Faith Is Confidence With God

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Copyright © Munashe Soka/2019
Munashe Soka asserts the moral right to be identified as the
author of this work. All rights reserved in all media. No part of
this publication may be reproduced, or transmitted, in any
form, or by any means, without the prior written permission of
the author and/or publisher.

Author Contact Details: +263 777 031 230

Published and Printed by Pearl Press Media

Table of Contents
Faith is Very Easy ............................................................................5
Maybe You Lack Confidence .........................................................7
Let’s Deal With Your Confidence .................................................9
Confidence In God’s Will .............................................................13

Chapter One

Faith is Very Easy

You have heard or read the definition of faith, “Now faith

is the substance of things hoped for……”
But I have an easier and simpler definition that can
improve your faith life. The definition we want to use is
the simple one – Faith means confidence in God.
Faith is the simplest thing God commanded you to
have. Just think of how people in the bible received their
miracles – the blind, the lame, those with leprosy, the
miracle of the parting of the Red Sea, the miracle of
multiplication of bread and fish, Peter walking on water,
David killing Goliath with a stone and a whole lot of other
You know if you read the bible those people did not do
much of work for the miracles to happen. Moses simply
stretched his hand toward the sea and it parted (without
even praying all-night), Peter simply got off the ship and
started walking on water (he never fasted for that), the
woman with the issue of blood simply touched the
garment of Jesus and the blood stopped flowing.
Faith is not as hard as you think. God is still doing these
miracles today if you ask in faith. He is the same God
yesterday, today and forever.

Munashe Soka

A few days ago I prayed a simple prayer saying, “God

I want bond paper and gloss paper to print my flyers and
books.” I just ended there. The next morning I saw quite a
number of sheets of bond and gloss paper right on top of
my bookshelf. God did more than what I had asked for.
What I wanted was money to buy the papers but
miraculously they came.
Sometimes the miracles of God are hard to explain and
that is why they are called miracles. If you can explain
them then they cease to be miracles.

Simplicity of Faith
Think of this: the only thing you needed for you to be a
Christian was faith. You believed in Jesus and then God
came to live in you. It is true; your faith had the power to
pull God into the inside of you.
Now, if your faith can pull the great God of the entire
universe into your life then it means there is nothing else
that can resist your faith.
Faith is so easy. If you understand it you will be
amazed at the amount of results your little faith can
produce. When you make faith simple the results you get
will be greater than the amount of faith you would have

Chapter Two

Maybe You Lack Confidence

As I said earlier, confidence can be another definition of

faith. The dictionary definition of confidence is: freedom
from doubt, assurance, sureness, belief in yourself,
Maybe you do not have confidence that God can hear
your prayer because of your sins and your past mistakes.
This is what the devil does; he takes away confidence from
Let me give you this example: 9 years ago I had a phone
that developed a charging problem. It could not charge if
plugged on the charger. So one day, because I did not
have the money to take it to the repair shop, I prayed for
it. After prayer I plugged the charger and still there was
no response. So I prayed again the next day and when I
plugged the charger it started working well and it never
developed that same problem again. It happened 2 years
later with a friend’s phone that had a mouth piece
problem. This one I just spoke to it to be healed and that
same day it started working.
Now, here is my point: If you have a phone that has a
similar problem and I say to you that I want to pray for it
you will believe that it will work. But if I tell you to pray
for your phone yourself that is where the problem begins.
Munashe Soka

You will start doubting yourself. So you see; your main

problem is a confidence problem. Lack of confidence is the
thing that the devil has used to rob Christians of their God
given rights.

Chapter Three

Let’s Deal With Your Confidence

The reason why you doubt yourself is because you feel

you are not worthy for God to use you. You start thinking
about your mistakes, shortcomings, weaknesses, your
past, the terrible sins you have committed and suddenly
your faith goes down.
Do you know that Moses who parted the Red Sea was
also a sinner and had his own weaknesses? Do you know
that Moses in his life committed murder before he was
called by God? He was a murderer.
In the New Testament God does not relate with us
based on our goodness or shortcomings. God deals with
us based on the sacrifice that Jesus Christ did on the cross.
He deals with us based on his love, mercy and grace.

2 Corinthians 5:19
“God was in Christ reconciling the world to
himself and not counting their sins against them.”
To reconcile is to make peace with someone. God made
peace with you because of Christ’s sacrifice. In fact, he is
no longer angry against you. If you have received Jesus as
your savior then all your sins have been thrown away into
the pit of forgetfulness.
Munashe Soka

Jesus took all the sins of the whole world to himself and
God punished him in your place. God no longer count
your sins against you. He counted them against Jesus.
Your sin problem with God was dealt with forever by the
death and resurrection of Jesus.
After Jesus took away your sins he went further and
gave you a new nature. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “For our
sake he (God) made him (Jesus) to be sin who knew no
sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of
Jesus took away your old sinful nature and gave you
his new righteous nature. Right now you are no longer a
sinner in God’s eyes. When God looks at you he doesn’t
see the weak, sinful, drunkard, murderer, harlot that you
see in yourself.
Jesus’ blood is way too bigger than any sin that you
think you have. Jesus’ blood is what makes God not see
your sin.
You know the Israelites in Egypt were told to put the
lamb’s blood on their doorposts so that they will not be
killed by the angel of death. This is the same with what
the blood of Jesus is doing to your sins today. God only
sees Jesus in you and he is happy.
This is why God wants to use you. This is why he wants
to answer every prayer that you pray. All the things that
you need in your life right now have been provided for
you. Jesus died so that you get the righteousness of God.
Now you have the righteousness of God all other things

Faith is Confidence In God

that you need in life are made available to you. God loves
you the way he loves Jesus.

Should I Continue in Sin

Of course no. You have been made the righteousness of
God. God has empowered you to do good things because
of your new nature.

Ephesians 2:10
“You are God’s handiwork created in Christ Jesus
for good works that he prepared beforehand that
you should walk in them.”
If you really know the love of God you will stop sinning

Romans 6:1
“Should we continue in sin so that grace may
increase? Certainly not. How shall we who died to
sin live any longer in it?”
You are now a new creature completely. In you there is
a powerful force that makes you live right. Sin is no longer
a problem with you. This is the way God sees you. This
should give you confidence whenever you approach God.
God is not angry at you. He is smiling because he knows
the power he gave you. If you sin God is saying, “I wonder

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if you knew the righteousness that you have. You can use
it to overcome sin.” You can say, “No way! I’m the
righteousness of God. My body is the temple of the Holy
Spirit, so precious that I cannot use it to serve Satan.”
Sin should not rob you of your confidence before God.
Tell your sin about your big Jesus and you will overcome
it. If Satan keeps making you feel guilty tell him also that
God no longer count my sins against me. He already
punished Jesus.
If you sin willfully it means you are taking for granted
the grace of God and that means you are not honoring
God or you did not understand the love of God. If you
understand the love of God you will find yourself doing
good things always. The same way you would
accidentally fall into sin will be the same way that you will
accidentally do the right thing. If you receive the love of
God, it becomes a powerful force that keeps you in
righteousness. Have confidence before God. He wants to
answer your prayer.

Chapter Four

Confidence In God’s Will

James 1:6 “But let him ask in faith, without

doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of
the sea that is driven by the wind.”
To doubt is to have two different and opposing opinions
in you. If you are not sure about God’s willingness to
answer your prayer you will begin to have two opposing
opinions in your mind. If you are to believe God you have
to fix your heart on one thing. We can paraphrase the
above verse like this: Let him ask in faith with full
confidence about God’s willingness to answer, because
the once who is not confident enough is like a wave of the

God’s Willingness to Heal

This is one of the biggest areas that the devil has
defeated many Christians especially those who think they
are mature and know the bible very well. The devil wants
to make you think that God does not want to heal you. He
makes you think that you are like Job in the bible.
God never gave Job a sickness. The devil wanted God
to strike Job with a sickness but God refused and he told

Munashe Soka

Satan that Job was already in his hands (Read Job chapter
1 and 2). It was Satan who did it but Job placed the blame
on God. Because Job thought God had given him sickness
he never made any effort to ask God to heal him. This is
exactly what many Christians do today. They say God
gave them sickness in order to test them and they lose
confidence in their prayers for healing.
But what surprises me is when such Christians begin to
take medication to cure the disease. If the sickness is God’s
work then why do you fight God’s work by using
The truth is that your spirit knows perfectly that
sickness is not from God and you have to fight it. When
you go before the Lord with your sickness be 100 percent
assured that God wants you to be well. Rebuke the
sickness, rebuke the devil behind your sickness.

3 John 2, “Beloved I wish above all things that you

prosper and be in health even as your soul
The Holy Spirit spoke through the Apostle John that He
wished that we should prosper and be in health. It is
God’s will that we stay in health. It is his will that we
prosper in everything.

How Do I Know It Is God’s Will?

James 1:17, “Every good and perfect gift comes
from above and from the Father of lights, with
Faith is Confidence In God

whom there is no variation or shadow due to


The scripture above is simple. If something is good it is

from God. If it is bad it is from the devil.
Ask yourself the following:
Is it good to be sick?
Is it good to be in poverty?
Is it good to be barren?
Is it good to have a demon?
Is it good to die prematurely?
Is it good to be in a happy marriage?
Is it good to have a job
Is it good to have money?
Is it good for your business to prosper?
Is it good to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

The list continues but it is a good way of being assured

of God’s will. Let me leave you with this wonderful verse
from the mouth of Jesus about knowing God’s willingness
to give us all good things.

Matthew 7:9-11, “Which one of you, if his son asks

for bread will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a
fish will give him a serpent? If you then who are
evil know how to give good gifts to your children,

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how much more will your heavenly father give

good gifts to those who ask him?”

God is a good father. When you go before him know in

your mind that you have come before the best dad in the
world. He is a very good dad.


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