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Introduction and Purpose

In today’s rapidly evolving educational system, recording lectures has become an invaluable tool
that bridges the gap between traditional classroom learning and the digital age. With growing
inventions in technology, educators and students alike have welcomed the convenience and
flexibility recording lectures offers. Recording lectures allows the students to access the learning
materials beyond the confines of a physical classroom and creates reference materials as
supplementary resources.
The College of Science and Technology keeping in mind the benefits recording lectures offer is
going to implement the introduction of recorded lectures as a supplementary way of teaching.
However, variability in lecture recording practices between different academic staff members
may lead to unpredictability and therefore insecurity and confusion among the student body.
This document addresses this issue by providing guidance with regard to recording lectures.
These guidelines have been developed as a guiding material to all the academic staff to make a
proper and uniform recorded lecture.

Potential problems
1. Copyright case.
2. Impact on student engagement in class discussion
3. Impact of social media

The pros and cons offered by a number of free tools were studied and “SCREENPAL” has been
finalized as the tool for recording lectures.

Types of lecture recording

1. Slideshow with audio.
In this type of recorded lecture, a presentation slide is projected on the screen and the
tutor verbally explains the content.
2. Slideshow with tutor video.
In this type of recorded lecture, a video recording of the tutor is incorporated alongside
the slides recording. This adds a personal touch to the lecture and enhances student
3. Multimedia lecture with presentation.
In this type of recorded lectures, the students are presented with well-produced
demonstrations and visual presentations along with the audio. This type of lecture helps
the students understand and grab the difficult concepts better.
Recording lectures involves three steps
1. Lecture preparation
⮚ Every video must have at least one learning outcome.
⮚ Each video should be of 5-10 mins and focus only on
1. 1 key concept/segment which students find hard to understand.
2. which has a well-defined learning outcome and requires in depth
a. Each lecture block of 60 mins can have more than one video.
b. A video should not be more than 5 mins if the concept is to be explained
verbally without the aid of any diagrams.
c. A video should not be more than 10 mins if the concept has to be
explained with the help of demonstrations.
⮚ A proper script is required in order to avoid unnecessary verbal information in the
⮚ The video can be followed by incorporating simple questions to make students
reflect on their learnings.
⮚ After the preparation of the outline, the slides or the visual representation of the
concept are prepared.
⮚ The slides should be incorporated with visual resources like images, graphs,
charts wherever possible to make the video more engaging for students.
⮚ When preparing a visual demonstration, all the resources that will be required
have to be kept ready.
⮚ Select a location to record where there are no noise disturbances.
⮚ If the video incorporates a recording of you, avoid sitting with your back to a light
source or pointing a light source right at your face. Use a background filter if you
have distractions on your wall. Make sure that the camera is close enough to
record your facial expressions.
2. Recording
⮚ Begin your lecture by introducing the key concept and highlighting its
⮚ Speak normally as if the students were actually present and keep the video short
by cutting down unnecessary information.
⮚ If the video incorporates a recording of the tutor, variation in your vocal and facial
expression is important to keep the students engaged. Maintaining eye contact and
hand gestures can also be used.
⮚ If you choose to use the webcam, make sure your face is in the center of the
⮚ Add a knowledge check at the end of the video to check the students' learning.
⮚ If you make a mistake, you can choose to redo or continue.

3. Uploading
⮚ Name the video as Key Concept Recording <number>: <Topic> and upload in the
⮚ The maximum file size is 50 MB and the file format is MP4.

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