A Night To Be Remembered. Special Edition For My Sister.

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Keep your crown glittering and shining over the days my little sister.

Wednesday, 7th 2016

We were created by God in the same womb. We spent our live firstly inside our
mother’s belly. We shared one place together, we ate the same nutrition. In short, we were
really unseparated that time, we did almost the whole things together. It had been the ninth
month since we were put by god inside the belly of one great figure, the time to see the world
had come. We couldn’t stand any longer, we bursted out in happines and joy, in a few
second we will be in the lap of our heroes. We did the rebellion, we kicked our mother
harshly from inside. Could you imagine how was the condition of our mother that time my
little one? I bet that she was in her severe suffering, i assumed that she struggled powerfully
opposing the death that might suddenly take her away from us. He bear herself in patience
athough she was in a worst state of condition ever. I gave you ten thumbs up mummy.

She lied down on the mattres of one hospital’s room restlesly. It was such a long fight.
She shed the blood swiftly, she screamed and shouted because of a painful contraction.
Eventually, the sound of two little cute babies were heard crying. The babies had arrived in
the real world healty and safely. You know how happy our mother that time sister? I swear
that she was extremely happy, she must had cried bitterly to she her little dazzling babies
slept next to her. she must wanted the universe to know that God had blessed her with his

Now we are growing older. We had passed several institution to gain the education.
This time, we still have the opportunity to attain the highest education process by being the
students in one’s islamic collage in west sumatera province. Whatever effort we have done so
far will not be able to pay the sacrifice, loving sense, suffering, and some difficulties faced by
our parents. Eventhough we have egraved a thousand outstanding achievement, it won’t be
as equal as what our parents gave to us.

May be, trough this short writing. I just want to address some of my remarks, advices,
and suggestion to you. I have noticed you quite a lot performing the action that i considered
out of islamic rules. You have been affected by the deceiful worldly affairs. you don’t even
realize anymore the attention that our parents gave to you. You live with your own style, you
try to attract everyone with your charming performance.
I just want you to apply islamic way of life in your daily life, i want you to be a
religios person. You should also dress up according to islamic rules. All i want is just to make
you be the one that will please our parent. The more better you are in implimenting islamic
rules in your life, the more prouder our parents will be to you.

You know...

Threre are so many things that make me angry to you recently

1. You had ever opened your veil

2. Your relationship with your male friends goes to far
3. You shut me out whenever we met as if we have no any relation

I just want you to be simple, kind-hearted, generous, religious and easy going. I don’t
even want to restrict your link with the boy, but you hav to keep your distance in order that
you won’t be to far. Just remember that God will never see your beautiful face. The thing that
be God concern is your good deed. Your creator may take your soul at any moment and any
time, so that you have to prepare yourself for that time from now and on.

I fully love you, because that i want you to be good. I just want to cry when i see you
traspassing islamic values. My heart split into peaces. I just blame my self for this error. I
guess that i failed to keep you.

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