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Student Book

Build Your Vocabulary

This helps students to learn key words in
context through engaging sentences and

Think Together
Students have the chance to think about
the unit’s main theme and express their
opinions. This helps to draw students’
attention before the main reading.

Main Text
Fiction and nonfiction stories are paired
in one theme. Compelling, theme-based
topics are presented to stimulate students’
intellectual curiosity.

Main Idea
A quick question after the main passage
tests students’ understanding of the
Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Expansion Summary
Additional questions about Additional key words are Different types of summarizing
the main passage further presented in different activities will help students
check students understanding contexts to further expand improve their ability to create
of the reading and strengthen students’ vocabulary. a strong, accurate summary of
students’ reading accuracy. the main passage.

Vocabulary Practice
Definitions and meaningful
sentences using key words from
the unit give the students more

Sentence Practice
Exercises focusing on sentence
structure enhance students’
reading and writing skills.
Unit 1 Fiction A Neighborhood Garden 7

Unit 2 £ÄÃIJ¸É¾Äà Mexican Jumping Beans 11

Unit 3 Fiction Riding the Ducks 15

Unit 4 £ÄÃIJ¸É¾Äà Strange Little Taxis 19

Unit 5 Fiction Thunder and Lightning 23

Unit 6 £ÄÃIJ¸É¾Äà Summer and Winter 27

Special Days
Unit 7 Fiction A Birthday Baseball 31

Unit 8 £ÄÃIJ¸É¾Äà Chasing the Cheese 35

Unit 9 Fiction A Roman Holiday 39

Unit 10 £ÄÃIJ¸É¾Äà The Story of the Vikings 43

Helping Hands
Unit 11 Fiction Knitting to Save Lives 47

Unit 12 £ÄÃIJ¸É¾Äà Help Homeless Pets 51
Unit 13 Fiction Sweet Potato Music 55

Unit 14 £ÄÃIJ¸É¾Äà Harpsichords and Pianos 59

Unit 15 Fiction Charlie’s New Business 63

Unit 16 £ÄÃIJ¸É¾Äà The Red Paperclip 67

Unit 17 Fiction The Ghost Baby 71

Unit 18 £ÄÃIJ¸É¾Äà Looking for Atlantis 75

Unit 19 Fiction Leo the Lion 79

Unit 20 £ÄÃIJ¸É¾Äà Make Your Own Solar Eclipse 83
A Neighborhood Garden 01
a b


Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

1. The girl waters the red and green peppers.

2. The boy pulls out the weeds.

3. There are stores in the town.

4. The ground is covered with dirt.

5. There is trash on the ground.

6. The boy eats a delicious tomato.

Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.

Yes No Don't know

1. The kids are playing at the playground.

2. There will be a beautiful garden in their town.
UNIT 01 • 7
Theme: Plants
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................

A Neighborhood 1. Why does Emma like her neighborhood?

a. because there is a big playground

Garden b. because there are many parks and stores

c. because there are lots of farms and gardens

2. What do Emma and her friends do first?

E mma loves her neighborhood. All of her friends live
a. pick up trash b. pull out weeds c. grow plants
there. Also, there are lots of parks and interesting stores.
But there’s one dirty place. There is nothing there but 3. What do Emma and her friends plant in the garden?
trash and weeds. It’s very ugly. One day, Emma and her a. weeds and trees b. trees and flowers
flowers c. vegetables and flowers

friends make a plan. They’ll turn the ugly place into a 4. How do Emma and her friends take care of the garden every day?
neighborhood garden! First, they clean up the trash. Then a. They keep birds away.
they pull out the weeds. On one side they plant tomatoes, b. They water the plants.
carrots, and peppers. On the other side, they plant c. They clean up the dead leaves.

sunflowers, roses, and tulips. They water the garden every

day. Soon, small plants begin to push through the dirt.
Vocabulary Expansion
Emma and her friends are excited. In a few weeks, there
will be delicious vegetables and pretty flowers. It will be
Write the correct words for each sentence. ....................................................
the nicest place in the neighborhood!
1. He a book from the shelf.

2. We a box into a toy house.

3. I don’t want to buy this doll.

Main Idea 4. I jog around myneighborhood every morning.

What is the main idea of this story? 5. If you need help, just this button.

a. helping Emma water her garden 6. We need to make for summer vacation.
b. finding a nice place in a neighborhood
c. changing an ugly place into a nice place neighborhood plans pulls out push turned ugly

8 UNIT 01 • 9
Summary Mexican Jumping Beans 02
Complete the chart with the correct words.

clean up the

pull out the

Emma and
vegetables and d
Her Friends c
the garden every day
imagine a nice garden

flowers neighborhood plant trash water weeds

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

1. The butterfly lays eggs on the leaf.
Complete the summary with the correct words.
2. The larva goes up the plant.

3. The moths fly over the girl’s head.

Emma lives in a great neighborhood. There are many
4. The girl holds a tiny bean.
and stores. However, one place is ugly and
5. The beans roll around on the ground.
dirty . So Emma and her friends decided to turn it into
6. The glass jar is empty.
a neighborhood garden! They pick up the trash and
the weeds. Then they plant vegetables on one
side and flowers on the other. They water the garden every
day. Soon it will be the best place in the neighborhood.
Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The girl is afraid of moths.

2. Some beans can roll around by themselves.
10 UNIT 02 • 11
Theme: Plants
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................

Mexican 1. Where does a moth larva live?

a. in a bean b. on a bean plant c. under the ground

Jumping Beans 2. What does a moth larva eat?

a. plant leaves b. the inside of a bean c. the whole bean

S ome beans can move around by themselves. It’s not 3. What does a moth larva do when it is hot?
a silly joke. It’s true! You can find these “jumping beans”
a. It lays eggs. b. It digs a hole. c. It moves around.
in Mexico. So, how can these beans move? The secret is
a tiny moth larva. Moths lay their eggs in the beans. As 4. What does a moth larva do after it comes out of a bean?
the larva grows, it eats the inside of the bean. Then it lives a. It eats the bean plant.
in the empty space. When the outside of the bean gets b. It changes into a moth.
too hot, the larva moves its body. This causes the bean to c. It rolls around like a bean.

roll to a cooler place. Later, the bean breaks open and the
larva comes out. Then it turns into a moth. Someday, it will
lay its own eggs. This will make more jumping beans. If Vocabulary Expansion
you ever visit Mexico, maybe you can find some of these
interesting beans! Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
1. Tony’s was not funny.

2. The weather is in autumn.

Main Idea 3. Bananas in warm weather.

What is the main idea of this text?
4. It’s a , so don’t tell anybody.
a. how jumping beans move
b. why moths eat jumping beans 5. There is no more in my school bag.
c. what makes a larva look like a bean
6. The clown looks with his big red nose.

cool grow joke secret silly space

12 UNIT 02 • 13
Summary Riding the Ducks 03
Complete the chart with the correct words.
How Mexican Jumping Beans Move b

1. Moths their eggs in the beans.

2. The larva eats the of the bean.

3. The larva lives in the empty .

4. The larva makes the bean around when it

gets hot. d
5. The larva out of the bean. f

6. The larva a moth.

becomes comes inside lay roll space

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.
1. The boy points at the tower.

Complete the summary with the correct words. 2. The man looks lost and confused.

3. The girl worries about the man.

Some beans in Mexico can move by themselves. Moths 4. The woman follows the man.
lay eggs inside the beans. The moth larva eats the 5. There are ducks in the lake.
inside of the bean. Then it in the bean. When the 6. There is a strange looking vehicle.
bean gets hot , the larva moves its body. This makes
the bean roll to a(n) cooler place. Later, the larva comes
out of the bean and becomes a moth. Then it lays its own
eggs. This makes more jumping beans. Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The vehicle is floating on the water.

2. The people are tourists.
14 UNIT 03 • 15
Theme: Transportation
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................
1. How does Mark feel when he starts the tour?

Riding the Ducks a. tired

2. What is NOT true about the vehicle?

b. excited c. confused

a. It has wheels.
b. It looks like a duck.
M ark is visiting his friend Jeremy in Seattle. “I have an c. It can float on the water.
idea,” says Jeremy. “Let’s take the Ride the Ducks tour!”
Mark is confused, but he follows Jeremy. Soon they get 3. Why is Mark scared?
into a strange vehicle. It looks like a boat with wheels. a. because the driver gets lost
b. because he doesnʼt like ducks
First, they ride in the vehicle through the city. They pass
c. because the vehicle goes into the water
Pike Place Market and Pioneer Square. Then Jeremy
points out the window. “That’s the Space Needle. You can 4. What can Mark and Jeremy see from the lake?
see everything from up there.” Suddenly, the vehicle goes a. Pioneer Square b. Gas Works Park c. Pike Place Market

into the lake! Mark is scared, but Jeremy tells him not to
worry. They float on the water like a duck. “Phew!” says
Vocabulary Expansion
Mark. From the lake, they can see Gas Works Park and
the Seattle skyline. Mark takes lots of pictures to show his
Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
friends and family.
1. The lion ran the forest.

2. The is beautiful at sunset.

3. My computer stopped working.

Main Idea
4. I this flower shop every morning.
What is the main idea of this story?
5. An empty bottle is on the water.
a. visiting a special zoo in Seattle
b. a great view from a famous building 6. Everyone liked my about the party.
c. riding in a strange vehicle around the city
floating idea pass skyline suddenly through

16 UNIT 03 • 17
Summary Strange Little Taxis 04
Complete the chart with the correct words.
Mark’s Ride the Ducks Tour
·ride in the
In the ·see Pike Place Market, Pioneer Square, and the


In the ·float on the water like a

·see Gas Works Park and the Seattle

city duck lake skyline Space vehicle

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

1. There is a bird on the roof.
Complete the summary with the correct words. 2. The passenger in the taxi is tired.

3. The vehicles are not moving because of the traffic jam.

Mark visits his friend in Seattle. They take a tour in a 4. The tourist has a big backpack.
vehicle. First, they through the city. 5. The man gets off his motorcycle.
They see Pike Place Market and Pioneer Square. Mark’s 6. The man wants to sleep in a comfortable bed.
friend shows him the Space Needle. Then the vehicle goes into
the lake. Mark is scared , but the vehicle floats on
the water. They see Gas Works Park and the city’s skyline.
Mark takes many . Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The street is full of vehicles.

2. Only the strange looking vehicle is moving.
18 UNIT 04 • 19
Theme: Transportation
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................
1. Where do you usually see tuk-tuks?

Strange Little Taxis a. in South Asia

2. Where did tuk-tuks get their name?

b. in North America c. in South America

a. from their looks

b. from their fast speed
I n countries like India and Thailand, some people drive c. from the sound of their engines
something strange. It’s not a car. And it’s not a motorcycle.
3. What is NOT a reason tuk-tuks are popular?
It’s a tuk-tuk. People use tuk-tuks as taxis in some South
a. They are cheaper than taxis.
Asian countries. They have three wheels and a backseat
b. They are more comfortable than taxis.
for passengers. Tuk-tuks usually don’t have any doors. But
c. They can easily pass through traffic jams.
they do have a roof. Their funny name comes from the
4. Who especially likes tuk-tuks?
sound of their noisy engines. Tuk-tuks are popular because
a. tourists b. taxi drivers c. police officers
they are cheaper than taxis. Also, they can easily pass
through traffic jams. Tourists especially enjoy them. Riding
in a tuk-tuk is an interesting way to look around a new city.
So, if you get a chance, take a ride in a tuk-tuk. It may not
Vocabulary Expansion
be as comfortable as a taxi. But you ll have a lot more fun!
Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
1. The car is very hot.

2. I don’t want to lose this .

3. The clothes in that store are .

Main Idea 4. She is sitting in the of the car.

What is the main idea of this text? 5. Everyone was surprised by the sound.
a. the reason people like to take taxis
6. The noise came from the of my bicycle.
b. a different way to get around some cities
c. the difference between motorcycles and
cars backseat chance cheap engine noisy wheel

20 UNIT 04 • 21
Summary Thunder and Lightning 05
Complete the chart with the correct words.

Design Good Things d
·three ·cheaper than

·a ·pass through

·no easily

·a roof · to ride in

backseat doors fun taxis traffic jams wheels

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

1. The mother sheep yells at her son.
Complete the summary with the correct words. 2. Someone did damage to the house.

3. The boy hurt his leg.

Some people in countries like India and Thailand drive
4. The man points at the sheep and complains.
tuk-tuks. They’re not cars , but they’re not motorcycles
5. The sheep pushes down the trees.
either. They have three wheels, a backseat, and a(n)
6. The woman looks unhappy.
. But they don’t have doors. Their name comes
from the sound of their eng . They are chea
per than taxis and can get through traffic jams easily. So

are popular. especially like riding in them.
Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The mother sheep is angry at her son.

2. The people donʼt like the two sheep.
22 UNIT 05 • 23
Theme: Weather
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................

Thunder 1. Who were Thunder and Lightning?

and Lightning
a. a king and a queen
b. a sheep and a farmer
c. a mother and her son

2. What did Lightning do when he got angry?

A long time ago, there was a sheep named Thunder. She
a. He behaved badly. b. He complained. c. He flew
flew into the sky.
had a son named Lightning. They lived in a small town.
Lightning often got angry and behaved badly. He did 3. How did Thunder try to stop Lightning?
damage to the town. He pushed down houses and trees, a. She yelled at him.
b. She pushed him down.
and started fires. Sometimes he even hurt people. When
c. She asked the king for help.
Lightning did these things, Thunder tried to stop him.
She yelled at him in a loud voice, but he never listened. 4. What did the king tell Thunder and Lightning to do?
The people in the town were very unhappy. They wanted a. stop fighting
fighting b. start a fire
fire c. live in the sky

Thunder and Lightning to go away. So they complained

to the king. The king told the mother and son to live in the
Vocabulary Expansion
sky. Today, you can still see Lightning do bad things when
he’s angry. And then you can hear his mother yell at him.
Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
1. He a noise outside.

Main Idea 2. Those drums are very .

What is the main idea of this story? 3. The singer’s is amazing.

a. how a sheep scared away a thunderstorm town near the sea.
4. He was born in a
b. why we hear thunder after we see lightning
c. what happened when a sheep was hit by 5. I was scared by the thunder last night.
6. She well to make her parents

behaved heard loud thunder town voice

24 UNIT 05 • 25
Summary Summer and Winter 06
Complete the chart with the correct words.
Lightning and Thunder

Lightning Thunder
·a sheep ·Lightning’s
· badly ls at Lightning c
·pushes down houses and when he does bad things. e

behaves fires mother people trees yells Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.
1. The sunlight is bright.
Complete the summary with the correct words.
2. The Sun heats up the Earth.

3. The Earth leans away from the Sun.

Thunder was a sheep. Lightning was her son .
4. The girl stands straight.
Lightning often got angry. He pushed things down, started
5. The boy walks toward the girl.
fires, and people. When he acted badly, Thunder
6. The boy spreads out his arms.
yelled at him loud . People complained about Thunder
and Lightning. So the king told them to live in the sky. Today,
Lightning still does things. And we can hear his
mother yelling at him.
Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The Earth gets heat from the Sun.

2. All countries have four seasons.
26 UNIT 06 • 27
Theme: Weather
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................

Summer and Winter

1. What happens when the Earth goes around the Sun?
a. It leans to one side. b. It stands up straight. c. It becomes very hot.

2. What happens when our part of the Earth leans toward the Sun?
a. There is no sunlight.
b. The sunlight is spread out.
E veryone knows that summer is hot and c. The sunlight hits us directly.
winter is cold. But why is this? It is because
3. What is NOT true when it is winter?
the Earth doesn’t stand straight. Instead, the a. The sunlight becomes weaker.
Earth leans to one side as it moves around b. We get more heat from the Sun.
the Sun. When it is summer, our part of the Earth leans c. Our part of the Earth leans away from the Sun.

toward the Sun. The sunlight hits us directly. This heats up 4. What would happen if the Earth stood up straight?
the Earth, so the weather is hot in summer. When it is a. Winter would be colder.
winter, our part leans away from the Sun. The sunlight is b. Summer would be longer.
c. There would be no seasons.
more spread out, so it becomes weaker. That makes winter
cold. It is cold because we get less heat from the Sun in
winter. Then what would happen if the Earth stood up Vocabulary Expansion
straight? We wouldn’t have any seasons!
Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
1. I don’t like this of the story.

2. I want to more about the Earth.

Main Idea 3. My brother always sits near my .

4. You need a raincoat in the rainy .

What is the main idea of this text?
5. on this box if you can’t see well.
a. why we have seasons
b. why it gets dark at night 6. You will become if you don’t eat healthy food.
c. why it gets warmer in winter
know part season side stand weak

28 UNIT 06 • 29
Summary A Birthday Baseball 07
Complete the chart with the correct words. d

Why We Have Summer and Winter

·our part of the Earth leans the Sun b
Summer ·the sunlight hits the Earth
·this the Earth c

·our part of the Earth leans from the Sun

Winter ·the sunlight is more

·we get heat from the Sun

away directly heats up less spread out toward

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

1. The boys play baseball on the field.

2. The boy hits a home run.

Complete the summary with the correct words.
3. Four boys are on the same team.

Summer is hotter than winter because the Earth leans 4. The home team wins the game.

to one side . In summer, our part leans toward the 5. The man solves the problem.

Sun. Sunlight hits us directly and it is hot. In winter, our part 6. The woman arrives at the game late.

leans away, and the sunlight is more spread out. It is

cold because less heat arrives from the Sun. If the
Earth didn’t lean, we wouldn’t have seasons .
Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The woman didn’t see most of the game.

2. No one knows which team will win.
30 UNIT 07 • 31
Theme: Special Days
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................

A Birthday Baseball
1. Why is Carlos worried about Saturday?
a. because his father canʼt help him
b. because heʼs not a good baseball player
c. because he has two different things to do

2. What happens at the baseball game?

C arlos has a problem. His baseball team
a. Carlosʼs team wins. b. The game is canceled. c. Kerry hits a home run.
has a game on Saturday. Unfortunately, it’s
the same day as Kerry’s birthday party. “Dad, what should 3. How does Carlos get to the party?
I do?” he asks. His father thinks about it. “If I drive you to a. by car b. by subway c. by bicycle
Kerry’s house from the baseball field, you could do both.”
4. What does Carlos give Kerry?
“Don’t you have to go to the office on Saturday?” Carlos
a. a special baseball
asks. “I have the day off this Saturday,” say his father, “so
b. a new baseball glove
I can help you solve your problem.” On the big day, Carlos c. tickets to a baseball game
plays really hard. He hits a home run and his team wins!
“Kerry will love this birthday present!” Carlos yells. After
the game, his father quickly drives him to Kerry’s house. Vocabulary Expansion
When Carlos arrives at the party, he gives Kerry a special
gift: the home run ball. Write the correct words for each sentence. ....................................................
1. He the ball with his bat.

2. The is on the third floor.

Main Idea
3. This math is too hard for me.
What is the main idea of this story?
a. Carlos gets a special gift. 4. I liked two shirts, so I bought .
b. Carlos solves his problem. 5. He wears the T-shirt every day.
c. Carlos learns to play baseball.
6. He had a(n) because he was sick.

both day off hit office problem same

32 UNIT 07 • 33
Summary Chasing the Cheese 08
Read the sentences and number them in the correct order. b

Carlos gives the home run ball to Kerry. d

Carlos goes to the baseball game.

Carlos’s dad drives him to Kerry’s party.

Carlos hits a home run and his team wins. e f

Carlos has a baseball game and Kerry’s party on Saturday.

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

1. It is the annual Cheese Rolling Festival.
Complete the summary with the correct words.
2. They have a race on a hill.

3. A lot of people gather at the festival.

Carlos has a baseball game on Saturday. But his friend
4. The cheese rolls down to the bottom of the hill.
is having a birthday party on the same day. He asks his
5. The men chase the cheese.
father for . His father says Saturday is his day off.
6. There are prizes at the starting line.
So he can drive Carlos to the party after the game. At the
game, Carlos hits a home run. Then his dad drives
him to the party. Carlos gives the home run ball to his friend
as a birthday .
Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. Some people will get hurt from the race.

2. No one will catch the cheese.
34 UNIT 08 • 35
Theme: Special Days
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................

Chasing 1. How often does the event happen?

the Cheese
a. every month b. every year c. every two years

2. Why is it difficult to catch the cheese?

a. because the cheese rolls very fast
b. because there are too many people
O n a beautiful spring day in May, people chase a wheel c. because the event happens at night
of cheese down a hill. Welcome to the annual Cheese
Rolling Festival in Gloucestershire, England. Cheese
3. What does the winner get?
a. money b. a trophy c. cheese
rolling began hundreds of years ago. To continue this
tradition, people from around the world gather at Cooper’s 4. What was a problem with the event?
Hill. They try to catch a 3.5 kg wheel of delicious cheese a. The cheese got dirty.
before it reaches the bottom. This is very difficult because b. Not many people came.
c. Runners hurt themselves.
the cheese rolls really fast. If no one catches it, the winner
is the first person to cross the finish line. First prize is the
wheel of cheese. In past years, there were some problems.
Vocabulary Expansion
Too many people came to the event and some runners got
don t want this fun festival to end.
hurt. But most people don’t
Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
1. He the airport on time.

2. The rain to fall all evening.

3. The will get a million dollars.

4. Be careful when you the street.

Main Idea
5. There are many exciting events this month.
What is the main idea of this text?
a. There is an interesting event in England. 6. I spent the two days reading a book.
b. People don’t like the cheese rolling festival.
c. People have a new way of making cheese. cross continued events past reached winner

36 UNIT 08 • 37
Summary A Roman Holiday 09
Complete the chart with the correct words. a

Cheese Rolling Festival

Who people from around the

Where on Cooper’s Hill in Gloucestershire,

When each year in
d e
What a 3.5 kg wheel of

How the cheese before it reaches the

bottom catch cheese England May world f

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

1. The people are at a famous spot in Italy.
Complete the summary with the correct words. 2. There are three benches at the theater.

3. The men are on the outdoor stage.

Cheese rolling started hundreds of years ago. People come 4. The men fight with each other.
to Cooper’s Hill in England in May for the Cheese 5. The girl at the front is scared of the men.
Rolling Festival. A 3.5 kg wheel of cheese is rolled down 6. The girl wonders about another place.
a hill. People try to catch it. If no one does, the first person to
the bottom wins. The winner gets the cheese as a
prize. There were some problems in the past. But most people
want the event to . Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The people are inside of a building.

2. Everyone is excited to watch the play.
38 UNIT 09 • 39
Theme: History
Choose the best answer.
answer .....................................................................................
1. What used to happen at the Colosseum?

A Roman Holiday a. People studied history.

b. People watched plays outside.
c. People used to fight as a sport.

2. What did people do at the Roman Forum?

M y sister Bonnie and I are visiting Rome with our family.
a. People watched sports there.
It’s very exciting. Last year, we studied ancient Rome at b. People met each other there.
school. Now we can see everything for real. This morning, c. People enjoyed concerts there.
we visited the Colosseum. People used to fight here as a
3. What is a toga?
kind of sport. We wondered if the fighters were very
a. a kind of food b. a meeting place c. a type of clothing
scared. Next, we went to the Roman Forum. It was the
most popular meeting spot in ancient Rome. Finally, we 4. Where was the girlsʼ favorite place?
stopped at an outdoor theater called the Teatro Marcello. a. the Colosseum b. the Roman Forum c. the Teatro Marcello

We put on ancient Roman clothes called togas. They looked

like white dresses. We felt like we were ancient Romans.
It was our favorite part of the day. Tomorrow, we’ll visit Vocabulary Expansion
more places. We hope to learn more about the lives of
ancient Romans. Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
1. King Kong is a really movie.

2. I my grandmother last week.

3. Chocolate cake is my dessert.

Main Idea 4. The statue looks like a(n) person.
What is the main idea of this story? 5. The point for the tour is outside our hotel.
a. Two girls go to school in Rome. 6. The Greeks believed in many different gods.
b. Two girls experience ancient Rome.
c. Two girls watch a movie about Rome.
ancient exciting favorite meeting real visited

40 UNIT 09 • 41
Summary The Story of the Vikings 10
Complete the chart with the correct words. a b

A Family Trip to Rome

d c

The Colosseum The Roman Forum The Teatro Marcello

the place where the most a(n)
ancient people used spot in theater where tourists
to as a(n) ancient Rome can on togas

fight meeting outdoor popular sport try

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

1. The Vikings sail in a ship in the ocean.
Complete the summary with the correct words.
2. A dragon’s head is at the front of the ship.

3. The Vikings attack the people.

Two sisters are visiting Rome with their . They
4. The farmers are surprised to see the Vikings.
are beca use they studied ancient Rome at school.
5. The man hides behind the house.
First they went to the Colosseum, a place where people used to
6. The distance from the ship to the house is long.
fight as a sport. Then they visited the Roman Forum,
a popular meeting spot for ancient Romans. Finally,
they went to the Teatro Marcello and tried on ancient Roman
clothes . It was their favorite part of the day.
Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The Vikings do not look friendly.

2. The farmers are afraid of the Vikings.
42 UNIT 10 • 43
Theme: History
Choose the best answer.
answer .....................................................................................

The Story 1. Where did the Vikings live?

a. in Southern Europe b. in Central Europe c. in Northern Europe

of the Vikings 2. How did the Vikings travel long distances?

a. on foot b. on ships c. on horses

I magine a big ship with a dragon’s head. Can you 3. What is NOT true about the Vikings?
guess who is on it? It must be Vikings! The Vikings a. They attacked other countries.
lived in Northern Europe between 800 and 1066. They b. They sailed only around Europe.

were famous for traveling long distances in their ships. c. They traveled on rivers to trade.

Sometimes, the Vikings visited other countries to attack 4. What did the Vikings leave behind?
them. They took people’s gold and money, and then sailed a. paintings of their kings
away. Other times, the Vikings stayed and became farmers. b. songs about their homes

They were also traders. They sailed all around Europe to c. stories of their adventures

trade things. They even traveled on rivers to trade with

people in Russia and Central Asia. The Vikings are gone
now. But they left behind many stories of their adventures. Vocabulary Expansion
And some of their words are now used in English. Because
of this, people still remember the Vikings today. Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
1. I can how you would feel.

2. I will at home this evening.

3. He is angry at me about yesterday.

Main Idea 4. Their adventures in Africa will be on TV tonight.

What is the main idea of this text? 5. They started to with many countries.

a. how the Vikings lived 6. She to Venice with her family last summer.
b. what the Vikings traded
c. why the Vikings spoke English
adventures imagine stay still trade traveled

44 UNIT 10 • 45
Summary Knitting to Save Lives 11
Complete the chart with the correct words.

lived in Northern b c
traveled distances in

Vikings sometimes other countries e

took gold and

sometimes became and traders

attacked Europe farmers long money ships

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

1. They are at the center to help others.
Complete the summary with the correct words.
2. The boy is proud of himself.

The Vikings lived between 800 and 1066 in Northern Europe. 3. The girl is shocked by the poster.

But they traveled to distant places in their ships. 4. The woman in the orange shirt is a volunteer.

Sometimes they attacked other countries and took their 5. The woman knits a tiny hat.

and money. Other times they stayed to 6. We need to protect babies.

become farmers. They also in Europe, Russia,

and Central Asia. There are no more Vikings. But we still
read stories of their adventures. And some of their words
are now used in English. Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The boy knows how to knit.

2. The hat on the table is for the boy.
46 UNIT 11 • 47
Theme: Helping Hands
Choose the best answer.
answer .....................................................................................

Knitting to 1. Where does Lindsayʼs class go?

a. to a clothing store

Save Lives b. to a volunteer center

c. to a childrenʼs hospital

2. How many babies die each year in poor countries?

T oday, Lindsay’s class is taking a field trip. They are
a. two million b. four million c. four thousand
visiting a local volunteer center. Inside the center, several
people are sitting at a table. They are all knitting. “What 3. How do hats help babies?
are they making?” Lindsay asks Mr. Parker. “ They are a. They keep babies warm.
b. They help babies sleep well.
making tiny hats for babies in poor countries,” he says.
c. They protect babiesʼ heads.
“Each year, four million babies die soon after they are
born. The hats protect babies by keeping them warm.” 4. How do the students feel after knitting a hat?
The students are shocked. They didn’t know so many a. proud b. excited c. shocked

babies die every year. Then one of the volunteers comes

over and asks, “Would you like to try? ” The students sit
down at the table and learn how to knit. Then they each
Vocabulary Expansion
make a hat. Everyone is proud. They know they helped
save a life. Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
1. He wears a hat in winter.

2. I was in the United States.

Main Idea 3. The police officer many lives.

4. My parents read the newspaper.

What is the main idea of this story?
a. Knitting hats can help babies. 5. The man got two dollars as a prize.
b. Volunteers need money to save lives. 6. She helped sick and people all her life.
c. Students should volunteer at hospitals.
born local million poor saved warm

48 UNIT 11 • 49
Summary Help Homeless Pets 12
Complete the chart with the correct words.
Lindsay’s Field Trip b

Lindsay’s class goes to a volunteer on a trip.

The students see some people hats.

d f
The students hear that many babies in countries.

The students knit tiny hats to help the lives of babies. e

center die field knitting poor save

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.
1. The building is an animal shelter.
Complete the summary with the correct words.
2. The animals are in the cages.

3. The woman is the owner of the cat.

Lindsay’s class visits a volunteer center. They see people
4. The boy cleans the floor with a mop.
knitting hats. The caps are for babies in poor countries.
5. The girl walks with her pet.
The students learn that millions of babies die each year.
6. There is an adult next to the girl.
The hats help babies by keeping them wa . Lindsay
and her classmates learn how to knit. Then they each make
a hat for a baby. They are very proud because they
helped save lives.
Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The animals wait for their new owners.

2. The animal shelter is a home for many animals.
50 UNIT 12 • 51
Theme: Helping Hands
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................

Help 1. What does the animal shelter do?

a. It helps sick pets get healthy.

Homeless Pets b. It teaches people about animals.

c. It takes care of pets without homes.

2. How can you help the shelter?

D o you feel sad when you see dogs and cats without a a. bring pets b. build cages c. walk dogs
home? If you want to help them, please visit our animal
3. What should you do if you see someone hurting an animal?
shelter. We take care of homeless pets. Unfortunately,
a. tell an adult b. save the animal c. call the animal shelter
some pet owners don’t want their pets anymore. So, we
take them and try to find them new homes. But we need 4. What is NOT true about owning a pet?
help! We’re looking for people to clean out cages or walk a. There is a lot of work to do.
b. You need to be ready before you get a pet.
the dogs. Anyone can volunteer. But if you don’t have time,
c. An animal shelter is the only place to get a pet.
you can still help. Always be kind to animals. If you see
someone hurting an animal, tell an adult. Owning a pet is
a lot of work. Before you get one, make sure you are ready.
We look forward to seeing you at the shelter. Together, we
Vocabulary Expansion
can make a better life for all our animals.
Write the correct words for each sentence. ....................................................
1. The dog is his owner.

2. She works to help people.

3. Are you for the final exam?

Main Idea 4. He canʼt see well his glasses.

What is the main idea of this text? 5. Where can I find a restroom here?
a. finding good owners for homeless pets
6. Unfortunately, he couldnʼt buy a ticket for the concert.
b. putting homeless pets in an animal shelter
c. introducing ways to help homeless animals
find homeless looking for ready unfortunately without

52 UNIT 12 • 53
Summary Sweet Potato Music 13
Complete the chart with the correct words. c
Welcome to the Animal Shelter

What We Do d
·We take of homeless pets.
·We take pets.
·We try to pets new .
e f

We Need Help
·We need volunteers to cages.
·We need volunteers to the dogs.

care clean find homes unwanted walk

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.
1. The old lady plays the flute.
Complete the summary with the correct words.
2. Beautiful sounds come out from the flute.

3. There is a hole in the old lady’s skirt.

The animal shelter takes care of homeless pets. Some people
4. The boy shops for a present.
don’t wa their pets anymore. So the animal shelter
5. The woman looks at the painting.
finds them new homes. But it needs volunteerto clean
6. The woman is wearing a lot of jewelry.
cages and walk the dogs. If you can’t volunteer, you can help
by being kind to animals. Also, tell an adult if you see
someone an animal. And remember that
a pet is a lot of work.
Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. There are different kinds of flutes on the table.

2. The boy wants to buy a flute as a present.
54 UNIT 13 • 55
Theme: Music
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................
FICT Animal

Sweet Them
1. Where does Tony see the ocarinas?
a. at a music store b. at a birthday party c. at an artists’ market

Potato Music 2. What are some of the ocarinas made of?

a. wood b. metal c. plastic

O ne day, Tony goes to an artists’ market to buy a present 3. How do you play an ocarina?
for his sister. Some people are selling paintings and
a. by shaking it b. by blowing into it c. by pushing its buttons
jewelry. He sees one woman selling something strange.
They look like sweet potatoes with holes in them. The 4. What is Tony going to do with the ocarina?
woman says they are “ocarinas.” “An ocarina is a kind of a. He will sell it to his friend.
flute,” she says. “They are thousands of years old.” Tony b. He will play it in the school concert.
is very interested. Some are made of wood, and some are c. He will give it to his sister for a present.

made of glass. There are ocarinas with five holes, and

others with as many as twelve holes. The woman says it is
easy to play an ocarina. “Just blow into it and cover some
Vocabulary Expansion
holes with your fingers,” she explains. Tony tries, and
Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
beautiful sounds come out! He thinks his sister will love it.
It’s the perfect gift! 1. The boy bubbles.

2. A famous drew this painting.

3. The shop clothes for children.

4. A(n) thing happened last night.

Main Idea
5. The people are shopping at the fish .
What is the main idea of this story?
a. A boy takes ocarina lessons. 6. Please your mouth when you sneeze.
b. A boy makes his own ocarina.
c. A boy buys his sister an ocarina. artist blows cover market sells strange

56 UNIT 13 • 57
Summary Harpsichords and Pianos 14
Complete the chart with the correct words. a
look like

made of or glass

Ocarinas have five to twelve

d e

to play
have a beautiful

easy holes sound sweet potatoes wood

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

1. There are a lot of instruments in the store.
Complete the summary with the correct words. 2. The man presses the numbers on the phone.

3. There are four strings on the violin.

Tony sees something strange at an artists’ market. They
4. The piano has black and white keys.
look like sweet potatoes. The woman selling them says they
5. The girl is very slim.
are ocarinas. They are musical instruments. Some are
6. There is a picture of a musician on the wall.
made of wood and some are made of . They have
holes in them. Tony blows into an ocarina and puts his
on some of the holes. Then beautiful sounds come
out and he decides to buy it for his sister.
Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The girl is in a toy store.

2. The musician in the picture is famous.
58 UNIT 14 • 59
Theme: Music
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................
FICT Animal

Harpsichords Them
1. What do both harpsichords and pianos have?
a. sticks b. strings c. hammers

and Pianos 2. What is true about both harpsichords and pianos?

a. They have black and white keys.
b. They use hammers to hit the strings.
E veryone has seen a piano before. But did you
c. People press their strings to make sounds.
know there is a very similar instrument? It’s called a
harpsichord. Pianos and harpsichords both have black 3. How do the strings of a harpsichord make sounds?
and white keys. When you press these keys, sounds come a. They are hit. b. They are pressed. c. They are pulled.

out. But the sounds don’t come out of the keys. They 4. What is NOT true about harpsichords and pianos?
actually come from strings inside both instruments. In a a. The colors of the keys are reversed.
piano, the strings are hit by small hammers. However, b. Piano keys are slimmer than harpsichord keys.
in a harpsichord, the strings are pulled to make sounds. c. Pianos are more popular than harpsichords these days.

There are some other differences, too. Harpsichord keys

are slimmer than piano keys. Also, the colors of the keys
are reversed on a harpsichord and a piano. Most people Vocabulary Expansion
play the piano these days. However, some musicians are
learning to play the traditional harpsichord again. Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
1. He the door open.

2. Hit the nails with a .

3. Letters look in a mirror.

Main Idea 4. Your shoes look to mine.

What is the main idea of this text? 5. It is fun to a foreign language.

a. two similar but different instruments 6. The kimono is a kind of clothing in Japan.
b. the history of two similar instruments
c. the popularity of two traditional instruments hammer learn pulled reversed similar traditional

60 UNIT 14 • 61
Summary Charlie’s New Business 15
Complete the chart with the correct words. b

Harpsichords and Pianos


·both have black and white

Similarities c d
·the sounds come from

·a piano’s strings are ;

a harpsichord’s strings are f
·harpsichord keys are e
·the colors of the keys are

hit keys pulled reversed slimmer strings

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

Complete the summary with the correct words. 1. The two men shake hands.

2. The girl pays for her hot dog.

Pianos and harpsichords are similar but different 3. The boy walks several dogs.
instruments. Both have black and white keys. The keys are 4. The girl has half a cup of soda.
pressed to make sound . However, the sounds come from 5. The business woman holds a black bag.
strings inside both instruments. A piano’s strings are hit and 6. The woman looks stressed.
a harpsichord’s strings are pulled. Also, harpsichord keys are
slimmer and have a different color pattern. Most people
play the piano, but some musicians are also learning to play
the harpsichord. Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The boy is happy to walk the dogs.

2. The two men meet to talk about business.
62 UNIT 15 • 63
Theme: Business
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................
FICT Animal

Charlie's Them
1. What did Charlie do to get money?
a. He cleaned bikes. b. He walked dogs. c. He helped his friend.

New Business 2. How did Charlie look after working alone for a few days?
a. proud b. worried c. stressed

C harlie wanted a new bike. But he didn’t have enough 3. How did Sandy help Charlie?
money. So, he started his own business. He walked other a. She let him ride her bike.
b. She gave him some money.
people’s dogs and they paid him. Soon, Charlie was walking
c. She walked some of the dogs.
several dogs each day. His friend Sandy offered to help. But
Charlie said no. He wanted all the money for himself. A few 4. What did Sandy want from Charlie?
days later, Sandy saw Charlie trying to walk many dogs at a. She wanted half of his money.
b. She wanted to ride his new bike.
once. He looked stressed. “Do you want some help now?”
c. She wanted him to walk her dog.
asked Sandy. “Yes!” answered Charlie. When they worked
together, walking the dogs was much easier. That night,
Charlie offered Sandy half of the money. “I’m your friend,”
Vocabulary Expansion
said Sandy. “I don’t want money.” But she wanted something
else. She wanted a chance to ride Charlie’s new bike. “That
Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
,” said Charlie,, and they shook hands and smiled.
sounds fair,”
1. I will ask someone else about it.

2. May I you something to drink?

3. The judge was not to everyone.

Main Idea 4. There was not food at the party.

What is the main idea of this story? 5. Aunt Mary welcomed us with a big .

a. A boy has too many dogs. 6. My sister and I walk to school every day.
b. A boy rides his friend’s new bike.
c. A boy finds a way to make money.
else enough fair offer smile together

64 UNIT 15 • 65
Summary The Red Paperclip 16
Complete the chart with the correct words.

Charlie’s Dog-Walking Business

Problem Solution c
Charlie wanted a new bike Charlie started his own
but didn’t have . . d

Charlie had too many Sandy Charlie f

to walk. walk some of the dogs.
Sandy didn’t want to They agreed Sandy could ride
Charlie’s money. Charlie’s new .

bike business dogs helped money take

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.
1. The woman posts the notice.
Complete the summary with the correct words.
2. The doorknob is round and brown.

3. The man publishes a newspaper.

Charlie needed money to buy a new bike. So he started a
4. The two men exchange books.
dog-walking business. His friend Sandy offered to help,
5. The girl reads information in the book.
but Charlie said no. He wanted all the money. Soon, he had
6. There is a picture of a camping stove on the poster.
too many dogs to walk. So, he accepted Sandy’s help .
Later, he offered her half of the money. But she didn’t
want it. She just wanted to ride his new bike, and
Charlie thought that was fair.
Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The people are at a newspaper company.

2. All the people are busy doing their jobs.
66 UNIT 16 • 67
Theme: Business
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................
FICT Animal
Them 1. What did Kyle do with his red paperclip?

The Red Paperclip a. He gave it to his friend.

b. He sold it on the Internet.
c. He put a picture of it online.

2. What did Kyle trade a doorknob for?

K yle MacDonald had a red paperclip. He wanted to a. a red paperclip b. a camping stove c. a fish-shaped
fish-shaped pen
trade it for something better. One day, he posted a picture
3. What was the name of Kyle’s book?
of the paperclip on the Internet. He hoped to exchange it
a. One Red Paper clip
for a house in one year. It sounded impossible, but Kyle b. Guinness World Records
didn’t care. He started by trading his paperclip for a c. A Successful Internet Trade

fish-shaped pen. Next, he traded the pen for a doorknob. 4. What is NOT true about Kyle?
Then he exchanged the doorknob for a camping stove. a. He didn’t believe he would succeed.
He did this again and again. And he posted all of the b. He posted about his trades on his blog.

information on his blog. Finally, after 14 trades, his c. His experience was listed in Guinness World Records .

dream came true. He traded for a house in Canada! Kyle

published a book about his experience, called One Red
Vocabulary Expansion
Paperclip . Later, his experience was also listed in Guinness
World Records in 2008. Kyle’s record was “Most Successful Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
Internet Trade.”
1. I you win first prize.

2. It is to climb that mountain.

3. Your address is not on this page.

Main Idea 4. Traveling to Africa was a good for him.

What is the main idea of this text? 5. She holds the world for eating hot dogs.

a. A man found an expensive paperclip. 6. She sometimes doesnʼt about my feelings.

b. A man traded a paperclip for a house.
c. A man bought a house with paperclips. care experience hope impossible listed record

68 UNIT 16 • 69
Summary The Ghost Baby 17
Read the sentences and number them in the correct order.

Kyle wrote a book about his experience.

After making 14 trades, Kyle traded for a house in Canada. f

Kyle posted a picture of a red paperclip on the Internet.

Kyle traded the paperclip for a pen.

Kyle’s experience was listed in Guinness World Records.

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

1. The girls are at the playground.
Complete the summary with the correct words.
2. The girl thinks about a terrible monster.

3. No one is on the bench.

Kyle MacDonald posted a picture of a red paperclip
4. The ghost watches the girls.
. He wanted to trade it for a(n) house . First,
5. The girl holds a flashlight.
he exchanged it for a pen. Then he traded the pen for a
6. The girlʼs body shakes because sheʼs nervous.
doorknob. Next, he traded the doorknob for a camping
. After 14 trades, he got a house in Canada. Later,
he wrote a book about his experience . It was also listed in
Guinness World Records in 2008.
Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The girls are scared of ghosts.

2. The girls are looking for something.
70 UNIT 17 • 71
Theme: Mystery
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................
1. Where did Marcy say the ghost cried?

The Ghost Baby a. at the park b. in the cafeteria c. on the playground

2. How did Hannah feel about ghosts?

a. She was scared of them.
b. She thought they were funny.
M arcy and Hannah were eating lunch. All the students c. She didnʼt think they were real.
were talking about a ghost. “There’s a ghost in our school,”
3. Where did Hannah find the kitten?
said Marcy. She said it was a ghost baby. It cried on the
a. in a box b. on a chair c. under a bench
playground at night. “Aren’t you scared?” But Hannah
wasn’t afraid. She didn’t believe in ghosts. So she made 4. What did Hannah decide to do with the kitten?
a plan. “Let’s meet at the playground tonight,” she said. a. keep it as a pet
b. bring it to her teacher
“Bring a flashlight.” Marcy was nervous, but she agreed.
c. take it to an animal shelter
That night, Hannah and Marcy met at the playground.
Soon, they heard a terrible sound. It was the ghost baby!
Marcy ran away. But Hannah pointed her flashlight under
a bench. It wasn’t a ghost baby. It was just a hungry kitten.
Vocabulary Expansion
Hannah decided to keep the kitten as a pet. And she gave
Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
it a name –Ghost!
1. No one his story.

2. The boy is of snakes.

3. The baby for his mom.

Main Idea 4. I feel because I didn’t eat lunch.
What is the main idea of this story? 5. Everyone that it was a good plan.
a. looking for a lost cat
6. Kerry her teddy bear for a long time.
b. finding the truth about a ghost
c. spending a terrible day at school
afraid agreed believes cried hungry kept

72 UNIT 17 • 73
Summary Looking for Atlantis 18
Read the sentences and number them in the correct order. a

Hannah and Marcy heard a sound, and Marcy ran away.

Hannah and Marcy met at the playground at night.

Students talked about a ghost in their school. d

Hannah found a kitten under a bench and kept it as a pet.

Hannah and Marcy made a plan to find the ghost.

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

1. There is a bridge over the river.
Complete the summary with the correct words.
2. The man on the bridge is very powerful.

3. The brave army is ready for war.

Students said there was a ghost baby in their school.
4. An apple sinks into the water.
It cried on the playground at night. But Hannah didn’t
5. The man was a smart teacher a long time ago.
in ghosts. She went to the playground at night
6. The cityʼs history is written on the paper.
with her friend Marcy. They brought a flashlight . They
heard a scary sound , and Marcy ran away. But it was
just a under a bench. Hannah kept the kitten
and named it Ghost.
Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The man writes about the city where he lives.

2. The people lived in ancient times.
74 UNIT 18 • 75
Theme: Mystery
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................

Looking 1. What is NOT true about Plato?

a. He wrote about Atlantis.

for Atlantis b. He lived in the city of Atlantis.

c. He knew about math and science.

2. What did the city of Atlantis look like?

P lato was one of the smartest people in ancient Greece. a. It had a big wall around it.
b. It was built on top of a mountain.
He wrote about many things, including math and science.
c. It had tall buildings and large bridges.
Around 360 BC, he wrote a story about a great and
3. What happened to the city of Atlantis?
powerful city. The city was called Atlantis. Its people built
a. It burned in a big fire.
tall buildings and large bridges. And they had a very b. It sunk into the ocean.
strong army. But suddenly, the city sunk into the ocean c. It lost a war with Greece.

in just one day. These days, there are many books and 4. Where do some people think Atlantis is today?
movies about Atlantis. Was it a real place? No one knows. a. near Australia b. in South Africa c. under the Caribbean Sea

But many people are still looking for Atlantis. Some people
think they found it under the sea in Spain. Other people
think it’s at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea. Atlantis is
Vocabulary Expansion
one of the biggest mysteries in history
history. If you wanted to
Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
find it, where would you look?
1. You look in that dress!

2. Beavers dams in rivers.

3. Put all the books in the box.

Main Idea
4. He has many pets, two dogs.
What is the main idea of this text?
a. Atlantis is a mysterious city. 5. There are many kinds of fish in the .
b. Plato was a wise man from Atlantis. 6. He loves reading stories and wants to be a detective.
c. Atlantis was the greatest city in Greece.
build great including large mystery ocean

76 UNIT 18 • 77
Summary Leo the Lion 19
Complete the chart with the correct words. a b

The Lost City of Atlantis

c d
·a city in Plato’s story
Past ·tall , large bridges, and a strong army
· into the ocean

·many books and about it
Present ·people want to it
·one of the worldʼs biggest e

buildings find movies mysteries powerful sunk

Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.

1. The goddess looks down at the ground.
Complete the summary with the correct words. 2. The fierce lion looks at the men.

3. The lion is in the cave.

Plato lived in ancient Greece. He wrote about a great 4. The man has dark skin.
city called Atlantis. He said it had tall buildings, large 5. The man is holding a sword.
bridges, and a(n) strong army. But one day it sunk into 6. A group of stars is shining in the sky.
the . No one knows if the story about the city is
true . People are still looking for Atlantis. Some people
think it is near Spain. Others think it is in the Caribbean
Sea. Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The goddess is worried about the men.

2. The lion attacked the man lying on the ground.
78 UNIT 19 • 79
Theme: Stars
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................
1. Why couldnʼt people kill Leo?

Leo the Lion a. He was a god. b. He lived in the sky. c. His skin was too strong.

2. How did Hercules kill Leo?

a. with a stone b. with his hands c. with his sword

A long time ago, there was a fierce lion called Leo in 3. Why did Hera make a picture of Leo in the sky?
ancient Greece. Leo was huge and he attacked many a. to show her power
people. People tried to fight him. But their swords couldn’t b. to remember a fierce lion

pass through his strong skin. Finally, a goddess named c. to remember Hercules’s act

Hera sent Hercules to kill Leo. He was the strongest man 4. What is NOT true about Hercules?
in the world. But everyone thought Hercules would fail, a. People believed that he would kill Leo.
too. Hercules bravely walked into Leo’s cave. He didn’t b. He was the strongest man in the world.

even bring his sword. He only used his hands. When c. He was wearing Leo’s skin after he killed Leo.

Hercules came back out, he was wearing Leo’s skin as a

coat. Hera wanted people to remember Hercules’s brave
Vocabulary Expansion
act. She made a picture of Leo with stars in the sky. Today,
we can still see the group of stars known as Leo the Lion.
Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
1. She is wearing a fur coat .

2. They are very soldiers.

3. Please me a cup of water.

4. She thanked him for his kind .

Main Idea 5. She lives in a(n) huge house with many rooms.
What is the main idea of this story?
6. He remembered my birthday and called me yesterday.
a. why Leo attacked the people
b. what a goddess used to make a picture
act brave bring coat huge remembered
c. why there is a lion-shaped group of stars
80 UNIT 19 • 81
Summary Make Your Own Solar Eclipse 20
Complete the chart with the correct words.
The Story of Leo the Lion

Leo Hercules Hera c

·a very large and · the ·a in
lion man in the world e
ancient Greece d
·attacked many people ·killed Leo with his ·sent Hercules to kill f
·had strong Leo
·wore Leoʼs skin as ·made a picture of
a coat Leo with

fierce goddess hands skin stars strongest Match the sentences to the correct letters in the picture.
1. The boy holds a flashlight.
Complete the summary with the correct words. 2. The red ball is between the globe and the boy.

3. The red ball and the flashlight are at the same level.
In ancient Greece, there was a fi erce lion and his name was 4. The flashlight is turned on.
Leo. He atta many people. But no one could kill
5. The ballʼs shadow is on the globe.
him because his skin was strong. One day, a goddess named 6. All the darts missed the center of the target.
Hera sent Hercules to fi ght Leo. Hercules killed Leo with his
hands. Then he made a(n) coatfrom Leo’s skin. Hera

put a(n) picture of Leo in the sky. It was made of

Look at the picture and check Yes, No, or Don’t know.
Yes No Don't know

1. The boy is doing a science experiment.

2. The flashlight acts like the Sun.
82 UNIT 20 • 83
Theme: Stars
Choose the best answer. ....................................................................................

Make Your 1. Where is the shadow of the golf ball?

a. on the table b. on the orange flashlight
c. under the flashlight

Own Solar Eclipse 2. What is the orange used for?

a. the Sun b. the Earth c. the Moon
D uring a solar eclipse, it gets dark in the middle of the
day. Let’s see how it happens. First, put an orange and a golf 3. What should the flashlight, golf ball, and orange form?
ball on a table. They should be 20 cm away from each other. a. a circle b. a triangle c. a straight line

Next, stand about 60 cm away from the table. Then, hold a

flashlight at table level. The flashlight, golf ball, and orange
4. What happens during a solar eclipse?
a. It gets bright in the middle of the night.
should form a straight line. Finally, turn on the flashlight.
b. Part of the Sun is covered by the Earth.
Look at the golf ball’s shadow on the orange. This is what
c. The Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth.
happens during a solar eclipse. The orange is the Earth, the
golf ball is the Moon, and the flashlight is the Sun. A solar
eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun
Vocabulary Expansion
and the Earth. If you get a chance to see a solar eclipse,
don’t miss it!
Write the correct word for each sentence. ......................................................
1. Fold the paper to a triangle.
Main Idea
2. Do you know what last night?
What is the main idea of this text?
3. Please don’t cross the yellow .
a. how to see a solar eclipse
b. how a solar eclipse happens 4. There is a note in the of the desk.
c. what happens after a solar eclipse
5. This special kind of house uses energy.

6. We should be quiet the classical music concert.

during form happened line middle solar

84 UNIT 20 • 85
Vocabulary List
Unit 1 pass
neighborhood suddenly
Complete the chart with the correct words.
store worry
Solar Eclipse Experiment trash float
weed lake
plan skyline
= solar eclipse
ugly Unit 4
pull out
pepper motorcycle
push wheel
dirt backseat
delicious passenger
orange golf ball flashlight roof
= the = the = the Unit 2 noisy
silly cheap
joke traffic jam
20 cm 60 cm Earth Moon shadow Sun
secret tourist
tiny chance
moth comfortable
Complete the summary with the correct words.
lay Unit 5
Let’s see how a solar eclipse happens. Put an orange and grow
empty thunder
a golf ball on a table. Get a flashlight and near
space town
the table. The orange is the Earth. The golf ball is the Moon. roll behave
cool damage
And the flashlight is the Sun. They should form a
push down
straight line. Now the flashlight. There should hurt
Unit 3
be a shadow on the orange. During a solar eclipse, the Moon yell
idea loud
passes between the Sun and the Earth.
confused voice
follow unhappy
vehicle complain
through hear

86 Vocabulary List • 87

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