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MicroLink Information Technology and Business College

Dep’t of Computer Science

Course Out Line For System Analysis and Design SAD
Course Structure

Course title: Systems analysis and design (SAD)

Credit: 3

Instructor: Meheri K.

Course Objectives

 To have a good understanding of the processes involved in developing or

enhancing an Information system
 To study the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to structure a project
 To be able to understand the processes called requirements analysis, feasibility
study, planning, design and implementation.

Course Content

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Information System

- Meaning and role of an Information

- Systems definition and concepts
- Introduction to Information System
- Types of Information Systems

Chapter 2: Basic concepts of System Analysis and Design

- Systems analysis and design – core concepts

- Approaches to Systems Analysis and Design
- Role of the System Analyst
- Systems development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- Approaches for Development

Chapter 3: Systems Planning and Selection

- Project Identification and Selection

- Project Initiation and Planning
- Feasibility Study
- Building the Baseline Project Plan
- Reviewing the Baseline Project Plan
Chapter 4: Systems Analysis

- Requirements Determination
- Traditional Methods for gathering requirements
- Modern methods for gathering requirements
- Structuring System Requirements
 Process Modeling ( DFD Diagrams)
 Conceptual Data Modeling ( ER Diagrams)

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Chapter 5: Systems Design

- Interface design
- Logical Database design
- Physical Database design
- Design Software Structure

Chapter 6: Systems Implementation

- The processes of coding

- Testing and Installation
- Documenting the system
- Training and Supporting Users
- Post Implementation review
- Systems maintenance
- Bug-fixing
- Enhancements and Changes

Course Texts

 “ Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design”

By I. Hawryszkiewycz, Prentice-Hall 2001 (5th Edition)
 “ Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design”
By I. Hawryszkiewycz, Prentice-Hall 1998 (4th Edition)
 “Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design”
Valacich, George & Hoffer, Prentice-Hall, 2001
[ This will be the main course text for students to use]

Course Assessment

 The final mark for the course will be calculated as follows

Attendance 5%
Chapter quiz 10%
Mid Exam 25
Assignment 20 %
Final Exam 40 %

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