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2023 IEEE 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)

P 2Auth: Two-factor Authentication Leveraging PIN

and Keystroke-induced PPG measurements
Yuchen Su, Guoqing Jiang, Yicong Du, Yuefeng Chen, Hongbo Liu, Yanzhi Ren
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
2023 IEEE 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) | 979-8-3503-3986-4/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICDCS57875.2023.00074

Chengdu, China
Corresponding author:Hongbo Liu
Huan Dai Yan Wang Shuai Li Yingying Chen
Suzhou University of Science and Technology Temple University University of Oulu Rutgers University
Suzhou, China Philadelphia, USA Oulu, Finland New Brunswick, USA

Abstract—Personal Identification Number (PIN), as one of the

primary means of protecting digital properties and privacy on 8VHU
mobile devices, has been suffering from shoulder surfing attacks
and weak password guessing for the long term. Recent years
witness the growing interest in two-factor authentication that 濄 濅    
濇 3,1
takes advantage of two different ways for mutual verification, 濊
thereby strengthening user authentication’s accuracy and reli-
ability. Especially with the popularity of smartwatches, more $WWDFNHU
physiological signals are readily available to facilitate two-factor 33*6LJQDO
authentication. This paper presents a lightweight and unob-
trusive two-factor authentication scheme, P 2 Auth, integrating
the PIN and unique keystroke-related Photoplethysmography
(PPG) measurement on wearables. Specifically, we propose the Fig. 1: Basic idea of P 2 Auth
transformation of the multivariate PPG signal induced by the
keystrokes to extract reliable biometric features. We develop nologies, including: motion-based, voice-based, and biometric-
short-time energy-based methods to identify the input cases, based. The motion-based approaches require the user to set a
thus enabling support the authentication for both one-handed
and two-handed input cases. Furthermore, we also consider the specific gesture [1] [2], so the authentication process requires
situation where there is no fixed PIN and design a new enhanced additional effort and the gestures can be easily observed and
privacy scheme by combining the PPG measurements of different imitated by attackers. The voice-based approaches use audio
keystrokes to improve authentication security. The experiments devices (i.e., microphones and speakers) to aid authentication
involving 15 volunteers demonstrate that our prototype system [3]. However, these approaches are susceptible to ambient
can achieve an average authentication accuracy of over 95% for
one-handed cases and over 90% for two-handed cases. noise and replay attacks [4]. The biometric-based approaches
Index Terms—Two-factor authentication, Photoplethysmogra- use the unique physiological information to facilitate au-
phy (PPG) measurements, PIN-induced keystrokes, wearable thentication, while many of them require the deployment of
device additional sensors and thus have extra costs [5]. In contrast,
PPG is much more widely used due to its simplicity and
I. I NTRODUCTION inexpensiveness. Recently, Shang et al. [6] exploit PPG for
Authentication, as a crucial way to protect the digital authentication, but it asks the user to make a large action in
properties and privacy, is becoming increasingly important for authentication and also has a relatively large computational
ubiquitous smartphones. Once the authentication mechanism overhead.
is breached, it can lead to privacy leakage and even seri- To overcome the limitations of the aforementioned ap-
ous economic loss. Comparing to conventional authentication proaches, we propose a new two-factor authentication system,
methods (e.g., PIN and biometrics) that are vulnerable to either P 2 Auth, leveraging the PIN and PPG measurements during
inference attacks or replay attacks, two-factor authentication, keystrokes on wearables to protect private data, as shown
emerging in recent years, combines multiple authentication in Figure 1. Through our empirical study, we find that the
factors to ensure system security. In the meanwhile, the rise keystroke-induced PPG measurements are specific to each per-
of smart wearable devices has enabled a wealth of sensory son due to the differences in human tissue structure, wearing
information to facilitate two-factor authentication. As one and keystroke habits. This inspires us to combine the PIN
of the most popular wearable devices, smartwatches are the with the keystroke-induced PPG measurements for two-factor
natural companions for smartphones to facilitate two-factor authentication, which does not require additional involvement
user authentication and enable various authentication tech- beyond the PIN input process and can be better accepted by

2575-8411/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE 726

DOI 10.1109/ICDCS57875.2023.00074
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Electronic Science and Tech of China. Downloaded on November 06,2023 at 06:58:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
a waveform fusion approach for security enhancement.
Without extra overhead, we increase the security of the
VHQVRU system while preserving the habit of entering PINs.
/(' 3' • We build a prototype system and conduct extensive exper-
iments with commercial PPG sensors. The experimental
'HUPLV results show that the authentication accuracy of P 2 Auth
can reach as high as 98% in a one-handed case and over
DO %ORRG 9HVVHOV 83% for other cases with a rejection rate of 98% under
the attacks.
Fig. 2: Illustration of PPG sensor working principle. With the continuous development of smart devices and
mobile communication, mobile authentication serves as the
users. We also find that the PPG measurements reveal the
first line of defense for the security of the transmitted data.
unique gestures for the same user [7]. Therefore, it inspires us
To safeguard against illegal access to sensitive private infor-
that the authentication system can be designed to eliminate the
mation on mobile devices, the devices initially conduct user
necessity of setting fixed PINs on smartphones. To enhance the
authentication with one factor due to its low cost and user-
system’s security, we also deploy waveform fusion for privacy
friendliness [8] [9]. In general, there are three authentication
factors: 1) knowledge factor (e.g., passwords); 2) ownership
Although the idea looks intuitive, several challenges should
factor (e.g., tokens and smartphones); and 3) biometric factor
be addressed before realizing the proposed system. The
(e.g., voices, facial features [10], and fingerprints). Despite
keystrokes for PIN input on smartphones only involve subtle
the ease of use, one-factor authentication usually suffers from
thumb movements, resulting in slight changes in the PPG
various attacks and only provides weak authentication capa-
measurements on smartwatches. Thus it is essential to ex-
bilities [11]. In the case of knowledge-based authentication,
tract more effective features to facilitate the authentication
for example, utilizing a password makes it easy to determine
process. Furthermore, the computation resources on wearable
the legitimacy of a user’s identity, while the password can be
devices are relatively limited, which contradicts to the real-
compromised by launching brute force attacks [12] or applying
time requirement of authentication process, so our authenti-
social engineering techniques [13]. Therefore, some additional
cation system should be lightweight while maintaining high
requirements for password complexity must be satisfied, but
reliability. Meanwhile, it is challenging to accurately detect
it is shown that increasing the length of passwords from 4 to
the keystroke event and locate the start and end points of
6 digits still does not directly result in a significant security
the corresponding PPG measurements. In addition, the noisy
improvement [14].
PPG measurements have a significantly negative impact on
To provide more secure mobile authentication than using a
authentication accuracy. Therefore, it is crucial to extract
single factor, two- or multi-factor authentication is proposed
robust features that remain consistent over time from the noisy
to deny unauthorized access by integrating more than one
PPG measurements.
authentication factor. For example, Safe et al. [15] conduct
To address these challenges, we use a ROCKET-based two-factor authentication by utilizing a gaze tracker to input a
approach to extract PPG features, which achieve both high graphic secret and asking the user to show the face and gaze
robustness and low computational overhead. In addition, the at a secret icon moving across the screen. Also, Kim et al.
keystroke time is accurately determined by fine-grained cali- [16] propose an enhanced multimodal authentication method
bration using extreme point search. Also, the motion artifacts by combining multiple biometric traits (e.g., face, teeth, and
and baseline drift are effectively removed to enable the identifi- voice) captured from a mobile device equipped with a camera
cation of PIN input cases. In summary, we make the following and a microphone. However, the above two- or multi-factor
main contributions: authentication methods require the mobile devices to carry
• We propose P 2 Auth, a lightweight two-factor authen- additional output devices, thus restricting their adoption in
tication system that uses both the PIN and keystrokes- daily use.
induced PPG measurements to verify the legitimacy of As emerging sensing capabilities are integrated into mobile
the users’ identities. Our method can achieve accurate, devices, many researchers start to collect multiple factors for
real-time and robust user authentication on commercial mobile authentication without incurring additional costs or
devices. More importantly, no additional user involve- efforts. EchoPrint [17] leverages acoustic sensing and visual
ment is required. features on commodity mobiles for two-factor authentica-
• We develop a short-time energy based method that ef- tion. Moreover, Typing-Proof [18] enables user authentication
fectively identifies the cases of user input, support both without the involvement of significant costs by combining
one-handed and two-handed input. Furthermore, we also two factors: the password and the proximity of a mobile
explore the authentication of users without a fixed PIN. phone to a computer. Despite their low costs and ease of
• To improve the protection of user biometrics, we devise use, the performance of these approaches can be degraded


Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Electronic Science and Tech of China. Downloaded on November 06,2023 at 06:58:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
(a) PPG sensor 1 (b) PPG sensor 2
Fig. 3: PPG measurements for different keystrokes of a volunteer.

by the effects of ambient noise. Shang et al. [6] apply a keystrokes vary significantly for different users. The differ-
relatively stable authentication source, photoplethysmography ences in physiology and keystroke habits can be sensitively
(PPG) signals, to authenticate users on smartwatches, while captured by PPG sensors so that users can be differentiated.
their scheme requires users to make an expressive hand gesture For a specific individual, different keystrokes bring about dif-
in authentication, which usually greatly impacts the user’s ferent pulse patterns, resulting in different PPG measurements.
experience. Different from the existing work, we leverage Such patterns can be used to distinguish different actions of the
the changes of PPG measurements caused by keystrokes for same user. Inspired by these observations, it comes to us that
mobile authentication. Without extra user involvement, our the combination of PIN and keystroke-induced PPG changes
method can be deployed on commercial devices at a low cost. allows for the senseless two-factor authentication.

III. F EASIBILITY S TUDY B. Preliminary Study

To verify the soundness and feasibility of the above insights,
A. Key insights we conduct preliminary experiments by asking the volunteers
PPG sensors have been increasingly deployed in wearable to imitate entering PINs on smartphones. Specifically, each
devices for heart rate monitoring over the past decade. As user is asked to wear a wristband with two PPG sensors fixed
shown in Figure 2, a PPG sensor usually consists of a couple on the inner side of the wrist, entering a four-digit PIN every
of LEDs and a photodetector (PD). The light emitted by the three seconds. Our system will record the period of keystroke
LEDs is partly absorbed and reflected by the tissue, while and keystroke-induced PPG samples. We conducted an 8-week
photodetectors are used to measure the intensity of reflected long experiment involving 5 volunteers and collected over
light, capturing the changes in blood volume in the tissues. The 2000 samples in total.
periodical changes of blood volume in vessels are caused by Through the analysis on the collected PPG samples, the
heartbeat, and the heartbeat cycle can therefore be obtained following insights are drawn:
by analyzing the period of the change in the reflected light • The same keystroke-induced PPG measurements from
intensity from the PPG measurements. In general, the wrist and different users are always highly different, confirming that
finger movements introduce some motion artifacts into PPG they can serve for distinguishing the users’ identities.
measurements while measuring heartbeat rate [19]. However, • The PPG patterns of the same user are different when
in recent years, some researchers attempt to take advantage of tapping different keys as shown in Figure 3, where ar-
such artifacts to recognize the hand gestures [7]. Inspired by ranged according to the layout of the PIN pad. Sensors 1
related work, we further observe that the PPG measurements and 2 are attached at both sides of the wrist, respectively.
are different across different users when they are performing • Keystroke involves blood volume changes in the mi-
the same hand gestures. crovascular bed of tissue and therefore could produce
Most of the users unlock the smartphones by typing PINs more pronounced peaks or troughs in the PPG measure-
with their thumbs, and the keystroke-induced thumb move- ments relative to the heartbeat and other noise.
ments cause a series of complicated wrist muscle movements • Additionally, the PPG measurements maintain a consis-
and different degrees of vascular deformation , resulting in tent pattern over time, enabling to extract robust biometric
changes in PPG. Similarly, the signal changes caused by features and avoid frequenct updating.


Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Electronic Science and Tech of China. Downloaded on November 06,2023 at 06:58:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
WW'ĂƚĂŶĚ PIN. However, the noise and baseline drift introduce nonnegli-
<ĞLJƐƚƌŽŬĞdŝŵĞ gible interference. Hence, the authentication for different input
cases remains challenging.
D. Attack Model
We consider two typical attacks for our proposed authenti-
&ŝŶĞͲŐƌĂŝŶĞĚ<ĞLJƐƚƌŽŬĞdŝŵĞĂůŝďƌĂƚŝŽŶ cation system.
Random attack (RA). The attacker is unaware of the vic-
tim’s information, so it can only enter random PINs to pass
ůĂƐƐŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ the user authentication. Except for taking advantage of the
W/E proposed authentication algorithm deployed on the proposed
system, any prior knowledge is not required for the attackers.
This attack places the fewest demands on the attacker’s abili-
KŶĞ,ĂŶĚ dǁŽ,ĂŶĚƐ W/EsĞƌŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ ties, making it more difficult to compromise the authentication
tĂǀĞĨŽƌŵ system.
^ĞŐŵĞŶƚĂƚŝŽŶ KŶĞͲŚĂŶĚĞĚ dǁŽͲŚĂŶĚĞĚΘ Emulating attack (EA). The attacker not only understands
EŽW/E the authentication algorithm but also has knowledge of the
victim’s keystroke habits and even the legitimate PIN (e.g.,
by shoulder surfing). By inputting the PIN in a similar way
DŽĚĞůdƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ ŚĞĐŬ ZĞƐƵůƚƐ/ŶƚĞŐƌĂƚŝŽŶ to a victim, the attackers try to authenticate themselves on
the victim’s wearable devices. This attack poses more security
ƵƚŚĞŶƚŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ risks to the authentication system than the random attack does.
^ŝŶŐůĞ &Ƶůů
ZĞƐƵůƚƐ Moreover, we assume that the attacker has no access to the
storage of the victim’s wearable devices or the authentication
server, implying that the attacker is unaware of the keystroke-
Fig. 4: Workflow of P 2 Auth. induced PPG measurements.
Our experiments confirm that it is potential to verify the
users’ identities with the keystroke-induced PPG measure-
ments and thereby facilitate two-factor authentication together A. Basic idea
with the PINs. The basic idea of our two-factor authentication system is to
leverage both the PIN and the keystroke-induced PPG pattern
C. Challenges on smartwatches to authenticate the user’s identity on mobile
In order to build a lightweight and unobtrusive two-factor devices. Towards this end, the proposed system needs to go
authentication system based on keystroke-related PPG sam- through three major phases, including preprocessing, enroll-
ples, several major challenges should be addressed beforehand: ment and authentication, and the corresponding workflow is
Accurate keystroke detection. Due to the small range of shown in Figure 4.
keystroke motion and the resulting subtle PPG variations, Preprocessing phase. For both the enrollment and authenti-
it is challenging to detect the keystroke events from the cation phases, the system performs the PPG Samples Prepro-
heartbeat waveform and extract the PPG samples representing cessing containing three modules. First, the Noise Removal
the keystroke motion. To address this challenge, an accurate module filters out the noise in the PPG samples by applying
keystroke detection approach is required to eliminate the a median filter. To accurately extract the PPG samples repre-
impact of the embedded heartbeat component. senting the keystroke action, the Fine-grained Keystroke Time
Robust features extraction. Due to the low sampling rate Calibration module calibrates the time for a true keystroke
of PPG sensors on most commercial wearable devices, PPG moment. Given the calibrated samples, the PIN Input Case
signals are always mixed with ambient noise and motion Identification module differentiates the input cases to support
artifacts. Therefore, it is crucial to extract robust features that the different keystroke habits of users.
keep consistent over time from the noisy PPG samples. Enrollment phase. In this phase, our system asks the user
Lightweight and secure authentication. Considering that to enter a PIN to register while wearing the smartwatch. In
wearable devices are with limited resources, our authentication the one-handed case, the Privacy Boost module takes authen-
system needs to be less computationally expensive. In addition, tication security one step further and is optional for users. In
biometric information leakage poses a significant security risk, the two-handed case, the Waveform Segmentation intercepts
so a new security mechanism should be designed to protect single keystroke induced PPG measurements based on the
PPG patterns from potential attackers. calibrated time. To extract unique features of the keystroke
Reliable usage scenarios recognition. To facilitate generic process, ROCKET-based Feature Extraction performs a feature
use, the proposed authentication system should be able to transformation on the PPG samples. Next, the system performs
support one-handed and two-handed use, even without a fixed Authentication Model Training to train binary classifiers for


Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Electronic Science and Tech of China. Downloaded on November 06,2023 at 06:58:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

6HQVRU 濉 濊


(a) Signal after filtering (b) Signal and keystroke times af- 6HQVRU
ter calibration
(a) One-handed keystroke (b) Two-handed keystroke
Fig. 6: Two input cases for user authentication.

Our preliminary study finds that keystrokes always produce

larger peaks and troughs than heartbeats do. Therefore, if
a keystroke exists near the recorded point, it should be the
extreme point that deviates the most from the mean among
all points in the window. Based on the above observation, we
can achieve fine-grained temporal calibration by searching for
(c) Signal after de-trending (d) Short-time energy of de-
trending signals suitable extreme points within the window.
To this end, we apply a SG filter to remove locally unimpor-
Fig. 5: Data preprocessing. tant details while retaining the wave’s shape. This is because
each user. Among the classifiers, the full waveform model there are many local fluctuations near the recorded point in
achieves one-handed authentication, and the single waveform the PPG measurements, which interfere with the selection of
model achieves two-handed and no PIN authentication. extreme points. Meanwhile, filtering preserves the detailed
Authentication phase. In this phase, our system takes PIN features in PPG measurements, helping with identity infor-
and PPG samples for two-factor authentication. PIN Verifi- mation extraction and user authentication. Given the filtered
cation module first verifies the PIN entered. Then, for the PPG measurements, we apply a peak searching algorithm
one-handed case, the system uses the full waveform model to to find the candidate set (denoted by S) of extreme points.
verify the legitimacy of the PPG samples. For the two-handed Specifically, we formulate the following objective function for
cases, the system selects the single waveform model based on fined-grained calibration of keystroke time::
the input, and then Authentication Results Integration module
combines the results of the single keystroke authentication.  w 
 1 2

We next introduce each module of our proposed system in argmax ys − ys+i , (1)
details as follows. s∈S  w+1 
i=− w

B. Workflow of P 2 Auth
1) Data preprocessing: where s ∈ S is the extreme point within the window, ys is
1.1) Noise Removal: Given that PPG samples from low- the filtered PPG samples, w is the size of the window. At
cost sensors are susceptible to interference from noise, we 100Hz sampling rate, the window size is set to 30. Figure 5b
apply a median filter to the raw signals, as shown in Figure shows the keystroke action point after calibration, where the
5a. This is because median filtering is a non-linear filtering deviation from the mean value within the window reaches the
method that performs well at preserving detailed information maximum.
about the signals while filtering out the noise. 1.3) PIN Input Case Identification: To make the system
1.2) Fine-grained Keystroke Time Calibration: During more user-friendly, P 2 Auth identifies different input cases to
the authentication process, P 2 Auth needs to segment the support both one-handed and two-handed typing habits, as
entire PPG measurement to obtain the signal change caused shown in Figure 6. In this step, we first remove motion artifacts
by a single keystroke, so it is necessary to obtain the exact and baseline drift and then analyze the short-time energy of
moment of each keystroke. the filtered signal to achieve input case identification.
In the data acquisition, the user’s smartphone records the The non-linear baseline drift in the original samples can
start time of the authentication process and the corresponding cause irregular energy variations that interfere with the subse-
moment of each keystroke. However, due to the dynamically quent energy-based analysis. To address this issue, we apply
changing communication delay between the smartphone and the smoothness prior approach [20] to remove the trend of
the PPG acquisition device, the moments recorded by the the signal itself. The approach only requires adjustment of
system are still coarse-grained, as shown by the red line in the regularization parameter λ to adjust the baseline drift
Figure 5a. Therefore, it is still necessary for the system to estimation. Assuming Y ∈ Rn is the original pulse wave
further calibrate the time at a fine-grained level. ˆ ∈ Rn can be expressed as
signal, its detrended signal Ydet


Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Electronic Science and Tech of China. Downloaded on November 06,2023 at 06:58:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
follows: The PPG sample Pu with user identity u denotes the data
ˆ = Y − H θˆλ = [I − (I + λ2 D2T D2 )−1 ]Y, to be classified and y denotes its class (y ∈ {−1, 1}). We
Ydet (2)
⎡ ⎤ use {(Pu,s , yu,s ), u = 1, . . . , U, s = 1, . . . , S} to denote a
1 −2 1 0 · · · 0 0 0 set of PPG samples associated with the user identity u. U is
⎢0 1 −2 1 · · · 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥ the total number of legitimate users and S is the number of
D2 = ⎢ . .. .. .. . . . .. .. ⎥ , (3)
⎣ .. . . . . .. . .⎦ individual user experiments. The subsequent issue is to extract
0 0 0 0 · · · 1 −2 1 user features to identify user identity.
2.2) One-handed Case with Privacy Boost: To reduce the
where H ∈ Rn×m is the observation matrix, I is unit risk of data leakage in the authentication processing, we pro-
matrix, θˆλ is the regression parameter, D2 ∈ R(n−2)×n is the pose a waveform fusion mechanism as an option for boosting
regularization matrix and we use the second order differential privacy. As a unique physiological information, keystroke-
matrix. Figure 5c shows the Ydet ˆ of the original PPG after induced PPG measurement can be used for authentication.
removing the baseline trend. However, once PPG measurements are leaked, the protection
The key to input case identification is to determine whether of the system will also be lost. For example, a single theft of
there is a keystroke near the calibrated time. After removing data entered by a user with one hand results in four keystrokes
the baseline drift, the PPG measurements near the keystroke that can no longer be used. Therefore, we wish to enhance
position has a higher energy. Therefore, we use a threshold- the security of the system by fusing several different single
based approach to determine the presence of a keystroke. keystroke waveforms. We fuse the different waveforms using
Specifically, if the total energy exceeds the threshold in the an additive method, expressed as follows:
time window near the calibrated time, a keystroke event
is considered to be present. Figure 5d shows the result of 
S= h
Pu,s , (4)
calculating the short-term energy. If four keystrokes are suc-
cessfully detected then the one-handed model will be used
for authentication, otherwise the two-handed model will be where K is the number of individual keystrokes included in
adopted. After adjustment, we set the decision threshold to 12 the full waveform. Pu,s is the pulse wave of a single keystroke.
of the mean value of all short-time energy. Set the window Since the fusion of individual waveforms inevitably loses some
size to 20. useful information and thus reduces the accuracy of authenti-
2) Enrollment Phase. cation, we make it an optional part of the privacy boost. Our
After preprocessing, we register the user data to obtain experiments can show that sacrificing the convenience during
the authentication models. First, P 2 Auth processes the PPG the authentication to significant improvements in security and
samples separately to support various user habits for different privacy protection is acceptable.
input cases such as one-handed keystrokes and two-handed 2.3) ROCKET-based Feature Extraction: The most criti-
keystrokes. After that, the system uses a rocket-based method cal part of the enrollment phase is to extract effective features
to extract features from the samples. Finally, we build the that represent the user and are resistant to attacks. We try
binary classifiers for user authentication. several feature extraction and classification models for time
In this study, we consider the legitimate user identification series, and find that miniRocket [21] performs well on our
as a binary classification problem. We divide the identities dataset. The miniRocket model uses convolutional kernels to
of people in the data-set into legitimate users, attackers, and transform the input time series, achieving high accuracy at
third parties. Third parties’ data is stored on the smartphone very low computational cost on the UCR archive of benchmark
for model training. Therefore, this paper uses the data in the [22]. In addition, we also try related classification methods
following ways: based on manual extraction of features, but this is not as
effective as the above feature extraction models.
• Training set: Training data includes part of legitimate
In the miniRocket model, the convolution is first calculated
user’s data and a small part randomly extracted from third
by sampling the input sequence on an exponential scale using
parties’ data. In the enrollment phase, the dataset is binary
a kernel dilation. The transformation of the original sequence
classified to obtain a user-specific authentication model.
using the convolution kernel is expressed as follows:
• Test set: The test data includes data from both legitimate
users and attackers. Legitimate user data is used to test 

the authentication accuracy of the system, and attacker X ∗Wd = xi− m2 ·d+(j·d) ·wj , ∀i ∈ {0, 1, ..., n−1}, (5)
data is used to test the rejection rate of random attacks j=0

and emulating attacks. where X = [x0 , x1 , ..., xn−1 ] represents the input PPG mea-
Here, we describe the enrollment process separately accord- surement, d denotes kernel dilation, usually to the exponential
ing to the different input cases. power of 2, and W = [w0 , w1 , ..., wm−1 ] denotes the convo-
2.1) One-handed case: In the case of one-handed input, lution kernel. Specifically, the number of kernels defaults to
the user performs the full four keystrokes. Therefore, the whole 84 and the weights are limited to two values.
PPG samples can be used for identity authentication instead The convolutional transform converts the original PPG
of wave segmentation. measurements into a feature vector and utilizes the proportion


Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Electronic Science and Tech of China. Downloaded on November 06,2023 at 06:58:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
on each sample. Next we build binary gradient classifiers
bk , k = 1...K for each keystroke. The reason for using a
binary classifier is that binary classifiers have a high accuracy
in discriminating one keystroke from the others, while multi-
classifiers have a relatively low accuracy when performing the
same classification task [23].
In the two-handed keystroke case, as the smartwatch is
usually worn on one hand, only the keystroke behavior of
the hand wearing the watch is recorded in the samples. We
consider the case where the hand wearing the watch presses
(a) Prototype device (b) Device placement two keys or three keys. When verifying the identity of a
user, if all the pulse waves of every single keystroke are
Fig. 7: Experiment Setup.
verified, the user will be authenticated. Since the PPG sample
of positive values (P P V ) to enable a classifier to weight the corresponding to a single keystroke event is short, for the sake
prevalence of a given pattern in a time series. P P V is an im- of system security, if only one keystroke event is detected, the
portant feature that can achieve higher classification accuracy authentication process is rejected.
than many hand-constructed features, which is expressed as The same method is applicable without setting a fixed PIN
follows: password. The difference is that the NO-PIN case will not
check the legitimacy of the password entered by the user. The
P P V (Z) = sgn(zi ), (6) user is authenticated only by the keystroke pattern. Unlock
N i=1 phone without having to preset a PIN in advance, overcoming
the problem of PIN losing and effectively preventing emulating
where Z = X ∗ Wd − b and sgn(·) denotes the sign function. attacks.
2.4) Authentication Model Training: After the above 3) Authentication Phase:
transformations are completed, each sample to be classified In the authentication phase, the system uses PIN and PPG
can be transformed into a feature vector of length 10K. We measurements for two-factor authentication. The PIN Verifi-
classify the extracted feature vectors using a ridge regression cation module first verifies the correctness of PIN input. If
classifier with cross-validation, with a linear classifier of the the PIN is illegal and no PIN is not allowed when the user
form: registers, this authentication request is rejected. Otherwise, the
f (Pu,s ) = w · Pu,s + b, (7) legitimacy of the keystroke-induced PPG samples is checked.
where w denotes the vector of parameters to be solved for, b According to the different input cases, the system processes
is the constant offset. The regular risk minimization problem them separately.
can be expressed as: In the one-handed case, the system determines whether to
perform privacy boost based on the settings, and then uses the

min L(yi , f (xi )) + λw2 , (8) classifier of the full waveform for authentication.
w In the two-handed case, for safety reasons, only cases where
two and three keystrokes are detected in the full waveform
where L(·) denotes the loss function, and w2 is the 2-norm
are considered. If only a single keystroke is detected in the
of the parameter to avoid overfitting; λ is the coefficient of
PPG measurement, this request is rejected. Then, the binary
the norm. In the end, the authentication result is determined
classifier bk is selected using the input k corresponding to
1 success, each waveform to classify previously unseen keystroke-related
F (Pu,s ) = (9) feature set x. Finally, the Authentication Results Integration
−1 f ailure. module combines the results of individual keystrokes. In the
2.5) Waveform segmentation: Given that we have ob- case of three keys detected, the user is considered legitimate
tained precise keystroke moments during the pre-processing as long as two keystrokes of the waveform pass the authenti-
phase, we can intercept in a window near the moment to cation. In the case of two keystrokes, all must be legal to pass
obtain PPG samples for individual keystrokes. While there the system.
are some small differences in keystroke speed between users, V. P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION
it is generally concentrated within a relatively short time
window. The averaging time interval between two keystrokes A. Experimental Methodology
is calculated to be 1.1 s. We set the window size to 90 to avoid Wearable Prototype. As most commercial wearable de-
overlapping the pulse waveform of adjacent keystrokes. vices do not provide raw PPG data directly, we design a
2.6) Two-handed case and no PIN: After waveform seg- wearable prototype to help us achieve two-factor authentica-
mentation is completed, the system obtains PPG measurements tion based on keystroke PPG signals. Our prototype system
for individual keystrokes. Similar to the one-handed case, consists of two integrated commodity PPG sensor modules
the system uses miniROCKET to perform feature extraction (MAX30101), which include red and infra-red LEDs. The


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Fig. 8: Overall performance of privacy boost.

Fig. 9: PPG samples for PIN “1648” with four different users. Fig. 10: Authentication accuracy for 5 cases.

data collected by the two modules is sent back to the PC B. Evaluation Metrics
through two channels. One way is connected to the PC through We mainly rely on the following two metrics to evaluate
the EVK evaluation board, and the interactive and real-time system performance:
drawing display is realized through a program. The other Authentication accuracy. This metric indicates the proba-
way is received and completed simple processing through the bility of a true example in authentication. We use this metric to
STM32, and then packaged and sent back to the PC through measure the probability that a valid user will be authenticated.
the USB-TTL module. The prototype equipment is shown The higher its value, the better the usability of the system.
in Figure 7. In addition, the circuit board also includes a True rejection rate. The probability that an attacker is
three-axis accelerometer LIS2DH12, which can be used for rejected. We use this metric to measure a system’s ability
comparative experiments. The PPG and motion sensors are to defend against random attacks and emulating attacks. The
embedded in two circuit boards, which are attached to a wrist higher its value, the less likely it is that an attacker will be
band. The sampling rate of each channel for PPG is 100 Hz, able to pass authentication.
while the motion signal is sampled at 75 Hz.
Data Collection. We recruit 15 volunteers including 11 C. Authentication Performance
males and 4 females whose ages are between 20 to 30 using In this section, we present the evaluation results of our
our wearable prototype. During the experiments, the volunteers method for user authentication. We first evaluate the authen-
sit in a fixed position and enter the five PINs (1628, 3570, tication accuracy of our system. Figure 10 illustrates the
5094, 6938, 7412) on their Android devices according to system performance in different cases, where single boost
the given prompts. Each volunteer is required to repeat the means single-handed keystroke authentication using waveform
process at least 18 times. After this, volunteers perform two- fusion, double-3 means three keystrokes by the hand wearing
handed and random keystrokes in the same way. Meanwhile, the watch, and double-2 means two keystrokes. It can be
our wearable prototype records PPG measurements during seen that our system can provide an average authentication
keystrokes on the left wrist and records keystroke moments via accuracy of 84% in five cases. Afterward, we compare a
Android. The data was then transferred to a desktop computer manual feature extraction-based method with our solution, and
equipped with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H @ 2.60 GHz the results show that our method has clear advantages in terms
CPU and 16 GB of RAM for analysis and processing. of efficiency and accuracy. Compared to accelerometers, PPG


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Fig. 11: Comparison with manual feature extraction methods. Fig. 12: Comparison with accelerometer-based method.

is more accurate in the authentication of passwords entered thentication system needs to be resistant to attacks, so we
in static cases and is better resistant to random and emulating designed both random attacks and emulating attacks to test
attacks. the performance of the system.
Authentication performance for legitimate users. We For random attacks, we set four attackers to randomly guess
evaluated our method first for the one-handed keystroke case. each user’s PIN password and enter the PIN to break the
As shown in Figure 9, there is a large variation in pulse wave system. We evaluate the true rejection rate of three iterations of
variation between users when 1628 keystrokes are performed our system by picking 150 random entries from the attacker
consecutively. The data is recorded by infrared light on the data. We can see that our system can provide a mean true
sensing platform and the mean values have been removed. rejection rate of 98%, which means that our system can
Thus, it is relatively easy to authenticate a user in this case. accurately detect a random attacker.
As can also be seen in Figure 10, the one-handed keystroke For emulating attacks, the attacker can observe the user’s
achieves the best authentication accuracy with an average of input then imitate the user’s gestures and attempt to break the
98% accuracy and 2.98% variance in different cases. system using the correct PIN. Figure 10 shows the average
After that, we consider using waveform fusion to hide 98% true rejection rate of our system against emulating
the waveform of a single keystroke. Figure 8 shows the attacks. We can notice that the system’s ability to resist
authentication accuracy for 12 different volunteer waveform random attacks and emulating attacks is comparable, which
fusion cases in our system. Although waveform fusion loses also demonstrates that the physiological differences between
some of the information from individual keystrokes, it still people in the keystroke process are difficult to mimic through
preserves the specificity of the data quite well. During the actions.
experiment, we found that the stability of behaviors is dif-
D. Comparison with manual feature extraction methods
ferent for volunteers in our experiment. For some users (e.g.,
volunteer 8), their authentication accuracy was stable because We next examine the performance of our ROCKET-based
not many additional small actions were performed during the user authentication method compared to a manually con-
experiment. For the other users (e.g., volunteer 11), their structed feature-based method. We note the work of shang et
additional actions in the experiment introduce a certain amount al. who achieved an average accuracy of 96.31% in identifying
of noise into the signal, which leads to lower authentication users using pre-defined gesture-induced blood flow changes.
accuracy than those of users who had more stable behaviors. The advantage of this method is that it can build a strong clas-
Even so, the average authentication accuracy of the volunteers sifier based on only the data of the legitimate user without any
reached 83%, and the true rejection rates were all close to or information from the attacker or third parties. We reproduced
above 90%. Thus, with the waveform fusion method, a little this paper and fine-tuned it on our dataset. The information
convenience in authentication can be sacrificed for a further from the four sensors is leveraged by feature extraction and
increase in security. averaging over different channels, while the threshold τ is
Then we tested the two-handed keystroke case. For reasons tested and adjusted to 1.7 to balance the accuracy and rejection
of system security, two-handed keystroke cases require that requirements.
at least two keystrokes are detected. When two out of three
keystrokes are determined to be legitimate, or when there are TABLE I: Computational and memory overheads of the two
only two keystrokes and both are legitimate, the model will model.
authenticate and determine the user as a valid user. With only
two keystrokes by the hand wearing the watch, the system still Enrollment Phase Authentication Phase
achieves an authentication accuracy of almost 70% and 88% Time/Sec Memory/MiB Time/Sec Memory/MiB
with three keystrokes. ROCKET-based 1.06 378.4 0.302 379.3
Manual Feature-based 104.89 367.5 10.57 367.5
Performance against two types of attacks. A good au-


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(a) Different channel numbers (b) Individual channels
Fig. 14: Different third- Fig. 15: Different Machine
Fig. 13: Performance with channels.
party dataset size. learning methods.
Figure 11 shows the comparison of the authentication
accuracy and true rejection rate when using ROCKET-based F. Impact of Different Impact Factors
and manual feature-based methods for one-handed keystrokes Impact of Channel Number. The number of channels
without privacy boost. We observe that the authentication affects the power consumption and computational cost in
accuracy of the reference method is only 0.62 and the P 2 Auth wearable devices. Most the commodity wearables have more
method has a significant advantage in both authentication than two PPG sensors. For example, the apple watch series 4
accuracy and true rejection rate. In comparison, our approach is equipped with six PPG sensors for green and infrared light
also has the following advantages: [24],and later series have added red light [25]. Therefore, we
(1) The reference approach uses a threshold-based approach, set our wearable prototype to collect PPG measurements with
which is sensitive to the setting of thresholds and varies different number of channels. Figure 13a shows the average
with each individual optimum. In contrast, P 2 Auth does not accuracy and true rejection rates for authentication under
require adjustment for each person. different numbers of channels. This experiment uses data
(2) The reference paper needs to calculate the DTW of from a single handed keystroke with security enhancements,
the sequence when extracting features, resulting in a long other cases give similar results. We find that the accuracy of
authentication time, whereas our method is computationally authentication increases significantly with channel numbers,
simple and very lightweight. In addition, to provide a more while the rejection rate remains essentially the same. As the
comprehensive view of the computational overhead of the results implied, our system is compatible with most current
proposed approach, we also use python’s line profiler and commodity wearables and can be deployed on existing systems
memory profiler for memory and computational overhead at a very low cost. Further, we have compared the performance
analysis. As shown in Table I, with a small difference in of each channel. As can be seen in Figure 13b, the infrared
memory overhead, our method takes only 1% of the training data performs better on authentication accuracy, while the red
time and only 3% of the authentication time. light performs better on rejection rate, and the two have a
(3) The reference paper uses a larger amplitude of move- degree of complementary effect.
ment, whereas a relatively small amplitude of motion during Impact of Third-party Dataset Size. We change the
keystrokes, so our approach allows for more senseless and amount of third-party data used for training to investigate the
accurate authentication. performance of our system at different training data sizes.
More third-party data means larger storage occupancy and
E. Comparison with accelerometer-based method higher computational overhead in the enrollment phase. As
shown in Figure 14, we randomly select 8 dataset sizes
Accelerometers are a more direct way to provide motion from 20 to 300 to test the system’s performance. We note
information than through PPG signals. Therefore, we further that the rejection rate is increasing for both types, while the
compare the certified accuracy of the accelerometer data and authentication accuracy rate is decreasing. This is because in
the PPG data. On each of the two different data sets, we order to keep the system easy to use, the user is always asked
used the ROCKET-based feature extraction and classification to enter up to 9 PINs. Owing to the very small number of
method. Figure 12 shows that PPG-based authentication is training samples, machine learning-based methods suffer from
resilient to attacks and outperforms accelerometer-based au- severe overfitting under the influence of much larger third-
thentication. The reason for this is that the volunteer stays party data.
relatively stable during key presses with little wrist move- Therefore, there is a trade-off in determining the training
ment, so the accelerometer data does not change significantly. dataset size for classifiers. If the third-party data set is small,
In contrast, the movement of the fingers will engage the the user can be accurately authenticated, but more attackers
wrist muscles, thus altering the blood flow. Significant signal will be wrongly recognized as the user. Otherwise, if the third-
changes allow authentication based on movement information party dataset is too large, the system can reject almost all
to be more accurate and robust. Moreover, from a security attackers, but the legitimate user may also be rejected, making
point of view, the differences in physiological anatomy also it much more problematic to use. For the purpose of system
give the system good resistance to attacks. security, we set the amount of third party data to 100 in our


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occur frequently, we believe that occasional adjustments to the
user’s wearing position will not affect the system’s ease of use.
Impact of moving hands. The user can perform many
activities while wearing the watch, such as waving, running,
etc. In these situations, other movements performed by the
hand will bring about changes in the wrist muscles and thus
introduce noise into the PPG signal. However, our system
is unnecessarily adapted to the user’s daily movements. The
Fig. 16: Different sampling Fig. 17: Different sampling user’s authentication should take place at the initial moment
rates with four channels. rates and number of channels. of wearing the watch, after which the wear of the watch is
detected based on the heart rate status. Additional authenti-
previous experiments.
cation actions are required when performing other sensitive
Impact of Machine Learning Models. We study the im-
activities, such as making payments. In comparison to daily
pact of different machine learning models on authentication
activities, authentication, such as payments, is relatively static.
accuracy. Specifically, we used three algorithms, Resnet, KNN
We, therefore, believe that our approach is not disturbed by a
and RNN-FNN. Figure 15 shows the results of the experiment.
user’s movement.
rocket outperforms the other models with an accuracy of 0.96
for the complete test data and takes the shortest computation VII. CONCLUSION
time. Although other models are slightly more accurate in This paper proposes a novel two-factor authentication sys-
authenticating real users, the lower rejection rate implies an tem based on PIN and unique keystroke-related PPG measure-
insecure system. The above results show that our system can ment from the smartwatch. The insight is that the wrist muscle
achieve good recognition performance and security, ensuring movements and vascular deformation caused by keystroke
convenience for practical usage. action result in changes in PPG measurement, which can be
Impact of Sampling Rate. Finally, we investigate the ef- used for identity verification. In order to authenticate users,
fect of sampling rate on system performance. The sampling our system detects the keystroke-related signals from each new
rate affects the power consumption and computational cost in PPG measurement and determines whether the signals come
the wearable devices. Figure 16 and 17 show how a change from the legitimate user or attackers through cross-checking
in sampling rate will affect a privacy boost system. In this between the extracted PPG features and the PIN. Furthermore,
case, Figure 16 shows the effect of sampling rate on the we consider both one-handed and two-handed cases and
accuracy and rejection rate of four channels authentication. discuss the situation where there is no fixed PIN. And we
In particular, we find that the authentication accuracy can also present a new approach to improve authentication security
reach 68% at the lowest sampling rate (i.e., 30 Hz). As the by combining the PPG signals of different keystrokes. The
sampling rate increases, the system performance does not experiment results demonstrate that our system achieves high
change significantly. Excluding the random factor of the model accuracy both in accepting the legitimate user and rejecting
itself, the sampling rate does not significantly affect the system attackers.
performance. Figure 17 illustrates the effect of sample rate and
number of channels on accuracy. The results show that our VIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
system is not only suitable for commercial wearable devices, This work is partially supported by National Natural
but can also be at a wide range of combinations of sampling Science Foundation of China under Grant No.62172080
rates and number of channels. Also, as the number of channels and No.62271124, Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan
increases, the random factor caused by the model itself is Province under Grants 2023NSFSC0478 and 2023NS-
smaller and the model is more stable overall. FSC0488, and National Key R&D Program of China
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