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Answer the following question briefly.

1. What would happen if there no rules in our society?

Answer: if there were no rules in our society, it would be chaotic and dangerous. People
would be free to do whatever they wanted, without any consequences. This could lead
to a breakdown of law and order, with people taking advantages of others and engaging
in criminal activities. People would be less likely to cooperate with each other, leading
to a breakdown of social norms and an increase in violence and conflict.
2. Base on our current situation, what rules do find restricting? List down two rules and
explain why.

Answer: (1) Social distancing Rule: This rule requires people to maintain a physical distance of
At lest 6 feet from each other to reduce the spread of the virus. This rule is important because it
helps to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus from person to person. (2)

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