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Name of Disease Description Caused by Symptoms Transmission Treatment Prevention Complication

Airborne Bacterial Diseases (Diseases of the Upper Respiratory Tract)

Streptococcal Streptococcus Sore throat, fever, Airborne droplets. Penicillin or Rheumatic fever
Disease pyogenes cough, and clarithromycin and acute
swollen lymph glomerulonephritis
nodes and tonsils.
Scarlet fever:
Fever, cough,
swollen lymph
nodes and tonsils,
and a skin rash.

Diptheria Corynebacterium Sore throat, Low- Respiratory droplets. Antitoxins and DTaP or Tdap
diphtheriae grade fever penicillin or vaccine
Pertussis Whopping cough Bordetella pertussis Fever, increasingly Respiratory droplets. Erythromycin
severe cough, (does not shorten
leading to the the illness)
Bacterial is an Neisseria Headache, rigid Respiratory droplets. Early diagnosis
meningitis inflammation of meningitidis, neck; vomiting and and penicillin,
the membranes Streptococcus sensitivity to cefotaxime, or
surrounding the pneumoniae, or bright light. ceftriaxone
brain and spinal Haemophilus antibiotics.
cord. influenzae.

Airborne Bacterial Diseases (Diseases of lower Respiratory Tract)

Tuberculosis the acid-fast bacilli Chronic cough, Inhalation of bacilli. Isoniazid, BCG vaccine
of Mycobacterium chest pain, and pyrazinamide, and available in
tuberculosis. high fever. rifampin requires endemic areas.
six to nine
"Typical" bacterial Streptococcus Fever, sharp chest Aerosolized droplets. Penicillin or Pneumococcal
pneumonia pneumoniae pains, cough and erythromycin. vaccine.
(pneumococcal rust colored
pneumonia). sputum.

"Atypical" bacterial Mycoplasma Fever, dry cough, Aerosolized droplets Erythromycin.

pneumonia pneumoniae and diarrhea and
Foodborne and Waterborne Bacterial Diseases
Botulism is a severe form nerve toxins blurred vision, administration of
of food produced by slurred speech, an antitoxin
poisoning Clostridium and difficulty
botulinum. swallowing and

Salmonella Typhi is an acid- fever, abdominal Typhoid vaccines

resistance pain, rose spots, are available, and
bacillus that lethargy, and chloramphenicol is
invades the delirium. the antibiotic of
blood. choice.

Vibrio cholerae infects the small Oral rehydration

intestines, therapy restores
producing an electrolyte and
enterotoxin glucose balance in
causing profuse the body.
watery diarrhea
and vomiting.
Soilborne and Arthropod borne Bacterial Diseases
Anthrax is an acute Bacillus anthracis respiratory Ciprofloxacin has
infectious distress and been the antibiotic
disease causes a blood of choice.
Clostridium tetani is the causative Antitoxin and A vaccine is
agent of tetanus antibiotics can be available for
used to neutralize prevention.
the toxin and kill
the bacterial cells.
Leptospirosis is a disease Leptospira flu-like symptoms Penicillin or
spread from interrogans. doxycycline is the
animals to antibiotic of
humans choice.
Sexually Transmitted, Contact and Miscellaneous Bacterial Diseases
Syphilis Treponema

Gonorrhea Neisseria Symptoms for

gonorrhoeae women: vaginal
and urethral
discharge of pus
and burning
during urination.
Symptoms for
males: urethral
inflammation, a
burning on
urination, and
discharge of pus.

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