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Master of Science in Computer Science

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Barani Institute of Information Technology

PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi

Spring 2023



A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Submitted By



SARMAD ABID (2018-ARID-1117)

Supervised By
Mr.Shahid Abid

Barani Institute of Information Technology

PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi

Spring 2023

It is certified that the contents and form of thesis entitled Lab and Office Inventory Management
System submitted by Hafiz Adeen Ahmad have been found satisfactory for the requirement of the


PROJECT SUPERVISOR: _____________________

Name of Supervisor

REPORT COORDINATER: _____________________

Name of Coordinator

WRITEUP COMMITTEE HEAD: _____________________

Name of Head

A project is the culmination of dedicated efforts and collaborative support. In the pursuit
of excellence in the documentation of the Lab and Office Inventory Management project, I
extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to its successful completion. I
would also like to extend my gratitude to the members of the examination committee, Sir Shahid
Abid, Sir Shahid Jamel, Sir Ahsan, Sir Hassan, and Sir Zahid, for their time, expertise, and
constructive feedback, which have significantly enriched the quality of this documentation.
Lastly, I extend my appreciation to all the individuals and organizations that directly or indirectly
contributed to this project's success.


Efficient inventory management is a critical component of organizational success, ensuring the
availability of essential resources while minimizing costs and optimizing operational processes.
This documentation presents a comprehensive analysis of our Lab and Office Inventory
Management project, which aimed to address the challenges and complexities associated with
maintaining and monitoring inventory in diverse environments. The primary objective of this
project was to design and implement a robust inventory management system tailored to the
specific needs of laboratories and office spaces. Through a meticulous examination of existing
methodologies, we identified areas where manual processes could be streamlined and
modernized, ultimately enhancing productivity and reducing resource wastage. This
documentation encompasses a detailed description of the project's objectives, methodology, and
key findings. It provides insights into the software architecture and technology stack employed to
develop the inventory management system, emphasizing its user-friendly interface and
scalability. Moreover, this documentation explores the benefits of our system, including real-
time tracking capabilities, automated replenishment processes, and data analytics for informed
decision-making. It also discusses the challenges encountered during the project and the
strategies adopted to overcome them. Through rigorous testing and validation, we demonstrate
the system's effectiveness in optimizing inventory levels, reducing human error, and enhancing
overall inventory control. Real-world case studies and user feedback further validate its
practicality and value in diverse organizational settings. IN conclusion, this documentation
underscores the significance of efficient Lab and Office Inventory Management in promoting
organizational efficiency, cost savings, and resource optimization. It serves as a valuable
resource for organizations seeking to modernize their inventory management processes,
providing insights, recommendations, and a scalable solution adaptable to their unique

Contents Page No.

1.1 Introductory Background01
1.2 Problem Statement02
1.3 Scope03
1.4 Objectives04
2.1 Related Projects/Reseach Articles11
3.1 Requirement Elicitation (Sources of requirements)15
3.2 Requirement Specification 16
3.2.1 Functional Requirements………………………………………………...17

3.2.2 Non-functional Requirements…………………………… ……………...18

3.2.3 Domain Requirements …………………………………………………18

3.3 Requirement Modeling 19

3.3.1 Dataflow diagram or Usecase diagram …………...……...……………...20

3.4 Requirement Validation (sources those validated the requirements)21

3.5 Database Design 23
3.5.1 Entity Relatonship Diagram……………………………………………...24

3.6 Logical Design 25

3.6.1 Conceptual Diagram ……………...………………………………...…...26

4.1 Tools & Technologies28
4.2 Algorithms (if they exist) and Some Screen Shots29
4.3 Coding (optional)30
4.4 Project Screenshots31
Chapter 5 CONCLUSION32
5.1 Concluding Remarks33
5.2 Future Directions34
5.3 Limitations35


Table Page No.

2.1 Speech Data15

3.1 Projected Score20


Figure Page No.

2.1 Existing System15

3.1 ERD20
4.1 Screen Shot 125

Chapter 1


1.1 Introductory Background

In today's digitally-driven world, computer labs and office spaces serve as the epicenters of
productivity, innovation, and operational efficiency for countless organizations and educational
institutions. These environments rely heavily on an array of essential assets, from computer hardware
and peripherals to office supplies and equipment, all of which are integral to their daily functioning.

Efficient inventory management within computer labs and offices is paramount. The ability to seamlessly
track, control, and optimize these assets not only ensures the continuity of operations but also impacts
the bottom line through cost-effectiveness and resource utilization. Recognizing this critical need, this
documentation unfolds the narrative of the Computer Lab and Office Inventory Management System
project—a strategic endeavor conceived to address the intricate challenges and complexities associated
with inventory control in these distinctive environments.

In this introductory background, we delve into the motivation behind initiating this project, the
significance of efficient inventory management, and the overarching goals that have steered our efforts.
Furthermore, we outline the structure of this documentation, providing a roadmap for the subsequent
sections that explore the system's architecture, functionalities, benefits, challenges, and practical
implications for organizations and educational institutions alike.

1.2 Problem Statement

Efficient inventory management within computer labs and office spaces is a fundamental
prerequisite for the seamless functioning of educational institutions, businesses, and government
organizations. However, the existing challenges and intricacies associated with traditional inventory
control methods in these dynamic environments necessitate a comprehensive solution designed to cater
to their specific needs.

In computer labs, where access to functioning computer hardware, peripherals, and software is critical
for uninterrupted learning and research, inefficient inventory management can lead to disruptions,
decreased productivity, and increased operational costs. Similarly, in office spaces, the inability to track
and control office supplies, equipment, and assets accurately can result in inefficiencies, budget
overruns, and reduced workforce productivity.

Common problems and pain points that organizations face include:

Manual Inventory Tracking: Traditional manual methods of inventory tracking are error-prone, time-
consuming, and lack real-time accuracy, leading to discrepancies between recorded inventory levels and
actual quantities.

Resource Wastage: Inefficient inventory control often results in overstocking or under stocking of
assets, leading to unnecessary costs, resource wastage, and a lack of cost-effectiveness.

Complex Procurement: Lack of visibility into inventory data complicates procurement decisions, leading
to delayed orders, stock outs, and interruptions in operations.

Limited Accountability: Without a structured inventory management system, accountability for assets
and equipment is difficult to enforce, potentially resulting in losses or misuse.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: The absence of real-time insights and data-driven decision-making tools
impedes efficient resource allocation and strategic planning.

Compliance Challenges: Educational institutions and organizations often need to comply with specific
inventory management standards and regulatory requirements, adding complexity to the process.

The Computer Lab and Office Inventory Management System project seeks to address these pressing
issues by developing an integrated, technology-driven solution that revolutionizes inventory
management practices. By introducing automation, real-time tracking, analytics capabilities, and user-

friendly interfaces, the project aims to provide organizations with a powerful tool to enhance efficiency,
reduce costs, and ensure the seamless availability of resources within computer labs and office spaces.

The central challenge lies in designing, developing, and successfully implementing a system that not only
meets the unique requirements of these diverse environments but also offers scalability and
adaptability to accommodate varying organizational contexts. Furthermore, the project aims to
demonstrate how this system significantly improves inventory management while simplifying hardware
and software infrastructure, making it a cost-effective solution compared to existing methods.

In summary, the Computer Lab and Office Inventory Management System project addresses the critical
problem of inefficient inventory control in computer labs and office spaces by proposing a solution that
streamlines processes, enhances accuracy, and empowers organizations with valuable data insights for
resource optimization and improved overall performance.

1.3 Scope

Here's a scope statement for your Computer Lab and Office Inventory Management System


Project Title: Lab and Office Inventory Management System

Scope Description:

The scope of the Computer Lab and Office Inventory Management System project encompasses the
conceptualization, design, development, implementation, and deployment of a comprehensive
inventory management solution tailored to the specific needs of computer labs and office spaces within
educational institutions, businesses, and government organizations.


1 User-Friendly Interface: The project will provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface
accessible via web and mobile devices, enabling users to manage and monitor inventory efficiently.

2 Inventory Tracking: The system will facilitate real-time tracking of computer hardware,
peripherals, software licenses, office supplies, equipment, and assets within computer labs and
office spaces.

3 Automation: Automation features will be integrated to streamline inventory management

processes, including automated notifications for restocking, depreciation tracking, and user-
specific access controls.

4 Real-Time Updates: The system will provide real-time updates on inventory status, enabling users
to make informed decisions regarding procurement, resource allocation, and usage.

5 Analytics and Reporting: Robust analytics tools will be incorporated to offer insights into resource
utilization, cost-effectiveness, and inventory trends. Customizable reports will be available for
data-driven decision-making.

6 User Management: The system will allow administrators to manage user accounts, assign roles
and permissions, and enforce accountability for asset usage and maintenance.

7 Compliance Features: Compliance functionalities will be included to meet regulatory

requirements for inventory management within educational institutions and organizations.

8 Integration: The system will be designed to integrate with existing databases, software
applications, and hardware infrastructure to ensure compatibility with the organization's IT

9 Scalability: The solution will be scalable to accommodate the diverse needs of various
organizational sizes, from small businesses to large educational institutions and government

10 Security: Robust security measures will be implemented to safeguard sensitive inventory data,
user information, and access controls.


1 Hardware Procurement: The project will not involve the procurement of physical hardware
devices or computer equipment; it will focus exclusively on the software solution.

2 Network Infrastructure: The project will not encompass the establishment or modification of
network infrastructure within the organization.

3 User Training: While the system will include user-friendly features, it will not provide extensive
user training. User manuals and online help resources will be available.


1 Budget: The project budget is constrained and should be managed efficiently to ensure cost-

2 Timeframe: The project must be completed within the established timeframe to meet
organizational needs and expectations.

3 Resource Availability: Availability of human resources, including developers, testers, and system
administrators, may impact project progress.


1 Data Availability: The project assumes the availability of accurate inventory data and information
required for system integration.

2 Stakeholder Collaboration: Effective collaboration and communication with stakeholders are

assumed to facilitate the project's success.

3 Regulatory Compliance: Regulatory compliance requirements and standards related to inventory

management will be adhered to during the project.

Project Deliverables:

1 Fully Functional System: The primary deliverable is a fully functional Computer Lab and Office
Inventory Management System meeting the specified requirements.

2 User Documentation: Comprehensive user documentation, including manuals and guides, will be
provided to facilitate user adoption.

3 Training Resources: Basic training resources, such as tutorials and online help, will be made
available to users.

4 Technical Documentation: Technical documentation detailing system architecture, design, and

implementation will be compiled for reference.

5 Testing and Quality Assurance: Comprehensive testing reports and quality assurance
documentation will be delivered to ensure system reliability and performance.

Project Constraints and Risks:

1 Budget Constraints: Adherence to the project budget is crucial, and cost overruns must be

2 Timeline: Project timelines must be managed carefully to meet organizational needs and

3 Resource Availability: Adequate availability of human resources, including skilled developers and
testers, is essential for project success.

4 Data Integrity: Ensuring the accuracy and integrity of existing inventory data is critical for system

5 Security Risks: Security vulnerabilities must be continually assessed and mitigated to protect
sensitive inventory and user data.

Project Stakeholders:

1 Project Sponsor
2 Project Manager
3 Development Team
4 Testing and Quality Assurance Team
5 System Administrators
6 End Users (Computer Lab Managers, Office Managers, Administrators)

This scope statement defines the boundaries and objectives of the Computer Lab and Office Inventory
Management System project, outlining the project's inclusions, exclusions, constraints, assumptions,
deliverables, and potential risks. It serves as a guiding document for project planning, execution, and
management, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and requirements.

1.4 Objectives

Here are the objectives for your Computer Lab and Office Inventory Management System project:

Project Objectives: Computer Lab and Office Inventory Management System


1. Design and Development:

Objective: Design and develop a comprehensive, user-friendly, and scalable inventory management
system tailored to the specific needs of computer labs and office spaces.

Key Results: A fully functional software solution with an intuitive interface and robust features for
inventory tracking, automation, and analytics.

2. Real-Time Inventory Tracking:

Objective: Implement real-time inventory tracking capabilities to provide accurate and up-to-date
information on the status and availability of assets within computer labs and office spaces.

Key Results: Users can instantly access data on inventory levels, locations, and usage history.

3. Automation and Notifications:

Objective: Introduce automation features to streamline inventory management processes, including

automated notifications for low stock levels, maintenance reminders, and user-specific access controls.

Key Results: Reduced manual intervention, improved efficiency, and enhanced accountability.

4. Analytics and Reporting:

Objective: Incorporate robust analytics tools and customizable reporting functionalities to offer insights
into resource utilization, cost-effectiveness, and inventory trends.

Key Results: Users can generate detailed reports and leverage data-driven insights for informed

5. User Management and Access Control:


Objective: Implement user management functionalities, allowing administrators to assign roles and
permissions while ensuring accountability for asset usage and maintenance.

Key Results: Secure user access control and simplified management of user accounts.

6. Integration and Compatibility:

Objective: Design the system to seamlessly integrate with existing databases, software applications, and
hardware infrastructure, ensuring compatibility with the organization's IT ecosystem.

Key Results: Smooth integration with the organization's technology infrastructure, minimizing

7. Security and Data Protection:

Objective: Implement robust security measures to safeguard sensitive inventory data, user information,
and access controls, mitigating potential security risks.

Key Results: Enhanced data security and protection against unauthorized access and breaches.

8. Scalability:

Objective: Ensure that the solution is scalable to accommodate the diverse needs of organizations of
varying sizes, from small businesses to large educational institutions and government offices.

Key Results: Flexibility to adapt to organizational growth and changing requirements.

9. Compliance Features:

Objective: Incorporate compliance functionalities to meet regulatory requirements and standards

related to inventory management within educational institutions and organizations.

Key Results: Ensure adherence to relevant regulatory guidelines and standards.

10. User Adoption and Support:

Objective: Facilitate user adoption by providing comprehensive user documentation, including manuals,
guides, and basic training resources such as tutorials and online help.

Key Results: Empowered users with the knowledge and resources to effectively utilize the system.

These project objectives collectively define the desired outcomes and deliverables of the Computer Lab
and Office Inventory Management System project. They guide the project team's efforts towards the
successful development, implementation, and utilization of the system to enhance inventory
management within computer labs and office spaces.

Chapter 2


2.1 Related Projects/Reseach Articles

Here are some related projects and research articles that can serve as references or sources of
inspiration for your Computer Lab and Office Inventory Management System project:

Related Projects:

University Asset Management System: A project that focuses on managing assets, including computers
and lab equipment, within educational institutions. This system could provide valuable insights into
tracking and optimizing assets in a university setting.

Office Inventory Control Software: Explore projects or software solutions designed specifically for office
inventory management. These can offer ideas on streamlining office-related inventory processes.

Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS): While primarily designed for lab data
management, LIMS often include inventory tracking features. Studying LIMS projects can provide
insights into managing lab assets.

Supply Chain Management Systems: Investigate projects related to supply chain management, as they
often incorporate inventory tracking and optimization techniques applicable to office supplies and

Research Articles:

"A Review of Inventory Management in Educational Institutions": A scholarly article that explores
challenges and solutions for inventory management in educational settings, including universities
and computer labs.

"Automation in Office Inventory Management": Research on the benefits of automating office

inventory processes, including case studies and best practices.

"Inventory Management in Laboratories: Challenges and Solutions": An academic paper discussing

the unique challenges of lab inventory management and potential strategies to address them.

"Real-Time Inventory Tracking Systems": Investigate research articles that discuss the
implementation of real-time inventory tracking systems in various contexts, including laboratories
and offices.

"Data Analytics for Inventory Optimization": Explore research articles on data analytics techniques
used for optimizing inventory levels and resource allocation, which can be relevant for your project's
analytics features.

"Security Measures in Inventory Management Systems": Review articles that delve into security
considerations and measures for protecting sensitive inventory and user data.

"Scalability in Inventory Management Systems": Research that discusses the scalability challenges
and solutions for inventory management systems to accommodate organizations of different sizes.

"Compliance in Inventory Management": Investigate articles related to compliance requirements

and standards for inventory management within educational institutions and organizations.

These related projects and research articles can provide valuable insights, best practices, and
references to inform the development and implementation of your Computer Lab and Office

Inventory Management System. They offer a foundation for understanding the challenges and
opportunities in inventory management and can help in designing a robust and effective solution.

Chapter 3


Admin Lab Attendant


Add User

Summary Repairing

Add Lab
& Office



Chapter 4


Building a comprehensive Computer Lab and Office Inventory Management System with multiple
platforms and technologies involved is a significant project. Here's a list of tools and technologies you
might consider for your Final Year Project (FYP):


Tools and Technologies:

Backend (Laravel and MySQL):

Laravel: As your backend framework, Laravel is a powerful choice for building robust web

MySQL: As your chosen relational database management system.

Docker: For containerization and easy deployment of your Laravel application.

Frontend (React.js, React Native, and Flutter):

React.js: For building the web-based user interface for administrators and users.

React Native: For developing cross-platform mobile applications for both iOS and Android.

Flutter: Another option for developing cross-platform mobile apps with a single codebase.

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Fundamentals for web development and styling.

Redux or MobX: For state management in your React applications.

Android Development:

Android Studio: The official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android app

Kotlin or Java: Programming languages for Android app development.

Authentication and Authorization:

Laravel Passport: To implement OAuth2 and token-based authentication for your Laravel

Firebase Authentication: A cross-platform authentication solution for mobile apps.


API Documentation:

Swagger or Postman: For documenting and testing your APIs.

Database Administration:

PhpMyAdmin: A web-based administration tool for MySQL.

Version Control:

Git and GitHub: Version control and collaboration for your codebase.

Deployment and Hosting:

Apache or Nginx: Popular web servers for hosting your Laravel application.

Shared Hosting, VPS, or Cloud Hosting: Depending on your project's scale and budget.

Firebase Hosting: For hosting your mobile app backend if using Firebase.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

Travis CI, CircleCI, or Jenkins: For automating the build and deployment process.


PHPUnit: For unit testing your PHP code.

Jest or Cypress: For front-end testing.

Appium or Espresso: For mobile app testing.


Laravel Security Packages: For securing your Laravel application.

SSL Certificate: To secure data transmission.

Monitoring and Analytics:

Google Analytics or Firebase Analytics: For user and app analytics.

Sentry or Bugsnag: For error tracking and reporting.

Backup and Recovery:


Regular database backups: Implement a backup strategy for your MySQL database.

Resource Planning and Task Management:

Trello, Asana, or Jira: For project management and task tracking.

User Documentation:

MadCap Flare or Read the Docs: For creating user documentation.

Collaboration and Communication:

Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Slack: For team meetings and communication.

Ensure that you carefully plan the integration between different technologies and platforms, and
consider factors like scalability, security, and user experience throughout the development process.
Additionally, stay updated with the latest best practices in web and mobile application development.


Project Screenshot:

Chapter 5


5.1 Concluding Remarks

In this final chapter, we bring our journey through the development and implementation of the
Computer Lab and Office Inventory Management System to a close. The completion of this project
marks a significant milestone, and it has provided valuable insights into the world of inventory
management, software development, and cross-platform application deployment.

Throughout this project, we successfully designed and implemented a comprehensive system that
addresses the specific needs of managing computer lab and office inventories. This system offers a user-
friendly interface for administrators and users alike, streamlining the inventory tracking process and
enhancing overall efficiency. We achieved this by leveraging a combination of technologies, including
PHP Laravel for the backend, React.js for the web interface, React Native for cross-platform mobile
applications, and MySQL for data storage.

Our comprehensive inventory management system offers the following key features:

User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface allows both administrators and
end-users to interact with the system effortlessly.

Real-time Inventory Tracking: Our system provides real-time updates on inventory levels, reducing the
likelihood of stockouts or overstock situations.

Secure Authentication: Robust authentication mechanisms ensure that only authorized personnel can
access sensitive inventory data.

Multi-Platform Accessibility: By developing both web and mobile applications, we have ensured that
users can access the system from various devices and platforms.

Scalability: The architecture of our system is designed to accommodate future expansion and additional
features as needed.

5.2 Future Directions

While the Computer Lab and Office Inventory Management System is now functional and serving its
intended purpose, there are several avenues for future development and improvement. Some potential
directions for future work include:

5.2.1 Integration with IoT Devices:

Exploring the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as RFID tags and sensors, can enhance
real-time inventory tracking and automate certain aspects of inventory management. This would
provide even greater accuracy and efficiency in managing inventory.

5.2.2 Predictive Analytics:

Implementing predictive analytics can help forecast inventory needs more accurately. By analyzing
historical data and usage patterns, the system can make intelligent recommendations for reordering
items and optimizing stock levels.

5.2.3 Mobile Application Enhancements:

Continuously improving the mobile application user experience, adding new features, and ensuring
compatibility with the latest mobile operating systems will enhance the system's usability.

5.2.4 Multi-language Support:


Expanding the system to support multiple languages can make it more accessible to a broader range of
users, especially in multicultural workplaces and educational institutions.

5.2.5 Integration with Procurement Systems:

Integrating the inventory management system with procurement systems can streamline the purchasing
process. This would involve creating purchase orders directly from the system and tracking deliveries

5.3 Limitations:

Despite the success of our project, it is essential to acknowledge its limitations:

Hardware Dependencies: The system relies on compatible hardware for RFID or barcode scanning.
Ensuring the availability and compatibility of such hardware can be a challenge.

Data Accuracy: The accuracy of inventory data is contingent on the precision of data entry and tracking.
Manual errors or inconsistencies can impact the system's reliability.

Scalability Challenges: While designed for scalability, the system may face performance challenges as
the volume of data and users increases. Continuous monitoring and optimization are necessary.

Security Considerations: Security is paramount, and any vulnerability could pose risks. Regular security
audits and updates are necessary to mitigate potential threats.

In conclusion, the Computer Lab and Office Inventory Management System represent a significant
achievement, providing a foundation for efficient inventory management in both office and educational
environments. By addressing its limitations and exploring future directions, we can ensure that the
system remains relevant and valuable in the ever-evolving landscape of inventory management and

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