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‘Cemeni Is a binder, a substance that sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials together. Cement used in construction can be characterized as being “hydraulic” or “non- hydraulic”. - Hydraulic cement (like Portland cement) harden because of hydration, a chemical reaction between cement powder and water. (can be used under water). - Non- hydraulic cements do not harden under water, like Slaked lime harden by reaction with atmospheric carbon dioxide. The most important uses of cement are as an ingredient in the production of | - mortar in masonry, and of concrete, a combination of cement and an aggregate to form a strong building material. Commonly used Portland cement are;- 1- Ordinary Portland cement. 2- Rapid hardening Portland cement. 3- Sulphate resisting Portland cement. 4- White Portland cement. 5- Low heat Portland cement. 6- Portland blast furnace cement. 7- Water repellent cement (ope a (CEMENT PRODUCTION! wet method Comont Cement Je not the same thing as concrote, Many poople mistakenly refer to “cement” sidewalks of “cement” deiveways and the like, but cement is omly one ofthe ingredients in concrete. Its also an ingredt- ‘min masonry morta, stucco, and other matorals. 1m Comont + water ~ cement paste ‘1 Coment + water-+ sama ~ cement mortar mt Coment + water + sand + lime — masonzy mortar sm Coment + water + sand + coarse aggragale = concrate Madu aggregate sz elatinship ws concete forms and earn tet. ‘Ave types of portland coment, each with different chansctenstios ss “ype isa general puapote cement and sy fr the tost com: Imoely sth opp tn apldcwitta yoy pec eandis nal whee fe pl cine toes ot or types ere not equied. Wt Type cement has mains sesistdnce to sles, which me found in some soll end groundurte, and generetes less host iting tas fin Typn ET eed eg gett ra pleat hell ings Pentre choi jeer mina aaa Chel coi eee warn wouther type I sa “high easly srengih” coment. High arly strength doos not mean higher etrengthanly that stangth develope aa tlie else le toe fein Maid wtale eck beoansefzeduces the time during whieh fresh concrete mustbe protocid fm the cold, Barly strangth gon can elo permit Taser eticaee ua suas Goa ‘ype 1 camo produces les heat daring hydetlon than Type Tor Typo and i watd only in massive cil enginering eric ute coe ge phar clings ot baney tgs rests, is sength development end curing rates, thong, ex tuck lower then Typo ‘2 1ype V cements used in concrete expose to solo ground ter at ins igh lle erties Th pe of cas tually evtlale only ix reas whene to Wks tobe needed. in the United Stites, Type V cement i eomamon only inthe south ‘rece ai CY aN Ae ON a J = __. Keane! sree ‘ota Dla of Send Thar so #thengh #8 hn damier toe edie oxen Gooner ‘nels of bose hay, ada end ab and aie dana of bee (rar easel Conte Mom eras Cane f ing One Mt, Ector). CONCRETE PRODUCTION- PROCESS ¢ BATCHING CASTING/ MOLDING CURING Mixing Concrete;- Concrete must be thoroughly mixed to yield the strongest product. gq by Machine: Add about 10% of the mixing water in the drum. .A Then gradually add water uniformly with the dry materials leaving another 10% to be added after the dry materials are in the drum. Allow 5 or 6 minutes after all the materials are in the drum. B. Mixing by Hand: The mixing area must be both clean and water tight. Use the following procedure: *Spread the sand evenly over the mixing area. “Spread cement evenly over the sand and combine until the color is uniform. “Spread the mixture out evenly and add the gravel on it and mix it thoroughly again. All dry materials should be thoroughly mixed before water is added. *Shape dry mix into a pile and form a hollow bowl in the center. Pour some of the water into the bowl, gradually mixing in the dry mixture until all the Repeat until concrete is ready to pour. Slump test:- Definition Slump is a measurement of concrete’s workability, or fluidity. A It’s an indirect measurement of concrete consistency or stiffness. slump test is a method used to determine the consistency of concrete. The consistency, or stiffness, indicates how much water has been used in the mix. The stiffness of the concrete mix should be matched to the requirements for the finished product quality Concrete Slump Test The concrete slump test is used for the measurement of a property of fresh concrete. The test is an empirical test that measures the workability of fresh concrete. Slump, as it relates to concrete, is a measure of consistency equal to the decrease in height, measured to the nearest 1/4 inch (6 mm) of the molded mass immediately after it has been removed from this molded mass created by the “slump cone.” The mold is in the form of a frustum (part of a solid cone intersected by the use of parallel lines) 12 inch (2.5 cm) high with a base diameter of 8 inches (2 cm) and a top diameter of 4 inches (1 cm), This mold (slump cone) is filled with freshly mixed concrete in 3 layers, each being prodded with a 58 inch (15.9 mm) bullet-shaped rod 25 times. When the mold has been d, the top is struck off and the mold is lifted. The amount by which the mass settles after mold removal is referred to as “slump.” A small slump is an ion of a very stiff mix and a very large slump is, Apparatus test: Sump one, Scaleformeasurement, Tempingrod(steel) Procedure of Concrete Slump ‘The mold for the dump tas sa frastum ofa cone, oo mm (20 in) of height. The base is 200 mm (Bin) in diameter and ithasa smaller opening atthe top of 100 am (4). ‘The base is placed ona smooth surfzce and the container is filled with eonerete in three layers, whose workability isto be tested Each layer is temped 2s times with a standard 16 mm (5/8 in) diameter sea rod, rounded 2 th end ‘When the mold is eompletaly filled with concrete, the top surface i struck off (oveled with mould top opening) by means of sereening and rolling motion of the temping od. ‘The mould must be firmly held against its base during the entice operation so that iteould not move due to the pouring of concrete and this can be done by means of hrandles or foot - rests brazed to the mould. ‘mnmediately after filling is completed and the coneret is leveled, the cone is slowly and carefully ited vertically an unsupported concrete vl now slump. ‘The decrease inthe height ofthe center ofthe stumped conereteis called stump. ‘The shump is measured by placing the cone jut besides th slump concrete and the temping rod s placed over the cone'so thatit should also come over the ares of stumped concrete, ‘The decrease in hizht of concrete to that of mould is noted with scale. (usually measured tothe nearest 5 mm (s/n), ‘Types Of Slump ‘The slumped concrete takes varions shapes, and according to the profile of siumped ycoerets, the samp is tormod a; 1. Collapse Slump 2. Shear Slump 3. True Slamp Collapse Shear True slump itor ‘Types of slump Ll Type of constuction Maxirum slump (inches) ‘Minium slurp (inches) Reinforced wallsfootings 3.76.2 mm) 1254 mm) Calssons, substructure walls. 3 1 Beans reinforced walls 4 (162 mm) 1 Butlding columns 4 1 Payoments, slans 3 1 Nass conatete 2 (618mm) 1 Curing;- After the forms are filled the concrete must be cured until it reaches the required strength. Curing involves keeping the concrete damp so that the chemical reaction that causes the concrete to harden will continue for as long as necessary. Once the concrete dries the chemical hardening will cease and cannot be reactivated. The best way to keep the concrete wet in very hot countries is to plug to drainage channel soak-away pit and then fill the 50 40| 20 20| Compressive Strength (MPa) concrete pad ani \d drainage channel with water. Water 79 ‘ad 280] 3000-6000 9000 12000 Maturity, TTF (°C-hours) 15000 Curing Procedures;- 1. Apply a membrane-curing compound—either by spraying or rolling on the surface immediately after the troweling process on slabs has ceased, or on walls, columns, beams, after the forms have been removed. 2. Curing by water in other than cold-weather conditions is acceptable, as long as it is continuous. 3. Waterproof paper, applied directly over the concrete surface after it has. received a spray of water is often effective. 4, Damp burlap, free of foreign substances that could leach out and stain the concrete, is also a proven curing procedure, as long as the burlap is kept moist. 5. Polyethylene sheets can be used as a blanket in much the same manner as waterproof paper, as long as its edges are lapped and sealed properly. 6. Damp sand or straw is also used on occasion, when nothing else is available. These materials must also be sprayed from time to time to maintain the moisture content. The length of curing depends upon a number of factors, including the type of cement used and ambient temperatures. Estimating Quantities of material needed Calculate the volume of concrete needed. Estimate the total volume of dry material by multiplying th concrete by 1.65 to get the total volume of dry loose materi 10% extra to compensate for losses). Add the numbers in the volumetric proportion that you will use to get a relative total. This will allow you later to compute fractions of the total needed for each ingredient, (Le. 1:2:4 = 7), Determine the required volume of cement, sand and gravel by multiplying the total volume of dry material (Step 2) by each components fraction of the total mix volume (Step 3) i.e. the total amount cement needed = volume of dry materials * 4/7. Calculate the number of bags of concrete by dividing the required volume of cement by the unit volume per bag of cement (0.0332 m3 per 50 kg bag of cement or 1 ft3 per 94 Ib. bag). equired volume of needed (this includes For example, for a 2m x 2m x 10 cm thick pump pad: 1, Required volume of concrete = 0.40 m3 2. Estimated volume of dry material = 0.4 x 1.65 = 0.66 m3 3. Mix totals = 1+2+4 = 7 (1:2:4 cement: sand: gravel) 4, Ingredient Volumes: 0.66 x 1/7 = 094 m3 cement 0.66 x 2/7 = .188 m3 sand 0.66 x 4/7 = 378 m3 gravel # Bags of cement: 0.094 m3 cement / .0332 m3 per 50 Kg bag = .83 bags of cement ethree-bags} Concrete mixes; British Standard 5328 Specifying concrete, including ready-mixed concrete, give a range of mixes. One range of concrete mixes in the standard (ordinary prescribed mixes), is suited to general building works such as foundations and floors. These prescribed mixes should be used in place of the traditional nominal volume mixes such as 1:3:6 cement, fine and coarse aggregates by volume that has been used in the past. The prescribed mixes, specified by dry weight of aggregate used with 100 Kg. of cement provide a more accurate method of measuring the proportion of cement to aggregate and as they are measured against the dry weight of aggregate, allow for close control of the water content and therefore the strength of the concrete, The prescribed mixes are designated by letters and numbers as C7.5P, C10P, C15P, C20P, C25P, and C30P. The letter (C) stands for “compressive”, the letter (P) for “prescribed” and the number indicates the 28-day characteristic cube crushing in Newton per square millimeter (N/mm2) which the concrete is expected to attain. The prescribed mixes specify the proportions of the mixes to give an indication of the reinforced concrete work. The following table equates the old nominal volumetric mixes and concrete and aggregate with prescribed mixes and indicates use for these mixes. Nominal volume mix BS 5328 Standard mixes Uses 1:8 allin ST Foundation 1:3:6 1:36 ST2 Site concrete 1:2:4 | sT3 13 sT4 Site concrete Reinforced To check the compressive strength of concrete, we perform the “CUBE “YTEST”. - Concrete cube mold size 150X - 450X150mm Or 100X100X100mm. with steel base.- Compacting rod.- Compression test machine.- Procedure; 1- Mold and base plate are cleaned and applied with oil to prevent concrete from sticking to the sides of the cube. Base plate is attached to mold using bolt and nut. 2- Cube is filled with concrete in (3) layers. 3- Each layer is compacted 25 times. Compacti “te concrete. is done uniformly to all surfaces of 4- The surface of the concrete is smoothened same level with upper side of the mold. 5- Then covered with plastic cover for 24 hours before mold is disassembled. 6- The cubes are submerged in water for curing, then compression strength test must be carried out for concrete age 7, 14, and 28 days. Resul ‘The following ible shows the correction fcr for each type of compressive strength test sample + The strength value of each cube aE Se ERT must be recorded and compared with target strength value. one somra00%I00 or = The purpose of carrying out tests | |" {SOKISORISS 100 on 7h, 14th day is to predict whether | [ar OORTOOTO Tos concrete could achieve targeted ane Sanaa a 28"" day strength. # normally concrete acquires cuore seen a 70% strength on 7 days, crises a + NOE coo ae British Standards depend on the aT Ee = compressive strength of a ana moa = 150X150X150mm. cube. American Standards depend on the ‘TRAPIZOIO -1S0X150X600 1 compressive strength of a cylinder 150mm. diameter_and 300mm. tall The applicable compressive strength for concrete for different elements of the cous cr core, Sg = 7 cowunns WOMPa> GOW Pa ture are; 7 | SASS AND BEANE MPa sa, 3 _[ FOUNDATIONS 20M Pa. 30M Pa. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION METHODS:- 1- CAST-IN-PLACE (CAST-IN-SITU) CONCRETE. na 4- PRE-TENSINED CONCRETE. ADVANTAGES;- 1- Easy to handle and form (does not require highly skilled labor) 2- Cost effective. 3- Environmentally friendly (recyclable). 4- Fire resistant. 5- Sound resistant. 6- Heat resistant. Faults in concrete;- 1- INTERNAL a- Design mix. b- Ingredients selection. c-Faults in production process. d-Faults in structural analysis 2- EXTERNAL a- Surroundings are rich with carbon, sulfur, or chlorides. b- Presence of acid water. c- Presence of sewage and industrial water(chemical reaction deteriorate the concrete causing chipping or stripping ).

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