No Yes – 18.5
De Pelsmacker, Driesen, and Rayp (2005) Yes Coffee Food 4.57 People Yes 2001.3 No Yes – 10.2
Dickson (2001) Yes Man’s dress shirt Clothing 3.39 People No 1997.3 No Yes – 36.0
Didier and Lucie (2008) Yes Chocolate Food 3.69 People Yes 2004.3 Yes Yes – 87.1
Drozdenko, Jensen, and Coelho (2011) Yes MP3 player Electronics 2.72 Environment No 2007.3 No No – 9.5
Ellis, McCracken, and Skuza (2012) Yes Cotton T-shirt Clothing 3.97 Environment No 2008.3 Yes Yes 74.0 28.1
Erwann (2009) Yes Fish Food 4.34 Environment No 2006 No No 80.8 10.9
Forsyth, Haley, and Kozak (1999) Yes Wood products Wood 4.37 Environment No 1995.3 No No 67.3 5.4
Fussell (2011) No Products Other 4.82 People No 2009.5 No Yes 82.9 9.5
No Products Other 4.82 People No 2009.5 No Yes 92.4 10.8
No Products Other 4.82 People No 2009.5 No Yes 91.0 13.6
No Products Other 4.82 People No 2009.5 No Yes 92.6 14.5
Galarraga and Markendya (2004) Yes Coffee Food 4.42 Environment Yes 2000.3 Yes Yes – 11.3
and people
Grönroos and Bowyer Yes Lumber Wood 3.70 Environment Yes 1997 No No 24.0
(1999) Yes Lumber Wood 3.70 Environment Yes 1997 No No 36.0
Guagnano (2001) Yes Paper towels Wood 4.96 Environment No 1997.3 No No 86.0 32.1
Ha-Brookshire and Yes Cotton shirt Clothing 3.97 Environment No 2007.3 No No 57.0 17.3
Norum (2011) Yes Cotton shirt Clothing 3.97 Environment No 2007.3 No No 54.9 18.5
Yes Cotton shirt Clothing 3.97 Environment No 2007.3 No No 55.1 18.6
Hertel, Scruggs, and Yes Coffee Food 4.57 People No 2006 No No 75.0 –
Heidkamp (2009) Yes Sweaters Clothing 3.81 People No 2006 No No 68.0 –
Howard and Allen (2008) Yes Strawberries Food 3.86 People No 2006 No No 87.4 68.0
Hurley, Miller, and Kliebenstein (2006) Yes Pork loin chops Food 2.96 Environment No 2002.3 Yes Yes 62.0 22.4
Hustvedt, Peterson, Yes Wool gloves Clothing 2.76 Environment Yes 2004.3 No Yes – 1.8
and Chen (2008) Yes Wool gloves Clothing 3.41 Animals No 2004.3 No Yes – 2.8
Jensen et al. (2003) Yes Oak shelving Wood 3.57 Environment Yes 1999.3 No No 42.2 14.9
Authors Peer Product Domain Social Beneficiary Certified Year of data Incentive Allows Proportion of Unconditional
reviewed norm collection compatible negative participants DV percent premium
WTP (percent) DV
Jensen et al. (2004) Yes Oak chair Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 2000.3 No No 31.0 8.0
Yes Oak shelving Wood 3.57 Environment Yes 2000.3 No No 31.0 13.0
Yes Oak table Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 2000.3 No No 31.0 5.6
Kang et al. (2012) Yes Hotel rooms Other 3.33 Environment No 2008.3 No No 30.0 3.8
Kruger (2010) No Printer paper Wood 4.87 Environment Yes 2006.3 No No – 37.0
Kuminoff, Zhang, and Rudi (2010) Yes Hotel rooms Other 3.33 Environment Yes 2006.3 Yes Yes – 19.0
Langen (2011) Yes Coffee Food 4.57 People Yes 2007.3 No Yes – 12.9

S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274

Lee et al. (2007) Yes Wood products Wood 4.37 Environment Yes 2005 No Yes 62.0 6.8
Levinson (2010) No T-shirts Clothing 3.97 Environment No 2006.3 No No 64.0 46.0
No T-shirts Clothing 3.97 Environment No 2006.3 No No 75.0 52.0
No T-shirts Clothing 3.97 Environment No 2006.3 No No 79.0 54.0
No T-shirts Clothing 3.97 Environment No 2006.3 No No 81.0 62.0
Liljenstolpe (2008) Yes Pork fillet Food 4.24 Animals No 2004.3 No Yes – 13.0
Yes Pork fillet Food 4.24 Animals No 2004.3 No Yes – 15.0
Yes Pork fillet Food 4.24 Animals No 2004.3 No Yes – 19.0
Yes Pork fillet Food 4.24 Animals No 2004.3 No Yes – 20.0
Lin (2010) Yes Cotton apparel Clothing 4.38 Environment No 2007 No Yes 52.7 –
Loureiro (2003) Yes Wine Food 3.02 Environment No 2001 No No 56.5 1.3
Loureiro and Lotade Yes Coffee Food 4.57 People No 2002 No No 84.9 3.3
(2005) Yes Coffee Food 4.42 Environment No 2003 No No 84.9 3.1
and animals
Loureiro, McCluskey, and Mittelhammer (2002) Yes Apples Food 3.94 Environment Yes 1998.3 No Yes – 5.0
Mahé (2010) Yes Bananas Food 3.76 People Yes 2006 No No 86.0 –
Manaktola and Jauhari (2007) Yes Hotel rooms Other 3.33 Environment No 2003.3 No No 15.0 –
McVittie, Moran, and Nevison (2006) No Chicken Food 4.99 Animals No 2002.3 No No – 48.5
Michaud and Llerena Yes Recycled single Electronics 3.53 Environment No 2007.3 Yes Yes – 1.4
(2011) use cameras
Yes Remanufactured Electronics 3.20 Environment No 2007.3 Yes Yes – −16.4
single use cameras
Michaud, Llerena, and Yes Roses (flowers) Other 3.70 Environment Yes 2008.3 Yes Yes – 64.0
Joly (2012) Yes Roses (flowers) Other 3.70 Environment Yes 2008.3 Yes Yes – 84.0
Millar and Baloglu Yes Hotel rooms Other 3.33 Environment Yes 2007.3 No Yes 9.8 0.2
(2011) Yes Hotel rooms Other 3.33 Environment Yes 2007.3 No Yes 18.0 1.1
Mohamed and Ibrahim (2007) Yes Wood products Wood 4.37 Environment Yes 2003.3 No No 38.0 5.5
Moon et al. (2002) Yes Agriculture Food 5.13 Environment No 1995 No No 83.0 18.0

Authors Peer Product Domain Social Beneficiary Certified Year of data Incentive Allows Proportion of Unconditional
reviewed norm collection compatible negative participants DV percent premium
WTP (percent) DV
Moosmayer (2012) Yes Athletic shoes Clothing 3.91 Environment Yes 2008.3 No Yes 69.0 19.5
and people
Yes Athletic shoes Clothing 3.91 Environment Yes 2008.3 No Yes 77.0 41.0
and people
Yes Mobile phone Electronics 3.91 Environment Yes 2008.3 No Yes 47.0 11.3
and people
Yes Mobile phone Electronics 3.91 Environment Yes 2008.3 No Yes 35.0 23.7
and people
Muñoz and Rivera (2002) No Hotel rooms Other 3.33 Environment No 2002 No Yes 40.0 –
Norwood and Lusk Yes Pork Food 4.24 Animals No 2007.3 Yes Yes – 9.5

S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274

(2011) Yes Pork Food 4.24 Animals No 2007.3 Yes Yes – 12.2
Yes Pork Food 4.24 Animals No 2007.3 Yes Yes – 25.2
Yes Pork Food 4.24 Animals No 2007.3 Yes Yes – 27.9
Yes Pork Food 4.24 Animals No 2007.3 Yes Yes – 30.6
Yes Pork Food 4.24 Animals No 2007.3 Yes Yes – 55.8
Oleson et al. (2010) Yes Salmon Food 3.93 Animals Yes 2006.3 Yes Yes – 16.9
Ozanne, Bigsby, and Yes Clear wood for Wood 3.57 Environment Yes 1997 No No 78.3 22.3
Vlosky (1999) shelving
Yes Outdoor furniture Wood 3.45 Environment Yes 1997 No No 67.9 16.5
Yes Chair Wood 3.21 Environment Yes 1997 No No 73.9 17.6
Yes Kitchen Wood 3.61 Environment Yes 1997 No No 74.5 18.4
Yes Wood in new Wood 4.98 Environment Yes 1997 No No 74.4 21.1
Ozanne and Vlosky Yes Dining room set Wood 3.26 Environment Yes 1995 No No 61.0 14.2
(1997) Yes Kitchen Wood 3.61 Environment Yes 1995 No No 57.0 11.0
Yes New home Wood 4.98 Environment Yes 1995 No No 64.0 4.4
Yes Chair Wood 3.21 Environment Yes 1995 No No 62.0 14.4
Yes Studgrade stud Wood 2.89 Environment Yes 1995 No No 71.0 18.7
Ozanne and Vlosky Yes Dining room set Wood 3.26 Environment Yes 2000 No No 66.0 14.2
(2003) Yes Kitchen Wood 3.61 Environment Yes 2000 No No 57.0 11.0
Yes New home Wood 4.98 Environment Yes 2000 No No 67.0 4.4
Yes Chair Wood 3.21 Environment Yes 2000 No No 63.0 11.7
Yes Studgrade stud Wood 2.89 Environment Yes 2000 No No 73.0 17.3
Pajari, Peck, and No Wood furniture Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 1995.3 No Yes 50.9 1.4
Rametsteiner (1999) No Wood furniture Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 1995.3 No Yes 42.0 1.6
No Wood furniture Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 1995.3 No Yes 58.1 2.4
No Wood furniture Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 1995.3 No Yes 66.4 3.4
No Wood furniture Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 1995.3 No Yes 62.3 4.9
Authors Peer Product Domain Social Beneficiary Certified Year of data Incentive Allows Proportion of Unconditional
reviewed norm collection compatible negative participants DV percent premium
WTP (percent) DV
Prasad et al. (2004) Yes Athletic socks Clothing 3.29 People Yes 2002 Yes No 30.0 –
Rode, Hogarth, and Yes Units Other 3.50 People Yes 2004.3 Yes Yes – 24.4
Le Menestrel (2008) Yes Units Other 3.50 People Yes 2004.3 Yes Yes – 26.4
Yes Units Other 3.50 People Yes 2004.3 Yes Yes – 64.8
Roheim, Asche, and Santos (2011) Yes Alaskan pollack Food 4.34 Environment Yes 2007.3 Yes Yes – 14.2
Rousu and Corrigan Yes Bananas Food 3.76 People No 2004.3 Yes Yes – 9.3
(2008) Yes Chocolate Food 3.69 People No 2004.3 Yes Yes – 19.2
Saphores et al. (2007) Yes Cell phones Electronics 3.83 Environment Yes 2004 No No 69.3 2.5
Yes Personal Electronics 3.76 Environment Yes 2004 No No 70.8 2.3

S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274

Schollenberg (2012) Yes Coffee Food 4.57 People Yes 2008.3 Yes Yes – 38.0
Shen (2012) Yes Battery Electronics 4.48 Environment Yes 2007 No No 80.9 9.5
Yes Building material Other 4.85 Environment Yes 2007 No No 83.4 9.5
Yes Furniture Other 3.60 Environment Yes 2007 No No 86.3 9.5
Yes Glass tableware Other 2.78 Environment Yes 2007 No No 77.8 8.7
Yes Recycled paper Wood 5.65 Environment Yes 2007 No No 79.5 8.8
Yes Soft drink Food 2.99 Environment Yes 2007 No No 76.6 8.8
Thompson et al. Yes Plywood Wood 3.57 Environment Yes 2006.3 No Yes – 16.9
(2010) Yes Wood dining table Wood 4.60 Environment Yes 2006.3 No Yes – 0.4
Tonsor, Olynk, and Yes Pork Food 4.24 Animals No 2005.3 No Yes – 11.2
Wolf (2009) Yes Pork Food 4.24 Animals No 2005.3 No Yes – 42.3
Trudel and Cotte Yes Coffee Food 4.42 Environment Yes 2005.3 No Yes – 16.8
(2009) and people
Yes Coffee Food 4.42 Environment Yes 2005.3 No Yes – 28.9
and people
Yes Cotton T-shirt Clothing 3.97 Environment No 2005.3 No Yes – 2.0
Yes Cotton T-shirt Clothing 3.97 Environment No 2005.3 No Yes – 3.4
Yes Cotton T-shirt Clothing 3.97 Environment No 2005.3 No Yes – 5.8
Yes Cotton T-shirt Clothing 3.97 Environment No 2005.3 No Yes – 13.5
Van Kempen et al. (2009) Yes Firewood Wood 3.86 Environment Yes 2005.3 No No 73.0 21.0
Veisten (2002) Yes Wood dining table Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 1998.3 No No 32.0 1.0
Yes Wood dining table Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 1998.3 No No 39.0 1.6
Veisten (2007) Yes Wood dining table Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 1997 No No 31.2 2.0
Yes Wood dining table Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 1997 No No 39.8 16.0
Yes Wood dining table Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 1998 No No 38.1 6.0
Yes Wood dining table Wood 4.06 Environment Yes 1998 No No 37.1 7.5
Xu et al. (2012) Yes Seafood Food 4.34 Environment No 2009 No No 67.0 4.9
Yang et al. (2012) Yes Coffee Food 4.57 People Yes 2008 No No 89.0 22.7
Yip, Knowler, and No Salmon Food 4.34 Environment Yes 2008.3 No Yes – 3.9
Haider (2012) No Salmon Food 4.34 Environment Yes 2008.3 No Yes – 9.8
Yue, Hurley, and Yes Plants Other 4.24 Environment No 2007.3 Yes Yes – 13.9
Anderson (2011) Yes Plants Other 4.24 Environment No 2007.3 Yes Yes – 34.0

272 S.M. Tully, R.S. Winer / Journal of Retailing 90 (2, 2014) 255–274

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